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Mortality after cancer diagnosis in HIV-infected

individuals treated with antiretroviral therapy

Chad J. Achenbacha, Stephen R. Coleb, Mari M. Kitahatac,d,
Corey Casperc,d,e,f, James H. Willigg, Michael J. Mugaverog and
Michael S. Saagg

Objectives: To evaluate survival and predictors of mortality after cancer diagnosis

among HIV-infected persons receiving combination antiretroviral therapy (cART).
Design: Multisite cohort study.
Methods: We examined all-cause mortality among HIV-infected patients treated with
cART in routine care at eight US sites and diagnosed with cancer between 1996 and 2009,
and predictors of mortality using Cox proportional hazards regression models. Non-AIDS-
defining cancers (NADCs) were classified as related and unrelated to viral coinfections.
Results: Out of 20 677 persons in the Centers for AIDS Research Network of Integrated
Clinical Systems cohort, 650 cART-treated individuals developed invasive cancer. Of
these, 305 died during 1480 person-years of follow-up; crude mortality rate was 20.6 per
100 person-years [95% confidence interval (CI) 18.4, 23.1] and overall 2-year survival
was 58% (95% CI 54, 62). Highest mortality was seen in primary central nervous system
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, liver, and lung cancer with rates of 90.6, 84.3, and 68.1 per
100 person-years, respectively. Adjusted hazard of death was higher among those who
were older and had stage IV cancer. Adjusted hazard of death was lower among those with
higher CD4 cell counts at cancer diagnosis, who achieved HIV-RNA suppression
(400 copies/ml) on cART, received any cancer treatment, and had AIDS-defining cancer
or infection-related NADCs compared to infection-unrelated NADCs.
Conclusion: Independent predictors of mortality after cancer diagnosis among
HIV-infected persons include poor immune status, failure to suppress HIV-RNA on
cART, cancer stage, and lack of cancer treatment. Modification of these factors with
improved strategies for the prevention and treatment of HIV and HIV-associated
malignancies are needed. ß 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

AIDS 2011, 25:691–700

Keywords: antiretroviral therapy, cancer, HIV, mortality, survival

Introduction mortality from AIDS-related conditions for individuals

infected with HIV [1,2]. However, several studies have
The widespread use of combination antiretroviral therapy reported an increased incidence of non-AIDS-defining
(cART) has led to dramatic reductions in morbidity and cancers (NADCs) [3–14], particularly those related to

Division of Infectious Diseases, Center for Global Health, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago,
Illinois, bDepartment of Epidemiology, Center for AIDS Research, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, cDepartment of Medicine, University of Washington, dCenter for AIDS
Research, eDepartment of Epidemiology, University of Washington, fVaccine and Infectious Diseases Division, Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington, and gDepartment of Medicine, Center for AIDS Research, University of Alabama at
Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA.
Correspondence to Chad J. Achenbach, MD, MPH, Center for Global Health, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern
University, Suite 1058, 645 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
Received: 25 August 2010; revised: 29 November 2010; accepted: 2 December 2010.


ISSN 0269-9370 Q 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 691
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692 AIDS 2011, Vol 25 No 5

oncogenic viral coinfections, such as human papilloma- (i.e., year of birth, sex, race/ethnicity), alcohol and
virus (HPV), Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), and hepatitis B tobacco exposure, intravenous drug use (IDU) as a risk
or C virus (HBV or HCV) [8,15,16], among individuals factor for HIV transmission, HBV and HCV viral
with HIV-infection compared with the general coinfection, AIDS-defining diagnoses, cART, CD4 cell
population. counts, and plasma HIV-RNA levels. HCV infection was
defined by positive HCV antibody or HCV-RNA testing
Trends in relative incidence rates of AIDS-defining prior to cancer diagnosis. HBV infection was defined by
cancers (ADCs) and NADCs have been well character- positive HBV surface antigen or HBV-DNA testing prior
ized [8,15–19], but little is known about survival after a to cancer diagnosis. CD4 cell count and HIV-RNA
diagnosis of cancer in the setting of HIV infection. values at the time of cancer diagnosis were the values
Previous studies have been limited to examining closest to the diagnosis date within a window of 9 months
individuals with AIDS in the pre-cART era or have before and 3 months after cancer diagnosis. HIV-RNA
lacked information regarding important risk factors suppression was defined as any HIV-RNA level less than
[20–22]. We studied a large cohort of HIV-infected or equal to 400 copies/ml after cART initiation and
individuals engaged in routine care at eight clinical sites before cancer diagnosis. Tobacco exposure and alcohol
across the United States to define risk factors and abuse were determined at the clinical assessment closest to
mortality rates after a diagnosis of cancer in the modern cancer diagnosis to be current, past, or never. If there
cART era. were no clinical records documenting alcohol or tobacco
assessments prior to the cancer diagnosis or for 6 months
after, the patient was classified as never exposed. Alcohol
exposure was defined as abuse if qualitative assessments
Methods described ‘abuse’, ‘daily’, ‘dependence’, or ‘binge’ and if
quantitative alcohol exposure was greater or equal to
Study population three drinks daily or 10 drinks per week.
The Centers for AIDS Research (CFAR) Network of
Integrated Clinical Systems (CNICS) was initiated in Cancer verification
September 2006 to develop a comprehensive and At each CNICS site, incident diagnoses of invasive cancer
standardized clinical data repository from point-of-care were reviewed using a standardized protocol to confirm
electronic medical record systems to support population- the diagnosis and collect detailed information regarding
based HIV research [23]. The CNICS cohort includes cancer type, histology, grade, staging, and treatment from
over 20 000 HIV-infected adults (at least 18 years of age) the medical record. Every CNICS site used the same
engaged in clinical care from 1 January 1995 to the protocol for cancer review and data collection. Cancer
present at eight CFAR sites. The frequency of follow-up types were classified according to a predefined grouping
averages every 3 months, however, patients can be seen based on location (i.e., anal, breast, cervix, and lung)
more or less often depending on clinical care. CNICS is a and/or histopathologic reports (i.e., Kaposi’s sarcoma,
dynamic cohort with approximately 1400 new patients lymphoma, and leukemia), nonmelanoma skin cancers
enrolling and 10% of existing patients leaving care each were not included. Histology, grade, tumor nodes and
year [23]. Institutional review boards at each University metastasis and summary staging were obtained from
approved study protocols. information provided in pathology reports and clinician
notes. If a patient had more than one cancer diagnosis, we
We examined all individuals in the CNICS cohort who analyzed only the first cancer observed. Treatment for
were treated with cART for at least 6 months and had a cancer was defined as having received at least one
diagnosis of cancer between 1 January 1996 and 1 July treatment modality regardless of timing or completion of
2009. Follow-up was administratively censored at 7 years therapy categorized as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation,
to ensure adequate numbers of patients at risk for biologic, or none. Biopsy results confirmed 89% of non-
mortality. Kaposi’s sarcoma cancers; the remaining cancers were
diagnosed on the basis of clinical, radiographic, or
Sources of data historical information. Kaposi’s sarcoma was staged as
Upon entry into the CNICS cohort, standardized mucocutaneous or visceral on the basis of AIDS Clinical
demographic and historical information, including prior Trials Group classification tumor status. Cancers quali-
diagnoses and antiretroviral treatment, are collected. tatively described as ‘metastatic’, ‘widespread’, or ‘dis-
Once enrolled in the cohort, data are prospectively seminated’ were defined as stage IV. Visceral Kaposi’s
captured at outpatient and inpatient encounters at the site sarcoma and primary central nervous system (CNS) non-
medical center and include medications, laboratory test Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) were classified as ‘stage IV
results, and AIDS-defining and non-AIDS-defining equivalent’ and mucocutaneous Kaposi’s sarcoma was
conditions diagnosed by the treating provider and verified classified as ‘not stage IV equivalent’. Cancer stage was
by medical record review ( The follow- categorized as missing/unknown if staging information
ing variables were included in this analysis: demographics was not available after careful review of medical records.

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Mortality of HIV patients after cancer Achenbach et al. 693

To address the lack of complete data on cancer staging, we assumption that continuous predictors (i.e., age at cancer
imputed missing ‘stage IV equivalent’ information as per diagnosis, CD4 cell count, and HIV-RNA) had a log-
the methods described below for the final multivariable linear association with the mortality hazard was explored
analysis of all cancer cases. To examine the validity of this and when violated the continuous predictor was
approach, we performed two prespecified subset analyses categorized to reflect the nonlog-linear association.
in which stage of cancer was known for all cases. The first The proportional hazards assumption was explored
subset analysis examined cancers using the I–IV summary graphically by plotting the log of the cumulative hazard
staging classification (excluding Kaposi’s sarcoma, leuke- by time.
mia, multiple myeloma, primary CNS NHL, and primary
brain). In this subset, we ran the same multivariable We imputed the median or modal value for infrequently
analyses conducted for the full cohort of cancer cases with missing variables (see Table 1, footnote b). In the final
the variable ‘stage IV’ or ‘not stage IV’. For the second multivariable model, for cases missing ‘stage IV equiv-
subset analysis, we performed the same multivariable alent’ information (see Table 4, footnote b), we imputed
analysis with the addition of cases categorized as ‘stage IV missing values 25 times using a Markov chain Monte
equivalent’ or ‘not stage IV equivalent’. Carlo algorithm as implemented in the SAS (SAS
Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA) procedure
ADCs included cervical, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and NHL multiple imputation [27,28]. The first 1000 Monte Carlo
according to the 1993 Centers for Disease Control and draws were discarded to allow for a burn-in period, and
Prevention criteria [24]. NADCs were classified into the subsequent 5000 draws were used to summarize the
those related to viral coinfections (HPV, EBV, and viral joint posterior density. Imputations were based on
hepatitis) and those unrelated to viral coinfection. information from all variables in Tables 1 and 4, including
Infection-related NADCs included squamous cell anal, the occurrence and timing of deaths. We estimated
squamous cell oral cavity/pharynx, Hodgkin’s lym- summary hazard ratios as the antilog of the average of the
phoma, liver with viral hepatitis, vagina/vulva, and penis 25 log hazard ratios. We estimated the variance of the
[16]. Infection-unrelated NADCs included nonsqua- hazard ratios by Rubin’s canonical imputation variance
mous cell anal, biliary, bladder/urinary, primary brain, formula [27].
breast, colorectal, esophagus, nonsquamous cell oral
cavity/pharynx, other head and neck, ovary, other (type
unspecified or unknown), pancreas, kidney, leukemia,
liver without viral hepatitis, lung, multiple myeloma, Results
melanoma, peritoneum/retroperitoneum, prostate, small
intestine, soft tissue, stomach, testicular, thyroid, trachea/ Among a total of 20 677 HIV-infected persons enrolled in
pleura, and uterus. the CNICS cohort, there were 1454 incident cases of
invasive cancer. Six hundred and fifty patients treated
Mortality ascertainment with cART had a subsequent diagnosis of cancer between
Death data were obtained from clinic sources and 1996 and 2009 (Table 1). The median age at cancer
confirmed by the National Death Index. In addition, diagnosis was 44 years, 52% of participants were white,
the National Death Index was searched quarterly for 86% were men, 18% reported IDU as a risk factor for
all CNICS participants who were not known to be transmission of HIV-infection, 21% were coinfected with
alive. We examined rates and predictors of all-cause viral hepatitis, 38% were current smokers (24% former),
mortality. and 15% currently abused alcohol (8% former). Prior to
treatment with cART, participants had a median nadir
Statistical analysis CD4 cell counts of 45 cells/ml and a median HIV-RNA
Mortality rates were calculated as number of deaths per of 5.4 log10 copies/ml. The initial cART regimen was
100 person-years of follow-up time. The complement of anchored with an unboosted protease inhibitor in 269 of
Kaplan–Meier survival curves were used to display the 650 (41%) of patients, a ritonavir-boosted protease
time from cancer diagnosis to death [25], as well as to inhibitor in 197 of 650 (30%), a nonnucleoside reverse
estimate 2-year survival. We used Cox proportional transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) in 166 of 650 (26%), and
hazards regression models to examine predictors of three nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in 18 of
mortality [26]. Factors included in multivariable models 650 (3%). The median time on cART before a diagnosis
were type of cancer (categorized as ADC, infection- of cancer was 3.2 years. At the time of cancer diagnosis,
related NADC, and infection-unrelated NADC), age, 92% of the patients were still on cART, which included
race/ethnicity, sex, viral hepatitis coinfection, current and regimens anchored with a boosted protease inhibitor in
past tobacco exposure, current and past alcohol abuse, 362 of 595 (60%) of patients, a NNRTI in 158 of 595
nadir CD4 cell count, CD4 cell count at cancer diagnosis, (27%), an unboosted protease inhibitor in 57 of 595
pre-cART HIV-RNA level, HIV-RNA suppression on (10%), and other medications in 18 of 595 (3%). At any
cART, noncancer AIDS-defining diagnosis, cancer stage, time before cancer diagnosis, 551 of 650 (85%) of patients
cancer treatment, and year of cancer diagnosis. The achieved HIV-RNA suppression to less than or equal to

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694 AIDS 2011, Vol 25 No 5

Table 1. Characteristics of 650 HIV-infected adults treated with combination antiretroviral therapy in the Centers for AIDS Research Network of
Integrated Clinical Systems cohort diagnosed with cancer between 1996 and 2009.

Characteristics at cancer diagnosisa Survivors Deaths Overall

Total, n 345 305 650

Follow-up time (years) 2.8 (1.2, 5.0) 0.6 (0.2, 1.5) 1.4 (0.4, 3.7)
Age (years) 43 (38, 50) 46 (40, 54) 44 (39, 51)
White, n (%) 203 (59) 137 (45) 340 (52)
Male, n (%) 293 (85) 263 (86) 556 (86)
HBV/HCV infection, n (%) 60 (17) 74 (24) 134 (21)
IDU, n (%) 49 (14) 69 (23) 118 (18)
Smoking, n (%)b
Never 133 (39) 117 (38) 250 (38)
Former 83 (24) 70 (23) 153 (24)
Current 127 (37) 118 (39) 245 (38)
Alcohol abuse, n (%)b
Never 270 (78) 226 (74) 496 (76)
Former 25 (7) 29 (10) 54 (8)
Current 46 (13) 50 (16) 96 (15)
Noncancer AIDS diagnosis, n (%)c 149 (43) 177 (58) 326 (50)
Nadir CD4 cell counts (cells/mlb) 62 (11, 174) 30 (4, 106) 45 (7, 137)
Pre-cART HIV-RNA (log10 copies/mlb) 5.3 (4.8, 5.7) 5.5 (4.9, 5.8) 5.4 (4.8, 5.8)
Time on cART, years 2.7 (0.5, 6.4) 3.4 (1.3, 5.6) 3.2 (0.7, 6.2)
HIV-RNA suppression to 400 copies/ml 329 (95) 222 (73) 551 (85)
CD4 cell count at cancer (cells/mlb) 238 (95, 469) 154 (23, 308) 204 (55, 393)
HIV-RNA at cancer (log10 copies/mlb) 2.3 (1.4, 4.4) 3.1 (1.9, 4.8) 2.6 (1.4, 4.6)

cART, combination antiretroviral therapy; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; IDU,
intravenous drug use; KS, Kaposi’s sarcoma; NHL, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Median (quartiles) unless noted otherwise.
% (n) missing observations: smoking < 1% (2); alcohol < 1% (4); nadir CD4 cell count < 1% (1); pre-cART HIV-RNA < 1% (4); CD4 cell count at
cancer ¼ 7% (44); HIV-RNA at cancer ¼ 8% (51).
A noncancer AIDS diagnosis included any CDC AIDS-defining illness with the exception of NHL, KS or cervical cancer at or before cancer

400 copies/ml. At cancer diagnosis, the median CD4 cell majority (237 of 463, 52%) of these cancers were classified
count was 204 cells/ml and median HIV-RNA was as ‘stage IV equivalent.’
2.6 log10 copies/ml.
Among the 650 HIV-infected patients diagnosed with
Infection-unrelated NADCs comprised 34% of cancers, invasive cancer on cART, there were 305 deaths during
whereas infection-related NADCs were 17% of cancers 1480 person-years of follow-up for a crude mortality rate
and ADCs accounted for 49% of cancers. Overall, the of 20.6 per 100 person-years [95% confidence interval
most common incident cancers were Kaposi’s sarcoma (CI) 18.4, 23.1], and an overall 2-year survival of 58%
(29%), NHL (21%), lung (9%), and anal (8%) (Table 2). (95% CI 54, 62) (Table 3). The highest mortality rates
Staging information was available for 256 of 427 (60%) of were among those with primary CNS NHL, liver, and
cancers that use the I–IV summary staging classification lung cancer with rates per 100 person-years of 90.6, 84.3,
(excluding cases of Kaposi’s sarcoma, leukemia, multiple and 68.1, respectively. The adjusted hazard ratio for
myeloma, primary CNS NHL, and primary brain). Of death was higher among those who were older and had
the 256 cancers classified by summary stage, 20, 19, 15, ‘stage IV equivalent’ cancer (Table 4). The adjusted
and 46% were stage I, II, III, and IV, respectively. Among hazard ratio for death was lower among those who had
patients with staging information, stage IV disease was higher CD4 cell counts at cancer diagnosis, achieved
documented in 40 of 70 (57%) with NHL, 26 of 42 (62%) HIV-RNA suppression to less than or equal to
with lung cancer, two of 32 (6%) with anal cancer, 19 of 400 copies/ml, received cancer treatment, and had
30 (63%) with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, two of 10 (20%) ADCs or infection-related NADCs compared with
with prostate cancer, four of 12 (33%) with liver cancer, infection-unrelated NADCs (Table 4 and Fig. 1). In
two of nine (22%) with kidney cancer, one of four (25%) adjusted analyses of the subset of 256 patients with
with breast cancer, three of six (50%) with colon cancer, known cancer summary stage, we found similar
zero of two (0%) with melanoma, and 20 of 55 (36%) with associations between all-cause mortality and age (hazard
other cancer types. In addition, when classifying visceral ratio 1.26; 95% CI 1.00; 1.60, P ¼ 0.05), HIV-RNA
Kaposi’s sarcoma and primary CNS NHL as ‘stage IV suppression (hazard ratio 0.38; 95% CI 0.20, 0.71;
equivalent’, staging information was available for 73% of P < 0.01), noncancer AIDS diagnosis (hazard ratio 1.70;
cancers (463 of 634, excluding 16 cases of leukemia, 95% CI 1.10, 2.63; P ¼ 0.02), stage IV cancer (hazard
multiple myeloma, and primary brain cancer). The ratio 2.88; 95% CI 1.89, 4.37; P < 0.01), cancer

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Mortality of HIV patients after cancer Achenbach et al. 695

Table 2. Characteristics of 650 incident cancer cases among HIV-infected adults treated with combination antiretroviral therapy in the Centers
for AIDS Research Network of Integrated Clinical Systems cohort between 1996 and 2009.

Characteristics at cancer diagnosisa Survivors Deaths Overall

Total, n 345 305 650

Median year of diagnosis (range) 6/05 (2/03; 2/07) 7/03 (5/01; 1/06) 6/04 (2/02; 9/06)
Cancer diagnosis n (%) n (%) n (%)
KS 123 (36) 62 (20) 185 (29)
Non-CNS NHL 43 (12) 71 (23) 114 (18)
Lung 11 (3) 48 (16) 59 (9)
Anal 40 (12) 15 (5) 55 (8)
Hodgkin’s lymphoma 26 (7) 6 (2) 32 (5)
Prostate 21 (6) 6 (2) 27 (4)
CNS NHL 3 (1) 19 (6) 22 (3)
Liver 3 (1) 19 (6) 22 (3)
Kidney 6 (2) 13 (4) 19 (3)
Melanoma 13 (4) 2 (1) 15 (2)
Breast 8 (2) 3 (1) 11 (2)
Colorectal 7 (2) 4 (1) 11 (2)
Other cancersb 41 (12) 37 (13) 78 (12)
Summary cancer diagnosis
Infection-unrelated NADCs 99 (29) 122 (40) 221 (34)
ADCsc 169 (49) 152 (50) 321 (49)
Infection-related NADCsd 77 (22) 31 (10) 108 (17)
Summary stage
I 38 (11) 13 (4) 51 (8)
II 27 (8) 21 (7) 48 (7)
III 17 (5) 21 (7) 38 (6)
IV 43 (12) 76 (25) 119 (19)
Missing 86 (25) 85 (28) 171 (26)
Not applicablee 134 (39) 89 (29) 223 (34)
‘Stage IV equivalent’, n (%)f 98 (39) 139 (66) 237 (52)
Biopsy confirmation, n (%)g 280 (81) 262 (86) 542 (83)
Cancer treatment, n (%)h 270 (78) 215 (71) 485 (75)

ADC, AIDS-defining cancer; CNS, central nervous system; KS, Kaposi’s sarcoma; NADC, non-AIDS-defining cancer; NHL, non-Hodgkin’s
Median (quartiles) unless noted otherwise.
Other cancers: cervical, biliary, bladder/urinary, primary brain, esophagus, oral cavity/pharynx, other head and neck, leukemia, multiple
myeloma, other (not specified or unknown origin), ovary, pancreas, penis, peritoneum/retroperitoneum, small intestine, soft tissue, stomach,
testicular, thyroid, trachea/pleura, uterus, and vagina/vulva.
ADCs: cervical, KS, and NHL.
Infection-related NADCs: squamous cell anal, squamous cell oral cavity/pharynx, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, liver with viral hepatitis, vagina/vulva,
and penis.
Cancers that do not use I–IV summary staging: KS, primary CNS NHL, leukemia, multiple myeloma, and primary brain.
Among 463 cases (251 survivors and 212 deaths) that could be classified as ‘stage IV equivalent’ (excluding 171 missing and 16 cases of leukemia,
multiple myeloma, and primary brain). Summary stage IV, visceral KS and primary CNS NHL classified as ‘stage IV equivalent.’ Summary stages I to
III and mucocutaneous KS was classified as ‘not stage IV equivalent;’.
Biopsy confirmation obtained for 415 of 465 (89%) non-KS cancer diagnoses and for 127 of 185 (69%) of KS diagnoses.
Cancer treatment information missing for 86 (13%) of patients: 39 (11%) survivors and 47 (15%) deaths.

treatment (hazard ratio 0.41; 95% CI 0.20, 0.84; Discussion

P ¼ 0.02), and infection-related NADCs (hazard ratio
0.36; 95% CI 0.19, 0.68; P < 0.01). In additional Cancer has been an important cause of morbidity and
adjusted analyses of the subset of 463 patients with mortality for individuals with HIV-infection since the
known ‘stage IV equivalent’ cancer staging, we also beginning of the epidemic. Indeed, we found that in a
found similar associations between all-cause mortality large cohort of over 20 000 HIV-infected persons
and age (hazard ratio 1.47; 95% CI 1.22, 1.77; P < 0.01), receiving care at eight major metropolitan areas across
HIV-RNA suppression (hazard ratio 0.28; 95% CI 0.18, the United States, more than 3% of patients receiving
0.44; P < 0.01), noncancer AIDS diagnosis (hazard ratio antiretroviral therapy developed cancer. We identified
1.41; 95% CI 1.00, 2.00; P ¼ 0.05), stage IV cancer known risk factors for mortality including older age, stage
(hazard ratio 2.68; 95% CI 1.89, 3.80; P < 0.01), IV cancer at time of diagnosis, and lack of cancer
receiving cancer treatment (hazard ratio 0.49; 95% CI treatment. We also found key factors associated with
0.31; 0.79, P < 0.01), ADCs (hazard ratio 0.55; 95% CI mortality that are specific to HIV-infected patients and
0.35, 0.86; P < 0.01), and infection-related NADCs have not been previously reported, including failure to
(hazard ratio 0.43; 95% CI 0.23, 0.78; P < 0.01). suppress HIV-RNA, low CD4 cell count at cancer

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696 AIDS 2011, Vol 25 No 5

Table 3. Mortality rates and 2-year survival estimates of 650 incident cancer cases among HIV-infected adults treated with combination
antiretroviral therapy in the Centers for AIDS Research Network of Integrated Clinical Systems cohort between 1996 and 2009.

Number of Number of Mortality rate 95% confidence 2-year

persons deaths Person-years per 100 person-years limits survival (%)

Cancer diagnosis
Primary CNS NHL 22 19 21 90.6 58.8, 142.0 16
Liver 22 19 23 84.3 53.8, 132.2 12
Lung 59 48 70 68.1 51.3, 90.4 24
Non-CNS NHL 114 71 236 30.0 23.8, 37.9 47
Kidney 19 13 54 24.2 14.0, 41.6 58
Other cancersa 78 37 160 23.2 16.8, 32.0 57
KS, visceral 96 44 235 18.7 13.9, 25.1 64
Colorectal 11 4 24 16.9 6.3, 45.0 NAd
Breast 11 3 24 12.6 4.1, 39.2 NAd
Anal 55 15 173 8.7 5.2, 14.4 77
Hodgkin’s lymphoma 32 6 95 6.3 2.8, 14.0 NAd
KS, mucocutaneous 89 18 241 7.5 4.7, 11.8 85
Prostate 27 6 87 6.9 3.1, 15.3 NAd
Melanoma 15 2 37 5.4 1.4, 21.5 NAd
Summary cancer diagnosis
Infection-unrelated NADCs 221 122 435 28.0 23.5, 33.5 51
ADCsb 321 152 734 20.7 17.7, 24.3 59
Infection-related NADCsc 108 31 311 10.0 7.0, 14.2 72
Overall 650 305 1480 20.6 18.4, 23.1 58

ADC, AIDS-defining cancer; CNS, central nervous system; KS, Kaposi’s sarcoma; NADC, non-AIDS-defining cancer; NA, not available; NHL, non-
Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Other cancers: cervical, biliary, bladder/urinary, primary brain, esophagus, oral cavity/pharynx, other head and neck, leukemia, multiple
myeloma, other (not specified or unknown origin), ovary, pancreas, penis, peritoneum/retroperitoneum, small intestine, soft tissue, stomach,
testicular, thyroid, trachea/pleura, uterus, and vagina/vulva.
ADCs: cervical, KS, and NHL.
Infection-related NADCs: squamous cell anal, squamous cell oral cavity/pharynx, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, liver with viral hepatitis, vagina/vulva,
and penis.
2-year survival not reported for cancers with less than 10 deaths.

diagnosis, and cancers unrelated to a viral coinfection. A liver and lung cancer [20,22], accounting for nearly 50%
possible explanation for these findings would be that of deaths after NADC. Two-year survival for patients
HIV-RNA reduction and immunologic recovery from with liver cancer in this study was only 12%. Previous
cART led to suppression of viral coinfection replication studies of mortality after liver cancer comparing those
and its effects on tumor pathogenesis or growth of these with and without HIV-infection have been mixed
cancers. Alternatively, among HIV-infected patients, [29,30]. Mortality after NHL is known to be worse for
these cancers may be less aggressive or more responsive patients with HIV, although a recent study from Europe
to cancer treatment compared with NADCs unrelated to suggested improved survival with cART [31]. Our
viral coinfection. However, classifying cancers as related results were consistent with another recent study of
to viral coinfection may not be of central clinical survival after NHL that directly compared those with
importance when studying outcomes such as mortality. and without HIV-infection in the cART era [32] and
For example, in Figure 1c, we observed a notable found 40% 2-year survival for patients with HIV and
difference within infection-related NADCs in which 70% for those without HIV. Our findings also suggest
mortality was considerably higher for those with that HIV-infection may increase mortality for patients
liver cancer compared with anal cancer or Hodgkin’s with kidney cancer, as 2-year survival was only 58%.
lymphoma. These findings point to the need for further Considering immune-modulating therapies are often
study of the epidemiology and pathophysiology of cancer used for treatment of renal cell carcinoma, immune
progression and viral coinfections in HIV disease. deficiency or dysregulation due to HIV infection could
Particularly, more information is needed regarding unfavorably alter the pathogenesis of this cancer. This
outcomes of individual types of cancer among HIV- finding has not been previously reported and requires
infected individuals. further investigation.

We observed several important findings with regard to Increased mortality observed among those with lower
mortality rates for individual cancers. Consistent with CD4 cell counts highlights the importance of timely HIV
reports from other HIV-infected populations, the highest treatment. The majority of patients in this study had very
mortality rates for NADCs were among patients with low nadir CD4 cell counts prior to initiation of cARTand

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Mortality of HIV patients after cancer Achenbach et al. 697

Table 4. Adjusted mortality rate ratios of 650 incident cancer cases among HIV-infected adults treated with combination antiretroviral therapy
in the Centers for AIDS Research Network of Integrated Clinical Systems cohort between 1996 and 2009.

Adjusted hazard ratioa 95% confidence intervals P-value

Age, per decade 1.44 1.25, 1.66 <0.01

Nonwhite vs. white 1.24 0.97, 1.59 0.09
Male vs. female 1.05 0.73, 1.51 0.78
HBV/HCV infection 1.29 0.97, 1.70 0.08
Current vs. never 1.00 0.76, 1.32 0.99
Past vs. never 0.77 0.56, 1.10 0.11
Alcohol abuse
Current vs. never 0.96 0.70, 1.32 0.81
Past vs. never 1.30 0.86, 1.95 0.22
Nadir CD4 cell count, per 100 cells/ml 0.99 0.85, 1.15 0.85
CD4 cell count at cancer, per 100 cells/ml 0.90 0.83, 0.98 0.01
HIV-RNA suppression to 400 copies/ml 0.32 0.23, 0.44 <0.01
Pre-cART HIV-RNA, per log10 1.00 0.86, 1.15 0.97
Noncancer AIDS diagnosis 1.21 0.94, 1.55 0.14
‘Stage IV equivalent’b 2.30 1.69, 3.13 <0.01
Cancer treatment 0.55 0.39, 0.79 <0.01
Date of cancer diagnosis, per year 0.99 0.95, 1.03 0.57
Summary cancer diagnosis
Infection-unrelated NADCs 1 Reference
ADCsc 0.59 0.42, 0.81 <0.01
Infection-related NADCsd 0.52 0.34, 0.78 <0.01

ADC, AIDS-defining cancer; cART, combination antiretroviral therapy; CNS, central nervous system; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus;
KS, Kaposi’s sarcoma; NADC, non-AIDS-defining cancer; NHL, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Adjusted for all variables in the table.
Summary stage IV, visceral KS, and primary CNS NHL classified as ‘stage IV equivalent.’ Summary stage I–III and mucocutaneous KS classified as
‘not stage IV equivalent.’ In the final model, ‘stage IV equivalent’ was imputed for 187 of 650 (29%) cases with missing information.
ADCs: cervical, KS, and NHL.
Infection-related NADCs: squamous cell anal, squamous cell oral cavity/pharynx, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, liver with viral hepatitis, vagina/vulva,
and penis.

were unable to adequately rebuild their immune system HIV-infected individuals may require novel cancer
with treatment. This finding is consistent with several prevention and treatment strategies that incorporate
studies showing that severity of immune suppression at key prognostic factors such as those found in our study,
time of cART initiation is predictive of the ability of including suppression of HIV-RNA, prevention of CD4
antiretroviral treatment to significantly increase CD4 cell cell count decline, and cancer screening initiated at a
count [33–36]. Ongoing inflammation and immunode- younger age than in the general population. Further
ficiency in patients who initiate cART at lower CD4 cell research is needed to define the optimal timing and
counts increases the risk of developing comorbid modalities for cancer screening and treatment among
conditions, as demonstrated by the prognostic value of HIV-infected populations.
CD4 cell count and other immunologic markers in
patients treated with cART [34,37]. Our results This study has several limitations. First, associations
emphasize the importance of prompt and effective presented here reflect observational evidence and,
treatment of HIV with cART to reduce mortality from therefore, could have been influenced by unmeasured
AIDS and non-AIDS-defining comorbid conditions, risk factors for death such as active substance abuse or
such as cancer. other comorbid disease. Second, although the present
work reflects a large study of mortality after cancer
More than 50% of HIV-infected patients diagnosed with diagnosis, information regarding tobacco exposure,
cancer in our cohort had advanced (stage IV) disease at alcohol abuse, viral hepatitis coinfection, noncancer
the time of diagnosis. Additionally, at least 25% of patients AIDS diagnoses, cancer stage, and cancer treatment were
received no cancer treatment. This is surprising, as subject to imprecision and potential misclassification.
individuals in this study were receiving cART in Third, despite extensive medical record review, detailed
specialized HIV clinics and routinely engaged in care cancer staging information was not available for 26% of
with quarterly monitoring on average. Although it is cancer diagnoses, a key predictor of mortality. However,
possible that HIV infection and associated immune we used multiple imputations to account for missing
system dysfunction accelerate the rate of cancer staging information in the final adjusted model for the full
progression to advanced and untreatable states, our cohort, and our results were consistent with multivariable
findings could be explained by poor cancer awareness, analyses conducted on two subsets of patients with known
inadequate screening practices, or lack of prompt therapy. cancer stage. Fourth, we did not account for changes over

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
698 AIDS 2011, Vol 25 No 5

(a) (b)
100 100

80 80

% Mortality NHL

% Mortality
60 60

40 40
20 20

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Years from cancer Years from cancer
(c) (d)
100 100
80 80
% Mortality

% Mortality

60 60

40 Anal 40

20 20 Prostate

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Years from cancer Years from cancer

Fig. 1. Cumulative mortality over time. (a) By summary cancer type. (b–d) By individual cancer types within the cancer summary
categories. ADC, AIDS-defining cancer; CNS, central nervous system; IR NADC, infection-related non-AIDS-defining cancer; IU
NADC, infection-unrelated non-AIDS-defining cancer; KS, Kaposi’s sarcoma; NHL, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

time for certain factors, such as CD4 cell count and the occurrence and timing of mortality was based on
cART, which will be the focus of subsequent analyses. active and passive surveillance also leading to minimal
Fifth, we did not have information on cause of death and misclassification. Third, distinct from previous studies, we
were unable to provide direct comparisons of our findings were able to examine multiple risk factors for mortality
with a matched population of patients without HIV among HIV-infected patients with cancer including CD4
infection. In the modern era of cART, patients with cell count, HIV-RNA level, cancer stage, viral hepatitis
cancer and HIV infection have several competing risks for coinfection, smoking, and alcohol exposure.
death that vary depending on individual cancer type. We
were limited by a small number of cases of specific cancer In conclusion, among individuals with cancer and HIV
types and aggregate findings may not accurately capture infection treated with cART, we observed independent
outcomes for less common cancers. Future research in effects on mortality of low CD4 cell count, lack of HIV-
this area will require multicenter cohorts with large RNA suppression and cancer treatment, and cancers
numbers of individuals with specific cancer types and unrelated to infection. In addition, a large proportion of
detailed information about cause of death. patients engaged in routine HIV care were diagnosed late
with stage IV cancer. Our results support earlier initiation
Despite these limitations, this work has several strengths. of cART and aggressive cancer screening and treatment
First, this was a multicenter collaborative effort from a practices to maintain immunologic function, obtain
large and diverse population with cancer diagnoses optimal virologic suppression, control viral coinfections,
rigorously verified to minimize misclassification. Second, detect cancers at an early stage, and provide appropriate

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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