The Financial Education Fallacy
The Financial Education Fallacy
The Financial Education Fallacy
By Lauren E. Willis∗
In the wake of the Great Recession, financial education has received renewed political
Brothers’ top brass would have benefitted from more financial education, apparently the logic is
that ordinary consumers would have made better mortgage choices and would have accumulated
sufficient precautionary savings to weather the recession if they had received financial education.
Objective observers generally admit that research to date does not demonstrate a causal chain
from financial education to higher financial literacy to better financial behavior to improved
financial outcomes (Shawn Cole and Gauri Kartini Shastry 2008; Ian Hathaway and Sameer
Khatiwada 2008; Lauren E. Willis 2009; William G. Gale and Ruth Levine 2010), in part due to
biases, heuristics, and other nonrational influences on financial decisions. Yet the search for
But it is time to ask whether the entire enterprise is misguided. Do we want to live in a
society where ordinary consumers are left to navigate one by one through an ever-changing
cornucopia of financial products armed only with education? What would “education” to
counteract the nonrational determinants of financial behavior look like? If we could create a
better off?
Two reasons we might not want to create such a world are discussed here. First, the time,
expense, and invasion of privacy that would be required, if it were possible at all, would be
Loyola Law School Los Angeles, 919 Albany Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015 (e-mail: [email protected])
enormous. Second, living in such a world would entail, paradoxically, a decrease in individual
autonomy. Alternative tools should be explored that could potentially increase household
financial welfare and security at lower social and individual expense. A review of the research on
financial literacy education reveals a slew of fallacious arguments (Willis 2009), but the
fundamental fallacy may be the assumption that this is the path we should take at all.
I have argued elsewhere that, realistically, we will never find the effective financial
education for which many search (Willis 2008), but let us assume here that we can. What would
it take to make financial education effective? Studies of existing programs have shown that even
semester-long high-school courses (Jump$tart Coalition 2006, 1; Louis Mandell and Linda
Schmid Klein 2009) and eighteen months of adult credit counseling (Jinhee Kim, E. Thomas
Garman and Benoit Sorhaindo 2003, 85) have not been enough.
A number of factors would make effective financial education extremely costly. First,
there is the abysmal state of most consumers’ financial literacy. Over 40% of baby-boomers
approaching retirement could not divide lottery winnings among five people and over 80% either
did not understand the meaning of compounding or lacked the math skills to calculate compound
interest on $200 over two periods (Annamaria Lusardi and Olivia S. Mitchell 2007). Millions of
Americans fall prey to fraudulent credit repair schemes each year (Federal Trade Commission
2005). As a result, effective financial education would need to be very extensive, imparting skills
ranging from performing basic math to assessing the reliability of information sources.
A second source of expense is the complexity of financial decisions and the heterogeneity
of consumer financial circumstances and values. A rule-of-thumb to spend no more than 28% of
monthly income on a mortgage was straightforward to apply when mortgages had payments that
were level. But today consumers face mortgages with variable and uncertain future monthly
payments. Further, the “right” answer for one consumer will not be the right answer for another,
because households differ dramatically. Paying all bills is welfare-enhancing for some, but
complexity and heterogeneity, mass public education campaigns would not be effective financial
The speed with which product offerings and industry practices change is a third hurdle
for financial education. Yesterday’s new product was the option ARM, today it is the medical
credit card. It was once “common wisdom” that people should save 10% of their annual income
for retirement, but projections about longevity and health care costs indicate that 10% is not
enough. The consumer financial marketplace is dynamic, yet major personal finance decisions
are episodic, so consumers do not keep up with changes in the ordinary course of walking down
the grocery aisle. Due to its short shelf life, financial education would need to be given
Fourth, industry has substantial resources with which it can outmaneuver education.
When public education campaigns blasted warnings about predatory mortgages, lenders of every
stripe quickly adapted their marketing to proclaim their trustworthiness. Financial services firms
engage in so much marketing because it works. Given the ubiquity of advertising, effective
The ultimate challenge for financial education is that even those who are financially
knowledgeable and skilled make poor financial decisions surprisingly often. Logical
decisionmaking can be trumped by a host of biases, heuristics, and emotional states, all of which
Financial decisions can be strongly affected by even transitory emotions related to
nothing more than the weather. But the decisions themselves also present triggers for nonrational
responses. The number of product choices and amount of information needed to fully assess each
are overwhelming, leading some consumers to oversimplified decision strategies and others to
paralysis. The stakes involved produce stress, and stress occupies mental resources, for many
people resulting in a failure to consider all pertinent dimensions of the decision. Financial
decisions require an assessment of the probabilities, timing, and costs of a host of misfortunes,
from job loss to health problems, to which some consumers respond with either denial or
overoptimism. The consequences of financial behaviors today often will not be known or felt for
many years, but in making decisions people often place too little weight on delayed or uncertain
outcomes, although at widely varying discount rates. Willpower is also taxed, as choices
producing immediate gratification often have long-term financial costs, but willpower and
cognitive effort consume the same finite resource in the brain; if one is being exercised, the
capacity for the other goes down. Many financial products are sold in one-on-one settings, and
consumers frequently place too much trust in salespeople. Finally, some consumers are plagued
by overconfidence in their own abilities, and others by underconfidence. In one study, over 16%
of respondents who assessed their own financial literacy as being at the highest level objectively
tested in the bottom quartile, and over 8% who self-assessed their literacy at the lowest level
tested in the top quartile (Annamaria Lusardi and Olivia S. Mitchell 2007, 23).
Attempts to train people so as to “debias” decisionmaking have largely failed, but provide
clues about what would be needed to do so. Several techniques to reduce overconfidence have
been tried. Having subjects consider reasons a decision or the assumptions on which it depends
might be incorrect sometimes reduces overconfidence, but only for subjects who can easily bring
many such reasons to mind (Norbert Schwarz, Lawrence J. Sanna, Ian Skurnik and Carolyn
Yoon 2007, 135-137). Financial education would need to frequently and vividly remind
consumers of reasons that their assumptions could be incorrect to ensure that these reasons
would be brought easily to mind. Giving subjects immediate, unambiguous, and accurate
feedback over a series of repeated games has been found helpful in reducing overconfidence, but
only overconfidence about making decisions taking the same form as the game. Because
educators could never predict and simulate every form of major financial decision a consumer
could face, to use this debiasing technique educators would need to intercede at the point of
actual decisions and engage in repeat play simulating the decision at hand.
reducing triggers for nonrational decisionmaking. Using psychotherapy, people might be trained
in techniques to distance themselves from their emotions or reduce stress when making financial
decisions. For time and uncertainty discounting, visualizing future or uncertain outcomes as if
occurring in the present might increase the decision weight placed on them.
debiasing techniques cannot be applied uniformly throughout the population. Trying to reduce
consumers to visualize uncertain future events – job loss or medical expenses, for example –
could lead to paralysis rather than accurate weighting. Educators would need to analyze each
individual’s psychology to know which biases are present and to what degree, adapt the training
Collectively, these realities mean that effective financial education would need to be
extensive, frequent, and personalized for each consumer. The government money and time
required would outstrip any public education campaign ever attempted. The price to individuals
in time spent on education – rather than, for example, earning more income – would be
enormous, such that on net, financial education might decrease wealth. For the government to
behaviorally track consumers so as to match industry’s influence would not only be expensive,
but also invasive. Even more invasive would be the psychological analyses needed to
individual autonomy.
First, many people do not want to spend their time or effort on receiving financial
instruction. Voluntary financial education is widely available today, yet seldom used. In one
study where credit card issuers warned thousands of credit card holders that they were at risk of
delinquency and offered them a free online financial literacy course, only .4% attempted to log
onto the website, and only .03% completed the course (Amy Brown and Kimberly Gartner 2007).
Ironically, those who participate voluntarily already have more financial knowledge, better
budgeting and planning skills, and more patience conducive to good money management than
those who decline. Therefore, effective financial education would need to be mandatory, forcing
those who would not have autonomously chosen to participate to do so. This imposition on
people’s lives would not be trivial, given the extensiveness and frequency of the education that
would be required.
thought processes, feelings, motivations, and ultimately their values. Overconfident people must
be trained to be less confident, and underconfident to be more. Impatient people must have their
discount rates altered. Trusting people must be made less trusting. The emerging field of
financial therapy, in which financial professionals and licensed mental health professionals
counsel individuals together, is premised on the idea that changing financial behavior requires
changing people’s emotional responses to money. Changing people in these ways may be good
for them, but for mandatory financial education to require people to engage in this sort of therapy
Third, the education programs would need to decide what lessons to teach against a
background in which we lack technical and normative consensus on what constitutes correct
financial behavior. For example, saving and investing for retirement today require predictions
about which experts routinely disagree, such as the returns that can reasonably be expected on
various investments over various future time periods. Like most financial decisions, selecting
investments also requires tradeoffs between risk and return that present a normative question:
how much financial risk should an individual or household take on? Financial education cannot
be effective if it sidesteps these issues. Although the Department of Labor’s retirement planning
guide instructs consumers to “select” a rate of return on each of their assets “depending on how
much you believe each … will increase in value,” (U.S. Department of Labor 2010, 47), a
consumer who can choose her rate of return has not been given sufficient tools to plan for
retirement. Telling a consumer that as her mortgage debt-to-income ratio goes up her risk of
foreclosure also increases, and then leaving her to decide what mortgage payment and risk of
foreclosure to take on, is not helpful. Most educators know this, and routinely teach students
what mix of investment products to select and what percentage of income to spend on a
mortgage. These lessons might be the right ones, but their selection reflects technical judgments
and normative decisions. Students who behave as taught are not exercising autonomy, but are
Most fundamentally, financial regulation through education is premised on the idea that
forcing each individual to make each financial decision in life for herself is autonomy-enhancing.
But many people do not enjoy financial planning and believe it takes too much time and effort
(Employee Benefit Research Institute 2009, 10). They fear regret if their choices turn out badly
and would rather not bear the responsibility of doing it themselves. Left to their own devices,
many consumers choose not to choose. Some avoid it by hiring financial advisors, others by
relying on advice from friends, family, and colleagues (Mariko Lin Chang 2005), and others by
doing nothing at all, sticking with the status quo. To enhance true autonomy, to give people more
ownership and control over their own daily lives and ultimate destinies, requires regulatory
interventions that support consumers’ desire not to make all of their own financial choices.
Financial education advocates may respond that their aim is not to create a world in
which financial education supplants regulation, but merely to provide some help to consumers at
the margins. But if the aim is merely to increase retirement savings and improve the manner in
which these savings are invested, it is unclear why financial education is the lowest cost path to
this result. Beefing up social security could produce the same result less expensively, and with
greater certainty. If the aim is to increase the likelihood that consumers would select mortgages
they will be able to afford, the cheaper path is likely to be regulation that aligns mortgage seller
incentives with long-run mortgage affordability. Even improving basic math skills might be
achieved more efficiently through prenatal nutrition or adult physical exercise programs than by
using mandatory financial education to repeat math instruction throughout adulthood. For each
goal, the costs of reaching that goal via financial education versus alternative paths should be
examined. Once the true time, money, privacy, and autonomy costs of financial education are
What are some alternatives to using financial education to regulate the consumer
financial market? One is to provide consumers with pro bono professional assistance to help
them navigate the market. Given that effective education would need to be individually-tailored
and given in a one-on-one setting, replacing the educators with professional advisors seems a
more cost-effective route. Regulating professional advisors well would be expensive, but
regulating financial educators well would be no less expensive. We do not ask people to be their
own doctors, lawyers, auto mechanics, food safety inspectors, etc., and, given the current
Another possibility is to abandon trying to change people and instead harness their biases
been more effective than retirement savings education and cost little to put in place. Exploiting
consumer preferences not to make decisions might be expanded to other realms, although
ensuring that firms do not undermine these defaults may prove difficult in many contexts.
mandates (for example, requiring consumers to buy health insurance) would reduce consumer
choice, but it is unclear that having the option to invest this way or to fail to buy insurance
provides any welfare benefits to consumers. Substantive regulation will sometimes ban products
that would help some consumers or require actions that do not benefit some consumers, but these
Regulation of sales incentives so as to align seller and consumer interests is another
possibility. Doing so well would require intrusion into the internal affairs of firms, but this seems
less problematic than the degree to which effective education would intrude into the personal
lives of consumers.
IV. Conclusion
The final salvo of financial education promoters is usually that education is the only
politically feasible path to improving consumers’ financial lives. Once the true costs are
considered, however, effective financial education looks much less politically palatable. A
society that is unwilling to pay for a K-12 education system that produces a populace that can
perform basic math is not going to pay for one that can do this and far more. Mandated adult
financial education has been unpopular; opposition quickly shut down an Illinois program to
The type of psychological counseling that would be required to debias consumers to enable them
to use financial knowledge and skills effectively is almost certainly a political nonstarter.
One clue that financial education is not the only politically feasible path is the amount of
money that industry spends on advocating for and funding financial education programs, even
though consumers who exercise welfare-enhancing personal financial behaviors typically are less
profitable for industry. Firms sometimes support these programs so as to use them as marketing
opportunities. But firms also support programs when they have no control over the content. Why?
Firms fear the other forms of regulation they believe they would face if they could not point to
financial education as the cure for consumer financial woes. But if the inefficacy of current
programs were known and the costs of effective financial education were truly understood, other
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