Basis For Full Research
Basis For Full Research
Basis For Full Research
This chapter contains why the researchers chose their study, “Students’ Perceptions on
Studying Physics”. This chapter will show the objectives and the purpose of the said research.
This will thoroughly explain the background of the study and it significance to the students,
teachers, society and to the curriculum designers as the main personas involved in this
phenomenological research.
Physics Education has always been considered as a practical subject that referred to as the
study of natural phenomena. It includes a variety of knowledge that plays an important role in all
natural sciences. There are lot of factors that are responsible for students’ underachievement on
studying Physics, but among those factors could be the students’ perception of physics learning
environment. Being difficult is one of the nature of Physics because it includes numerical
computations and quantitative analysis. Students often struggle with many difficulties during
solving numerical problems in this subject. What is the main cause of these obstacles? What are
the students’ methods and strategies for solving the tasks and problems? Does the students’
environment and teachers affect their perception and studies of physics? These and other
In this study, the student’s perception on studying physics will be precisely determined
and comprehensively analysed as the researchers used methodologies and instrumentations such
as drawing analysis and interview which will surely suffice the research study. This study is also
a part of qualitative research concerned with the problem solving in Physics education that
The researcher chose the topic students perceptions on studying Physics to help the
students on their waterloos and struggles on studying physics, to help the teachers in improving
the teaching strategies that they render to their students, and for the curriculum designers to
design a more suitable curriculum for the students of today’s generation. The researcher also
chose this research study since the researchers are also students who decided to take STEM
strand which deals more on quantitative and numerical studies under different branches of
science and mathematics. The methods that the researchers utilized are Interview and drawing
analysis. With the used of these methods, gathering data about their perception in physics will be
This study aims to explore the perceptions of the students on Physics based on their
The results of this study are the student’s perceptions on Physics which can serve
as a basis for improving the assessments and teaching strategies of the teachers. The results will
The students views on the field of Physics depicted on their illustrations are vital for it
will help the teachers generate appropriate teaching strategies that would help them deliver the
Through this study, the students will be able to broaden their horizons in acquiring new
knowledge about Physics. This study also helps the students in managing and handling their
waterloos on Physics thus; this study will supplement and assist the students in facing
confusions, bafflements, and difficulties embedded in studying Physics, with this study the
strengths of the students would be further strengthened and their weaknesses would be
thoroughly improved.
Curriculum designers are important contributors in the learning process of the students.
This research will help the curriculum designers to design a more creative and interesting
learning materials at the same time a reliable one. Suitable and understandable curriculum will
assist the students in maintaining a positive view in learning Physics, making this research study
The respondents of this research will also be benefited through this study for they will be
able to impart their experiences and knowledge about learning Physics thus, making the
community able to seek answers for their unanswerable queries and will also help them
demystify their suspicions around their surroundings that can be explained by Physics-related
Lastly, the researchers will be able to expand their prior knowledge about the topic; they
will assimilate new concepts in seeking out for solutions to resolve certain problems happening
Chapter II
This chapter includes all the survey of everything that has been written or published
about the research topic. The progress of a certain study needs to be intertwined with the works
already published and printed about a particular topic. In here, the views of students in Physics
will be related to literature and published texts and by this, the truthfulness of the study will be
Physics is a natural science that delves in studying matter and its movement and
deportment with regards to space and time, physics also involves ideas connected to energy and
force. As mathematics the fundamental tool of Physics, unanswered queries about how matter
behaves were given enough proofs through mathematical analysis, experimentations and
According to Shuttleworth (2010), Thales was the main physicist and his theories
actually gave the discipline its name. He believed that the world, although fashioned from many
materials, was really built of only one element, water, called Physics in Ancient Greek. The
interaction of water between the phases of solid, liquid and gas gave materials different
properties. This was the first explanation to take natural phenomena out of the realm of divine
providence and into the realm of natural laws and explanations. Anaximander, known for his
proto-evolutionary theory, debated the ideas of Thales and proposed that rather than water, a
substance called apeiron was the building block of all matter. With the aid of modern hindsight,
we can say that this was another shrewd guess from Anaximander and very similar to the idea
that hydrogen is the building block of all matter in our universe. Heraclitus (around 500BC)
proposed that the only basic law governing the universe was the principal of change and that
nothing remains in the same state indefinitely. This observation made him one of the first
scholars in ancient physics to tell the role of time in the universe, one of the most important
concepts even in the modern history of physics. One of the first renowned ancient physicists was
Leucippus (5th Century BC), who adamantly opposed the idea of direct divine intervention in the
universe. This philosopher instead proposed that natural phenomena had a natural cause.
Leucippus and his student, Democritus, developed the first atomic theory, arguing that matter
could not be divided indefinitely and that you would eventually arrive at individual pieces that
University of Science and Technology, (2009) states the first numerical physical laws,
like Archimedes’ account of the principle of levers and the ability of bodies to stay afloat in
water were established by the early Greeks. Physics in the ancient times remained sluggish since
the early concepts of Physics lacked sufficient proofs like experimentations. Then came the 17 th
century, Galileo Galilei together with Sir Isaac Newton initiated the use of Mathematics as
rudimentary in learning new concepts about Physics, by this, various laws of gravity, the three
laws of motion and the explanation behind the movement of heavenly bodies sprouted as
concepts in Physics. In the 1800’s Faraday and Maxwell integrated the laws about electricity,
magnetism and electromechanical waves while many other scientists rendered their knowledge
about optics and thermodynamics. It is believed that as early as 20th century modernization of
Physics arose as the following concepts were discovered: X-rays (Roentgen 1895), radioactivity
(Becquerel 1896), the quantum hypothesis (Planck 1900), theory of relativity (Einstein 1905) and
lastly, the atomic theory by Niels Bohr, 1913. In 1926, Quantum mechanics of Heisenberg and
Schrodinger helped scientists to grasp better knowledge about Chemistry and solid state Physics,
which led to the discovery of modern materials and advanced electronic and optical components.
Nuclear physics and elementary Particle Physics have become vital fields in creating a basis for
According to Sephton (N.D.), Branches of physics all act in various ways some
concerned with formula, practices and outcomes. The branches of physics include acoustics,
matter physics, fluid physics, thermodynamic and statistical mechanics, optics, and
electromagnetism, relativity, molecular physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, and quantum
Rafiq, (2017) asserted that there are main branches of Physics the first branch is the
Classical Physics. It is fundamentally focused with matter and energy. In this discipline, it is
believed that matter and energy are considered separate. Classical Physics is concerned with
Isaac’s Laws of Motion and Maxwell’s Kinetic Theory and Thermodynamics. Acoustics, Optics,
Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism are the sub-branches of classical physics. The next
one is the Modern Physics. Unlike classical physics, in modern physics energy and matter are not
separate but considered as different forms. This is concerned with the theory of relativity and
quantum mechanics. Einstein and Plank who were pioneers on this branch laid the foundation of
modern physics.
Another branch of Physics is the Nuclear Physics. It studies atomic nuclei’s constituents,
structure, behavior, and the interactions. It is used in generating power, nuclear weapons and
medicines. The next study of physics that deals with the composition of atom apart from nucleus
is called the Atomic Physics that is concerned with the arrangement and behavior of electrons.
The branch studies the earth it is called Geophysics. It studies the shape, composition and
structure of the earth and other phenomena. The next one is the Biophysics that studies the
structure and biological problems of the living organisms. One of the best achievements of this
branch is the structure of the DNA. The seventh branch is the Mechanics. This is the branch that
deals with motion. There are two subdivided branch of Mechanics these are the Classical
mechanics that deals with the laws of motion of physical objects and forces cause by motion and
the Quantum Mechanics that deals with the behavior of small particles such as electron, neutron
and protons.
The next branch is the Acoustics that comes from Greek word akouen means to hear. It is
the branch that studies sound. How it is produced, transmitted, controlled and received. The ninth
of the main branch is the Optics it is in which propagation behavior and properties of light. The
next is the thermodynamics. This branch tends to study heat and its relation to energy and work.
Lastly, the Astrophysics a combination of two words astro means star and the word phisis that
means nature. Thus, it is the branch that is concerned with the study of the universe, stars,
Fowler, (N.D.) indicates that modern physics are based on relativity and quantum traces some new ideas developed. It examine the theoretical paradoxes that forces
thinking out the traditional path. According to Einstein classical ideas are much better with
common sense. So seeing how modern physics came about is helpful in overcoming that
Hansson and Leden, (2016) says classroom situations in physics class could be turn into
nature of science learning situations. It is argued that teaching of physics must use a wide
definition of nature of science. There are plenty of suggestions on specific and separate activities,
but the necessity of discussing nature of science issues in connection to physics content and
laboratory work is emphasized. Nature of science refers to key principles and ideas which
Checkley, (2010) said that students who are completing math course has a larger number
than those who are taking physics. It shows that fear of physics exist to students. This fear seems
to be related to a level of difficulty the students associate with physics. The study explored the
impacts of physics in a class. Students were interviewed to gain a deeper understanding of what
perception they have about physics and why they may have them, hoping to identify factors that
affect their academic decisions to take or not take physics. The students were also heavily
exists between the students who took physics and those that did not.
Modin, (N.D) asserted that study of physics in schools and universities is undoubtedly
relevant of the society today. In a class, there are students who got high grades in physics and
some are not. There is no denying that physics is a difficult subject to study at high school. With
the pressure many students feel to produce good grades it is understandable that many students
will simply choose less challenging subjects at school. However, it is important to remember that
studying physics also has great rewards. For those with an ambition to be at the forefront of
developing technologies and theories that describe our reality it is necessary to study physics at
school and beyond. For students with ambitions in other areas the study of physics in a class is
According to Frost (2014), one of the most important thing a school can teach its student
is solving skills. Success in life requires being able to approach a problem. Sure, in a class we
could waste time in some boring abstract math class generic problems, but physics presents us
with real problem that are transferable to our lives, not abstraction. Understanding physics opens
the eyes of everyone in a class to the world around us and creates an epiphany in much the same
way that learning do does. Everything becomes more clear and accessible.
Cartwright, (2013) said that in a class, Physics is always male dominant subject will not
come as a surprise. Together with chemistry and math, physics is often associated with an
abstract. But chemistry and math have outgrown this stereotype. Not so in physics. According to
a recent report, nearly half of all mixed state schools have no girls studying a level physics at all.
There is a possibility that in a physics class there are only few girls because they are not that
good in solving, most of the students are boys because for them it is easier.
understanding of the hassle and to pick out from present research the motives why girls choose
not to maintain studying physics. It also identifies the technique that has succeeded in growing
the quantity of girls studying physics post-sixteen. Girls, greater than boys, enjoy a distinction
among their personal desires for getting to know and the studying objectives of the physics
curriculum. Accordingly they're less willing to choose physics, even supposing they gain high
grades and revel in the challenge. As they undergo secondary education, college students
experience physics to be harder. This notion is in part because of the mathematical demands of
the situation however additionally to women’ growing feeling of “not being capable of studying
Physics”. The feeling isn't borne out by means of the truth of girls’ overall performance.
Shan, (2013) said that introductory physics courses often function as gatekeepers for
plenty scientific and engineering packages and an increasing number of, schools are relying on
massive, lecture codecs for those publications. Many students, however, go away having found
out very little physics and with poor perspectives of the difficulty. In interactive engagement
(IE), school room activities inspire students to engage with each different and with physics
standards and to be actively concern of their personal studying. Those strategies were proven to
be effective in introductory physics lessons with small group recitations. This examined scholar
studying and views of physics in a large enrolment direction that protected IE methods without a
separate, small-organization recitations. on this, have a look at, a big lecture-based totally route
blanketed sports that had college students explaining their reasons verbally and in writing, revise
their thoughts about physics ideas, and apply their reasons to numerous issues. Statistics
included: pre-post administration of the force idea stock (FCI), classroom assessments at some
point of the term, pre-post management of the Colorado mastering Attitudes about technological
know-how Survey (magnificence), and pupil work, interviews, and open-ended surveys. The
average normalized advantage (0.32) on the FCI falls inside the medium-gain variety as
suggested within the physics schooling literature, even though the common pre-test rating turned
into very low (30%) and this become the instructor’s first implementation of IE techniques.
students’ views of physics remained noticeably unchanged by way of education. Findings also
indicate that the interplay of the instructional techniques collectively contributed to scholar
physics training, particularly in training wherein students have low pre-check rankings. It’s also
In the article of Murphy and Whitelegg (2007) it says there it argues that sexual practice
dual class and science are commonly constitutive and young woman ' contribution in physic
Education activity, traditionally and now, needs to be understood in sexual relation to this. Prior
accomplishment and perceptions of the trouble of aperient are determinants of students' decision
about whether to continue to discipline cathartic. This influence s may be heightened for girl by
gendered association about who is, and is not, competent in mathematics and 1 sense of physic.
Interest and enjoyment in physical science also influence students' course pick, particularly those
of girlfriend, and this declination on other science through shoal in, more so for girls than boys.
associated with heights teacher prospect in science and a greater sense of ‘belonging’ for girls,
but not for all girls. The contents, contexts and ways of approaching problems and investigations
in aperient more closely show what boys, more than girls, engage with outside school, and those
action associated with what culture defines as masculine than feminine property. These exert a
negative influence on girls' mesh with physical science, their sense of self-efficacy to it, and their
perception of its personal relevance. Girls, on boys, continue not to see a futurity self-engaged in
physics and physics-related calling. This can be disrupted by changes in the curriculum and in
pedagogics. Context-based courses alter how physics content is organized, and impact positively
on overall public presentation, and on girls' performance relative to that of boys. They also
upgrade fundamental challenge to physics education and its perceived educational intent.
Developments in science education in England, they suggest, do not challenge the gender–
means for improving its pupil ’ eruditeness . After attention a three-week shop in New Jersey on
how to implement Modelling instruction, it was excited to get binding to its grade room to test
out the proficiency. According to the literature, scientific discipline logical thinking may gambol
After seeing the effect of science reasoning for its students, tracking science reasoning class to
year for each student in my senior high schooling time day may provide our science section with
a metric for improving how we teach science. It had asked the department chairwoman at my
school if we could give the CTSR to all of the science students at the high school. She agreed,
and we asked all of the science teachers to give their students the CTSR during the first two
weeks of school. They looked at the solution during one of our monthly department group
meeting, but a detailed analytic thinking is necessary for further word of the results. Why the
Male in its class outperformed the female is a little disconcerting. It would hope that as a male
teacher, it would not introduce a preconception favoring the male universe. According to my
the CTSR at the commencement of the year, before it could introduce any biases, it seems the
Male came into its class with the edge already. Tracking science reasoning may need to occur
long before the students make it to the high school. With this information, the science section
Baird, (1997) explained that the purpose of this survey is to find why female person are
underrepresented in aperient and what can and should be done to speech this instability.
greater grammatical gender counterbalance in the population of physical scientific discipline pro
underrepresented in 1 sense of physic category. The reasons for this imbalance are not fully
understood, although conjecture is abundant. Senior high schoolhouse and college teacher are
generally aware of the gender imbalance in physics course enrolment and the growth of this
imbalance at higher levels of discipline. Their appraisal of the causes of the imbalance reveals
departure between male and female physics teachers. Male teachers are more likely to cite
society, finish, lack of use models, and differences in ability or aptitude while female teachers
cite lack of interest among girls caused by male-oriented didactics and the teemingness of
for the continuing underrepresentation of female in physics. Most of the reasons cited in the
literature and in the subject field inquiry are obstacles that have been overcome by women in
every other field of academic work. However, physics teachers can change their pedagogy
suggestions of strategies to be used for encouraging female participation, but it stands empty of
research to support any of the suggestions. In a similar vena, the field research display that
teachers use a variety of strategies, none of which seems more popular that the others.
According to Redish and Steinberg (January 1999), many physics faculty come away
from teaching introductory physics deeply dismayed with how little the majority of their students
have learned. Even worse, the growing importance of technological literacy in the workplace
makes it increasingly important for the teachers to provide more value for the students.
Preliminary courses are often devised for the prospective professional with many topics treated
superficially to provide a context for later study, and with an emphasis on mathematical
manipulations and structures. The mathematical arrangement may later serve as a framework for
building a strong and well-organized understanding of the subject in which concepts and
In the saying "they need to see the material several times and then they will understand it
when they teach it" is just not relevant to most of the students. Fortunately, evidence implies that
with the right kind of learning environment, a single pass through physics can be a valuable
learning experience for the majority of students. However, most of students will not have the
chance to study physics beyond a single course. More than 95% of students in introductory
physics will never take another physics class. Even engineers, many of whom will study the
behavior of physical systems in their engineering classes, often use a specifically different
approach. The field of Physics Education Research (PER) is a growing sub-discipline of physics.
Nowadays, physicists are studying topics that can bring together the components and structure of
In the 1980's, physicists, educators, and cognitive scientists carried out extensive studies
of how different people approach physics problems. Jill Larkin and Fred Reif (2001) contrasted
student. By "excellent student," they meant someone who was doing very well on the homework
and examinations. In contrast, they characterize the student's problem solving as being
instructors describe what they are trying to teach in a physics course, they usually list the topics
to be covered but don't explicate the concepts, skills, or attitudes they hope their students will
develop. If we refer to those elements that we assume to be learned but which are not explicitly
Thorne, (2011) says that teaching physics well requires creativity, thought and an
understanding not only of physics but of psychology, cognition and communication. It is a path
for those with the most creative minds, for those with expansive intellects that appreciate
multifaceted challenges, for those who want to really make a difference, and in an immediately
tangible way. Government and industry leaders know that physics is the access to careers in
science, technology, engineering and medicine that are critical to the future prosperity and
incentives at both the undergraduate and graduate level for those planning to pursue careers in
physics education.
Freedman, (1996) says that the dominant public perception of Physics is that it is deadly,
abstract, tedious and fundamentally irrelevant. This is the challenge in an introductory course; it
is to convince the audience that physics is fun, rewarding, useful and relevant. If this wouldn’t
happen, and the public perception in physics remains, there is a chance that physics in the future
equipment. A students’ experiment has the same aims, but is conducted by students themselves,
independently. Lecturing is the one of the traditional way of teaching science. Since most
teachers are taught by this method they continue to use the method in spite of many limitations
as it is very much convenient. This method is teacher centric and the role of the lecturer is
supreme. Lecture method is ineffective in developing critical thinking and scientific attitude
among children. The teacher will ask questions and trigger the thoughts of the students. It is very
effective in developing higher order thinking in pupils in Recitation that is also known as
Socratic Method. To apply this strategy the children should be partially informed about the
content. Recitation method will be ineffective if the questions are not well prepared.
The teacher perform certain experiments which students observe and put questions
related to the experiment Demonstration Method. After completion the teacher can ask questions
to explain each and every step that is performed. Lecture-cum-Demonstration method is a simple
method where the teacher performs the experiment and explains simultaneously. By this method
the teacher can provide more information in less time. But the learners only observe, they don't
get hands on experience. And by this method, it is not possible to teach all topics.
successively interchanging (Park, 2004). Within these concepts, teaching Physics and
experiments within it, has been interpreted in different ways. The rationalists base the methods of
science on mathematical deduction, according to which the inevitable consequences are drawn
from the most general cognitive truths applying an appropriate method. These consequences help
us realize what reality is and what an illusion is. According to these ideas, human spirit contains
a set of privileged concepts and methods which help us draw other theories.
The science and teaching of Physics in the 19th and the first half of the 20 th century was
based on the process of induction and deduction, wherein induction involves observation and
experiment, deduction implying the creation of mathematical formalism. In the teaching practice,
during the elementary education in sciences, this means conducting experiments absolutely for
knowledge recipient, who formalizes the knowledge having witnessed the experiment. This kind
of experiment, the sole purpose of which is to observe and note a certain phenomenon is
nowadays known as the traditional demonstration. The empiricists use the method of induction
according to which the individual observation of environment leads to the range of broad
generalizations, which again lead to the most general axioms. In that process, experience is not
mere observation because it is vulnerable tricks of our perception, but is based on systematic
models: geometric optics and wave optics. The preliminary aspect in the investigation of
university level students’ difficulties. Excerpts from textbooks are pre-arranged to illustrate
possible difficulties. A subject matter an analysis is it follow that presented, underlining two
influential skin texture requisite for production with situations awareness of reputation of the
drawings and “backward selection” of paths of nimble these facial appearance might impart
According to the article of Collin and Viennot, (2001) honor students in an introductory
physics course has shown the same kinds of misconceptions as do students in the usual standard
introductory course. Some examples are given of exercises and written exam questions that
probe for conceptual understanding, and students’ responses to these questions are used to
identify the difficulties common to many students. These errors are found in rarely group of
students. The implication may be seen conceptually different of students in levels of introductory
Peters, (1982) article states that some common errors exhibited by students in interpreting
graphs in physics are exemplified by examples from kinematics. These are taken as the result of
descriptive study over several years and involving several hundred universities students who
were enrolled in some preparatory physics base on laboratory terms. Continuous testing
indicated misconceptions of students that graphing errors are made by students who have
peculiarity, but some of the group of students that belong to different population and across the
different levels tend to understand it well. This paper examines two categories of difficulty is
being identified in the investigation these are: difficulty of students in interpreting a graph to
connect it into physical concepts and difficulty in connecting graphs to the real world. Specific
difficulties in each category are discussed in terms of the students’ performance on the written
works and laboratory experiments. A few in the instructional strategies that have been designed
Physics’ nature as a subject is truly complex. Physics has many branches that make its
nature complicated. From the very beginning when Physics was not yet fully developed, a lot of
theorems and hypotheses stem out from different philosophers. Basically, without the primordial
ideas of such philosophers, Physics would not meet its golden stage. Every theory contributed as
a foundation of it as a subject. Up until now, Physics is further yet to be developed that is why,
scientists continue to explore its hidden complexity, students of today’s generation still study
Physics for Physics is a vital subject which helps every student extend their knowledge on
natural sciences.
Often times, Physics is perceived as a hard subject by a lot of students because of the
mathematical computations and scientific analysis involved on studying it. But, through the
teachers and curriculum designers that may contribute to the betterment of Physics classes;
Physics would be an uncomplicated subject for everyone. And with this research study, the
researchers may be able to determine students’ views on studying the said subject.
This chapter will show the research study’s methodologies and its research design. This
will also contain the research locale, information about the sample or the respondents, the
instrumentations to be utilized and both the data collection and analysis procedures.
Research Design
In this research study, the researchers chose phenomenology as the research design. Since
the researchers want to gather the perception of students on studying Physics phenomenology is
the best research design that suits for the research that will gain the participants’ thoughts,
perceptions and insights. In this research study the researchers will investigate the common
Research Locale
Senior High School Department at Annex 221 room of Grade 12 STEM-1; the selected
respondents of the said research. The researchers made sure that the place where the data
gathering procedures namely, interview and drawing analysis was conducted in a well-
conditioned and well-ventilated room. And with that, the researchers have gathered reliable data
that will sufficiently help the research study to be successful. Rest assured that the room where
the drawing analysis and research interview was conducted is free from any disturbance that may
alter the students’ perceptions while answering and drawing their own views of Physics.
Sample or Respondents
All respondents came from the same question. The researchers chose Grade 12 STEM 1
at the University of La Salette Senior High School Department. The researchers chose students
who are on the first section studying the subject Physics. The respondents of drawing analysis
are different from the respondents for the interview. The researchers chose seven (7) boys and
three (3) girls for the interview who has different perceptions toward Physics. On the other hand,
the researchers randomly selected eight (8) boys and two (2) girls for the drawing analysis.
Research Instruments/Instrumentation
In this research study, the researchers decided to utilize interview as one of the
instrumentation. Researches will interview the Grade 12 STEM 1 students so that they may be
able to gather relevant data’s that would sufficiently support their research paper. After all the
data has been gathered, they will scrutinize every responses of the respondents and categorize
them according to their common themes; through this they will be able to know the data's
similarities and differences. After this, they will formulate their general interpretation so that
they can vividly see and perceive Students' Perception on Studying Physics.
Drawing Analysis
In conducting drawing analysis, researchers will let the participants to draw what are their
perceptions on physics. After they draw, the researcher will now collect the drawings. After all
of this, researchers will analyze and interpret the data. They will have a matrix that will
determine what is the meaning of the drawing and what it implies. By this activity they will get
the background of what are the conditions of students while studying physics
The researchers will use two instrumentations to gather data namely, Interview and
Drawing Analysis. To collect the relevant data and information, the researchers made
comprehensive questions that would suffice the general problem, they will interview through the
use of camera to record clips that contain the students’ perceptions. The researchers will also use
note-taking as a way to gather views under interview. For the drawing analysis, the researchers
will provide a printed material where the students may draw their interpretations towards Physics
After all the data have been gathered, the researchers will proceed to data organization
wherein they will sort the data and categorize it. From the biggest part of information to the
smallest chunks of ideas. They will scrutinize every information and they will also look on the
similarities and differences of the data through thematic analysis. After that, the researchers will
categorize it based on their common themes. When all the data have been organized, researchers
will proceed to data interpretation for the drawing analysis, researchers will use a matrix to be
their basis in interpreting the information of the different drawings. The researcher will classify
the different interpretations to come up to the general interpretation about students’ perception
on studying Physics.
Conceptual Framework
The three
FIGURE 3.1.phases of identifying
THEstudents’ perception
studying Physics
This procedure aims to get the students’ perceptions about studying Physics. Through this
the researchers will know the difficulties and strengths of the participants. Interview and drawing
analysis will determine the common themes according to the response of the respondents, they
will also able to get the background of what are the conditions of the students while studying the
said subject. After doing the two instrumentations, it would be easier for the researchers to
From the different instrumentations the data would be collected and with that,
researchers will now proceed to data organization which is organizing data. Data from the
biggest part of information will be separated into a small chunk of idea. In this part data will be
sorted and categorized according to their similarities and difference to provide the common
In this phase, the researchers will critically analyse the data gathered from the two
instrumentations namely interview and drawing analysis. For the interview, the researchers will
look on to the similarities and differences of the students’ answers and categorize them according
to their common themes. As for the drawing analysis, each researcher will interpret a certain
illustration and based it on a matrix to thoroughly understand the students’ perceptions. For the
general interpretation, the researchers will congest and summarize the results of their findings.
This chapter includes the analytical interpretation of data together with the process on how the
researchers analysed the relevant information gathered. Also, in this chapter, the perceptions of
the students will be compared and contrasted according to their common themes and their
1. Respondent 2, 3, 4 and 7 find physics class a boring subject. This implies that the teacher
should implement and reinforce better strategies on teaching, and that should be willing
on learning the said subject. On the other hand respondent 5 and 6 finds physics as an
interesting and enjoying subject because they’re able to explore and analyse concept.
Respondent 1, 9 and 10 says that physics is a hard subject and a complicated one since it
2. The first respondent says that his perception towards Physics is that it’s hard but then
with the help of his skilled classmates it’s much easy for him to study physics. On the
other hand, respondent 2nd , 3rd, 7th and 10th says that they are sleepy and easily get bored
with Physics subject most of the time for the reason that they struggle in learning it. For
the fourth respondent he says that Physics doesn’t affect his behaviour at all. For the 5 th
and 8th respondent, says that they enjoy learning Physics. While the 6th respondents say
that the subject is affecting her in a way that she wanted to discover more about it. The 9 th
respondent feels dumb about the subject for the reason that he always gets low scores.
3. Some respondents stated that they learned how to do some self-study is their experience
in Physics which implies that they do not struggle much in this subject because they do
not need any companion and they have become independent in learning different
concepts in Physics. They also stated that they experienced some progress when studying
Physics. The rest of the students ususally claim that Physics is a hard subject. They stated
that during Physics class, they tend to become sleepy and they just wait for the bell to
ring. They also said that during this subject, boredom strikes. Their experiences on
studying Physics indicates that most of the students perceive it as a challenging subject
and they need a lot og knowledge and understanding to cope up with the subject.
4. Respondent 2-7 and 9 says that they’re having difficulties because the lessons aren’t
explained competently by the teacher so it’s hard for them to understand the lessons in
this subject. On the other hand the respondent 8 and 10 says that they’re having a hard
time on computation and memorizing the formulas. While the first respondent says that
physics is new to them so they are wondering about the subject and also the teacher so
they aren’t used to it. Because of those difficulties they all say that they learned on how
5. Some respondents said that they just give and share what they know about physics. And
learn how to work together. On the other hand, some respondents said that they learn on
how to be independent. Some never mind physics and don’t exert much effort when it
comes to physics and tends to procrastinate. They easily get irritated when someone ask
for help because some of them are slow learners and can’t understand the lessons easily.
While some are under rating themselves because they really can’t understand the lessons
clearly. They feel hesitated and nervous whenever there are quizzes, recitation or
activities because they do not know what to answer because they don’t know what to say.
And some feels that they lost their self-confidence, always absent minded and
6. Respondents 1, 2, 5, 7 and 10 says that self-study is one of the ways for them to cope up
with the Physics subject and also online tutoring or watching tutorial on youtube gives
Respondents 3 and 8 are asking question to their classmates for them to earn the help that
they need while respondent 6 is asking questions to her teacher on Physics so that she
will understand the lesson given. The fourth respondent says that it’s all about listening to
what the teacher is telling so that they may be able to understand the Physics lessons
because it’s in your hands if you want to understand it or not. On the other hand
respondent 9 says that he is getting better because his way on understanding the lesson is
by understanding the basics in Physics so that he may be able to answer complicated task
7. Respondents 2, 5, 8, and 10 says that the teacher is not effective instrument in the
learning process of Physics while respondents 3 and 7 says that he’s not so effective but
the way he puts effort in his subject is priceless because he give his best to teach his
students well but the way he deliver it is not that good so they don’t understand it. On the
other hand, respondent 9 says that being a genius teacher affects the views of him about
liking them but now, he doesn’t expect any more because back then he has favouritism in
terms of teachers but now, since teachers aren’t that skilled he doesn’t have favourites
any more. Because he believes that teacher doesn’t serve as a big factor for students to
8. The first respondent feels discouraged because he’s not given enough attention by the
teacher. For the respondent number 2, 3, 5 and 10 they say that their Physics teacher is
just making the lesson harder for them and he adds burden for them. For the 6 th
respondent she says that she became more interested to learn Physics because of the
teacher. The 7th respondent says that they are struggling on the teaching technique of the
teacher. The 8th respondent says that it doesn’t affects him at all. For the 9 th respondent
the teacher becomes a way for him to be motivated because of the teacher’s words of
9. Respondent 3 and 2 said that they will remember Physics because of the difficulty on the
subject. In college life, Physics will just be a memory to them, a memory of difficulty. On
the other hand, respondents 4, 5 and 6 have the same answer, for them physics will help
them in the future especially in the career pathway they will going to take in college.
They’ll take it as an advantage also. The other respondents say that physics is easy but
suddenly because of the way that the teacher delivers the lesson and the way of teaching,
eventually their behavior and perception changes. Some of them also stated that it varies
And also, some of the respondents hate Physics because of the teacher, he has a problem
with his teaching skills that is why students there is a hindrance in understanding their
lessons. But suddenly the respondent realized that the main factor is himself then he said
that he will make an effort to understand Physics. And one of the respondents said that it
Christian draw a rock in the middle of the box using a black tint of ballpen and Christian
The image simply indicates hardness. Which is one of the characteristics of a rock;
hardness means it is not easy to break or not easy to destroy. It seems that the respondents
compare his perception to a rock which means he suffer difficulties when studying the subject of
physics. Different equations, formulas and analyzation are some of their difficulties when facing
It is Observed that the student has difficulty on Physics because for them Physics is hard.
With this, students must know how to cope up with the difficulties on studying the subject
through a good technique in visualizing the concepts under Physics for them to easily answer the
formulae were presented are related to physics. The illustration’s focal point is a boy who
scratches his head and around his head are question marks and examination mark. On the
This simply means that Physics is a subject that comprises so much mathematical
computation and scientific analysis. The question marks around the student’s head symbolize
confusion for the subject. While the exclamation marks conveys the state of being pre-occupied
The illustration implies that the teacher must utilize appropriate teaching skills so that
lessors would be easier for the students to digest. On the other hand the students must do their
parts too; they should listen well and participate to their physics classes.
The student’s drawing illustrates a man standing on a road wherein there’s a lot of route
and he doesn’t know which one he can take in able to get into the right direction.
It seems like Israel shows us that the path in which man is standing symbolizes Physics
problem and the different route represents the answers and one of the route has the correct
answer and the man which portray the student’s, doesn’t know which way to go. It is observed
that the student drew Physics alone assimilating it with a problem it with a problem that man can
encounter every day in his life. In this observation we can say that students see physics as a
puzzling subject.
This implies that students must know better techniques in assimilating concepts under
Physics and that, the teacher must know how to use suitable teaching strategies that will help the
Chad illustrates his perception on studying Physics in a poster form. It is seen that the
student conceptualize Physics its illustrative explanation. Ruler, book, pencil, gear, car, bomb,
cube, arrow, cloud and target are being located by the student in this concept.
It seems like he shows us his views and what to expect in physics. Chad related to this
theme had an explanation as “I drew these things because in studying physics, prior knowledge
and everyday experiences are needed to be brave enough to face the challenges and to go with
The findings in his drawing are determined in his illustrative statement that shows his
judgement are related to physics because it is observed that he meet at common points in
studying physics concept. Thus, Chad assimilated Physics with measurement in general meaning.
The illustration of Vergel contains a meme-like illustration of a person whose hands seem
to convey a complaining act. The subject of the drawing is a person who cries in stream of tears.
Around the drawing are words that states “Brain... Why u no understand!?” with “AHHAHHA”.
This illustration means that the students have a hard time in understanding the concepts
of Physics. Sometimes students complain on how much lessons they must assimilate on physics
which affect the view on the subject. This illustration gives highlight on the mental condition
whenever students study physics, this illustration somehow pertains on the mental struggles and
burdens when studying Physics because of mathematical and the analytical nature of the said
This illustration implies that the teachers must congest the lesson in to a digestible
capsule of concepts. They must apply teaching strategies which will help the students to easily
assimilate the lessons under physics. Same as through with the students, they must also do their
part since the K-12 curriculum requires a student-centered learning system, they must know how
Jerome’s drawing illustrates a man with a big head but has a small brain and a paper
plane with caption “The angles brought me here” which originated from the song entitled Angels
brought me here. It is also seen that the man on his drawing was crying but he is also smiling
It appears that the student shows us that the man standing on his drawing portrays the
students and it seems like its big head with a lot of equations and formulas but has a small brain
indicates that he is struggling in this subject. It is also shown that the man is crying but trying to
smile indicates that even if he struggles with this subject, he is trying to be positive.
It is observed that the student drew Physics by assimilating it with an emotional distress.
In this observation we can say that the students see Physics as a challenging subject which
require a lot effort during solving different tasks. With that, the students must know how to better
grasp the ideas under Physics and same as through for the teachers, they must know how to
The respondent drew a big question mark and wrote “send help”. The respondent drew it
on the center of the drawing box. The respondent draws the question mark in 2D style while he
wrote the “send help” in a simple way. The illustration depicts the doubts of students in studying
It indicates that they’re having a hard time on understanding the subject. The students
assimilate the physics alone by drawing a big question mark which indicates that they are
struggling on studying this subject. The respondent seem to ask for assistance so that they may
understand the nature of Physics so they may be able to face the struggle they’re in studying,
This implies that the teacher must teach their lessons clearly and organized so that the
students will understand what he or she is teaching and saying. The students must also listen
carefully to what the teacher is telling because it is a waste of effort for the teacher if the students
On the illustration, it is depicted there the set up whenever they take up their physics
class. We can see that the illustration portrays a classroom filled with question marks that is
ironically opposite of what a classroom should have, filled with students. And there are writings
Based on the illustration, the students have a hard time understanding physics even
though they are attentive during class discussions. It is the subject's nature that is difficult to
Although some students find the subject challenging, there are some who understand it well
because everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. The illustration conveys that the
students tend to encounter hindrances and challenges towards learning physics, this is the reason
Students should know how to balance their time. So that they will be having their time on
reviewing their lessons in Physics and they are not struggling in this subject. And to lessen the
The illustration of Carla is a comic strip-like drawing, where in the middle of it you can
see a boy frowning surrounded by “P6”. On the left side of it is a person who is active and the
other one is a sleeping person. On the lower part of it, you can see a person who wants to commit
suicide. On the right side, there is a comic character that has a conversation to medical personnel
who says he doesn’t need physics. The other one is playing basketball who says “weirdo” to the
other person; in the last part, the boy sitting who looks in the apple and wants Newton to die.
The illustration depicts that the students have difficulty on Physics. Because of
boredom, students’ just sleep during their classes. Also, physics in her perception is a suicidal
subject it is because of numerical equations that needs to be solve. In this illustration you can see
her situation and feel how the she hate physics because of difficulties in studying it.
This illustration states that teachers must discuss the lesson properly and have a good
technique in teaching, so that students would not be sleepy and be bored when studying the
subject, Physics. So that students can actively participate on their classes and be better on
grasping Physics.
The drawing depicts a universe with different planets that has sad and angry emotion,
there is also a person who seem to get the whole universe. There is also a man standing at the
center of the universe. Different formulas are also question marks and statements of students just
like “Ez lang yan para sa future” (this is just easy! This is for the future!), “Bes, sakit sa brain”
(My brain hurts), “stress nyo c aquh” (bes I can’t) “wth?”, “Bes ez nu? Huhu?” (Bes easy right?
*cries*), “bes how to do this?”, “pls. Help me”, “ge lang hehe”, (Go on hehe, and Bes madali
lang siya hahaha yoko na” (Bes it’s just easy huhuhu I quit).”
The drawing indicates that the students are having difficulty on studying physics.
The planets with sad and angry emotion means that this is how students perceive Physics. And
the person who seems to get the whole universe represents Physics itself.
It only implies that the teacher must elaborate and explain the topic well for the
students to understand it, they should also use appropriate teaching styles that would help
students . It also implies that one of the subjects that students struggle with is Physics for it is
hard for them to understand it and to grasp the lessons under it.
This chapter includes the summary of findings on students’ perception on studying Physics. This
exclusively discusses the concepts that were found out throughout the duration of the research
study. This chapter will also contain the recommendations for the betterment of further studies.
On this research study, the researchers found out that most of the students have a hard
time understanding the subject, Physics; because of the way the teacher reinforce and render his
lessons toward the students. Often times, students from Grade 12 STEM 1 commit themselves to
self-study and online tutoring like watching educational videos since they perceive these as ways
to be able to understand well the lessons in Physics. We’ve also found out that students of Grade
12 STEM 1 help each other during break time and free time to grasp what they don’t know about
the said subject, they do peer tutoring and group studies. Since a lot of students from this class
excel on the field of Mathematics which is an instrument to explain concepts under Physics, they
tend to easily understand it but, the problem is on the way the teacher renders his lessons. Most
of the respondents said that the class discussions on Physics are a little bit boring which made
them feel sleepy and mentally absent. We’ve also found out that Physics class isn’t that helpful
for those who are going to take some courses that won’t utilize ideas on Physics, and with that,
students tend not to exert much effort and time assimilating Physics.
Even though the problem is on the way the teacher gives his lessons to students, some of
the respondents see how their teacher exert effort for them to better grasp concepts under
Physics. As they struggle in this certain subject, they learn the value of independence. The
students were being sharpened and they are able to broaden their horizons because of the
difficulties they encounter. Though a lot of difficulties are to be faced on studying Physics, both
the students and the teacher must do their part to be able to improve their learning process on the
said subject and for the teacher to use suitable and comprehensive teaching strategies.
We, the researchers conclude that it is not on the subject which the students have a hard
time understanding instead, they have difficulties because of the way the teacher teaches
Nevertheless, Physics is still a subject that deals more on mathematical computation and
scientific analysis which may sometimes cause confusions and struggles to students.
The student from Grade 12 STEM 1 often commit themselves to self-study, peer tutoring,
and online tutoring to cope up to the subject whenever they have difficulties on the
subject matter.
With the right techniques and strategies the teacher will effectively apply to his teaching
process, students would be more attentive to Physics and on assimilating concepts under
Sometimes, when students don’t get the lessons and cannot go with the flow of the
discussions they tend to not exert that much effort and seem to lack interest to the subject,
All in all, if the teachers and the students would both competently do their roles inside the
classroom, there will be a smooth flow of discussion and there will be an astounding
interaction between the teacher and the students. And with that, students will be able to
For further studies and for the researchers who will study the same kind of research, the
researchers recommended that they should formulate better questions for them to be able to
gather more reliable data. They must consider things which may alter students’ answers and
views especially on the interview. Throughout the duration of making the study, researchers
worded content of
relevant research
illustrative commentary
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and usage and usage and usage errors which errors that
significantly purpose
with writer’s
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