Advanced Construction Techniques UNIT-3 Large Span Structures Construction
Advanced Construction Techniques UNIT-3 Large Span Structures Construction
Advanced Construction Techniques UNIT-3 Large Span Structures Construction
A bridge is a structure built for the purpose of providing passage over
the obstacle. Following are the types:
Beam Bridges
Arch Bridges
Truss Bridges
Cantilever Bridges
Suspension Bridges
Cable Stayed Bridges
1. Beam Bridges:
Beam bridges are horizontal beams supported at each end by
substructure units and can be either simply supported when the beams only
connect across a single span, or continuous when the beams are connected
across two or more spans. When there are multiple spans, the intermediate
supports are known as piers. Beam bridges are usually constructed of RCC
or steel or a combination of both RCC and Steel. The concrete elements used
in beam bridges may be reinforced, prestressed or post-tensioned. Types of
beam bridges are girder bridge, box girder bridge, plate girder bridge etc.
2. Arch Bridge:
3. Truss Bridge:
5. Suspension bridge:
The following are the various loads to be considered for the purpose of
computing stresses, wherever they are applicable.
· Dead load
· Live load
· Impact load
· Longitudinal force
· Thermal force
· Wind load
· Seismic load
· Racking force
· Forces due to curvature.
· Forces on parapets
· Frictional resistance of expansion bearings
· Erection forces
Dead load – The dead load is the weight of the structure and any permanent
load fixed thereon. The dead load is initially assumed and checked after design
is completed.
Live load – Bridge design standards specify the design loads, which are
meant to reflect the worst loading that can be caused on the bridge by traffic,
permitted and expected to pass over it. In India, the Railway Board specifies the
standard design loadings for railway bridges in bridge rules. For the highway
bridges, the Indian Road Congress has specified standard design loadings in
IRC section II.
The dynamic effect caused due to vertical oscillation and periodical shifting of
the live load from one wheel to another when the locomotive is moving is
known as impact load. The impact load is determined as a product of impact
factor, I, and the live load. The impact factors are specified by different
authorities for different types of bridges.
1. Stresses due to normal loads: Dead load, live load, impact load and
centrifugal force
2. Stresses due to normal loads + occasional loads: Normal load as in (1)
+ wind load, other lateral loads, longitudinal forces and temperature stresses
3. Stresses due to normal loads +occasional loads + Extra-ordinary
loads like seismic excluding wind load: Loads as in (2) + with seismic load
instead of wind.
The bowstring bridges are the form of bridges cross in which the ribs
lie above the deck freed. The deck is supported means of suspenders. This
type of construction is adopted where the tie room under the bridge, adjacent
to abutment, for arch bridges is insufficient.
1. They get stronger over time
2. They provide high resistance
3. They can be made with various materials
In a radial pattern, cables extend from several points on the road to a single
point at the top of the tower.
Cable stayed bridges i.e. load transfers, mechanism, the example given here
can help.
Stand up and hold our arms out horizontally at each sides. Imagine then
your arms are a bridge, and our head is a tower in the middle. In this
position, our muscles are holding up our arms. The making cable stayed to
support our arms. To a piece of rope ( about five feet long), and have a part
tie each end of the rope to each of our elbows. Then lay middle of the rope
on top of our head. The rope acts a cable stayed and holds our elbows up.
Have our position tie a second piece of rope (about 6 feet long) to each wrist
lay the second the second rope to our head. See now we have two cable-
stayed. Where we feel pushing force, (or) compression. Notice how the
cable-stayed transfer the load of the bridge (our arms) to the tower (our
1. They are strong
2. They take less time to build
3. They are more economical
A routine inspection is used to determine the physical and functional
condition of the bridge, identify changes in the bridge from the last time it
was inspected and to make certain that the bridge is safe and meets service
requirements .All publicly owned highway bridges receive a
general inspection at least once every two
years. Bridges are inspected annually if they meet certain condition
deficiency criteria or are posted for limited load weights.
The towers
The piers are then extended above water level, where they are capped with
pedestal bases for the towers. From where towers of single or multiple columns
are erected using high-strength reinforced concrete, stonework, or steel. Concrete
is used most frequently in modern suspension bridge construction due to the high
cost of steel.
Saddles are large devices, which will carry the main suspension cables, are
positioned atop the towers. Typically of cast steel, they can also be manufactured
using riveted forms, and are equipped with rollers to allow the main cables to shift
under construction and normal loads.
They are the structures to which the ends of the bridge's cables are secured.
They are massive concrete blocks securely attached to strong rock formations.
During construction of the anchorages, strong eye bars (steel bars with a circular
hole at one end) are embedded in the concrete. Each wire bundle will be secured to
one of the anchorage's eye bars.
Cable Spinning
Hangers are vertival cables. At specific points along the main cable devices
called "cable bands“(clamps) are installed to carry steel wire ropes called
Suspender cables. Each suspender cable is engineered and cut to precise lengths,
and are looped over the cable bands. In some bridges, where the towers are close
to or on the shore, the suspender cables may be applied only to the central span.
After vertical cables are attached to the main support cable, the deck
structure can be started. The structure must be built in both directions from the
support towers at the correct rate in order to keep the forces on the towers
balanced at all times. In one technique, a moving crane that rolls atop the main
suspension cable lifts deck sections into place, where workers attach them to
previously placed sections and to the vertical cables that hang from the main
suspension cables, extending the completed length. Alternatively, the crane may
rest directly on the deck and move forward as each section is placed. Upon
completion of the deck the added load will pull the main cables into an arc
mathematically described as a parabola, while the arc of the deck will be as the
designer intended.
Stage 3: As the cantilevers grow, the stay cables are installed and tensioned to
their initial forces to carry the weight of the newly erected segment.
Stage 4: The bridge is closed at mid span and the additional loading is applied.
There are three launching and pushing techniques for bridge: construction:
• First of all, the placement process does not have to switch sides as it occurs in the
balanced cantilevering method. Thus process control is simplified.
• In addition to this, good access to the placement location is given on the already
completed part of the bridge superstructure.
• With the progressive placement method horizontal curves can easily be
• From a structural point of view the progressive placement method is advantageous
in substructure design. Only vertical forces from the dead load of the
superstructure under construction are experienced.
• In comparison with incremental launching and balanced cantilevering, a simpler
flow of forces takes place between superstructure and the piers. No horizontal
forces are introduced in the piers and no unbalanced bending moments have to be
withstood by the piers. It is therefore possible to immediately install the permanent
• As construction only progresses at the tip of one cantilever, progress is slower than
in balanced cantilevering.
DEFINITION- Dome is a self supporting structural element architecture that
resembles the hollow upper half of a sphere.
INTRODUCTION- it is the most efficient shape suitable for covering large areas.
It encloses a maximum amount of space with a minimum surface and can be
economical in terms of material. Domes are suitable for space with multiple
functional application
RIBBED DOMES- ribbed domes consist of a number of identical radial truss or solid
ribs inter connected at the crown and usually stiffened by a tension at the foundation.
SCHWEDLER DOMES- these domes are one of the most popular types of braced
dome, consists of meridional rib connected together to a number of horizontal
polygonal rings. These domes are ribbed domes with diagonal extending for
intersection between ribs and rings on one horizontal ring and those on the next. To
stiffen the resulting structure so as to take the unsymmetrical load each trapezium
formed by intersecting meridional ribs with horizontal rings into two triangles it
stiffens the resulting structure.
THREE WAY GRID DOMES- It consists of circular tubular rings inter connected
with curved diagonal tubular members which are place one on top of the other.
Connection between the three intersection layers at tubes are made by means of U
shaped rods and specially shaped bars which are placed respectively beneath and
over the tubes and are drawn together by means of two nuts screwed on to the
threaded end of the bar.
FOUR WAY GRID DOMES- In addition three way grid domes an additional ring
which is perpendicular to the third one is running and connected to each other.
1. Element method
2. Block method
3. Lift up method (a)
4. Lift up method (b)
5. Pentadome system
ELEMENT METHOD- This is a direct erection method applied for single
unit member. Here the separate components of the structural frame work are
directly erected.
When height of the work increases the cost of construction also increases.
LIFT UP METHOD (B)- In this method the skeleton is assembled and fitted
with covering and services on the ground and then raised into position. The
greater part of the roofing, ceiling and miscellaneous fixture excluding the
parts to the lift up are finished near the ground level.
BLOCK METHOD- In this method the members are kept near the ground
level and the members transported from the work shop are assembled on the
ground to reduce the volume of assembly in the air.
Element Block
method method
Transport of Transport of
Transport of
members members
Erection Assembling
Preliminary overall
of elements
Assembling of
of dimensions
of dimensions
of dimensions
Final Final
correction correction
Completion Completion
Finishing Erection of
equipment block
Lifting up Installation of
Measurement finishing material
of dimensions and equipment
Final Lifting up
correction Completion
Final correction
Completion Finishing
equipment work Completion
equipment Lift up Remaining
work method (a) finishing work
Lift up
method (b)
Pre-stressed concrete is basically concrete in which internal stresses of a suitable
magnitude and distribution are concentrated to a desired degree. In reinforced concrete
members the pre-stressed is commonly introduced by tensioning the steel reinforcement.
The application of permanent compressive stress a material like concrete which is strong
in compression but weal in tension, increase the apparent tensile strength of that material
because the subsequent application of tensile stress must first nullify the compressive pre-
The use of pre-stressed concrete spread rapidly from 1935 onwards and many long span
bridges were constructed between 1945 and 1950 in Europe and the US. During the last
25-35 years, pre-stressed concrete has been widely used for the construction of-
Long-span bridges,
Industrial shell roofs,
Marine structures,
Nuclear pressure vessels,
Water-retaining structures,
Transmission poles,
Railway sleepers and
Host of other structure
If the path for the flow of the material is fixed, then the provision of the conveyor
at suitable level eliminate a good level eliminate a good deal of lif6ting and lowering
of material. Conveyors require no stopping or starting but is continuous in operation.
In these transportation is effected by friction between materials being transported and
the belt. These conveyors have the advantage that they largely save labour cost, but
have disadvantage that they take considerable, space are relatively fixed and in most
cases the investment cost is high. Conveyors may used for horizontal, vertical (also
known known as elevators) or inclined conveying of materials.
This conveyor is mostly used for handling large quantities of material such as cement,
fertilizer, coal, ore and other similar materials.
(i) It is capable of handling light or heavy, fine or coarse, wet or dry material. .
(ii) It can handle, thousands of tons of material per hour. for several kms.
It consists of: