What Is International Relation?
What Is International Relation?
What Is International Relation?
International Relation (IR) is the way in which two or more countries interact with
each other. International relations allow nations to cooperate with one another,
pool resources, and further, share information to face global issues that go beyond
any country or region. International relations advance human culture through
cultural exchanges, diplomacy and policy development. International Relations is
concerned with relations across boundaries of nation-states.
First Stage: The first stage of international relations was studied by diplomats. It
was up to the end of the World War I (1919). International relation is the stage
where people studied about the past.
Second Stage: The second stage came when the World War I ended. The study of
international relation in the second stage was to study about the current affairs.
This was a reaction to the excessive concentration on the past done during the
first stage.
Third Stage: The third stage was during the inter-war years (1919-1939). The
inter war is also known as the 20-year crisis period. Scholars during this time
tended to take a more moralistic and legalistic approach towards studying IR. In
this stage the league of nation was formed in belief that it could resolve war
between nations. In this stage there was hope that the league of nation would
help narrow the nationalism by internationalism.
Fourth Stage: The fourth stage was the period following the World War II
(1945)During this era people had lost faith in the power and authority of
international organizations and international law as a tool of maintaining peace;
because of the failure of the League of Nations (its failure to prevent yet another
world war). Even after forming league of nation there was another war and
people stopped believing in the league of nation.
After that people started conducting scientific researches. Scientific studies were
conducted on what caused war and how can it be solved.
Fifth Stage: The fifth stage was the time when cold war between the nations
started (1945-1989). This was the stage when there was no complete peace or
complete war. One of the main characteristics of this era was the intense rivalry
between USA and USSR by way of bloc politics. What was most essential during
this time was a Balance of Power. The people of this stage started believing that
politics is just struggle of power.
Sixth Stage: The sixth stage is the era of post-cold war. In this stage they try and
establish what the cold war was all about, why it took place and what it was aimed
at and what it ultimately achieved. International Relations consist of many
characteristics of a distinct discipline, which are common to all social sciences. It
has a distinct field of study, area of focus, separate subject matter, analytical
methods, key elements, unique approaches, theories and concepts, and its own
vocabulary which sets it apart from being a simple study and proves its distinctive
disciplinary nature.
3. What is the nature of International relation?
Every discipline has different nature. Due to changing nature of international relation, it
is very difficult to explain the nature of international relations. However, these are the
following important points explaining the nature of international relations; Like wise the
nature of international relation is
There is no government who helps other nation when they are being attacked.
International relations operate in an anarchical system. There is no single organization to
regulate relations among states. Michael Nicholson writes “international relation is study
of aspects of anarchy, though an anarchy which is not necessarily chaotic.
International relations deals with key issues which concern s public global interest.
Goldstein and Pave house in his book, “International Relations” write, International relations
revolves around one key problem: how to balance interest of international states with the global
= It has no boundaries of its scope. It is merit in the sense of provision of absolute opportunity to
man to make research on the daily changing international relations. It is demerit as the discipline
fails to give itself a concrete shape and outline. But still keeping in view the aspects studied in the
International Relations till now, we will try to elaborate its scope. Following points will prove helpful
in this regard;
IR studies relations between states in their political and economic prospects primarily.
IR covers the realm of 'foreign affairs' in all its dimensions.
IR deals with the recording and studying of International History with the aim to find out
the basis of states' relations in the past.
IR studies International Law in the context of how international rules define and govern
the relations between states.
IR embodies its scope with the inclusion of not only states but also the non-state actors in
international relations.
IR deals with the international events of;
Nuclear world
International political economy
International institutions