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Q.1 A soil deposit has a void ratio of 1.4. If the void ratio is reduced to 0.80 by compaction,
Ask an Expert then the percentage volume loss is
a. 13.33%
b. 20%
c. 25%
d. 40%
Solution. 1
Q.2 In an unconfined compression test on stiff clay, if the failure plane makes an angle of
55° to the horizontal, then what will be the angle of shearing resistance?
a. 45°
b. 35°
c. 25°
d. 20°
Solution. 2
Q.3 During the first stage of triaxial test when the cell pressure is increased from 0.12
N/mm2 to 0.24 N/mm2, the pore pressure increases from 0.08 N/mm2 to 0.14 N/mm2.
The value of Skempton’s pore pressure parameter ‘B ’ is
a. –1
b. –0.5
c. 0.25
d. 0.5
Solution. 3
Q.4 The liquid and plastic limits of a fine-grained soil are found to be 44% and 21%
respectively. How is the soil classified?
a. ML
b. CL
c. CI
d. MI
Solution. 4
Q.5 A fine grained soil behaves as semi-solid when water content is between 18% and 26%
and behaves like fluid when the water content is more than 38%. If the soil has 48% by
weight clay content, then the activity of the soil is __________.
Solution. 5
Q.6 Critical hydraulic gradient in a saturated sand with water content 35% and specific
gravity of solids 2.65, is ______________.
Solution. 6
Q.7 The value of coefficient of permeability for a uniformly graded sand of size D10 = 0.20
Solution. 7
Q.8 If 40% of hydrostatic head is lost in flowing through soil B (that has k = 0.06 cm/s) as
shown in figure below, then the discharge velocity and the seepage velocity through
soil B are respectively
[Consider level at point 1 as datum]
a. 0.072, 0.162
b. 0.024, 0.127
c. 0.024, 0.054
d. 0.072, 0.143
Solution. 8
Q.9 2
An unconfined cylindrical specimen of clay fails under an axial stress of 240 kN/m .
The failure plane was inclined at an angle of 35° to the vertical. The cohesion of the soil
a. 84 kN/m2
b. 74 kN/m2
c. 172 kN/m2
d. 98 kN/m2
Solution. 9
Q.10 From a borrow material having 150000 m3 of volume and void ratio of 1.2, how many
cubic meters of fill can be constructed at a void ratio of 0.7?
a. 115909 m3
b. 121605 m3
c. 135583 m3
d. 151821 m3
Solution. 10
a. I, II and IV
b. I, III and IV
c. II and IV
d. I and II
Solution. 11
Triaxial test is not a quick test and stress distribution on the failure plane is fairly
Q.12 A constant head permeability test was performed on a soil sample of 8 cm height and
50 cm2 cross-sectional area. A quantity of water of 450 cm3 flows down in 10 minutes
under an effective constant head of 40 cm. On oven drying, the test specimen weighs
500 gram. Assuming G = 2.65, the values of permeability (k) and the seepage velocity
of water during the test are respectively
Solution. 12
Q.13 In a proctor compaction test, the soil specimen of one of the observations had a bulk
density of 20.2 kN/m3 with a moisture content of 22% and specific gravity of solids, G
Solution. 13
96 (95 - 97)
Q.14 A deposit of soil consists of three layers. The second layer has a permeability 10 times
that of the first layer and a thickness half that of the first layer. The third layer has a
thickness twice that of the first layer and a permeability twice that of the second layer.
The ratio of horizontal permeability to vertical permeability of the soil is
Solution. 14
Q.15 A homogeneous earthen dam has a free board of 1.8 m with a total height of 30.2 m. A
flownet was constructed and the number of potential drops and number of flow
channels were 12 and 4 respectively. The dam has a 20 m long horizontal filter at its
downstream end. If the length of dam is 150 m and coefficient of permeability of the
soil is 4.26 × 10–4 cm/sec, then seepage loss across the length of the dam is
Solution. 15
6.05 (6 - 6.1)
Q.16 The time taken by a saturated clay layer to achieve 80% consolidation is 12 years. The
time required to achieve 80% consolidation, if the clay layer was thrice as thick, two
times more permeable and three times more compressible would be ___________
Solution. 16