Rudin Companion Mathematical Analysis - Silvia
Rudin Companion Mathematical Analysis - Silvia
Rudin Companion Mathematical Analysis - Silvia
Evelyn M. Silvia1
April 1, 1999
c M. Silvia 1999
Preface vii
0.0.1 About the Organization of the Material . . . . . . . . . . . viii
0.0.2 About the Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
These notes have been prepared to assist students who are learning Advanced Cal-
culus/Real Analysis for the ¿rst time in courses or self-study programs that are
using the text Principles of Mathematical Analysis (3rd Edition) by Walter Rudin.
References to page numbers or general location of results that mention “our text”
are always referring to Rudin’s book. The notes are designed to
On our campus, the only prerequisites on the Advanced Calculus course include
an introduction to abstract mathematics (MAT108) course and elementary calculus.
Consequently, the terseness of Rudin can require quite an intellectual leap. One
needs to pause and reÀect on what is being presented stopping to do things like
draw pictures, construct examples or counterexamples for the concepts the are being
discussed, and learn the de¿nitions is an essential part of learning the material.
These Companion Notes explicitly guide the reader/participant to engage in those
activities. With more math experience or maturity such behaviors should become
a natural part of learning mathematics. A math text is not a novel simply reading
it from end to end is unlikely to give you more than a sense for the material. On
the other hand, the level of interaction that is needed to successfully internalize an
understanding of the material varies widely from person to person. For optimal
bene¿t from the combined use of the text (Rudin) and the Companion Notes ¿rst
read the section of interest as offered in Rudin, then work through the relevant
section or sections in the Companion Notes, and follow that by a more interactive
review of the section from Rudin with which you started.
One thing that should be quite noticeable is the higher level of detail that is
offered for many of the proofs. This was done largely in response to our campus
prerequisite for the course. Because most students would have had only a brief
exposure to some of the foundational material, a very deliberate attempt has been
made to demonstrate how the prerequisite material that is usually learned in an
introduction to abstract mathematics course is directly applied to the development
of mathematical analysis. You always have the elegant, “no nonsense” approach
available in the text. Learn to pick and choose the level of detail that you need
according to your own personal mathematical needs.
Our goal with this section is to develop (review) the basic structure that character-
izes the set of real numbers. Much of the material in the ¿rst section is a review
of properties that were studied in MAT108 however, there are a few slight differ-
ences in the de¿nitions for some of the terms. Rather than prove that we can get
from the presentation given by the author of our MAT127A textbook to the previous
set of properties, with one exception, we will base our discussion and derivations
on the new set. As a general rule the de¿nitions offered in this set of Compan-
ion Notes will be stated in symbolic form this is done to reinforce the language
of mathematics and to give the statements in a form that clari¿es how one might
prove satisfaction or lack of satisfaction of the properties. YOUR GLOSSARIES
GIVEN IN OUR NOTES because that is the form that will be required for suc-
cessful completion of literacy quizzes and exams where such statements may be
1.1 Fields
Recall the following DEFINITIONS:
a b : a + A F b + B.
Remark 1.1.1 Properties (A1) and (M1) tell us that I is closed under addition and
closed under multiplication, respectively.
Remark 1.1.2 The additive identity and multiplicative identity properties tell us
that a ¿eld has at least two elements namely, two distinct identities. To see that two
elements is enough, note that, for I
0 1, the algebraic structure I c e 0 1
where c : I I I and e : I I I are de¿ned by the following tables:
c 0 1 e 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 1
is a ¿eld.
Remark 1.1.3 The ¿elds with which you are probably the most comfortable are
the rationals T 0 1 and the reals U 0 1. A ¿eld that we will discuss
shortly is the complex numbers F 0 0 1 0 Since each of these distinctly
different sets satisfy the same list of ¿eld properties, we will expand our list of
properties in search of ones that will give us distinguishing features.
1. 1x x + I F x x x " x e
2. 1x x + I " x e e x e
d e
3. 1x 1y x y + I F x y e " x e G y e
(of #3) Suppose that x y + I are such that x y e and x / e. Then, by the
multiplicative inverse property, x 1 + F satis¿es x x 1 x 1 x f . Then
substitution, the associativity of multiplication, and #2 yields that
r s
y f y x 1 x y x 1 x y x 1 e e.
1x x + I " x * * x x
(of #3) Suppose that a + I is such that there exists * + I and x + I satisfying
Proposition 1.1.8 Sums and Products Involving Inverses for a ¿eld I e f
Excursion 1.1.9 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof of
Proof. Suppose that a + I
e. From the multiplicative inverse property,
a 1 + I satis¿es . If a 1 e, then, by Proposition
1.1.4(#2), a 1 a e. Since multiplication is single-valued, this would imply that
which contradicts part of the prop-
2 3
erty. Thus, a 1
/ e.
b c1
Since a 1 + I
e, by the property, a 1 +
b c1 1 b c1
I and satis¿es a 1 a a 1 a 1 f but this equation also justi¿es
b 1 c1 1
that a is a multiplicative inverse for a . From Proposition ,
b c1
we conclude that a 1 a.
1.1. FIELDS 7
b b cc
From (#5), a 1 a a 1 a f from which we conclude
b c
that a 1 is a for a. Since a1 is a mul-
c inverse for a and multiplicative inverses are unique, we have that
a 1 a1 as claimed.
1. a b c a c b c b a
2. a b c a c b c b a
3. a c b d a b c d
4. a c b d a b c d
as claimed.
1.1. FIELDS 9
Excursion 1.1.14 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof
of #4.
Proof. (of #4) Suppose that a + I and b c d + I
0. Since d + I
0, by
Proposition , d 1 / 0. From the contrapositive of Proposition 1.1.4(#3),
c / 0 and d 1 / 0 implies that . In the following, the justi¿cations
for the step taken is provided on the line segment to the right of the change that has
been made.
b c b c1 b c r b c1 s
a b1 c d 1 a b1 c1 d 1
b c b c 3
a b1 c1 d
b 1 b 1 cc 4
a b c d
bb c c 5
a b1 c1 d
b b cc 6
a d b1 c1
b c 7
a d b c
a d b c .
From Proposition 1.1.8(#7) combined with the associative and commutative prop-
erties of addition we also have that
b c
a d b c1 ba d b1 c c1
ba bd b1cc c1
a d b1 c1
bb c c10
b a b1c bd c1c
a b1 d c1 .
b c b c1 b c b c
Consequently, a b1 c d 1 a d b c1 a b1 d c1 as
***Acceptable responses are: (1) 1.1.8(#6), (2) cd 1 / 0, (3) Proposition 1.1.8(#7),
(4) Proposition 1.1.8(#6), (5) associativity of multiplication, (6) associativity of
Notation 1.1.15 We have listed the properties without making use of some nota-
tional conventions that can make things look simpler. The two that you might ¿nd
particularly helpful are that
x y or x y or y x
is true.
d e
2. The Transitive Law: 1x 1y 1z x y z + S F x y F y z " x z .
Example 1.2.5 For T, the set of rationals, let t T T be de¿ned by r s +%
s r is a positive rational. Then T is an ordered set.
Remark 1.2.6 The treatment of ordered sets that you saw in MAT108 derived the
Trichotomy Law from a set of properties that de¿ned a linear order on a set. Given
an order on a set, we write x n y for x y G x y. With this notation, the
two linear ordering properties that could have been introduced and used to prove
the Trichotomy Law are the Antisymmetric law,
Now, because we have made satisfaction of the Trichotomy Law part of the def-
inition of an order on a set, we can claim that the Antisymmetric Law and the
Comparability Law are satis¿ed for an ordered set.
Remark 1.2.8 In the de¿nition of ordered ¿eld offered here, we have deviated from
one of the statements that is given in our text. The second condition given in the
text is that
d e
1x 1y x y + I F x 0 F y 0 " x y 0
let’s denote this proposition by alt O F2. We will show that satisfaction of O F1
and alt O F2 is, in fact, equivalent to satisfaction of O F1 and O F2. Suppose
that O F1 and O F2 are satis¿ed and let x y + I be such that 0 x and 0 y.
From O F2 and Proposition 1.1.4(#2),
d 0 0 y x y. Since x and y were
e arbi-
trary, we conclude that 1x 1y x y + I F x 0 F y 0 " x y 0 . Hence,
O F2 " alt O F2 from which we have that O F1 F O F2 " O F1 F
alt O F2. Suppose that O F1 and alt O F2 are satis¿ed and let x y z + I be
such that x y and 0 z. From the additive inverse property x + I is such
that [x x x x 0]. From O F1 we have that
0 x x y x .
From alt O F2, the Distributive Law and Proposition 1.1.8 (#4), 0 y x
and 0 z implies that
0 x z y z x z x z y z x z x z y z 0.
Hence, x z y z. Since x, y, and z were arbitrary, we have shown that
d e
1x 1y 1z x y z + I F x y F 0 z " x z y z
which is O F2. Therefore, O F1 F alt O F2 " O F1 F O F2. Combining
the implications yields that
To get from the requirements for a ¿eld to the requirements for an ordered ¿eld
we added a binary relation (a description of how the elements of the ¿eld are or-
dered or comparable) and four properties that describe how the order and the binary
operations “interact.” The following proposition offers a short list of other order
properties that follow from the basic set.
1. 0 1
d e
2. 1x 1y x y + I F x 0Fy 0"xy 0
In the Remark 1.2.8, we proved the second claim. We will prove two others.
Proofs for all but two of the statements are given in our text.
Proof. (or #1) By the Trichotomy Law one and only one of 0 1, 0 1, or
1 0 is true in the ¿eld. From the multiplicative identity property, 0 / 1 thus,
we have one and only one of 0 1 or 1 0. Suppose that 1 0. From O F1,
we have that 0 1 1 0 1 1 i.e., 0 1. Hence, O F2
implies that 1 1 0 1 which, by Proposition 1.1.8(#3), is equivalent
to 1 0. But, from the transitivity property, 0 1 F 1 0 " 0 0 which
is a contradiction.
Excursion 1.2.10 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof
of Proposition 1.2.9(#4).
Proof. Suppose that x y + I are such that x y. In view of the additive
inverse property, x + I and y + I satisfy
x x x x 0 and .
Remark 1.2.11 From Proposition 1.2.9(#1) we see that the two additional prop-
erties needed to get from an ordered set to an ordered ¿eld led to the requirement
that 0 1 be an element of the ordering (binary relation). From 0 1 and O F1,
we also have that 1 1 1 2, 2 2 1 3 etc. Using the convention
1_ 1 ^]1 1` n, the general statement becomes 0 n n 1.
n of them
1. 1 + S and
where 8
S l I : S is inductive. We will call QI the set of natural numbers of
Note that, T
x + I : x o 1 is inductive because 1 + T and closure of I un-
der addition yields that x 1 + I whenever x + I. Because 1u u 1 " u + T
and T + 8, we immediately have that any n + QI satis¿es n o 1.
a + I : a + QI G a + QI G a 0
It can be proved that both the natural numbers of a ¿eld and the integers of a
¿eld are closed under addition and multiplication. That is,
This claim requires proof because the fact that addition and multiplication are bi-
nary operations on I only places n m and n m in I because QI t I and ]I t I.
Proofs of the closure of QI Q under addition and multiplication that you
might have seen in MAT108 made use of the Principle of Mathematical Induction.
This is a useful tool for proving statements involving the natural numbers.
Two other principles that are logically equivalent to the Principle of Mathemat-
ical Induction and still useful for some of the results that we will be proving in this
course are the Well-Ordering Principle and the Principle of Complete Induction:
1m m + Q F
k + Q : k m t S " m + S
then S Q.
systems. The distinction that we will illustrate in this section is that the set of ra-
tionals has “certain gaps.” During this (motivational) part of the discussion, you
might ¿nd it intuitively helpful to visualize the “old numberline” representation
for the reals. Given two rationals r and s such that r s, it can be shown that
m r s 21 + T is such that r m s. Then r1 r m 21 + T and
s1 m s 21 + T are such that r r1 m and m s1 s. Continuing this
process inde¿nitely and “marking the new rationals on an imagined numberline”
might entice us into thinking that we can “¿ll in most of the points on the number
line between r and s.” A rigorous study of the situation will lead us to conclude
that the thought is shockingly inaccurate. We Tcertainly know that not all the reals
can be found this way because, for example, 2 could never be written in the form
of r s 21 for r s + T. The following excursion will motivate the property
that we want to isolate in our formal discussion of bounded sets.
j k
j 1.2.17 Let A p +
k T : p 0 F p 2 2 and
p2 2 2p 2
q p .
p2 p2
b c
2 p2 2
q 22
p 22
(a) For p + A, justify that q p and q + A.
***Hopefully you took a few moments to ¿nd some elements of A and B in order to
get a feel for the nature of the two sets. Finding a q that corresponds to a p + A and
a p + B would pretty much tell byou whyc the claims are true. For (a), you should
have noted that q p because p 2 2 p 21 0 whenever p 2 2 then
b 2 c b b c c
p 2 p 21 0 implies that q p p 2 2 p 21 p0
p. That q is rational follows from the factb that thec rationals are closed under multi-
plication and addition. Finally q 2 2 2 p 2 2 p 22 0 yields that q + A
as claimed. For (b), the same reasons extend tobthe discussion
c needed here the only
change is that, for p + B, p 2 2 implies that p 2 p 21 0 from which
b 2 c b b c c
it follows that p 2 p 21 0 and q p p 2 2 p 21
p 0 p.***
Now we formalize the terminology that describes the property that our example
is intended to illustrate. Let S n be an ordered set i.e., is an order on the set
S. A subset A of S is said to be bounded above in S if
Notation 1.2.19 For S n an ordered set and A t S, the least upper bound of A
is denoted by lub A or sup A.
Since a given set can be a subset of several ordered sets, it is often the case that
we are simply asked to ¿nd the least upper bound of a given set without specifying
the “parent ordered set.” When asked to do this, simply ¿nd, if it exists, the u that
The next few examples illustrate how we can use basic “pre-advanced calculus”
knowledge to ¿nd some least upper bounds of subsets of the reals.
| }
Example 1.2.20 Find the lub :x+U .
1 x2
From Proposition 1.2.9(#5), we know that, for x + U, 1 x2 o 0 this is
equivalent to
1 x 2 o 2x
t u
x 1 1
from which we conclude that 1x x + U " n . Thus, is an upper
| } 1x 2 2 2
x 1 1
bound for : x + U . Since , it follows that
1 x2 1 12 2
| }
x 1
lub :x +U .
1x 2 2
The way that this example was done and presented is an excellent illustration
of the difference between scratch work (Phase II) and presentation of an argument
(Phase III) in the mathematical process. From calculus (MAT21A or its equivalent)
we can show that f x has a relative minimum at x 1 and a relative
1 x2
maximum at x 1 we also know that yt 0uis a horizontal asymptote for the
graph. Armed with the information that 1 is a maximum for f , we know
x 1
that all we need to do is use inequalities to show that n . In the scratch
1x 2 2
work phase, we can work backwards from this inequality to try to ¿nd something
that we can claim from what we have done thus far simple algebra gets use from
x 1
n to 1 2x x 2 o 0. Once we see that desire to claim 1 x2 o 0,
1x 2 2
we are home free because that property is given in one of our propositions about
ordered ¿elds.
Excursion 1.2.21 Find the lub A for each of the following. Since your goal is
simply to ¿nd the least upper bound, you can use any pre-advanced calculus infor-
mation that is helpful.
| }
3 1n
1. A :n+M
2. A
sin x cos x : x + U
3 1n 1
***For (1), let x n n1
then x2 j 2 j1 is a sequence that is strictly
2 2
1 1
decreasing from to 0 while x2 j1 is also decreasing from to 0. Consequently
2 2
1 1
the terms in A are never greater than with the value of being achieved when
2 2
n 1 and the terms get arbitrarily close to 0 as n approaches in¿nity. Hence,
1 1
lub A . For (2), it is helpful to recall that sin x cos x sin 2x. The well
2 2
known behavior of the sine function immediately yields that lub A .***
j k
Example 1.2.22 Find lub A where A x + U : x 2 x 3 .
What we are looking for here is sup A where A f 1 * 3 for f x
x x. Because
t u
1 1 2
y x x % y x
4 2
t u
1 1
f is a parabola with vertex . Hence,
2 4
1 13 1 13
A f 1 * 3 x + R : x
2 2
1 13
from which we conclude that sup A .
j k
Note that the set A p + T : p 0 F p2 2 is a subset of T and a subset
of U. We have that T n and U n are ordered T sets where is de¿ned by
r s % s r is positive. Now lub A 2 + T hence, there is no least
upper bound of A in S T, but A t S U has a least upper bound in S U.
This tells us that the “parent set” is important, gives us a distinction between T and
U as ordered ¿elds, and motivates us to name the important distinguishing property.
De¿nition 1.2.23 An ordered set S has the least upper bound property if and
only if
v w
E t S F E / 3 F 2; ; + S F 1a a + E " a n ;
" 2u u lub E F u + S
Remark 1.2.24 As noted above, T n does not satisfy the “lub property”, while
U n does satisfy this property.
Lemma 1.2.25 Let X n be an ordered set and A l X. If A has a least upper
bound in X, it is unique.
1 1
Suppose that n o 4. By Proposition 1.2.9(#7), it follows that n .
n 4
2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1
Then O F2 and O F1 yield that n and n ,
n 4 2 n 4 2 4 4
2 1 2 1
respectively. From n and Proposition 1.2.9(#4), we have that o .
n 2 n 2
1 2 1 1 1
Thus, o from O F1. Now, it follows from Proposition
4 n 4 2 4
1.2.9(#1) that n 0, for any n + Q . From Proposition 1.2.9(#7) and O F1,
2 2 1 1
n 0 and 2 0 implies that 0 and o . Similarly, from Proposition
n n 4 4
2 2 1 2 1 1
1.2.9(#3) and O F1, 0 implies that 0 and 0 .
n n 4 n 4 4
Combining our observations, we have that
v w
b c 1 1
1n n + Q
1 2 3 F 2 0 n " n xn n
4 4
v w
1 1
1n n + Q
1 2 3 F 2 n " n xn n .
4 4
v w
7 3 5 1 1
Finally, x1 , x2 , and x3 , each of which is outside of .
4 4 12 4 4
Comparing the values leads to the conclusion that glb A .
Excursion 1.2.28 Find glb A for each of the following. Since your goal is simply
to ¿nd the greatest lower bound, you can use any pre-advanced calculus informa-
tion that is helpful.
| }
3 1n
1. A :n+M
| }
1 1
2. A n m : n m + Q
2 3
***Our earlier discussion in Excursion 1.2.21, the set given in (1) leads to the con-
1 1
clusion that glb A 0. For (2), note that each of n and m are strictly de-
2 3
creasing to 0 as n and m are increasing, respectively. This leads us to conclude that
glb A 0 although it was not requested, we note that sup A .***
We close this section with a theorem that relates least upper bounds and greatest
lower bounds.
Theorem 1.2.29 Suppose S is an ordered set with the least upper bound prop-
erty and that B is a nonempty subset of S that is bounded below. Let
g + S : 1a a + B " g n a .
Proof. Suppose that S is an ordered set with the least upper bound property
and that B is a nonempty subset of S that is bounded below. Then
g + S : 1a a + B " g n a .
is not empty. Note that for each b + B we have that g n b for all g + L i.e.,
each element of B is an upper bound for L. Since L t S is bounded above and S
satis¿es the least upper bound property, the least upper bound of L exists and is in
S. Let : sup L.
De¿nition 1.2.30 An ordered set S has the greatest lower bound property if
and only if
v w
E t S F E / 3 F 2< < + S F 1a a + E " < n a
1E .
" 2* * glb E F * + S
Remark 1.2.31 Theorem 1.2.29 tells us that every ordered set that satis¿es the
least upper bound property also satis¿es the greatest lower bound property.
tangible. None of this part of the discussion is rigorous. First, de¿ne the sym-
bols 0 and 1, by
0 and
3 1 and suppose that we have an ordered ¿eld
de f de f
R 0 1 n. Furthermore, picture a representation of a straight horizontal line
z on which we will place elements of this ¿eld in a way that attaches some
geometric meaning to their location. The natural numbers of this ¿eld Q R is the
“smallest” inductive subset it is closed under addition and multiplication. It can be
proved (Some of you saw the proofs in your MAT108 course.) that
1x x + Q R " x o 1
This motivates our ¿rst set of markings on the representative line. Let’s indicate the
¿rst mark as a “place for 1.” Then the next natural number of the ¿eld is 11, while
the one after that is 1 1 1, followed by [1 1 1] 1, etc. This naturally
leads us to choose a ¿xed length to represent 1 (or “1 unit”) and place a mark
for each successive natural number 1 away from and to the right of the previous
natural number. It doesn’t take too long to see that our collections of “added 1) s”
is not a pretty or easy to read labelling system this motivates our desire for neater
representations. The symbols that we have come to accept are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
and 9. In the space provided draw a picture that indicates what we have thus far.
The fact that, in an ordered ¿eld, 0 1 tells us to place 0 to the left of 1 on our
representative line then 0 1
3 1 justi¿es placing 0 “1 unit”
away from the 1. Now the de¿nition of the integers of a ¿eld ] R adjoins the additive
inverses of the natural numbers of a ¿eld our current list of natural numbers leads to
acceptance of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9 as labels of the markings
of the new special elements and their relationship to the natural numbers mandates
their relative locations. Use the space provided to draw a picture that indicates what
Your picture should show several points with each neighboring pair having the
same distance between them and “lots of space” with no labels or markings, but
we still have the third special subset of the ordered ¿eld namely, the rationals of
the ¿eld T R . We are about to prove an important result concerning the “density
of the rationals” in an ordered ¿eld. But, for this intuitive discussion, our “grade
school knowledge” of fractions will suf¿ce. Picture (or use the last picture that you
drew to illustrate) the following process: Mark the midpoint of the line segment
from 0 to 1 and label it 21 or then mark the midpoint of each of the smaller
1 1
line segments (the one from 0 to and the one from to 1) and label the two new
2 2
1 3
points and , respectively repeat the process with the four smaller line segments
4 4
1 1 3 1 5 3 7
to get as the marked rationals between 0 and 1. It doesn’t take
8 4 8 2 8 4 8
too many iterations of this process to have it look like you have ¿lled the interval.
Of course, we know that we haven’t because any rational in the from p q 1 where
0 p q and q / 2n for any n has been omitted. What turned out to be a
surprise, at the time of discovery, is that all the rationals r such the 0 n r n 1
will not be “enough to ¿ll the interval [0 1].” At this point we have the set of
elements of the ¿eld that are not in any of the special subsets, R T R , and the
“set of vacancies” on our model line. We don’t know that there is a one-to-one
correspondence between them. That there is a correspondence follows from the
what is proved in the Appendix to Chapter 1 of our text.
Henceforth, we use U 0 1 to denote the ordered ¿eld (of reals) that
satis¿es the least upper bound property and may make free use of the fact that for
any x + U we have that x is either rational or the least upper bound of a set of
rationals. Note that the sub¿eld T 0 1 is an ordered ¿eld that does not
satisfy the least upper bound property.
Corollary 1.3.3 (Density of the Rational Numbers) If : and ; are real numbers
with : ;, then there is a rational number r such that : r ;.
Proof. Since 1 and ; : are positive real numbers, by the Archimedean Prin-
ciple, there exists a positive integer m such that 1 m; :, or equivalently
m: 1 n m;
n 1 n m: 1 n m;
Corollary 1.3.4 (Density of the Irrational Numbers) If : and ; are real num-
bers with : ;, then there is an irrational number < such that : < ;.
Proof. Suppose that : and ; are real numbers withT: ;. By Corollary 1.3.3,
there is a rational r that is between T: and T; . Since 2 is irrational, we conclude
T 2 2
that < r 2 is an irrational that is between : and ;.
Before we start the proof, we note the following fact that will be used in the
d e
Fact 1.3.6 1y 1z 1n y z + U F n + M F 0 y z " y n z n
To see this, for y z + U satisfying are 0 y z, let
j k
S n + M : y n zn .
Our set-up automatically places 1 + S. Suppose that k + S i.e., k + M and y k z k .
Since 0 y, by O F2, y k1 y y k y z k . From 0 z and repeated use
of Proposition 1.2.9(#2), we can justify that 0 z k . Then O F2 with 0 z k and
y z yields that y z k z z k z k1 . As a consequence of the transitive law,
y k1 y z k F y z k z k1 " y k1 z k1
that is, k 1 + S. Since k was arbitrary, we conclude that
1k k + S " k 1 + S.
From 1 + S F 1k k + S " k 1 + S, S is an inductive subset of the
natural numbers. By the Principle of Mathematical Induction (PMI), S M. Since
y and z were arbitrary, this completes the justi¿cation of the claim.
d e
Fact 1.3.7 1* 1n * + U F n + M
1 F 0 * 1 " * n *
Since n o 2, n 1 o 1 and, by Fact 1.3.6, *n1 1n1 1. From O F2,
0 * F * n1 1 implies that * n * n1 * 1 * * i.e., * n * as
Fact 1.3.8 1a 1b 1n [a b + U F n + M
1 F 0 a b
" bn a n b a nbn1 ]
From Fact 1.3.6, n o 2 F 0 a b " a n1 bn1 , while O F2 yields
that a b j b b j b j1 for j 1 2 n 2. It can be shown (by repeated
application of Exercise 6(a)) that
bn1 bn2 a ba n2 a n1 bn1 bn1 bn1 nbn1
this, with O F2, implies that
r s
b a b a b
n n n1
b a ba
n2 n2
a n1
b a nbn1
as claimed.
Proof. (of the theorem.) Let U
u + U : u 0. When n 1, there is
nothing to prove so we assume that n o 2. For ¿xed x + U and n + M
1, set
j k
E t + U : t n x .
Excursion 1.3.9 Use * to justify that E / 3.
y lub E .
y hn y n hn y hn1 x y n .
yn x
ny n1
From case 1 and case 2, we conclude that y n x. this concludes the proof that
there exists a solution to the given equation.
The uniqueness of the solution follows from Fact 1.3.6. To see this, note
that, if y x and * is such that 0 * / y, then * y implies that * n y n
The work needed to complete Excursion 1.3.11 was a little more involved. In
this case, the given inequality led to t n x or t n x which justi¿es that
t +
E hence, t y k implies that t + E which is logically equivalent to t + E
implies that t y k. This would make y k an upper bound for E which is a
contradiction. Obtaining the contradiction yields that x y n is also not true.***
Remark 1.3.12 For x a positive real number and T n a natural number, the number
y that satis¿es the equation y x is written as x and is read as “the nth root of
n n
: n ; n :;n .
From this identity and the theorem we have the following identity involving nth
roots of positive real numbers.
Corollary 1.3.13 If a and b are positive real numbers and n is a positive integer,
* *
meaning attached to any of the expressions * * or or in fact, these
* *
expressions should never appear in things that you write. Because the symbols *
and * do not have additive (or multiplicative) inverses, U C
* * is not a
¿eld. On the other hand, we do have some conventions concerning “interaction” of
the special symbols with elements of the ¿eld U namely,
x x
If x + U, then x * *, x * * and 0.
* *
If x 0, then x * * and x * *.
Notice that nothing is said about the product of zero with either of the special sym-
Hence, 0 0 and 1 0 satisfy the additive identity property and the multiplica-
tive identity ¿eld property, respectively. Since the binary operations are de¿ned as
combinations of sums and products involving reals, direct substitution and appro-
priate manipulation leads to the conclusion that addition and multiplication over
F are commutative and associative under addition and multiplication. (The actual
manipulations are shown in our text on pages 12-13.)
To see that the additive inverse property is satis¿ed, note that x y + F implies
that x + U F y + U. The additive inverse property in the ¿eld U yields that x + U
and y + U. It follows that x y + F and x y x y 0 0 and
Suppose x y + F is such that x y / 0 0. tThen x / 0 G y /u 0 from
x y
which we conclude that x 2 y 2 / 0 and a b 2 is well
de f x y x y2
2 2
de¿ned. Now,
t u
x y
x y a b x y
t x 2 y2 x 2 y2 u
x y y x
x 2 y 2 x 2 y 2
t x y x y2 x y 2u x y2
x x y y x y y x
t 2 x2 y u x y
2 2 2 2
x y x y yx
x 2 y2 x 2 y2
1 0.
Remark 1.4.1 Identifying each element of F in the form x 0 with x + U leads to
the corresponding identi¿cation of the sums and products, x a x 0a 0
x a 0 and x a x 0 a 0 x a 0. Hence, the real ¿eld is a sub¿eld
of the complex ¿eld.
The following de¿nition will get us to an alternative formulation for the complex
numbers that can make some of their properties easier to remember.
i 2 1 0 1 and
with addition and multiplication being carried out using the distributive law, com-
mutativity, and associativity.
We have two useful forms for complex numbers the rectangular and trigono-
metric forms for the complex numbers are freely interchangeable and offer different
geometric advantages.
Most of the properties that are listed in the following theorems can be shown
fairly directly from the rectangular form.
Excursion 1.4.9 Use the polar form for complex numbers to develop a geometric
interpretation of the product of two complex numbers.
The following identity can be useful when working with complex numbers in
polar form.
Proposition 1.4.10 (DeMoivre’s Law) For A real and n + ],
[cis A]n cis nA .
Example 1.4.11 Find all the complex numbers that when cubed give the value one.
We are looking for all ? + F such that ? 3 1. DeMoivre’s Law offers us a nice
n 3 for solving
n this equation. Let ? r cis A . Then? 3 1 % r 3 cis 3A 1. Since
nr cis 3A n r , we immediately conclude that we must have r 1. Hence, we need
only solve the equation cis 3A 1. Due to the periodicity of the sine and cosine,
we know that the last equation is equivalent to ¿nding all A such | that cis 3A}
cis 2kH for k + ] which yields that 3A 2kH for k + ]. But :k+]
| } 3
2H 2H
0 . Thus, we have three distinct complex numbers whose cubes are
3 3 t u t u
2H 2H
one namely, cis , cis 0 1, and cis . In rectangular form, the three
3 3 T T
1 3 1 3
complex numbers whose cubes are one are: i , 0, and .
2 2 2 2
Theorem 1.4.12 (Schwarz’s Inequality) If a1 an and b1 bn are complex
numbers, then
n n2
n; n n ;n n n ;n n n
n n na j n 2 nb j n .
n a b n n
n j1 j j n j1 j1
complex numbers because we will use them for mappings and for applications to
various phenomena happening within “shapes.” Towards this end, let’s do some
work on describing sets of complex numbers given by equations involving complex
One way to obtain a description is to translate the expressions to equations in-
volving two real variables by substituting z x i y.
2 z 2 Im z 1
Let z x i y. Then
2 z 2 Im z 1 % 2 x 2 y 2 2y 1 t u
b b 2 c c 1
% 4 x y 2 4y 2 4y 1 F y o
% 4x 2 4y 1 F y o
t u 2
1 1
% x y
2 Fyo .
4 2
1 1 1
The last equation implies that y n . Since y n F y o is never satis¿ed, we
4 4 2
conclude that the set of solutions for the given equation is empty.
***Your work should have given the 2i as the only solution.***
z : z z 0 r is the locus of all points z equidistant from the ¿xed
point, z 0 , with the distance being r 0. (a circle)
z : z z 1 z z 2 is the locus of all points z equidistant from two
¿xed points, z 1 and z 2 . (the perpendicular bisec-
tor of the line segment joining z 1 and z 2 .)
z : zz 1 zz 2 is the locus of all points for which the sum of the
I for a constant I distances from 2 ¿xed points, z 1 and z 2 , is a con-
z 1 z 2 stant greater than z 1 z 2 . (an ellipse)
Excursion 1.4.17 For each of the following, without substituting x i y for z, sketch
the set of points z that satisfy the given equations. Provide labels, names, and/or
important points for each object.
n n
n z 2i n
1. nn n1
z 3 2i n
2. z 4i z 7i 12
3. 4z 3 i n 3
| n n }
nz a n
z+F:n n k k / 1
z bn
describes a circle.
n n
nz an
***Simplifying n n k leads to
z bn
r s b _c b _c r s
1 k 2 z2 2 Re a z 2k 2 Re b z a2 k 2 b2
(a) Is there an additive identity for the algebraic structure I c e? BrieÀy
justify your position.
(b) Is the multiplicative inverse property satis¿ed? If yes, specify a multi-
plicative inverse for each element of I that has one.
a b c a b c and a b c a b c.
8. Find the least upper bound and the greatest lower bound for each of the fol-
| }
n 1n
(a) :n+Q
| t u }
(b) 1n H :n+Q
| }
1 1
(c) : m n + M
m n
| }
(d) :x +U
1 x2
| }
1 1
(e) :n+M
3n 5n1
| }
(f) x : x + U
| }
1 1
(g) x : x 2
x 2
9. Let X n be an ordered set and A l X. Prove that, if A has a least upper
bound in X, it is unique.
2 1
11. For f x 2 , ¿nd
x x
14. Use the Principle of Mathematical Induction to prove that, for a o 0 and n a
natural number, 1 an o 1 na.
(c) 1 i3 .
16. Show that the following expressions are both equal to one.
T 3 T 3
1 i 3 1 i 3
(a) (b)
2 2
17. For any integers k and n, show that i n i n4k . How many distinct values
can be assumed by i n ?
(b) 3z 1 2z 2 . (e) z 1 z 2 .
(c) z 1 z 2 4. (f) 2z 1 3z 2 1.
20. Prove that there is no ordering on the complex ¿eld that will make it an or-
dered ¿eld.
21. Carefully justify the following parts of Theorem 1.4.6. For z and * complex
(d) Re z n z and Im z n z,
(e) z *2 z2 2 Re z* *2 .
22. Prove the “other” triangular inequality: For complex numbers z 1 and z 2 ,
z 1 z 2 o z 1 z 2 .
23. Carefully justify the following parts of Theorem 1.4.8. If z and * are complex
numbers, then
(a) z * z *
(b) z* z *
z z z z
(c) Re z , Im z ,
2 2i
(d) zz is a nonnegative real number.
26. Prove that the vector z 1 is parallel to the vector z 2 if and only if Im z 1 z 2 0.
Chapter 2
From Finite to Uncountable Sets
3. f is a one-to-one correspondence, written f : A B, if and only if f is
one-to-one and onto.
rng f
y + B : 2x x + A F x y + f B
de f
In the next example, the ¿rst part is shown for completeness and to remind the
reader about how that part of the argument that something is a function can be
proved. As a matter of general practice, as long as we are looking at basic functions
that result in simple algebraic combinations of variables, you can assume that was
is given in that form in a function on either its implied domain or on a domain that
is speci¿ed.
|t u }
Example 2.1.3 For f x + U U : 1 x 1 , prove that
1 x
f : 1 1 U.
i.e., f is single-valued.
Because f is a single-valued relation from 1 1 to U whose domain
is 1 1, we conclude that f : 1 1 U.
x1 x2
(b) Suppose that f x1 f x2 i.e., x1 x2 + 1 1 and .
1 x1 1 x2
Since f x1 f x2 we must have that f x1 0 F f x2 0 or
f x1 o 0 F f x2 o 0 which implies that 1 x1 0 F 1 x2 0
or 1 x1 o 0 F 1 x 2 o 0. Now x1 x2 + 1 0 yields that f x1
x1 x2 x1
f x2 , while x1 x2 + [0 1 leads to f x1
1 x1 1 x2 1 x1
f x2 . In either case, a simple calculation gives that x1 x 2 .
1 x2
Since x1 and x2 were arbitrary, 1x1 1x2 f x1 f x2 " x1 x2 .
Therefore, f is one-to-one.
(c) Finally, ¿ll in what is missing to ¿nish showing that f is onto. Let * + U.
Then either * 0 or * o 0. For * 0, let x . Then 1 * 0
and, because 1 0, we have that 1 * * or 1 * *. Hence,
1 and we conclude the x + . It follows that
1* 1
x and
f x .
1 x 3
For * o 0, let x . Because 1 0 and * o 0 implies that
* 0 which is equivalent to having 1 x 0.
Hence, x and
f x .
Given a relation from a set A to a set B, we saw two relations that could be used
to describe or characterize properties of functions.
De¿nition 2.1.4 Given sets A, B, and C, let R + S A B and S + P B C
where S X denotes the power set of X.
1. the inverse of R, denoted by R 1 , is
y x : x y + R
2. the composition of R and S, denoted by S i R, is
x z + A C : 2y x y + R F y z + S
j k
Example 2.1.5 For R x y + Q ] : x 2 y 2 n 4 and
x y + U U : y 2x} 1, R 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 2, S 1
x 1
x y + U U : y , and S i R
1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1.
Note that the inverse of a relation from a set A to a set B is always a relation
from B to A this is because a relation is an arbitrary subset of a Cartesian product
that neither restricts nor requires any extent to which elements of A or B must be
used. On the other hand, while the inverse of a function must be a relation, it need
not be a function even if the inverse is a function, it need not be a function with
domain B. The following theorem, from MAT108, gave us necessary and suf¿cient
conditions under which the inverse of a function is a function.
Theorem 2.1.6 Let f : A B. Then f 1 is a function if and only if f is one–to–
one. If f 1 is a function, then f 1 is a function from B into A if and only if f is a
function from A onto B.
We also saw many results that related inverses, compositions and the identity
function. These should have included all or a large subset of the following.
Theorem 2.1.7 Let f : A B and g : B C. Then g i f is a function from A
into C.
Theorem 2.1.8 Suppose that A, B, C, and D are sets, R + S A B, S +
S B C, and T + S C D. Then
T i S i R T i S i R.
S i R1 R 1 i S 1 .
Theorem 2.1.9 Suppose that A and B are sets and that R + S A B. Then
1. R i R 1 + S B B and, whenever R is single-valued, R i R 1 l I B
2. R 1 i R + S A A and, whenever R is one-to-one, R 1 i R l I A
b c1
3. R 1 R
4. I B i R R and R i I A R.
Theorem 2.1.10 For f : A B and g : B C,
1. If f and g are one–to–one, then g i f is one–to–one.
2. If f is onto B and g is onto C, then g i f is onto C.
3. If g i f is one–to–one, then f is one–to–one.
4. If g i f is onto C then g is onto C.
Theorem 2.1.11 Suppose that A, B, C, and D are sets in the universe X .
1. If h is a function having dom h A, g is a function such that dom g B,
and A D B 3, then h C g is a function such that dom h C g A C B.
2. If h : A C, g : B D and A D B 3, then h C g : A C B C C D.
11 11
3. If h : A C, g : B D, A D B 3, and C D D 3, then
h C g : A C B C C D
Remark 2.1.12 Theorem 2.1.11 can be used to give a slightly different proof of the
result that was shown in Example 2.1.3. Notice that the relation f that was given
in Example 2.1.3 can be realized as f 1 C f 2 where
|t u }
f1 x + U U : 1 x 0
|t u }
f2 x +UU:0n x 1
11 11
for this set-up, we would show that f 1 : 1 0 * 0 and f 2 : [0 1
[0 * and claim f 1 C f 2 : 1 1 U from Theorem 2.1.11, parts #2 and
x f x : x + [0 1]
! 1
! , if x + A
f x x
! , if x + B
! 1 2x
x , if x + [0 1] A C B
to prove that the closed interval [0 1] is cardinally equivalent to the open interval
0 1.
Proof. Let F
x f x : x + [0 1] where f is de¿ned above. Then F
x g1 : x + A CB C
x g2 : x + [0 1] A C B where
! 1
2 , if x + A
g1 x x and g2 f [01]ACB .
1 2x , if x + B
Suppose that x + A C B. Then either x 0 or there exists n + Q such that x .
t u 1
1 1 n 1
It follows that g1 x g1 0 or g1 x g1 +
2 n 1 n2
0 1. Since x was arbitrary, we have that
g1 is one-to-one. Therefore,
g1 : A C B C.
We know an in¿nite set is one that is not ¿nite. Now it would be nice to have
some meaningful in¿nite sets. The ¿rst one we think of is Q or M. While this claim
may seem obvious, it needs proving. This leads to the following
Proof. Since
3 1 + M, M is not empty. To prove that 2k k + M F Mk q M
de f
rr 11
s s
is suf¿ces to show that 1k 1 f k + MF f : Mk M " f [Mk ] / M . Sup-
pose that k + M and f is such that f : Mk M. Let n f 1 f 2 f k1.
For each j, 1 n j n k, we have that f j 0. Hence, n is a natural number that
is greater than each f j. Thus, n / f j for any j + Mk . But then n +
rng f
from which we conclude that f isrrnot onto M i.e., f [Mk ]s/ M. Since k and
s f were
arbitrary, we have that 1k 1 f k + MF f : Mk M " f [Mk ] / M which is
equivalent to the claim that 1k k + M " Mk M. Because
M / 3 F 2k k + M F M q Mk
Remark 2.2.6 From the Pigeonhole Principle (various forms of which were visited
in MAT108), we know that, for any set X,
which is equivalent to
In fact, - could have been used as a alternative de¿nition of in¿nite set. To see
how - can be used to prove that a set is in¿nite, note that
n + M : 2n
Remark 2.2.8 It can be shown, and in some sections of MAT108 it was shown,
that SM q U. Since M U, the cardinality of U represents a different “level
of in¿nite.” The symbol given for the cardinality of U is c, an abbreviation for
! n
! , n +MF2n
2. Use the function f n
! n1
, n + MF2 0 n
***For (1), one of the functions that would have worked is f x x 30 jus-
tifying that f : 2 4 5 20 involves only simple algebraic manipulations.
Showing that the function given in (2) in one-to-one and onto involves applying
elementary algebra to the several cases that need to be considered for members of
the domain and range.***
We close this section with a proposition that illustrates the general approach that
can be used for drawing conclusions concerning the cardinality of the union of two
sets having known cardinalities
Proposition 2.2.10 The union a denumerable set and a ¿nite set is denumerable
Proof. Let A and B be sets such that A is denumerable and B is ¿nite. First
we will prove that A C B is denumerable when A D B 3. Since B is ¿nite, we
have that either B 3 or there exists a natural number k and a function f such that
f : B
j + Q : j n k.
If B 3, then A C B A is denumerable. If B / 3, then let f be such
that f : B Qk where Qk
j + Qk : j n k. Since A is denumerable, there
de f
exists a function g such that g : A Q. Now let h
n n k : n + Q.
Because addition is a binary operation on Q and Q is closed under addition, for
each n + Q, n k is a uniquely determined natural number. Hence, we have that
h : Q Q. Since n + Q implies that n o 1, from OF1, nk o 1k consequently,
an : n + M
Now, if A is a denumerable or countably in¿nite set then there exists a function
g such that g : M A. In this case, letting g n xn leads to a sequence
xn n+M
of elements of A that exhausts A i.e., every element of A appears someplace in
the sequence. This phenomenon explains our meaning to saying that the “elements
of A can be arranged in an in¿nite sequence.” The proof of the following theorem
illustrates an application of this phenomenon.
Theorem 2.2.12 Every in¿nite subset of a countably in¿nite set is countably in¿-
m + M : am + E .
m + M : am + E
n 1 .
n k min Sk *here Sk
m + M : am + E
n 1 n 2 n k1
Example 2.3.2 For each j + ], where ] denotes the set of integers, let
A j
x1 x2 + U U : x1 j n 1 F x2 n 1,
> ?
Find A j and Aj.
j+] j+]
Lemma 2.4.1 If A and B are disjoint ¿nite sets, then A C B is ¿nite and
A C B A B .
Excursion 2.4.2 Fill in what is missing to complete the following proof of the
i + Q : i n k D H 3, f : A
i + Q : i n k, and
F : B H implies that
f CF: . Since
i + Q : i n k C H , we
conclude that A C B is and
A C B .
10 11
Lemma 2.4.1 and the Principle of Mathematical Induction can be used to prove
Now we want to extend the result of the theorem to a comparable result concern-
ing denumerable sets. The proof should be reminiscent of the proof that T 80 .
Proof. For each n + M, jlet Ekn be a denumerable set. Each E n can be arranged
as an in¿nite sequence, say xn j j1 . Then
> j k
Ek xn j : n + M F j + M .
> >
Because E 1 is denumerable and E 1 t E j , we know that E j is an in¿nite
j+M j +M
set. We can use the sequential arrangement to establish an in¿nite array let the
.The terms in the in¿nite array can be rearranged in an expanding triangular array,
such as
x21 x 12
x31 x 22 x13
x41 x 32 x23 x14
x51 x 42 x33 x24 x15 .
x61 x 52 x43 x34 x25 x16
x71 x 62 x53 x44 x35 x26 x17
is at most countable.
The last theorem in this section determines the cardinality of sets of n tuples
that are formed from a given countably in¿nite set.
Theorem 2.4.6 For A a denumerable set and n + M, let Tn _A A
^] A`
n o f them
An i.e.,
j b ck
Tn a1 a2 an : 1 j j + M F 1 n j n n " a j + A .
Then Tn is denumerable.
Proof. Let S
n + M : Tn q M. Since T1 A and A is denumerable, 1 + S.
Suppose that k + S i.e., k + M and Tk is denumerable. Now Tk1 Tk A where
it is understood that x1 x2 xk a x1 x 2 xk a. For each b + Tk ,
b a : a + A q A. Hence,
1b b + Tk "
b a : a + A q M .
Because Tk is denumerable and
b a : a + A
Proof. Since
12 13 14 l 0 1 and
12 13 14 q M, we know that 0 1
is not ¿nite.
Suppose that
f : M 0 1
where akm +
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Because f is one-to-one, we know
that, if 20000 is in the listing, then 199999 isnot.
N O if a j j / N O
Finally, let m 0b1 b2 b3 b4 , where b j (The
[ ] if a j j N O
substitutions for NO.and [] are yours to choose.). Now justify that there is no q + M
Corollary 2.5.2 The set of sequences whose terms are the digits 0 and 1 is an
uncountable set.
(a) R
1 3 1 5 5 7 10 12
j k
(b) R x y + U U : y x 2
(c) R
a b + A B : ab where A M and B
j + ] : j n 6
(b) f x x 3
4. Prove each of the following parts of theorems that were stated in this chapter.
S i R1 R 1 i S 1 .
(c) Suppose that A and B are sets and that R + S A B. Then
(d) Suppose that A and B are sets and that R + S A B. Then
(e) Suppose that A and B are sets and that R + S A B. Then
r s1
R 1 R I B i R Rand R i I A R
11 11
(c) If h : A C, g : B D, A D B 3, and C D D 3, then
h C g : A C B C C D
8. Prove that the set of natural numbers that are primes is in¿nite.
10. Find the union and intersection of each of the following families of sets.
(a) D
1 3 5
2 3 4 5 6
0 3 7 9
v u
1 1
(b) D
An : n + M where An 2
n n
t u
(c) E
Bn : n + M where Bn n
| }
3 2
(d) F
Cn : n + M where Cn x + U : 4 x 6
n 3n
12. For Z M C
0, let F : Z Z Z be de¿ned by
k k 1
F i j j
where k i j . Prove that F is a one-to-one correspondence.
Thus far, our focus has been on studying, reviewing, and/or developing an under-
standing and ability to make use of properties of U U1 . The next goal is to
generalize our work to Un and, eventually, to study functions on Un .
De¿nition 3.1.1 Let S and T be sets. The Cartesian product of S and T , denoted
by S T , is
p q : p + S F q + T .
Our primary interest is going to be the case where each set is the set of real
De¿nition 3.1.2 Real n-space, denoted Un , is the set all ordered n-tuples of real
numbers i.e.,
x1 x2 xn : x1 x 2 xn + U .
Thus, Un U
_ U
^] U`, the Cartesian product of U with itself n times.
n of them
a b
a b.
de f
This de¿nition leads to the more familiar statement that a b c d if and only
if a b and c d. It also follows from the de¿nition that, for sets A, B and
C, A B C is, in general, not equal to A B C i.e., the Cartesian
product is not associative. Hence, some conventions are introduced in order to
give meaning to the extension of the binary operation to more that two sets. If we
de¿ne ordered triples in terms of ordered pairs by setting a b c a b c
this would allow us to claim that a b c x y z if and only if a x, b y,
and c z. With this in mind, we interpret the Cartesian product of sets that are
themselves Cartesian products as “big” Cartesian products with each entry in the
tuple inheriting restrictions from the original sets. The point is to have helpful
descriptions of objects that are described in terms of n-tuple.
De¿nition 3.1.4 A real vector space Y is a set of elements called vectors, with
given operations of vector addition : Y Y Y and scalar multiplication
: U Y Y that satisfy each of the following:
7. 1D 1< 1w D < + U F w + Y " D < w D w< w distribu-
Given two vectors, x x1 x2 x n and y y1 y2 yn in Un , the inner
product (also known as the scalar product) is
xy x j yj
The vector space Un together with the inner product and Euclidean norm is called
Euclidean n-space. The following two theorems pull together the basic properties
that are satis¿ed by the Euclidean norm.
(a) x o 0
(b) x 0 % x 0
(c) :x : x and
(d) x y n x y.
Excursion 3.1.6 Use Schwarz’s Inequality to justify part (d). For x x1 x2 xn
and y y1 y2 yn in Un ,
x y2
Remark 3.1.7 It often helps to take our observations back to the setting that is
“once removed” from U1 . For the case U2 , the statement given in part (d) of the
theorem relates to the dot product of two vectors: For G x1 x2 and @ y1 y2 ,
we have that
G @ x1 y1 x2 y2
which, in vector calculus, was shown to be equivalent to G@cosA where A is the
angle between the vectors G and @.
Theorem 3.1.8 (The Triangular Inequalities) Suppose that x x 1 x 2 x N ,
y y1 y2 y N and z z 1 z 2 z N are elements of U N . Then
(a) x y n x y i.e.,
12 12 12
;N ;
N ;N
x j y j 2 n x 2j y 2j
j1 j1 j1
where 12 denotes the positive square root and equality holds if and only
if either all the x j are zero or there is a nonnegative real number D such that
y j Dx j for each j, 1 n j n N and
(b) x z n x y y z i.e.,
12 12 12
; N ;N ;N
x j z j 2 n x j y j 2 y j z j 2
j1 j1 j1
where 12 denotes the positive square root and equality holds if and only
if there is a real number r , with 0 n r n 1, such that y j r x j 1 r z j
for each j, 1 n j n N .
x y z : x 2 y 2 1 F a n z n b
x y z : a n x n b, y 2 z 2 1
If graphed on the same U3 -coordinate system, U and V are different objects due to
different orientation on the other hand, U and V have the same height and radius
which yield the same volume, surface area etc. Consequently, distinguishing U
from V depends on perspective and reason for study. In the next section, we lay the
foundation for properties that place U and V in the same category.
De¿nition 3.2.2 A metric space consists of a pair S d–a set, S, and a metric, d,
on S.
Remark 3.2.3 There are three commonly used (studied) metrics for the set U N .
For x x1 x2 x N and y y1 y2 y N , we have:
T3 b c2
U N d where dx y j1 x j y j , the Euclidean metric,
U N D where Dx y j1 x j
y j , and
n n
U N d* where d* x y max nx j y j n.
1n jnN
1. A
x + U2 : d0 x n 1
2. B
x + U2 : D0 x n 1
3. C
x + U2 : d*0 x n 1
***For (1), you should have gotten the closed circle with center at origin and radius
one for (2), your work should have led you to a “diamond” having vertices at 1 0,
0 1, 1 0, and 0 1 the closed shape for (3) is the square with vertices
1 1, 1 1, 1 1, and 1 1.***
Though we haven’t de¿ned continuous and integrable functions yet as a part of
this course, we offer the following observation to make the point that metric spaces
can be over different objects. Let F be the set of all functions that are continuous
real valued functions on the interval I x : 0 x n 1. Then there are two
natural metrics to consider on the set F namely, for f and g in F we have
(1) F d where d f g max f x gx, and
(2) F d where d f g 0 f x gxdx
Because metrics on the same set can be distinctly different, we would like to
distinguish those that are related to each other in terms of being able to “travel
between” information given by them. With this in mind, we introduce the notion of
equivalent metrics.
De¿nition 3.2.5 Given a set S and two metric spaces S d1 and S d2 , d1 and
d2 are said to be equivalent metrics if and only if there are positive constants c and
C such that cd1 x y n d2 x y n Cd1 x y for all x y in S.
1. Let A
x + U2 : d0 x n 1. Draw a ¿gure showing the boundary of
A and then show the largest circumscribed square that is symmetric about
the origin and the square, symmetric about the origin, that circumscribes the
boundary of A.
2. Let C
x + U2 : d*0 x n 1. Draw a ¿gure showing the boundary of C
and then show the largest circumscribed circle that is centered at the origin
and the circle, centered at the origin, that circumscribes the boundary of C.
Q (1), your outer square shouldR have corresponded to
x x1 x 2 + U2 : d*0 x 2 the outer circle that you showed for part of
(2) should have corresponded to x x1 x2 + U2 : d0 x 2 .***
a metric space.
De¿nition 3.2.8 Given real numbers a1 a2 an and b1 b2 bn such that a j
b j for j 1 2 n,
j b ck
x 1 x2 xn + Un : 1 j 1 n j n n " a j n x j n b j
is called an n-cell.
Remark 3.2.9 With this terminology, a 1-cell is an interval and a 2-cell is a rect-
De¿nition 3.2.10 If x + Un and r is a positive real number, then the open ball with
center x and radius r is given by
j k
B x r y + Un : x y r
Example 3.2.12 For x + Un and r a positive real number, suppose that y and z are
in B x r . If D real is such that 0 D 1, then
Dy 1 D z x D y x 1 D z x
n D y x 1 D z x
Dr 1 D r r .
Nr p0
p + S : d p p0 r
Nr p0
p + S : d p p0 n r
Remark 3.3.2 The sets A, B and C de¿ned in Excursion 3.2.4 are examples of
closed neighborhoods in U2 that are centered at 0 0 with unit radius.
What does the unit neighborhood look like for U2 , d
0 if x y
dx y is known as the discrete metric?
1 if x / y
(N.B. A limit point need not be in the set for which it is a limit point.)
3. The set A is said to be closed if and only if A contains all of its limit points.
b b cd ec
1 p p + A " 2Nr p p Nr p p t A
Example 3.3.4 For each of the following subsets of U2 use the space that is pro-
vided to justify the claims that are made for the given set.
x1 x 2 + U2 : x1 x2 + M F x1 x2 5 is closed because is contains all
none of its limit points.
x1 x 2 + U2 : 4 x12 F x2 + M is neither open not closed.
x1 x 2 + U2 : x 2 x1 is open.
Our next result relates neighborhoods to the “open” and “closed” adjectives.
Use this space to draw some helpful pictures related to proving the results.
r r1 3r1 r
d p0 x n d p0 q d q x r1 r.
4 4
Hence, x + Nr p0 . Since x was arbitrary, we conclude that
b c
1x x + NI q " x + Nr p0
Excursion 3.3.6 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof of
Let Nr p0 be a closed neighborhood and suppose that q is a limit point of
Nr p0 . Then, for each rn , n + M, there exists pn / q such that pn + Nr p0
and d q pn . Because pn + Nr p0 , d p0 pn n r for each n + M. Hence,
by the triangular inequality
d q p0 n d q pn n .
1 2
Since q and p0 are ¿xed and goes to 0 as n goes to in¿nity, it follows that
d q p0 n r that is, q + . Finally, q and arbitrary limit point of
Nr p0 leads to the conclusion that Nr p0 contains .
Therefore, Nr p0 is closed.
***Acceptable responses are: (1) d pn p0 , (2) r , (3) Nr p0 , (4) all of its
limit points.***
The de¿nition of limit point leads us directly to the conclusion that only in¿nite
subsets of metric spaces will have limit points.
is a ¿nite set. If N p D A 3 or , N p D A
p, then p is not a limit
point. Otherwise, N p D A being ¿nite implies that it can be realized as a ¿nite
b q1 cq2 q3 qn for some
sequence, say b ¿xed
c n + M. For each j, 1 n j n n,
let r j d x q j . Set I min d x q j . If p +
q1 q2 q3 qn , then
1n jnn
q j / p
NI p D A
p otherwise NI p D A 3. In either case, we conclude that p
is not a limit point of A.
We have shown that if p + X has a neighborhood, N p, with the property
that N p D A is a ¿nite set, then p is not a limit point of A t X. From the
contrapositive tautology it follows immediately that if p is a limit point of A t X,
then every neighborhood of p contains in¿nitely many points of A.
Corollary 3.3.8 Any ¿nite subset of a metric space has no limit point.
From the Corollary, we note that every ¿nite subset of a metric space is closed
because it contains all none of its limit points.
The example tells us that we may need some special conditions in order to claim
preservation of being open or closed when taking unions and/or intersections over
families of sets.
The other set operation that is commonly studied is complement or relative com-
plement. We know that the complement of a segment in U1 is closed. This moti-
vates us to consider complements of subsets of metric spaces in general. Recall the
De¿nition 3.3.10 Suppose that A and B are subsets of a set S. Then the set differ-
ence (or relative complement) A B, read “A not B”, is given by
p + S : p + A F p +
x1 x2 + U2 : x1 1 n 1 F x2 1 n 1
The following identities, which were proved in MAT108, are helpful when we
are looking at complements of unions and intersections. Namely, we have
Theorem 3.3.12 (deMorgan’s Laws) Suppose that S is any space and I is a fam-
ily of subsets of S. Then
> ?
A Ac
A+5 A+5
? >
A Ac
A+5 A+5
The following theorem pulls together basic statement concerning how unions,
intersections and complements effect the properties of being open or closed. Be-
cause their proofs are straightforward applications of the de¿nitions, most are left
as exercises.
2. If
7m A1 A2 Am is a ¿nite family of open subsets of S, then the intersection
j1 A j is open.
Remark 3.3.14 Take the time to look back at the proof of (#2) to make sure that
you where that fact that the intersection was over a ¿nite family of open subsets of
S was critical to the proof.
Given a subset of a metric space that is neither open nor closed we’d like to have
a way of describing the process of “extracting an open subset” or “building up to a
closed subset.” The following terminology will allow us to classify elements of a
metric space S in terms of their relationship to a subset A t S.
where Ac S A.
2. The interior of A, denoted by Int A or A0 , is the set of all interior points
of A.
3. The exterior of A, denoted by Ext A, is the set of all exterior points of A.
5. The closure of A, denoted by A, is the union of A and its derived set i.e.,
A A C A) .
Remark 3.3.16 Note that, if A is a subset of a metric space S, then Ext A
Int Ac and
d e
x + " A % 1Nr x Nr x D A / 3 F Nr x D Ac / 3 .
x 1 x 2 + U2 : x 12 x22 1
x1 x2 + U2 : x1 1 n 1 F x2 1 n 1
1. Sketch a graph of A C B.
***Hopefully, your graph of A C B consisted of the union of the open disc that
is centered at the origin and has radius one with the closed square having vertices
0 0, 1 0, 1 1 and 0 1 the disc and square overlap in the ¿rst quadrant and
the set is not open and not closed. Your sketch of Int A C B should have shown
the disc and square without the boundaries (i.e., with the outline boundaries as not
solid curves), while your sketch of Ext A C B should have shown everything that
is outside the combined disc and square–also with the outlining boundary as not
solid curves. Finally, because A C B has no isolated points, A C B) and A C B
are shown as the same sets–looking like Int A C B with the outlining boundary
now shown as solid curves.***
The following theorem relates the properties of being open or closed to the
concepts described in De¿nition 3.3.15.
The proof of part (a) is problem #6 in WRp43, while (e) and (g) are parts of
problem #9 in WRp43.
Excursion 3.3.19 Fill in what is missing to complete the following proofs of parts
(b), (c), and (f).
Part (b): In view of Theorem 3.3.13(#3), it suf¿ces to show that .
b cc )
Suppose that x + S is such that x + A . Because A ACA , it follows that x + A
and . From the latter, there exists a neighborhood of x, N x, such
that D A 3 while the former yields that D
3 4
A 3. Hence, N x t Ac . Suppose that y + N x. Since , there
exists a neighborhood N ` y such that N ` y t N x. From the transitivity of
subset, from which we conclude that y is not a limit point of A i.e.,
b cc
y + A) . Because y was arbitrary,
1y y + N x "
b cc
Therefore, A is open.
* + B and N x
x D B / 3. Since N x was arbitrary, we conclude that
. Because B is closed, . Combining the conclusions
16 17
and noting that x + A was arbitrary, we have that
1x .
Thus, A t B
De¿nition 3.3.20 For a metric space X d and E t X, the set E is dense in X if
and only if
b c
1x x + X " x + E G x + E ) .
Remark 3.3.21 Note that for a metric space X d, E t X implies that E t X
because the space X is closed. On the other hand, if E is dense in X, then X t
E C E ) E. Consequently, we see that E is dense in a metric space X if and only
if E X.
Example 3.3.22 We have that the sets of rationals and irrationals are dense in Eu-
clidean 1-space. This was shown in the two Corollaries the Archimedean Principle
for Real Numbers that were appropriately named “Density of the Rational Num-
bers” and “Density of the Irrational Numbers.”
De¿nition 3.3.23 For a metric space X d and E t X, the set E is bounded if
and only if
d e
2M 2q M + U F q + X F E t N M q .
Excursion 3.3.24 Justify that each of the following sets is bounded in Euclidean
j k
1. A x1 x2 + U2 : 1 n x1 2 F x2 3 1
j k
2. B x1 x2 x3 + U3 : x1 o 0 F x2 o 0 F x3 o 0 F 2x1 x2 4x3 2
Remark 3.3.25 Note that, for U2 , d,
0 if xy
dx y ,
1 if x / y
the space U2 is bounded. This example stresses that classi¿cation of a set as
bounded is tied to the metric involved and may allow for a set to be bounded
The de¿nitions of least upper bound and greatest lower bound directly lead to
the observation that they are limit points for bounded sets of real numbers.
Theorem 3.3.26 Let E be a nonempty set of real numbers that is bounded, :
sup E, and ; inf E. Then : + E and ; + E.
Space for illustration.
Proof. It suf¿ces to show the result for least upper bounds. Let E be a nonempty
set of real numbers that is bounded above and : sup E. If : + E, then : + E
E C E ) . For : +
E, suppose that h is a positive real number. Because : h : and
: sup E, there exists x + E such that : h x :. Since h was arbitrary,
Remark 3.3.27 In view of the theorem we note that any closed nonempty set of
real numbers that is bounded above contains its least upper bound and any closed
nonempty set of real numbers that is bounded below contains its greatest lower
which is equivalent to
d e
1 p p + E " 2r r 0 F Y D Nr p t E .
b c
Example 3.3.29 For Euclidean 2-space, U2 d , consider the subsets
Y x1 x2 + U2 : x1 o 3 and Z x1 x2 + U2 : x1 0 F 2 n x2 5 .
j k
(a) The set X 1 x1 x 2 + U2 : 3 njx1 5 F 1 x2 4 C
3 1 3 4 is k
not open relative to Y , while X 2 x 1 x2 + U2 : 3 n x1 5 F 1 x2 4
is open relative to Y .
j k
(b) The half open interval x1 x2 + U2 : x1 0 F 2 n x 2 3 is open rela-
tive to Z .
From the example we see that a subset of a metric space can be open relative to
another subset though it is not open in the whole metric space. On the other hand,
the following theorem gives us a characterization of open relative to subsets of a
metric space in terms of sets that are open in the metric space.
Therefore, E Y D G, as needed.
Now, suppose that G is an open subset of X such that E Y D G and
p + E. Then p + G and G open in X yields the existence of a neighborhood of p,
N p, such that N p t G. It follows that N p D Y t G D Y E. Since p was
arbitrary, we have that
d d ee
1p p + E " 2N p N p D Y t E
In metric spaces, many of the properties that we study are described in terms of
neighborhoods. The next set characteristic will allow us to extract ¿nite collections
of neighborhoods which can lead to bounds that are useful in proving other results
about subsets of metric spaces or functions on metric spaces.
De¿nition 3.3.32 A subset K of a metric space X d is compact if and only if ev-
ery open cover of K has a ¿nite subcover
j i.e., given any open kcover
G : : : +
of K , there exists an n + M such that G :k : k + M F 1 n k n n is a cover for K .
We have just seen that a subset of a metric space can be open relative to another
subset without being open in the whole metric space. Our ¿rst result on compact
sets is tells us that the situation is different when we look at compactness relative to
Theorem 3.3.33 For a metric space X d, suppose that K t Y t X. Then K is
compact relative to X if and only if K is compact relative to Y .
Excursion 3.3.34 Fill in what is missing to complete the following proof of Theo-
rem 3.3.33.
Space for scratch work.
Proof. Let X d be a metric space and K t Y t X.
Now K t Y and K t G : j yields that
K tYD G: j .
j1 3 4
U: : : + was arbitrary, we have shown that every
open relative to Y cover of K has a ¿nite subcover. Therefore,
U: : : + is an open relative to Y
cover for K . Now K compact relative to Y yields that
there exists a ¿nite number of elements of ,
:1 :2 :n , such that . Since
n >
n b c >
U: j Y D W: j Y D W: j
j1 j1 j1
Our next set of results show relationships between the property of being com-
pact and the property of being closed.
Theorem 3.3.35 If A is a compact subset of a metric space S d, then A is closed.
***For (a), hopefully you noted that taking r min rq j yields that Nrq1 p D
1n j nn
Nrq2 p D D Nrqn p Nr p. To complete (b), you needed to observe
that Nr p t Ac made p an interior point of Ac since p was an arbitrary point
satisfying p + A, it followed that Ac is open. Finally, part (c) followed from
Theorem 3.3.13(#3) which asserts that the complement of an open set is closed
thus, Ac c A is closed.***
Theorem 3.3.37 In any metric space, closed subsets of a compact sets are compact.
Excursion 3.3.38 Fill in the two blanks in order to complete the following proof of
the theorem.
Proof. For a metric space X d, suppose that F t K t X are such that F is
closed (relative to X) and K is compact. Let J
G : : : + be an open cover
for F. Then the family P
V : V + J G V F c is an open cover for K . It
follows from K being compact that there exists a ¿nite number of elements of P,
say V1 V2 Vn , such that
Corollary 3.3.39 If F and K are subsets of a metric space such that F is closed
and K is compact, then F D K is compact.
Remark 3.3.40 Noticej that Theorem 3.3.35 and Theorem k 3.3.37 are not converses
of each other. The set x1 x2 + U : x1 o 2 F x 2 0 is an example of a closed
Theorem 3.3.43 If
K : : : + is a family of nonempty compact ? subsets of a met-
ric space X that satis¿es the ¿nite intersection property, then K : / 3.
Proof. Suppose that K : 3 and choose K = +
K : : : + . Since
? :+
K : 3,
1x x + K = " x +
K: .
K : : : + F K : / K = .
? 3.3.44 If
K n *
n1 is a nested sequence of nonempty compact sets, then
K n / 3.
j : j + 7
Proof. For any ¿nite subset of M, let m max . Because
K n *
is a nested sequence on nonempty sets, K m t K j and K j / 3. Since
j+ j+
K n : n + M satis¿es the ¿nite intersection property.
was arbitrary, we conclude that
Hence, by Theorem 3.3.43, K n / 3.
Corollary 3.3.45 If
Sn *
n1 is a nested
? sequence of nonempty closed subsets of a
compact sets in a metric space, then Sn / 3.
Theorem 3.3.46 In a metric space, any in¿nite subset of a compact set has a limit
point in the compact set.
an : n + M. Because
In n1 is nested, [an bn ] t [a1 b1 ] for each n + M. It
ak n akm n bkm n bk
The Nested Intervals Theorem generalizes to d nested e n-cells. The key is to have
the set-up that makes use of the n intervals x j y j , 1 n j n n, that can be
associated with x1 x2 xn and y1 y2 yn in Un .
Proof. For real constants a1 a2 an and b1 b2 bn such that a j b j for
each j 1 2 n, let
j b ck
I0 I x1 x2 xn + Un : 1 j + M 1 n j n n " a j n x j n b j
X n b c2
=W bj aj .
d e
Then 1x 1y x y + I0 " x y n = . Suppose that I0 is not compact. Then
there exists an open cover J
G : : : + of I0 for which no ¿nite subcollection
covers I0 . Now we will describe the construction of a nested sequence of n-cells
each member of which is not compact. Use the space provided to sketch appropriate
pictures for n 1, n 2, and n 3 that illustrate the described construction.
aj bj
For each j , 1 n j n n, let c j . The sets of intervals
jb c k jb c k
aj cj : 1 n j n n and cj bj : 1 n j n n
j b ck
x1 x 2 xn + Un : 1 j + M 1 n j n n " c j n x j n b j
j k
x1 x2 xn + Un : a j n x j n c j if 2 j and c j n x j n b j if 2 0 j
is an element of Ik1 : 1 n k n 2n . For each k + M, 1 n k n 2n , Ik1 is a subset
(sub-n-cell) of I0 and Ik1 I0 . Consequently, J
G : : : + is an open
cover for each of the 2n sub-n-cells. Because I0 is such that noQ¿nite subcollection R
from J covers I0 , it follows that at least one of the elements of Ik1 : 1 n k n 2n
must also satisfy that property. Let I1 denote an element of Ik1 : 1 n k n 2n for
which no ¿nite subcollection from J covers I1 . For x1 x2 xn + I1 we have
that either a j n x j n c j or c j n x j n b j for each j , 1 n j n n. Since
cj aj bj cj bj aj
2 2 2
it follows that, for x x1 x 2 xn y y1 y2 yn + I1
X; X n b c
X n b c2 X ; bj aj 2 =
d x y W yj xj n W
2 2 2
j1 j1
i.e., the diam I1 is .
The process just applied to I0 to obtain I1 can not be applied to obtain a
sub-n-cell of I1 that has the transferred properties. That is, if
Q r sR
I1 x1 x 2 xn + Un : 1 j + M 1 n j n n " a 1
j n x j n b 1
j ,
a 1 1
j bj
letting c1
j generates two set of intervals
Qr s R Qr s R
a 1 1
c1 1
j c j : 1 n j n n and j b j : 1 n j n n
that will determine 2n new n-cells, Ik2 for 1 n k n 2n , that are sub-n-cells
of I1 . Now, since J is an open cover for I1 such that no ¿nite subcollection
from J covers I1 and Ik2 I1 , it follows that there is at least one element
of Ik2 : 1 n k n 2n that cannot be covered with a ¿nite subcollection from J
choose one of those elements and denote it by I2 . Now the choice of c1j allows
diam I1 =
us to show that diam I2 2 . Continuing this process generates
2 2
Ik *
k0 that satis¿es each of the following properties:
Ik *
k0 is a nested sequence of n-cells,
* 7
From the Nested n-cells Theorem, Ik / 3. Let ? + Ik . Because
k0 k0
G : : : + is an open cover for I0 and Ik t I0 , there exists G + J such
that ? + G. Since G is open, we there is a positive real number r such that Nr ? t
G. Now diam Nr ? 2r and, for n + M large enough, diam In 2n = 2r .
Now, ? + Ik for all k + M assures that ? + Ik for all k o n. Hence, for all k + M
such that k o n, Ik t Nr ? t G. In particular, each Ik , k o n, can be covered by
one element of J which contradicts the method of choice that is assured if I0 is not
compact. Therefore, I0 is compact.
The next result is a classical result in analysis. It gives us a characterization for
compactness in real n-space that is simple most of the “hard work” for the proof
was done in when we proved Theorem 3.3.50.
Excursion 3.3.53 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof
of Theorem 3.3.52.
x n + N 1 *
* .
Let S
xn : n + M. Then S is an of A. Conse-
quently, S has in A. But S has only one limit point
***Acceptable completions include: (1) in¿nite subset, (2) a limit point, (3) *, (4)
A is closed, (5) in¿nite subset, (6) S t A F S is in¿nite, and (7) A is bounded.***
As an immediate consequence of Theorems 3.3.50 and 3.3.46, we have the fol-
lowing result that is somewhat of a generalization of the Least Upper Bound Prop-
erty to n-space.
De¿nition 3.3.55 Two subsets A and B of a metric space X are separated if and
only if
A D B 3 F A D B 3.
D2 x1 x2 + U2 : d 1 0 x1 x2 1 ,
x1 x2 x 3
b c
(i) 1 j j + M " V j1 l V j ,
b c
(ii) 1 j j + M " x j +
V j1 , and
b c
(iii) 1 j j + M " V j D P / 3 .
Corollary 3.3.64 For any two real numbers a and b such that a b, the segment
a b is uncountable.
By construction
E n *
n1 is a nested sequence of compact subsets of U .
Excursion 3.3.66 Find a formula for the sum of the lengths of the intervals that
The Cantor set is de¿ned to be P En .
(b) The
E n *
n1 satis¿es the ¿nite intersection property
Finally we want to justify the claims that were made about the Cantor set before
we described its construction.
The Cantor set contains no segment from E 0 .
To see this, we observe that each segment in the form of
t u
3k 1 3k 2
for k m + M
3m 3m
is disjoint from P. Given any segment : ; for : ;, iftm + M is such thatu
; : 3k 1 3k 2
3m , then : ; contains an interval of the form
6 3m 3m
from which it follows that : ; is not contained in P.
The Cantor set is perfect. For x + P, let S be any segment that contains x.
Since x + E n , x + E n for each n + M. Corresponding to each n + M, let
In be the interval in E n such that x + In . Now, choose m + M large enough
to get Im t S and let xm be an endpoint of Im such that xm / x. From the
way that P was constructed, xm + P. Since S was arbitrary, we have shown
that every segment containing x also contains at least one element from P.
Hence, x is a limit point of P. That x was arbitrary yields that every element
of P is a limit point of P.
[Hint: You might ¿nd it helpful to make use of properties of h G
for G o 0.]
6. If a1 a2 an are positive real numbers, is
d x y ak xk yk
12. Show that, in Euclidean n space, a set that is open in Un has no isolated
15. Prove each of the following claims that are parts of Theorem 3.3.13. Let S be
a metric space.
18. Justify each of the following claims that were made in the Remark following
De¿nition 3.3.15
(a) If A is a subset of a metric space S d, then Ext A Int Ac .
(b) If A is a subset of a metric space S d, then
b c
x + " A % 1Nr x Nr x D A / 3 F Nr x D Ac / 3 .
19. For U2 with the Euclidean metric, show that the set
S x y + U2 : 0 x 2 y 2 1
26. Let
Fn *
n1 be a nested sequence of compact sets, each of which is con-
nected. Prove that Fn is connected.
27. Give an example to show that the compactness of the sets Fk given in problem
#26 is necessary i.e., show that a nested sequence of closed connected sets
would not have been enough to ensure a connected intersection.
Chapter 4
Sequences and Series–First View
Excursion 4.0.1 For each of the following, ¿nd a description for the general term
as a function of n + M that ¿ts the terms that are given.
2 4 8 16 32 64
5 7 9 11 13 15
3 7 11
2. 1 9 81 729
5 9 13
***An equation that works for (1) is 2n 2n 31 while (2) needs a different for-
mula for the odd terms and the even terms one pair that works is 2n 1 2n 11
for n even and 3n1 when n is odd.***
As part of the bigger picture, pattern recognition is important in areas of math-
ematics or the mathematical sciences that generate and study models of various
phenomena. Of course, the models are of value when they allow for analysis and/or
making projections. In this chapter, we seek to build a deeper mathematical under-
standing of sequences and series primary attention is on properties associated with
convergence. After preliminary work with sequences in arbitrary metric spaces, we
will restrict our attention to sequences of real and complex numbers.
Remark 4.1.2 The description M M indicates that “limit of sequence proofs”
require justi¿cation or speci¿cation of a means of prescribing how to ¿nd an M that
“will work” corresponding to each 0. A function that gives us a nice way to
specify M ’s is de¿ned by
LxM inf
j + ] : x n j
z {
and is sometimes referred to as the ceiling function. Note, for example, that
1, L22M 2, and L5M 5. Compare this to the greatest integer function, which
is sometimes referred to as the Àoor function.
| }*
Example 4.1.3 The sequence has the limit 0 in U. We can take M 1 2,
t u t nu n1 z {
1 3 700
M 200, and M 234. Of course, three examples
100 350 3 z {
does not a proof make. In general, for 0, let M . Then n M
implies that
z {
2 2
n o 0
n n
1 2 nn 2 nn
which, by Proposition 1.2.9 (#7) and (#5), implies that and n n .
n 2 n n
Using the de¿nition to prove that the limit of a sequence is some point in the
metric space is an example of where our scratch work towards ¿nding a proof might
be quite different from the proof that is presented. This is because we are allowed
to “work backwards” with our scratch work, but we can not present a proof that
starts with the bound that we want to prove. We illustrate this with the following
Excursion 4.1.4 After reading the presented
| }scratch work, ¿ll in what is missing to
1 in
complete the proof of the claim that converges to i in F.
n 1 n1
(a) Scratch work towards a proof. Because i + F, it suf¿ces to show that
1 in
lim i. Suppose 0 is given. Then
n* n 1
n n n n n n T T
n 1 in n n 1 in i n 1 n n 1 i n 2 2
n n n nn n
n n 1 in n n1 n n n1 n n1
2 2
whenever n. So taking M will work.
Remark 4.1.6 Notice that a sequence in a metric space S will be divergent | in}*
S if
its limit is a point that is not in S. In our previous example, we proved that
| }* n n1
converges to 0 in U consequently, is convergent in Euclidean 1-space.
| }* n n1
2 b c
On the other hand, is divergent in U
x + U : x 0 d where d
n n1
denotes the Euclidean metric on U, d x y x y.
Excursion 4.1.8 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the proof of the lemma.
Proof. Let
pn * n1 be a sequence of elements in a metric space S d for
which there exists p and q in S such that lim pn p and lim pn q. Suppose
n* n*
the p / q. Then d p q 0 and we let d p q. Because lim pn p and
2 n*
0, there exists a positive integer M1 such that
n M1 " d pn p
Remark 4.1.11 To see that the converse of Lemma 4.1.10 is false, for n + M , let
, if 2 n
pn .
, if 2 0 n
Then, for d the Euclidean metric on U1 , d 0 pn 0 pn 1 for all n + M, but
pn *
n1 is not convergent in U.
1 1 1
***Note that an and bn 1 1 if you
2n 2 2n 1 3 2 n 1
1 1
used 2 and 1 , respectively, your choices for corresponding M will be
n n3
slightly off. The following are acceptable solutions, which of course are not unique
compare what you did for general sense and content. Make especially certain that
you did not offer a proof that is “working backwards”
z { from what you wanted to
show. (a) For 0, let M M T . Then n M implies that
n 2 n
b T c1 1 T n 1 n
n 2 or . If follows that n n 0 n 1 1 1
2n 2n 2 n 2n2 2n 2n
whenever n M. Since 0 was arbitrary,
z we { conclude that
1 1
lim an lim 0. (b) For 0, let M M . Then n M
n* n* 2n2
implies that n 1 or . Note that, for n + M, n o 1 0 implies that
n 2 0 2 2 0 and 2n 2 n n 2 0 n n. Thus, for n + M
and n M, we have that
nt u n n n
n 1 n n 1 n 1 1
n 1 1nn nn n .
n 2n 2 2n 2 n 2n 2 n
t u
Since 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that lim bn lim 1
n* n* 2n 2
Remark 4.1.13 Hopefully, you spotted that there were some extra steps exhibited
in our solutions to Excursion 4.1.12. I chose to show some of the extra steps that
illustrated where we make explicit use of the ordered ¿eld properties that were dis-
cussed in Chapter 1. In particular, it is unnecessary for you to have explicitly
demonstrated that 2n 2 n from the inequalities that were given in Proposition
1 1 T T
1.2.9 or the step that was shown in part (a). For the former
2n 2n
you can just write things like 2n 2 n for the latter, you could just have written
1 bT c2
2n 2
What we just proved about the sequence given in Remark 4.1.11 can be trans-
lated to a statement involving subsequences.
Proof. Let
pn *n1 be a sequence of elements from a metric space X d.
Suppose that
pn * n1 converges to p + X and V is a neighborhood of
p. Then there exists a positive real number r such that V Nr p. From the
de¿nition of a limit, there exists a positive integer M M r such that n M
implies that d p pn r i.e., for all n M, pn + V . Consequently, at most the
followed by using the fact that 0 as j * to show that
pn *
n1 converges
to p0 .)
Remark 4.1.18 Since Theorem 4.1.17 is a characterization for limit points, it gives
us an alternative de¿nition for such. When called upon to prove things related
to limit points, it can be advantageous to think about which description of limit
points would be most fruitful i.e., you can use the de¿nition or the characterization
We close this section with two results that relate sequences with the metric space
properties of being closed or being compact.
Theorem 4.1.19 If
pn * n1 is a sequence in X and X is a compact subset of a
metric space S d, then there exists a subsequence of
pn *
n1 that is convergent
in X.
Proof. Let E ` denote the set of all subsequential limits of the sequence
pn * n1
of elements in the metric space S d. If E ` is ¿nite, then it is closed. Thus,
we can assume that E ` is in¿nite. Suppose that * is a limit point of E ` . Then,
corresponding to r 1, there exists x / * such that x + N1 * D E ` . Since
x + E ` , we can ¿nd a subsequence of
pn * b that cconverges to x. Hence,
n1 b we
can choose n 1 + M such that pn 1 / * and d pn1 * 1. Let = d pn 1 * .
Because = 0, * is a limit point of E ` , and E ` is in¿nite, there exists y / *
that is in N=4 * D E ` . Again, y + E ` leads to the existence of a subsequence
pn *n1 that converges to y. This allows us to choose n 2 + M such that n 2
b c = b c
n 1 and d pn 2 y . From the triangular inequality, d * pn 2 n d * y
b c =
d y pn 2 . We can repeat this process. In general, if we have chosen the
increasing ¿nite sequence n 1 n 2 n j , then there exists a u such that u / * and
u + Nr j * D E ` where r j j1 . Since u + E ` , u is the limit of a subsequence
2 b c
pn *n1 . Thus, we can ¿nd n j1 such that d pn j 1 u r j from which it
follows that
b c b c =
d * pn j 1 n d * u d u pn j 1 2r j j .
j k*
The method of selection of the subsequence pn j j1 ensures that it converges to
*. Therefore, * + E ` . Because * was arbitrary, we conclude that E ` contains all
of its limit points i.e., E ` is closed.
pn *
n1 is said to be a Cauchy sequence if and only if
d e
1 0 " 2M M M + MF 1m 1n n m M " d pn pm .
Another useful property of subsets of a metric space is the diameter. In this sec-
tion, the term leads to a characterization of Cauchy sequences as well as a suf¿cient
condition to ensure that the intersection of a sequence of nested compact sets will
consist of exactly one element.
De¿nition 4.2.2 Let E be a subset of a metric space X d. Then the diameter of
E, denoted by diam E is
d p q : p + E F q + E .
j k
Example 4.2.3 Let A x 1 x2 + U2 : x12 x22 1 and
B x1 x2 + U2 : max
x1 x2 n 1
Then, in Euclidean 2-space, diam A 2 and diam B 2 2.
b c
Note that, for the sets A and B given in Example 4.2.3, diam A 2
b c T
diam A and diam B 2 2 diam B. These illustrate the observation that is
made with the next result.
b c
Lemma 4.2.4 If E is any subset of a metric space X, then diam E diam E .
Excursion 4.2.5 Use the space provided to ¿ll in a proof of the lemma. (If you get
stuck, a proof can be found on page 53 of our text.
Lemma 4.2.6 If
pn *n1 is an in¿nite sequence in a metric space X and E M is the
subsequence p M p M1 p M2 , then
pn *
n1 is a Cauchy sequence if and only
if lim diam E M 0.
given any 0, there exists M ) such that j M ) implies that . For
j k b c j
M max M j M ) and j M, diam E M j . Since 0 was arbitrary, we
conclude that lim diam E M 0.
Suppose that lim diam E M 0 and let 0. Then there exists a
positive integer K such that m K implies that diam E m i.e.,
d u ) : u + E m F ) + Em
In particular, for n j m we can write n m x and j m y for some positive
integers x and y and it follows that
b c
d pn p j n sup
d u ) : u + E m F ) + Em .
Thus, we have shown that, c 0, there exists a*positive integer m such that
b for any
n j m implies that d pn p j . Therefore,
pn n1 is a Cauchy sequence.
With Corollary 3.3.44, we saw that any nested sequence of nonempty com-
pact sets has nonempty intersection. The following slight modi¿cation results from
adding the hypothesis that the diameters of the sets shrink to 0.
Theorem 4.2.7 If
K n *
n1 is a nested sequence of nonempty compact subsets of a
metric space X such that
lim diam K n 0,
then K n consists of exactly one point.
0 d x y n sup
d p q : p + K n F q + K n
for all n + M i.e., diam E M d x y for any M + M. Hence, lim diam E M /
0. Because lim diam K n 0, it follows immediately that K n consists of
exactly one point.
Remark 4.2.8 To see that a Cauchy sequence in an arbitrary metric space need
not converge to a point that is in the space, consider the metric space S d where
S is the set of rational numbers and da b a b.
pn *
n1 converges in S, then
pn *
n1 is Cauchy.
Proof. Let
pn * n1 be an in¿nite sequence in a metric space S d that con-
verges in S to p0 . Suppose 0 is given. Then, there exists an M + M such that
n M " d pn p0 . From the triangular inequality, if n M and m M,
d pn pm n d pn p0 d p0 pm .
2 2
Since 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that
pn * n1 is Cauchy.
As noted by Remark 4.2.8, the converse of Theorem 4.2.9 is not true. However,
if we restrict ourselves to sequences of elements from compact subsets of a metric
space, we obtain the following partial converse. Before showing this, we will make
some us
xmn pm n d pn P .
;k n n rs
d pn P n n n
x jn p j k .
(a) lim z n ?n S T
(c) lim z n ?n ST
t u
zn S d e
(d) lim , provided that 1n n + M " ? n / 0 F T / 0.
n* ?n T
Excursion 4.3.3 For each of the following, ¿ll in either the proof in the box on the
left of scratch work (notes) that support the proof that is given. If you get stuck,
proofs can be found on pp 49-50 of our text.
t u for scratch
t uwork.
zn 1
(d) ?n ?n
—we can just apply
the result from (c).
The following result is a useful tool for proving the limits of given sequences in
U1 .
xn n u n n yn , for all n K,
then lim u n S.
pn *
n1 that is convergent in P.
pn : n + M is a compact subset of Uk .
pn n1
is a Cauchy sequence
in a compact metric space, by Theorem 4.2.10, there exists a p0 +
pn : n + M
such that pn p0 as n *. Since
pn * n1 was arbitrary, we concluded that
***Acceptable responses are: (1) 4.2.9, (2) d pn pm 1, (3) bounded, (4) Heine-
Borel, and (5) every Cauchy sequence in Uk is convergent.***
From Theorem 4.3.7, we know that for sequences in Uk , being Cauchy is equiv-
alent to being convergent. Since the equivalence can not be claimed over arbitrary
metric spaces, the presence of that property receives a special designation.
De¿nition 4.3.9 A metric space X is said to be complete if and only if for every
sequence in X, the sequence being Cauchy is equivalent to it being convergent in
Remark 4.3.10 As noted earlier, Uk is complete. In view of Theorem 4.2.10, any
compact metric space is complete. Finally because every closed subset of a metric
space contains all of its limit points and the limit of a sequence is a limit point, we
also have that every closed subset of a complete metric space is complete.
De¿nition 4.3.12 The class of monotonic sequences consists of all the sequences
in U1 that are either monotonically increasing or monotonically decreasing.
t u
n1 n n 1!
Example 4.3.13 For each n + M, o1 . It follows that
n n 1 n!
n! n 1!
o .
n n n 1 n 1n
| }*
Consequently, is monotonically decreasing.
nn n1
Excursion 4.3.15 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof
for the case when
xn *
n1 is monotonically decreasing.
Proof. By Lemma 4.1.10, if
xn *
n1 converges, then .
Now suppose that
xn * is monotonically decreasing and bounded. Let
xn : n + M. If P is ¿nite, then there is at least one k such that xk + P and,
for in¿nitely many j + M, we have that x j xk . On the other hand we have that
xkm o xkm1 for all m + M. It follows that
xn * n1 is eventually a constant
sequence which is convergent to xk . If P is in¿nite and bounded, then from the
greatest lower bound property of the reals, we can let g inf P. Because g is the
greatest lower bound,
1n n + M " .
Suppose that 0 is given. Then there exists a positive integer M such that
g n x M g otherwise, .
xn *
n1 is , the transitivity of less than or equal to yields
that, for all n M, g n x n g . Hence, n M " xn g . Since 0
was arbitrary, we conclude that .
In the ¿rst case, we write lim x n * and in the second case we write
lim xn *.
We will use lim supxn to denote the limit superior and lim infxn to denote the
n* n*
limit inferior of
xn *
n1 .
Example 4.3.18 For each n + M, let an 1 1n . Then the lim supan 2
2n n*
and lim infan 0.
Excursion 4.3.19 Find the limit superior and the limit inferior for each of the fol-
lowing sequences.
| }
n 1n 2n 1 *
1. sn
n n1
Q H n R*
2. sn 1n1 sin
4 n1
| t u }
1 r Hn s *
3. sn 1 1 sin
n 2 n1
Q n On P R*
4. sn 1n
4 4 n1
s4k1 and
s4k3 give two subsequential limits, 1 for k even and 1 for
2 2
k odd
s4k2 also gives two subsequential limits, 2 for k odd and 0 for k even.
Comparison of the 5 subsequential limits leads to the conclusion that lim supsn
T n*
1 and lim infsn 2. The sequence given in (3) leads to three subsequen-
2 n*
tial limits, namely, 0 1, and 2 which leads to the conclusion that lim supsn 2
and lim infsn 0. Finally, for (4), the subsequences
s4k2 , and
1 3 3 3
Excursion 4.3.21 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof
of the theorem.
Proof of uniqueness. Suppose that p and q are distinct real numbers that satisfy
property (b). Then
1x x p " 2M n M " sn x
1x x q " 2K n K " sn x .
Without loss of generality we can assume that p q. Then there exists * + U
such that p * q. Since * p there exists M + M such that n M implies
that sn *. In particular, at most ¿nitely many of the sk satisfy .
Therefore, q cannot be the limit of any subsequence of
sn *
n1 from which it follows
that q +
E i.e., q does not satisfy property (a).
***Acceptable responses are: (1) closed, (2) 3.3.26, (3) y o x, (4) sup E, (5)
sn o x, and (6) q sk *.***
Theorem 4.3.23 If
sn * *
n1 and
tn n1 are sequences of real numbers and there
exists a positive integer M such that n M implies that sn n tn , then
Lemma 4.4.1 For any ¿xed positive real number, lim 0.
n* n p
t u
1 1 p
Proof. For 0, let M M .
Lemma 4.4.2 For any ¿xed complex number x such that x 1, lim x n 0.
The following theorem makes use of the Squeeze Principle and the Binomial
Theorem. The special case of the latter that we will use is that, for n + M and
? + U
n t u
; t u
n n n!
1 ?
? , where
k k n k!k!
bn c
In particular, if ? 0 we have that 1 ? n o 1 n? and 1 ? n k ? k for
each k, 1 n k n n.
Theorem 4.4.3 (a) If p 0, then lim n p 1.
(b) We have that lim n
n 1.
(c) If p 0 and : + U, then lim 0.
n* 1 pn
Proof of (a). We need prove the statement only for the case of p 1 the result
for 0 p 1 will follow by substituting in the proof of the other case. If p 1,
T p
then set xn n p 1. Then xn 0 and from the Binomial Theorem,
1 nxn n 1 xn n p
0 xn n .
Proof of (b). Let xn n
n 1. Then x n o 0 and, from the Binomial Theorem,
n n 1 2
n 1 xn n o xn .
On the surface, the idea of adding an in¿nite number of numbers has no real
meaning which is why the series has been de¿ned just as a symbol. We use the
associated sequence of nth partial sums to create an interpretation for the symbol
that is tied to a mathematical operation that is well de¿ned.
De¿nition 4.5.2 An in¿nite series * k0 ak is said to be convergent to the complex
number S if and only if the sequence
3* of nth partial * sums
Sn *
n0 is convergent to
S when this occurs, we write k0 ak S. If
Sn n0 does not converge, we say
that the series is divergent.
Remark 4.5.3 The way that convergence of series is de¿ned, makes it clear that we
fact, given any sequence
Sn *
really aren’t being given a brand new concept. In3 n0 ,
* n
there exists a sequence
ak k0 such that Sn k1 ak for every k + MC
0: To
see this, simply choose a0 S0 and ak Sk Sk1 for k o 1. We will treat
sequences and series as separate ideas because it is convenient and useful to do so.
The remark leads us immediately to the observation that for a series to converge
it is necessary that the terms go to zero.
Lemma 4.5.4 (kth term test) If the series k0 ak converges, then lim ak 0.
Proof. Suppose that k0 ak S. Then lim Sk S and lim Sk1 S.
k* k*
Hence, by Theorem 4.3.2(a),
Remark 4.5.5 To see that the converse is not true, note that the harmonic series
Excursion 4.5.6 Use the Principle of Mathematical Induction to prove that, for
3* 1 n
k1 k , S2n 1 .
Excursion 4.5.7 Use the de¿nition of convergence (divergence) to discuss the fol-
lowing series.
3* Hk
(a) k1 sin 4
3* 1
(b) k1 kk1
***The ¿rst example can be claimed as divergent by inspection, because the nth
term does not go to zero. The key to proving that the second one converges is
1 1 1
noticing that in fact, the given problem is an example of
kk 1 k k 1
what is known as a telescoping sum.***
The following set of lemmas are just reformulations of results that we proved
for sequences.
Lemma 4.5.8
3*(Cauchy Criteria for Series Convergence) The series (of complex
numbers) k0 ak is convergent if and only if for every 0 there exists a positive
integer M M such that 1m 1n m n M " Sm Sn >.
Proof. The lemma holds because the complex sequence of nth partial sums
Sn *
n0 is convergent if and only if it is Cauchy. This equivalence follows from the
combination of Theorem 4.2.9 and Theorem 4.3.6(b).
Remark 4.5.9 We will frequently make use of the following alternative formulation
for the sequence of nt h partial sums being Cauchy. Namely,
Sn *n0 is Cauchy if
and only if for every > 0,
n3there exists
n a positive integer M such that n M
n n p n
implies that Sn p Sn n kn1 ak n >, for p 1 2 .
Lemma 4.5.10 For3 the series (of complex numbers) * ak xk and
3*ak , let Re 3
Im ak yk . Then * a
k0 k is convergent if and only if x
k0 k and *
k0 yk are
convergent (real) sequences.
Proof. For the complex series k0 ak ,
n ;
n ;
n ;
n ;
Sn ak xk i yk xk yk .
k0 k0 k0 k0 k0
Consequently, the result is simply a statement of Lemma 4.3.1 for the case n 2.
Lemma3*4.5.11 Suppose that * k0 ak is a series of nonnegative real numbers.
Then k0 ak is convergent if and only if its sequence of nth partial sums is
Proof. Suppose that * k0 ak is a series of nonnegative real numbers. Then
Most of our preliminary discussion of series will be with series for which the
terms are positive real numbers. When not all of the terms are positive reals, we
¿rst check for absolute convergence.
De¿nition 4.5.13 The series * j0 a j is said to be absolutely convergent if and
3* 3 * 3*
only if j0 a j converges. If j0 a j converges and j0 a j diverges, then
the series *j0 a j is said to be conditionally convergent.
After the discussion of some tests for absolute convergence, we will see that
3* 1n
absolute convergence implies convergence. Also, we will justify that is
n1 n
conditionally convergent.
3* k o M " ak n ck for
3 integer M such that 1k
(a) If there exists a positive
real constants ck and * c
k0 k converges, then k0 ak converges absolutely.
k o M " ak o dk o 0
3* M such that 1k3
(b) If there exists a positive integer
for real constants dk and k0 dk diverges, then *k0 ak diverges.
Proof of (a). Suppose that * k0 ak is a series (of complex numbers),
3 there
exists a positive integer M such that 1k k o M " ak n ck , and * k0 k con-
verges. For ¿xed 0, there exists a positive integer K such that n K and
p + M implies that
n n
n n
; p n ;p
n n
n c n c >.
nkn1 k n kn1 k
For n M ` max
M K and any p + M, it follows from the triangular inequality
n n
n n
; p n ;p
n ;p
n n
n a kn n a k n ck >.
nkn1 n kn1 kn1
Since 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that * k0 ak converges.
Proof of (b). Suppose that k0 ak is a series (of real numbers), there 3* ex-
ists a positive integer M such jthat 1k k o M " a o d o 0, and k0 dk
3n k* k k
diverges. From Lemma 4.5.11, k0 dk n0 is an unbounded sequence. Since
n ;
ak o dk
kM kM
j3n k*
for each n M, it follows that a is an unbounded. Therefore,
3* k0 k n0
k0 ak diverges.
In order for the Comparison Tests to be useful, we need some series about which
convergence or divergence behavior is known. The best known (or most famous)
series is the Geometric Series.
3* k
De¿nition 4.5.15 For a nonzero constant a, the series k0 ar is called a geo-
metric series. The number r is the common ratio.
Proof. The claim will follow upon showing that, for each n + MC
b c
a 1 r n1
ar k .
The proof of the next result makes use of the “regrouping” process that was
applied to our study of the harmonic series.
j k*
Theorem 4.5.17 If a j j0 is a monotonically decreasing sequence of nonnegative
3 3* j
real numbers, then the series * j0 a j is convergent if and only if j0 2 a2 j
Excursion 4.5.18 Fill in the two blanks in order to complete the following proof of
Theorem 4.5.17.
j k*
Proof. Suppose that a j j0 is a monotonically decreasing sequence of non-
negative real numbers. For each n k + MC
0, let
n ;
Sn aj and Tk 2 j a2 j .
j0 j 0
j k*
Note that, because a j j0 is a monotonically decreasing sequence, for any j +
0 and m + M,
For n 2k ,
b c
Sn o a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a2k 1 1 a2k
_ ^] ` _ ^] ` _ ^] `
21 terms 22 ter ms 2k 1 ter ms
3* 1
Theorem 4.5.19 (Convergence Properties of p-series) The series n1 con-
verges whenever p 1 and diverges whenever p n 1.
| Proof. }If* p n 0, the pseries diverges by the kth term test. If p 0, then
an p is a monotonically decreasing sequence of nonnegative real num-
n n1
bers. Note that
* ;
* ;* r sj
2 j a2 j 2 j b cp 21 p .
j0 j0 2j j0
Now use your knowledge of the geometric series to ¿nish the discussion.
A similar argument yields the following result with is offered without proof. It
is discussed on page 63 of our text.
3* 1
Lemma 4.5.20 The series converges whenever p 1 and diverges
j ln j p
whenever p n 1.
Excursion 4.5.21 Discuss the convergence (or divergence) of each of the follow-
n2 1
2n 1
n 2 3n 1
***Notice that all of the series given in this excursion are over the positive reals
thus, checking for absolute convergence is the same as checking for convergence.
At this point, we only the n th term test, Comparison, recognition as a p-series, or
rearrangement in order to identify the given as a geometric series. For (a), noticing
n n 1
that, for each n + M, 2 o 2 allows us to claim divergence
n 1 n n n1
by comparison with the “shifted” harmonic series. The series given in (b) is con-
n1 1
vergent as a p-series for p 3. Because lim / 0 the series given
2n 1 2
in (c) diverges by the n th term test. Finally, since 3n 1 0 for each n + M,
3 3
n 2 which allows us to claim convergence of the series given in
n 2 3n 1 n
; *
(d) by comparison with which is convergent as a constant multiple times the
p-series with p 2.***
When trying to make use of the Comparison Test, it is a frequent occurrence
that we know the nature of the series with which to make to comparison almost by
inspection though the exact form of a bene¿cial comparison series requires some
creative algebraic manipulation. In the last excursion, part (a) was a mild exam-
ple of this phenomenon. A quick comparison of the degrees of the rational func-
tions that form the term suggest divergence by association with the harmonic se-
n 1
ries, but when we see that 2 we have to ¿nd some way to manipulate
n 1 n
the expression 2 more creatively. I chose to illustrate the “throwing more in
n 1
the denominator” argument as an alternative, note that for any natural number n,
n 1
n 2 o 1 " 2n 2 o n 2 1 " 2 o which would have justi¿ed divergence
n 1 2n
by comparison with a constant multiple of the harmonic series. We have a nice vari-
ation of the comparison test that can enable us to bypass the need for the algebraic
manipulations. We state here and leave its proof as exercise.
Theorem 4.5.22 (Limit Comparison Test) Suppose that
an * *
n0 and
bn n0 are
such that an o 0, bn o 0 for each n + MC
0, and lim L 0. Then either
n* bn
* ;
an and bn both converge or both diverge.
n1 n1
We have two more important and well known tests to consider at this point.
Theorem 4.5.23 (Ratio Test) The series * k0 ak
n n
n ak1 n
(i) converges absolutely if lim sup nn n 1
k* a k
(ii) diverges
n n if there exists a nonnegative integer M such that k M implies that
n ak1 n
n n
n a n o 1.
n n
3* n ak1 n
Proof. Suppose that the series k0 ak is such that lim sup n n n 1. It
a n
k* k
follows that we can ¿nd a positive real number
n n ; such that ; 1 and there exists
n ak1 n
an M + M such that n M implies that nn n ;. It can be shown by induction
n n a k
that, for each p + M and n M, nan p n ; an . In particular, for n o M 1 and
n n ;*
p + M C
0, nan p n ; p a M1 . Now, the series a M1 ; p is convergent as
;* ;
a geometric series with ratio less than one. Hence, aj a M p is abso-
lutely convergent by comparison from which it follows that k0 ak is absolutely
Suppose that the series k0 ank is such
n that there exists a nonnegative
n ak1 n
integer M for which k M implies that nn n o 1. BrieÀy justify that this yields
a n
divergence as a consequence of the n th term test.
n n
n ak1 n
Remark 4.5.24 Note that lim nn n 1 leads to no conclusive information con-
k* ak n
cerning the convergence or divergence of * k0 ak .
Example 4.5.25 Use the Ratio Test to discuss the convergence of each of the fol-
n 1!
n n n n
n ak1 n n1 n 1
For an n n n n
n a n n n! n 1!n n 0 as n *. Hence,
n1! ,
n n kn n
n ak1 n n ak1 n
lim sup nn n lim n n 1 and we conclude that the series is (abso-
k* ak n k* n ak n
lutely) convergent from the ratio test.
* 2
n n n n t u2
n2 n ak1 n n n 12 2n n
n n 1 1 1
Let an n . Then nn n n
n n 1 as
2 ak n 2n1 n2 n 2 n 2
n n n n
n ak1 n n ak1 n
n *. Thus, lim sup nn n lim n n 1 1 and we conclude
ak n k* ak n
n 2
that the given series is (absolutely) convergent.
3 T
Theorem 4.5.26 (Root Test) For * k0 ak , let : lim sup ak ,
(i) if 0 n : 1, then * k0 ak converges absolutely
(ii) if : 1, then * k0 ak diverges and
; m1 3
as a geometric series (that sums to ), we conclude that * k0 ak converges
3* 1;
that is, k0 ak converges absolutely. 3
BrieÀy justify that : 1 leads to divergence of * k0 ak as a consequence
of the n term test.
Finally, since : lim sup k ak 1 for the p-series, we see that no
conclusion can be drawn concerning the convergence of divergence of the given
Example 4.5.27 Use the Root Test, to establish the convergence of n1
T n1
From Theorem 4.4.3(a) and (b), lim n 2n 1. Hence,
U V t u T
k k 2k 1
lim sup k1 lim 2 k lim 1
k k
QTn nR*
j n
2. Find the ¿rst four terms of ajn .
|n n}
n a j1 n *
3. Find E 1 the set of subsequential limits of n n
a j n j0
QTn nR*
4. Find E 2 the set of subsequential limits of j na j n
QTn nR*
j n
(c) lim sup ajn
j* j1
Q Tn nR*
j n
(d) lim inf ajn
j * j1
6. Discuss the convergence of aj
| }
2 5 16 125
***For (1), we are looking at while (2) is
T 5 4 125 32
T n n
2 2 2 2 n a j1 n
for (3), if c j nn n, then the possible subsequential
5 2 5 2 aj n
j k j k
limits are given by looking at c2 j and c2 j1 and E 1
0 * if in(4) we let
Tn n T
j k j k 2 2
d j j na j n, then consideration of d2 j and d2 j1 leads to E2
2 5
2 2
For (3) and (4), we conclude that the requested values are *, 0, , and , re-
2 5
spectively. For the discussion of (6), note that The Ratio Test yields no information
because neither (a) nor (b) T is satis¿ed in the other hand, from (5c), we see that
Q Tn nR* 2
lim sup j na j n 1, from which we conclude that the given series
j* j1 2
is absolutely convergent. (As an aside, examination of
S2n and
S2n1 corre-
sponding to a j even allows us to conclude that the sum of the given series is
j 0
4 10 134 168i
1 2i 21 105
t u
! 2 j1
! , if 2 j
Excursion 4.5.29 For n + MC
0, let a j .
! t u j1
! 2
, if 2 0 j
|n n}
n a j1 n *
1. Find the ¿rst four terms of nn n .
a j n j0
QTn nR*
j n
2. Find the ¿rst four terms of ajn .
|n n}
n a j1 n *
3. Find E 1 the set of subsequential limits of n n
a j n j0
QTn nR*
4. Find E 2 the set of subsequential limits of j na j n
|n n}
n a j1 n *
(b) lim inf n n
j * a j n j0
QTn nR*
j n
(c) lim sup ajn
j* j1
Q Tn nR*
j n
(d) lim inf ajn
j * j1
6. Discuss the convergence of aj
t u t u
3 2 3 3 2 3
***Response this time are: (1) ,
2 3 2 3
t u U t u U t u54 U | }
2 32 2 2 2 23 4 2 4 2 3 4
(2) 1 3
(3) E 1 ,
3 3 3 3 9 3 9 3 2 9
| } Q Tn nR
2 2j n
(4) E2 where this comes from separate consideration of lim a2 j n
3 j*
Q Tn nR 3 4 2 2
2 j 1 n
and lim a2 j1 n , (5) the values are and , respectively. Finally,
j* 2 9 3 3
the Ratio Test fails to offer information concerning convergence, however, the Root
Test yields that a j is absolutely convergent. (Again, if we choose to go back to
the de¿nition, examination of the nt h partial sums allows us to conclude that the
series converges to 3.)***
n n
n ak1 n 3
Remark 4.5.30 Note that, if lim sup n n n 1 for a series *
n k0 ak , the ratio
k* ak
test yields no information concerning the convergence of the series.
Proof. (if we were to restrict ourselves to real series) The following argument
that is a very slight variation of the one offered by the author of our text applies only
to series over the reals it jis followed
k* by a general argument that applies to
3series of
complex terms. Suppose a j j1 is a sequence of real numbers such that * j1 a j
converges and de¿ne
a j a j a j a j
)j and * j
2 2
Then ) j * j a j while ) j * j a j . Furthermore,
a j o 0 implies that ) j a j a j and * j 0
a j 0 implies that ) j 0 and * j a j a j
30*n ) n n a3
Consequently, n and 0 n u n n an and, from the Comparison
* 3* b Test, itc
follows that j0 ) j and j0 * j converge. By Lemma 4.5.12, j 0 ) j * j
converges. Finally, since
b c b c b c
) j *j n ) j *j n ) j *j ,
we see that
* b c ;
* b c ;
* b c
) j *j n ) j *j n ) j *j
j1 j 1 j1
3* nn nn 3* 3* nn nn n3 n 3 n n
n * n n n
i.e., j1 a j n j1 a j n j1 a j . Hence 0 n n j1 a j n n * j1 a j
The following proof of the lemma in general makes use of the Cauchy Criteria
for Convergence. j k*
Proof. Suppose that a j j1 is a sequence of complex numbers such that
j1 a j converges and 0 is given. Then there exists a positive integer M
M such that 1m 1n m n M " Sm Sn > where Sm mj1 a j .
3n p n3 n
n n p n
In particular, for any p + M and n M, jn1 a j n jn1 a j n . From
n3 n 3
n n p n n p
the triangular inequality, it follows that n jn1 a j n n jn1 a j for any
p + M and n M. Since 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that * j1 a j converges
by the Cauchy Criteria for Convergence.
Remark 4.5.32 A re-read of the comparison, root and ratio tests reveals that they
are actually tests for absolute convergence.
Ck a j bk j for each k + MC
0 .
Then k0 C k is called the Cauchy product of the given series.
3 3
De¿nition 4.5.34 (The Hadamard Product) For * a j and * j0 b j , the se-
3* j0
ries j0 a j b j is called the Hadamard product of the given series.
The convergence of two given series does not automatically lead to the conver-
gence of the Cauchy product. The example given in our text (pp 73-74) takes
1 j
aj bj T .
j 1
We will see in the next section that * j0 a j converges (conditionally). On the
3 3 1
other hand, Ck kj0 a j bk j 1k kj0 T is such that
k j 1 j 1
2 2
C k o k 1
k2 k2
q ;
b c
ajbj A j b j b j1 Aq bq A p1 b p
j p j p
(iii) lim b j 0.
Then j0 a j b j is convergent.
Proof. For each n + M, let An nj0 a j . Then there exists a positive integer
j k*
M such that An n M for all n. Suppose that 0 is given. Because b j j0 is
monotonically decreasing to zero, there exists a positive integer K for which b K
. Using summation-by-parts, for any integers p and q satisfying K n q n p, it
follows n n3 b c n
n q n n q1 n
n j p j j n
a b n A j b j b j1 A b
q q A p1 p n
n3 j p b n
cn n n n n
n q1
n n j p A j b j b j1 n n Aq bq n n A p1 b p n
3q1 nn nn b c n n n n
n A b b n Aq n bq n A p1 n b p
j p j
3q1 b
j j1
c s
n M b j b j1 bq b p
bb j p c c
M b p bq bq b p 2Mb p
n 2Mb K
Q3 R*
Since 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that j0 a j b j is a Cauchy
sequence of complex numbers. Therefore, it is convergent.
A nice application of this result, gives us an “easy to check” criteria for con-
vergence of series that are generated by sequences with alternating positive and
negative terms.
(iii) lim u j 0.
Then * j1 u j is convergent. Furthermore, if the sum is denoted by S, then
Sn n S n Sn1 for each n where
Sn *
n0 is the sequence of nth partial sums.
can get us to the conclusion, we offer the following proof for your reading pleasure.
Proof. Without loss in generality, we can take u 0 0. Then u 2k1 0 and
u 2k 0 for k 0 1 2 3 . Note that for each n + MC
S2n u 0 u 1 u 2 u 3 u 4 u 2n1 u 2n .
Remark 4.5.41 Combining the Alternating Series Test with Remarkn4.5.5 leads to
the quick observation that the alternating harmonic series n1 1
n is condition-
ally convergent.
1. Check whether or not lim u n 0. If not, claim divergence by the kth term
test if yes, proceed to the next step.
3 3*
2. Check for absolute convergence by testing * n0 u n . Since n0 u n is a
series having nonnegative terms, we have several tests of convergence at our
disposal–Comparison, Limit Comparison, Ratio, and Root–in addition to the
possibility of recognizing the given series as directly related to a geometric
or a p-series. 3
Practice with the tests leads to a better ability to discern which
test to
3use. If * n0 u n converges, by any of the our tests,3then we conclude
that * u
n0 n converges absolutely and we are done. If *
n0 n 3
u diverges
by either the Ratio Test or the Root Test, then we conclude that * n0 u n
diverges and we are done.
3. If * n0 u n diverges
3* by either the Comparison Test or the Limit Comparison
Test , then test n1 u n for conditional convergence–using the Alternating
Series Test if it applies. If the series involves nonreal complex terms, try
checking the corresponding series of real and imaginary parts.
* 2n1
n2 1
1n n ln n
1n n
4. ,: 1
1 :n
***The ratio test leads to the divergence of the ¿rst one. The second one is abso-
lutely convergent by the root test. The third one diverges due to failure to pass the
kth term test. The behavior of the fourth one depends on :: it diverges for : 1
and converges for : 1 from the ratio test. Finally the last one converges by
conditionally convergent real series. We will state the result that is proved on pages
76-77 or our text.
Theorem 4.5.43 Let a j be a real series that converges conditionally. Then for
any elements in the extended real number system such that * n : n ; n *,
there exists a rearrangement of the given series a f j such that
n ;
lim inf a f j : and lim sup a f j ;.
n* n*
j0 j0
Theorem 4.5.44 Let a j be a series of complex numbers that converges abso-
lutely. Then every rearrangement of a j converges and each rearrangement con-
verges to the same limit.
n 2 in
(a) lim 1
n* n 2 1
3n 2 i
(b) lim 0
n* 2n 3
3n 2 3
(c) lim
n* 2n 1 2
3n 1 2ni
(d) lim 3 2i
n* n3
1 3n
(e) lim 3i
n* 1 i n
4.6. PROBLEM SET D 179
2. Find the limits, if they exist, of the following sequences in U2 . Show enough
work to justify your conclusions.
|t u}
1n cos n *
n n n1
|t u}*
3n 1 2n 3 2
4n 1 n 2 2 n1
|t u}*
1 n 5 1 3n
n 2
2n 2 1 2n n1
|t u} *
sin nn 1
(d) 2
n n n1
|t u}
cos nH sin nH H2 *
n n n1
3. Suppose that
xn * n1 converges to x in Euclidean k-space. Show that A
x n : n + M C
x is closed.
t u
n sin 3n
4. For j n + M, let f j n . Find the limit of the following
4 j 2 n 2 2 jn 1
sequence in U5 , showing enough work to carefully justify your conclusions:
f 1 n f 2 n f 3 n f 4 n f 5 n*n1 .
5. Find the limit superior and the limit inferior for each of the following se-
Q nH R*
(a) n cos
2 n1
! nH !*
1 cos
(b) 2
! n 2 !
1 n
| }
1 nH nH *
(c) 1 cos
2n 4 2 n1
| t u }*
1 n 1 1 n 1
(d) 2 1 2 3
n n1
6. If
an * *
n0 is a bounded sequence of complex numbers and
bn n0 is a se-
quence of complex numbers that converges to 0, prove that lim an bn 0.
7. If
an *
n0 is a sequence of real numbers with the property that an an1 n
for each n + MC
0, prove that
an *
n0 converges.
8. If
an *
n0 is a monotonically increasing sequence such that an1 an n
for each n + MC
0, must
an *
n0 converge? Carefully justify your response.
9. Discuss the convergence of each of the following. If the given series is con-
vergence and it is possible to ¿nd the sum, do so.
(a) T
n1 n
n n 2
2n n
2n 3
* ;
* ;
* b
T T c
(a) If an converges and bn ak , prove that bn bn1
n1 kn n1
* ;
n ;
* b
T T c
(b) If an diverges and Sn ak , prove that Sn1 Sn di-
n1 k1 n1
12. For each of the following use our tests for convergence to check for absolute
convergence and, when needed, conditional convergence.
2n i 3n
(a) 1n
5 4n
t u
2n 1 H
;* n sin
n 1
* rT
; T s
(c) 2n 2 1 2n 1
(d) 1n
n 1!
;* t u 2
1 n
(e) cos H n 1
1 in3
32n1 4n
t ut u t u
1n 1 1 2i n 1n1 1 2 n
2 5 2 3
* t u
1 3 5 2n 1 p
13. Justify that 1 n1
is absolutely convergent for
2 4 6 2n
p 2, conditionally convergent for 0 p n 2, and divergent for p n 0.
14. Let (2 be the collection of in¿nite sequences
xn *
n1 of reals such that x n2
converges and de¿ne d x y xn yn 2 for each x
xn *
n1 y
yn *
n1 + (2 . Show that (2 d is a metric space.
15. A sequence
x n *
n1 of reals is bounded if and only if there is a number m
such that xn n m for each n + M. Let M denote the collection of all
bounded sequences, and de¿ned d x y sup xn yn . Show that M d
is a metric space.
16. Let B be the collection of all absolutely convergent series and de¿ne d x y
xn yn . Show that B d is a metric space.
Chapter 5
Functions on Metric Spaces and
These are more or less the way limit of a function and continuity of a function
at a point were de¿ned at the time of your ¿rst encounter with them. With our new
terminology, we can relax some of what goes into the de¿nition of limit. Instead of
going for an interval (with possibly a point missing), we can specify that the point
p be a limit point of the domain of f and then insert that we are only looking at the
real numbers that are both in the domain of the function and in the open interval.
This leads us to the following variation.
whenever = n . To get both bounds to be in effect we will take = max 1 .
18 18
This concludes that “expanded ”scratch
Q work.
Proof. For 0, let = max 1 . Then
0 x 3 = n 1 " x 5 x 3 8 n x 3 8 9
nr s n
n n
n 2x 4x 1 31n 2 x 3 x 5 2 = 9 n 18
SinceQ 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that, for every 0, there exists a =
R nb 2 c n
min 1 0, such that 0 x 3 = " n 2x 4x 1 31n i.e.,
b 18 c
lim 2x 2 4x 1 31.
b c
Excursion 5.1.5 Use the de¿nition to prove that lim x 2 5x 6.
A Proof.
***For this one, the = that you de¿ne will depend on the nature of the ¿rst restriction
that you placed on = in order to obtain a niceQupperR bound on x 6 if you chose
= n 1 as your ¿rst restriction, then = min 1 would have been what worked
in the proof that was offered.***
You want to be careful not to blindly take = n 1 as the ¿rst restriction. For
example, if you are looking at the greatest integer function as x , you would
need to make sure that = never exceeded in order to stay away from the nearest
“jumps” if you have a rational function for which is a zero of the denominator
1 1
and you are looking at the limit as x , then you couldn’t let = be as great at
4 4
so you might try taking = n as a ¿rst restriction. Our next example takes such a
consideration into account.
x2 3
Example 5.1.6 Use the de¿nition to prove that lim 4.
x1 2x 1
Space for scratch work.
| }
1 2 1
Proof. For 0, let = min . From 0 x 1 = n , we have
4 25 4
1 25
x 7 x 1 6 x 1 6 6
4 4
n n n n n n t u
n 1 n n 1 nn n 1 nn 1 1
2x 1 2 nnx nn 2 nnx 1 o 2 nx 1 2 .
2 2n n 2n 4 2
u t
nt 2 u n n 2 n =
n x 3 n n x 8x 7 n x 1 x 7 4
n n n n
n 2x 1 4n n 2x 1 n 2x 1
25 = 25 2
n .
2 2 25
| }
1 2
Since 0 was arbitrary, for every 0 there exists a = min
nt 2 u n 4 25
n x 3 n
0 such that 0 x 1 = implies that nn 4nn that is,
2x 1
x2 3
lim 4.
x1 2x 1
In Euclidean U space, the metric is realized as the absolute value of the differ-
ence. Letting d denote this metric allows us to restate the de¿nition of lim f x
x p
L as
Of course, at this point we haven’t gained much this form doesn’t look particu-
larly better than the one with which we started. On the other hand, it gets us nearer
to where we want to go which is to the limit of a function that is from one metric
space to another–neither of which is U1 . As a ¿rst step, let’s look at the de¿nition
when the function is from an arbitrary metric space into U1 . Again we let d denote
the Euclidean 1metric.
De¿nition 5.1.7 Suppose that A is a subset of a metric space S d S and that f is
a function with domain A and range contained in U1 i.e., f : A U1 . then “ f
tends to L as x tends to p through points of A” if and only if
lim f x L
x p
lim f z 3
z +F
For this one, we will make use of the fact that for any complex number ? ,
Re ? n ? .
Remark 5.1.9 Notice that, in the de¿nition of lim f x L, there is neither a
x p
requirement that f be de¿ned at p nor an expectation that p be an element of A.
Also, while it isn’t indicated, the = 0 that is sought may be dependent on p.
Finally we want to make the transition to functions from one arbitrary metric
space to another.
De¿nition 5.1.10 Suppose that A is a subset of a metric space S d S and that f
is a function with domain A and range contained in a metric space X d X i.e.,
f : A X. Then “ f tends to L as x tends to p through points of A” if and only
lim f x L
x p
| }
Proof. For 0, let = min 1 T . Then 0 dU p 1 p 1
= n 1 implies that
p 1 p 1 2 n p 1 2 3
4 p 12 4 9 13.
Hence, for 0 dU p 1 p 1 =,
b c2
dU2 f p 3 1 2 p 1 32 p2 1
p 1 4 p 12 = 13 n .
Remark 5.1.12 With few exceptions our limit theorems for functions of real-valued
functions of a real variable that involved basic combinations of functions have di-
rect, straightforward analogs to functions on an arbitrary metric spaces. Things
can get more dif¿cult when we try for generalizations of results that involved com-
paring function values. For the next couple of excursions, you are just being asked
to practice translating results from one setting to our new one.
f L as p p0 in A and f M as p p0 in A
prove that L M. After reading the following proof for the case of real-valued
functions of a real variable, use the space provided to write a proof for the new
After reading the following proof for the case of real-valued functions of a real
variable, use the space provided to write a proof for the new setting.
Proof. We want to show that, if lim f x L and lim gx M, then
xa xa
lim f gx L M. Let > 0 be given. Then there exists positive numbers =1
and =2 such that 0 x a =1 implies f x L >2 and 0 x a =2
implies gx M >2. For = min
=1 =2 , 0 x a = implies that
Kr s L
pn t E F 1n pn / p F lim pn p " lim f pn q .
n* n*
Excursion 5.1.16 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof
of the theorem.
We will give a proof by contrapositive of the converse. Suppose that lim f x / q.
x p
Then there exists a positive real number such that corresponding to each posi-
tive real number = there is a point x= + E for which 0 d X x= p = and
dY f x= q o . In particular, for each n + M, corresponding to there is a point
pn + E such that and dY f pn q o . Hence, lim f pn / q.
Thus, there exists a sequence
pn t E such that lim pn p and
Kr s L
pn t E F 1n pn / p F lim pn p F lim f pn / q
n* n*
which is equivalent to
Kr s L
pn t E F 1n pn / p F lim pn p " lim f pn q .
n* n*
Kr s L
pn t E F 1n pn / p F lim pn p " lim f pn q .
n* n*
f A
(c) lim x whenever B / 0.
x p g B
x +E
Proof. Because lim f x A, there exist a positive real number =1 such that
x p
x + E and 0 d X x p =1 implies that f x A 1 i.e., f xA 1.
Hence, f x 1 A for all x + E such that 0 d X x p =1 .
Suppose that 0 is given. If B 0, then lim gx 0 yields the
x p
existence of a positive real number =2 such that x + E and 0 d X x p =2
implies that
g x .
1 A
=, then
n n
n n
n n
f g x AB n f x g x AB n
n 3 4
n f x g x B
n n
n n
n n
1 A g x B B n n
n 6
7 8
Proof. In view of Theorem 5.1.19(b), it will suf¿ce to prove that, under the
1 1
given hypotheses, lim . First, we will show that, for B / 0, the modulus
x p g x B
of g is bounded away from zero. Since B 0 and lim gx B, there exists
x p
a positive real number =1 0 such that x + E and implies that
g x B . It follows from the (other) that,
2 2
if x + E and 0 d X x p =1 , then
n n
n n
g x g x B B o ng x B n
Suppose that 0 is given. Then 0 and lim gx B yields the
2 x p
existence of a positive real number =2 such that g x B whenever
x + E and 0 d X x p =2 . Let = min
=1 =2 . Then for x + E and
0 d X x p = we have that
n n
n 1 1 nn g x B
n g x B n B g x .
3 4
lim x lim f x .
x p g x p
x+E x+E 7 8
De¿nition 5.2.1 Suppose that X d X and Y dY are metric spaces, E t X, f :
E Y and p + E. Then f is continuous at p if and only if
d e
1 0 2= = 0 1x x + E F d X x p = " dY f x f p .
Theorem 5.2.2 Suppose that X d X and Y dY are metric spaces, E t X, f :
E Y and p + E and p is a limit point of E. Then f is continuous at p if and
only if lim f x f p
x p
De¿nition 5.2.3 Suppose that X d X and Y dY are metric spaces, E t X and
f : E Y . Then f is continuous on E if and only if f is continuous at each
p + E.
Remark 5.2.4 The property that was added in order to get the characterization
that is given in Theorem 5.2.2 was the need for the point to be a limit point. The
de¿nition of continuity at a point is satis¿ed for isolated points of E because each
isolated point p has the property that there is a neighborhood of p, N=` p, for
which E DN= ` p
p since p + dom f and d X p p dY f p f p
0, we automatically have that 1x x + E F d X x p = " dY f x f p
for any 0 and any positive real number = such that = = ` .
Remark 5.2.5 It follows immediately from our limit theorems concerning the al-
gebraic manipulations of functions for which the limits exist, the all real-valued
polynomials in k real variables are continuous in Uk .
bb cc
Remark 5.2.6 Because f 1 3 1 for the f p 2 p 1 p2 : U1
U2 that was given in Example 5.1.11, our work for the example allows us to claim
that f is continuous at p 1.
Theorem 5.1.15 is not practical for use to show that a speci¿c function is contin-
uous it is a useful tool for proving some general results about continuous functions
on metric spaces and can be a nice way to show that a given function is not contin-
implies that
n 2 n b 2 c T T
n x y n x y 2 y
f x y 0 n 2 n n y y n x 2 y 2 .
x y2 n x 2 y2
It follows from the de¿nition and Theorem 5.1.19 that continuity is transmitted
to sums, products, and quotients when the ranges of our functions are subsets of
the complex ¿eld. For completeness, the general result is stated in the following
Theorem 5.2.9 If f and g are complex valued functions that are continuous on
a metric space X, then f g and f g are continuous on X. Furthermore, is
continuous on X
p + X : g p 0.
From Lemma 4.3.1, it follows immediately that functions from arbitrary metric
spaces to Euclidean k-space are continuous if and only if they are continuous by
coordinate. Furthermore, Theorem 5.1.23 tells us that continuity is transmitted to
sums and inner products.
Theorem 5.2.10 (a) Let f 1 f 2 f k be real valued functions on a metric space
X, and F : X Uk be de¿ned by F x f 1 x f 2 x f k x.
Then F is continuous if and only if f j is continuous for each j 1 n j n k.
(b) If f and g are continuous functions from a metric space X into Uk , then f g
and f g are continuous on X.
The other combination of functions that we wish to examine on arbitrary metric
spaces is that of composition. If X, Y , and Z are metric spaces, E t X, f : E
Y , and g : f E Z , then the composition of f and g, denoted by g i f , is
de¿ned by g f x for each x + E. The following theorem tells us that continuity
is transmitted through composition.
Theorem 5.2.11 Suppose that X, Y , and Z are metric spaces, E t X, f : E
Y , and g : f E Z. If f is continuous at p + E and g is continuous at f p,
then the composition g i f is continuous at p + E.
Space for scratch work.
a positive real number =1 such that d Z g y g f p for any y + f E
such that dY y f p =1 . From f being continuous at p + E and =1 be-
ing a positive real number, we deduce the existence of another positive real num-
ber = such that x + E and d X x p = implies that dY f x f p =1 .
Substituting f x for y, we have that x + E and d X x p = implies that
dY f x f p =1 which further implies that d Z g f x g f p .
That is, d Z g i f x g i f p for any x + E for which d X x p =.
Therefore, g i f is continuous at p.
Remark 5.2.12 The “with respect to a set” distinction can be an important one to
1 , for x rational
note. For example, the function f x is continuous
0 , for x irrational
with respect to the rationals and it is continuous with respect to the irrationals.
However, it is not continuous on U1 .
Excursion 5.2.14 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof
of the theorem.
Proof. Let f be a mapping from a metric space X d X into a metric space
Y dY .
Suppose that f is continuous on X, V is an open set in Y , and p0 +
f V . Since V is open and f p0 + V , we can choose 0 such that
N f p0 t V from which it follows that
t f 1 V .
N= p0 t .
To prove the converse, suppose that the inverse image of every open set
in Y is open in X. Let p be an element in X and 0 be given. Now the
neighborhood N f p is open in Y . Consequently, is open in X.
The following corollary follows immediately from the Open Set Characteriza-
tion for Continuity, Excursion 5.2.15, and the fact that a set is closed if and only
if its complement is open. Use the space provided after the statement to convince
yourself of the truth of the given statement.
Remark 5.2.17 We have stated results in terms of open sets in the full metric space.
We could also discuss functions restricted to subsets of metric spaces and then the
characterization would be in terms of relative openness. Recall that given two sets
X and Y and f : X Y , the corresponding set induced functions satisfy the
following properties for C j t X and D j t Y , j 1 2:
Excursion 5.2.19 Fill in what is missing to complete the following proof of Theo-
rem 5.2.18.
n b c
Xt f 1 G : j .
It follows that
>n b c >
n >
f X t f f G: j G: j .
j 1 7
j j1
k j1
Therefore, G : j : j 1 2 n is a ¿nite
subcollection of J that covers f X. Since J was
arbitrary, every
f X is .
Remark 5.2.20 Just to stress the point, in view of our de¿nition of relative com-
pactness the result just stated is also telling us that the continuous image of any
compact subset of a metric space is a compact subset in the image.
When we add compactness to domain in the metric space, we get some nice
Excursion 5.2.23 Fill in the blanks to complete the following proof of the Bound-
edness Theorem.
Proof. By the , we know that compactness in Uk
for any k + M is equivalent to being closed and bounded. Hence, from Theorem
5.2.18, if f : A Uk where A is a compact metric space, then f A is compact.
But f A t and compact yields that f A is .
2 3
In particular, f A is bounded as claimed in the Boundedness Theorem.
***Expected responses are: (1) Heine-Borel Theorem, (2) Uk , and (3) closed and
Then there exist points u and ) in A such that f u M and f ) m.
Proof. From Theorem 5.2.18 and the Heine-Borel Theorem, f A t U and f
continuous implies that f A is closed and bounded. The Least Upper and Greatest
Lower Bound Properties for the reals yields the existence of ¿nite real numbers M
and m such that M sup f p and m inf f p. Since f A is closed, by
p+A p+A
Theorem 3.3.26, M + f A and m + f A. Hence, there exists u and ) in A such
that f u M and f ) m i.e., f u sup f p and f ) inf f p.
p+A p+A
E D f 1 A C B .
b c
Because A t A, f 1 A t f 1 A . Since
G t f 1 A, the transitivity of containment yields that
. From the Corollary to the Open Set
b c
Characterization for Continuous Functions, f 1 A is
b c b c
It follows that G t f 1 A . From G t f 1 A and
H t f 1 B, we have that
b c
G D H t f 1 A D f 1 B f 1 f 1 .
7 8 9
***Acceptable responses
b c are: (1) separated (2) E D f 1 B, (3) f 1 AC f 1 B,
(4) E, (5) G t f 1 A , (6) closed, (7) A D B, (8) 3, (9) 3, (10) not connected,
(11) E is connected, and (12) f E is connected.***
Theorem 5.2.28 Suppose that f is a real-valued function on a metric space X d.
If f is continuous on S, a nonempty connected subset of X, then the range of f S ,
denoted by R f S , is either an interval or a point.
Proof. Let E f [a b]. Because [a b] is an interval, from Theorem 3.3.60,
we know that [a b] is connected. By Theorem 5.2.26, E is also connected as the
continuous image of a connected set. Since f a and f b are in E, from Theorem
3.3.60, it follows that if c is a real number satisfying f a c f b, then c is in
E. Hence, there exists x in [a b] such that f x c. Since f a is not equal to c
and f b is not equal to c, we conclude that x is in a b. Therefore, there exists x
in a b such that f x c, as claimed.
x1 x2 n x1 x2 n 6.
We want to show that there exists a positive real number such that corre-
sponding to every positive real number = we have (at least two points) x1 x1 =
and x2 x2 = for which x 1 = x2 = = and f x1 f x2 o . This
statement is an exact translation of the negation of the de¿nition. For the given
function, we want to exploit the fact the as x increases x 2 increase at a rapid (not
really uniform) rate.
= 1
Take 1. For any positive real number =, let x 1 x 1 = and
2 =
x2 x2 = . Then x1 and x 2 are real numbers such that
nt u t un
n = 1 1 nn =
x1 x2 n =
2 = = n 2
n n
n 2 2n
f x1 f x2 nx1 x2 n x1 x2 x1 x2
t ut u
= = 2 =2
1 o 1 .
2 2 = 4
Hence, f is not uniformly continuous on U.
b c2
dU2 f p1 f p2 2 p1 1 2 p2 12 p12 p22
p1 p2 4 p1 p2 2 = 20 T 20 .
2 5
Since 0 and p1 p2 + [1 2] were arbitrary, we conclude that f is uniformly
continuous on [0 2].
Excursion 5.3.6 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the proof of the Uni-
form Continuity Theorem.
Proof. Suppose f is a continuous mapping from a compact metric space X d X
to a metric space Y dY and that 0 is given. Since f is continuous, for each
p + X, there exists a positive real
number = p such thatq + X F d X q p = p "
dY f p f q . Let J N 1 p : p + X . Since neighborhoods are
2 =p
open sets, we conclude that J is an . Since X is com-
pact there exists a ¿nite number of elements of J that covers X, say p1 p2 pn .
> n b c
Xt N1 pj .
j1 =p j
1 j k
Let = min = p j . Then, = 0 and the minimum of a ¿nite number of
de f 2 1n jnn
positive real numbers.
Suppose that p q + X are such that d p q =. Because p + X and
n b c
X t N1 p j , there exists a positive integer k, 1 n k n n, such that
j1 =p j
. Hence, d p pk = pk . From the triangular in-
d X q pk n d X q p d X p pk = n = pk .
Another application of the triangular inequality and the choices that were made for
= p yield that
dY f p f q n
4 5
***Acceptable ¿ll ins are: (1) open cover for X (2) p + N 1 pk , (3) = pk , (4)
=k 2
dY f p f pk dY f pk f q, . ***
2 2
Example 5.4.2 The domain of f x is U
0. Consequently, f has no
points of discontinuity on its domain.
! x
, for x + U
Example 5.4.3 For the function f x x ,
1 , for x 0
dom f U and x 0 is a point of discontinuity of f . To see that lim f x
does not exist, note that, for every positive real number =,
t u n t u n
= n = n
f 1 and n f f 0nn 2.
2 n 2
Hence, if , then, for every positive real number =, there exists x + dom f
such that 0 x = and f x f 0 o . Therefore, f is not continuous at
x 0.
t u
! 1
x sin , for x + U
Example 5.4.4 If g x , then g has no dis-
0 , for x 0
continuities in U.
x + dom f : f is continuous at x
and B
x + dom f : f is discontinuous at x.
! 4x 1 1
! , xn
! 1x 2
! 1
! x n1
2 ,
f x 2x 4 , 1x n3
! JxK 2 , 3x n6
14 x 10 , 6 x 14 G 14 x
x 14
3 4 5 6.***
De¿nition 5.4.6 Let f be a function that is de¿ned on the segment a b. Then,
for any point x + [a b, the right-hand limit is denoted by f x and
b c Kr s L
f x q % 1
tn * n1
t n t x b F lim t n x " lim f t n q
n* n*
and, for any x + a b], the left-hand limit is denoted by f x and
b *
c Kr s L
f x q % 1
tn n1
tn t a x F lim tn x " lim f tn q .
n* n*
Remark 5.4.7 From the treatment of one-sided limits in frosh calculus courses,
recall that lim f t q if and only if
d e
1 0 2= = 0 1t t + dom f F x t x = " f t q
The Sequences Characterization for Limits of Functions justi¿es that these de¿ni-
tions are equivalent to the de¿nitions of f x and f x, respectively.
Excursion 5.4.8 Find f x and f x for every x + B where B is de¿ned in
Excursion 5.4.5.
Remark 5.4.9 For each point x where a function f is continuous, we must have
f x f x f x.
De¿nition 5.4.10 Suppose the function f is de¿ned on the segment a b and dis-
continuous at x + a b. Then f has a discontinuity of the ¿rst kind at x or a
simple discontinuity at x if and only if both f x and f x exist. Otherwise,
the discontinuity is said to be a discontinuity of the second kind.
f x , for x + R
1 14
Remark 5.4.12 The function F x where
0 , for x 1 G x 14
f is given in Excursion 5.4.5 has discontinuities of the second kind at x 1 and
x 14.
The class of monotonic functions is the set consisting of both the functions that are
increasing and the functions that are decreasing.
Excursion 5.4.15 Classify the monotonicity of the function f that was de¿ned in
Excursion 5.4.5
Excursion 5.4.17 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof
of the theorem.
Space for scratch work.
f x = n f t and .
Since u * and f x n u, the transitivity of less
than or equal to yields that
f t : x t y .
From our earlier discussion,
f y lim f t .
Now, x y t a y yields that
f y sup
f t : x t y .
Therefore, as claimed.
***The expected responses are: (1) f t n f x, (2) least upper bound prop-
erty, (3) ud * u, (4) a x, (5) f t n ef x, (6) u , (7) u, (8)
2= 0 1t x = t x " u f t u , (9) below, (10) Let 0
be given. Then ) inf C implies that there exists * + C such that ) * ) .
Since * + C, * is the image of some point in x b. Let = 0 be such that x = +
x b and f x = *. Now suppose t + x x =. Then f x n f t and
f t n f x = *. Since ) n fd x and * ) , it follows that ) n f t
and f t ) . Thus, 2= 0 1t x t x = " ) f t n ) .
Because 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that ) lim f t f x., (11)
f x, (12) sup
f t : a t y and (13) f x n f y.***
x + a b : f is discontinuous at x
is at most countable.
Excursion 5.4.20 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof
of Theorem 5.4.19.
Proof. Without loss of generality, we assume that f is a function that is mono-
tonically increasing in the segment a b I . If f is continuous in I , then f has
de f
no points of discontinuity there and we are done. Suppose that f is not continuous
on I and let D
* + I : f is not continuous at *.
From our assumption D / 3 and we can suppose that ? + D. Then
? + dom f ,
1x x + I F ? x " .
f ? sup
f x : x ? , f ? .
To see that H is onto, note that by de¿nition H D t J and suppose that A + J.
Finally, H : D J yields that D q J. Since r< + T for each Ir< + J, we have
that J n T 80 . Therefore, D n 80 i.e., D is .
Remark 5.4.21 The level of detail given in Excursion 5.4.20 was more that was
needed in order to offer a well presented argument. Upon establishing the ability to
associate an interval Ir? with each ? + D that is labelled with a rational and jus-
tifying that the set of such intervals is pairwise disjoint, you can simply assert that
you have established a one-to-one correspondence with a subset of the rationals
and the set of discontinuities from which it follows that the set of discontinuities is
at most countable. I chose the higher level of detail–which is also acceptable–in
order to make it clearer where material prerequisite for this course is a part of the
foundation on which we are building. For a really concise presentation of a proof
of Theorem 5.4.19, see pages 96-97 of our text.
Remark 5.4.22 On page 97 of our text, it is noted by the author that the disconti-
nuities of a monotonic function need not be isolated. In fact, given any countable
subset E of a segment a b, he constructs a function f that is monotonic on a b
with E as set of all discontinuities of f in a b. More consideration of the example
is requested in our exercises.
Based of the four that are given, complete each of the following.
lim f x * %
lim f x * %
lim f x * %
lim f x * %
Hopefully, the neighborhood formulation and the pattern of the various state-
ments suggests that we could pull things together if we had comparable descriptions
for neighborhoods of * and *.
N K *
x + UC
* * : x K
and N K *
x + UC
* * : x K are neighborhoods of * and
*, respectively.
De¿nition 5.4.24 Let f be a real valued function de¿ned on U. Then for A and c
in the extended real number system, lim f x A if and only if for every neigh-
borhood of A, N A there exists a deleted neighborhood of c, N `d c, such that
x + N `d c implies that f x + N A. When speci¿cation is needed this will be
referred to a the limit of a function in the extended real number system.
Hopefully, the motivation that led us to this de¿nition is enough to justify the
claim that this de¿nition agrees with the de¿nition of lim f x A when c and A
are real. Because the de¿nition is the natural generalization and our proofs for the
properties of limits of function built on information concerning neighborhoods, we
note that we can establish some of the results with only minor modi¿cation in the
proofs that have gone before. We will simply state analogs.
The limit of the quotient and limit of the sum theorem yields that
b 2 c b c
x 3x 3 5 i x 3 x sin x 0 3 0 i 1 0 3 i
lim .
x* 4x 3 7 40 4
rT T s
Example 5.4.29 Find lim 2x 2 x 2 2x 2 x 1 .
In its current form, it looks like the function is tending to * * which is
unde¿ned. In this case, we will try “unrationalizing” the expression in order to get
a quotient at will allow some elementary algebraic manipulations. Note that
rT T s
2x x 2 2x x 1
2 2
rT T s rT T s
2x 2 x 2 2x 2 x 1 2x 2 x 2 2x 2 x 1
rT T s
2x 2 x 2 2x 2 x 1
b 2 c b c
2x x 2 2x 2 x 1
rT T s
2x 2 x 2 2x 2 x 1
2x 3
rT T s.
2x x 2 2x x 1
2 2
Furthermore, for x 0, x 2 x x. Hence,
rT T s
lim 2x x 2 2x x 1
2 2
2x 3
lim rT T s
2x 2 x 2 2x 2 x 1
2x 3
lim U U
x* T 1 2 1 1
x2 2 2 2 2
x x x x
lim 1 U x
1 2 1 1
2 2 2 2
x x x x
t u T
2 1 2
1 T T T .
2 2 2 2
5.5. PROBLEM SET E 225
b c
(a) lim 3x 2 2x 1 9
(b) lim 8x 2 8
(c) lim x 4
(d) lim 3
x1 x 2
x 4
(e) lim 7.
x3 2x 5
2. For each of the following real-valued functions of a real variable ¿nd the
implicit domain and range.
sin x
(a) f x
x2 1
(b) f x 2x 1
(c) f x 2
x 5x 6
! 3
! , x 0
! x 3
3. Let f x x 2
! , 0n x 2Fx 2
! x 2
1 , x 2
(a) If c is a real number and f p c for all p + A, then, for any limit
point p0 of A, we have that lim f p c.
p p0
p+ A
5.5. PROBLEM SET E 227
10. For each of the following functions on U2 , determine whether or not the given
function is continuous at 0 0. Use = proofs to justify continuity or show
lack of continuity by justifying that the needed limit does not exist.
! x y2
b c , for x y / 0 0
x 2 y2 2
(a) f x y
0 , for x y 0
! x 3 y3
b 2 c , for x y / 0 0
x y 2 2
(b) f x y
0 , for x y 0
! x 2 y4
b 2 c , for x y / 0 0
x y 4 2
(c) f x y
0 , for x y 0
11. Discuss the uniform continuity of each of the following on the indicated set.
x2 1
(a) f x in the interval [4 9].
2x 3
(b) f x x 3 in [1 *.
12. For a b, let F [a b] denote the set of all real valued functions that are
continuous on the interval [a b]. Prove that d f g max f x g x
is a metric on F [a b].
13. Correctly formulate the monotonically decreasing analog for Theorem 5.4.16
and prove it.
17. Suppose that f is uniformly continuous on the intervals I1 and I2 . Prove that
f is uniformly continuous on S I1 C I2 .
is uniformly continuous on I .
19. If a real valued function f is uniformly continuous on the half open interval
0 1], is it true that f is bounded there. Carefully justify the position taken.
Chapter 6
f * f ?
lim (6.1)
*? *?
exists. The value of the limit is denoted by f ) ? . The function is said to be differ-
entiable on P if and only if it is differentiable at each ? + P.
There is an alternative form of (6.1) that is often more useful in terms of compu-
tation and formatting of proofs. Namely, if we let * ? h, (6.1) can be written
f ? h f ?
lim . (6.2)
h0 h
Remark 6.1.3 With the form given in (6.2), the difference quotient can be abbrevi-
ated as .
De¿nition 6.1.4 A real-valued function f on a subset P of U is right-hand differ-
entiable at a point ? + P if and only if f is de¿ned in a half open interval in the
form [? ? = for some = 0 and the one-sided derivative from the right, denoted
by D f ? ,
f ? h f ?
h0 h
exists the function f is left-hand differentiable at a point ? + P if and only if
f is de¿ned in a half open interval in the form ? = ? ] for some = 0 and the
one-sided derivative from the left, denoted by D f ? ,
f ? h f ?
h0 h
Example 6.1.7 Use the de¿nition to prove that gx x 2 is not differentiable
at x 2.
Since dom g U, the function g is de¿ned in any open interval that
contains x 2. Hence, g is differentiable at x 2 if and only if
g 2 h g 2 h
lim lim
h0 h h0 h
exists. Let M h for h / 0. Note that
h h h h
lim lim 1 and lim lim 1
h0 h h0 h h0 h h0 h
Thus, M 0 / M 0 from which we conclude that lim M h does not exist.
Therefore, g is not differentiable at x 2.
Remark 6.1.8 Because the function g given in Example 6.1.7 is left-hand differen-
tiable at x 2 and right-hand differentiable at x 2, we have that g is differen-
tiable in each of * 2] and [2 *.
For (1), we note that G is de¿ned for all reals, consequently, it is de¿ned
in every interval that contains 0. Thus, G is differentiable at 0 if and only if
1 t u
G 0 h G 0 h sin 0 1
lim lim h lim sin
h0 h h0 h h0 h
1 2
exists. For h / 0, let M h sin . For each n + M, let pn . Now,
h H 2n
j 1 k
n1 *
pn * *
n1 converges to 0 as n approaches in¿nity but
M pn n1 1 n1
diverges. From the Sequences Characterization for Limits of Functions (Theorem
5.1.15), we conclude that lim M h does not exist. Therefore, G is not differentiable
at x 0.
The function F given in (2) is also de¿ned in every interval that contains
0. Hence, F is differentiable at 0 if and only if
1 t u
F 0 h F 0 h 3 sin 0 1
lim lim h lim h sin
h0 h h0 h h0 h
n n
n 1n
exists. Now we know that, for h / 0, nnsin nn n 1 and lim h 2 0 it follows from
h h0
a simple
t modi¿cation
u of what was proved in Exercise #6 of Problem Set D that
lim h 2 sin 0. Therefore, F is differentiable at x 0 and F ) 0 0.
h0 h
Excursion 6.1.10 In the space provided, sketch graphs of G and F on two different
representations of the Cartesian coordinate system in intervals containing 0.
***For the sketch of G using the curves y x and y x as guides to stay within
should have helped give a nice sense for the appearance of the graph the guiding
(or bounding) curves for F are y x 3 and y x 3 .***
Remark 6.1.11 The two problems done in the last example illustrate what is some-
times referred to as a smoothing effect. In our text, it is shown that
x 2 sin , for x / 0
K x x
0 , for x0
is not continuous at x 0 with the discontinuity being of the second kind. The
“niceness” of the function is improving with the increase in exponent of the “smooth-
ing function” x n .
Excursion 6.1.12 Fill in Twhat is missing in order to complete the following proof
that the function f x x is differentiable in U 0 *.
Proof. Let f x x and suppose that a + U . Then f is
ra s
in the segment 2a that contains x a. Hence, f is differentiable at x a if
and only if
lim lim
h0 h0
2 3
exists. Now
bT T c bT T c
ah a ah a
lim lim bT T c
h0 h0 h ah a
d b 1 ce
***Acceptable responses are: (1) de¿ned, (2) f a
h f a h , (3)
dbT T cb ce a h a bT T c1
a h a h 1 , (4) lim bT T c , (5) lim ah a ,
h0 h ah a h0
b T c1 1
(6) 2 a , and (7) T .***
2 a
The next result tells us that differentiability of a function at a point is a stronger
condition than continuity at the point.
Excursion 6.1.14 Make use of the following observations and your understanding
of properties of limits of functions to prove Theorem 6.1.13
Some observations to ponder:
d e
***Once you think of the possibility of writing G x G p as
d e
G x G p x p1 x p for x / p the limit of the product theorem
does the rest of the work.***
Remark 6.1.15 We have already seen two examples of functions that are continu-
ous at a point without being differentiable at the point namely, g x x 2 at
x 2 and, for x 0,
x sin , for x / 0
G x x .
0 , for x 0
n n
n 1n
To see that G is continuous at x 0, note that nnsin nn n 1 for x / 0 and lim x 0
t t uu x x0
implies that lim x sin 0. Alternatively, for 0, let = then
x0 x
0 x 0 = implies that
n n n n
n n n n
nx sin 1 0n x nsin 1 n n x = .
n x n n xn
t u
Hence, lim x sin 0 G 0. Either example is suf¿cient to justify that the
x0 x
converse of Theorem 6.1.13 is not true.
Because the derivative is de¿ned as the limit of the difference quotient, it should
come as no surprise that we have a set of properties involving the derivatives of
functions that follow directly and simply from the de¿nition and application of our
limit theorems. The set of basic properties is all that is needed in order to make a
transition from ¿nding derivatives using the de¿nition to ¿nding derivatives using
simple algebraic manipulations.
G ) ? u? ) ) ? )? u ) ? .
p ) x nx n1 .
The proofs of (a) and (b) are about as easy as it gets while the straightforward
proofs of (c) and (f) are left as exercises. Completing the next two excursions will
provide proofs for (d) and (e).
Excursion 6.1.17 Fill is what is missing in order to complete the following proof
that, if u and ) are differentiable at ? , then Gx u)x is differentiable at ?
G ) ? u? ) ) ? )? u ) ? .
Proof. Suppose u, ), and G are as described in the hypothesis. Because u
and ) are differentiable at ? , they are de¿ned in a segment containing ? . Hence,
G x u x ) x is de¿ned in a segment containing ? . Hence, G is differentiable
lim lim
h0 h0
1 2
) ? h [u ? h u ? ] u ? [) ? h ) ? ]
v t h u t uw
u ? h u ? ) ? h ) ?
lim ) ? h u ? .
h0 h h
Since ) is differentiable at ? it is continuous there thus, lim ) ? h .
Now the differentiability of u and ) with the limit of the product and limit of the sum
theorems yield that
lim .
Therefore, G is differentiable at ? .
d e
1 ,
***Acceptable responses are: (1) G ? h G ? h
d e
(2) u ? h ) ? h u ? ) ? h 1 , (3) ) ? , and (4) ) ? u ) ? u ? ) ) ? .***
Excursion 6.1.18 Fill is what is missing in order to complete the following proof
that, if f is differentiable at ? and f ? / 0, then Hx [ f x]1 is differen-
f ) ?
tiable at ? and H ) ? .
[ f ? ]2
Proof. Suppose that the function f is differentiable at ? and f ? / 0. From
Theorem 6.1.13, f is at ? . Hence. lim f x . Since
1 2
f ?
0, it follows that there exists = 0 such that
2 3
f ?
implies that f x f ? . The (other) triangular inequality, yields
f ?
that, for , f ? f x from which
f ?
we conclude that f x in the segment . Therefore, the
2 4
function H x [ f x]1 is de¿ned in a segment that contains ? and it is dif-
de f
H ? h H ?
ferentiable at ? if and only if lim exists. Now simple algebraic
h0 h
manipulations yield that
vt ut uw
H ? h H ? f ? h f ? 1
lim lim .
h0 h h0 h f ? h f ?
H ? h H ?
lim .
h0 h 7
***Acceptable responses are: (1) continuous, (2) b )f ?c, (3) x2 ? =, (4)
? = ? =, (5) continuity, (6) f ? , and (7) f ? [ f ? ] .***
The next result offers a different way to think of the difference quotient.
and @ is continuous at 0.
Before looking at the proof take a few moments to reÀect on what you can say about
f x0 h f x0
f ) x0
for h 0.
Because f is differentiable at x0 , it follows from the limit of the sum theorem that
lim @ h 0. Since @ 0 0, we conclude that @ is continuous at 0. Finally,
1d e
solving @ f x0 h f x0 f ) x0 for f x0 h f x0 yields (6.3).
for h very small i.e., the function near to x0 is approximated by a linear function
whose slope is f ) x0 .
Theorem 6.1.21 (Chain Rule) Suppose that g and u are functions on U and that
f x gux. If u is differentiable at x0 and g is differentiable at ux0 , then f
is differentiable at x0 and
Before reviewing the offered proof, look at the following and think about what
prompted the indicated rearrangement What should be put in the boxes to enable
us to relate to the given information?
We want to consider
f x 0 h f x0
h0 h
g ux0 h g ux0
h0 h
% &
% g ux0 h g ux0 &
lim % &
h0 %
# h &
Proof. Let f f x0 h f x 0 , u ux0 h ux0 and u 0 u x0 .
from the limit of the sum and limit of the product theorems.
What we don’t have yet is the derivatives of functions that are not realized as al-
gebraic combinations of polynomials most notably this includes the trigonometric
functions, the inverse trig functions, : x for any ¿xed positive real number :, and
the logarithm functions.
For any x + U, we know that
sin x h sin x sin h cos x cos h sin x sin x
lim lim
h0 h h0
v t h
u t uw
sin h cos h 1
lim cos x sin x
h0 h h
cos x h cos x cos h cos x sin h sin x cos x
lim lim
h0 h h0
v t h u t uw
cos h 1 sin h
lim cos x sin x .
h0 h h
Consequently, in view of the limit of the sum and limit of the product theorems,
t the derivatives
u oftthe sine anducosine functions depends on the existence of
sin h cos h 1
lim and lim . Using elementary geometry and trigonom-
h0 h h0 h
etry, it can be shown that the values of these limits are 1 and 0, respectively. An
outline for the proofs of these two limits, which is a review of what is shown in an
elementary calculus course, is given as an exercise. The formulas for the derivatives
ln x h ln x 1
lim .
h0 h x
Formulas for the derivatives of the inverse trigonometric functions and : x , for
any ¿xed positive real number :, will follow from the theorem on the derivative of
the inverses of a function that is proved at the end of this chapter.
Excursion 6.1.22 Using terminology associated with the derivative, give a brief
description that applies to each of the slopes m j for j 1 2 3.
De¿nition 6.2.2 A real valued function f on a metric space X d X has a (global)
maximum at a point p + X if and only if
d e
1x x + X " f x n f p
the function has a (global) minimum at a point p + X if and only if
d e
1x q + X " f p n f x
Proof. Suppose that the function f is de¿ned in the interval I [a b], has a lo-
cal maximum at x0 + a b, and is differentiable at x0 . Because f has a local max-
imum at xd 0 , there exists a positive real number = such
e that x0 = x0 = t a b
and 1t t + x0 = x0 = " f t n f x0 . Thus, for t + x0 = x 0 ,
f t f x0
o0 (6.4)
t x0
f b f a
f ) G .
Excursion 6.2.6 Use the space provided to complete the proof of the Mean-Value
Proof. Consider the function F de¿ned by
f b f a
Fx f x x a f a
Excursion 6.2.8 Fill in the indicated steps in order to complete the proof of the
Generalized Mean-Value Theorem.
(a) If f ) x o 0 for all x + a b, then f is monotonically increasing in a b.
(b) If f ) x 0 for all x + a b, then f is constant in a b.
(c) If f ) x n 0 for all x + a b, then f is monotonically decreasing in a b.
Excursion 6.2.10 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof
of the Monotonicity Test.
Proof. Suppose that f is differentiable in the segment a b and x 1 x2 + a b
are such that x1 x2 . Then f is continuous in [x1 x2 ] and
Remark 6.2.12 Actually, in each of open intervals * 3, 2 *, and 3 2
that were found in Example 6.2.11, we have strict monotonicity i.e., for x1 x2 +
* 3 or x1 x2 + 2 *, x1 x2 implies that f x1 f x2 , while x1 x2 +
3 2 and x1 x2 yields that f x1 f x2 .
Remark 6.2.14 With the obvious algebraic modi¿cations, it can be shown that the
same result holds if the real valued function that is differentiable on [a b] satis¿es
f ) a f ) b.
Corollary 6.2.15 If f is a real valued function that is differentiable on [a b], then
f ) cannot have any simple(¿rst kind) discontinuities on [a b].
Remark 6.2.16 The corollary tells us that any discontinuities of real valued func-
tions that are differentiable on an interval will have only discontinuities of the sec-
ond kind.
Theorem 6.3.1 (L’Hôpital’s Rule I) Suppose that f and F are functions such that
f ) and F ) exist on a segment I a b and F ) / 0 on I .
t )u t u
f f
(a) If f a Fa 0 and )
a L, then a L.
t )u t u
f f
(b) If f a Fa * and )
a L, then a L.
Excursion 6.3.2 Fill in what is missing in order to compete the following proof of
part (a).
Proof. Suppose that f and F are differentiable on a segment I a b, F ) / 0
on I , and f a Fa 0. Setting f a f a and F a Fa
extends f and F to functions that are in [a b. With this, F a 0
and F ) x / 0 in I yields that F x .
t u
Suppose that 0 is given. Since a L, there exists = 0
such that a * a = implies that
From the Generalized Mean-Value Theorem and the fact that F a f a 0, it
follows that
n n nn 4
n n
n n n
n n n ]`_^ n n n
n n n n n
n n n n n n
n f x n n n n n
n L nn n L n nn L nn
n n nn F x F a n n
n n_ ^] ` n
n _^]` n n n n
n 3 n n n n 5 n
n n
n f x n
for some G satisfying a G a =. Hence, nn L nn . Since 0 was
F x
arbitrary, we conclude that .
n ) n
n f * n
***Acceptable responses are: (1) continuous, (2) / 0, (3) nn ) L nn , (4)
F *
f ) G f x
F x, (5) f x f a, (6) ) , and (7) lim L.***
F G xa F x
Proof. Proof of (b). Suppose that f and F are functions such that f ) and F )
existton an
) u open interval I
x : a x b, F / 0 on I, f a Fa *
and a L. Then f and F are continuous on I and there exists h 0
such that F ) / 0 in Ih
x : a x a h. For > 0, there exists a = with
0 = h such that
n ) n
n f G n >
n n
n F ) G L n 2 for all G in I=
x : a x a =
Remark 6.3.3 The two statements given in L’Hôpital’s Rule are illustrative of the
set of such results. For example, the x a can be replaced with x b ,
x *, x *, and x *, with some appropriate modi¿cations in the
statements. The following statement is the one that is given as Theorem 5.13 in our
Theorem 6.3.4 (L’Hôpital’s Rule II) Suppose f and g are real and differentiable
) f ) x
in a b, where * n a b n *, g x / 0 for all x + a b, and lim )
xa g x
f x
A. If lim f x 0 F lim g x 0 or lim g x *, then lim A.
xa xa xa xa g x
x 2 5x 6 7 sin x 3
1. lim .
x3 2x 6
t u*
2. lim 1
** *1
Remark 6.4.1 If u and ) are monotonic functions with the same monotonicity, then
their composition (if de¿ned) is increasing. If u and ) are monotonic functions with
the opposite monotonicity, then their composition (if de¿ned) is decreasing.
(a) J is an interval
(b) the inverse relation g of f is a function with domain J that is continuous and
strictly monotone on J and
x 0 > g*1` o g* o g*2` x0 > for * such that *1` n * n *2`
g*0 > o g* o g*0 > for * such that *1` n * n *2`
Remark 6.4.3 While we have stated the Inverse Function Theorem in terms of in-
tervals, please note that the term intervals can be replaced by segments a b where
a can be * and/or b can be *.
In view of the Inverse Function Theorem, when we have strictly monotone con-
tinuous functions, it is natural to think about differentiating their inverses. For a
proof of the general result concerning the derivatives of inverse functions, we will
make use with the following partial converse of the Chain Rule.
Lemma 6.4.4 Suppose the real valued functions F, G, and u are such that F x
G u x, u is continuous at x0 + U, F ) x0 exists, and G ) u x0 exists and
differs from zero. Then u ) x0 is de¿ned and F ) x0 G ) u x0 u ) x0 .
Excursion 6.4.5 Fill in what is missing to complete the following proof of the
u h
h [G u 0 @u]
From lim u 0, it follows that @u 0 as h 0. Because G ) u 0 exists
and is nonzero,
ux h ux F ) x0
u ) x0 lim h
0 0
lim ) ) .
h0 h h0 [G u 0 @u] G u 0
Therefore, u ) x0 exists and .
***Acceptable responses are: (1) Gux0 h Gux0 , (2) @0 0, (3)
[G ) u 0 @u]u, and (4) F ) x0 G ) u 0 u ) x0 .***
Theorem 6.4.6 (Inverse Differentiation Theorem) Suppose that f satis¿es the hy-
potheses of the Inverse Function Theorem. If x0 is a point of J such that f ) gx0
is de¿ned and is different from zero, then g) x0 exists and
g ) x0 . (6.6)
f ) g x 0
Corollary 6.4.7 For a ¿xed nonnegative real number :, let g x : x . Then
dom g U and, for all x + U, g ) x : x ln :.
Proof. We know that g x : x is the inverse of f x log: x where f is
a strictly increasing function with domain 0 * and range * *. Because
A log: B % : A B % A ln : ln B, it follows that
ln B
log: B .
ln :
t u)
b c) ln x 1
f x log: x .
ln : x ln :
From the Inverse Differentiation Theorem, we have that g ) x
f ) g x
g x ln : : x ln :.
Excursion 6.4.10 Use f x to verify the Inverse Differentiation Theorem
on the segment 2 4 i.e., show that the theorem applies, ¿nd the inverse g and
its derivative by the usual algebraic manipulations, and then verify the derivative
satis¿es equation (6.6)
***Hopefully, you thought to use the Monotonicity Test that f is strictly increasing
) 2
in I 2 4 follows immediately upon t notinguthat f x 1 x 0 in
I . The corresponding segment J 2 is the domain for the inverse g
that we seek. The usual algebraic manipulations for ¿nding inverses leads us to
solving x y 1 y1 for y. Then application of the quotient rule should have
led to g ) x 1 x2 . Finally, to verify agreement with what is claimed with
equation (6.6), substitute g into f ) x 1 x2 and simplify.***
From f x 3 5 2x2 b , itc follows that f ) x 32 5 2x3 2,
b c
f )) x 32 3 5 2x4 22 , f 3 x 32 3 4 5 2x5 23 ,
b c
and f 4 x 3 2 3 4 5 5 2x6 24 . Basic pattern recognition
suggests that
f n x 1n 3 2n n 1! 5 2xn2 . (6.7)
Remark 6.5.4 Equation (6.7) was not proved to be the case. While it can be proved
by Mathematical Induction, the set-up of the situation is direct enough that claiming
the formula from a suf¿cient number of carefully illustrated cases is suf¿cient for
our purposes.
Theorem 6.5.5 (Taylor’s Approximating Polynomials) Suppose f is a real func-
tion on [a b] such that there exists n + M for which f n1 is continuous on [a b]
and f n exists for every t + a b. For < + [a b], let
; f k <
Pn1 < t t < k .
Then, for : and ; distinct points in [a b], there exists a point x between : and ;
such that
f n x
f ; Pn1 : ; ; :n . (6.8)
Excursion 6.5.6 Fill in what is missing to complete the following proof of Taylor’s
Approximating Polynomials Theorem.
Proof. Since Pn1 : ;, ; :n and f ; are ¿xed, we have that
n1 k
f :
) )
g t f t t :k1 n M t :n1 ,
k 1!
g )) t .
n1 k
f : n!
j j
g t f t t :k j M t :n j .
k j
k j ! n j!
0 gn xn .
Hence, there exists a real number x xn that is between : and ; such that
f n x
f n x n!M i.e., M. The de¿nition of M yields equation (6.8).
***Acceptable responses are: (1) g n1 , (2) g is the sum of functions having those
3 f k :
properties, (3) f )) t n1 t :k2 n n 1 M t :n2 , (4)
k 2!
f n t n!M, (5) Rolle’s Theorem or the Mean-Value Theorem, (6) continuous,
(7) g )) x2 0, (8) : and x2 , and (9) f n xn n!M.***
Lemma 6.6.2 Suppose that f 1 f 2 f k are real functions on a subset P of U and
f x f 1 x f 2 x f k x for x + P. Then f is differentiable at ? + P with
derivative f) ? b if and only if each of thecfunctions f 1 f 2 f k is differentiable at
? and f) ? f 1) ? f 2) ? f k) ? .
Proof. For t and ? in U, we have that
t u
f t f ? ) f 1 t f 1 ? ) f k t f k ? )
f ? f 1 ? f k ? .
t ? t ? t ?
Consequently, the result follows immediately from Lemma 4.3.1 and the Limit of
Sequences Characterization for the Limits of Functions.
Lemma 6.6.3 If f is a vector-valued function from P t U into Uk that is differen-
tiable at a point ? + P, then f is continuous at ? .
Proof. Suppose that f is a vector-valued function from P t U into Uk that is
differentiable at a point ? + P. Then f is de¿ned in a segment I containing ? and,
for t + I , we have that
t u
f 1 t f 1 ? f k t f k ?
f t f ? t ? t ?
t ? t ?
b c
f 1) ? 0 f 2) ? 0 f k) ? 0 as t ? .
Hence, for each j + M, 1 n j n k, lim f j t f j ? i.e., each f j is continuous
at ? . From Theorem 5.2.10(a), it follows that f is continuous at ? .
We note that an alternative approach to proving Lemma 6.6.3 simply uses Lemma
6.6.2. In particular, from Lemma 6.6.2, f x f 1 x f 2 x f k x differen-
tiable at ? implies that f j is differentiable at ? for each j, 1 n j n k. By Theorem
6.1.13, f j is continuous at ? for each j , 1 n j n k, from which Theorem 5.2.10(a)
allows us to conclude that f x f 1 x f 2 x f k x is continuous at ? .
Lemma 6.6.4 If f and g are vector-valued functions from P t U into Uk that are
differentiable at a point ? + P, then the sum and inner product are also differen-
tiable at ? .
Proof. Suppose that f x f 1 x f 2 x f k x and
g x g1 x g2 x gk x are vector-valued functions from P t U into
Uk that are differentiable at a point ? + P. Then
f g x f 1 g1 x f 2 g2 x f k gk x
b thec Properties
b cof Derivatives (c) and (d), bfor eachc)j + M, 1) n j n )
f j g j and f j g j are differentiable at ? with f j g j ? f j ? g j ?
b c)
and f j g j ? f j) ? g j ? f j ? g )j ? . From Lemma 6.6.2, it follows that
f g is differentiable at ? with
b c bb c b c b c c
f g ? f) g) ? f 1) g1) ? f 2) g2) ? f k) gk) ?
The three lemmas might prompt an unwarranted leap to the conclusion that all
of the properties that we have found for real-valued differentiable functions on sub-
sets of U carry over to vector-valued functions on subsets of U. A closer scrutiny
reveals that we have not discussed any results for which the hypotheses or conclu-
sions either made use of or relied on the linear ordering on U. Since we loose the
existence of a linear ordering when we go to U2 , it shouldn’t be a shock that the
Mean-Value Theorem does not extend to the vector-valued functions from subsets
of U to U2 .
Example 6.6.5 For x + U, let f x cos x sin x. Show that there exists an in-
terval [a b] such that f satis¿es the hypotheses of the Mean-Value Theorem without
yielding the conclusion.
From Lemma 6.6.2 and Lemma 6.6.3, we have that f is differentiable in
a b and continuous in [a b] for any a b + U such that a b. Sincen f 0n
f 2H 1 0, f 2H f 0 0 0. Because f) x n) n
b ) sin x cos cx, f x
1 for each x + 0 2H . Inbparticular, 1x + 0 2H f xc / 0 0 from which
we see that 1x + 0 2H f 2H f 0 / 2H 0 f) x i.e.,
d b ce
2x x + 0 2H F f 2H f 0 2H 0 f) x
Remark 6.6.6 Example 5.18 in our text justi¿es that L’Hôpital’s Rule is also not
valid for functions from U into F.
is continuous in [a b] and differentiable in a b. Applying the Mean-Value The-
orem to M, we have that there exists x + a b such that
(a) f x x 3 x 0
x , for 0 n xn1
(b) f x x 1
x , for x 1
T 1
x sin , for x / 0
(c) f x x x0
0 , for x 0
(d) f x 2 x2
2x 1
2. Prove that, if f and g are differentiable at ? , then Fx f gx is
differentiable at ? and F ) ? f ) ? g) ? .
3. Use the de¿nition of the derivative to prove that f x x n is differentiable
on U for each n + M.
x , for x + T
4. Let f x .
0 , for x + T
Is f differentiable at x 0? Carefully justify your position.
6.7. PROBLEM SET F 267
(a) f x x x 1
(b) f x x x
f bn f an
lim f ) c?
n* bn an
State your position and carefully justify it.
8. Use the Principle of Mathematical Induction to prove the Leibnitz Rule for
the n th derivative of a product:
;n t u
n n nk
f g x f x g k x
bn c n!
where and f 0 x f x.
k n k! k!
9. Use derivative formulas to ¿nd f ) x for each of the following. Do only the
obvious simpli¿cations.
4x 6 3x 1
(a) f x r b c7 s
x 4x 5x 7x
5 2 3 4
1 2x b 9 c2
(b) f x 4x 2 b c3 4x 3x 2 10
2 x2
b 2 c3
% 2x 3x 7 &
(c) f x # r T s4 $
14 4 x 3 2
t u10 r
1 T s5 12
(d) f x 3x 5 5 4 7x 4 3 5x 2
(e) f x 3 2 1 x
O B and A, respectively.
(b) Recall that, for a circle of radius r , the area of a sector subtended by A
Ar 2
radians is given by . Prove that
A cos2 A cos A sin A A
2 2 2
for A satisfying the set-up from part (a).
sin A
(c) Prove that lim 1.
A 0 A
cos A 1
(d) Recall that sin2 A cos2 A 1. Prove that lim 0.
A 0 A
11. The result of Problem 10 in conjunction with the discussion that was offered
in the section on Formulas for Derivatives justi¿es the claim that, for any
x + U, sin x) cos x and cos x) sin x, where x is interpreted as
radians. Use our Properties of Derivatives and trig identities to prove each of
the following.
12. Use derivative formulas to ¿nd f ) x for each of the following. Do only the
obvious simpli¿cations.
r r T ss
(a) f x sin5 3x 4 cos2 2x 2 x 4 7
b c
tan3 4x 3x 2
(b) f x b c
1 cos2 4x 5
t u2
b c4 3
(c) f x 1 sec3 3x x3 2 tan x
2x 1
r T s4
(d) f x cos3 x 4 4 1 sec4 x
13. Find each of the following. Use L’Hôpital’s Rule when it applies.
tan x
(a) limH
x 2 x H2
tan5 x tan3 x
(b) lim
x0 1 cos x
(c) lim 2x
x* e
4x 3 2x 2 x
(d) lim 3
x* 5x 3x 2 2x
tan x x
(e) lim
x0 x3
(f) lim x 2 ln x 2
16. Suppose that f , g, and h are three real-valued functions on U and c is a ¿xed
real number such that f c g c h c and f ) c g ) c h ) c. If
A1 A2 A3 is a partition of U, and
f x , for x + A1
L x g x , for x + A2 ,
h x , for x + A3
18. For each of the following, ¿nd formulas for f n in terms of n + M.
6.7. PROBLEM SET F 271
(a) f x
3x 22
(b) f x sin 2x
(c) f x ln 4x 3
(d) f x e5x7
ex , for x 0
19. For f x , show that f n 0 exists for each
0 , for x n0
n + M and is equal to 0.
(a) f x x 4 4x 5
(b) f x 2x 3 3x 5
3x 1
(c) f x
2x 1
(d) f x x 3 ex
(e) f x 1 x ex
ln x
(f) f x 2
21. Suppose that f is a real-valued function on U for which both the ¿rst and sec-
ond derivatives exist. Determine conditions on f ) and f )) that will suf¿ce to
justify that the function is increasing at a decreasing rate, increasing at an in-
creasing rate, decreasing at an increasing rate, and decreasing at a decreasing
22. For a function f from a metric space X to a metric space Y , let F f denote the
inverse relation from Y to X. Prove that F f is a function from rng f into X
if and only if f is one-to-one.
(a) f x x 2 2x 2
(b) f x
x 2
(c) f x 3x 4
(d) f x sin x for n x n 2H
2x 3
(e) f x x 2 4x 1
24. Suppose that f and g are strictly increasing in an interval I and that
f g x 0
25. For each of the following, the Inverse Function Theorem applies on the indi-
cated subset of U. For each given f ¿nd the corresponding inverse g. Use the
properties of derivatives to ¿nd f ) and g ) . Finally, the formulas for f ) and g )
to verify equation (6.6).
27. For each of the following, ¿nd the Taylor polynomials P t as described in
Taylor’s Approximating Polynomials Theorem about the indicated point < .
(a) f x < 1
5 2x
(b) f x sin x <
(c) f x e 2x1 < 2
(d) f x ln 4 x < 1
Calculus provides us with tools to study nicely behaved phenomena using small
discrete increments for information collection. The general idea is to (intelligently)
connect information obtained from examination of a phenomenon over a lot of tiny
discrete increments of some related quantity to “close in on” or approximate some-
thing that behaves in a controlled (i.e., bounded, continuous, etc.) way. The “clos-
ing in on” approach is useful only if we can get back to information concerning the
phenomena that was originally under study. The bene¿t of this approach is most
beautifully illustrated with the elementary theory of integral calculus over U. It en-
ables us to adapt some “limiting” formulas that relate quantities of physical interest
to study more realistic situations involving the quantities.
Consider three formulas that are encountered frequently in most standard phys-
ical science and physics classes at the pre-college level:
A l* d r t m d l.
Use the space that is provided to indicate what you “know” about these formulas.
Our use of these formulas is limited to situations where the quantities on the
right are constant. The minute that we are given a shape that is not rectangular,
a velocity that varies as a function of time, or a density that is determined by our
position in (or on) an object, at ¿rst, we appear to be “out of luck.” However, when
the quantities given are well enough behaved, we can obtain bounds on what we
wish to study, by making certain assumptions and applying the known formulas
Note that except for the units, the formulas are indistinguishable. Consequently,
illustrating the “closing in on" or approximating process with any one of them car-
ries over to the others, though the physical interpretation (of course) varies.
Let’s get this more down to earth! Suppose that you build a rocket launcher as
part of a physics project. Your launcher ¿res rockets with an initial velocity of 25
ft/min, and, due to various forces, travels at a rate ) t given by
) t 25 t 2 ft/min
where t is the time given in minutes. We want to know how far the rocket travels in
the ¿rst three minutes after launch. The only formula that we have is d r t, but
to use it, we need a constant rate of speed. We can make use of the formula to obtain
bounds or estimates on the distance travelled. To do this, we can take increments in
the time from 0 minutes to 3 minutes and “pick a relevant rate” to compute a bound
on the distance travelled in each section of time. For example, over the entire three
minutes, the velocity of the rocket is never more that 25 f tmi n.
What does this tell us about the product
How does the product 16 ft/min 3 min relate to the distance that we seek?
dEach partition
e of I ,
x0 x1 xn1 xn , decomposes I into n subintervals I j
x j1 x j , j 1 2 n, such that I j D Ik x j if and only if k j 1 and is
empty for k / j or k / j 1. Each such decomposition of I into subintervals is
called a subdivision of I.
Notation 7.1.2 Given a partition Sb c
x0 x1 xn1
b xn of anc interval I
[a b], the two notations x j and ( I j will be used for x j x j1 , the length of
the j th subinterval in the partition. The symbol or I will be used to denote
an arbitrary subdivision of an interval I .
De¿nition 7.1.3 Given a function f that is bounded and de¿ned d on thee interval
I and a partition S
x0 x1 xn1 xn of I , let I j x j1 x j , M j
sup f x and m j inf f x for j 1 2 n. Then the upper Riemann sum of
x+I j x+I j
f with respect to the partition S, denoted by U S f , is de¿ned by
U S f M j x j
and the lower Riemann sum of f with respect to the partition S, denoted by
L S f , is de¿ned by
L S f m j x j
b c
where x j x j x j1 .
Notation 7.1.4 With the subdivision notation the upper and lower Riemann sums
for f are denoted by U f and L f , respectively.
| }
1 1 3
Example 7.1.5 For f x 2x 1 in I [0 1] and S 0 1 ,
t u t 4 2u 4
1 3 5 9 1 3 5 7
U S f 2 3 and L S f 1 2 .
4 2 2 4 4 2 2 4
0 , for x + TD [0 2]
Example 7.1.6 For g x
1 , for x + TD [0 2]
U I g 2 and L I g 0 for any subdivision of [0 2].
v w v w v w
1 1 3 3
(b) Set I1 0 , I2 , and I3 1 . For k 1 2 3, let k be
2 2 4 4
the subdivision of Ik that consists of all the elements of ` that are contained
in Ik . Find k for k 1 2 and 3.
(c) For f x x 2 and the notation established in parts (a) and (b), ¿nd each of
the following.
| }
(iii) m `j inf inf f x : J + j
| }
(vi) M `j sup sup f x : J + j
(d) Note how the values m, m j , m `j , M, M j , and M `j compare. What you ob-
served is a special case of the general situation. Let
x0 a x1 xn1 xn b
be a partition of an interval I [a b], be the corresponding subdivision
of [a b] and S ` denote a re¿nement of S with corresponding subdivision de-
noted by ` . For k 1 2 n, let k be the subdivision of Ik consisting
of the elements of ` that are contained in Ik . Justify each of the following
claims for any function that is de¿ned and bounded on I .
Our next result relates the Riemann sums taken over various subdivisions of an
Lemma 7.1.9 Suppose that f is a bounded function with domain I [a b]. Let
be a subdivision of I , M sup f x, and m inf f x. Then
x+I x+I
b c b c
L f n L ` f n U ` f n U f (7.2)
for any re¿nement ` of . Furthermore, if < and D are any two subdivisions
of I , then
b c
L < f n U D f (7.3)
n ;
m j x j n M j x j U f n M b a .
j1 j1 3
U f o U j f .
4 j1 5
= b = b
f x dx inf U S f and f x dx sup L S f ,
a +, a +,
5b 5b
respectively. If a f x dx
f x dx, then f is Riemann integrable, or just
= b
integrable, on I , and the common value of the integral is denoted by f x d x.
5x 3 , for x+
Excursion 7.1.12 Let f x .
0 , for x + T
For each n + M, let n denote the subdivision of the interval [1 2] that con-
sists of n segments of equal length. Use
n : n + M to ¿nd an upper bound for
52 3n n n 1
1 f x d x. [Hint: Recall that k1 k .]
***Corresponding to each n you needed to ¿nd a useful form for U n f . Your
work should have led you to a sequence for which | the limit exists as n }*. For
1 2 n
n + M, the partition that gives the desired n is 1 1 1 1 . Then
v w n n n
j 1 j 5j
I1 I2 In with I j 1 1 and M j 8 leads to
n n n
21 5 5 21
U n f . Therefore, you should proved that 12 f x dx n .***
2 2n 2
It is a rather short jump from Lemma 7.1.9 to upper and lower bounds on the
Riemann integrals. They are given by the next theorem.
Theorem 7.1.13 Suppose that f is de¿ned on the interval I [a b] and m n
f x n M for all x + I . Then
= b = b
m b a n f x dx n f x dx n M b a . (7.4)
a a
Since is arbitrary,
b c
m b a n L f ` n inf U f
b `
c b
m b a n L f n f x dx n M b a .
= b = b
m b a n f x dx n f x dx.
a a
: S
: a : x0 : x1 : xn1 : xn : b t : [a b] ,
b c b c n b b c
3 b cc
: x j : x j1 0 and : x j : x j1 : b : a. Consequently,
: S is a partition of
[: a : b]
I : I [c d] F : S t I ,
which is the “smallest” interval that contains : [a b]. The case : t t returns
us to the set-up for Riemann sums on the other hand, : [a b] need not be an
interval because : need not be continuous.
Example 7.1.14 Let I [0 3] and : t |t 2 JtK. Then :}I [0 1 C
1 5 8
[2 5 C [6 11 C
12. For the partition S 0 1 2 3 of I , : S
| } 2 4 3
1 41 82
0 2 6 12 is a partition of [0 12] which contains : I .
4 16 9
De¿nition 7.1.15 Given a function f that is bounded and de¿ned on the closed
interval I [a b], a function : that is de¿ned and monotonically increasing on
I , and a partition S
x0 x 1 xn1 xn of I withdcorresponding
e subdivision
, let M j sup f x and m j inf f x, for I j x j1 x j . Then the upper
x+I j x+I j
Riemann-Stieltjes sum of f over : with respect to the partition S, denoted by
U S f : or U f :, is de¿ned by
U S f : M j : j
j 1
and the lower Riemann-Stieltjes sum of f over : with respect to the partition S,
denoted by L S f : or L f :, is de¿ned by
L S f : m j : j
b b c b cc
where : j : x j : x j1 .
b c
Replacing x j with : x j in the proof of Lemma 7.1.9 and Theorem 7.1.13
yields the analogous results for Riemann-Stieltjes sums.
Lemma 7.1.16 Suppose that f is a bounded function with domain I [a b] and :
is a function that is de¿ned and monotonically increasing on I . Let S be a partition
of I , M sup f x, and m inf f x. Then
x+I x+I
The bounds given by Lemma 7.1.16 with the greatest lower and least upper
bound properties of the reals the following de¿nition.
5b 5b
respectively. If a f x d: x a f x d: x, then f is Riemann-Stieltjes in-
tegrable, or integrable with respect to : in the Riemann sense, on I , and the
= b = b
common value of the integral is denoted by f x d: x or f d:.
a a
De¿nition 7.1.18 Suppose that : is a function that is de¿ned and monotonically in-
creasing on the interval I [a b]. Then the set of all functions that are integrable
with respect to : in the Riemann sense is denoted by 4 :.
Because the proof is essentially the same as what was done for the Riemann
upper and lower integrals, we offer the following theorem without proof.
Theorem 7.1.19 Suppose that f is a bounded function with domain I [a b], : is
a function that is de¿ned and monotonically increasing on I , and m n f x n M
for all x + I . Then
= b = b
m : b : a n f d: n f d: n M : b : a . (7.9)
a a
¿nding the integral from the de¿nition might have been based on taking partitions
of equal length and using some summation formulas (like was done in Excursion
7.1.12) or might have made use of a special bounding lemma that applied to x n for
each n + M.
It is not worth our while to grind out some tedious processes in order to show
that special functions are integrable. Integrability will only be a useful concept if it
is veri¿able with a reasonable amount of effort. Towards this end, we want to seek
some properties of functions that would guarantee integrability.
From the de¿nition of the Riemann-Stieltjes integral and Lemma 7.1.16, we have
= b
L S f : n f x d: x n n .
1 2
Since was arbitrary and the upper and lower Riemann Stieltjes integrals are con-
5 5b
stants, we conclude that ab f x d: x a f x d: x i.e., .
***Acceptable responses are: (1) ab f x d: x, (2) U S f :, (3) f + 4 :,
(4) L S2 f : a f x d: x, (5) U S f :, (6) L S f :, and (7)
a f x d: x L S f :.***
Theorem 7.1.20 will be useful to us whenever we have a way of closing the gap
between functional values on the same intervals. The corollaries give us two “big”
classes of integrable functions.
Let S
x 0 a x1 x n1 xn b be a partition of [a b] for which mesh S
= and, for each j, j 1 2 n, set M j sup f x and m j inf f x.
x j 1 nxnx j x j 1 nxnx j
Then M j m j n @ and
n b c ;
U S f : L S f : M j m j : j n @ : j @ [: b : a] .
j1 j1
n b c
U S f : L S f : M j m j : j
: b : a ;n b b c b cc
f x j f x j 1
n j1
: b : a
f b f a
b c b c
while f monotonically decreasing yields that M j f x j1 , m j f x j and
: b : a ;n b b c b cc
U S f : L S f : f x j1 f x j
n j1
: b : a
f a f b .
Since 0 was arbitrary, we have that
Corollary 7.1.24 Suppose that f is bounded on [a b], f has only ¿nitely many
points of discontinuity in I [a b], and that the monotonically increasing function
: is continuous at each point of discontinuity of f . Then f + 4 :.
k d e ;
k b b c b cc
Et u j ) j + [a b] and : ) j : u j `
j1 j 1
for any ` 0 furthermore, the intervals can be chosen in such a way that each
point ?m + E D a b is an element of the interior of the corresponding interval,
[u m ) m ]. Let
k b c
K [a b] u j ) j .
Now, let S
x0 a x1 xn1 x n b be a partition of [a b] satis-
fying the following conditions:
b c
1 j j +
1 2 k " u j + S F ) j + S ,
b b c c
1 j j +
1 2 k " u j ) j D S 3 , and
db c e
1 p 1 j p +
1 2 n F j +
1 2 k F x p1 / u j " x p = .
whenever ` . Since 0 was arbitrary, from the Inte-
2M [: b : a]
grability Criterion we conclude that f + 4 :.
Remark 7.1.25 The three Corollaries correspond to Theorems 6.8, 6.9, and 6.10
in our text.
(a) If there exists an 0 and a partition S ` of [a b] such that equation (7.11)
is satis¿ed, then equation (7.11) is satis¿ed for every re¿nement S of S ` .
x0 a x1 xn1 xn b
d e
and, for each j , j 1 2 n, t j is an arbitrary point in x j1 x j , then
n = b n
n; n b c n
n n
n f t j : j f x d: xn .
n j1 a n
Remark 7.1.27 Recall the following de¿nition of Riemann Integrals that you saw
in elementary calculus: Given a function f that is de¿ned on an interval I
b c b c
f Gj ( Ij
b cb c
lim f G j x j x j1
d e
exists for any choices of G j + x j1 x j . The limit is called the “R” integral and is
denoted by a f x dx.
Taking : t t in Theorem 7.1.26 justi¿es that the old concept of an “R”
integrability is equivalent to a Riemann integrability as introduced at the beginning
of this chapter.
For each j +
1 2 n, let M j sup f x, m j inf f x, M `j
x j 1 nxnx j x j 1 nxnx j
sup h x, and m `j inf h x. From the Trichotomy Law, we know that
x j 1 nxnx j x j 1 nxnx j
j b c k
A j : j +
1 2 n F M j m j =
j b c k
B j : j +
1 2 n F M j m j o =
are disjoint.
d e
If j + A, then u ) + x j1 x j " f u f ) =. It follows from
(!) that i.e., h u h ) . Hence, M `j m `j n . Since
B t
1 2 j, (!!) implies that
; ;b c
= : j n M j m j : j n =2.
j+B j+B 4
Because = by choice, we conclude that : j . Consequently, for
r s j+B
K sup M t, we have that M `j m `j n 2K for each j +
1 2 n and
3r `
mntnM s
M j m `j : j 2K . Combining the bounds yields that
U S h : L S h :
3 n r s
` `
M j m j : j
j 1 r s
3 ` `
3r ` `
M j m j : j M j m j : j
j +A j+B
n 2K .
Lemma 7.1.30 Suppose that f is a function that is bounded and de¿ned on the
interval I [a b]. For k a nonzero real number and g k f , we have
! k inf f x , if k 0 !
! k sup f x , if k 0
x+I x+I
inf g x supg x .
x+I !
! x !
k sup f , if k 0 x+I k inf f x , if k 0
x+I x+I
Proof. We will prove two of the four equalities. For f a function that is de¿ned
and bounded on the interval I [a b] and k a nonzero real number, let g x
k f x.
Suppose that k 0 and that M sup f x. Then f x n M for all x + I
g x k f x n k M for all x + I
Hence, k M is an upper bound for g x on the interval I . If k M is not the least upper
bound, then there exists an 0 such that g x n k M for all x + I . (Here,
can be taken to be any positive real that is less than or equal to the distance between
k M and supg x.) By substitution, we have k f x n k M for all x + I . Since
k is positive, the latter is equivalent to
f x n M for all x + I
which contradicts that M is the supremum of f over I . Therefore,
supg x k M ksup f x .
x+I x+I
Next, suppose that k 0 and that M sup f x. Now, f x n M for all
x + I implies that g x k f x o k M. Hence, k M is a lower bound for g x
on I . If k M is not a greatest lower bound, then there exists an 0, such that
g x o k M for all x + I . But, from k f x o k M and k 0, we conclude
that f x n M k for all x + I . Since k is negative, M k M
which gives us a contradiction to M being the sup f x. Therefore,
(b) If h f 1 f 2 , then
5b 5b 5b
(i) a h x d: x o a f 1 x d: x a f 2 x d: x, and
5b 5b 5b
(ii) a h x d: x n a f 1 x d: x a f 2 x d: x.
Excursion 7.1.32 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof
of part d(i).
Proof. Suppose that a b c and that the function f isd bounded e in the
interval I [a c]. For any ¿nite real < and D, let G < D denote the
d numbers
set of all subdivisions of the interval < D . Suppose that > 0 is given. Since
= b = c
f x d: x sup L f : and f x d: x sup L f : ,
a +&[ab] b +&[bc]
there exists partitions Pn and Pm of [a b] and [b c], respectively, with correspond-
ing subdivisions n and m , such that
= b = c
> >
L n f : o f x d: x and L m f : o f x d: x .
a 2 b 2
For P Pn C Pm , let denote the corresponding subdivision of [a c]. Then
a f x d: x
L n f : L m f :
Now, we want to show that the inequality can be reversed. Suppose that 0 is
given. Since
= c
f x d: x sup L f : ,
a +&[ac]
= b = c b c b c
f x d: x f x d: x o L )) f : o L ) f :
a b
Remark 7.1.34 As long as the integrals exist, the formula given in (d) of the Corol-
lary holds regardless of the location of b i.e., b need not be between a and c.
Remark 7.1.35 Since a point has no dimension (that is, has length 0), we note that
= a
f x d: x 0 for any function f .
The following result follows directly from the observation that corresponding
to each partition of an interval we can derive a partition of any subinterval and vice
Proof. Suppose that f + 4 : and g + 4 : on [a b]. From the Algebraic
Properties of the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral, it follows that f g + 4 : on
[a b] and f g + 4 : on [a b]. Taking M t t 2 in Theorem 7.1.28 yields
that f g2 and f g2 are also Riemann-Stieltjes integrable with respect to :
on [a b]. Finally, the difference
as claimed.
It follows from Algebraic Properties of the Riemann-Stieltjes Integrals (a) and (c)
n= b n = b = b = b
n n
n n
f x d: xn < f x d: x < f x d: x n f x d: x .
a a a a
One glaring absence from our discussion has been speci¿c examples of ¿nding
the integral for integrable functions using the de¿nition. Think for a moment or
so about what the de¿nition requires us to ¿nd: First, we need to determine the
set of all upper Riemann-Stieltjes sums and the set of all lower Riemann-Stieltjes
sums this is where the subdivisions of the interval over which we are integrating
range over all possibilities. We have no uniformity, no simple interpretation for the
suprema and in¿ma we need, and no systematic way of knowing when we “have
checked enough” subdivisions or sums. On the other hand, whenever we have
general conditions that insure integrability, the uniqueness of the least upper and
greatest lower bounds allows us to ¿nd the value of the integral from considering
wisely selected special subsets of the set of all subdivisions of an interval.
The following result offers a suf¿cient condition under which a Riemann-Stieltjes
integral is obtained as a point evaluation. It makes use of the characteristic function.
Recall that, for a set S and A t S, the characteristic function N A : S
0 1 is
de¿ned by
1 , if x + A
N A x
0 , if x + S A
Lemma 7.1.40 Suppose that f is bounded on [a b] and continuous at s + a b.
If : x N0* x s, then
= b
f x d: x f s .
b c
Since f is continuous at s and x j x j1 n mesh S, sup f x s and
x j 1 nxnx j
inf f x s as mesh S 0. Therefore, a f x d: x f s.
x j 1 nxnx j
If the function f is continuous on an interval [a b], then Lemma 7.1.40 can be
extended to a sequence of points in the interval.
Let 0 be given. Since cn is convergent, there exists a positive
integer K such that
nK 1
where M sup f x. Let :1 x cn N0* x sn and :2 x
x+[ab] n1
cn N0* x sn . It follows from Lemma 7.1.40 that
nK 1
= b ;
f x d:1 x cn f sn
a j1
while :2 b :2 a yields that
n= b n
n n
n f x d: x n .
n 2 n
Excursion 7.1.43 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof
of Theorem 7.1.42.
where M sup f x. Furthermore, d from e the Mean-Value Theorem, for each
j +
1 2 n there exists a t j + x j1 x j such that
b c
: j : ) t j x j . (7.13)
d e
By Theorem 7.1.26(b) and (7.12), for any s j + x j1 x j , j +
1 2 n
n n b c b cn
n: ) s j : ) t j n x j . (7.14)
n b c ;
f s j : j
j1 j1 3
n3 b c 3n b c )b c n
n n n
n j 1 f s j : j j1 f s j : s j x jn
n n
n 3 b c b c n
n n ) n
n j1 f s j : s j x j n
n 4
n3 b cd )b c b ce n
n n ) n
n j1 f s j : t j : s j x j n
n3 d b c b ce n
n n
n M n nj1 : ) t j : ) s j x j n .
That is,
n n
n; n b c ;n b c )b c n
n n
n f s j : j f s j : s j x j n (7.15)
n j1 j1
d e
for any choice of points s j + x j1 x j , j 1 2 n. Then
n b c b c
f s j : j n U S f : )
b c
U S f : n U S f : ) .
n b cn
nU S f : U S f : ) n n . (7.16)
Since S was arbitrary, if follows that (7.16) holds for all S + , [a b], the set of all
partitions of [a b]. Therefore,
n= n
n b n
n n
n f x d: x n n .
n a 5
Because 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that, for any function f that is bounded
on [a b],
= b = b
f x d: x f x : ) x dx.
a a
Equation (7.15) can be used to draw the same conclusion concerning the compara-
ble lower Riemann and Riemann-Stieltjes integrals in order to claim that
= b = b
f x d: x f x : ) x dx.
a a
general situations the Riemann integral allow us to replace one of the “constant
dimensions” with functions that are at least bounded where being considered. The
Riemann-Stieltjes integral allows us to replace both of the “constant dimensions”
with functions. Remark 6.18 on page 132 of our text describes a speci¿c example
that illustrates to Àexibility that has been obtained.
The last result of this section gives us conditions under which we can transfer
from one Riemann-Stieltjes integral set-up to another one.
x0 x 1 yn + bd
bd0 y1 ec , [A B] where
x j M y j for each j +
0 1 n. Since f x j 1 x j g y j1 y j for
each j, it follows that
Proof. This result follows directly from the bounds on integrals given by Theo-
rem 7.1.13 and the Intermediate Value Theorem. Since f is continuous on [a b], it
is integrable there and, by Theorem 7.1.13,
= b
m b a n f x dx n M b a
where m inf f x min f x f x0 for some x0 + I and M sup f x
x+I x+I
5b x+I
f x dx
max f x f x1 for some x1 + I . Now, A a is a real number
x+I b a
such that m n A n M. By the Intermediate Value Theorem, f x0 n A n f x1
implies that there exists a G + I such that f G A.
The following two theorems are two of the most celebrated results from integral
calculus. They draw a clear and important connection between integral calculus
and differential calculus. The ¿rst one makes use of the fact that integrability on an
interval allows us to de¿ne a new function in terms of the integral. Namely, if f is
Riemann integrable on the interval [a b], then, by the Theorem on Restrictions of
Integrable Functions, we know that it is integrable on every subinterval of [a b]. In
particular, for each x + [a b], we can consider
= x
f : x f t dt.
Proof. Suppose that u ) + [a b]. Without loss of generality we can assume
that u ). Then, from the Algebraic Properties of Riemann-Stieltjes Integrals (d)
and (e),
n= ) n
n n
F ) F u n f t dt nn n M u )
Hence, for h =1 ,
F x h F x
f Gh
where x Gh =1 . Now, suppose that > 0 is given. Since f is continuous
at x, there exists a =2 0 such that f * f x > whenever * x =2 .
Choose = min
=1 =2 . Then, for h =, we have
n n
n F x h F x n
n f x n f Gh f x >
n h n
Excursion 7.2.4 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof.
Proof. Suppose that 0 is given. For f + 4, by the , we can
choose a partition S
x0 x1 xn of [a b] such that U S f L S f
d By thee Mean-Value Theorem, for each j +
1 2 n there is a point t j +
x j1 x j such that
b c b c b c
F x j F x j1 F ) t j x j .
n b c
f t j x j
j1 3
n n
n3 b c 5b n
n n
On the other hand, from Theorem 7.1.26(c), n f t j x j f x dx n .
n j1 a n
n n
n =b n
n n
n f x dx nn .
n 3 n
Since 0 was arbitrary, a f t dt F b F a. b c
***Acceptable responses are: (1) Integrability Criterion, (2) f t j x j , (3) F b
F a.***
Remark 7.2.5 The statement of the First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus differs
from the one that you had in elementary Calculus. If instead of taking f to be
integrable in I [a b], we take
5 x f to be integrable on an open interval containing
I , we can claim that G x a f t dt is differentiable on [a b] with G ) x
f x on [a b]. This enables us to offer a slightly different proof for the Second
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Namely, it follows that if F is any antiderivative
for f then F G c for some constant c and we have that
= b
F b F a [G b c] [G a c] [G b G a] f t dt.
Theorem 7.2.7 Suppose that the function f is continuous on a segment I , the func-
tions u and are continuous on a segment J , and the range of u is contained in
I . If a b + J , then
= b = ub
f u x u x dx f u du
a ua
r Hs
(b) Take u cos3 3t .
The other common method of integration with which we should all be familiar
is known as Integration by Parts. The IBP identity is given by
= =
ud) u) )du
for u and ) differentiable and follows from observing that d u) ud) )du,
which is the product rule in differential notation. This enables us to tackle in-
tegrands that “are products of functions not related by differentiation” and some
special integrands, such as the inverse trig functions.
5 T
1. Find x3 1 x 2 dx.
2. Find arctan x dx
3. Find e2x sin 3x dx
though we know that it exists for any ¿nite closed interval that does not contain 0
because x 1 is continuous in any such interval. This motivates us to introduce a
notation for a simple form of this integral.
3. ln 1 0,
9. ln x * as x 0 , and
Remark 7.2.11 Once we have property (6), the Inverse Function Theorem guaran-
tees the existence of an inverse function for ln x. This leads us back to the function
ex .
Because of the nature of the de¿nition, any results for Riemann-Stieltjes inte-
grals that involved “simple algebraic evaluations” can be translated to the vector-
valued case.
Theorem 7.3.2 Suppose that the vector-valued functions f and g are Riemann-
Stieltjes integrable with respect to : on the interval I [a b].
On the other hand, any of the results for Riemann-Stieltjes integrals of real-
valued functions that involved inequalities require independent consideration for
formulations that might apply to the vector-valued situation while we will not
pursue the possibilities here, sometimes other geometric conditions can lead to
analogous results. The one place where we do have an almost immediate carry
over is with Theorem 7.1.39 because the inequality involved the absolute value
which generalizes naturally to an inequality in terms of the Euclidean metric. The
generalization–natural as it is–still requires proof.
Theorem 7.3.5 Suppose that f : [a b] Un and f + 4 : on [a b] for some :
that is de¿ned and monotonically increasing on [a b]. Then f + 4 : and
n= b n = b
n n
n f x d: x nn f x d: x . (7.17)
n n
a a
Excursion 7.3.6 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof.
;n ;n = b = b ;
w2 *2j *j f j t d: t * j f j t d: t .
j1 j1 a a j1
5b 5b
Because w / 0, w2 n w a f t d: t implies that w n a f t d: t
which is equivalent to equation 7.17).
***Acceptable responses are: (1) bounded, (2) Theorem 7.1.28, (3) + 4 :, (4)
De¿nition 7.3.7 A continuous function < from an interval [a b] into Un is called
a curve in Un or a curve on [a b] in Un if < is one-to-one, then < is called an arc,
and if < a ;, then < is a closed curve.
Remark 7.3.8 In the de¿nition of curve, we want to think of the curve as the actual
mapping because the associated set of points in Un is not uniquely determined
b 2 c by
a particular mapping. As a simple example, <1 t t t and <2 t t t are
two different mappings that give the same associated subset of U2 .
Given a curve < on [a b], for any partition of [a b],
x0 a x 1 xm1 xm b
m n b c b cn
S < n< x j < x j1 n .
Proof. Suppose that < is a curve on [a b] in Un such that < ) isd continuous.
e From
the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Theorem 7.1.39, for x j1 x j t [a b],
n= n =
n b c b cn nn x j ) n
xj n n
n< x j < x j1 n n < t dt n n n< ) tn dt.
n x j 1 n x j 1
(a) U S3 f
(b) U S5 g
(c) L S4 f
(d) L S6 g
4. Suppose that the function f in bounded on the interval [a b] and g k f for
a ¿xed negative real number k. Prove that supg x k inf f x.
x+I x+I
6. Suppose that the functions f , f 1 , and f 2 are bounded and de¿ned on the
closed interval I [a b] and : is a function that is de¿ned and monotoni-
cally increasing in I . Prove each of the following:
5b 5b 5b
(a) If h f 1 f 2 , then a h x d: x o a f 1 x d: x a f 2 x d: x
5b 5b 5b
(b) If h f 1 f 2 , then h x d: x n a f 1 x d: x a f 2 x d: x
5b 5b
(c) If f 1 x n f 2 x for all x + I , then a f 1 x d: x n a f 2 x d: x
5b 5b
(d) If f 1 x n f 2 x for all x + I , then a f 1 x d: x n a f 2 x d: x.
Is f Riemann integrable on [0 1]. Carefully state and prove your conclusion.
11. Let f x x 2 and : t J3tK where JK denotes the greatest integer
7.4. PROBLEM SET G 323
| }
(a) For the partition S x j : j 0 1 2 3 with associated sub-
I1 I2 I3 , ¿nd U S f :.
| } | }
` j 2 2j
(b) If S u j : j 0 1 2 C u j2 : j 1 2 3 4 5 6
3 3 9
and ` denotes the associated subdivision of [0 2], then S ` is a re-
¿nement of S. For each k +
1 2 3, let k be the subdivision
of Ik consisting of the elements of ` that are contained in Ik . Find
L 2 f :.
12. For a b, let F [a b] denote the set of real-valued functions that are con-
tinuous on the interval I [a b]. For f g + F [a b], set
= b
d f g f x g x dx.
de f a
15. Prove that if a function f is “R” integrable (see Remark 7.1.27) on the interval
I [a b], then f is Riemann integrable on I .
16. Suppose that f and g are functions that are positive and continuous on an
interval I [a b]. Prove that there is a number ? + I such that
= b = b
f x g x dx f ? g x dx.
a a
21. For x 0, let G x T sin9 3t dt. Make use of the First Fundamental
Theorem of Calculus and the Chain Rule to ¿nd G ) x. Show your work
22. Suppose that f + 4 and g + 4 on I [a b]. Then each of f 2 , g 2 , and f g
are Riemann integrable on I . Prove the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality:
t= b u2 t= b u t= b u
f x g x dx n f x dx
g x dx .
a a a
5b 5b 5b
[Note that, for : a f 2 x dx, ; a f x g x dx, and < a g 2 x dx,
: 2 x 2;x < is nonnegative for all real numbers x.]
5 x dt
23. For f x ln x 1 for x 0 and a and b positive real numbers, prove
each of the following.
an *
an n+M or a1 a2 a3 a4 .
sn *
n1 where sn ck
the symbol k1 ck is called a series (or in¿nite series). Because the function
g x x 1 is a one-to-one correspondence from M into MC
0, i.e., g : M
0, a sequence could have been de¿ned as a function on MC
0. In our dis-
cussion of series, the symbolic descriptions of the sequences of nth partial sums
usually will be generated from a sequence for which the ¿rst subscript is 0. The
notation always makes the indexing clear, when such speci¿city is needed.
Thus far, our discussion has focused on sequences and series of complex (and
real) numbers i.e., we have taken A F and A U. In this chapter, we take A to
be the set of complex (and real) functions on F (and U).
Example 8.1.1 For each n + M, let f n z z n where z + F. We can use results
obtained earlier to draw some conclusions about the convergence of
f n z* n1 . In
Lemma 4.4.2, we showed that, for any ¿xed complex number z 0 such that z 0 1,
lim z n 0. In particular, we showed that for z 0 , 0 z 0 1, if 0, then
n* 0
! 1 , for o 1
M M z 0 z { .
! ln
, for 1
ln z 0
n n
yields that nz 0n 0n for all n M. When z 0 0, we have the constant
sequence. In offering this version of the statement of what we showed, I made a
“not so subtle” change in format namely, I wrote the former M and M z 0 .
The change was to stress that our discussion was tied to the ¿xed point. In terms
of our sequence
f n z* n1 , we can say that for each ¿xed point z 0 + P
z + F : z 1,
f n z 0 *
n1 is convergent to 0. This gets us to some new termi-
nology: For this example, if f z 0 for all z + F, then we say that
f n z 0 *n1
is pointwise convergent to f on P.
It is very important to keep in mind that our argument for convergence at each
¿xed point made clear and de¿nite use of the fact that we had a point for which a
known modulus was used in ¿nding an M z 0 . It is natural to ask if the pointwise
dependence was necessary. We will see that the answer depends on the nature of
the sequence. For the sequence given in Example 8.1.1, the best that we will be
able to claim over the set P is pointwise convergence. The associated sequence of
nth partial sums for the functions in the previous example give us an example of a
sequence of functions for which the pointwise limit is not a constant.
sn z 0 *
n1 is convergent to . Thus,
sn z*
n0 is pointwise convergent on
1 z0
P. In terminology
3* that is soon to be introduced, we more commonly say that “the
series k0 az is pointwise convergent on P.”
Our long term goal is to have an alternative way of looking at functions. In par-
ticular, we want a view that would give promise of transmission of nice properties,
like continuity and differentiability. The following examples show that pointwise
convergence proves to be insuf¿cient.
Example 8.1.3 For each n + M, let f n z where z + F. For each ¿xed
1 n2z
z we can use our properties of limits to ¿nd the pointwise limit of the sequences
of functions. If z 0, then
f n 0*
n1 converges to 0 as a constant sequence of
zeroes. If z is a ¿xed nonzero complex number, then
n2z z z
lim lim 1.
n* 1 n z2 n* 1 z
1 , for z + F
Therefore, f n f where f z .
0 , for z 0
Remark 8.1.4 From Theorem 4.4.3(c) or Theorem 3.20(d) of our text, we know
n: 1
that p 0 and : + U, implies that lim 0. Letting ? for
n* 1 p n
1 p
p 0 leads to the observation that
lim n : ? n 0 (8.1)
whenever 0 n ? 1 and for any : + R. This is the form of the statement that
is used by the author of our text in Example 7.6 where a sequence of functions for
which the integral of the pointwise limit differs from the limit of the integrals of the
functions in the sequence is given.
In contrast to having the Riemann integral of the limit function over I being 0, we
have that
= 1
n 1
lim f n x d x lim .
n* 0 n* 2n 2 2
Note that, since : in Equation
b c(8.1) can be any real number, the sequence of real
functions gn x n x 1 x
2 2 for n + M converges pointwise to 0 on I with
= 1
gn x dx * as n *.
0 2n 2
This motivates the search for a stronger sense of convergence namely, uniform
convergence of a sequence (and, in turn, of a series) of functions. Remember that
our application of the term “uniform” to continuity required much nicer behavior
of the function than continuity at points. We will make the analogous shift in going
from pointwise convergence to uniform convergence.
Example 8.1.9 The sequence considered in Example 8.1.1 exhibits the stronger
sense of convergence if we restrict ourselves to compact subsets of
z + F : z 1. For each n + M, let f n z z n where z + F. Then
f n z*
n1 is uniformly convergent to the constant function f z 0 on any com-
pact subset of P.
Suppose K t P is compact. From the Heine-Borel Theorem, we know that
K is closed and bounded. Hence, there exists a positive real number r such that
r 1 and 1z z + K " z n r . Let Pr
z + F : z n r . For 0, let
! 1 , for o 1
M M z { .
! ln
, for 1
ln r
Then n M "n " n ln r ln because 0 r 1. Consequently,
ln r
r and it follows that
n n
f n z 0 nz n n zn n r n .
Label the following ¿gure to illustrate what is described in (8.2) and illustrate the
implication for any of the functions f n when n M.
Remark 8.1.11 The negation of the de¿nition offers us one way to prove that a
sequence of functions is not uniformly continuous. Given a sequence of functions
| }
1 *
Example 8.1.12 Use the de¿nition to show that the sequence is point-
nz n1
wise convergent, but not uniformly convergent, to the function f x 0 on P
z + F : 0 z 1.
z {Suppose that z 0 is a ¿xed element of P. For 0, let M M z 0
1 1 1
. Then n M " n " because z 0 0. Hence,
z 0 z 0 n z 0
n n
n 1 n 1
n n
n nz 0n n z .
0 0
| }
1 *
Since 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that is convergent to 0 for each
| }* nz 0 n1
z 0 + P. Therefore, is pointwise convergent on P.
nz n1
1 1
On the other hand, let and for each n + M, set z n . Then
2 n1
z n + P and
n n
n n
n n n n
n 1 n n 1 n 1
n n n n
n nz 0n n t 1 u n 1 n o .
n nn n
n n
| }*
Hence, is not uniformly convergent on P.
nz n1
| }*
Example 8.1.13 Prove that the sequence converges uniformly for
1 nz n1 | }
z o 2 and does not converge uniformly in P`
z + F : z n 2 : n + M .
Let P
z + F : z o 2 and, for each n + M, let f n z . From
1 nz
the limit properties of sequences,
f n zn1 is pointwise convergent on F to
0 , for z + F
f z .
1 , for z 0
t of
Thus, the pointwisezlimit n zn1 on P is the constant u 0. For 0,
1 1 1 1 1
let M M 1 . Then n M " n 1 "
2 2 2n 1
because n 1. Furthermore, z o 2 " n z o 2n " n z 1 o 2n 1 0.
Hence, z o 2 F n M "
n n
n 1 n 1 1 1
f n z 0 n nn n n .
1 nz n n z 1 n z 1 2n 1
Because 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that fn 0.
On the other hand, let and, corresponding to each n + M, set
z n . Then z n + P` and
n n
n n
n n
n 1 n 1
f n z n 0 nn t u nn o .
n1 n 1 n 2
n n
f n z* `
n1 is not uniformly convergent in P .
t u
***Hopefully, you thought to make use of the choices ?n 1 that could be
related back to e1 .***
Using the de¿nition to show that a sequence of functions is not uniformly con-
vergent, usually, involves exploitation of “bad points.” For Examples 8.1.12 and
8.1.13, the exploitable point was x 0 while, for Example 8.1.14, it was x 1.
Because a series of functions is realized as the sequence of nth partial sums of
a sequence of functions, the de¿nitions of pointwise and uniform convergence of
series simply make statements concerning the nth partial sums. On the other hand,
we add the notion of absolute convergence to our list.
(ii) k0 ck z is uniformly convergent on every compact subset K of P
(iii) k0 ck z is not uniformly convergent on P.
***For part (i), hopefully you noticed that the formula derived for the proof of the
Convergence Properties of the Geometric Series applied to the real b seriesn1
c re-
3 a 1 z
sults from replacing az k with a zk . Since nk0 a zk , we
1 z
j3n k
k * a
conclude that k0 a z n0 for each z + C such that z 1
3* 3* 1 z
i.e., k0 ck z k0 az k is absolutely convergent for each z + P. To show
part (ii) it is helpful to make use of the fact that if K is a compact subset of
P then there exists a positive real number r such 3* that r 1 and K t Pr
Remark 8.2.2 Alternatively, when a sequence satis¿es the Cauchy Criterion for
Convergence on a subset P t F it may be described as being uniformly Cauchy
on P or simply as being Cauchy.
Remark 8.2.4 Note that in the proof just given, the positive integer M ` was depen-
dent on the point z and the i.e., M ` M ` z. However, the ¿nal inequality ob-
tained via the intermediate travel through information from M ` , f n z f z
, was independent of the point z. What was illustrated in the proof was a process
that could be used repeatedly for each z + P.
Remark 8.2.5 In the proof of both parts of Theorem 8.2.3, our conclusions relied
on properties of the codomain for the sequence of functions. Namely, we used the
metric on F and the fact that F was complete. Consequently, we could allow P
to be any metric space and claim the same conclusion. The following corollary
formalizes that claim.
and, for each n + M, let Mn sup f n z f z. Then f n f if and only if
z+P P
lim Mn 0.
Excursion 8.2.9 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof of
the Weierstrass M-Test.
Mk for each p + M.
Tn *
n1 is in P. It follows from the
2 3
n ;p
n u k * n Mk
4 5 kn1 kn1
Excursion 8.2.10 Construct an example to show that the converse of the Weier-
strass M-Test need not hold.
lim f n t An .
t +P
An *
n1 converges and lim f t lim An .
t* n*
Excursion 8.3.2 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof of
the Theorem.
Proof. Suppose that the sequence
f n *
n1 of complex-valued functions de¿ned
on a subset P of a metric space X d is such that f n f , * is a limit point of
P and, for each n + M, lim f n t An . Let 0 be given. Since f n f ,
t* P
by Corollary 8.2.6,
f n *
n1 is on P. Hence, there exists a positive
integer M such that implies that
f n t f m t for all .
3 3
Fix m and n such that m M and n M. Since lim f k t Ak for each k + M,
it follows that there exists a = 0 such that 0 d t * = implies that
f m t Am and
3 4
Since m and n were arbitrary, for each 0 there exists a positive integer M
such that 1m 1n n M F m M " An Am i.e.,
An * n1 t F is
Cauchy. From the completeness of the complex numbers, if follows that
An * n1 is
convergent to some complex number let lim An A.
We want to show that A is also equal to lim f t. Again we suppose that
t +P
0 is given. From f n f there exists a positive integer M1 such that n M1
n P n
n n
n n
implies that n n for all t + P, while the convergence of
An *
n 6
n 3 n1
yields a positive integer M2 such that An A whenever n M2 . Fix n such
that n max
M1 M2 . Then, for all t + P,
f t f n t and An A .
3 3
Since lim f n t An , there exists a = 0 such that
t +P
f n t An for all t + N= *
* D P.
f t A n .
Therefore, .
Remark 8.3.4 The contrapositive of Theorem 8.3.3 affords us a nice way of show-
ing that we do not have uniform convergence of a given sequence of functions.
Namely, if the limit of a sequence of complex-valued functions that are continuous
on a subset P of a metric space is a function that is not continuous on P, we may
immediately conclude that the convergence in not uniform. Be careful about the
appropriate use of this: The limit function being continuous IS NOT ENOUGH to
conclude that the convergence is uniform.
| }*
The converse of Theorem 8.3.3 is false. For example, we know that
nz n1
converges pointwise to the continuous function f z 0 in F
0 and the con-
vergence is not uniform. The following result offers a list of criteria under which
continuity of the limit of a sequence of real-valued continuous functions ensures
that the convergence must be uniform.
Theorem 8.3.5 Suppose that P is a compact subset of a metric space X d and
f n *
n1 satis¿es each of the following:
f n *
n1 is a sequence of real-valued functions that are continuous on P
Then f n f .
Excursion 8.3.6 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof of
Theorem 8.3.5.
Proof. For
f n *
n1 satisfying the hypotheses, set gn f n f . Then, for each
n + M, gn is continuous on P and, for each ? + P, lim gn ? . Since
f n * o f n1
* implies that f n * f * o
f n1 * f *, we also have
K n
x + P : gn x o .
Remark 8.3.7 Since compactness was referred to several times in the proof of The-
orem 8.3.5, it is natural to want to check that the compactness was really
| needed.
The example offered by our author in order to illustrate the need is
1 nx n1
in the segment 0 1.
= b = b
f x d: x lim f n x d: x
a n* a
Excursion 8.3.9 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof of
the Theorem.
Corollary 8.3.10 If f n + 4 : on [a b], for each n + M, and f k x converges
uniformly on [a b] to a function f , then f + 4 : on [a b] and
= b ;* = b
f x d: x f k x d: x .
a k1 a
Excursion 8.3.14 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof
of Theorem 8.3.13.
Let M max
M1 M2 . Then m M and n M implies that
f n * f m *
n f n * f m * f n x0 f m x0 f n x0 f m x0
for any * + [a b]. Hence,
f n *
n1 converges uniformly on [a b] to some function.
Let f denote the limit function i.e., f x lim f n x for each x + [a b] and
fn f .
Now we want to show that, for each x + [a b], f ) x lim f n) x i.e.,
for ¿xed x + [a b],
f n t f n x f t f x
lim lim lim
n*tx tx tx tx
where the appropriate one-sided limit is assumed when x a or x b. To this
end, for ¿xed x + [a b], let
f n t f n x f t f x
Mn t and M t
de f tx de f tx
for t + [a b]
x and n + M. Then, x + a b implies that limMn t f n) x,
while x a and x b yield that lim Mn t f n) a and lim Mn t f n) b,
ta tb
Consequently, Mn M on [a b]
x. Finally, applying Theorem 8.3.1 to the
Mn * )
n1 , where An f n x yields that
***Acceptable responses are: (1) Cauchy, (2) 8.2.3, (3) all G + [a b], (4) Mean-
Value, (5) ,
n 2 n
n f n t f n x f m t f m x nn f n t f m t f n x f m x
(6) n
tx t x n t x
(7) lim An lim f n) x.***
n* n*
Rudin ends the section of our text that corresponds with these notes by con-
structing an example of a real-valued continuous function that is nowhere differen-
satis¿es the needed conditions. Use the space provided to ¿ll in highlights of the
= b
I f g f x g x dx.
are metrics on F [a b]. As a homework problem (Problem Set H, #14), you
will show that F [a b] I is not a complete metric space. On the other hand,
F [a b] I* is complete. In fact, the latter generalizes to the set of complex-
valued functions that are continuous and bounded on the same domain.
De¿nition 8.4.1 For a metric space X d, let F X denote the set of all complex-
valued functions that are continuous and bounded on the domain X and, corre-
sponding to each f + F X the supremum norm or sup norm is given by
P f P P f P X sup f x .
The details of our proof for the corresponding set-up for F [a b] allow us to claim
that I* f g P f gP X is a metric for F X.
Use the space below to justify the claim made in the lemma.
***Hopefully, you remembered that the metric replaces the occurrence of the ab-
solute value (or modulus) is the statement of convergence. The immediate trans-
lation is that for every 0, there exists a positive integer M such that n M
implies that I* f n f . Of course, you don’t want to stop there the state-
ment I* f n f translates to sup f n x f x which yields that
1x x + X " f n x f x . This justi¿es that convergence of
f n *n1
with respect to I* implies that
f n *
n1 converges uniformly to f . Since the con-
verse also follows immediately from the de¿nitions, we can conclude that con-
vergence of sequences in C X with respect to I* is equivalent to uniform
Excursion 8.4.4 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof of
Theorem 8.4.3.
Proof. Since F X I* is a metric space, from Theorem 4.2.9, we know that
any convergent sequence in F X is Cauchy.
Suppose that
f n *
n1 is a Cauchy sequence in F X I* and that 0
is given. Then there exists a positive integer M such that n M and m M
implies that i.e., for n M and m M,
sup f n G f m G .
G +X
Hence, 1x x + X " . Since 0 was arbitrary, we conclude
f n *
n1 is . As a
3 3
f n *
n1 is uniformly convergent. Let f : X F denote the uniform limit. Be-
cause f n f , for any 0 there exists a positive integer M such that n M
implies that
f n x f x for all x + X.
In particular, sup f n G f G n . Since 0 was ar-
5 G +X 2
bitrary, we conclude that I* f n f 0 as n *. Hence,
f n *
n1 is convergent
to f in F X I*.
Now we want to show that f + F X. As the uniform limit of continuous
functions from a metric space X in F, we know that f is . Because
f n f , corresponding to 1 there exists a positive integer M such that n M
implies that f n x f x 1 for all x + X. In particular, from the (other)
triangular inequality, we have that
Remark 8.4.5 At ¿rst, one might suspect that completeness is an intrinsic property
of a set. However, combining our prior discussion of the metric spaces U d and
T d where d denotes the Euclidean metric with our discussion of the two metrics
on F [a b] leads us to the conclusion that completeness depends on two things:
the nature of the underlying set and the way in which distance is measured on the
Remark 8.4.8 Uniform boundedness of a family implies that each member of the
family is bounded but not conversely.
***Neighborhoods that can justify local uniform boundedness vary the key is to
capitalize on the fact that you can start with an arbitrary ¿xed z + U and make use
of its distance from the origin to de¿ne
t a neighborhood.
u For example, given z 0 + U
1r n n
n n
with z 0 r 1, let Nz0 N z 0 now, N z0 t U and n1 z n 1 n n
4 n n
n n
1 z can be used to justify that, for each n + M, n1 z n 1 n 4 1 r 3.
The latter allows us to conclude that the given family is uniformly bounded on
Nz0 . Since z 0 was arbitrary, we can claim local uniform boundedness in U . One
way to justify the lack of uniform boundedness
T is to investigate the behavior of the
functions in the family at the points 1 n .***
Proof. (!) This is an immediate consequence of the observation that the clo-
sure of a neighborhood in F or U is compact.
(") Suppose I is locally uniformly bounded on a domain P and K is a compact
subset of P. Then, for each z + K there exists a neighborhood of z, N z >z and a
positive real number, Mz , such that
j b
N zc >z : z + K covers
Since j exists a ¿nite subcover,
k K , we know that there k say
N z j >z j : j 1 2 n . Then, for M max Mz j : 1 n j n n , f z n
M, for all z + K , and we conclude that I is uniformly bounded on K .
Remark 8.4.13 Note that Theorem 8.4.12 made speci¿c use of the Heine-Borel
Theorem i.e., the fact that we were in a space where compactness is equivalent to
being closed and bounded.
Remark 8.4.14 In our text, an example is given to illustrate that a uniformly bounded
sequence of real-valued continuous functions on a compact metric space need not
yield a subsequence that converges (even) pointwise on the metric space. Because
the veri¿cation of the claim appeals to a theorem given in Chapter 11 of the text, at
this point we accept the example as a reminder to be cautious.
Remark 8.4.15 Again by way of example, the author of our text illustrates that it
is not the case that every convergent sequence of functions contains a uniformly
convergent subsequence. We offer it as our next excursion, providing space for you
to justify the claims.
| 8.4.16 Let P
Excursion +U:0nx} n 1 [0 1] and
I f n x :n+M .
x 2 1 nx2
an open connected subset of U or F, then the rationals or points with the real and
imaginary parts as rational work very nicely. In each case the denumerable subset
is dense in the set under consideration.
Lemma 8.4.21 If
f n *
n1 is a pointwise bounded sequence of complex-valued func-
j k*
tions on a denumerable set E, then
f n n1 has a subsequence f nk k1 that con-
verges pointwise on E.
Proof. Let
f n be sequence of complex-valued functions that is pointwise
bounded on a denumerable set E. Then the set E can be realized as a sequence
of distinct points. This is a natural setting for application of the Cantor diago-
nalization process that we saw earlier in the proof of the denumerability of the
rationals. From the Bolzano–Weierstrass j Theorem, k
f n *1 bounded implies that
j f n1 *k1 . The process can be applied to
jthere existsk a convergent subsequence
f n1 *2 to obtain a subsequence f n2 *2 that is convergent.
j k*
*** For x + E, there exists an M + M such that x * M . Then f nn nM1 is a
j k* j k
subsequence of f nM nM1 from which it follows that f nn x is convergent
at x. ***
The next result tells us that if we restrict ourselves to domains K that are com-
pact metric spaces that any uniformly convergent sequence in F K is also an
equicontinuous family.
Theorem 8.4.23 Suppose that K d is a compact metric space and the sequence
of functions
f n * *
n1 is such that 1n n + M " f n + F K . If
f n n1 converges
uniformly on K , then I
f n : n + M is equicontinuous on K .
f n *
n1 t F K converges uniformly on K and 0 is given. By Theorem 8.2.3,
f n *
n1 is uniformly Cauchy on K . Thus, there exists a positive integer M such
that n o M implies that P f n f m P K . In particular,
P f n f M P K for all n M.
Because each f n is continuous on a compact set, from the Uniform Continuity
Theorem, for each n + M, f n is uniformly continuous on K . Hence, for each
j +
1 2 M, there exists a = j 0 such that x y + K and d x y = j
n n
n n
implies that f j x f j y . Let = min = j . Then
3 1n jnM
j +
1 2 M F x y + K F d x y = "
n n
1 j 1x 1y n f j x f j yn . (8.7)
For n M and x y + K such that d x y =, we also have that
From (8.7) and (8.8) and the fact that 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that
I is equicontinuous on K .
We are now ready to offer conditions on a subfamily of F K that will give us
an analog to the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem.
Theorem 8.4.24 Suppose that K d is a compact metric space and the sequence
of functions
f n *
n1 is such that 1n n + M " f n + F K . If
f n : n + M is
pointwise bounded and equicontinuous on K , then
f n : n + M is uniformly bounded on K and
f n *
n1 contains a subsequence that is uniformly convergent on K .
Excursion 8.4.25 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof
of Theorem 8.4.24.
N= u : u + K forms an for K and K is compact, there
exists a ¿nite number of points, say p1 p2 pk , such that K t .
On the other hand,
f n : n + M is pointwise bounded consequently, for each p j ,
j +
1 2 k, there exists a positive real number M j such that
b n b cn c
1n n + M " n f n p j n M j
k b c
Suppose that x + K . Since K t N= p j there exists an m +
1 2 k
such that . Hence, d x pm = and, from (8.9), we conclude that
for all n + M. But then f n x f n pm n f n x f n pm
yields that f n x f n pm for . From (8.10), we conclude
that f n x M for all n + M. Since x was arbitrary, it follows that
d e
1n 1x n + M F x + K " f n x M i.e.,
f n : n + M is .
f n x f n *s
Remark 8.4.27 In view of Theorem 8.4.24, any family that is pointwise bounded
and equicontinuous on a compact metric space K is normal in K .
Our last de¿nition takes care of the situation when the limits of the sequences
from a family are in the family.
Theorem 8.5.1 If f + F [a b] for a b, then there exists a sequence of polyno-
Pn *
n1 t F [a b] such that n*
lim Pn x f x where the convergence is
uniform of [a b]. If f is a real-valued function then the polynomials can be taken
as real.
2. For each n + M, let f n x nx . Use the de¿nition to prove that
f n *
is pointwise convergent on [0 *, uniformly convergent on [: * for any
¿xed positive real number :, and not uniformly convergent on 0 *.
6. Determine all the values of h such that bc T is uniformly conver-
n1 1 nx 2 n
gent in I
x + U : x h. (Hint: Justify that each f n x b c
1 nx 2
is increasing as a function x and make use that the obtain an upper bound on
the summand.)
* ;
7. Prove that, if an is convergent, then an cos nx converges uniformly
n1 n1
for all x + U.
* ;
8. Suppose that n bn is convergent and let f x bn sin nx for x + U.
n1 n1
Show that
f ) x nbn cos nx
* ;
and that both bn sin nx and nbn cos nx converge uniformly for all x +
n1 n1
there exists a positive real number K and a positive integer M such that
1n 1x n M F x + P " f n x K .
12. Without appeal to Theorem 8.3.8 i.e., using basic properties of integrals,
prove Theorem 8.3.11: Suppose that
f n *n1 is a sequence of real-valued
functions that are continuous on the interval [a b] and f n f . For c +
5x [ab]
[a b] and each n + M, let Fn x c f n t dt.Then f is continuous on
de f
[a b] and Fn F where F x c f t dt.
13. Compare the values of the integrals of the nth partials sums over
3*the interval
[0 1] with the integral of their their limit in the case where k1 f k x is
such that
x 1 , 1 n x n 0
f 1 x ,
x 1 , 0 x n 1
Does your comparison allow you to conclude anything concerning the uni-
form convergence of the given series n [0 1]? BrieÀy justify your response.
8.6. PROBLEM SET H 367
! 1
! 0 , if 1 n x n
! n
nx 1 1 1
14. For each n + M, let f n x , if x .
! 2 n n
! 1
0 , if nx n1
f n *
n1 t F [1 1] where F [1 1] is the set of real-valued func-
tions that are continuous on [1 1]. Make use of
f n *
n1 to justify that the
metric space F [1 1] I is not complete, where
= 1
I f g f x g x dx.
15. For each of the following families I of real-valued functions on the speci¿ed
sets P, determine whether of not I is pointwise bounded, locally uniformly
bounded, and/or uniformly bounded on P. Justify your conclusions.
| }
(a) I 1 : n + M , P 0 1]
| }
sin nx
(b) I T : n + M , P [0 1]
| }
(c) I :n+M ,PU
1 n2x 2
| }
x 2n
(d) I :n+M ,PU
1 x 2n
j k
(e) I n 2 x n 1 x : n + M , P [0 1
Up to this point we have focused on the general properties that are associated with
uniform convergence of sequences and series of functions. In this chapter, most of
our attention will focus on series that are formed from sequences of functions that
are polynomials having one and only one zero of increasing order. In a sense, these
are series of functions that are “about as good as it gets.” It would be even better
if we were doing this discussion in the “Complex World” however, we will restrict
ourselves mostly to power series in the reals.
De¿nition 9.1.1 A power series in U about the point : + U is a series in the form
c0 cn x :n
Remark 9.1.2 When we discuss power series, we are still interested in the differ-
ent types of convergence that were discussed in the last chapter namely, point-
wise, uniform and absolute. In this context, for example, the power series c0
3 *
n1 cn x : is said to be3 pointwise convergent on a set S t U
* 3if*and only if, n
for each x 0 + S, the series c0 n1 cn x0 : converges. If c0 n1 cn x0 :
is divergent, then the power series c0 n1 cn x :n is said to diverge at the
point x 0 .
When a given power series c0 * n1 cn x : is known to be pointwise
3* 1
the series x n is pointwise convergent to in U
x + U : x 1,
the series n0 x n is uniformly convergent in any compact subset of U , and
the series n0 x n is not uniformly convergent in U .
We will see shortly that this list of properties is precisely the one that is associated
with any power series on its segment (usually known as interval) of convergence.
The next result, which follows directly from the Necessary Condition for Conver-
gence, leads us to a characterization of the nature of the sets that serve as domains
for convergence of power series.
Lemma 9.1.3 If the series * n0 cn x : converges for x 1 / :, then the series
essary condition for convergence is that the “nth terms” go to zero as n goes to
in¿nity. Consequently, lim cn x1 :n 0 and, corresponding to 1, there
exists a positive integer K such that
n n
n K " ncn x1 :n 0n 1.
| }
Let M max 1 max c j x1 : j
. Then
0n jnK
n n
ncn x1 :n n n M for all n + M C
0 .
3* x : nx1 :,
as claimed in equation (9.1). Finally, for ¿xed x + U satisfying
the Comparison Test yields the absolute convergence of n0 cn x : .
The next theorem justi¿es that we have uniform convergence on compact sub-
sets of a segment of convergence.
Theorem 9.1.4 Suppose that the series * n0 cn x : converges for x 1 / :.
Theorem 9.1.5 For the power series c0 n1 cn x :n , either
(iii) there is a positive real number R such that the series converges absolutely for
each x satisfying x : R, converges uniformly in
x + U : x : n R0
for any positive R0 R, and diverges for x + U such that x : R
Proof. To see (i) and (ii), note that the power series * n1 n x : diverges
n n
3 x : n
for each x / :, while * n0 is convergent for each x + U. Now, for
(iii), suppose that there is a real number x1 / : for which the series converges
and a real number x2 for which it diverges. By Theorem 9.1.3, it follows that
x1 : n x2 :. Let
;* n n
S I+U: ncn x :n n converges for x : I
and de¿ne
R sup S.
! * , if I 0
R , if 0 I * . (9.2)
! I
0 , if I *
Then c0 * n1 cn x : converges absolutely for each x + : R : R,
converges uniformly in
x + U : x : n R0 for any positive R0 R, and di-
verges for x + U such that x : R. The number R is called the radius of
convergence for the given power series and the segment : R : R is called
the “interval of convergence.”
Lemma 9.1.8 Let : be a realnconstantn and suppose that, for the sequence of nonzero
n n
real constants
cn * , lim n cn1 n L for 0 n L n *.
n0 n* n
cn n
(i) If L 0, then c0 cn x :n is absolutely convergent for all x + U and
uniformly convergent on compact subsets of U
;* t u
1 1
(ii) If 0 L *, then c0 cn x : is absolutely convergent : :
n1 t u
1 1
uniformly convergent in any compact subset of : : , and diver-
gent for any x + R such that x :
(iii) If L *, then c0 cn x :n is convergent only for x :.
Remark 9.1.9 In view of Lemma n 9.1.8, n whenever the sequence of nonzero real
n c n1 nn
cn * lim nn
n0 satis¿es n* L for 0 n L n * an alternative formula
cn n
for the radius of convergence R of c0 cn x :n is given by
! * , if L 0
R , if 0 L * . (9.3)
! L
0 , if L *
1n 2 4 2n
Example 9.1.10 Consider x 2n .
1 4 7 3n 2
1 2 4 2n
Let cn . Then
1 4 7 3n 2
n n n n
n cn1 n n 1n 2 4 2n 2 n 1 1 4 7 3n 2 n 2 n 1 2
n nn n
n cn n n 1 4 7 3n 2 3 n 1 2 1n 2 4 2n n 3n 1 3
The simple manipulations illustrated in Example 9.1.7 can also be used to derive
power series expansions for rational functions.
Example 9.1.11 Find a power series about the point : 1 that sums pointwise to
8x 5
and ¿nd its interval of convergence.
1 4x 3 2x
Note that
8x 5 1 2
1 4x 3 2x 3 2x 1 4x
1 1 ;
* ;*
[2 x 1]n 2n x 1n for x 1
3 2x 1 2 x 1 n0 n0
2 2 1
vt u w
1 4x 5 4
1 x 1
* vt u wn ;
2 ; 4 *
22n1 5
x 1 1n1 n1 x 1n for x 1 .
5 n0 5 n0
5 4
| }
1 5
We have pointwise and absolute convergence of both sums for x 1 min .
2 4
It follows that
;* v w
8x 5 n1 2
2n1 1
1 2 x 1n for x 1 .
1 4x 3 2x n0 5 n1 2
The nth partial sums of a power series are polynomials and polynomials are
among the nicest functions that we know. The nature of the convergence of power
series allows for transmission of the nice properties of polynomials to the limit
Lemma 9.1.12 Suppose that the series f x n0 cn x : converges in
Proof. Since (b) follows directly from Theorem 8.3.3 and (c) follows from
substituting x : in the formula from (a), we need only indicate some of the
details for the proof of (a).
;* t u
S m + Q : f m x cn x :nm f or x : R
nm m
b c
where mn n n 1 n 2 n m 1. By Lemma 9.1.12, we know that
1 + S. Now suppose that k + S for some k i.e.,
f k x n n 1 n 2 n k 1 cn x :nk for x : R.
by F. With that in mind, we state the following theorem and note that the proofs
are the same as the ones given above. However, the region of convergence is a disk
rather than an interval.
Theorem 9.1.16 For the complex power series c0 * cn z :n where : and
n1 T
cn , for n + M C
0, are complex constants, let I lim sup n cn and
! * , if I 0
R , if 0 I * .
! I
0 , if I *
x + U : x : n R0 N R0 :
Both Lemma 9.1.12 and Theorem 9.1.13 hold for the complex series in their
disks of convergence.
Remark 9.1.17 Theorem 9.1.13 tells us that every function that is representable
as a power series in some segment : R : R for R 0 has continuous
3* f n :
derivatives of all orders there and has the form f x n0 x :n . It
is natural to ask if the converse is true? The answer to this question is no. Consider
the function
| b c
exp 1x 2 , x / 0
g x .
0 , x 0
De¿nition 9.1.18 A function that has continuous derivatives of all orders in the
neighborhood of a point is said to be in¿nitely differentiable at the point.
Remark 9.1.20 The example mentioned above tells us that in¿nitely differentiable
at a point is not enough to give analyticity there.
Excursion 9.2.2 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof of
Theorem 9.2.1.
Proof. Let sn nk0 ck and s1 0. It follows that
; m ;m ;
cn x n sn sn1 x n 1 x sn x n sm x m .
n0 n0 n0
Since x 1 and lim sm n0 cn , we have that lim sm x m 0 and we
m* m*
conclude that
* ;
f x cn x n 1 x sn x n . (9.4)
n0 n0
3* 3*
Let s n0 cn . For each x + 1 1, we know that 1 x n0 x n 1.
s 1 x sx n . (9.5)
***Acceptable responses are: (1) n M, (2) K , 3 (3) Hopefully, you noted that
f x s is bounded above by the sum of 1 x n0 sn s xn and
1 x * nM1 sn s x . The ¿rst summation is bounded above by
shown in equation (9.6) while the latter summation is bounded above by
b 3 c
1 x * nM1 x with x
0 this yields that
2 3* 3* 3
1 x nM1 x 1 x nM1 x n 1 x *
n0 x 1.***
* ;
* ;
* ;
ai j ai j .
i1 j1 j1 i1
Proof. Let E
xn : n + MC
0 be a denumerable set such that lim xn x0
and, for each i n + M let
* ;
f i x0 ai j and f i xn ai j .
j1 j1
From the hypotheses, for each i + M, lim f i xn f i x 0 . Furthermore, the def-
inition of E ensures that for any sequence
*k *
k1 t E such that lim *k x 0 ,
lim f i *k f i x0 . Consequently, from the Limits of Sequences Characteri-
zation for Continuity Theorem, for each i + M, f i is continuous at3x0 . Because
1x 1i i + M F x + E " f i x n bi and i1 bi converges, * i1 f i x is
uniformly convergent in E. From the Uniform Limit of Continuous Functions The-
orem (8.3.3), g is continuous at x0 . Therefore,
* ;
* ;
ai j f i x0 g x0 lim g xn .
i1 j1 i1
* ;
* ;
* ;
* ;
ai j lim f i xn lim ai j
n* n*
i1 j1 i1 i1 j1
;n ;* ;;
* *
lim ai j ai j .
j1 i1 ji1 i1
Theorem 9.2.5 Suppose that f x n0 cn x converges in x R. For
a + R R, f can be expanded in a power series about the point x a which
3* f n a
converges in
x + U : x a R a and f x n0 x an .
In the following proof, extra space is provided in order to allow more room for
scratch work to check some of the claims.
x n0 cn x in x R, let a + R R. Then f x
Proof. For f n
3* 3*
n0 cn x n0 cn [x a a] and, from the Binomial Theorem,
n n
*n t u ;* ; n t u
n j n j
f x cn a x a n j
cn a x an j .
n0 j0
j n0 j 0
( t u
; ( ( j
c( a x a
vt u t u t u w
( 0 ( ( 1 (1 ( (
c( a x a a x a a x a .
0 1 (
In the space provided write 4-5 of the rows aligned in such a way as to help you
envision what would happen if we decided to arrange the summation “by columns.”
bn c k
cn k a x ank , if k n n
If *nk , then it follows that
de f
0 , if k n
* ;
* ;
* ;
f x cn x
cn [x a a] n
*nk .
n0 n0 n0 k0
3* b 3* c 3* b3* c
In view of Lemma 9.2.4, n0 k0 *nk k0 n0 *nk whenever
* ;
n t u ;*
cn a x a
j n j
cn x a an *
n0 j0
j n0
v tu t u w
k1 n
x a k
ck a
ck1 a
cn a nk
1 nk
Use the space that is provided to convince yourself concerning the form of the
general term.
as needed.
Theorem 9.2.6 (Identity Theorem) Suppose that the series * n
n0 an x and
n0 bn x both converge in the segment S R R. If
* ;
E x+S: an x n bn x n
n0 n0
Excursion 9.2.7 Fill in what is missing in order to complete the following proof of
the Identity Theorem.
3* n
3* n
Proof. Suppose that the series n0 an x and n0 bn x both converge in the
segment S R R and that
* ;
E x+S: an x n bn x n
n0 n0
has a limit point in S. For each n + M C
0, let cn an bn . Then f x
3* n 0 for each x + E. Let
de f
n0 cn x
j k
A x + S : x + E ) and B S A
x + S : x + A
where E ) denotes the set of limit points of E. Note that S is a connected set such
that S A C B and A D B 3. First we will justify that B is open. If B is empty,
then we are done. If B is not empty and not open, then there exists a * + B such
that 2N= * N= * t B.
f x x x0 k g x / 0
Because S is a connected set for which A and B are open sets such that
S A C B, A / 3, and A D B 3, we conclude that .
***Acceptable responses are: (1) Your argument should have generated a sequence
of elements of E that converges to *. This necessitated an intermediate step be-
cause at each step you could only claim to have a point that was in E ) . For example,
if N= * is not contained in B, then there exists a ) + S such that ) + B which
places ) in E ) . While this does not place ) in E, it does insure that any neighbor-
hood of ) contains an element of E. Let u 1 be an element of E such that u 1 / *
and u 1 * =. The process can be continued to generate a sequence of elements
of E,
u n *
n1 , that converges to *. This would place * in A D B which contradicts
the choice of B. (2) x x0 R x0 , (3) Well-Ordering Principle, (4) g x0 ,
g x0
(5) dk , (6) We’ve seen this one a few times before. Corresponding to ,
there exists a = 0 such that x x0 = " g x g x0 . The (other)
g x0
triangular inequality, then yields that g x0 g x which implies
g x0
that g x whenever x x0 =. (7) 0 x x0 =, (8) T 3,
(9) 1n n + M C
0 " dn 0, (10) 2N * N * t A, (11) A is open, (12)
B is empty.***
bn c n!
From , it follows that
k k! n k!
;* ; ; n t u
1 n! *
1 ; n k nk
E z E * z *
k nk
z *
n0 k0
n! k! n k! n0
n! k0 k
z *n
which would contradict our second Property of the Additive Identity of a Field
(Proposition 1.1.4) from which we have to have that E ? E * 0 for all * + F.
Consequently 1z z + F " E z / 0.
1. For x real, use basic bounding arguments and ¿eld properties to justify each
of the following.
What you have just shown justi¿es that E x over the reals is a strictly increas-
ing function that is positive for each x + U.
Note that when x is real, E ) x E x and 1x x + U " E x 0 with
the Monotonicity Test yields an alternative justi¿cation that E is increasing
in U.
;n t u
1 1 n
sn and tn 1
k! n
t u t ut u
1 1 1 1 2
tn 1 1 1 1 1
2! n 3! n n
t ut u t u
1 1 2 n1
1 1 1 .
n! n n n
t u
1 1
tn o 1 1 1
2! n
t ut u t u
1 1 2 m1
1 1 1 .
m! n n n
(d) Use the inequality you obtain by keeping m ¿xed and letting n *
in the equation from part (c) to obtain a lower bound on lim inftn and an
upper bound on sm for each m.
Using ¿eld properties and the density of the rationals can get us to a justi¿cation
that E x e x for x real.
x n1
5. Show that, for x 0, e x and use the inequality to justify that
n 1!
lim x n ex 0 for each n + M.
1. Show that E i x 1.
b c
3. Prove that 2x x + U F C x 0 .
4. Justify that there exists a smallest positive real number x0 such that C x0
5. De¿ne the symbol H by H 2x0 where x0 is the number from #4 and justify
each of the following claims.
rH s
(a) S 1
t u
(b) E i
(c) E Hi 1
(d) E 2Hi 1
It follows immediately from equation (9.8) that E is periodic with period 2Hi i.e.,
Then the formulas given in equation (9.12) immediately yield that both C and S are
periodic with period 2Hi.
Also shown in Theorem 8.7 of our text is that 1t t + 0 2H " E it / 1
The following space is provided for you to enter some helpful notes towards justi-
fying each of these claims.
Theorem 9.4.1 (Taylor’s Theorem with Remainder) For a b, let I [a b].
Suppose that f and f j are in F I for 1 n j n n and that f n1 is de¿ned for
each x + Int I . Then, for each x + I , there exists a G with a G x such that
f j a
f x x a j Rn x
j !
Proof. It suf¿ces to prove the theorem for the case x b. Since f and f j are
3 f j a
in F I for 1 n j n n, Rn f b nj0 b a j is well de¿ned. In
order to ¿nd a different form of Rn , we introduce a function . For x + I , let
f j x b xn1
x f b b x j Rn .
j! b an1
3 4
it follows that
) x n1bx
ban1 t u
f x
j 3n1 f j x j 1
b x j1
b x
j 1! j2
j 1!
f n1 G n 1 b Gn
If ) G 0, then b G n Rn . Therefore,
n! b an1
Remark 9.4.3 Notice that the inequality a b was only a convenience for framing
the argument i.e., if we have the conditions holding in a neighborhood of a point
: we have the Taylor’s Series expansion to the left of : and to the right of :. In
this case, we refer to the expansion as a Taylor’s Series with Lagrange Form of the
Remainder about :.
Theorem 9.4.5
b c
cos : nH
cos x 2
x :n . (9.16)
1n1 x n
ln 1 x (9.17)
1n1 x 2n1
arctan x . (9.18)
2n 1
(d) The Binomial Series Theorem. For each m + U1 and for x 1, we have
m m 1 m 2 m n 1
1 x 1
xn. (9.19)
We will offer proofs for (a), and the ¿rst parts of (b) and (c). A fairly complete
sketch of a proof for the Binomial Series Theorem is given after discussion of a
different form of Taylor’s Theorem.
There are many forms of the remainder for “Taylor expansions” that appear in
the literature. Alternatives can offer different estimates for the error entailed when
a Taylor polynomial is used to replace a function in some mathematical problem.
The integral form is given with the following
Theorem 9.4.6 (Taylor’s Theorem with Integral Form of the Remainder)
Suppose that f and its derivatives of order up to n 1 are continuous on a segment
3n f j :x: j
I containing :. Then, for each x + I , f x j0 j! Rn : x
= x
x tn n1
Rn : x f t dt
: n!
; = x
f j : x : j x tk k1
f x f t dt
j! : k!
m m 1 m 2 m n 1
1 x 1
x n Rk 0 x .
= x
x tk k1
Rk 0 x f t dt
0 k!
for all x such that x 1. Having two expressions in the integrand that involve a
power k suggests a rearrangement of the integrand i.e.,
= x t u
m m 1 m k x t k
Rk 0 x 1 tm1 dt.
0 k! 1t
1 tm1 n 1 whenever m o 1 F 1 t n 0 G m n 1 F 1 t o 0 .
t u
5x x t k
Next, we turn to 0 dt. Since we want to bound the behavior in
terms of x or a constant, we want to get the x out of the limits of integration. The
standard way to do this is to effect a change of variable. Let t xs. Then dt xds
= xt u = 1 t u
x t k 1s k
dt x k1
0 1t 0 1 xs
t uk
Since s 1 x o 0, we immediately conclude that n 1. Hence, it
1 xs
follows that
n= t n
n x x t uk n
n n
n dt n n xk1 . (9.21)
n 0 1t n
0 n Rk 0 x
= 1
m m 1 m k k1
n x C m x dt
0 k!
m m 1 m k k1
x Cm x .
m m 1 m k k1 3
For u k x x Cm x consider *
n1 u n x. Be-
cause k!
n n n n
n u n1 x n n m n
n nn n
n u x n n n 1 1n x x as n *,
n1 u n x is convergent for x 1. From the nth term test, it follows that
u k x 0 as k * for all x such that x 1. Finally, from the Squeeze
Principle, we conclude that Rk 0 x 0 as k * for all x with x 1.
x c R 1k .
Example 9.4.8 Find the power series expansion for f x about the
1 x2
point : and give the radius of convergence.
Note that
v w
1 1 1 1
f x
1 x 1 x 2 1 x 1 x
1t 1 1
t uu t t uu
2 1 1 3 1
x x
2 2 2 2
1 1 1
t t uu t t uu.
1 3 2 1
12 x 1 x
2 3 2
t u n t un n n
1 ;*
1 n n 1 nn n 1 nn
Since t t uu 2 x
n n
for n2 x n
1 or nx n
1 2 2 n 2
12 x n0
2 n t
;* t un t u un
1 1 2 1 n n2 1 nn
and t t uu 1 n
x n
for n x 1 or
2 2 1 3 2 3 2 n
1 x n0
n n 3 2 n n
n n 3 n n
nx n . Because both series expansions are valid in nx n 1 , it follows
1 1
n 2n 2 n 2n 2
;* t ut u n n
2n 1 n n 1 n 1
f x 2 n1
x for nnx nn .
3 2 2 2
Example 9.4.9 Find the power series expansion for g x arcsin x about the
point : 0. = x
We know that, for x 1, arcsin x T . From the Binomial
0 1 t2
Series Theorem, for m , we have that
t 2u t u t u
1 1 1
;* 1 n 1
12 2 2 2
1 u 1 u n for u 1. Since
n1n n
u 1 if and only if nu 2 n 1, it follows that
t ut u t u
1 1 1
r s12 *
; 1 n 1
2 2 2
1 t2 1 1n t 2n for t 1.
Note that
t ut u t u t ut u t u
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 n 1 1
1 n 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
_ ^] `
n terms
1 3 2n 1
r s12 ;
1 3 2n 1
1t 2
1 t 2n for t 1
2n n!
with the convergence being uniform in each t n h for any h such that 0 h 1.
Applying the Integration of Power Series Theorem (Theorem 9.1.13), it follows that
= ;*
x dt 1 3 2n 1 2n1
arcsin x T x x , for x 1
0 1 t2 n1
2n 1 2n n!
where arcsin 0 0.
Excursion 9.4.10 Find the power series expansion about : 0 for f x
e x ex
cosh x and give the radius of convergence.
***Upon noting that f 0 1, f ) 0 0, f 2n x f x and f 2n1 x
x 2n
f x, it follows that we can write f as for all x + U.***
Example 9.4.11 Suppose that we want the power series expansion for f x
ln cos x about the point : 0. Find the Taylor Remainder R3 in both the
Lagrange and Integral forms.
f 4 G 4
Since the Lagrange form for R3 is given by x for 0 G x, we
have that
b c
4 sec2 G tan2 G 2 sec4 G x 4
R3 for 0 G x.
= x
x tn n1
In general, the integral form is given by Rn : x f t dt. For
: n!
this problem, : 0 and n 3, which gives
= x
x t3 r s
R3 : x 4 sec2 t tan2 t 2 sec4 t dt
: 6
Excursion 9.4.12 Fill in what is missing in the following application of the geo-
metric series expansion and the theorem on the differentiation of power series to
3 3n 1
¿nd * n1 .
Because xn for x 1, it follows that
1 x
;* t un
4 1
in x 1. Hence,
3 .
4n 3
1 4
***Expected responses are: (1) , (2) x 1 x2 , (3) , and (4) 1.***
3 3
cos nx : n + M C
sin nx : n + M.
De¿nition 9.5.1 A trigonometric series is de¿ned to be a series that can be written
in the form
1 ;*
a0 an cos nx bn sin nx (9.22)
2 n1
an * *
n0 and
bn n1 are sequences of constants.
Remark 9.5.3 The trigonometric polynomial given in (9.23) is real if and only if
cn cn for n 0 1 N .
Remark 9.5.4 It follows from equation (9.12) that the Nth partial sum of the trigono-
metric series given in (9.22) can be written in the form given in (9.23). Conse-
1 ;N
quently, a sum in the form a0 ak cos kx bk sin kx is also called a trigono-
2 k0
metric polynomial. The form used is often a matter of convenience.
We will make use of these relations in order to ¿nd useful expressions for the coef-
¿cients of trigonometric series that are associated with speci¿c functions.
1 3
Proof. For each k + M, let sk x a0 km1 am cos mx bm sin mx and
suppose that 0 is given. Because sk f there exists a positive integer M such
that k M implies that sk x f x for all x + I . It follows that, for each
¿xed n + M,
for all x + I and all k M. Therefore, sk x cos nx f x cos nx and
sk x sin nx f x sin nx for each ¿xed n. Then for ¿xed n + M,
1 ;*
f x cos nx a0 cos nx am cos mx cos nx bm sin mx cos nx
2 m1
1 ;*
f x sin nx a0 sin nx am cos mx sin nx bm sin mx sin nx
2 m1
the uniform convergence allows for term-by-term integration over the interval [H H]
which, from the orthogonality relations yields that
= H = H
f x cos nx d x Han and f x sin nx dx Hbn .
1 ;*
a0 an cos nx bn sin nx
2 n1
is called the Fourier series for the function f and the numbers an and bn are called
the Fourier coef¿cients of f .
Given any Riemann integrable function on an interval [H H], we can use the
formulas given by (9.24) and (9.25) to calculate Fourier coef¿cients that could be
associated with the function. However, the Fourier series formed using those co-
ef¿cients may not converge to f . Consequently, a major concern in the study of
Fourier series is isolating or describing families of functions for which the associ-
ated Fourier series can be identi¿ed with the “generating functions” i.e., we would
like to ¿nd classes of functions for which each Fourier series generated by a func-
tion in the class converges to the generating function.
The discussion of Fourier series in our text highlights some of the convergence
properties of Fourier series and the estimating properties of trigonometric polyno-
mials. The following is a theorem that offers a condition under which we have
pointwise convergence of the associated Fourier polynomials to the function. The
proof can be found on pages 189-190 of our text.
Theorem 9.5.7 For f a periodic function with period 2H that is Riemann inte-
grable on [H H], let
N = H
s N f x cm e imx
where cm f t eimt dt.
2H H
f x t f x n M t
The following theorem that is offered on page 190 of our text can be thought of
as a trigonometric polynomial analog to Taylor’s Theorem with Remainder.
For the remainder of this section, we will focus brieÀy on the process of ¿nding
Fourier series for a speci¿c type of functions.
0 x1 x2 ... xn-2 xn=b
a=x0 xn-1
f x f x
where f is continuous and by f x an each point of discon-
tinuity of f in H H .
f x f x
limit . In particular, the series converges to the value of the given
function f at every point of continuity and to the standardized value at each point
of discontinuity.
Example 9.5.13 Let f x x on I [H H]. Then, for each j + ], the
periodic extension f satis¿es f jH 0 and the graph in each segment of the
form j H j 1 H is identical to the graph in H H. Use the space provided
to sketch a graph for f .
The associated Fourier coef¿cients for f are given by (9.24) and (9.25) from
Theorem 9.5.5. Because t cos nt is an odd function,
1 H
an t cos nt dt 0 for n + M C
0 .
The following ¿gure shows the graphs of f , s1 x 2 sin x, and s3 x 2 sin x
sin 2x sin 3x in 3 3.
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
37 sin nx
while the following shows the graphs of f and s7 x 2 n1 1
in 3 3.
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
***Hopefully, you noticed that bn 0 for each n + M and an 0 for each even
natural number n. Furthermore, a0 H while, integration-by-parts yielded that
an 4n 2 H 1 for n odd.***
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
We close with a ¿gure that shows f x x and the corresponding Fourier
H 4; 7
polynomial s7 x cos 2n 1 x in 3 3. Note how the
2 H n1 2n 12
difference is almost invisible to the naked eye.
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
2. Let
| b c
exp 1x 2 , x / 0
g x
0 , x 0
where exp * e* .
c for each n +
(a) Use the Principle of Mathematical Induction tob prove that,
M and x + U
0, g n x x 3n Pn x exp 1x 2 where Pn x is
a polynomial.
(b) Use l’Hôpital’s Rule to justify that, for each n + MC
0, g n 0 0.
3. Use the Ratio Test, as stated in these Companion Notes, to prove Lemma
4. For each of the following use either the Root Test or the Ratio Test to ¿nd the
“interval of convergence.”
(b) 3n x 1n
x 2n
(c) T
n!2 x 3
ln n 3n x 1n
(e) T
nn n
9.6. PROBLEM SET I 417
;* t u
ln n 1 2n x 1n 3 1
5. Show that is convergent in .
n 1 2 2
6. For each of the following, derive the power series expansion about the point
: and indicate where it is valid. Remember to brieÀy justify your work.
3x 1
(a) g x :1
3x 2
(b) h x ln x : 2
7. For each of the following, ¿nd the power series expansion about : 0.
b c12
(a) f x 1 x 2
(b) f x 1 x2
(c) f x 1 x3
b c
(d) f x arctan x 2
r T s
8. Find the power series expansion for h x ln x 1 x 2 about : 0
and its interval of convergence. (Hint: Consider h ) .)
9. Prove that if f u * n0 cn u b for u b R with R
0 and b
3* R
kc d with k / 0, then f kx d n0 cn k n x cn for x c .
d that kif f u
10. Prove e bn for u b R with R
3* n0 cn u kn 0, then
f x c b n0 cn x c in x c R 1k for any ¿xed posi-
tive integer k.
11. Find the power series expansions for each of the following about the speci¿ed
point :.
12. Starting from the geometric series x n x 1 x1 for x 1, derive
closed form expressions for each of the following.
(a) n 1 x n
(b) n 1 x 2n
(c) n 1 x n2
(d) x n3
* 2
n 2n 1
n 3n 2n
14. Verify the orthogonality relations that were stated in the last section.
5H 5H H , if m n
(a) H cos mx cos nxd x H sin mx sin nxdx .
0 , if m / n
(b) H cos mx sin nxd x 0 for all m n + M.
15. For each of the following, verify that the given Fourier series is the one asso-
ciated with the function f according to Theorem 9.5.5.
0 , if H n x 0
1 2;*
sin 2k 1 x
(a) f x
2 H k0 2k 1
1 , if 0 n x n H
9.6. PROBLEM SET I 419
H2 ;*
cos kx
(b) f x x 2 for x + [H H] 4 1k
3 k1
1 cos 2x
(c) f x sin2 x for x + [H H]
2 2
3n*n1 , 123 Cauchy criteria for series convergence,
k0 ak , 152
4 :, 287
Cauchy Criterion for Convergence, 335
absolutely convergent Cauchy product, 170
sequence of functions, 333 Cauchy sequence, 135
absolutely convergent series, 156 Chain Rule, 241
alternating series test, 174 Change of Variables, 307
analytic characteristic function, 302
at a point, 379 class of monotonic functions, 215
on a set, 379 closed ball, 82
uncountable, 56
uniform continuity theorem, 209
uniform convergence
sequence of functions, 328
uniform convergent
sequence of functions, 332
Uniform Limit of Continuous Func-
tions, 341
uniformly bounded
family of functions, 353
uniformly Cauchy, 335
uniformly continuous, 208
uniformly convergent
sequence of functions, 335
of a family of sets, 63
upper bound, 19
upper Riemann integral, 283
upper Riemann sum, 278
vector addition, 74
vector-valued function
differentiable at a point, 262
Riemann-Stieltjes integrable, 315