Maria DeFranco is an early childhood education and intervention specialist teacher candidate seeking a teaching position. She has experience student teaching in a first grade classroom where she delivered lessons, conducted assessments, and collaborated with teachers. She also has experience working in after school programs designing STEM activities for middle schoolers and tutoring elementary school students.
Maria DeFranco is an early childhood education and intervention specialist teacher candidate seeking a teaching position. She has experience student teaching in a first grade classroom where she delivered lessons, conducted assessments, and collaborated with teachers. She also has experience working in after school programs designing STEM activities for middle schoolers and tutoring elementary school students.
Maria DeFranco is an early childhood education and intervention specialist teacher candidate seeking a teaching position. She has experience student teaching in a first grade classroom where she delivered lessons, conducted assessments, and collaborated with teachers. She also has experience working in after school programs designing STEM activities for middle schoolers and tutoring elementary school students.
Maria DeFranco is an early childhood education and intervention specialist teacher candidate seeking a teaching position. She has experience student teaching in a first grade classroom where she delivered lessons, conducted assessments, and collaborated with teachers. She also has experience working in after school programs designing STEM activities for middle schoolers and tutoring elementary school students.
Early Childhood Education: Preclinical/Clinical Student Teaching: Fall 2019 - Spring 2020 Pre K-3 Louisville Elementary School, Louisville, Ohio Intervention Specialist • Delivered explicit and multimodal lessons to first grade students. (mild/moderate): K-12 • Constructed and observed formative and summative assessments in order to form data-based driven lessons. Education • Collaborated with teachers to create first grade lessons. The University of Mount Union • Created differentiated instruction based on indi vidual student’s Bachelor of Arts in Education IEP goals. Early Childhood Education Minor: Intervention Specialist • Participated in and observed IEP and IET meetings for students GPA:3.94 in Kindergarten and first grade. • Facilitated and collaborated with Daily 5 reading rotations in Muskingum University first grade. Reading Endorsement K-12 Rockhill Elementary Raider, Aviator, Connection (RAC) Program: Spring 2019-Fall 2019 Rockhill Elementary School, Alliance, Ohio Activities • Planned differentiated lessons for a third-grade student based Soccer on reading comprehension, vocabulary, writing, and metacognitio n Defender and caption for the skills. Mount Union Women’s Soccer Team • Administered assessments and used data from assessments to Team US form lessons based on the student’s strengths and areas for Mount Union Women’s Soccer improvement in different reading comprehension skills. mentoring life skills program Aviators After School Program: Spring 2019 for middle school students Alliance Middle School, Alliance, Ohio Fellowship of Christian • Designed a science, technology, math, and engineering (STEM) Athletes activity for middle school students based on grade level science Louisville Elementary School and math standards. Homework Club • Facilitated and collaborated with a group of middle school Help students after school with homework assignments students when participating in STEM act ivities and experiments. Related Experiences Babysitter: Summer 2019 Honors Twinsburg, Ohio Dean’s List • Organized different indoor and outdoor activities for children Academic All-OAC (Ohio ages three to eleven. Athletic Conference) honor • Addressed various behavior issues and helped children self - for soccer regulate when needed. Daycare Assistant Infant Teacher: Summer 2018 New Adventures Early Learning Center, Twinsburg, Ohio Professional Development • Organized activities based on specific infant developmental TANF Town-Poverty milestones Stimulation • Maintained communication with infant’s families through daily LETRS (Language Essentials logs. for Teachers of Reading Raider’s Women’s Soccer Youth Summer Camp Counselor: Summer and Spelling) Professional 2017-2019 Development Quick Talks- Alliance, Ohio Louisville Elementary School • Organized drills to work on specific soccer skills for children ages six to seven.