Shake-Table Tests of Partially Grouted Reinforced Masonry Buildings
Shake-Table Tests of Partially Grouted Reinforced Masonry Buildings
Shake-Table Tests of Partially Grouted Reinforced Masonry Buildings
Denver, Colorado May 17 20, 2015
This paper presents the results and findings of shake-table tests conducted on two full-scale,
one-story buildings that had partially grouted ordinary wall systems. One structure was
designed and detailed according to current code provisions and practice. The other had the
same design but with double side-by-side vertically reinforced cells and joint reinforcement in
every bed-joint. The results have shown that the building designed according to the code
provisions and practice had an adequate base shear capacity. The structure was able to
resist ground motions with effective intensities twice the MCE level without catastrophic
failures. However, the structure eventually failed in a very brittle manner. The ductility of the
second structure was much higher than that of the first mainly due to the double grouted
cells. The sliding resistance of the first test structure has been accurately estimated with the
shear-friction theory by using a coefficient of friction of 0.7. It has also been found that walls
orthogonal to the direction of the lateral seismic forces are not effective in resisting shear
Keywords: Shake table, Seismic performance, Reinforced masonry, Partially grouted,
Ductility, Shear walls, Sliding.
1 Graduate student researcher, Department of Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego, 9500
Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0085, USA, [email protected]
2 Professor, Department of Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La
Test Structures
Prototype Structure
2013) for SDC Cmax with SDS 0.5 g as defined in FEMA P695 [FEMA 2009]. Since ordinary
Both specimens were designed according to current codes (ASCE/SEI 2010 and MSJC
masonry walls were considered, an R factor of 2 was used. According to ASCE/SEI 2010, the
fundamental period of the prototype was 0.09 sec and the resulting design base shear 102
kips (454 kN). An elastic plane-frame model was employed to calculate the seismic demand
on each of the wall components. The flexural and shear capacity of the walls were calculated
according to the MSJC code [MSJC 2013].
Design of Specimen 1
The reinforcement details for Specimen 1 are illustrated in Figure 1. The details conform to
the current practice in that all the vertically grouted cells were separated by ungrouted
masonry. Both the vertical and horizontal reinforcement had Grade 60 No. 4 (129 mm2) bars.
The positions of the vertical bars satisfied the code requirements in that there was vertical
reinforcement of at least 0.2 in2 (129 mm2) in cross-sectional area adjacent to the openings
and at wall intersections and that the maximum bar spacing did not exceed 10 ft. (3.05 m).
Bond beams with horizontal reinforcement were placed at the first course above the footing
and at the top course below the roof slab. The top bond beams were required to connect the
roof slab to the walls with ties, but bond beams are normally not used for the first course in
practice. The bottom bond beams were introduced here to provide a better performance at
the base if the walls were to develop base sliding. While bond beams are required right
above and below an opening according to the code, they need not be extended continuously
along the whole wall unless they are required to resist shear. For this specimen, the
intermediate bond beams were not required to resist shear, but it was deemed beneficial to
tie the vertically grouted cells by bond beams at these locations so that adequate frame
actions could develop if the walls were to behave like an infill frame as shown in previous
studies [Schultz 1996 and Minaie 2010].
The roof system had 8-inch-thick precast hollow-core planks and 4-inch reinforced concrete
topping. It was much thicker than that of the prototype to attain the targeted gravity load of 76
kips (338 kN) without the need to include the entire tributary roof area for the test structure.
The planks were supported by the south and north walls.
Figure 1. Reinforcement details of Specimen 1, south elevation view and Section A-A.
(1 ft. = 12 in., 1 in. = 25.4 mm)
Design of Specimen 2
The second specimen had two changes in the reinforcement details with the goal to improve
the ductility of the structure. First, double side-by-side vertically grouted cells were introduced
to increase the shear resistance of the vertical grouted elements and thus enhance the frame
action of the grouted masonry. This idea had been experimentally validated by quasi-static
tests of wall panels by Bolhassani et al. [Bolhassani 2014]. These tests have shown that
walls with double grouted cells demonstrated increased shear capacity and displacement
ductility as compared to those with single grouted cells. To maintain the same amount of
vertical reinforcement as that in Specimen 1, each of the two side-by-side vertically grouted
cells had a No. 3 bar (71 mm2). Second, ladder-type joint reinforcement with 3/16-in. (4.8-
mm) wires was placed in every bed-joint to control the opening of diagonal cracks developed
in the ungrouted portion of the walls and to hold the hollow units in place. Baenziger and
Porter [Baenziger 2011] have studied the effectiveness of joint reinforcement in partially
grouted walls, and have shown that joint reinforcement could improve the wall ductility. The
bond beams remained the same as those in Specimen 1.
In testing Specimen 1, the maximum actuator force required to drive the table during the
high-intensity ground motions was close to the capacity of the actuators because of the very
high fundamental frequency of the structure and the time and acceleration scaling required to
satisfy the dynamic similitude. Furthermore, severe base sliding was observed in the tests of
Specimen 1. To reduce the force demand on the table actuators and to arrest the base
sliding, the roof weight of Specimen 2 was increased to 145 kips (645 kN) by casting a 12-in.
concrete topping. Furthermore, the surface of the footing was roughened and additional
dowels were placed at the base. The reinforcement details of Specimen 2 are presented in
Figure 2.
Figure 3. El Centro 1940 scaled for Specimen 1, and El Centro 1979 scaled for Specimen 2.
In the above equation, the normal force contributing to the friction resistance is the sum of the
clamping force of the vertical reinforcement, whose cross-sectional area is denoted by Asp,
crossing the sliding plane and the applied axial load P, which in the case of the test structure
resistance Vnf estimated with equation [1] was equal to 212 kips (943 kN), which was 2
is its total weight of 138 kips (614 kN). During the design of the specimen, the sliding
times the design base shear of 102 kips (454 kN). In this calculation, it was assumed that 20
No. 4 vertical reinforcing bars, including those in the wall flanges, contributed to the clamping
(414 MPa) and the strength factor ( ) was equal to 0.80. Before the conduction of the shake-
force, the coefficient of friction ( ) was equal to 0.70, the yield strength of the bars was 60 ksi
table tests, a nonlinear finite element analysis was performed to estimate the structural
capacity. The analysis showed a base shear capacity of 310 kips (1379 kN). Applying
67 ksi (462 MPa), and without the factor, resulted in a sliding resistance of 284 kips (1263
equation [1] with the expected yield strength of the reinforcement, which was assumed to be
kN), which was close to the maximum base shear determined by the finite element model.
However, the test results (Figure 4) have shown a maximum sliding resistance of 239 kips
occurring in the first cycle in which sliding occurred. The over-estimation of the sliding
resistance in the pre-test calculation could be attributed to the inclusion of the vertical
reinforcement in the wall flanges. If the vertical reinforcement (6 No. 4 bars) in the flanges is
excluded and the actual yield strength of the reinforcement obtained from tension tests, which
is 70 ksi (483 MPa), is used, equation [1] yields a sliding resistance of 234 kips (1041 kN),
which is close to that observed in the tests. In Figure 4 considering the height of the
hysteresis curves after the reduction of the clamping force, one can deduce that the
coefficient of friction was close to 0.70. The footing surface was smoothened by troweling
during construction. It should be noted that equation [1] has been recently adopted for
walls with Mu / (Vu dv ) 0.5 . The new provision specifies that be equal to 0.7 for concrete
inclusion in the 2016 edition of TMS 402 for calculating the shear friction resistance of squat
After EC1940 164%-A, concrete block stoppers were installed at the west and east ends of
the main walls, and the structure was subjected to five more ground motions, whose
acceleration spectra are shown in Figure 7. Table 1 shows the natural period of the building
after each motion, the effective intensities of the motions, and maximum response values.
During the first four motions, new cracks developed along the mortar joints of the main walls
with and the crack widths remained small. However, there was no cracking in the grouted
masonry. The final motion had a smaller effective intensity than the previous one.
Nevertheless, because the mortar joints were already weakened, severe cracking occurred in
the vertically grouted cells during that motion, leading to a rapid loss of the shear strength
and large displacements as shown in Figure 8. The failure pattern of the structure at the
instant of the maximum drift is shown in Figure 9. Wall component W-1 did not have
significant contribution to the resistance because it had significant base sliding without
obvious additional cracking in the wall during these motions. Wall components W-2 and W-3
had severe cracking in the piers which
propagated into the grouted masonry during the
last motion. Wall components W-4, W-5, and W-
6 of the north side of the structure, behaved in
the same way as wall components W-1, W-2,
and W-3 respectively, due to the symmetry. The
regions at the corners of the walls near the
intersection of the vertically grouted cells and
bond beams had cracks, possibly caused by the
interaction between the grouted masonry and
the ungrouted masonry. The ungrouted masonry
panels acted like infill walls exerting diagonal
strut forces against the grouted masonry
columns and beams. The damage in the Figure 7. Acceleration spectra of recorded
structure before and after the final motion is table motions for Specimen 1 and
shown in Figure 10. Strain gages indicated fundamental period before each motion.
the yielding of the reinforcement at several
locations. Figure 11 shows the sequence of yielding of the reinforcement in the south wall.
Initially, the dowels at the base yielded in tension due to base sliding. The bond beams
experienced yielding during the second last motion due to the strut action of the ungrouted
masonry panels. This indicates the important role of the bond beams.
Table 1. Summary of response data during the last five tests of Specimen 1.
Figure 8. Base shear versus drift ratio Figure 9. Failure mode of Specimen 1 at time
hysteresis curves for Specimen 1. instant of maximum drift (Point 1 in Figure 8).
Figure 10. Damage in Specimen 1 before and after the final motion, EC1940 214%.
Figure 11. Yielding of reinforcement in the south wall. The motion during which yielding
occurred for first time is indicated.
Specimen 2
The specimen was subjected to a sequence of 17
motions. The performance of the structure during
motions with effective intensities at the MCE level
and above is presented here. The effective
intensities and selected response data for these
motions are shown in Table 2. The response
spectra are shown in Figure 13. Prior to these
high level motions, the fundamental period of the
structure increased by 135% as compared to the
initial period, which was 0.062 sec. Cracking along
the mortar bed-joints started in an earlier Figure 12. Crack pattern at W-5 after the
motion that had an effective intensity of testing of Specimen 2.
0.89xMCE. For Specimen 1, cracking along
the mortar joints was not observed during EC1940 125% which had effective intensity of
0.81xMCE and no base sliding. The hysteretic curves for Specimen 2 are compared to those
for Specimen 1 in Figure 14. Specimen 2 showed significantly increased ductility with only a
30% reduction in the base shear at the drift of 1%. A maximum base shear of 331.5 kips
(1478 kN) was attained, which was 20% higher than that of Specimen 1. It has been
estimated based on the shear strength formula in the MSJC code for partially grouted walls
that the increase of the dead load in Specimen 2, as compared to Specimen 1, could
increase the base shear capacity of the structure by only 13 kips (58 kN) (5%). The increased
cross-sectional area of the vertically grouted cells delayed the shear failure of the grouted
columns. The behavior of this structure closely resembled that of an infilled frame with
relatively weak ungrouted masonry acting like infill panels and exhibiting severe sliding along
the bed-joints. As shown in Figure 12, cracks are uniformly distributed in the ungrouted
masonry, with the grouted masonry remaining almost intact. In the last test, a large diagonal
crack started to form at the mid-height of the vertically grouted column of W-5 adjacent to the
door as it is illustrated in Figure 12.
Table 2. Summary of response data during the last five tests of Specimen 2.
Figure 13. Acceleration spectra of recorded Figure 14. Base shear versus drift ratio
table motions for Specimen 2 and fundamental hysteresis curves for Specimen 2.
period before and after each motion.
This paper presents the results and findings of shake-table tests conducted on two full-scale,
one-story buildings that had partially grouted ordinary wall systems. The results have shown
that the building designed according to the code provisions and practice had an adequate
base shear capacity, which was 2.7 times the design base shear. The structure was able to
resist ground motions with effective intensities twice the MCE level without catastrophic
failures. However, the structure suffered extensive cracking in the mortar joints of ungrouted
masonry and it eventually failed in a very brittle manner in the last motion with an effective
intensity level 1.2x MCE as soon as cracks propagated into the grouted vertical masonry. The
structure which had double side-by-side vertically grouted cells and joint reinforcement in the
bed-joints, showed increased ductility in spite of profuse cracking in the bed-joints of the
ungrouted masonry. This improvement can be mainly attributed to the double grouted cells,
which helped to maintain the structural integrity, as demonstrated in previous quasi-static
tests conducted on wall segments, by delaying the propagation of cracks into the grouted
masonry. The sliding resistance of the first test structure has been accurately estimated with
the shear-friction theory by using a coefficient of friction of 0.7. It has also been found that
walls orthogonal to the direction of the lateral seismic forces are not effective in resisting
shear sliding.
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