Your Email Profits No Event - Anthony Morrison PDF

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Have you been struggling to find a way to build your very own business on the Internet? If you’re
like me (and countless other people around the world) you’ve likely tried your hand at just about
everything to crack this whole “getting money online” code only to be dealt a harsh reality time
and time again.

It’s not as simple as most people make it seem, in fact, most of the stuff you read online is simply
outdated by the time you get your eyes on it. However, the system I am going to share with you
in this book (and the amazing way I have refined it) is time tested and has worked for literally
decades for people just like me and just like you.

All that really matters right now is you have the desire and drive to take action and make your
dreams become your reality. As you’ll discover in this short book my path to success was filled
with roadblocks and catastrophes, and what I share with you here is going to help you avoid all
of those things to have a clearer and more profound path to success.

Building your own Email Marketing Business is simple IF you know the one key to massive
success that MOST people leave out or never even think of when they teach you to become an
email marketer.

Looking at this diagram here what point do you think the most successful email marketers on
the planet focus on?

Continue reading and you’ll find out if you’re right…. I am guessing you’ll be shocked when I
reveal the answer.


Anthony started his first online business from his college dorm room. He had absolutely no
experience or desire to start an online business.

After his family lost their life savings in in the stock market Anthony watched his family as they
were about to lose their home and everything they had worked their entire lives to achieve.

Necessity forced Anthony to spring into action and create his first business online. Within just
a couple of years his businesses were doing over $2,000,000 annually and his families financial
fortunes completely turned around.

Anthony went on to build over 10 successful business online, author 3 books on Internet
Marketing and speak to over 250,000 people worldwide about building their own email
marketing businesses.

Anthony currently generates over $200,000 per month sending simple emails and he’s made it
his mission going forward to teach others exactly how he’s doing it and give them access to the
same tools and advantages top marketers around the world have access to in their businesses.

I’ve spent countless hours coming up with the absolute best way to show you the secret
technique I am using to build my email marketing business today.

When I say secret I am talking something so secret that even some of my BEST marketer friends
have never seen or heard of it before, and these are guys who are crushing it online.



My First Million Dollar Business .....................................................7

How I lost 3 Million Dollars Overnight...........................................14

My “Fail Proof” Plan: An Email Marketing Business.....................17

Building Your Email List...................................................................22

Optimizing Your Profits ...................................................................28

Disclaimer .........................................................................................32

Why Am I Sitting Here Writing This Book?

I’ll be totally honest with you my fingers are KILLING me while I am typing this but I feel like it’s
crucial to get my story and this information in your hands, your friends hands, your families
hands and basically into the hands of anyone and everyone that will take a short amount of time
to read it.

You see I have bad carpal tunnel in my wrist and honestly sometimes I can’t even feel my fingers
when I am typing, however, I have always had the mindset that excuses don’t make successes.
So here I am putting these thoughts down on paper just for you to hopefully help you change
your life.

I have enjoyed much success in my short 33 years on this earth and I attribute most of it to my
unwavering desire to be successful, not make excuses and learn as much as possible.

“Most Entrepreneur’s Learn More From Their Failures Than Their Successes”

That’s honestly the reason for this entire book.

I want to share with you my story from how I went from a simple college kid looking forward to
Medical School to generating MILLIONS of dollars online….

…. TO LOSING MY $3,000,000 PER YEAR BUSINESS….in the blink of an eye.

And to rebuilding that business using what I feel is the most bulletproof model on the planet.

A business model that is currently generating multiple millions of dollars each year for my

You’ve probably seen me on television at some point (if you live in the United States) and heck
you might have already read one of my 3 other books on Internet Marketing.

I will tell you this without a doubt.

This short book here is by far the most powerful book I have ever written. It’s going to change
more lives than I can possibly imagine and I am beyond excited about it.

So if you’ve read my books before… you’re in for a real treat with this one.

If you’ve never heard of me before I look forward to exceeding your highest expectations with
this book and helping you build your very own successful business online.

Now I want to be super clear about one thing because I think it’s very important to set realistic

I’m going to share MY STORY with you which will include information on how much money I have
made doing many different things online, including email marketing.

I’m sharing those numbers because they are part of my story and my journey to where I am
today as an entrepreneur.

NONE OF US like the “get rich overnight” nonsense that we see floating around on the Internet,
and this book by all means is NOT intended to make you a billionaire overnight.

The truth of the matter is I’ve never seen any program or any system that helped any one-
person “get rich” overnight.

Heck I have never seen any program or system help someone “get rich” in any amount of time
without that person actually putting in some effort.

As you’ll soon find out when I share my story with you below I’ve put in many hours of my
time to acquire the knowledge and success I have today. It didn’t come to me overnight and
it certainly wasn’t a result of pressing some bright shiny button that turned my computer into
some kind of instant cash printing machine.

In order to be successful you’ll need to be dedicated…

You’ll need to always remember WHY you’re building your own business online…

You’ll need to be an action taker…

My team and myself will always be here to support you and nudge you in the right direction.
Heck if you reach out to us we’ll even help you stay focused, motivated and on track to build
your very own successful email marketing business.

We’re excited about YOU….

So let’s get to it…. It’s time for YOU to learn how this is done.


One day I was sitting in my college dorm room studying for an Organic Chemistry midterm,
which was ridiculously difficult. All Pre-Medical students know that Organic Chemistry is where
MOST people decide to change their major. It was a brutally hard class so I had been studying
relentlessly for the midterm because I needed nothing less than a A on that test.

I took a bit of a break and called my dad as I pretty much did every day while I was in college.
That phone call ended up changing my life and setting into motion things that I never dreamed
would happen for me or my family.

“Son I’ve Lost $1,000,000 In The Stock Market Today”

Those words changed my life.

Those words changed my future.

Those words are the only reason you’re sitting here reading this book from me right now.

My dad went on to tell me he had invested most of his life savings into a stock called WorldCom.
News came out that day of an accounting scandal and the stock had plummeted erasing almost
every penny investors had made into the company.

Now my dad was well into his sixties.

He had no college education and was a self-made millionaire in real estate. He had sold off all
his real estate holdings a few years prior and decided to retire.

Here he was with no Real Estate holdings, no college education and essentially no money in the

What was he going to do?

No banks would loan him money because apparently that’s not a smart thing to do when
someone just lost almost every penny to their name.

Most businesses wouldn’t hire him because he was under qualified or either simply put, too old.
Businesses were looking for young people filled with desire to conquer the world, not men in
their late sixties without a college degree.

My dad was basically paralyzed with nowhere to turn.


I decided I had to do something to help my family. I simply loved them too much to watch them
go through so much pain, stress and anxiety.

So I got online one day and thought to myself how can I use the Internet to make enough
money to pay my parents mortgage.

Now ill be honest I have been an entrepreneur at heart since I was just a little boy.

When I was younger baseball was a passion of mine. I absolutely loved it! As a result of that I
became an avid baseball card collector.

Around the time AOL came out (yes I know that seems like decades ago..) I discovered that my
knowledge of the “Internet” gave me a really cool way to make extra money to fuel my baseball
card collecting addiction.

You see it’s hard to imagine, but before the Internet, so much business was done locally or
through magazines. Things simply were not “instantly accessible” like they are right now.

Baseball card shops locally use to wait for magazines to come out and they would order their
supplies and such to resell to their customers.

Once I got my AOL connection I realized I could connect with vendors all over the world almost
instantly. I quickly saw that I could buy inventory for our local baseball card shops cheaper and
faster than they could.

This little idea turned into a great way to make about $1,000 or so each month, which I won’t lie I
turned right around and invested in more baseball cards for my collection.

The moral of the story though is I had the KNOWLEDGE that they didn’t have and that
allowed me to find a profitable opportunity.

There are actually many stories just like this from my childhood where I took my passion for
certain things and turned it into small businesses that made me great money and prevented me
from ever having to have a job while I was growing up.

So when this situation with my dad came up I naturally looked for the solution to the problem.

I’ll admit I was scared to death, as pretty much anyone would be.

I had created these small businesses in the past; however, I had never created one with the goal
of paying a mortgage and taking care of an entire family.

But I knew it had to be done and I couldn’t let fear keep me from doing what I knew I could do to
help my family.

So like I had done so many times in my life I turned to my passion to see if I could profit from it.

At the time I was driving a 1996 Mustang and boy did I love that car.

I had spent THOUSANDS of dollars growing up modifying that car to have over 800 horsepower
and I never even raced the car. I realized there were thousands of people just like me who were
spending tons of money modifying their cars.

I figured maybe I could start a business selling Mustang performance parts to Mustang owners.

Sure it was a small niche, but I knew there were plenty of other people just like me who loved
their cars more than just about anything else in life. I knew there were buyers online so it just
made sense to give it a shot.

I immediately set out to make this happen and within a week or so I had a complete website up
and running and all ready to go.

When I started this business getting traffic online was pretty simple. Google and Yahoo! both
had advertising platforms that were pretty simple.

So essentially marketing and getting customers was fairly easy for me to figure out. I simply
selected keywords that I knew my customers would search for, I priced my bid “per click” to be
higher than anyone else’s and BOOM…. I had traffic.

I was pretty shocked at the initial results to say the least.

My first month in business we generated about $5,800.00 in sales with about a 50% profit
margin, which I thought was phenomenal to say the very least.



I knew I was on to something and of course having success in the first month drove me to try to
be more successful the next month.

That first year my business generated over $250,000.00 and I could clearly see that my family
was going to be ok.

Over the next few years I tirelessly worked at this business, remember I told you success doesn’t
come easy and without sacrifice.

I was so determined and driven to be successful and help my family I promised a 24/7 support
and order line for my customers. This was years ago so really people looked at websites as
“online catalogs”, but they still felt more comfortable calling their orders in on the phone.

Soon I was taking hundreds of phone calls all by myself AND continuing to finish my last year in

I had 2 cell phones; both with call waiting so I could handle the call volume I was getting.

I carried a small notepad and a pen with me everywhere I went because I was never “on
vacation” or “done with work”.

I use to walk out of movies.

I’ve walked out of my friends wedding rehearsal.

I’ve left Birthday parties.

I’ve spent my entire “beach vacations” sitting in a condo never touching my toes in the sand.

All because I was dedicated and tied to my business. I couldn’t afford to miss a phone call or
a sale.

Soon enough my business was doing over $250,000 PER MONTH, but I was unhappy,
stressed and depressed almost all the time…

Remember I told you I was going to teach you some valuable business lessons here in this book,
most of which I learned the hard way.

I was completely overwhelmed at this point in my life.

I reached my goal of being super successful beyond what my mind ever dreamed could be
possible when I started this business.

But I was missing out on things in life and missing out on time with my family.

This is the moment I learned the true value of “Time Freedom”.

You hear people talk about this all the time, but rarely do you find yourself staring in the mirror
as a massively successful entrepreneur saying “ I don’t want this anymore. “

It was a shocking revelation for me, but one that I simply could not ignore so I immediately
started looking for other ways to generate an income online.

While doing a simple Google search for other ways to make money online I came across affiliate
marketing. Now if you don’t know what that means ill describe it for you in a quite simple way:

Affiliate Marketing – You Promote Someone Else’s Products, Earn A Commission, and They
Handle Everything Else.

This seemed like a brilliant idea to me at this time in my life!

I was looking to get my time back and most of my time was spent on everything that happened
“after” someone made a purchase from me. Things like ordering products from vendors, finding
tracking numbers, keeping the books, handling returns and of course answering the phone to
take orders were consuming my life and my time.

This new model meant I could just focus on marketing and let someone else focus on everything
else which would give me loads of free time to spend with my family and friends.

I came across what I thought was an amazing opportunity in the affiliate marketing space while
researching online.

I saw that major banks like American Express, Chase, Bank Of America and Citi actually had
affiliate programs. Essentially they would pay me to simply refer people to apply for their credit

No I am no rocket scientist by any means, but it didn’t take me long to figure out that everyone
in American (or most everyone) has a credit card. Further research proves that most people
have more than one credit card, and additional knowledge proved that all credit cards expire,
which means people need to apply for new ones.

I immediately set my sights on becoming one of the top affiliate marketers in the credit card and
financial services space, but it wasn’t going to be easy.

At this time in my life I didn’t know a ton about building and managing websites. I was honestly a
very novice marketer who had found a “niche” in the Mustang industry and profited greatly from
it, however, I was far from a master at running and online business.

So I did what most anyone would do I started using Google to find someone to build me a great
credit card marketing website. I ended up on eBay one day and saw a complete “done for you”
credit card marketing site for only $299 and immediately jumped on it!

Remember all of this started because of a horrible financial tragedy that happened to my family.
It was almost surreal that we could go from such a terrible place in life to generating almost
$500,000 per month on the Internet.

This new business went on to generate millions of dollars every year for me. I became on of
the top affiliates in the world for many of the major banks. I was generating thousands of new
customers for them every single month and in turn they were sending me big checks.

The great thing about this new business was I didn’t have to worry about it consuming all of my
time. All I did was place the ads and everything else was pretty much automated.

After about a year of this new business being massively successful I made a very tough (and
likely unintelligent) decision to just turn off my Mustang performance business completely.

One day I woke up and simply clicked “OFF” inside of the shopping cart admin panel and that
was that. Now looking back at this I realize I should have sold the business I missed out on a
huge payday by simply turning off a business that was doing $250,000 per month in sales, but
I wanted my life and my time back. I was young and very inexperienced so I really had no clue
how to sell a business. I just knew I wanted to relax some and I had built this great hands free
affiliate marketing business so what did I really have to lose?

“ If you’re reading this book right now and you’ve thought to yourself making money online is
simply to hard I urge you to reconsider that thought. While things have changed, as you’ll read in
a minute the Internet is still full of opportunity for YOU. Again I am always here to guide you in
the right direction to help you realize your success online. “

The Internet is always changing and as you’ll read in the next chapter that change can have
some drastic affects on your businesses. Had I know what I know today many years ago when I
started these two businesses I would have put a few safe guards in place and done a few things
differently. My goal with this book is to show you how important that knowledge really is to you
and your success online right now.


After turning off my e-Commerce business and focusing solely on my affiliate marketing
business I was able to get our average annual commissions to exceed about $3,000,000 per year.
I felt like I was on top of the world at this point in my life because I finally had my time back, plus
I was making even more money than I did selling Mustang parts in my online store.

Naturally as most people would do when I started earning more money I started creating a
different lifestyle not only for myself, but also for my family.

I was paying for my younger brother and sister to go to college.

I was paying for their townhouses, cars, insurance and all their living expenses.

I was paying for my families home, their cars, their insurance, they cell phone bills.

I wasn’t too worried about these bills because after all I controlled my own income. I knew what I
was doing and never dreamed anything could stop me.

One Day I Woke Up And Learned A $3,000,000 Lesson – I Wasn’t In Control

I’ll never forget the day I woke up to a new email in my inbox from Google announcing their new
updates to their advertising platform.

It read something like this:

“Google is excited to announce you no longer earn the top spot in our ad rotation based on the
amount of money you spend per click. We’re introducing quality scores which take into account
your website, your ad and your budget to determine where your ad is placed”

Ok so let me break down for you what just happened to my business with that one single change
that Google made:

THE OLD MODEL: Whoever Pays The Most – Shows Up At The Top

THE NEW MODEL: Google Determines Who Shows Up At The Top

As most businesses do Google evolved once their advertising platform began being used by so
many businesses around the world. They began to worry about the quality of the websites their
users were being sent to when they clicked on paid ads so this new change in their algorithm
was meant to address those concerns.

Google now looks at your website and determines based on a number of factors they decided
on how much they like it and that plays heavily into where your ad is actually shown on the page.

Now remember I told you earlier I paid exactly $299 for my website and had some random
person I didn’t even know install it for me. It got the job done for sure, but it wasn’t the prettiest
thing in the world, in fact here’s a screen shot I took from the waybackmachine of my site as it
looked back in 2006:

This new change Google made instantly destroyed my business. I went from being #1 for almost
every keyword people searched for related to credit cards to being nowhere on the first page of

It wasn’t that my website was just awful, but it certainly wasn’t what Google was looking for with
this new change they made in their advertising platform.

Overnight my $3,000,000 a year business vanished and I was back at square one looking for
another way to make money online.

I learned a very valuable lesson when this happened and it’s one that has stuck with me for
the past decade. It’s shaped and molded the way I’ve built every business I’ve started since this

When you build your business YOU need to be in control of it. You need to build an asset that nobody
can take from you. Something that Google, Facebook, Yahoo and these other gigantic companies can’t
wipe off the face of the earth with a single keystroke.

We still see this exact thing happening in so many ways 10 years later. If you depend on SEO
(search engine optimization) for your business then you know a few changes here or there and
your entire business is blown up in an single day. If you depend on Facebook Ads to run your
business then you’re faced with the ever-changing policies and guidelines that often times end
up resulting in suspended ads and accounts. If you’re using Google or Yahoo! you’re still faced
with the changes they make to their sponsored ad algorithms which control where or even if
your ads show up.

My mission for my business going forward was to be independent and in total control of my
traffic, and email marketing proved to be the perfect plan.


When I discovered email marketing I was astonished at how much money people were making
by sending simple emails.

I actually recall thinking to myself there is no way this could really work, but I was willing to try
anything at that point to get my business back up to par.

Building an email list made total sense to me because at the end of the day YOU OWN IT.

That means nobody can take it from you.

It doesn’t depend on Google, Yahoo, Facebook or any other large company.


So I decided to jump into email marketing and see if I could build my list and send a few emails
out to test the results.

What I love so much about email marketing is that you pay to generate a subscriber on your list
only one time, but then you get to promote over and over again to that subscriber base for free.

The marketing I did for my Mustang website and my affiliate marketing website was a
completely different process. I was constantly paying to run ads on Google to generate traffic to
my website to hopefully make sales and commissions.

Anytime I wanted more sales and commissions I simply had to rely on Google to send me the
traffic, which meant I had to continue spending money.

This whole email marketing idea seemed much better!


The Day I Sent My First Email

I didn’t know what to expect, but I was hopeful this was going to work. I had managed to build a
list of 9,967 people, which wasn’t really big, but I knew I had to start somewhere.

Here’s the very first email I sent:

As you can see I didn’t send my email to that many people and didn’t really generate that many
clicks so I wasn’t expecting a whole lot when I checked my ClickBank account to see how much
money I had made from this email.

I was completely blown away at the result…

As you can see I ended up making $11,816.60 from that one single email!

You could say I was now immediately hooked on email marketing and I knew this was the type of
business I had to be in going forward.

I began to think about my old websites though. I recalled they actually did have ways for people
to opt into newsletters. Now at the time clearly I didn’t even know what that meant, but take a
look at my first two websites. You’ll clearly see there’s a box there for people to subscribe to our

After looking back I found I had over 400,000 subscribers to our newsletter from the credit card
websites and over 35,000 subscribers on our newsletter for our Mustang performance business.

I was absolutely sick to my stomach.

That’s exactly why I am writing this book for you. Can you imagine how much money I would
have made IF I had known about email marketing back then?

You see email marketing works no matter what business you pursue online.

If you are in e-Commerce then I can bet you money that if you build your email list and send
newsletters your going to instantly make huge profits with absolutely ZERO advertising cost.

If you’re an affiliate why not build your email list and promote your affiliate products? You’ll then
be able to constantly promote offers to your subscriber base and again you’ll be no advertising

If you’re brand new to the online world and you’re looking for a way to build a sustainable and
profitable business online. You can build an email list in almost any niche and send profitable

Here’s a rule of thumb most email marketers use to gauge how well they are doing each month:

So this means my 400,000 subscribers from my credit card websites could have earned me as
much as $400,000 per month!

That means even though Google and Yahoo quit showing my ads I could have been generating
almost a half a million dollars every month by simply hitting the send button.

Now I didn’t realize this until many years later so there was no way I could send emails to these
subscribers. It was just money lost and a very expensive lesson that I yet again learned the hard

I’m absolutely thrilled you’re reading this book right now so you can see the value building an
email list brings to your business.

It’s going to bring you more profits.


It’s going to be a safe guard against things other big companies do that are out of your control.

It really ensures you’ve built an asset that nobody can take from you.

So if sharing my story has inspired you to make email marketing a huge focus for you and your
business – Mission Accomplished.

Today I am generating well over $250,000 per month by sending simple emails.

I don’t really concern myself with what Google or Facebook are doing, as they absolutely can’t
hurt my business in any way.

I’ve really spent my time mastering the art of building my list and sending profitable emails.

That’s not to say there weren’t some small hiccups along the way.

Building your list isn’t always as easy as people make it out to be and there are some vital
mistakes you need to avoid when you get started.


When you build your email list there is a simple formula that you’ll follow each and every time.
Here’s a diagram to show you exactly what’s happening:

So let’s break down each part of this process so you can easily see what is happening.


Traffic can come from just about anywhere, but here are some things we currently do to
generate subscribers on our list.

1. Facebook Fan Pages – That’s right we build up Facebook fan pages and literally siphon
people onto our email list in the process. It’s completely stealth and 100% targeted.
2. Facebook Ads – We’re writing super targeted ads and showing them to the right people on
Facebook. This generates high quality traffic and of course great subscribers for our business.
3. YouTube – YouTube’s advertising platform is quite robust and it really allows us to find the
right videos and the right target audience to build our list.
4. Solo Ads – This is a pretty simple concept. Two marketers get together and “swap” email
promotions for each other to help build their list. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.
5. Digital Publishing – We publish new products almost every single month, which generates
new subscribers for us plus gives our new subscribers a great value right out of the gate.

Optin Pages

Optin pages are pretty simple they are designed to get the visitor to simply enter their name and
email address so they can be added to your auto-responder.


Auto-Responders are where the real magic happens for your email marketing business. This is
where all you’re subscribers are stored and all your emails are sent out to your list.

There are many different companies that provide this service, however, my top 3 choices for
sending my emails are Aweber, Get Response and GVO.

Profit Center

So how do you actually make money from the emails your sending out?

If you have your own digital or physical products to sell that’s great! These can become your
personal profit center.

If you don’t have your own products that’s ok too there are many different affiliate networks full
of products you can promote to your list. You can use the same affiliate marketing techniques I
used to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars marketing credit cards only this time you’re
doing it by sending emails!

Ok so recall earlier (literally the first page of this book) I asked you the following question:

Looking at this diagram here what point do you think the most successful email marketers on
the planet focus on?

Most people I am sure guessed TRAFFIC.

Everyone seems to think traffic is the biggest obstacle to building your list, but it’s absolutely not.

There’s tons of traffic on the Internet and as marketers we’re always just manipulating the traffic
to do what we want for our business.

The big issue is that most people fail to realize one major change that’s happened online.

Most People Are Accessing The Internet On Mobile Devices

There are some shocking statistics when you start researching this and it directly affects you and
your business.

Depending on where you read online you’ll find that most estimates show about 60-70% of
people online are accessing the Internet from a mobile device.

Can you believe that?

The Internet has once again changed and we have to now realize people are accessing it from
smaller devices and they aren’t necessarily sitting stationary at a desk.

People are on the go… mobile.. and you’ve got to plan for that!

The Part Where Most People FAIL Is – The Optin Page

Take a look at the this image and you’ll see what a standard optin page looks like and what’s
required for someone to actually join your email list.

There are many issues that can arise when using a standard optin page just like this one.

1. People enter FAKE email addresses – As an email marketer your spending money to send
traffic to your optin page (remember the diagram I’ve shown you earlier) and when someone
gets to your page and enters a FAKE email address it cost you money, but brings you
absolutely nothing in return, ever.
2. People enter SECONDARY email addresses – Now I want you to ask yourself this question
do you have more than one email address? You likely said yes and if you did that’s ok, most
people do. One thing email marketers hate is when people enter the email address they
never check into these optin pages. After all if people don’t check their email how can you
ever earn any commissions?
3. People make TYPOS – Yep believe it or not we are human and we make mistakes! Especially
when we are on the go trying to type a long email address into a box on our cell phones.
Many email addresses entered into these optin pages are simply spelled wrong leaving you
unable to ever reach that person again.

These are just a few of the issues that arise now that most of the traffic on the Internet is on a
mobile device.

Would you like to know the rest of the potential issues?

Would you like to see what I have figured out that absolutely 100% GUARANTEES you get REAL
and BEST email addresses from the people that visit your optin pages?

I am talking about NEVER getting a fake email address.

Never getting a fake name.

Never getting a typo.

I truly believe once you see what I have figured out to make these guarantees it’s going to blow
your mind and set your email marketing business on FIRE.

As you can see building your list isn’t exactly rocket science, however, building a GOOD list is
better than building a BIG list.

That’s the one thing you absolutely must keep in mind as you build your business.


I’ve learned over the course of my career as an Internet Marketer that the key to massive
success can be summed up in one single word “Optimization”.

Optimizing what you do is the key component to taking your success and profits to the next

As an email marketer there are quite a few things you can optimize in your process to yield
better results and we will discuss them all during our live training events, which you are invited
to completely free of charge. No catch.

Sending Emails – Optimization Points

Sending an email is pretty simple, however, sending an “optimized” email can yield far better
results. There are many factors to consider when you’re sending an email to your subscribers:

Open Rate – This is the percentage of people who open the emails you send to them. It’s pretty
clear if you can increase your open rate you can make more revenue from each email sent.

Generating revenue from your email marketing business all starts with getting your emails
opened. Imagine sending 4,000 emails and getting no opens!

The profit process for email marketers once an email is sent works like this:

As you can see from the picture the entire profit process breaks if your subscribers don’t open
your emails.

Your open rate can be determined by a number of things, but I have developed a strategy our
team uses every single day when we send our emails. We’ve actually increased our open rates by
over 300% !

I have spent the last three years diving into exactly what we need to do in order to optimizing
our sends and get the highest open rates and of course the most revenue. I’ve spent thousands
of dollars testing and FINALLY I figured out what I consider a cutting edge system.

List building is the key component to having a successful email marketing business so I have
been laser focused on getting better results and eliminating anything that could hurt my success
along the way.

Remember if you’re building your list and not focused on quality subscribers you’ll likely see a
bad open rate, which in turn means your business doesn’t generate a lot of revenue or success.

I’ve figured out a way to GUARANTEE you never get a fake email address on your email list and
I am beyond excited to share this information and this super cool software tool with you doing
our live training events.

My goal is that after reading this short book you’ll be a more knowledgeable email marketer.


This book and its contents are protected by U.S. and International copyright laws. You may not
reproduce, modify or distribute this book or it’s contents in any way unless you have written
permission from Morrison Publishing, LLC. This book is for your use only.

Any trademarked names mentioned in this book are the sole property of their respective
companies. None of these companies are associated with Anthony Morrison and Morrison
Publishing, LLC.


The information contained in this book is designed to educate you on how to properly do email
marketing. Morrison Publishing, LLC makes absolutely no promises or guarantees of income or
earnings. Additionally you should always abide by Federal and Local laws and regulations when
doing anything online. By reading this book and implementing the training techniques you agree
to hold Morrison Publishing, LLC harmless should any of your actions result in financial losses.

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