Design and Performance Comparison of Variable
Design and Performance Comparison of Variable
Design and Performance Comparison of Variable
Abstract— In this study, design and performance comparison of Genetic algorithms have placed a much stronger emphasis
variable parameter nonlinear PID (NL-PID) and Genetic than their counter-parts on global, as opposed to local, search
Algorithm (GA) based PID controller are achieved. To begin with and optimization. They could look into not only in local optima
the proposed method, an error function depending on the system but also in global points. GAs were initially formulated as
input and output are defined to determine variable coefficients of combinatory search algorithms, which required discretization
the nonlinear PID controller. A new type non linear PID of the search space in order to be applied to problems involving
controller is designed by using defined error function. By this real decision variables. Theoretical arguments based on the
way, the nonlinear PID controller changes its own parameters building-block hypothesis and the Schema Theorem [9-10] also
over time according to the output response. Secondly, genetic
appeared to support discretization.
algorithm based PID controller are defined to performance
comparison of the proposed NL-PID controller and Ziegler- In this paper, GA based PID parameters and NL-PID
Nichols PID controller. Simulation results show that the effects of parameters allied to change of error are analyzed and nonlinear
the PID controllers; nonlinear, GA based and Ziegler-Nichols. functions of Proportional (P), Integral (I) and Derivative (D)
depending on error and GA-PID parameters are presented
Keywords- genetic algorithm; variable parameter PID; Ziegler- respectively.
Nichols method; gaussian error function (erf).
In respect of explanations above, it is formulized this way: In this study, the absolute of error was used to prevent the
negative values of PID parameters. Therefore it was utilized
from only positive values of the function.
K i = b1 − f (e) * b2 (4)
As it thought from this analysis, we may provide the quick The control methods mentioned above was examined with
response system without overlapping and short settling time the classical common method, Ziegler – Nichols and
basically if the parameters set like above depending on the comparison of some results can be seen on Table I. These
change of error with an appropriate function. methods and Z-N PID values were compared to some criterion
It is benefitted from “error function” (also called Gaussian and implementing methods values were better than Ziegler –
error function) to determine NL-PID variable coefficients (see Nichols method.
in Fig.3). In this study it was benefited from the below Matlab-
Simulink model in Fig. 4. For this simulation two different
x plants model tested. The coefficients (ai, bi, ci) shown in the
∫ Table II were obtained for both application. Steady state error
erf ( x) = e −t dt (5)
∏0 and performance indices were measured via the block diagram
and system response curves were figured for both. Two kind of
plant was used in this paper which is third order process and
fourth order system (Eq. 6, 7). Output responses and changing
of NL-PID parameters were showed in Fig. 5.a - 5.b. and Fig.
6.a - 6.b for both two plant model respectively.
1 (6)
G1 ( s ) =
s( s 2 + s + 1)( s + 2)
1 (7)
G2 ( s) =
Figure 3. Error Function s ( s + 2)( s + 4)
Figure 4. Matlab Simulink Mode
a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2
Plant 0.933 0.233 0.061 0.061 0.897 0.897
Plant 28.8 7.2 6.49 6.49 7.97 7.97
In spite of the fact that controllers designed by the Ziegler-
Nichols rules give a good performance, they create poor
robustness and high exceeding. It is obvious that in case of few
parameter changes of the plant led to decline of the
performance of the conventional PID controller drastically.
Thus, it is not enough to control process dynamics swimmingly
although it is a good start to tune PID parameters. Therefore, in
this paper to slacken the disfavor of classical tuning methods,
nonlinear PID approach and PID parameters based on GA were
searched. It was thought error function to determine of
nonlinear coefficients of the NL-PID. On the other hand, the
coefficients of GA-PID parameters were set with idea of the
objective function, called mean square error (MSE). As a result
of all these above, the methods mentioned in this paper were
compared considering the performance indices values and
steady state error. The methods presented gave lower exceeds,
(b) short settling time and better performance indices than that of
classical form for the third and fourth order systems.
Especially, genetic algorithm which converge the minimal
Figure 5. Output Response for Plants Respectively a) Plant-1 b) Plant-2
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