Devices For Endoscopic Hemostasis of Nonvariceal GI Bleeding (With Videos)
Devices For Endoscopic Hemostasis of Nonvariceal GI Bleeding (With Videos)
Devices For Endoscopic Hemostasis of Nonvariceal GI Bleeding (With Videos)
This document was reviewed and approved by the Governing Board of the American Society for Gastrointestinal
Endoscopy (ASGE).
Background: Endoscopic intervention is often the first line of therapy for GI nonvariceal bleeding. Although
some of the devices and techniques used for this purpose have been well studied, others are relatively new,
with few available outcomes data.
Methods: In this document, we review devices and techniques for endoscopic treatment of nonvariceal GI
bleeding, the evidence regarding their efficacy and safety, and financial considerations for their use.
Results: Devices used for endoscopic hemostasis in the GI tract can be classified into injection devices (needles),
thermal devices (multipolar/bipolar probes, hemostatic forceps, heater probe, argon plasma coagulation, radiofre-
quency ablation, and cryotherapy), mechanical devices (clips, suturing devices, banding devices, stents), and
topical devices (hemostatic sprays).
Conclusions: Endoscopic evaluation and treatment remains a cornerstone in the management of nonvariceal
upper- and lower-GI bleeding. A variety of devices is available for hemostasis of bleeding lesions in the GI tract.
Other than injection therapy, which should not be used as monotherapy, there are few compelling data that
strongly favor any one device over another. For endoscopists, the choice of a hemostatic device should depend
on the type and location of the bleeding lesion, the availability of equipment and expertise, and the cost of the
device. (VideoGIE 2019;4:285-99.)
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Devices for endoscopic hemostasis
guidance is indicated, the most recent coding data and list vasoconstriction, and indirect activation of the coagulation
prices at the time of publication are provided. For this re- cascade.3 Tissue coagulation by heat requires a
view, the MEDLINE database was searched through temperature of approximately 70 C.3 Thermal devices
September 2017 for articles related to endoscopic hemo- used for endoscopic hemostasis in the GI tract have
stasis devices by using relevant keywords such as “gastroin- traditionally been divided into contact (bipolar/multipolar
testinal bleeding,” “GI bleeding,” “nonvariceal bleeding,” electrocautery, heater probe, and hemostatic forceps)
“endoscopic hemostasis,” and “endoscopic treatment,” and noncontact devices (argon plasma coagulation)
among others. Technology Status Evaluation Reports are (Tables 2 and 3).
scientific reviews provided solely for educational and infor- Bipolar/multipolar electrocoagulation probes.
mational purposes. Technology Status Evaluation Reports Hemostasis using electric current passing through a probe
are not rules and should not be construed as establishing to generate heat can be performed using either a monop-
a legal standard of care or as encouraging, advocating, olar or a multipolar electrocoagulation (MPEC) device.4
requiring, or discouraging any particular treatment or pay- With monopolar devices, the current passes through the
ment for such treatment. patient and back to the unit via a return pad, whereas
with MPEC devices, the electric current is confined to
the tissue between the electrodes within the instrument
tip, obviating the need for a return pad.4,5
The MPEC probe can be used tangentially to, or perpen-
Endoscopic intervention is often the first line of therapy
dicularly to, the bleeding source. Pressure is applied to
for upper- and lower-GI nonvariceal bleeding. Devices
compress and seal the walls of the bleeding vessel (“coap-
used for endoscopic hemostasis in the GI tract can be clas-
tive coagulation”).6 MPEC probes are available in 7F and
sified into injection devices (needles), thermal devices
10F diameters with an irrigation port at the tip; the 10F
(multipolar/bipolar probes, hemostatic forceps, heater
probe requires the use of an endoscope with a 3.2 mm
probe, argon plasma coagulation, radiofrequency ablation
diameter instrument channel. Probe size, wattage,
and cryotherapy), mechanical devices (clips, suturing de-
contact pressure and duration, and number of
vices, banding devices, stents), and topical devices (hemo-
applications will vary depending on the lesion being
static sprays). This document describes technologies used
for endoscopic hemostasis. Cryotherapy and radiofre-
Heater probe. The heater probe comprises a PTFE–
quency ablation were described in detail in separate recent
coated hollow aluminum cylinder with an inner heating
ASGE Technology assessments and are not reviewed in this
coil and an irrigation port at the tip of a 230- to 300-cm
7F to 10F catheter.3 The probes are reusable and are
compatible with the HPU-20 (Olympus America, Center
TECHNOLOGY UNDER REVIEW Valley, Pa, USA) power source. The probe transfers heat
from its end or sides, causing tissue coagulation. The
Injection needles PTFE coating reduces adherence of the probe to tissue.7
Injection needles consist of an outer sheath made of The probe is placed directly at the site of the bleeding
plastic, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE, Teflon), or stainless vessel, either perpendicularly or tangentially, with
steel, an inner hollow-core needle (19-25 gauge), and a pressure applied for coaptive coagulation. A foot pedal
handle. The handle is used to manipulate the needle in controls heat activation and irrigation. Once the pulse
or out of the outer sheath. The handle includes a Luer has been initiated, the duration of activation is
lock connector for a syringe attachment. The needle is predetermined and will deliver the entire amount of
kept within the sheath for safe advancement through the preselected energy.3 A power setting of 25 J to 30 J per
working channel of the endoscope. When the target is pulse, using 4 to 5 pulses (total of 100-150 J) per station
reached, the outer sheath is advanced beyond the endo- (before the probe position is changed) has been
scope tip, and the needle is extended to a preset distance. recommended for peptic ulcer bleeding.7 Of note, sales
A syringe is then attached to the handle to inject liquid of the HPU-20 in the United States were discontinued in
agents into the target tissue.3 Injection of various 2011, and the manufacturer has communicated its inten-
solutions achieves hemostasis by mechanical tamponade tion to discontinue sales of the compatible probes in
and/or cytochemical mechanisms. Injection needles of 2019 (personal communication).
various lengths and diameters have been developed for Hemostatic forceps. Hemostatic forceps are devices
endoscopic hemostasis in the GI tract (Table 1). that were developed initially for treatment and prevention
of bleeding during endoscopic resection (Fig. 1). The
Thermal devices bleeding tissue is grasped within the jaws of the forceps,
Endoscopic hemostasis can be achieved by the applica- and electrocoagulation is used to coagulate the bleeding
tion of heat or cold at the site of bleeding. Heat causes he- source; retraction of the tissue will limit the depth of
mostasis by inducing edema, protein coagulation, coagulation injury. Hemostatic forceps are available from
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Devices for endoscopic hemostasis
Boston Scientific (Natick, Inject sclerotherapy needle 7 200, 240 23, 25 4, 6 $70 each
Mass, USA)
Medtronic Endoscopic Click-tip injection needle 7 180, 230 19, 4, 6 $743.88/
Technologies box of 10
(Chelmsford, 180, 230 22, 25 4, 6 $704.64/
Mass, USA) box of 10
FlexiTip disposable 7 160, 230 25 4, 5, 6 $294.6/
sclerotherapy needle - standard box of 5
FlexiTip disposable sclerotherapy 7 160, 230 25 4, 5, 6 $362.5/ Visible in
needle - optic yellow tip box of 5 bloody field
Cook Medical AcuJect variable 7 220 23, 25 Variable $51 each
(Winston-Salem, injection needle
NC, USA) Disposable varices 7 200-320 23, 25 Variable $62-86 each
injector 7 220 23, 25 Variable $61 each Flush port
Halyard Health Injection needle 7 160, 200, 240 23, 25 4, 6 $318.94/
(Roswell, Ga, USA) catheter box of 10
Olympus America (Center Injector Force Max 7 165-230 21, 23, 25 4, 5, 6, 8 $433.50 (21G)/
Valley, Pa, USA) injection needle box of 5
US Endoscopy (Mentor, Articulator Injection needle 7 160, 230, 350 25 4, 5 $53/box of 5
Ohio, USA) Carr-Locke injection needle 7 230 25 5 $63/box of 5
iSnare 10 230 23, 25 5 $139/box of 5 2.5- 4-cm
integrated snare
multiple manufacturers: Olympus Coagrasper, Fujifilm Variables of system setup include power (watts), gas-
Clutch Cutter (Fujifilm Medical Systems USA, Inc, flow rate, and mode of energy delivery.4 Increased power
Stamford, Conn, USA), Sumitomo Bakelite SB Knife results in more rapid devitalization of tissue and deeper
(Sumitomo Bakelite Co, Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) and vary in penetration. Gas flow should be set at the lowest
features including jaw shape, opening width, rotatability, possible rate for desired tissue effect to reduce the risk
and working length. Use of electrosurgical current of gas embolization and argon-related pneumoperito-
waveforms in which the peak voltage is held below 200 neum.4 The mode of current delivery can be set to either
volts, such as Soft Coag mode with the Erbe Vio 300 unit forced or pulsed. Forced mode entails continuous
(Erbe USA, Inc, Marietta, Ga, USA) or TouchSoft mode delivery of energy, resulting in more rapid tissue
with the gi4000 unit (US Endoscopy, Mentor, Ohio, USA) devitalization and hemostasis. By contrast, pulsed mode
has been described when using hemostatic forceps.8-10 He- sends intermittent bursts of energy to the tissue,
mostatic forceps that have been cleared by the U.S. Food resulting in a more superficial effect.4 APC is particularly
and Drug Administration (FDA) are monopolar devices; bi- well suited for superficial treatments because the
polar devices have been developed but are not currently penetration depth of the coagulation is limited to only a
available in the United States.11,12 few millimeters.13 APC probes are available in a variety of
Argon plasma coagulation. Argon plasma coagula- lengths and diameters with forward, side, or
tion (APC) is a noncontact thermal method of hemostasis. circumferential ports allowing forward, tangential, or
An APC delivery system consists of an argon gas cylinder, a circumferential applications, respectively.3
computer-controlled, high-frequency electrosurgical
generator with a gas flow-controlling valve, and an endo-
scopic probe.4 Inert argon gas is converted to ionized Mechanical devices
argon gas (plasma) by a monopolar electrode at the tip Clips. Clips are metallic devices that effect hemostasis
of the probe. The probe tip is placed close to the by mechanical approximation of tissue and subsequent
bleeding lesion, with the optimal distance ranging from 2 tamponade. Two broad categories of clips are currently
to 8 mm.3 High-frequency monopolar current is then con- available for endoscopic hemostasis in the GI tract:
ducted through the gas, resulting in tissue coagulation. through-the-scope (TTS) clips and cap-mounted clips.
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Devices for endoscopic hemostasis
Sheath Sheath
diameter length
Manufacturer Device name (French) (cm) List price Special features
Sheath Sheath
diameter length
Manufacturer Device name (French) (cm) Fire direction List price Special features
Canady (Hampton, Va, USA) Canady plasma 5, 7 230, 340 Straight, side $1650/box of 10
GI probe $165/probe
Medtronic Endoscopic Technologies Beamer argon 5, 7, 10 160, 230, 320 Straight, fire $3202.80/box of 10
(Chelmsford, Mass, USA) probe
Beamer argon 7 160, 230 Straight, fire $2241.60/box of 5 Combination APC
snare probe probe and snare
ERBE USA, Inc. (Marietta, Ga, USA) APC probe 5, 7, 10 150, 220, 300 Straight, side, $2139.50 to
circumferential 2459.50/box of 10*
FiAPC probe 5, 7, 10 150, 220, 300 Straight, side, $2139.50 to Integrated filter
circumferential 2459.50/box of 10y
*Endoscopy size.
yEndoscope cap depth.
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Devices for endoscopic hemostasis
Figure 1. Colonic (left) and gastric (right) Coagrasper hemostatic forceps. (Image used with permission from Gastrointest Endosc 2015;81:1311-25.)
TTS clips were specifically developed for endoscopic he- a (atraumatic), type t (traumatic), and type gc (gastric fis-
mostasis in the GI tract and have been in use for many tula closure).14 The type a clip is marketed for
years (Video 1, available online at hemostasis applications. The clips are available in 3 sizes,
They are composed of 3 main components: a metallic with the variation corresponding to different diameters of
double-pronged clip, a delivery catheter, and a handle the application cap, which is necessary for compatibility
used to operate and deploy the clip.3 The orientation of with a range of endoscope outer diameters (8.5 mm to
some clips can be adjusted by rotating the handle itself 14.5 mm). Two proprietary devices are available to
or a component of the handle. Some clips can be further retract tissue into the cap if needed: a dual-arm for-
reopened after initial closure before deployment. TTS ceps (“OTSC Twin Grasper”) and a tissue anchoring tripod
clips of various sizes and lengths are commercially (“OTSC Anchor”).16
available (Table 4). The Padlock system consists of an application cap with a
Cap-mounted clips were developed for endoscopic preloaded nitinol clip that is mounted onto the distal tip of
closure of GI perforations and fistulae, but they also have util- an endoscope and is attached to a releasing mechanism
ity in hemostasis. Compared with TTS clips, cap-mounted installed on the handle of the scope by a linking cable.
clips are able to compress a larger amount of tissue.14 As opposed to the OTSC system, the linking cable runs
Currently, 2 cap-mounted clip systems are commercially outside the scope, not within the instrument channel.15
available; the over-the-scope clip system (OTSC, Ovesco This design theoretically may allow for more efficient
Endoscopy AG, Tübingen, Germany) and the Padlock system suction of tissue into the cap.15 The Padlock system is
(US Endoscopy) (Fig. 2). Both systems are cleared by the available in 2 options: “Padlock Clip” for endoscopes
FDA for hemostatic indications.15 between 9.5 mm and 11 mm in outer diameter, and
The OTSC system comprises an application cap with a “Padlock Clip Pro-Select” for endoscopes between
preloaded nitinol clip that is mounted onto the distal tip 11.5 mm and 14 mm in outer diameter.17
of an endoscope. The mounted clip is attached to a Endoscopic suturing devices. An endoscopic sutur-
rotating wheel installed on the handle of the scope by a ing device (OverStitch, Apollo Endosurgery, Austin, Tex,
string that runs through the instrument channel of the USA) is currently available for clinical use. The primary ap-
endoscope. Rotating the wheel on the handle releases plications of this device are perforation closure and bariat-
the clip from the cap. The setup and deployment of these ric treatment.15 It is FDA cleared for soft tissue
clips is similar to band ligators used to treat esophageal approximation.15 Use of this device for attaining
varices. Three variants of the clip are available, with hemostasis in bleeding gastric and anastomotic ulcers has
differing configurations of the tissue-grasping teeth: type been described.18,19
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Devices for endoscopic hemostasis
Sheath Sheath
diameter length Jaw opening
Manufacturer Device name (French) (cm) width (mm) List price Special features
Boston Scientific Resolution Clip 7 155, 235 11 $330/each Open/close jaw
(Natick, Mass, USA) up to 5 times
MR conditional up
to 3 Tesla
Resolution 360 Clip 7 155, 235 11 $370/each Open/close jaw
up to 5 times
MR conditional
up to 3 Tesla
Controlled rotation in
tortuous anatomy
Can be rotated by
technician or endoscopist
Olympus America QuickClip2 7 165, 230 9 $713/box of 5
(Center Valley, Pa, USA) QuickClip2 long 7 165, 230 11 $2726/box of 20
The OverStitch device requires a double-channel endo- but it also has utility in the treatment of nonvariceal
scope (compatible only with Olympus scopes GIF-2T160 bleeding.23 Endoscopic banding devices consist of a
or GIF-2T180; Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) and transparent cap, a connecting wire or string, and a
consists of a suture anchor with a detachable needle tip handle. The cap is mounted on the distal end of the
carrying absorbable (2-0 or 3-0 polydioxanone) or nonab- endoscope and carries 4 to 10 preloaded bands.24 The
sorbable (2-0 or 3-0 polypropylene) sutures.15,20,21 This de- cap is connected to the handle by a connecting wire or
vice is described in detail in an ASGE technology string that runs through the instrument channel of the
assessment titled Endoscopic Closure Devices.22 endoscope. Once the bleeding lesion is suctioned into
Banding Devices. Endoscopic band ligation (EBL) is a the cap, rotation of the handle pulls the connecting wire,
well-established therapy for bleeding esophageal varices, leading to deployment of a band.25 Placement of a band
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Devices for endoscopic hemostasis
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Devices for endoscopic hemostasis
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Devices for endoscopic hemostasis
Argon plasma coagulation. A meta-analysis of 2 RCTs patients with high-risk bleeding ulcers treated endoscopi-
(n Z 121) comparing monotherapy with either APC or other cally, no combination of treatments was superior to me-
endoscopic hemostatic interventions (heater probe, injection chanical therapy with hemostatic clips alone.76 Another
sclerotherapy) for treatment of peptic ulcer bleeding found meta-analysis of 15 RCTs (n Z 1156) suggested that suc-
no significant outcomes differences between the treatment cessful application of clips is superior to injection
modalities.58 In an RCT of 116 patients with peptic ulcer therapy but comparable with thermocoagulation in pro-
bleeding, patients were randomized to combined therapy ducing definitive hemostasis in patients with nonvariceal
with distilled water injection plus APC (n Z 58) or distilled UGIB.56
water injection alone (n Z 58).59 Although initial Although no randomized studies have assessed the use
hemostasis rates were similar (97% vs 95%), the recurrent of TTS clips in LGIB, case series and reports have sug-
bleeding rate was significantly lower in the combination gested the effectiveness of clips for this purpose.45,77 For
therapy group (3.6% vs 16%, P Z .03).59 diverticular bleeding, endoscopic clips have been recom-
Three RCTs of comparable size (n Z 151 to n Z 185) mended to reduce the theoretic risk of transmural colonic
have evaluated the effectiveness of APC plus epinephrine injury associated with contact thermal therapy.77 An RCT
versus other modalities (heater probe, clip, hemostatic for- (n Z 1499) did not find prophylactic clipping to affect
ceps) plus epinephrine for treatment of peptic ulcer the rate of postpolypectomy bleeding for polyps <2 cm
bleeding.57,60,61 In all 3 trials, there were no significant dif- in diameter.78 A recent meta-analysis confirmed these re-
ferences between the 2 groups in terms of initial hemosta- sults and suggested that the use of prophylactic clip place-
sis (>95% in all treatment arms), recurrent bleeding, or ment after polypectomy should not be a routine practice.79
other relevant clinical outcomes. However, prophylactic clip placement in certain high-risk
Serial APC treatments in patients with bleeding gastric patients (eg, requiring anticoagulation, large and/or right-
antral vascular ectasia (GAVE) have been associated with sided lesions) may be beneficial, and this decision should
reduced transfusion requirements and improved hemoglo- be individualized.80
bin levels.62-64 In an RCT of 88 cirrhotic patients with Cap-mounted clips. In a retrospective study of 93 pa-
GAVE, participants were randomized to endoscopic treat- tients with 100 episodes of severe upper- (n Z 69) and
ment with either EBL (n Z 44) or APC (n Z 44).65 The lower- (n Z 31) GI bleeding treated with the OTSC system,
number of sessions required for complete obliteration of immediate hemostasis and absence of in-hospital recurrent
the lesions was lower with EBL therapy (2.98 sessions vs bleeding were achieved in 88 of 100 (88%) and 78 of 100
3.48 sessions; P < .05). The EBL group also required (78%) patients, respectively.81 Other smaller studies have
significantly fewer blood transfusions. There were no shown similar results.82-85 Successful use of the Padlock
significant differences in adverse event rates between the system to achieve hemostasis has been reported in 2
2 groups.65 APC has shown effectiveness for treatment of case series totaling 5 patients (1 bleeding rectal ulcer, 3
other types of UGIB including angioectasias, Dieulafoy postpolypectomy bleeds, and 1 duodenal Dieulafoy
lesions, portal hypertensive gastropathy, and tumor lesion).86,87
bleeding in small case series.66-69 In a Korean retrospective Endoscopic suturing. Outcomes data on the use of
series of 66 patients with obscure GI bleeding who under- the Overstitch device for hemostasis in the GI tract are
went balloon enteroscopy and were found to have small- limited to a small case series of 3 patients with gastric ulcer
bowel angioectasias, 45 patients underwent endoscopic bleeding and a case report of bleeding anastomotic ulcer
treatment (APC in 87%), and 21 did not receive any endo- after gastric bypass surgery.18,19 In all patients, bleeding
scopic treatment.70 During a mean follow-up time of 24.5 was controlled with the suturing device.
months, the recurrent bleeding rates in the endoscopic- Banding devices. In a study of 88 cirrhotic patients
treatment arm and no-treatment arm were 15.6% and with GAVE who were randomized to EBL or APC, the num-
38.2% (P Z .059). ber of sessions required for complete obliteration of the le-
Multiple small studies and case series have reported a sions and the number of required blood transfusions were
reduction in rectal bleeding and transfusion requirements significantly lower with EBL therapy.65 In a retrospective
and improvement in hemoglobin levels after serial treat- analysis of a prospectively maintained endoscopic
ments with APC for radiation proctopathy.71-74 One RCT database, outcomes from 24 patients with bleeding
(n Z 30) found APC to be equally effective as MPEC, duodenal Dieulafoy lesions were evaluated.88 After
with fewer adverse events for control of rectal bleeding treatment with EBL (n Z 11) or endoscopic clip
associated with radiation proctopathy.52 APC has also placement (n Z 13), primary hemostasis was achieved in
been reported to be an effective treatment for bleeding all patients. Recurrent bleeding was observed in 1 patient
colonic angioectasias.75 (9.1%) from the EBL group and in 5 patients (38.5%)
from the clip group (P Z .166). There were no
Mechanical therapy differences in secondary outcomes between the 2
Through-the-scope clips. In a subgroup analysis groups, including number of endoscopic sessions
from a large meta-analysis (20 studies, n Z 2472) of required, need for angiographic embolization or
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Devices for endoscopic hemostasis
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Devices for endoscopic hemostasis
bleeding vessels within a large fibrotic ulcer base because FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS
there may be inadequate tissue to anchor the clip.3
Rotatable clips may permit easier alignment of the open List prices of commonly used hemostatic devices in the
jaws with the bleeding vessel. Differences in the jaw United States are shown in Tables 1 through 4. Device
opening and the length of the tail of the clip may affect costs for most clinical enterprises will be lower than list
performance in different anatomic locations. Potential prices owing to purchasing agreements. Current
disadvantages of the cap-mounted clips include require- Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes for endoscopic
ment for scope withdrawal to load the device, difficulty hemostasis, any method, include the following: 43227
in traversing the cricopharyngeus or luminal stenoses (esophagoscopy), 43255 (EGD), 44366 (enteroscopy not
with the mounted cap, and challenge in accessing certain including ileum), 44378 (enteroscopy including ileum),
areas of the GI tract.21 In addition, cap-mounted clips are 44391 (colonoscopy through stoma), 45334 (flexible
difficult to remove. Limitations of endoscopic suturing de- sigmoidoscopy), and 45382 (colonoscopy). When CPT
vices are lack of widespread availability, need for a codes are used for nonvariceal bleeding, additional codes
double-channel endoscope, technical complexity, and for injection or EBL are not concomitantly reported.
restricted maneuverability, hindering access to some
areas of the GI tract.21
Advantages of topical hemostatic agents include ease AREAS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH
of application in a variety of locations and the potential
utility for treatment of many different bleeding le- Topical hemostatic agents such as Hemospray are
sions.30,119 Disadvantages of these agents include a tran- promising treatments for GI bleeding. Comparative studies
sient reduction in endoscopic visualization and possible between these agents and other conventional modalities
interference with other treatment modalities if hemosta- would be useful to better define their clinical role. Cap-
sis should fail.30,119 mounted clips may be particularly useful in refractory
bleeding because they allow ligation of larger vessels and
may be less hindered by fibrotic tissue than TTS clips.
Further clinical experience will serve to better define the
SAFETY bleeding lesions and the anatomic locations that are best
served by cap-mounted clips. The presently available
Adverse events of injection therapy are usually related endoscopic suturing system is restricted to use with a
to the substance injected rather than to the needle itself.3 double-channel endoscope, but a suturing platform is in
Rare adverse events include tissue necrosis, ulceration, development for use with standard endoscopes and thus
and perforation, and also hypertension and cardiac may potentially have broader applicability. Although hemo-
arrhythmia with epinephrine injection.120,121 Serious static forceps have been used primarily for the prevention
adverse events of endoscopic thermal hemostasis and treatment of bleeding during endoscopic resection,
include uncontrollable bleeding and perforation.122 their use as therapy for noniatrogenic GI bleeding should
Pooled data from prospective controlled trials of bipolar be further evaluated.
electrocoagulation and heater-probe therapy for peptic
ulcer hemostasis reported bleeding that required urgent SUMMARY
surgery in 5 of 1684 cases (0.3%) and perforation in 8 of
1684 cases (0.5%) .123 The risk of perforation may be Endoscopic evaluation and treatment remain a corner-
increased with retreatment after initial thermal stone in the management of nonvariceal upper- and
therapy.124 A meta-analysis of RCTs reported similar re- lower-GI bleeding. A variety of devices are available for he-
sults.125 Adverse events from APC are rare and include mostasis of bleeding lesions in the GI tract. Other than in-
distention of the GI tract with argon gas, submucosal jection therapy, which should not be used as
emphysema, pneumomediastinum, pneumoperitoneum, monotherapy, there are few compelling data that strongly
and perforation.3 Intracolonic gas explosion with favor any one device over another. For endoscopists, the
inadequate colonic cleansing has been described; as choice of a hemostatic device should depend on the
such, complete colonic cleansing is recommended before type and location of the bleeding lesion, the availability
use of APC in the colon.118 Clip deployment failure has of equipment and expertise, and the cost of the device.
been described at certain locations in the GI tract,
particularly the posterior wall of the duodenal bulb.56
Perforation from clip placement has been reported but is DISCLOSURES
exceedingly rare.126 The reported adverse events
associated with topical hemostatic agents are primarily The following authors disclosed financial relationships
technical in nature, including occlusion of the spray relevant to this publication: J. Melson: Independent inves-
catheter or instrument channel.126 tigator grant support from Boston Scientific Corporation;
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Devices for endoscopic hemostasis
Medical Advisory Board for Clinical Genomics. H. Asla- 15. Weilert F, Binmoeller KF. New endoscopic technologies and proce-
nian: Consultant for Boston Scientific and Olympus. dural advances for endoscopic hemostasis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepa-
tol 2016;14:1234-44.
M. Bhutani: Advisory Board for Medi-Globe. D. Lichten- 16. OTSC System. Over the scope clipping system for flexible endoscopy.
stein: Consultant for Olympus. U. Navaneethan: Consul- Available at:
tant for Takeda, AbbVie, and Janssen. R. Pannala: OTSC_System_Broschure_eng_Rev09_2017-01-30_hp.pdf. Accessed
Consultant for Boston Scientific Corp.; research support September 5, 2017.
from Apollo Endosurgery. M. Parsi: Consultant for and 17. Padlock Clip Defect Closure System. Available at:
honoraria from Boston Scientific. A. Sethi: Consultant Accessed September 5, 2017.
for Boston Scientific Corporation and Olympus. G. Triku- 18. Barola S, Magnuson T, Schweitzer M, et al. Endoscopic suturing for
danathan: Advisory Board for AbbVie. All other authors massively bleeding marginal ulcer 10 days post Roux-en-Y gastric
disclosed no financial relationships relevant to this bypass. Obes Surg 2017;27:1394-6.
publication. 19. Chiu PW, Chan FK, Lau JY. Endoscopic suturing for ulcer exclusion in
patients with massively bleeding large gastric ulcer. Gastroenterology
Abbreviations: ABS, Ankaferd blood stopper; APC, argon plasma 20. Appolo Endosurgery. OverStitch endoscopic suturing system. Avail-
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enterology and Hepatology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (2), Sec- Chair, 800 Stanton L Young Blvd, AAT 7400, Division of Digestive Diseases
tion of Digestive Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Yale and Nutrition, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma
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