E Marketing Syllabus

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Business in the Digital Arts

Digital Marketing Design

ATEC 4340.0I1
Fall 2010
Professor: Marge Zielke, Ph.D.
Teaching Assistant: Nico Smith
ATEC 1.190

Instructor Contact Information:

● Cell Phone: 214-228-4088

● Email: [email protected] - If you need to contact me by email, please put subject as:
ATEC 4340: ____(Subject)________.

Course Description: This course introduces students to the multiply elements of E-Marketing. Emphasis
is on tools and techniques appropriate for designing and running an actual E-Marketing campaign.

Learning Outcomes:
o Introduce students to the new ways the web has changed the rules of marketing and PR, Social
Media Marketing techniques, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Pay Per
Click/View Advertising and Email Marketing
o Introduce specific principles regarding the “new rules” of marketing online
o Introduce students to principles of listening first and responding, utilizing
o Teach students how to design and facilitate a real world E-Marketing campaign by using a client
o Introduce students to current tools in the E-Marketing space
o Create portfolio piece

Required Texts:

The following texts for the class are required. Students are expected to complete weekly readings before

The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Social Media, Blogs, News Releases, Online
Video, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly, 2nd Edition by David Meerman Scott (Paperback -
Jan. 12, 2010)

Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust by Chris
Brogan and Julien Smith (Paperback - Aug. 23, 2010)

The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success by Lon Safko and
David K. Brake (Paperback - May 4, 2009).

Additional Requirements:
Open Camp
The second weekend of this course, you will be required to attend an event called Open Camp -
Please visit http://openca.mp/ - for more information Also, visit http://openca.mp/register/ to register.

We have a special arrangement with Open Camp, so be sure to sign up for the student price. Additionally,
use the discount code “atec4340” for 20% off the student price.

For those of you who cannot attend, due to scheduling conflicts, you will still be responsible for this
material. The conference will be available live, as it happens on www.ustream.tv as well as on
www.vimeo.com or www.youtube.com after the camp is over. Links for both will be posted as soon as
they are available. It is realized that you may not be able to attend, but please be aware that you will have
to learn this information. Going to this camp is the best way to do so, and the connections you can make
are even more valuable.

If you cannot attend strictly because of monetary reasons, email me. We can’t make any promises, but we
have talked to the organizers about the possibility of allowing students to audit some of the

We will be building a website or blog for your client this semester. If your client does not have
one, you will need to help them purchase the domain, or install the blog software on their existing
domain. If your client is you, then you will need to be prepared to purchase a domain and hosting.

There are free blog services out there, however, it would be ideal to own your own domain. This is not a
requirement, however.

Class Calendar

Week 1 – August 19th – 22nd

Class and instructor introductions, course objectives, previous experience
Weekly Tasks:
Review Course Project
Read Syllabus

Week 2 – August 23rd – 29th

How has the web changed marketing and PR? (Open Camp)
Weekly Tasks:
Assignment: Develop a list of 3 potential clients
Read The New Rules of Marketing & PR- Section 1 and 2
Week 3 – August 30th – September 5th
Creating social capital and using your client as a collaborator
Weekly Tasks:
Assignment: Client Selection Due
Read Trust Agents, Intro, Chapters 1-3

Week 4 – September 6th - September 12th

Introduction to the tools available
Weekly Tasks:
Read Social Media Bible, Chapter 2
Assignment: Complete Social Media Awareness Index and post answers
Select 3 of the 15 categories to read through
One must be the category you are least familiar with
Analyze which tools will be more successful for your client

Week 5 – September 13th – September 19th

Developing your e-marketing plan
Weekly Tasks:
Read The New Rules of Marketing & PR – Chapter 10 - 12
Watch Lecture: Digital Marketing Plan Development- Dr. Zielke & Nico
Develop First Draft of an Digital Marketing Strategy Proposal for your client
Draft will be optional, however, feedback will be provided
Final Draft will be 30% of final grade and is due Dec. 5th

Week 6 – September 20th – September 26th

Your home base, your blog
Weekly Tasks:
Read Social Media Bible – Chapter 8 & 25
Assignment: Create blog for client and post link
Install Google Analytics on blog
Watch Lecture: Utilizing Classic, Enduring Marketing Principals- Dr. Zielke

Week 7 – September 27th – October 3rd

Setting up your listening station
Weekly Tasks:
Assignment: Set up listening station for your client - Post screenshot
Watch Lecture: Communication Challenges in a Digital Environment- Dr. Zielke
Read Trust Agents – Chapter 4-6
Week 8 – October 4th – October 10th
Mid-term Exam - DUE MIDNIGHT- Oct. 10th

Week 9 – October 11th – October 17th

Introduction to Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing
Weekly Tasks:
Read The New Rules of Marketing & PR – Chapter 20
Watch posted videos

Week 10 – October 18th – October 24th

Search Engine Optimization / Search Engine Marketing
Weekly Tasks:
Read Social Media Bible – Chapter 20, 21 & 36
Create SEO/SEM plan for your client
Second Draft of Digital Marketing Strategy Proposal due
Draft will be optional, however, feedback will be provided
Final Draft will be 30% of final grade and is due Dec. 5th
Watch posted videos
Read posted blogs

Week 11 – October 26th – October 31st

Weekly Tasks:
Read Trust Agents – Chapter 6 & 7
Watch posted videos
Read posted blogs
Assignment: Create Facebook site for client

Week 12 – November 1st – November 7th

Social Networking sites other than Facebook
Weekly Tasks:
Read The New Rules of Marketing & PR – Chapter 19
Read Social Media Bible – Chapter 3, 15, 24, 29
Assignment: Create Twitter account for client
Set up Hootsuite - Post Screenshot
Read posted blogs

Week 13 – November 8th – November 14th

Video/audio use and distribution
Weekly Tasks:
Read Social Media Bible – Chapter 11-14
Read The New Rules of Marketing & PR – Chapter 18
Assignment: Create 3 videos for client and post to 3 different video sites
Watch posted videos
Read posted blogs

Week 14 – November 15th – November 21st

Analytics – Measure, measure, measure
Weekly Tasks:
Read posted blogs
Examine Google Analytics
Give instructor access to view Analytics

Week 15 – November 22nd – November 28rd

Pay Per Click Advertising/Pay Per View Advertising/Email Marketing
Weekly Tasks:
Read Social Media Bible – Chapter 5
Assignment: Design PPC/V campaign for client
Read posted blogs

Week 16 – November 29th – December 5th

The final message - What’s the most important thing to know about marketing online
Weekly Tasks:
Watch posted videos
Read posted blogs
Final Digital Marketing Strategy Proposal - DUE MIDNIGHT Dec. 5th
Presentation of campaign outcomes

Week 17 – December 6th – 12th

Final Exam - DUE MIDNIGHT - Dec. 12th

Class Grading:

● Digital Marketing Plan: 30 percent

First Draft due: September 19th (Optional, however feedback provided)
Second Draft due: October 24th (Optional, however feedback provided)
Final Draft due: December 5th (graded)

● Midterm Exam: 10 Percent

Due at MIDNIGHT CST - October 10th

● Final Exam: 20 percent

Due at MIDNIGHT CST - December 12th

● Class Participation (All Weeks): 40 percent

Online Discussion / Interactive Questions (15 percent)

Each week, you will be expected to participate in the class discussions posted online. You will need to
post twice per discussion questions posted. You are also required to post on at least 2 different days per
week with both discussion posts due on Tuesday.

There are 15 weeks of discussion. Each discussion is worth 0.5% of your total grade. This means if you
skip a week, that is 1% of your semester’s grade. That also means that if you do not participate in an
discussions, you cannot make over an 85 for the semester.

Posted Assignments (25 percent)

Throughout the semester, you will be expected to complete all posted assignments. These assignments are
in bold and italic in the class scheduled above. These assignments are very important to the progression
of the E-Marketing plan, and are expected to be completed the week they are posted. These assignments
are factored in heavily in the class participate portion of your grade. The timeliness of these assignments
are of utmost importance.

There are 10 posted assignments. Each assignment is worth 2.5% of your total grade. This means if you
skip 2 assignments, that is 5% of your semester’s grade.

The online class week is Monday to Sunday. Discussions open on Monday morning, 7:00 AM CST and
close the following Sunday at midnight CST. Your first discussion is due on each Tuesday at midnight
CT. Your second discussion is due by the end of the class week.

(see class calendar for discussion dates)

All assignments based on 100 point basis.

Class Policies:

In fairness to other students, no late assignments will be accepted without prior approval. To request an
extension, email instructor with the request date before the deadline. You must keep records of all
correspondence. Late assignments are highly discouraged.

Responses to phone calls or emails from instructor are expected within 24 hours.

All times listed are Central Standard Time.

Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated.

The instructor reserves the right to make adjustments to the syllabus as needed.

Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance: It is the policy of UTD to provide reasonable and
appropriate accommodations for individuals with documented disabilities. This college will adhere to all
applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable
accommodations as required to afford equal educational opportunity.

All class submissions must be in Microsoft Office or Acrobat formats. This includes Microsoft Word,
PowerPoint, Excel and Project.

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