Obeying Traffic Laws-Tips On Making The Road A Safer Place
Obeying Traffic Laws-Tips On Making The Road A Safer Place
Obeying Traffic Laws-Tips On Making The Road A Safer Place
common sense are essential. Traffic rules are in place to help protect you
and others while operating a vehicle on the road. Make sure you know the
rules and that you apply them to your own driving every day.
We hope you always obey speed limits, traffic signs, and signals. We also
hope that you follow the 2 second rule. This means you should always stay
at least 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front—and allow more distance at
night or in bad weather. How can you tell if you're 2 seconds behind
another vehicle? Simple. Just note when the vehicle in front passes a traffic
sign or utility pole. Then slowly count 1, 2. If you pass the sign or pole
before you've counted 2, you're too close.
1. Vehicles and Pedestrians around you are aware of what you are doing
2. You are aware of the obstacles of the road, whether they are visible or not
3. You are not liable for a traffic violation, saving you from fines and possible injury
When everyone is following the rules, the road is more organized, more efficient, and most
importantly safer. There are a few traffic violations that are popularly disregarded, but if ignored
even at the slightest can cause a major accident . The most frequent traffic violations include:
Distracted Driving
Driving While Under the Influence
Not following street signs and stop lights
Though they may seem obvious, many people still do not follow these rules; here are a few tips
on how to stay safe on the road: