Medicine: Differentiation of Acute Cholecystitis From Chronic Cholecystitis
Medicine: Differentiation of Acute Cholecystitis From Chronic Cholecystitis
Medicine: Differentiation of Acute Cholecystitis From Chronic Cholecystitis
The purpose of this study was to determine the diagnostic value of multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) imaging findings, to
identify the most predictive findings, and to assess diagnostic performance in the diagnosis and differentiation of acute cholecystitis
from chronic cholecystitis.
In this retrospective study, we enrolled 382 consecutive patients with pathologically proven acute or chronic cholecystitis who
underwent computed tomography (CT) within 1 month before surgery. The CT findings were compared and logistic regression
analysis was used to identify significant CT findings in predicting acute cholecystitis. Diagnostic performance of each CT finding and
of combined findings was also assessed.
Statistically significant CT findings distinguishing acute cholecystitis from chronic cholecystitis were increased gallbladder dimension
(85.5% vs 50.6%, P < .001), increased wall enhancement (61.8% vs 78.9%, P = .001), increased wall thickness (67.9% vs 31.1%,
P < .001), mural striation (64.9% vs 28.3%, P < .001), pericholecystic haziness or fluid (66.4% vs 21.2%, P < .001), increased adjacent
hepatic enhancement (80.0% vs 32.4%, P < .001), focal wall defect (9.2% vs 0, P < .001), and pericholecystic abscess (10.7% vs 0,
P < .001). Subsequent multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that increased adjacent hepatic enhancement [P = .006, odds
ratio (OR) = 3.82], increased gallbladder dimension (P = .027, OR = 3.12), increased wall thickening or mural striation (P = .019, OR =
2.89), and pericholecystic haziness or fluid (P = .032, OR = 2.61) were significant predictors of acute cholecystitis. When 2 of these 4 CT
findings were observed together, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for the detection of acute cholecystitis were 83.2%, 65.7%,
and 71.7%, respectively. When 3 of these 4 CT findings were observed together, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were 56.5%,
84.5%, and 74.9%, respectively. When none of these 4 CT findings were observed, the negative predictive value was 96.4%.
Increased adjacent hepatic enhancement, increased gallbladder dimension, increased wall thickening or mural striation, and
pericholecystic fat haziness or fluid were the most discriminative MDCT findings for the diagnosis and differentiation of acute
cholecystitis from chronic cholecystitis.
Abbreviations: HU = Hounsfield unit, MDCT = multidetector computed tomography, MRI = magnetic resonance imaging, NPV =
negative predictive value, OR = odds ratio, PPV = positive predictive value, ROC = receiver operating characteristic, RUQ = right
upper quadrant, THAD = transient hepatic attenuation difference, US = ultrasonography.
Keywords: acute cholecystitis, chronic cholecystitis, multidetector computed tomography
Yeo et al. Medicine (2018) 97:33 Medicine
better sensitivity and accuracy in individual findings on MRI (n = 6), gallbladder cancer (n = 20), a Klatskin tumor (n = 2), or no
compared to CT.[5] Although several studies reported moderate- pathologic gallbladder (n = 20). Thus, we enrolled 382 consecu-
to-excellent diagnostic performance by CT,[6–10] most of them tive patients with acute or chronic cholecystitis proven
occurred 15 years ago before the widespread use of multidetector pathologically by surgery who underwent preoperative con-
CT (MDCT) and only observed the frequency of a specific trast-enhanced CT within 1 month before surgery. There were 82
variable, not the overall capacity of CT. men and 49 women in the acute cholecystitis group (n = 131) and
In the era of MDCT, CT is frequently performed in the acute 107 men and 144 women in the chronic cholecystitis group (n =
abdomen setting because of its large field of view for differential 251) (Fig. 1). The mean age was 60 (range, 14–93 years) and 57
diagnosis, fast scan time, and high temporal and spatial (range, 18–93 years) years, respectively. The mean time interval
resolution.[4] To our knowledge, no reports have described all between CT and surgery was 6 ± 5 [SD] and 10 ± 8 days,
the imaging findings for acute and chronic cholecystitis on MDCT respectively (Table 1).
with regard to diagnostic performance, unlike MRI.[11]
Typical CT findings of acute cholecystitis have been well
2.2. Image acquisition
described, with overlapping findings between acute and chronic
cholecystitis.[12,13] Therefore, it has been challenging to routinely CT images were acquired with a 64- or 128-channel MDCT
differentiate between acute and chronic cholecystitis, compared with (Sensation 64 and Somatom Definition Flash; Siemens, Erlangen,
the ease of differentiating cholecystitis from normal gallbladder. Germany) with the following scanning parameters: beam
Thus, the present study was conducted on a large number of collimation 0.6 to 1.2 mm; pitch 1.2 to 1.4; tube voltage, 100
populations to determine the diagnostic value of individual to 120 kVp; and tube current and rotation time, 160 to 210 mAs.
imaging findings, to identify the most predictive findings, and to Contrast-enhanced images were obtained after infusion with 110
assess the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive to 120 mL of iopromide (Ultravist 300; Bayer-Schering Pharma,
value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of MDCT in the
diagnosis and differentiation of acute from chronic cholecystitis,
with pathologic results as the gold standard. Table 1
Characteristics of study population (n = 382).
Acute cholecystitis Chronic cholecystitis
2. Materials and methods Characteristic group (n = 131) group (n = 251)
2.1. Patients Age, y 60 ± 15 57 ± 16
This retrospective study was approved by our Institutional
Male 82 107
Review Board, and patient informed consent was waived. From Female 49 144
January 2014 to September 2016, cholecystectomy was Liver cirrhosis 6 7
performed on 608 patients. Two hundred twenty-six patients Chronic kidney disease 4 7
were excluded for the following reasons: 87 did not undergo CT, Time interval between 6±5 10 ± 8
15 underwent unenhanced CT, 59 underwent surgery more than CT imaging and surgery, d
30 days after CT, 4 presented with predominant findings of
Data are the number of humans, numbers in parentheses are percentages.
pancreatitis, and 61 had other pathologic results such as CT = computed tomography.
xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis (n = 13), adenomyomatosis Mean value ± standard deviation.
Yeo et al. Medicine (2018) 97:33
Berlin, Germany) or iohexol (Iobrix 350; Taejoon Pharmaceuti- location of focal fat sparing or deposition on a nonenhanced CT
cal, Kyungkido, South Korea) injected at 3 to 4 mL/s using a image.[17] Sloughed membrane was considered when the presence
power injector. The contrast-enhanced images were obtained 20 of internal irregular linear soft-tissue densities was observed
seconds after achieving 100-Hounsfield unit (HU) attenuation of within the gallbladder.
the descending aorta, as measured with a bolus-tracking
technique for the arterial phase images. For the portal venous
2.4. Statistical analysis
phase, a 70-second fixed delay was adopted. All 382 patients
involved in the study had performed portal phase CT, but the All statistical analyses were performed using statistical software
arterial images were obtained in part (acute cholecystitis, n = 45; R, version 3.2.1.[18] Pearson Chi-square tests were used for
chronic cholecystitis, n = 136). Axial CT images were recon- comparisons of CT findings between acute and chronic
structed with a 3 mm section thickness and a 3-mm interval, and cholecystitis groups with the moonBook package.[19] The Student
then coronal and sagittal multiplanar reconstruction images were t test was used to evaluate differences in bile attenuation,
reconstructed with a 3 mm section thickness and a 3-mm interval. gallbladder wall thickness, and luminal diameter between the 2
groups. The cut-off values for short and long luminal diameters
were determined by ROC curve analysis.[20] Univariate logistic
2.3. Image analysis
regression analysis was used to determine the significance of each
To prevent recall bias, CT images were reviewed 2 weeks after CT finding in predicting acute cholecystitis by odds ratio (OR)
patient enrollment. One gastrointestinal radiologist (D.M.Y, evaluation. Multivariate stepwise logistic regression analysis with
with 5 years of experience) who was blinded to the clinical backward elimination was used to determine the most significant
information, imaging reports, and final pathologic type of CT findings for diagnosing acute cholecystitis. Variables with a P
cholecystitis (though aware that cholecystitis was present) value of <.2 in the univariate analysis were used as input
reviewed the images retrospectively in random order using variables for multivariate stepwise logistic regression. The
picture archiving and communication system software (Maro- diagnostic performance (sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, PPV,
view 5.4; Infinite, Seoul, South Korea). CT imaging findings of NPV) of each CT finding and of combined findings in the
acute cholecystitis were evaluated according to the following diagnosis and differentiation between acute and chronic
criteria[7,13,14]: gallstone, increased bile attenuation within the cholecystitis was calculated on the basis of the pathologic
gallbladder including measurement of bile CT number (HU), diagnosis as a reference standard. For all tests, P < .05 was
short and long diameters of the gallbladder lumen, increased considered indicative of a statistically significant difference.
gallbladder dimension, increased gallbladder wall enhancement
(mucosal or mural enhancement), increased gallbladder wall
3. Results
thickening (>3 mm[9]), measurement of the wall thickness, mural
striation, pericholecystic fat stranding or fluid, increased adjacent Out of 382 enrolled patients, there were 14 liver cirrhosis patients
hepatic enhancement on the arterial phase, focal wall defect, (acute cholecystitis, n = 6; chronic cholecystitis, n = 7). One
pericholecystic abscess, and sloughed membrane. patient was Child-Pugh class C and the rest were Child-Pugh
Gallstones were deemed present if a sufficient attenuation class A, and 4 patients had minimal ascites only in the pelvic
difference (higher or lower) from bile was visualized. Bile was cavity (acute cholecystitis, n = 6; chronic cholecystitis, n = 7). The
evaluated for increased attenuation relative to the fluid density 1 Child-Pugh class C patient did not show mural striation of the
within the bowel.[15] Bile attenuation was measured at least 5 gallbladder or pericholecystic fluid, which could be produced by
times. Then, the highest CT number was achieved. The luminal decreased liver function due to cirrhosis.
diameter was measured without including the wall. The presence
of increased gallbladder dimension was assessed by cutoff values, 3.1. Comparison of MDCT findings between acute
which were determined by using receiver operating characteristic cholecystitis and chronic cholecystitis groups
(ROC) curve analysis for differentiating acute from chronic
cholecystitis. GB wall enhancement was considered to be The distribution of MDCT findings between the 2 groups is
increased when it was equal to or greater than liver parenchymal summarized in Table 2. There were significant differences in CT
enhancement on portal phase images in patients with normal findings of increased gallbladder dimension (P < .001), increased
renal function.[15] In the 11 patients with chronic kidney disease, wall enhancement (P = .001), increased wall thickness (P < .001),
gallbladder wall enhancement was evaluated solely on the basis mural striation (P < .001), pericholecystic haziness or fluid
of the reviewer’s experiences. Mural striation was identified if a (P < .001), increased adjacent hepatic enhancement (P < .001),
central hypodense halo was present between the inner and outer focal wall defects (P < .001), and pericholecystic abscess (P < .001)
margin enhancement of the wall. Given that acute cholecystitis is between the 2 groups. Of these, increased gallbladder dimension
a progressive disease (mild edematous disease to a suppurative showed the highest frequency in the acute cholecystitis group
form[16]), we assumed that 2 findings of mural striation [85.5% (112 of 131)]. There was also a high frequency of increased
(subserosal edema) or increased thickness (>3 mm) of the adjacent hepatic enhancement [80.0% (36 of 45)], but this finding
gallbladder wall could be considered associated with a spectrum was assessed in the small number of patients who underwent
of gallbladder wall inflammation. Pericholecystic fat stranding arterial phase imaging. Combined findings of increased thickness
was defined as increased fat attenuation around the gallbladder or mural striation [70.2% (92 of 131)] showed higher frequencies
as well as loss of the sharp fat plane between the gallbladder and in the acute cholecystitis group than each finding separately
the liver. Increased adjacent hepatic enhancement was assessed if [67.9% (89 of 131) and 64.9% (85 of 131), respectively].
arterial phase CT images were available (acute cholecystitis, n = However, the presence of gallstones (P = .800), increased bile
45; chronic cholecystitis, n = 136) and was deemed present if a attenuation (P = .065), and sloughed membrane (P = .739) were
thin or thick curvilinear shape around the gallbladder fossa was not statistically different by group. Sloughed membrane was seen
present, as opposed to a geographic pattern at the expected in only 1 patient with acute cholecystitis.
Yeo et al. Medicine (2018) 97:33 Medicine
Figure 2. A 72-year-old woman with acute cholecystitis. (A) The arterial phase CT image shows an area of thick rim-like enhancement around the gallbladder in all
directions. (B) The portal phase CT image shows mural striation with a thickened wall (5.57 mm) and luminal distension (3.97 cm) of the gallbladder.
Yeo et al. Medicine (2018) 97:33
Figure 3. A 65-year-old man with chronic cholecystitis. CT images show gallstones and a distended gallbladder (short axis 3.46 cm, long axis 9.79 cm). However,
the arterial phase CT image (left) does not display increased adjacent liver hyperenhancement around the gallbladder. Increased gallbladder wall thickening or mural
striation is also not seen.
detection of acute cholecystitis were 83.2%, 65.7%, and 71.7%, between acute and chronic cholecystitis, and the chronic
respectively. When 3 of these 4 CT findings were observed in cholecystitis group revealed more frequent hyperenhancement
combination, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were 56.5%, of the gallbladder wall than the acute cholecystitis group. Acute
84.5%, and 74.9%, respectively. When none of these 4 CT cholecystitis is related to gallstones in about 90% to 95% of cases
findings were observed, the NPV was 96.4%. and chronic cholecystitis is also almost always associated with the
presence of gallstones. The ability to detect gallstones by CT is
approximately 75%, due to the gallstones isodense to bile.[13]
4. Discussion
Our study showed 71.0% and 72.1% sensitivities for the
Our study revealed significant imaging findings for acute detection of gallstones in acute and chronic cholecystitis,
cholecystitis, identified the most discriminative findings by respectively. High-attenuated bile and gallbladder wall hyper-
logistic regression analysis, and quantified the performance of enhancement have been described as common findings in acute
MDCT to diagnose and differentiate acute from chronic cholecystitis patients, compared with the normal population.
cholecystitis by calculating the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, However, as gallbladder dysmotility is commonly present in
PPV, and NPV of individual or combined findings. chronic cholecystitis, increased bile CT attenuation due to
Typical CT findings of acute cholecystitis have been described concentrated bile was also frequently seen in the chronic
as gallstones, high-attenuated bile, gallbladder distension, cholecystitis group. Furthermore, in a recent study, CT
increased wall thickening, increased wall enhancement, mural attenuation of gallbladder bile did not differ between acute
striation, pericholecystic stranding or fluid, and increased cholecystitis patients and a control group.[15] The present study
hyperenhancement of the adjacent liver.[7,12,13] Of these, gall- noted gallbladder wall hyperenhancement in both groups, but it
stones and high-attenuated bile were not statistically different was seen more frequently in chronic cholecystitis. Chronic
Table 3
Results of univariate and multivariate analysis for diagnosis of acute cholecystitis.
CT finding Univariable odds ratio P Multivariable odds ratio P
Gallstones 0.95 (0.60–1.52) .818
Increased bile attenuation 0.98 (0.96–1.00) .060
Increased gallbladder dimension 6.04 (3.57–10.68) <.001 3.12 (1.17–9.02) .027
Increased enhancement 0.43 (0.27–0.69) <.001 0.43 (0.14–1.31) .135
Increased wall thickening or mural striation 4.95 (3.15–7.90) <.001 2.89 (1.20–7.13) .019
Pericholecystic haziness or fluid collection 7.35 (4.61–11.89) <.001 2.61 (1.08–6.30) .032
Increased adjacent liver enhancement 8.36 (3.85–19.90) <.001 3.82 (1.51–10.34) .006
Focal wall defect .978
Pericholecystic abscess .980
Sloughed membrane .979
Numbers in parentheses are 95% confidence intervals.
CT = computed tomography.
Yeo et al. Medicine (2018) 97:33 Medicine
Figure 4. Plot illustrates the odds ratio of significant CT findings for the diagnosis and differentiation of acute cholecystitis from chronic cholecystitis.
cholecystitis is thought to be the result of mechanical irritation or geographic or localized and is frequently identified as fat
recurrent acute cholecystitis leading to chronic inflammation, deposition in normal liver or sparing in fatty liver by persistent
fibrosis, and thickening of the gallbladder wall, which explains hemodynamic change at a corresponding area on nonenhanced
increased wall enhancement of the gallbladder compared with imaging.[22] Hence, this can be carefully differentiated from the
acute cholecystitis with edematous, necrotizing, or suppurative THAD of acute cholecystitis, which has a rim-like or thicker
gallbladder wall, which leads to fluid or microabscess lowering enhancement surrounding the gallbladder in all directions. The
CT attenuation. high sensitivity and moderate specificity of THAD in our study is
With the ORs obtained via multivariate logistic regression also in close agreement with previous reports. One of these
analysis, the diagnostic value for each finding was in the reports suggested that THAD is the most predictive finding in
following order: increased adjacent liver enhancement, pericho- early or mild cholecystitis.[11,15] However, THAD should be
lecystic fat haziness and fluid, increased gallbladder dimension, assessed only in the arterial phase due to rapid change from
and increased wall thickening or mural striation. In 1 recent case- isodense to normal hepatic parenchyma. Therefore, arterial phase
control study of acute cholecystitis versus normal population on CT is recommended for patients with suspected gallbladder
helical CT, the most discriminating findings by univariate disease.
analysis were pericholecystic fat stranding, mural stratification, Pericholecystic fat haziness or fluid collection and increased
pericholecystic hypervascularity, hyperattenuated gallbladder wall thickening or mural striation show moderate sensitivity and
wall, short and long gallbladder axis enlargement, and gallblad- specificity. We considered increased wall thickening or mural
der wall thickening, which were similar results.[10] striation as gallbladder wall inflammation. There are several
Increased adjacent liver enhancement is well known to be a explanations for this. Because increased wall thickening was
transient hepatic attenuation difference (THAD) on arterial defined as thicker than 3 mm based on previous reports, a mildly
phase CT, which is induced by increased arterial flow secondary thickened wall was not included, although the normal gallblad-
to adjacent gallbladder inflammation and portal inflow reduction der wall is thin-hairline or imperceptible. As acute cholecystitis is
due to interstitial edema.[21] Although THAD is also induced by a progressive inflammatory disease from the edematous phase to
accessory veins, especially in segment IV, it is generally the necrotizing phase to the suppurative phase, CT features can
Table 4
Diagnostic performance of CT findings for diagnosis and differentiation of acute cholecystitis.
Positive Negative
CT finding Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy predictive value predictive value Odds ratio AUC
1. Increased gallbladder dimension 85.5 50.6 62.6 47.5 87.0 6.037
2. Increased wall thickening or mural striation 70.2 67.7 68.6 53.2 81.3 4.951
3. Pericholecystic fat haziness or fluid collection 66.4 78.8 74.5 62.1 81.7 7.349
4. Increased adjacent liver enhancement 80.0 67.6 70.7 45.0 91.1 8.364
1 of 4 findings 97.7 31.9 54.5 42.8 96.4 19.961 0.648
Combined 2 of 4 findings 83.2 65.7 71.7 55.9 88.2 9.506 0.745
Combined 3 of 4 findings 56.5 84.5 74.9 65.5 78.8 7.057 0.705
Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value are percentages.
CT = computed tomography.
Yeo et al. Medicine (2018) 97:33
be subserosal edema without thickening or wall thickening pathologic results from cholecystectomy may have resulted in the
without edema, depending on timing of the disease progression. exclusion of severe complicated cases or clinically severely ill
Therefore, to include various stages of acute cholecystitis, any 2 patients who underwent only interventional procedures such as
findings were assessed as a spectrum of gallbladder wall percutaneous drainage. Third, our data included acute cholecys-
inflammation. titis complicated by gangrene, which might display specific
However, single imaging finding of mural striation is findings such as lack of gallbladder wall enhancement, intra-
nonspecific that could be observed in a variety of disease states, luminal membrane, and pericholecystic abscess. As gangrenous
including hypoalbuminemia, hepatitis, and other inflammatory cholecystitis is a form of acute cholecystitis, exclusion of these
processes in the abdomen such as pancreatitis.[13,23] And because cases was not appropriate for practical circumstances, and the
chronic cholecystitis can lead to chronic inflammation, fibrosis, relatively large population of the present study might have led to
and thickening of the gallbladder wall, imaging feature of the significance of study results.
inflamed wall overlaps significantly between acute and chronic In conclusion, increased adjacent liver enhancement, increased
cholecystitis. The previous report regarding gallbladder wall gallbladder dimension, increased wall thickening or mural
findings on MRI in acute and chronic cholecystitis also striation, and pericholecystic fat haziness or fluid are the most
mentioned that mural striation is a common finding between discriminative MDCT findings of acute cholecystitis. As the
the 2 groups, with marginal differences showing ill-defined or clinical and radiological findings of acute cholecystitis and
sharply demarcated striation, respectively.[24] Although our chronic cholecystitis overlap, the combination of 2 or 3 of the 4
results showed statistically significant differences of gallbladder CT findings can provide efficient performance for the diagnosis
wall thickening or mural striation between the acute and chronic and differentiation of acute from chronic cholecystitis.
cholecystitis groups, radiologists should keep in mind inherent
weakness and unavoidable overlap of these findings between
these groups when interpreting images. Author contributions
Increased gallbladder distension showed the highest sensitivity Conceptualization: Dong Myung Yeo.
but low specificity. Increased gallbladder size has been defined as Data curation: Dong Myung Yeo.
a transverse diameter > 4 cm or a longitudinal diameter > 8 cm Formal analysis: Dong Myung Yeo.
based on previous studies.[7,11,13] Our study showed that the cut- Supervision: Seung Eun Jung.
off values for differentiating acute from chronic cholecystitis were Writing – original draft: Dong Myung Yeo.
3.5 and 8.2 cm, respectively. Although the cut-off of the Writing – review & editing: Dong Myung Yeo, Seung Eun Jung.
transverse diameter was slightly smaller, this is consistent with
that of the earlier study, which reported that mild or early acute
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