2 Tender Document For Empanelment of Agency For Outsourcing of Manpower

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Govt. of India Society

Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Plot No. 10 & 11, Sector 30 B,
IMT Rohtak, Haryana 124021


Empanelment of Agency for Outsourcing of Manpower at MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak

Tender Reference No. MSME/TC/AN/1324A/OS/2020-21/02, dated 21/07/2020

MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak

Plot No. 10 & 11, Sector 30 B
IMT Rohtak, Haryana 124021
Website: www.msmetcrohtak.org


Description Page No.

1. Notice Inviting Tender 3-5

2. Instructions to Bidders 6-11

3. Conditions of Contract 11-20

4. Scope of Work 21-23

5 Special Instructions to Bidders 24-28

6. Pre-qualification Bid 29-31

Financial Bid 32-33

Tender Acceptance Letter (Annexure III) 34
9. Contract Performance Guarantee (Annexure IV) 35-37



(E-Tendering Mode Only)


MSME Technology Centre Rohtak

(Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India)
Plot No-10 &11 Sector-30B IMT Rohtak,
Tel. No: 9826041443
Email : [email protected]

E-Tender notice for Empanelment of Agency for

Outsourcing of Manpower Services at TC-Rohtak

MSME TC invites Tender (only through E-tendering mode) for

Empanelment of Agency for Outsourcing of Manpower Services at TC-
Rohtak. Bidders can download tender documents from
www.msmetcrohtak.org / www.eprocure.gov.in. The tender documents are to
be submitted on www.eprocure.gov.in. The last date for submission of tender
is 14/08/2020 at 14.00 Hrs. The opening date of the tender is 17/08/2020 at
15:00 Hrs.

Ashwani Kant

(Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India)
Plot No. 10 & 11, Sector 30B,
IMT, Rohtak Haryana 124021
Email Id : [email protected]
Website: www.msmetcrohtak.org


(Through call of open E-Tenders)

1. E-Tenders are invited under Two Bid System i.e. Technical Bid (Comprising of Section-2, 3, 4 & 5 along with
enclosures duly signed by the contractor on each page) and Financial Bid (Section-6 duly filled & signed by the
contractor) from bidders for Empanelment of Agency for Outsourcing of Manpower at MSME Technology
Centre, Rohtak, Plot No – 10 & 11, Sector – 30 B, IMT, Rohtak, Haryana 124021 as per details given in

2. The bidders are to submit the bid on http://eprocure.gov.in w.e.f. 21/07/2020 to 14/08/2020 (upto 14:00 Hrs).
Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 1.50 Lakh only in the form of Online Transfer to “MSME TECHNOLOGY
CENTRE ROHTAK”, in State Bank of India A/C NO 38146701963 IFSC No: SBIN0000706 Branch
Rohtak is to be paid in accordance with para-5 of instruction to bidders.

3. The bidder is to submit the tenders online at https://eprocure.gov.in in two bids system (i.e. (i) Technical Bid and
(ii) Financial Bid) in the prescribed proforma. Tenders are to be submitted only online through the e-procurement
portal https://eprocure.gov.in. All the documents in support of eligibility criteria etc. are also to be scanned and
uploaded along with the tender documents. Tender sent by any other mode will not be accepted. No tender
document will be accepted after the expiry of stipulated date under any circumstances whatsoever.

Name of Work Empanelment of Agencies for Outsourcing of Manpower at the

following location :-

MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak

Plot No – 10 & 11, Sector – 30 B,
IMT, Rohtak, Haryana 124021

Estimated Value of Work Rs 72.00 Lakh (per annum)

EMD Rs. 1.5 Lakh only

Period of Contract 01 year (extendable term based on the performance of the agency)
Date of Issue of Tender Document 21/07/2020
Last Date & Time of receipt of Bid 14/08/2020 at 14.00 hrs (E-tendering Mode Only)
Date & Time of Opening of Bid 17/08/2020 at 15.00 hrs
Address for Communication MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak
Plot No – 10 & 11, Sector – 30 B,
IMT, Rohtak, Haryana 124021

4. The technical bid will be opened online on above date by a Purchase Committee of this office. At the first
instance the technical bids shall be evaluated by the Purchase Committee constituted by the competent authority.
The financial bids of technically compliant bidders will be opened for which the date and time will be intimated
in due course. The Purchase Committee, after the evaluation of the Financial Bids, will give its specific
recommendation(s) regarding the lowest responsive bid, which is to be selected along with a comparative
statement duly signed by the Member of the Purchase Committee.

5. MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak reserves the right to cancel the tender at any time or amend/withdraw any of
the terms and conditions contained in the Tender Documents, without assigning any reason, thereof.

6. MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning
any reason.
(Ashwani Kant)
Deputy General Manager




1. MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak is an autonomous institute under Ministry of MSME, Govt. of
India, invites E-Tender for Empanelment of Agencies for Outsourcing of Manpower at MSME
Technology Center, Rohtak, Plot No – 10 & 11, Sector – 30 B, IMT, Rohtak, Haryana 124021.

2. The Tender form / bid documents to be submitted on http://eprocure.gov.in online. Submission of Bids
through Central Public Procurement Portal (http://eprocure.gov.in) is mandatory.

Manual/Offline bids shall not be accepted under any circumstances.

3. Tenderers / bidders are requested to visit the website http://eprocure.gov.in regularly. Any changes /
modifications in tender enquiry will be intimated by corrigendum through this website only.

4. In case, any holiday is declared by the Government on the date of opening, the tenders will be opened
on the next working day at the same time. MSME TC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the

5. The estimated cost is Rs. 72, 00,000/- (Rupees Seventy Two Lakhs only). The Earnest Money Deposit
(EMD) of Rs. 1,50,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Fifty Thousand Only) in the form of Online Transfer to
“MSME TECHNOLOGY CENTRE ROHTAK”, in State Bank of India A/C No., 38146701963
IFSC No: : SBIN0000706, Branch, Rohtak , between 21/07/2020 to 14/08/2020 upto 14.00 Hrs.
Bids received for which EMD is not submitted by 14.00 Hrs on 17/08/2020 will be summarily rejected.
The technical bid should be submitted online in the proforma given in Annexure-I and the financial
bid should be submitted online in the proforma as given in Annexure-II.

6. Bidders may come at MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak, for technical as well as financial bid opening
however they can view live bid opening on CPPP e-Procurement Portal at their remote end.

7. Aspiring Bidders who have not enrolled/registered in e-procurement should enroll / register before
participating in the tender through the website http://eprocure.gov.in. The portal enrolment is free of

8. Tender shall be accepted under Two Bid System. The interested bidders may submit the tenders online
at http://eprocure.gov.in in two bids systems {i.e. (i) Technical Bid and (ii) Financial Bid} in the
prescribed proforma. Tenders are to be submitted only online through the e-procurement portal
https://eprocure.gov.in. All the documents in support of eligibility criteria etc. are also to be scanned
and uploaded along with the Tender Documents. Tender sent by any other mode will not be accepted.
No tender documents will be accepted after the expiry of stipulated date and time for the purpose under
any circumstances whatsoever.

9. Possession of valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and enrollment / registration of the contractors /
bidders on the e-procurement / e-tender portal is a prerequisite for e-tendering. The Bidders are
required to submit the bids online through the Central Public Procurement Portal for e-Procurement at
http://eprocure.gov.in. The detailed procedure for submission of e-bid is available

10. Contractor / Bidder may go through the tenders published on the site and download the required tender
documents / schedules for the tenders he / she is interested.

11. After downloading / getting the tender document / schedules, the bidder should go through them
carefully and then submit the documents as asked, otherwise the bid will be rejected.

12. In case of any query, clarifications thereto may be obtained online through the tender site, or through
the contact details, Bidder should take into account the corrigendum published before submitting the
bids online.

13. It is construed that the bidder has read all the terms and conditions before submitting their offer. Bidder
should go through the tender schedules carefully and upload the documents as asked; otherwise, the bid
will be rejected.

14. Bidder, in advance, should get ready with the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in the tender
document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF/xls/rar/xip/dwf formats. If there is more than
one document, they can be clubbed together and can be provided in the requested format. Each
document to be uploaded through online for the tenders should be less than 2MB. If any document is
more than 2MB, it can be reduced through zip/rar and the same can be uploaded, if permitted. Bidders
Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option. However if the file size is
less than 1MB the transaction uploading time will be very fast.

15. Any clarifications issued through corrigendum shall form the part of this. This may be obtained
through the site. Bidders should take into account the corrigendum published from time-to-time before
submitting the online bids.

16. The bidders are requested to submit the bids through online e-tendering system to the Tender Inviting
Authority (TIA) well before the bid submission end date & time (as per Server System Clock). The
TIA will not be held responsible for any sort of delay or the difficulties faced during the submission of
bids online by the bidders at the eleventh hour.

17. For any queries regarding e-tendering process, the bidders are requested to contact as provided in the
tender document. For any further queries, the bidders are asked to contact over phone: 9826041443/ or
send a mail to [email protected]

18. The bidder may visit the proposed site and inspect the relevant documents before filling in and
submitting the tender to get fully acquainted with the scope of work.

19. The EMD shall be forfeited if the bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity. The EMD
of Bidders who are not selected will be returned within one month of allotting the contract (without any
interest). The EMD may be forfeited if the bidder withdraws his bid during the period of validity
specified by the bidder on the bid form, or in the case of successful bidder, if the bidder fails to sign the
Contract Agreement and deposit the Security Deposit within the stipulated time limit. EMD of
unsuccessful bidders shall be returned after the acceptance of the Purchase Order by the successful

20. The successful bidder shall deposit Rs. 6,00,000/- (Rupees Six Lakhs Only) as security towards
Contract Performance Guarantee (CPG) and no interest thereon shall be payable. The Security Deposit
shall be given in form of Bank Guarantee or by Demand Draft in favour of “MSME TECHNOLOGY
CENTRE ROHTAK”. The format for Contract Performance Guarantee is attached as Annexure-1V.
The bank guarantee may be increased or decreased from time to time as per the work allotment order.

21. The bid shall remain valid for a period of one Year from the date of receipt of the bid.

22. The Bidder should carefully read and understand before filling in and submitting the bid. No claim
whatsoever will be entertained for any alleged ignorance thereof. Tender must be submitted without
making any additions, alternations, and as per details given in other clauses given hereunder. The
requisite details shall be filled in by the Bidder in the Tender Document wherever required.


a. Bidders shall quote the SERVICE CHARGES in the format given at Section-6, incomplete
bids will summarily be rejected. All corrections and alterations in the entries of tender papers
will be signed in full by the Bidder with date. No erasing or over-writings are permissible.

b. All statutory duties may be clearly specified. Price quoted shall be firm and any variation in
rates, prices or terms during validity of the offer shall cause forfeiture of the EMD.

c. Bidders quoting service charges of less than applicable TDS Rate will be rejected. The
tenderer can quote service charges in % age upto 2 decimal places only.

d. In case more than one agency quotes the same minimum rates, then merit of bidders
QUOTING THE SAME MINIMUM RATES will be prepared on the basis of Total Marks
Scored as per criteria given as under:

Sr. Description Marks

1. Number of years in operation (Experience): Max. 20 marks
a) Up to 3 years 5 marks
b) More than 3 years and up to 5 years 10 marks
c) More than 5 years and up to 10 years 15 marks
d) More than 10 years 20 marks
2. Average turnover of last 3 years: Max. 20 marks
a) Up to 25 Lacs 5 marks
b) More than 25 Lacs and up to 50 Lacs 10 marks
c) More than 50 Lacs and up to 1 crore 15 marks
c) More than 1 crore 20 marks
3. No. of offices in NCR: Max. 10 marks
a) Up to 2 office 5 marks
b) More than 2 office 10 marks
4. Number of manpower on rolls: Max. 15 marks
a) Up to 50 5 marks
b) More than 50 and upto 100 10 marks
c) More than 100 15 marks


a. Payment will be released within 15 days after receipt of bill and certification by authorized
officer of MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak that the services provided during the month are


a. MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak will determine the substantial responsiveness of each bid
with reference to bid terms and conditions. For this purpose a substantially responsive bid is
one, which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the bid documents without material

b. MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak determination of bidder’s responsiveness will be on the

basis of contents of the bid itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence. If a bid is not
substantially responsive, it would be liable to be rejected and may not substantially be made
responsive by the bidder by correction of the non-conformity. All decisions by MSME
Technology Centre, Rohtak on the evaluation of bids will be final and binding on the Bidders
and is not subject to any scrutiny.


a. The bids will be first evaluated on the parameters indicated in QR. Financial bids of such
agencies who meet the qualifying requirements shall be opened. The Letter of Award shall be

issued to technically and commercially responsive lowest evaluated bidder. Bidders are free to
bid for all the locations. MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak may at its discretion to award the
contract to more than one bidder.


a. If any dispute(s) or difference(s) of any kind whatsoever arises between the Parties, the parties
here to shall negotiate with a view to its amicable resolution and settlement through a
committee appointed by Deputy General Manager, MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak.

b. In the event no amicable resolution or settlement is reached between the parties within 30
days after receipt of notice by one party, then the disputes or differences detailed above shall
be referred to Chairman/AS&DC MSME, whose decision will be final and binding.

c. Notwithstanding the existence / any dispute or differences the Contractor shall proceed with
and continue without hindrance the performance of the work under the contract with due
diligence and expedition in a professional manner and the payment due to the Contractor shall
not be withheld on account of such difference unless such payment is a subject matter of the


a. In the event of either party being rendered unable by Force Majeure to perform any obligation
required to be performed by them under the contract, the relative obligation of the party
affected by such Force Majeure shall be suspended for the period during which such cause

b. The term “Force Majeure” as employed herein shall mean acts of God, War, Civil Riots, Fire
directly affecting the performance of the Contract, Flood and Acts and Regulations of
respective government of the two parties, namely MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak and the

c. Upon the occurrence of such cause and upon its termination, the party alleging that it has been
rendered unable as aforesaid thereby, shall notify the other party in writing, the beginning of
the cause amounting to Force Majeure as also the ending of the said clause by giving notice to
the other party within 72 hours of the ending of the cause respectively. If deliveries are
suspended by Force Majeure conditions lasting for more than 2 (two) months, MSME
Technology Centre, Rohtak shall have the option of canceling this contract in whole or part at
its discretion without any liability on its part.

d. Time for performance of the relative obligation suspended by Force Majeure shall then stand
extended by the period for which such cause lasts.


a. All matters connected with this shall be governed by the Indian law both substantive and
procedural, for the time being in force and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of
Indian Courts at Rohtak.

b. No alternative offer shall be considered.

c. MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak reserves the right to annul the bidding process at any time
prior to award of contract including rejection of any or all bids after the same have been
received, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or any obligation to
inform the affected bidder/s on the ground of MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak action.

d. MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak reserves the right to accept/reject any bid and to cancel
the bidding process at any time and reject all bids, at any time prior to placement of order,
without thereby incurring any liability.


S. Description Documents to be attached

1. The firm/agency should be registered with GST Attach copy of Registration
Attach copy of PAN Card/TAN
2. The firm/agency should have PAN No. / TAN Card
No. against their name.

3. The firm/agency must have Provident Fund Attach copy of Registration

Account No. in their name Certificate

4. The firm/agency must have ESI No. in their Attach copy of Registration
name. Certificate
5. The bidder should have at least two (2) years Attach copy of Work Order /
experience in work of similar nature with Govt. Completion Certificate
Offices / PSUs/ Large Corporate of repute.
6. Bidder should have average annual Financial Attach copy of Balance Sheet
turnover during the last 3 years, ending 31 for last 3 years.
March, 2019 should be at least Rs.25 lakhs of the previous
financial year.



अनुबंध की ननयम और शर्तें

1. एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र, रोहतक में जब भी श्रमशक्ति की आवश्यकता होगी तो श्रमशक्ति का चयन
एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र, रोहतक की गठित सठमठत द्वारा ठकया जाएगा।
The manpower will be selected by the constituted committee of MSME Technology Centre,
Rohtak, as & when manpower is required by MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak.

2. एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र, रोहतक योग्यता और अनुभव के आधार पर परीक्षण / साक्षात्कार के समय
उम्मीदवार के वेतन का फैसला करे गा। एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र, रोहतक आपके द्वारा उद् धृत दरोों पर
आपकी एजें सी को भठवष्य ठनठध, कमम चारी राज्य बीमा और सेवा शु ल्क भी दे गी। यठद कर लागू है , तो उसका
भु गतान ठकया जाएगा और इसे एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र, रोहतक द्वारा तय करने के पश्चात एमएसएमई
प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र, रोहतक या िे केदार द्वारा सीधे सोंबोंठधत ठवभाग को जमा ठकया जाएगा।
MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak will decide the salary of the candidate depending on his / her
qualification & experience at the time of test/interview. MSME TC will also pay PF, ESI &
Service Charges to your agency at the rates quoted by you. Taxes if applicable will be paid and
the same will be deposited either by MSME TC directly to the concerned deptt. Or by the
contractor as decided by MSME TC.

3. िे केदार के पास अपना भठवष्य ठनठध, कमम चारी राज्य बीमा और वस्तु एव सेवा कर कोड होना चाठहए।
िे केदार को भठवष्य ठनठध, कमम चारी राज्य बीमा, कर, चालान / प्रेषण की प्राक्तियाों और ठवस्तृ त माठसक
मजदू री पत्र शीट माठसक ठबलोों के साथ के एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र, रोहतक. को भे जनी होगी। िे केदार
द्वारा प्रदान की गई जनशक्ति का भठवष्य ठनठध, कमम चारी राज्य बीमा और वस्तु एव सेवा कर आठद का
सोंबोंठधत ठवभाग को भु गतान करने के ठलए ठजम्मेदार होगा। िे केदार को अपने अनु बोंध कमम चाररयोों को
पहचान पत्र और माठसक वेतन पची जारी करनी होगी। िे केदार कमम चाररयोों के शाठमल होने के समय
ठडठजटल हस्ताक्षर प्रमाण पत्र के माध्यम से कमम चारी भठवष्य ठनठध / कमम चारी राज्य बीमा की के॰वाई॰सी
करे गा।
The contractor should have independent EPF & ESI, GST Tax codes. The Contractor has to
produce the ESI/EPF/Tax/Challans/Receipts of remittances & detailed monthly wage sheet to
MSME TC along with monthly bills. The contractor will be responsible for making the payment
of EPF, ESI, GST etc to the concerned department for the manpower provided by him.

4. ठे केदार को अपने संगिदाकगमि यों को गनयुक्ति पत्र, फोटो पहचान पत्र और मागसक िेतन पची जारी करनी
होिी। ठे केदार अपने शागमल होने के समय डीएससी के माध्यम से ईपीएफ / ईएसआई के तहत केिाईसी
करे िा। गनयुि कगमि यों को जारी गकए िए गनयुक्ति पत्र की प्रगतयां एमएसएमई टीसी को प्रदान की जाएं िी।
The contractor shall have to issue Appointment Letter, Photo Identity Cards and monthly salary
slips to his contract workmen. The contractor will do the KYC under EPF/ESI through DSC at
the time of their joining. The Copies Of appointment Letter Issued to personnel Deployed shall
be provided to the MSME TC.

5. िे केदार पी.एम.आर.पी.िाई. और पी.एम.पी.आर.पी.िाई. योजना जो भी लागू हो, के तहत पीएफ की

चालान बनाएगा। वह प्रधानाचायम ठनयोिा को भे ज दे गा।
The contractor will make the challan of PF under PMRPY & PMPRPY scheme, wherever
applicable. That will pass on to the Principal Employer.

6. सेवा प्रदाता इस कायाम लय की पूवम ठलक्तित सहमठत के ठबना प्रदशम न या सेवाओों को हस्ताों तरण, प्रठतज्ञा या
उप-अनु बोंध को नहीों स प
ों ेगा।
The service provider shall not assign, transfer, pledge or sub-contract the performance or services
without the prior written consent of this office.

7. सारी सेवाएों योग्य और कुशल व्यक्तियोों द्वारा ही की जानी चाठहए।

All services shall be performed by persons qualified and skilled in performing such services.

8. अनु बोंध 1 साल की अवठध के ठलए ठदया जाएगा और आपसी सहमठत पर सोंतोषजनक प्रदशम न के आधार पर
एक और वषम तक बढाया जा सकता है जहाों सेवा सुल्क, ठनयम और शते समान रहे गी।
The contract will be awarded for a period of 1 year and may be extended to another one year on
the same rate of service charges, terms and conditions with mutual consent subject to satisfactory

9. एक महीने का अठिम नोठटस दे ने के बाद सोंस्थान ठकसी भी समय अनु बोंध समाि करने के ठलए स्वतोंत्र
The Institute would be free to terminate the contract at any time after giving advance notice of
one month in writing.

10. एजें सी का NCR में एक कायाम लय होना आवश्यक है ।

The agency must have an office in NCR.

11. एजें सी को यह सुठनठश्चत करना होगा ठक उनके द्वारा तैनात व्यक्ति अच्छे चररत्र और पूवमवती का है ।
The agency should ensure that persons deployed should be of good character and antecedents.

12. िे केदार को उपरोि वठणमत श्रमशक्ति की आवश्यकता को आपूठतम करना होगा। अनुबोंध के कायमकाल के
द रान श्रमशक्ति की आवश्यकता में समय-समय पर एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र की आवश्यकताओों के
अनु सार समय की बढ / घाट या बदल सकती है ।
The contractor has to supply the requirement of the manpower as mentioned above. During the
tenure of contract the requirement of manpower may increase / decrease, change the timings as
per the needs of MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak from time to time.

13. सेवा प्रदाता के कठमम योों को स पें गए काम के द रान ठवनम्र, स हादम पूणम, सकारात्मक और कुशल होना
चाठहए और उनके कायम इस कायाम लय की छठव तथा सद्भावना को बढावा दें गे। सेवा प्रदाता उनके द्वारा
तैनात कठमम योों के अनु शासनहीनता के ठकसी भी कायम के ठलए ठजम्मेदार होगा।
The service provider’s personnel working should be polite, cordial, positive and efficient, while
handling the assigned work and their actions shall promote goodwill to enhance the image of this
office. The service provider shall be responsible for any act of indiscipline on the part of persons
deployed by him.

14. ठवभाग को सेवा प्रदाता द्वारा ठनयोठजत ठकसी भी अयोग्य या उसके दु व्यमवहार के ठलए ठकसी भी व्यक्ति को
काम से हटाने में , सेवा प्रदाता की आवश्यकता हो सकती है और सेवा प्रदाता तत्काल इस तरह की
आवश्यकताओों का अनु पालन करे गा।
The Department may require the service provider to remove from the site of work, any person or
persons, employed by the service provider, who may be incompetent or for his/her/their
misconduct and service provider shall forthwith comply with such requirements.

15. िे केदार कोंपनी के कमम चाररयोों सठहत सभी ठहतधारकोों की ओर अपने कायमकताम ओों के व्यवक्तस्थत और
अनु शासन व्यवहार के ठलए ठजम्मेदार होगा। िे केदार ठकसी भी कायमकताम का अनु बोंध ित्म कर सकता है
जो दु व्यमवहार करे गा या एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र की अपेक्षाओों को पूरा नहीों कर पाता है ।
The contractor shall be responsible for the orderly and discipline behavior of his workmen
towards all stakeholders including company employees. The contractor shall be bound to
withdraw immediately any workman responsible for misconduct and if found not performing up
to the expectations of MSME TC.

16. सेिा प्रदाता अपने गकसी भी कागमि क को तुरंत बदल दे िा, यगद िे सुरक्षा जोक्तिम, अक्षमता, गहतों के टकराि
और िोपनीयता के उल्लं घन या कायाि लय से गलक्तित नोगटस प्राप्त करने के कारण अनुगचत व्यिहार के
कारण कायाि लय के गलए अस्वीकायि हैं ।
The service provider shall replace immediately any of its personnel, if they are unacceptable to
the office because of security risk, incompetence, conflict of interest and breach of
confidentiality or improper conduct upon receiving written notice from office.

17. िे केदार एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र की पूवम स्वीकृठत के ठबना, उनके ठकसी कायमकताम के साथ ठकसी भी
अन्य कायमकताम को प्रठतस्थाठपत नहीों करे गा।
The contractor shall not substitute any of their workmen engaged by him with another/any of
their workman, without prior approval of MSME TC.

18. सेवा प्रदाताओों के कठमम योों के ठकसी भी व्यक्तिगत सामान, उपकरण या वाहनोों के ठकसी नु कसान, क्षठत,
चोरी, चोरी या चोरी के ठलए कायाम लय उत्तरदायी नहीों होगा।
Office shall not be liable for any loss, damage, theft, burglary or robbery of any personal
belongings, equipment or vehicles of the personnel of the service providers.

19. सेवा प्रदाता के कमम चारी इस कायाम लय की तकनीकी जानकाररया, सुरक्षा व्यवस्था, पररचालन प्रठिया और
प्रशासठनक / सोंगिनात्मक मामलोों के ठकसी भी ठववरण को ठकसी अन्य व्यक्ति के सामने प्रकट नहीों करें गे
क्ोोंठक सभी गोपनीय / गुि प्रकृठत हैं यठद कोई कमम चारी ऐसा करता है तो उस पर कानू नी कारम वाई की
The service provider’s personnel shall not divulge or disclose to any person, any details of office,
operational process, technical know-how, security arrangements and administrative /
organizational matters as all are of confidential/secret nature that can attract legal action.

20. सेवा प्रदाता द्वारा ठनयुि व्यक्ति 18 साल के आयु से कम नहीों होोंगे और वे ठवभाग के अन्य कमम चाररयोों के
कायो में हस्तक्षे प नहीों करें गे।
That the persons deputed shall not be below the age of 18 years and they shall not interfere with
the duties of the employees of the Department.

21. सेवा प्रदाता के व्यक्ति औद्योठगक ठववाद अठधठनयम, 1947 और अनु बोंध श्रम (ठवठनयमन और उन्मू लन)
अठधठनयम, 1970 के प्रावधान के तहत इस कायाम लय में सेवाओों के ठकसी भी लाभ / मु आवजा / अवशोषण /
ठनयठमतकरण का दावा नहीों करें गे। इस प्रभाव से व्यक्ति से उपिम सेवा प्रदाता द्वारा इस कायाम लय में जमा
करने की आवश्यकता होगी।
The service provider’s person shall not claim any benefit / compensation / Absorption /
regularization of services in this office under the provision of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and
Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970. Undertaking from the person to this effect
will be required to be submitted by the service provider to this office.

22. सेवा प्रदाता कायाम लय पररसर में अपने व्यक्ति के उठचत आचरण सुठनठश्चत करे गा और मादक पेय, पान,
धूम्रपान, लाईटररं ि के सेिन पर प्रगतबंध को लािू करे िा ।
The service provider shall ensure proper conduct of his person in office premises, and enforce
prohibition of consumption of alcoholic drinks, paan, smoking, loitering without work.

23. सेवा प्रदाता समय-समय पर हमारे कायाम लय में आवश्यक कमम चारी को काम में लगाना होगा। वह ठनठहत
कमम चारी सेवा प्रदाता का कममचारी होगा और अिले महीने की 7 तारीि से पहले उनके वेतन का भु गतान
करना सेवा प्रदाता का कतमव्य होगा। सेवा प्रदाता और इस ठवभाग के कमम चाररयोों के बीच कोई मास्टर और
न कर का सोंबोंध नहीों होगा और सेवा प्रदाता का कमम चारी ठकसी भी लाभ का दावा नहीों करे गा। यठद सेवा
प्रदाता के ठबल के भु गतान मे दे री हो जाए तो वह एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र मे ठनयुि कमम चारीयो के
वेतन के भु गतान मे दे री नही करे गा है ।
The service provider shall engage the necessary person as required by our office from time-to-
time. The said person engaged by the service provider shall be the employee of the service
provider and it shall be the duty of the service provider to pay their salary every month before
7th of following month. There is no master & Servant relationship between the employees of the
service provider and this Department further that the said person(s) of the service provider shall
not claim any benefit. The service provider should not stop the payment of salary on account of
delay in payment of bill.

24. सेवा प्रदाता के प्रत्येक कठममयोों के सोंबोंध में ठवठभन्न अठधठनयमोों / सरकारी ठवठनयमोों के तहत पररवहन,
भोजन, ठचठकत्सा और अन्य साों ठवठधक आवश्यकता सेवा प्रदाता की ठ़िम्मेदारी होगी। इसमें भठवष्य ठनठध,
कमम चारी राज्य बीमा और सेवा कर और टी.डी.एस. की कट ती और सोंबोंठधत प्राठधकारी आठद के साथ जमा
करना शाठमल होगा। हालाों ठक, सफल िे केदार को सोंबोंठधत अठधकाररयोों के भठवष्य ठनठध, कमम चारी राज्य
बीमा इत्याठद के सोंबोंध में भु गतान का सबूत, ठजसमें आउटसोसम ठकए गए व्यक्तियोों के भठवष्य ठनठध नों बर
और कमम चारी राज्य बीमा नों बर आठद दशाम ये हो, हर महीने ठबना दे री के और बाद के महीनोों के ठलए ठबल
जमा करने से पहले प्रस्तु त करने होोंगे। ठबल सेवा प्रदाता द्वारा प्रदान की जाने वाली सेवा की वास्तठवक राठश
की प्रठतपूठतम के ठलए होना चाठहए। सेवा प्रदाता योग्य आउटसोसम कमम चाररयोों को कमम चारी राज्य बीमा काडम
प्रदान करे गा।
The transportation, food, medical and other statutory requirement under the various Acts/Govt.
Regulations in respect of each personnel of the service provider will be the responsibility of the
service provider. This shall include payment of PF, ESI, and Service Tax and deduction of TDS
& depositing the same with the concerned authority etc. However, payments in respect of PF,
ESI etc. to the successful contractor shall be made subject to furnishing of proof of such
payments to the concerned authorities indicating the PF No., ESI No. etc. of the outsourced
persons every month without fail and before submitting bills for the subsequent months. The bills
should be for reimbursement of the actual amount to the service rendered by the service provider.
The service provider shall provide ESI card to the outsourced eligible employee.

25. िे केदार ठनम्नठलक्तित ररकॉडो का रिरिाव का सुठनठश्चत करे गा:
The contractor shall ensure maintenance of the following records:
a. मजदू री भु गतान का रठजस्टर
Payment of Wage Register

b. हाठजरी रठजस्टर
Attendance Register

26. िे केदार तैनात ठकए गए कममचाररयोों के सोंबोंध में बायोमे ठटि क उपक्तस्थठत प्रणाली के उपयोग से एक उपक्तस्थठत
बनाए रिे गा। ठे केदार को अिले महीने की 1 तारीि को एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र, रोहतक को
बायोमे ठटि क उपक्तस्थठत प्रणाली के उपयोग से मागसक समय उपक्तथिगत पत्रक भेजनी होगी।
The Contractor shall maintain an attendance by use of Biometric Attendance System in respect of
the staff deployed by the contractor. The Contractor has to produce the monthly time attendance
sheet by use of Biometric Attendance System to MSME TC on 1st of the following month.

27. कायमकाल का समय 8½ घोंटे होगा ठजसमें आधे घोंटे का दोपहर का भोजनावकाश शाठमल हैं।
Working hours will be 8 ½ hours including half an hour lunch break.

28. िे केदार सभी िेड IV (MTS, डिाइवर) कमम चाररयोों को उपयुि वदी प्रदान करे गा। ठबना पूरी वदी के ऐसे
कमम चाररयोों को अनु पक्तस्थत माना जाएगा।
The Contractor shall provide suitable uniforms to all grade IV (MTS, Driver) employees. Such
Employees without complete uniform will be treated as absent.

29. वैधाठनक ठनयमोों के अनु सार छु ट्टी पर और काम के सामान्य घोंटोों के बाद काम करने के ठलए मजदू री का
अठतररि भु गतान िे केदार द्वारा ठकया जाएगा।
For working on holidays and beyond normal hours of work, wages will be paid extra by the
contractor as per statutory rules.

30. कमम चाररयो को कायाम लय के घोंटोों के एलावा और छु ठट्टयोों / शठनवार / रठववार को बुलाया जा सकता है ।
The personnel may be called beyond office hours and on holidays / Saturdays / Sundays.

31. एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र, रोहतक की आवश्यकता के आधार पर कमम चाररयो को 01 वषम या उससे कम
अवठध के ठलए तैनात ठकया जा सकता है ।
The personnel may be initially deployed for a period of 01 year or less depending upon the
requirement of MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak.

32. यठद ठनयुि कमम चारी का प्रदशम न सोंतोषजनक नहीों है तो उसे अपनी प्रारों ठभक भती की तारीि के बाद एक
सिाह के भीतर प्रठतस्थाठपत कर ठदया जाएगा।
If the performance of person deputed is not satisfactory, he/she should be replaced within a week
irrespective of his/her initial joining date.

33. सेवा प्रदाता कायाम लय की आवश्यकताओों के अनु सार ठकसी भी अठनठश्चतता के मामले में , कम अवठध के
ठलए आवश्यक कमम चारी भी प्रदान करे गा।
The service provider will provide the required personnel for a shorter period also, in case of any
exigencies as per the requirements of the office.

34. यठद अपने व्यक्तिगत कारणोों से ठकसी कमम चारी के न करी छोड़ने की कोई सोंभावना है तो सेवा प्रदाता पहले
से ठवकल्प मे कमम चारी प्रदान करे गा। ठवकल्प की अठतव्यापी अवठध के सोंबोंध में भु गतान करना सेवा प्रदाता
की ठ़िम्मेदारी होगी।
The service provider shall provide a substitute well in advance if there is any probability of the
person leaving the job due to his/her own personal reasons. The payment in respect of the
overlapping period of the substitute shall be the responsibility of the service provider.

35. यठद ठकसी भी कारण से सेवा प्रदाता द्वारा तैनात कमम चाररयो की छु ट्टी ले ना चाहता है तो वह अनु पक्तस्थत होने
की जानकारी उसके ठनयोंत्रण अठधकारी तथा प्रशासन ठवभाग को दे गा और ठचठकत्सा आपात क्तस्थठत के
मामले में आठधकाररक त र पर या टे लीफोठनक द्वारा स्पष्ट रूप से, ठक वह ठकतने ठदनोों तक अनु पक्तस्थत
होगा, सूठचत करना होगा। यठद एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र की आवश्यकता के अनु सार सेवा प्रदाता एक
ठवकल्प कमम चारी प्रदान करे गा। यठद एजें सी एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र की आवश्यकता के अनु सार
ठवकल्प कमम चारी प्रदान करने में ठवफल रहता है तो रु॰ 500/- प्रठत ठदन पररठनधाम ररत नुकसानी के रूप में
उस व्यक्ति से ठलया जाएगा।
If for any reason the personnel deployed by the service provider proceeds on absence, he/she
should properly intimate the Controlling Officer and the Concerned Administration before such
absence or in case of Medical emergency on the first day of taking such absence either officially
or telephonically clearly indicating the number of days he/she will be absent. The service
provider shall provide a substitute if MSME TC is desirous. In case the agency fails to provide
substitute as per the requirement of MSME TC liquidated damages @ Rs. 500/- per day shall be
charged on account of that person (s).

36. सेवा प्रदाता ठनयम के अनु सार समय के भीतर आउटसोसम कमम चाररयोों को चेक / ई॰सी॰एस के माध्यम से
भु गतान करे गा।
The service provider shall make payment for the outsourced employees through cheque / ECS
before 7th of the following month irrespective of receipt of payment from MSME, TC.

37. यठद आउटसोसम कमम चारी अनुपक्तस्थत होोंगे तो उसके वेतन से यथानु पात कट ती की जाएगी।
In case outsourced employee is absent a pro-rata deduction shall be made from his pay.

38. सेवा प्रदाता के ठबल और हाजरी का एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र के कायाम लय द्वारा प्रमाणीकरण तथा सेवाएों
सोंतोषजनक पाए जाने के उपराों त सेवा प्रदाता के ठबल का भुगतान ठकया जाएगा।
Payments to the service provider would be strictly on certification by the office with which he is
attached that his services were satisfactory and attendance as per the bill preferred by the service

39. सेवा प्रदाता हर समय सोंपकम करने योग्य होना चाठहए और एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र से सेवा प्रदाता को
ई-मे ल / फैक्स / फोन / मोबाइल / एसएमएस द्वारा भे जे गए सोंदेश को तत्काल स्वीकार ठकया जाएगा।
The service provider shall be contactable at all times and message(s) sent by E-
mail/Fax/Phone/Mobile/SMS from the Department to the service provider shall be acknowledged
immediately on receipt on the same day.

40. सेवा प्रदाता आवश्यकता आदे श पर उक्तिक्तित ठनठश्चत ठतठथयोों के अनु सार श्रमशक्ति प्रदान करे गा, ठजसे
की ईमे ल / फोन / पत्र आठद के माध्यम से भेजा जाएगा।
The service provider shall provide the manpower as per the fixed dates as mentioned on the
requirement order, which will be sent through email/phone/letter etc.

41. सेवा प्रदाता द्वारा तैनात कमम चाररयो को प्रठशक्षण / कायम के द रान कोई भी अनु सोंधान कायम करने का कोई
अठधकार नहीों होगा और यह एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र की एकमात्र सोंपठत्त होगी।
The personnel deployed will not be having any right on any research work undertaken by him
during the training/engagement and the same will be the sole property of the MSME Technology
Centre, Rohtak.

42. काम की अठनवायमता के मामले में सेवा प्रदाता द्वारा तैनात कमम चाररयो को एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र के
ठकसी भी केंद्र में ठनयुि / स्थानाों तररत ठकया जा सकता है ।
In case of exigency of work the personnel deployed can be deputed/transferred for the same to
any Centre of MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak.

43. उपरोि वठणमत अनु बोंध की समाक्ति पर, एजें सी द्वारा तैनात सभी कमम चाररयो का अनु बोंध भी समाि हो
जाएगा और एजें सी सभी कानूनी बकाया का भु गतान करके अपने िातोों को व्यवक्तस्थत करे गी। एजें सी के

कमम चाररयो का रोजगार या गैर-रोजगार की समािी के सोंबोंध मे ठकसी भी ठववाद की ठ़िम्मेदारी एजें सी की
That on the expiry of the agreement as mentioned above, the agency will withdraw all its
personnel and clear their accounts by paying them all their legal dues. In case of any dispute on
account of the termination of employment or non-employment by the personnel of the agency, it
shall be the entire responsibility of the agency to pay and settle the same.

44. इस अनु बोंध से उत्पन्न ठववाद रोहतक क्षे त्राठधकार के अधीन होगा।
The dispute arising out of this contract shall be subject to Rohtak Jurisdiction

45. माठसक रूप से प्रत्येक महीने की 2 तारीि को आपके ठबल जमा करने के उपरान्त 30 तारीि तक उसका
भु गतान ठकया जाएगा। सेवा प्रदाता द्वारा एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र, रोहतक मे भती कमम चाररयो को
ठनयत ठतठथ तक वेतन / बकाया राठश के भु गतान का सबूत दे ना होगा।
46. Payment shall be made monthly by 30th of each month on submission of your bill on 2nd of each
month. MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak would require the proof of disbursement of dues to
the outsourced personnel by due date.

47. िे केदार 6 लाि रुपये की राठश बैंक गारों टी या ़िमानत के रूप एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र, रोहतक के
भारतीय स्टे ट बैंक िाता सों:38146701963, IFSC कोड:SBIN0000706 , रोहतक मे जमा कर सकता है
और एमएसएमई प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र द्वारा इस राठश पर सेवा प्रदाता को कोई ब्याज नहीों ठदया जाएगा।
The contractor will give a Bank Guarantee of Rs.6 Lakh or can deposit the amount with SBI
A/C NO 38146701963 IFSC No: SBIN0000706 Branch Rohtak as security and no interest
will be given by MSME TC to the service provider.

48. सेवा प्रदाता का पहला भु गतान सभी औपचाररकताओों को पूरा करने के बाद ही जारी ठकया जाएगा।
The 1st payment of the service provider will be released only after completing of all the

49. यठद सेवा प्रदाता ठकसी भी कारण से अनु बोंध छोड़ना चाहता है तो वह कम से कम दो महीने पहले सूचना
दे गा ।
The service provider would give minimum two-month notice if he wishes to quit the contract for
any reason.

50. यठद सेवा प्रदाता ठनयमोों और शतों को पूरा करने में असमथम होता है , तो ़िमानत राठश जब्त कर ली जाएगी
और एजें सी से 6 लाि रुपये की क्षठतपूठतम राठश भी कानू नी या अन्य आवश्यक कारम वाई के करके वसूल की
In case the service provider is unable to meet the terms and conditions, the security amount will
be forfeited and Indemnity amount of Rs.6 Lakh will also be recovered from the agency with
right to take suitable legal or other action deemed necessary.

51. िे केदार उपरोि वठणमत सभी ठनयमोों और शतों की स्वीकृठत का हलफनामा दे गा।
The contractor will give an affidavit of acceptance of all the terms & conditions mentioned

52. बोली लगाने वाले को न्यू नतम मजदू री अठधठनयम 1948, वक्सममेन मु आवजा अठधठनयम 1923, अनु बोंध श्रम
अठधठनयम 1970, कमम चारी भठवष्य ठनठध, ईएसआई अठधठनयम और ठवठवध प्रावधान अठधठनयम 1952 के
साथ श्रम कानू नोों, आठद और ठकसी भी अन्य अठधठनयम, ठनयमोों या ठवठनयमोों का पालन करना चाठहए। जै सा
ठक सरकार या उसके द्वारा ठकए गए ठकसी भी सोंशोधन या ठकसी अन्य कानू न से सोंबोंठधत हो सकता है और
समय-समय पर उसके तहत बनाए गए ठनयम। उसी के गैर-अनु पालन की क्तस्थठत में , मै नपावर सेवा प्रदाता
ठकसी भी कीमत या दे यता पर एमएसएमई, टीसी की क्षठतपूठतम करने का कायम करे गा, जो इस तरह के गैर-
अनु पालन के कारण हो सकता है ।
The bidder must comply with The bidder must comply with Minimum Wages Act 1948,
Worksmen Compensation Act 1923, Contract Labour Act 1970, Employees Provident Fund, ESI
Act and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952 under labour laws, etc, and any other act, rules or

regulations as may be enacted by the government or any modifications thereof or any other law
relating thereto and rules made there under from time to time. In the event of noncompliance of
the same, the Manpower service provider would undertake to indemnify MSME, TC on any cost
or liability it may incur on account of such non-compliance.

53. कैलें डर िर्ि के दौरान हर महीने के गलए एक गदन का आकक्तिक अिकाश ठे केदार द्वारा तैनात कमि चाररयों
के गलए अनु मन्य होिा। हर साल 31 गदसंबर को अनिां टेड सीएल लैप्स हो जाएिा। छु ट्टी को कैश नहीं गकया
जा सकता है । अिकाश से पहले आिेदन गिगधित रूप से सक्षम प्रागधकारी द्वारा स्वीकृत गकया जाना
One day’s paid casual leave for every month during the calendar year shall be permissible to staff
deployed by the contractor. Unavailed CL will be lapsed on 31st December every year. Leave
cannot be uncashed. Leave Application should be duly sanctioned by competent authority before
proceeding leave.



The scope of work shall be Outsourcing of Manpower as per requirement. The detail of tentative requirement of
manpower is given below:
Consolidated Gross
Sr. Category of Number of Educational Qualification / Remuneration to
No. Manpower Candidates Skills Desired be paid (in Rs. Per
1. Admin. Graduate from recognized Candidate with 1 year in line Rs. 15000/- to
Assistant University experience will be preferred. Rs.20000/-
Account Graduate in Commerce from Candidate with 1 year in line Rs. 15000/- to
2 Assistant 1 recognized experience will be preferred Rs.20000/-

Teaching Degree/Diploma in Candidate with 3 years in line, Rs. 15000/- to

Assistant / Mechanical / Production teaching experience will be preferred. Rs.20000/-
Training /Automobile/ Engineering/B.
Instructor / Tech / B.E. in Electrical /
Workshop Electronics / Instrumentation
3. 11
Instructor / and preferably should have
Faculty / proficiency in software like
Internship Auto
Trainee CAD/CAM/CAE/Electrical /
TIA Portal / SCADA.
Marketing B. Tech/ Diploma in Candidate with 3 years in line Rs. 15000/- to
Assistant Mechanical / Production and experience will be preferred. Rs.20000/-
Preferably should have
4. 1 Proficiency in drawings
study with knowledge of
computer and Auto
Purchase Graduate from recognized Candidate with 1 year in line Rs. 15000/- to
5. Assistant 1 University experience will be preferred. Rs.20000/-

Lab Assistant Matriculation / I.T.I Candidate with 3 years in line Rs. 15000/- to
6. 1
experience will be preferred. Rs.20000/-
Receptionist Graduate from recognized Rs. 15000/- to
7. cum 1 University Candidate with 1 year in line Rs.20000/-
Dispatcher experience will be preferred.
Library Graduate from recognized Candidate with 1 year in line Rs. 15000/- to
8. Assistant 1 University experience will be preferred.sss Rs.20000/-

Store Assistant Graduate from recognized Candidate with 1 year in line Rs. 15000/- to
9. 1 university and should have experience will be preferred. Rs.20000/-
proficiency in TALLY.
CNC Turning / Diploma in Tool & Die Candidate with 5 years in line Rs. 15000/- to
10. Milling 2 Technology / I.T.I Turner / experience will be preferred. Rs.20000/-
Operator Machinist trade
Milling / ITI in Machinist / Tractor Candidate with 5 years in line Rs. 15000/- to
11. Machine 3 mechanic / Fabrication Trade experience will be preferred. Rs.20000/-
IT Assistant B-tech / diploma in Candidate with 2 years in line Rs. 15000/- to
12. 1 IT/Graduate in Computer experience will be preferred. Rs.20000/-
Fitter Diploma in Tool & Die Candidate with 5 years in line Rs. 15000/- to
13. 1 Technology / I.T.I Fitter / experience in fitting & machine shop Rs.20000/-
Turner / Machinist trade will be preferred.
Driver Matriculation with valid Rs. 15000/- to
14. 1
driving license for LMV Rs.20000/-
Unskilled Rs. 12000/- to
Worker / Helper Rs.16000/-
8th passed
15 / Hospitality 2
Assistant /
Hostel Attendant
Total 30

The manpower requirement as indicated above is tentative and may vary depending upon the volume of work, functional
requirements etc. during the course of the contract. In addition to above MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak may also
require manpower with new designation, qualification, experience and remuneration which will be decided by MSME
Technology Centre, Rohtak and the agency has to provide the manpower as per requirements of MSME Technology
Centre, Rohtak.

Selection Committee may relax qualification / experience in case of deserving candidate. Salary / Stipend:
Commensurate with Qualification & Experience.

P.F. and ESI (only employer share) shall be reimbursed over and above the monthly remuneration mentioned above as
admissible under rules.

The remuneration indicated above is the remuneration payable by MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak to the service
provider. After statutory deductions like P.F. and ESI (employer share) the net amount shall be paid to the outsourced



These Special Instructions (for e-Tendering) supplement ‘General Instructions to Bidders’ (GIB), as given in
Section-3 of the Tender Documents. Submission of Bids only through online process is mandatory for this

E-Tendering is a new methodology for conducting Public Procurement in a transparent and secured manner.
Suppliers/ Vendors will be the biggest beneficiaries of this new system of procurement. For conducting
electronic tendering, MSME TC has decided to use the (http://www.eprocure.gov.in) through NIC’s (National
Informatics Centre) Central Public Procurement Portal, Ministry of Communications, and Government of India.
Benefits to Suppliers are outlined on the Home-page of the E-portal.


1. Tender Bidding Methodology:

Sealed Bid System ‘Single Stage – 2 e-Envelopes’.

In case of two e-Envelope system Financial & Techno-Commercial bids shall be submitted by the
bidder at the same time.

2. Broad outline of activities from Bidders prospective:

Procure a Digital Signing Certificate (DSC)

Register on NIC’s (National Informatics Centre) Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP)

Create Users and assign roles on CPPP

View Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) on CPPP

Download Official Copy of Tender Documents from CPPP

Clarification to Tender Documents on CPPP Query to NPTI (Optional) View response to queries posted
by NPTI, as addenda.

Bid-Submission on CPPP: Prepare & arrange all documents/papers for submission of bid online and

Attend Public Online Tender Opening Event (POTOE) on CPPP Opening of Techno-Commercial Part.

View Post-TOE Clarification posted by NPTI on CPPP (Optional) Respond to NPTI Post-TOE queries.

Attend Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE) on ETS Opening of Financial-Part (Only for
Technical Responsive Bidders)

Participate in e-Reverse Auction on CPPP (Not applicable in this Tender).

Please ensure that the total size of the scanned documents to be uploaded remains minimum. If required,
documents may be scanned at lower resolutions say at 150 dpi. However, it shall be sole responsibility
of bidder that the uploaded documents remain legible.

Utmost care may be taken to name the files/documents to be uploaded on CPPP. There should be no
special character or space in the name of file. Only underscores are allowed. The illustrative examples
are given below:-

Allowed or not
Reason for Allowed/Not
File name allowed

Space in between
words/characters not

QA Certificate Not allowed


QA Certificate(1) Not allowed Special characters not allowed

Underscore allowed between

QA Certificate Allowed
words /characters

QA Certificate Allowed Upper & lower cases allowed

It is advised that all the documents to be submitted (See Clause 5 below) are kept scanned or converted
to PDF format in a separate folder on your computer before starting online submission. BOQ Section -
VII (Excel Format) may be downloaded and rates may be filled appropriately. This file may also be
saved in a secret folder on your computer. The names & total size of documents (Preferably below 50
MB) may be checked.

For participating in this tender online, the following instructions need to be read carefully. These
instructions are supplemented with more detailed guidelines on the relevant screens of the CPPP.

3. Digital Certificates:
For integrity of data and its authenticity/ non-repudiation of electronic records, and to be compliant with
IT Act 2000, it is necessary for each user to have a Digital Certificate (DC), also referred to as Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC), of Class 2 or above, issued by a Certifying Authority (CA) licensed by
Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) [refer http://www.cca.gov.in for more details].

4. Registration:
To use the NIC’s Central Public Procurement Portal (http://www.eprocure.gov.in).Vendor needs to
register on the portal. The vendor should visit the home-page of the portal (www.eprocure.gov.in) and
to the e-procure link then select Bidders Manual Kit.
Note: Please contact NIC Helpdesk (as given below), to get your registration accepted/activated.

NIC Help Desk No.:

Telephone No. 1800 233 7315
Email ID: [email protected] (Please mark cc: [email protected])

MSME TC Contact, for Haryana:

Ashwani Kant
Deputy General Manager

Plot No-10 & 11 IMT Rohtak, -124021

Phone No: 9818067675

5. Bid related Information for this Tender (Sealed Bid)

The entire bid-submission would be online on CPPP. Broad outline of submissions area follows:

Submission of Bid Security/Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)

Submission of digitally signed copy of Technical Bid & Financial Bid

Tender Documents/Addendum/Addenda

Two Envelopes



NOTE: Bidder must ensure that after following above the status of bid submission must become –

Bidders must ensure that all documents uploaded on e-tender portal as files or zipped folders, contain
valid files and are not corrupt or damaged due to

Any processing at bidder PC system like zipping etc. It shall be the responsibility of bidder himself for
proper extractability of uploaded zipped files.

Any error/virus creeping into files/folder from client end PC system cannot be monitored by e-tender
software/server and will be bidder’s responsibility only.

In case the files are non-extractable or illegible otherwise, then the bidder’s authorized representative
shall be given one chance by Tender Opening Committee to open & demonstrate the contents of bid
data downloaded from the e-tender portal in his presence.

If, even after above chance, the bidder is unable to open & demonstrate the contents of bid data
downloaded from the e-tender portal in his presence then no fresh bid in any form, soft or hard copies,
shall be accepted by tendering authority and his bid shall be summarily rejected and treated as non-

6. Offline Submissions:

The bidder is requested to submit the following documents offline to MSME TC, Rohtak, on or before
14:00 Hrs. on 14.08.2020 in a Sealed Envelope:

DD for EMD in accordance with Clause 2 of NIT.

Note: 1.The Bidder has to upload the Scanned copy of all the above mentioned original documents
during Online Bid-Submission.

Note: 2. Special Note on Security of Bids: Security related functionality has been rigorously
implemented in CPPP in a multi-dimensional manner. Starting with 'Acceptance of Registration by the
Service Provider', provision for security has been made at various stages in Electronic Tender’s
software. Security related aspects as regard Bid Submission are outlined below:

As part of the Electronic Encrypter™ functionality, the contents of both the ‘Electronic Forms’ and the
‘Main-Bid’ are securely encrypted using a Pass-Phrase created by the Bidder himself. Unlike a
‘password’, a Pass-Phrase can be a multi-word sentence with spaces between words (e.g. I love this
World). A Pass-Phrase is easier to remember, and more difficult to break. It is recommended that a
separate Pass-Phrase be created for each Bid-Part. This method of bid-encryption does not have the
security and data-integrity related vulnerabilities which are inherent in e-tendering systems which use

Public-Key of the specified officer of a Buyer organization for bid-encryption. Bid-encryption in CPPP
is such that the Bids cannot be decrypted before the Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE), even
if there is connivance between the concerned tender-opening officers of the Buyer organization and the
personnel of e-tendering service provider.

Typically, ‘Pass-Phrase’ of the Bid-Part to be opened during a particular Public Online Tender Opening
Event (TOE) is furnished online by each bidder during the TOE itself, when demanded by the
concerned Tender Opening Officers who will open the bid. Else Tender Opening Officer may authorize
the bidder to open his bid himself. There is an additional protection with SSL Encryption during transit
from the client-end computer of a Supplier organization to the e-tendering server/ portal.

7. Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE)

CPPP offers a unique facility for ‘Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE)’. Tender Opening
Officers as well as authorized representatives of bidders can attend the Public Online Tender Opening
Event (TOE) from the comfort of their offices. For this purpose, representatives of bidders (i.e. Supplier
organization) dully authorized are requested to carry a Laptop and Wireless Connectivity to Internet.

Every legal requirement for a transparent and secure ‘Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE)’ has
been implemented on CPPP. As soon as a Bid is decrypted with the corresponding ‘Pass-Phrase’ as
submitted online by the bidder himself (during the TOE itself), salient points of the Bids are
simultaneously made available for downloading by all participating bidders. The work of taking notes
during a manual ‘Tender Opening Event’s therefore replaced with this superior and convenient form of
‘Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE)’.

CPPP has a unique facility of ‘Online Comparison Chart’ which is dynamically updated as each online
bid is opened. The format of the chart is based on inputs provided by the Buyer for each Tender. The
information in the Comparison Chart is based on the data submitted by the Bidders in electronic forms.
A detailed Technical and/or Financial Comparison Chart enhance Transparency. Detailed instructions
are given on relevant screens.

CPPP has a unique facility of a detailed report titled ‘Minutes of Online Tender Opening Event (TOE)’
covering all important activities of ‘Online Tender Opening Event (TOE)’.This is available to all
participating bidders for ‘Viewing/ Downloading’. There are many more facilities and features on
CPPP. For a particular tender, the screens viewed by a Supplier will depend upon the options selected
by the concerned Buyer.

NOTE: In case of internet related problem at a bidder’s end, especially during ‘critical events’ such as
a short period before bid-submission deadline, during online public tender opening event, during e-
auction, it is the bidder’s responsibility to have backup internet connections. In case there is a problem
at the e-procurement/ e-auction service-provider’s end (in the server, leased line, etc) due to which all
the bidders face a problem during critical events, and this is brought to the notice of MSME TC by the
bidders in time, then MSME TC will promptly re-schedule the affected event(s).

8. Other Instructions:-

For further instructions, the vendor should visit the home-page of the portal (www.eprocure.gov.in),
click on e-procure and go to the Bidders Manual Kit. The compatible support software (PDF Converter,
Java, etc) for online bid submission may be downloaded from CPP Portal.

The help information provided through ‘CPPP User-Guidance Centre’ is available in three categories.

Users intending to Register/First-Time Users, Logged-in users of Buyer organizations, and Logged-in
users of Supplier organizations. Various links are provided under each of the three categories.

Note: It is strongly recommended that all authorized users of Supplier organizations should thoroughly
peruse the information provided under the relevant links, and take appropriate action. This will prevent
hiccups, and minimize teething problems during the use of CPPP.

The following ‘Four Key Instructions’ for BIDDERS must be assiduously adhered to -

a. Obtain individual Digital Signing Certificate (DSC or DC) well in advance of your first tender
Submission deadline on CPPP.

b. Register your organization on CPPP well in advance of your first tender submission deadline
on CPPP.

c. Get your organization’s concerned executives trained on CPPP using online training module
well in advance of your tender submission deadline on CPPP.

d. Submit your bids well in advance of tender submission deadline on CPPP.

Note: While the first three instructions mentioned above are especially relevant to first-time users of the
CPP-Portal, the fourth instruction is relevant at all times.

9. Minimum Requirements at Bidders end

Computer System with good configuration (Minimum P-IV, 1GB RAM, Windows XP) 2Mbps of
Broadband connectivity with UPS. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or above Digital Certificate(s) for


Utmost care may kindly be taken to upload price schedule. Any change in the format of price Schedule
file shall render it unfit for bidding.

Annexure-II (Financial Bid) may be filled in all respect with duly signed by the authorized signatory
and upload the same while submitting financial Bid.




अनुलंगक – I / ANNEXURE-I



1. बोलीदार्ताओं का सामान्य नििरण / General Particulars of the Bidders

क्र.सं. बोलीकर्ताा द्वारा भरी जाने िाली जानकारी
Sr. ब्योरा / Particulars Details to be filled up by
No. the Bidder
1. Name of Agency

2. Name of contact person of the Agency

3. Designation of the contact person of the Agency

4. Contact details of contact person of the Agency

(i). Mobile Number

(ii). Landline Number

(iii). Fax Number

(iv). Email Address

5. Details of EMD / BG

i) DD / BG No.

ii) Amount in Rs.

iii) Name of the issuing Bank

अठधकृत व्यक्ति के हस्ताक्षर / Signatures of Authorized person: ____________________

नाम / Name: ____________________

पद / Designation:_____________________

मोहर / Seal: _____________________


क्र.सSr. ब्यौरा / PARTICULARS ठववरण / DESCRIPTION

(प्रासंनगक दस्तािेज संलग्न करें )
(Attach relevant documents)
1. The firm/agency should be registered GST Reg. No___________________
with GST (Copy of certificate attached Yes/No)

2. The firm/agency should have PAN No. PAN No._______________________

/ TAN No. against their name. (Copy of certificate attached Yes/No)

TAN No.________________________

(Copy of certificate attached Yes/No)

3. The firm/agency must have Provident P.F. Reg. No.____________________

Fund Account No. in their name (Copy of certificate attached Yes/No)

4. The firm/agency must have ESI No. in ESI Reg. No.____________________

their name. (Copy of certificate attached Yes/No)

5. The bidder should have at least two (2) (Copy of Work Order /Completion
years’ experience in work of similar
nature with Govt. officer/PSUs/Corporate of repute. Certificate attached Yes/No)

6. Bidder should have average annual Attach copy of Balance Sheet for last 3 years.
Financial turnover during the last 3
Years, ending 31st March 2019 of the previous
financial year at least Rs.25.00 Lakhs.
7. Tender Acceptance Letter Attach copy of Tender Acceptance Letter (as per
Annexure III )
8. Terms & Conditions Attach signed copy of Terms & Conditions of contract
(as per Section 3)
9. Bank A/c detail of Contractor Bank Name: _____________________
A/c No. _________________________
IFS Code: _______________________
(Copy of passbook / cancelled cheque attached)

मोहर के साथ हस्ताक्षर / Signature with stamp ____________________

तारीि / Date ____________________

नाम / Name_____________________

पता / Address _____________________



(Contents of Envelope -2)

अनुलंगक – II / ANNEXURE-II

नित्तीय बोली / FINANCIAL BID

क्र.सं. ब्यौरा / PARTICULARS रु. / Rs.


1. Service Charge % (percent) for Outsourcing % (Percent)

of Manpower on contract basis
In figures ___________________________

In words (__________________________)

2. Any other, please specify Rs. Or % (percent)

In figures ___________________________

In words (__________________________)

(वस्तु एों व से वा कर होने के रूप में अठतररि दे य है / GST is payable extra as applicable.)

मोहर के साथ हस्ताक्षर / Signature with stamp ____________________

ठदनााँ क / Date ____________________

पूरा नाम / Full Name_____________________

पता / Address _____________________



(To be given on Company letter head)


The Deputy General Manager,

MSME Technology Centre, Rohtak

Plot No-10 & 11 Sector-30 B, IMT
Rohtak Haryana-124021

Subject: Acceptance of Terms and Conditions of tender –reg.

Tender reference No: _______________

Dear Sir,

1. I/We have downloaded/obtained the tender document(s) for the abovementioned tender/work from the
website(s) namely:



As per your advertisement, given in the above mentioned website(s)

2. I/We hereby certify that I/we have read the entire terms and conditions of the tender documents from
Page No_________ to_________ (including all documents like annexure(s), schedule(s), etc. which
form part of the contract agreement and I/we shall abide hereby by the terms/conditions/clauses
contained therein.

3. The corrigendum(s) issued from time-to-time by your department/organization too have also been taken
into consideration, while submitting this acceptance of tender.

4. I/We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of above mentioned tender
document(s)/corrigendum(s) in its totality/entirety.

5. I/We do hereby declare that our Firm has not been blacklisted / debarred by any Govt / Department /
Public sector undertaking.

6. I/we certify that all information furnished by our firm is true and correct and in the event that the
information is found to be incorrect/untrue or found violated, then your department/organization shall
without giving any notice or reason therefore can summarily reject the bid or terminate the contract,
without prejudice to any other rights or remedy including the forfeiture of the full said earnest money
deposit absolutely.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the Bidder with official seal)

अनुलंगक – IV /Annexure-1V


Ref. No. ___________________ Dated: _________________

Bank Guarantee No. _____________


Plot No-10 & 11, Sector-30B IMT,

Rohtak – 124021, Haryana, India

Tel: 9911779960

Dear Sirs,

1. In consideration of MSME Technology Center with its Registered Office at Plot No 10 & 11 Sector 30B
IMT, Rohtak–124021, (hereinafter MSME TC called the “Owner” which expression shall unless
repugnant to the subject or context include its successors and assigns) having entered into a contract No
_______________________________dated________________________ (hereinafter called the
Contract” which expression shall include all the amendments thereto) with M/s
_______________________________________having its registered /head office at
__________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the
‘Contractor’) which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning hereof include all its
successors, administrators, executors and assignees) and MSME,TC having agreed that the contract shall
furnish to MSME TC a performance guarantee for Indian Rupees for faithful performance of the entire

2. We (name of the bank) ______________________________ registered under the laws of

___________________________having head/registered office at _______________________________
(hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof, include all its successors, administrators, executors and permitted assignees) do hereby
guarantee and undertake to pay immediately on first demand in writing any/all moneys to the extent of
Indian Rs./(in words)_______________________________________ without any demur, reservation,
contest or protest and/or protest and/or without any reference to the Contractor. Any such demand
made by MSME TC on the bank by serving a written notice shall be conclusive and binding, without
any proof, on the bank as regards the amount due and payable, notwithstanding any dispute(s) pending
before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other matter or thing whatsoever, as liability under these
presents being absolute and unequivocal and shall continue to be enforceable until it is discharged by
MSME TC in writing. This guarantee shall not be determined, discharged or affected by the liquidation,
winding up, dissolution or insolvency of the Contractor and shall remain valid, binding and operative
against the bank.

3. We (name of the bank) ______________________________ registered under the laws of

___________________________having head/registered office at _____________________(hereinafter
referred to as “the Bank” , which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof,
include all its successors, administrators, executors and permitted assignees) do hereby guarantee
and undertake to pay immediately on first demand in writing any/all moneys to the extent of
Indian Rs./(in words)____________________________________ without any demur,

reservation, contest or protest and/or protest and/or without any reference to the Contractor.
Any such demand made by MSME TC on the bank by serving a written notice shall be
conclusive and binding, without any proof, on the bank as regards the amount due and payable,
notwithstanding any dispute(s) pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other
matter or thing whatsoever, as liability under these presents being absolute and unequivocal
and shall continue to be enforceable until it is discharged by MSME TC in writing. This
guarantee shall not be determined, discharged or affected by the liquidation, winding up,
dissolution or insolvency of the Contractor and shall remain valid, binding and operative
against the bank.

4. The Bank also agrees that MSME TC at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee
against the bank as a principal debtor, in the first instance, without proceeding against the
Contractor and notwithstanding any security or other guarantee that MSME TC may have in
relation to the Contractor’s liabilities.

5. The Bank further agrees that MSME TC shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and
without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and
conditions of the said contract or to extend time for performance by the said Contractor(s)
from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time exercise of any of the
powers vested in MSME TC against the said Contractor(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the
terms and condition relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our
liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to the said Contractor(s) or
for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of MSME TC or any indulgence by MSME TC
to the said Contractor(s) or any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating
to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us.

6. The Bank further agrees that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force during
the period that is taken for the performance of the contract and all dues of MSME TC under or
by virtue of this contract have been fully paid and its claim satisfied or discharged or till
MSME TC discharges this guarantee in writing, whichever is earlier.

7. This Guarantee shall not be discharged by any change in our constitution, in the constitution of
MSME TC or that of the Contractor.

8. The bank confirms that this guarantee has been issued with observance of appropriate laws of
the country of issue.

9. The Bank also agrees that this guarantee shall be governed and constructed in accordance with
Indian Laws and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Indian Courts of the place from where
the purchase order has been placed.

10. Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, our liability under this Guarantee is limited
to Indian Rs./(in figures )______-___________________________________(Indian Rupees/
in Words)______________________________________________I and our guarantee shall
remain in force until__________________________________(indicate the date of expiry or
bank guarantee, any claim under this Guarantee must be received by us before the expiry of
this Bank Guarantee. If no such claim has been received by us by the said date, the rights of
MSME TC under this Guarantee will cease. However, if such a claim has been received by us
within the said date, all the rights of MSME TC under this Guarantee shall be valid and shall
not cease until we have satisfied that claim.

In witness whereof, the Bank through its authorized officer has set its hand and stamp on this
_______________________day of ___________________2020 at _____________________.


_____________ ____________

(Signature) (Signature)

Full name and official Full name, designation

Address (in legible letters) Address (in legible letters) with


Attorney as per Power of

______________ Attorney No__________

(Signature) Dated_______________

Full name and official

Address (in legible letters)

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by MALA ROHARA
Date: 2020.07.21 10:38:49 IST
Location: eProcure-EPROC


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