Shodhganga Chapter 3 PDF
Shodhganga Chapter 3 PDF
Shodhganga Chapter 3 PDF
a b
Plate 3.1. Plant sample collected for the study (a) natural habitat of
Psoralea corylifolia (b) Seeds of Psoralea corylifolia
Materials required
1. PDP
3. Glycerol
4. Ethanol
5. Glassware
Five grams of the active fraction obtained from petroleum ether extract of
seeds of Psoralea corylifolia seeds was mixed with 70 mL Unitox 60, and 10mL
glycerol and swirled to obtain an uniform composition. The formulation was namd
as PDP 5EC i.e. 5% emulsfiable concenrate of phenyl derivative of pyranocoumarin.
This technique involves the poisoning of the fungal growth medium using
antifungal agent and then measuring the reduction of growth of the organism on the
medium. The decrease in mycelial growth indicates the inhibition of fungal growth
by the antifungal substance.
Materials required
1. PDP
3. Mancozeb
4. Glass ware
Potato dextrose agar medium was prepared and amended with different
concentrations of the formulation. The different concentrations of the formulation
include 0.5% (T1), 1% (T2), 1.5% (T3), 2% (T4), 0.2% Mancozeb (T5), and control
(T6). Mycelial discs of selected pathogens namely A. solani, F. oxysporum f.sp.
lycopersici, F. moniliforme and F. gramenearum were placed at the centre of
petriplate and incubated at 25 ± 2 oC for ten days. The plates without the formulation
served as control. The radial growth (mm) of mycelium was measured. All the
experiments were carried out in triplicates and percent reduction of mycelial growth
over control was calculated using the following formula.
Dc Dt
Percent decrease over control = x 100
Dc = Average diameter of fungal growth in control.
Dt = Average diameter of fungal growth in treatment.
Materials required
1. PDP 5EC
2. Glassware
The formulation was poured in to a glass bottle until three fourth was
filled. The bottle was closed airtight with colloid oil sealing wax to avoid any loss of
volatile solvents and kept in the thermostat at varying temperatures of 10°C, 20°C,
30°C, 40°C and 50°C. After 7 days, the volume of the cream at the top and the
sediment at the bottom was measured [388]
The botanical formulation was stored for 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180
days at room temperature and tested for antifungal activity against the selected
pathogens according to the procedure described under section 3.15.
The leaf scorching test indicates whether the botanical formulation has
any phytotoxicity effect upon spraying on the crops. Phytotoxicity results include
abnormal discolorition and leaf necrosis.
Materials required
1. PDP 5EC
2. Hand sprayer
3. Glass ware
Blotter test is done for analyzing the seed infection due to pathogenic
fungi. Seeds are placed on blotter paper and incubated under conditions that promote
the fungal growth of the pathogens present in the seed.
Materials required
1. PDP 5EC
3. Blotting paper
Roll towel method is used for analyzing the seed germination percentage.
Materials required
1. PDP 5EC
3. Roll Towel
4. Glass ware
Materials required
1. PDP 5EC
3. Sprayers
4. Glassware
Fourty five days old tomato plants (PKM1) were inoculated with A. solani
at concentration of the 10 6 spores/mL. The leaves were injured with sterilized pin
and the mycelial disc of pathogen was placed over the injured leaf portion and
covered with moist cotton and incubated inside the moist chamber. After 48 h, the
plants were sprayed with PDP 5EC as per the treatments 0.50 % PDP 5EC (T1), 1.0
% PDP 5EC (T2), 1.5 % PDP 5EC (T3), 2.0 % PDP 5EC (T4), 0.2% Mancozeb (T5),
Control (T6). Second spraying was done after 15 days interval. The plants were
watered every alternate day. Experiments were carried out in triplicates. The percent
disease index of A. solani was scored at 30th day after inoculation using intensity
scale of 0-5 in Table 3.2.
Disease severity
Disease score (Score)
(% of leaf area affected)
0 No infection
1 0.1 to 5
2 5.1 to 15
3 15.1 to 30
4 30.1 to 50
5 50.1 to 100
Fourty five days old tomato plants (PKM1) were inoculated with the
F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici at the concentration of 106cfu /ml. After 48 h, in each
treatment pots, soil drenching was done with PDP 5EC as per the treatments 0.50 %
PDP 5EC (T1), 1.0 % PDP 5EC (T2), 1.5 % PDP 5EC (T3), 2.0 % PDP 5EC (T4), 0.2%
Mancozeb (T5), Control (T6). Second drenching was done after 15 days interval and the
disease incidence was recorded on the 30th day after inoculation. The plants were watered
every alternate day. The experiment was carried out in triplicates.
H2O2 + Pyrogallol 2H2O + Purpurogallin
Materials Required
2. Enzyme extract
Polyphenoloxidase (slowly)
Catechol + Oxygen Benzoquinone + Water Melanins
Materials required
2. Enzyme extract
As described in
3. 0.01M Catechol
L-Phenylalanine Trans-Cinnamate + NH3
Materials required
2. 1.4 mM of 2- mercaptoethanol
5. 12 mM L- phenylalanine
6. Extract preparation
Folin - Ciocalteu reagent. Oxidation and reduction reaction of phenolat ion takes
place in alkaline conditions. The reduction of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent by phenolat
ion causes color change from yellow to blue which is measured by
spectrophotometrically at 650 nm.
Material Required
1. Extract preparation
Twenty five day old seedlings of were planted in the field and were
acclimatized for 20 days. The plants were infected with A. solani using the pin prick
method. Field studies were carried out using randomized block design of the five
treatments including 2 % PDP 5EC (T1), 1.5% PDP5EC (T2), Petroleum ether
extract of seeds of P. corylifolia L. (10mg/mL) (T3), mancozeb (0.2%) (T4) and
control (T5) in triplicates in a plot area of 4 X 3 m for each treatment. Foliar
spraying PDP 5EC was carried out at thirty day interval on 25th, 55th and 85 th days
after transplantation. The field was irrigated on every alternate day. Biomass (kg),
plant height (cm), No. of Flowers/plant, No. of fruits/plant, and percent disease
index according to proceudre described in were recorded for randomly
selected five plants at 30 day interval after transplantation up to 90 days.
The bioactive principles present in the plants are extracted using organic
solvents. Extraction is based on the relative solubility of these components in the
organic solvents. The organic solvents of varying polarities percolated into the plant
material thereby causing dissolution of the active components. The extracts are filtered
then the solvents are vapourized to obtain a concentrated form 0of extract.
Materials required
The dried and powdered seed sample was extracted at room temperature
by overnight percolation separately with petroleum ether, chloroform and ethanol at
1:5 ratio. The extracts were then filtered and concentrated under vacuum in rotary
evaporator. The yield of the extracts was determined and the extracts were kept in
tightly stoppered bottle in a refrigerator until further use [378].
S. No Fungal pathogens
1. Alternaria solani
2. Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici
3 F. moniliforme
4. F. graminearum
5. Pythium aphanidermatum
6. Rhizoctonia solani
7 Phytophthora capsici
8 Colletotrichum musae
Alternaria solani F.moniliforme Fusariun oxysporum f.sp. F.graminearun
Antifungal susceptibility tests were carried out using the agar well
diffusion assay, followed by the determination of the minimal concentrations of the
extract that could inhibit the growth of fungal pathogens.
Materials required
The potato dextrose agar (Himedia) was sterilized and poured into
petriplates and allowed to solidify. Pathogens were subcultured in sterile potato
dextrose broth to a density of 106 cfu / mL and were swabbed on the plates. Using a
sterile cork borer, wells were cut. 20 µl of the petroleum ether, chloroform and
ethanol extracts were loaded in the wells separately. Ketoconazole and DMSO were
used as positive and negative controls respectively. The plates were incubated under
temperature 25 ± 2 ºC for 4 days. Diameters of inhibition zone (DIZ) were
measured for each of the organism and each extract. Experiments were carried out in
triplicates and the values expressed as mean ± S.D.
Materials required
The tube dilution assay was carried out as per Kumar et al. (1999) [380].
Four different concentrations of the petroleum ether extract, namely, 100 mg/mL, 10
mg/mL, 1 g/mL and 0.1 mg/mL were prepared by serially diluting the extract taken
in sterilized eppendorf tubes and to this 900 µl of 10 -4 diluted pathogens were
added. After incubation, 20 µl from each of the tubes were spotted on the petriplates.
The plates were then covered and incubated at 25 ± 2 ºC for 48 hrs. The growth of
the organism for each dilution was observed and the minimum concentration of the
extract inhibiting the growth of the fungi was obtained.
Materials required
2. Glass column
3. Glass wool
5. Petroleum ether
6. Ethyl acetate
Agar well diffusion assay of the isolated secondary fractions SF1 to SF5
was performed for selected fungal pathogens listed in Table 3.1, according to the
procedure described under 3.6.1. Secondary fraction SF4 revealing clear zone of
inhibition in the agar well diffusion assay of selected fungal phytopathogens here
after referred to as active fraction was taken up for further studies.
Materials required
Materials required
1. Active Fraction
2. Acetic anhydride
3. Concentrated H2SO4
4. Chloroform
Materials required
1. Active Fraction
2. Ethanol
3. Magnesium ribbon
Materials required
2. Active fraction
3. Folin-Ciocalteu reagent
In pre-coated silica gel sheets, active fraction was spotted on the sheet
was kept in room temperature for drying. The TLC sheets were sprayed with Folins
reagent. The colour change was observed and recorded.
Materials required
2. 10% NH4OH
1 13
H and C NMR spectra were recorded on Bruker AM-500 NMR
spectrometer operating at 400 MHz. The solvent used to dissolve the compound was
Cavity slide method involves the incubation of spores of the test organism
and antifungal substance in a cavity slide and observation of germination under
microscope. Decrease in germination of the spores indicates the inhibition of fungal
growth by the antifungal substance.
Materials required
1. PDP
2. Potato dextrose broth (Himedia)
3. Ketoconazole
4. Cavity Slide
5. Glass wares
The effect of the bioactive fraction purified from the petroleum ether
extract of seeds of P. corylifolia on germination of spores of the pathogens
Alternaria solani, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici, F. moniliforme and
F. gramenearum was tested using cavity slide. Spores of the selected pathogens
were transferred using a glass rod to separate test tubes containing sterile distilled
water. The spore suspension was adjusted to a density of 10 6 spores / mL using a
haemocytometer. Ten microlitres of each of the concentrations namely, 0.02, 0.04,
0.06, 0.08 and 0.1 % of the active fraction SF4 was placed on separate cavity slides.
Ten microliters of each spore suspension was added separately to the cavity slides
and incubated in moist chamber at 28 ± 2°C. Cavities which did not receive any
active fraction served as control. Three replications were maintained and percentage
of spore germination was recorded after 24 h under an optical microscope [382].
Materials required
1. PDP
3. Ketoconazole
One week old culture of selected Fusarium spp. was serially diluted up to
10 6 CFU/ mL. 900 µl of culture was transferred to eppendorf tubes containing 100
µl of 1 mg/mL of PDP. After 48hrs the mycelia of both the samples were harvested
and specimens were the observed under ESEM (Quanta 250 30KV with EADX).
The cultures without any active fraction served as control.
Induced Fit Docking studies were carried out using GLIDE software v5.5,
developed by Schrodinger, running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL5)
workstation and Maestro v9.0 Graphical User Interface (GUI) workspace was used
for all the steps involved in ligand preparation, protein preparation, and Induced Fit
Docking (IFD). The ligand used in this study, the bioactive fraction was prepared
using Ligprepmodule of v2.3 of Schrodinger Suite 2009. Ligprep follows OPLS-AA
(Optimized Potential Liquid Simulations for All Atoms) force fields for energy
minimization. The proteins taken for the study were T2 mycotoxin with
trichothecene 3O- acetyl transferase enzyme, deoxyvelonol with trichothecene 3O-
acetyl transferase enzyme, Nep1-like proteins (NLPs), endopolygalacturonase (PG)
from Fusarium moniliforme, 1CZF Endopolygalacturonase II from Aspergillus
niger, pectin lyase and cutinase with respective PDB IDs as 2RKV, 3B2S, 3GNU,
1HG8, 1IDK, 1CZF and 1CEX.
The ligand used i,e PDP was prepared using Ligprepmodule of v2.3 of
Schrodinger Suite 2009. Ligprep follows OPLS-AA (Optimized Potential Liquid
Simulations for All Atoms) force fields for energy minimization.The optimized
structure was then energy minimized to remove the steric clashes between the
atoms. The energy minimization was done till it reached a Root Mean Square
Deviation (RMSD) cut-off of 0.18 Å and the resulting structure was used for
IFD of the prepared ligand with the prepared protein was performed using
IFD protocol of GLIDE v5.5 from Schrodinger Suite 2009. Both the ligand and the
receptor were flexible which enabled the ligand to dock at the receptor’s binding site
and generate multiple poses of the receptor-ligand complex. Each docking included
unique structural conformations of the receptor needed to fit the ligand pose. The
best structure of the docked complex based on the Glide score (G-score) of the
dockings were recorded.
The prepared protein is docked using induced fit protocol using the
following system.