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The Problem and Its Setting

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Table of Contents

Title Page ……………………………………………………… i

Approval Sheet …………………………………………… ii

Acknowledgement…………………………………………… iii

Dedication ……………………………………………………… iv

Abstract …………………………………………………………… v

Table of Contents……………………………………… xviii

Lists of Tables ………………………………………… xxii

Lists of Figures ……………………………………… xxiv



1. The Problem and Its Setting

Introduction ……………………………………………………………… 1

Statement of the problem …………………………… 2

Hypotheses …………………………………………………………………………… 3
Theoretical Framework ……………………………………………… 4

Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………… 5

Scope and Delimitation ……………………………………………………… 6

Significance of the study …………………………………………… 7

Definition of Terms …………………………………………………………… 8


2. Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Studies ………………………………………………………………………… 9

Related Literature ………………………………………………………………… 10


3. Methodology

Research Design ……………………………………… 11

Instrumentation ………………………………………… 12

Validation of Instrument Instrumentation …………… 13

Sampling Procedure Instrumentation ………………… 14

Data Gathering Procedure Instrumentation……………… 15

Statistical Treatment of Data Instrumentation …… 16

Chapter: 1

The problem and its setting


Computer technology in St. Mary`s College of Catbalogan

users has created a new industry called end-user computing. End

users are usually not computer professionals, yet they need to

use computers to get their work done. In the course of their

work, they frequently encounter situations in which they require

help or information. They often look for someone to turn to when

they have a question or problem, need advice or information, want

training, or are just plain frustrated because they cannot

accomplish what they want or need to get done. Many

organizations recognize the need for a user support function for

their employees or their clients who use a computer at work or

home. To fill this need, organizations have formal or informal

ways to provide user support. Although user support may bring to

mind an employee of a software vendor at the other end of a

telephone line or a problem solver at a help desk at school, user

support often includes a wide variety of tasks. In this chapter

you will learn about many of these tasks. Then you will look at

sample job descriptions for the kinds of jobs in user support.

Computer support is provided by a computer repair/support

technician or similar service provider. Assistance ranges from

general operations of a computer and its related software,

hardware or network issues. Local computer support resolves

problems by physically operating the computer, while remote

support generally requires logging into an end user's computer to

analyze the query or problem.

Computer support is the process of providing diagnostic,

troubleshooting, maintenance and repair services to a computer or

similar device. It allows end users to seek and receive

specialized computer maintenance and management services,

either locally from their home/office or remotely via the

Statement of the Problem:
This study determined on how computer assistance support

between the technology in schools


From the foregoing specific questions, the following hypothesis

were tested:

1. There is significance relationship between the profile of

the respondents and the following variables.

1. Computer assistance and support services help to the

students ?

2. The candidate has a passion for technical support?

2. There is Positive and negative effects to their Academic

Performance and the following variables:

1. Assessment of high self-esteem?

2 . The candidate has passion for technical in suppor?

Theoretical Framework:

This chapter has been divided into seven subsections to have

a brief outline of the numerous researches done in this area of

Computer assistance in support services. These subsections

gradually build up the idea of using Computer Assisted learning

in addressing Alternative Frameworks. The first subsection

introduces the area and the second section builds up a context as

an indicative examination. The third subsection starts from the

simple application of providing Audio-Visual Aids, something that

had been historically tried as the most basic initiative in the

area of the use of Computer assistance and builds upon other

areas such as using computers for delivering coursework. A

contrasting perspective to the previous non-interactive interface

is the interactive interface, which has been discussed in the

fourth subsection. It includes researches such as those related

to use of models and simulations and using computers for

manipulation of variables etc. The fifth subsection is related to

researches on comparison of computer assisted learning with

traditional teaching, its effects on learners’ performance,

teachers’ and learners’ outlook towards computers. The sixth

subsection has been titled ‘Computer Assisted Learning and

construction/ reconstruction of concepts’ and is related to

developing an understanding of conceptual changes. In all the

subsections, an attempt has been made to include researches done

both in abroad and in the Indian contexts. Relevant conclusions

have been drawn and reflected upon in the last subsection of this


Conceptual Framework:

The device mesh and mesh app revealed by Gartner as the

future strategic technology trend are able to predict people's

need from their historical data, then provides the needed

services or service innovation to support their activity

engagement. However, many theories have identified that it is the

motivation, rather than technology, that drives people to engage

in activities or tasks. For this reason, this study builds a

conceptual framework by integrating the extant logic and theories

to explore how future technology would generate benefits for

people. It integrates task-technology fit (TTF) model and

motivation theory (mainly expectancy-value theory) to explain

such technology user behavior. It also points out the difference

between technology-enabled and technology-dependent user behavior

and concludes that too much emphasis on the role of technology

with too little attention on motivation would distort technology

user behavior, and the role of technology as

For example on this photo

Significance of the Study:

Every business whether small or big, needs effective

computer assistance services and systems in order to gain

productively in their vast corporate organization. Strong and

reliable computer assistance can enable companies to stay

competitive, making it a must stay updated on the latest trends

and focus on continuously updating systems being used by the


Clients prefer supplies that are always current. Being

highly aware of the big and small changes in computer assistance

services structure, costs and demands portray a sense of

dedication and reliability while assuring more streamlined


For any kind of business, data storage and management are very

crucial, thereby making it a great example of why computer

assistance support is important. The inclusion of competent

computer services in data management enforces deeper assessment

of business needs and careful scrutiny of the company data

landscape. Business carry important data such as employees

salary, and HR details.

An efficient back up system for all important files and software

helps boost a business security against data breach attempts.

Hiring a team of highly skilled and knowledge CS personnel to

manage and of an effective data management strategy.

When this happens. Confidential records are effectively kept from

hacking and any other attempt to leak information.

It is important to monitor the performance and progress of a

business internal operations and customer reach efforts at every

stage. Among the best ways to Computer science can help execute a

more refined supervision of a business core operations include

improving quality control, facilities planning and logistics for

companies with manufacturing sites, and internal auditing.

Comprehensive monitoring through the old of a competent

computer assistance system is also a must for companies offering

online services to customers. This is to prevent their services

as well as the security of their customers from being


Earlier, it has been discussed in this article how computer

assistance in support services can provide a feasible and secure

alternative to storing and managing a business important records.

This particular function is the effective supervision of a

company internal resources and manpower.

Pen and paper documents are simply no longer efficient and

practical considering there are more hi tech and easier to mange

substitutes for record keeping. An information system can be

developed specifically for a business unique departmental

structure and employment procedure.

A great example is the creation of a portal that only in house

employees can access and this portal contains information about

their employment status. This information may range from asdf9and

this portal contains information about their employment status.

This information may range from their job description and

employment contract to their information and the periodic

progress of their individual performance.

Scope and Delimitation:


According to my Survey in our campus in St. Mary`s College

of Catbalogan Computer assistance in support Services are very

advance technology and a hardware problem prevents one employee

from logging in to her computer to respond to an urgent request

from your company s biggest client. Networking issues prevent

email and internet access and stop working work completely.

Fast and efficient computer science support is essential to

office productively. For this reason. Its important that computer

science support teams take time to ask their customers other

company employees what they are doing well and how they can

improve. The best way to get this information is by sending out a

help desk survey.

Help desk surveys also provide computer science teams with data

that supports the need for department budget increases. Justify

the company investment in new tools or more support staff by

providing survey data that shows how an increased budget will

improve overall productively.

Administering a help desk survey isn’t necessarily a large time

consuming initiative. By following a few best practice and using

the right tools. You can gather feedback with minimal effort and

use it year round to find new and better ways to provide

technical support.

Definition of Terms
Computer support is the process of providing diagnostic,

troubleshooting, maintenance and repair services to a computer or

similar device. It allows end users to seek and receive

specialized computer maintenance and management services, either

locally from their home/office or remotely via the Internet.

Computer support differs from technical support, which is a

general term for computer science based support services.

Computer support is provided by a computer repair/support

technician or similar service provider. Assistance ranges from

general operations of a computer and its related software,

hardware or network issues. Local computer support resolves

problems by physically operating the computer, while remote

support generally requires logging into an end user's computer to

analyze the query or problem.

Chapter: 2

Review of Related Literature and studies

Related Literature:

Computer-based technology has infiltrated many aspects of

life and industry, yet there is little understanding of how it

can be used to promote student engagement, a concept receiving

strong attention in higher education due to its association with

a number of positive academic outcomes. The purpose of this

article is to present a critical review of the literature from

the past 5 years related to how web-conferencing software, blogs,

wikis, social networking sites (Facebook and Twitter), and

digital games influence student engagement. We prefaced the

findings with a substantive overview of student engagement

definitions and indicators, which revealed three types of

engagement (behavioral, emotional, and cognitive) that informed

how we classified articles. Our findings suggest that digital

games provide the most far-reaching influence across different

types of student engagement, followed by web-conferencing

and Facebook. Findings regarding wikis, blogs, and Twitter are

less conclusive and significantly limited in number of studies

conducted within the past 5 years. Overall, the findings provide

preliminary support that computer-based technology influences

student engagement, however, additional research is needed to

confirm and build on these findings. We conclude the article by

providing a list of recommendations for practice, with the intent

of increasing understanding of how computer-based technology may

be purposefully implemented to achieve the greatest gains in

student engagement.

Related Studies:

Information technology has changed the way organizations

function. This has resulted in reliance of help desks to support

users in dealing with a wide range of information technology

related problems such as hardware, software and

telecommunication. The help desk generally has to cover a wide

range of information technology products and services. However,

due to resource constraint, in particular the lack of help desk

staff, users often have to wait for a long time before their

enquiries and problems are answered and solved. Literature has

shown that the majority of incoming enquiries are considered to

be “simple and routine”, and do not require specialized

knowledge. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a

survey that identifies the classification of simple and routine

technical enquiries in a help desk environment. The paper also

discusses the development of help desks, ranging from support

models to support structure.

Chapter: 3


Research Design:

The descriptive design specifically used for computer

assistance support in services on computer and information

systems, develop custom software program, and provide computer

facilities management services. They also may perform various

other functions, such as software installation and disaster

recovery services. They generally work on a contract basis,

assisting an organization with a particular project or problem,

such as setting up a web site or establishing.


In this chapter new technologies offer new opportunities,

although pervasive use of computers in research has not come

about without problems. Some of these problems are technological,

some financial. Underlying many of them are complex institutional

and behavioral constraints.

Validation of Instrument Instrumentation:

This instrumentation attributes of computer use, self-

reported computer knowledge, computer feature demand, and

computer optimism of academic physicians. The reliability (i.e.,

precision, or degree to which the scale's result is reproducible)

and validity (i.e., accuracy, or degree to which the scale

actually measures what it is supposed to measure) of each scale

were examined by analysis of the responses of 771 full-time

academic physicians across four paper were to define the

psychometric properties of the scales as the basis for a

demonstration study and, pending the results of further validity

studies, to provide the questionnaire and scales to the medical

informatics community as a tool for measuring the attitudes of

health care providers.

Sample Procedures Instrument:

The sample for this study, the computer and related

information and communication technologies have profoundly

affected the shape of modern society. Shepherding the creation

and utilization of effective and efficient computational

technologies are the joint tasks of Computer Science and

Information Systems researchers. Their realm is to understand and

explicate the nature of those technologies and how and why they

come into existence. This knowledge forms the foundation of

theories to explain and, hopefully, to predict their impacts on

individuals, groups, organizations, and society as a whole. The

very creation of an innovative technology focused on a specific

problem in a specific context can have far reaching effects,

completely unpredicted and unintended by the innovator. We argue

that researchers in Computer Science and Information Systems must

be cognizant of the broader implications of their work and

encourage their interaction with practitioners and researchers in

a variety of disciplines to identify fruitful areas of scientific


Data gathering procedure instrument:

For this data gathering it is a challenge to assess the

status of maintenance and support mechanisms and people because

the alternatives are so varied. In the early stages of

implementation of technology in schools, the need for maintenance

is often unanticipated. Volunteers are pressed into service, or

teachers with an interest in technology are assigned support

roles in addition to their other obligations. Such systems and

roles are difficult to sustain. It is a hallmark of the

institutionalization of technology that more formal systems for

maintenance and support have been established.

Current trends in support for technology systems include the

establishment of more formal technology support structures, often

using helpdesk software to track requests for support and

responses; at the other extreme of the spectrum, trends include

the incorporation of students in middle and secondary school as

sources of technical help and outsourcing to non school persons

or entities, either on a volunteer or more formal contract basis.

It is worth emphasizing that in the latter situation, as with any

situation in which work products depend on persons not under the

control of the organization, proper documentation is an essential

requirement and should be made an explicit part of any

outsourcing contract or agreement.

Statistical Treatment of Data Instrumentation:

This data was a factors require consideration at the time of

data entry. They include choosing which software package to us

for the data analysis, setting up the data entry spreadsheet, and

setting up data categorization and transformation.

This module provides an

introduction to the use
of spreadsheet software
packages, to enter,
organise and report
data from attitudinal
and behavioural
surveys. In particular,
of the Excel
spreadsheet for these
purposes is
This module provides an
introduction to the use
of spreadsheet software
packages, to enter,
organise and report
data from attitudinal
and behavioural
surveys. In particular,
of the Excel
spreadsheet for these
purposes is
This module provides an
introduction to the use
of spreadsheet software
packages, to enter,
organise and report
data from attitudinal
and behavioural
surveys. In particular,
of the Excel
spreadsheet for these
purposes is illustrated

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