The Great Game

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The Mind-killer

Because some number of players observed that the Mind-killer scenario was unfun and
undramatic, I’m going to retcon the encounter so Slim’s fear attack drove the Mind-killer back to
it’s home plane. I’m not going to explain why, I don’t want to throw those players under the bus
and make them feel bad, so we’re just going to move on.

The Broadsheet
There’s a headline; ​Twelve Dragons refuse to quit city building. Red Falcons surround

Lady Antonia is quoted and saying Twelve Dragons have no authority, the library is a critical
element to the operation of the pellet and they’re not letting anyone in. If they don’t negotiate,
we’ll force our way back in.

Asked if she realized that means many of the city guards will be killed, Lady Antonia responded;
we have a clear duty and we intend to do it.

The Dancing Minstrel

The Dancing Minstrel is a nice inn, four stories, three of rooms. Business is mostly people doing
business in the Purses. So it’s a lot of business meetings. Owned and run by the Juliao family.
The patriarch of the family is an old man who cooks the dinner meals and is actually really good
at it. He served in House Vorona’s navy and saw the world and picked up recipes from all over.
He’s in his seventies now and pretty crotchety but spry.

His son ​Nicolo ​is in his 40s, also a former sailor, runs the day to day and is usually the man
behind the counter. His wife tends to the guests’ rooms and his daughter (Dores) and her
husband (Jocham), in their early 20s, serve the guests in the common room.

The Minstrel is Giovanni Decasio. A middling bard who makes most of his money selling songs
to playwrights, he recently sold a song, ​What She Doesn’t Know​ to a playwright working on a
light opera. He tries the songs out here, which is a good deal for everyone.

Marcellus Scipio
Angel messages King saying Marcellus wants to talk to him.

Marcellus gives King the news about what happened to Lady Orozivaar.

We don’t know how long the Pale Light bought us, a week? A month? But it was already
a race. The whole city will know about Ringwell by the time this is over. We’re just trying
to delay the inevitable.
I guess I should say...I think you did the right thing. You could have killed her, and you
didn’t. her back to us. I watched two of the heads of the order argue about
this for a full turn.

This isn’t coming from them, it’s coming from me. I suggested you. They said yes,
because the Chain of Acheron can do things we can’t. Or wouldn’t. Violating the mind of
an innocent person? That’s not us.

We can give you help, lore, knowledge, restore a lost limb or undo a curse? But the dirty
work? That’s your job. Don’t bring something like that to us again.

Zorj the Captain of the Word and his deputy Winchester Spendthrift come to the Dancing
Minstrel. Winchester has a notebook and keeps notes throughout all these meetings.

The Chain of Acheron, lately decamped from the Stays and now taking up housing here
in MY district. How lucky for us. Killed that dragon though. Did they have to do that?

Sir, no they did not.

No they did not. And stopped that FUNGUS was eatin’ everyone, stayed to help clean
up. What do you make of that?

Very civic minded, I’d say sir.

Very civic minded indeed.

But your men, five of your men, get drunk and in a fight with some bofrom House Alvaro.
[he spits] Eh, I take ‘em down to the jail, give ‘em a slap on the wrist and LET ‘EM GO! A
favor! ​Between the Prince’s Men!

But who’s men are you really?

He’s not stupid, he knows the Chain are up to something in his distrcit. He wants to know what.
And they better have a good reason, he’s a cop and he’s used to people lying to him.

Hey! Don’t look at him, look at me! I’m the law here! Law is the only thing keeping this
city together.

Seems to me like we need some kinda...agreement, if you’re going to set up SHOP in

my district.

You keep talking like soldiers, mercenaries under contract. You’re not soldiers anymore.
Prince’s seal means your watchmen. Coppers. From the old Caelian, ​capere​ means
CAPTURE. We’re Thieftakers!
Well Lady Antonia saw fit to give you those, she’s loyal and a good judge of character.
And we know it was you kept Twelve Dragons from going to war with the Falcons,
however long that’s gonna last. So far it seems you been on the right side of every issue.
So let’s see how far it goes.

He’s willing to let them stay and deal with whatever, but they have to start actually acting like the
Prince’s Men, he’ll deputize all the junior officers and soldiers and give them an old civic building
to use as a station, but they need to patrol, investigate, the whole nine yards.

As their negotiation is wrapping up...another faction intervenes.

Lady Czorgan
Lady Czorgan burns her way into the Dancing Minstrel and confronts Zorj. Her footsteps leave
burn marks on the floor.

There is an item, here in this city, in this district, YOUR district, nearby. My
lady...demands it.

A rod. This long. Black and gold. A hawk’s head atop it.

Find this thing, deliver it to me, and live. You have one day.

Zorj looks at the Chain, he’s not stupid, but he doesn’t give them up. Prince’s Men.

You don’t come into MY city like you’re the prince himself. Who are you? And who is
your master?

Twenty Four Hours, Dwarf. Or I will burn out your brain.

Lady Czorgan dissolves into smoke. If Zorj doesn’t deliver the Rod of Count Rhodar von Glauer
to Lady Czorgan within 24 hours, she arrives and literally burns his brains out.

The Actian School

Lord Lattimer delivers an invitation to the Bookbinder’s Club to the Butcher’s Shop.

Angel says to Boots; “Hey Boss? One of our people at the shop got this, this morning.

The Presence of Deo Bertone is requested at the Bookbinder’s Club, 27 Iter Corollo,
tonight, the 13th of Pianta, at 8 o’clock. Please present this invitation and you will be
granted admittance.

After-dinner coffee and tobacco service will be provided, but the kitchens will be closed.
Lord Lattimer receives Boots in a very nicely furnished small club. He has nothing really to
offer...except he could probably get 12 dragons out of the Library. But they’ll have to hurry. This
is going to require Boots realizing that the Actian School is part of House Alvaro.

Your man is good, please give him our compliments, there are many in the city who
would not have noticed it. However, you should know; this is a very large ocean...and we
are the biggest fish in the sea.

We know you’re working on something, we know it’s big, and we want to help.

Well we’re not in the business of NOT know what’s going on in the city and your
operation isn’t exactly quiet. We know all about you and I think it’s safe to conclude
whatever you’re working on; you’re in it for yourself, it’s something to do with Ajax. You
don’t care about the city or the great houses, I don’t blame you.

We’d sort of like you along. Gentleman’s Agreement.

No we just want the information. Just a courtesy. Establish goodwill. We’re the Prince’s
intelligence directorate we sort of...well frankly we consider it our responsibility to see the
Prince’s will is done.

Lady Violentia
Lady Violentia is the head of the Grave, the city’s premiere criminal organization. Her agents are
called the Gravediggers. They are professional and highly organized. They operate out of the
Layers. They are assassins and agents provocateurs, closer to an intelligence directorate than a

The Blackiron Pact tried to hire the Grave to assassinate the head of one of the Great Houses,
she won’t say which, and when she didn’t immediately say yes. they murdered a few of her
low-level agents to incentivise her before she could get everyone to ground.

Since then they’ve forgotten the slight and moved on, but the Grave waits for all men. She has
since infiltrated their organization.

She knows that they have a secret base but she’s unwilling to do what it takes to gain entrance
which is...put on one of the rings. Doing so whisks you away to Rak Vinaar, their dying pocket

She also knows they have a base in the city, but she hasn’t yet been able to ferret it out.

Each of the Great Houses was given a key. Some of them are lost, I’m sure. I doubt any
of them know what it is. It’ll be kept in a vault, in their manor house. Easy to acquire, if
you happen to be one of the greatest thieves in the world.

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