Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this paper, we present a new method for electroencephalogram (EEG) signal classification based on
Received 22 April 2013 fractional-order calculus. The method, termed fractional linear prediction (FLP), is used to model ictal and
Received in revised form 29 July 2013 seizure-free EEG signals. It is found that the modeling error energy is substantially higher for ictal EEG
Accepted 20 August 2013
signals compared to seizure-free EEG signals. Moreover, it is known that ictal EEG signals have higher
energy than seizure-free EEG signals. These two parameters are then given as inputs to train a support
vector machine (SVM). The trained SVM is then used to classify a set of EEG signals into ictal and seizure-
Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal
free categories. It is found that the proposed method gives a classification accuracy of 95.33% when the
Fractional linear prediction (FLP)
Support vector machine (SVM)
SVM is trained with the radial basis function (RBF) kernel.
Epileptic seizure classification © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1746-8094/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 V. Joshi et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 9 (2014) 1–5
N−1 Subject to ˇi ≥ 0, and
∈ = (e(n))2 (7) n
n=0 ˇi yi = 0.
where N is the number of samples in the signal. Then, the obtained decision function can be given as follows:
The aim is to determine k while minimizing the prediction
error energy ∈. The above equations are written more conveniently
using matrix notation. Denote the sequence corresponding to frac- g(x) = sign ˇi yi (xi · x) + a . (13)
tional integral ˚k (n) by N × 1 column vectors k and the required i=1
V. Joshi et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 9 (2014) 1–5 3
Original Signal
Modeled Signal
Prediction Error
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Sample Number
If the separation into two classes is not possible by a linear (2) Polynomial kernel: The polynomial kernel can be defined as
boundary then a hyperplane needs to be created to do linear follows [32]:
separation in higher dimensions. This is achieved by using a trans- l
formation T(x) that maps the data from input space to feature space. M(x, xi ) = (xT xi + 1) (17)
If a kernel function
where l is the order of the polynomial.
M(x, y) = T (x) · T (y) (14) (3) Radial basis function (RBF) kernel: The RBF kernel can be
defined as follows [32]:
is used to perform the transformation, then the basic form of SVM
2 /2 2
can be expressed as follows: M(x, xi ) = e−||x−xi || (18)
where controls the width of RBF function.
g(x) = sign ˇi yi M(x, xi ) + a (15)
i=1 4. Proposed method
In this paper we have used the following kernel functions:
(1) Linear kernel: The linear kernel can be defined as follows [32]: The EEG signal is passed through an FLP filter. The filter then
calculates the FLP coefficients of the signal using a least-squares
approach. The FLP coefficients are used to model the signal accord-
M(x, xi ) = xT xi (16) ing to Eq. (4). The difference between the actual signal and the
Original Signal
Modeled Signal
Prediction Error
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Sample Number
x 10
Signal Energy
0.5 Seizure-free
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Error Energy x 10
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