VILLAROMAN, Joselito C. - Invalidated Appointment
VILLAROMAN, Joselito C. - Invalidated Appointment
VILLAROMAN, Joselito C. - Invalidated Appointment
Republicofthe Philippines m .
FEBJ e 2021,
Re: Invalidated Appointment
^Petition for Review) REC'EIVKD
-X oatk J_9,-|vEB 2028"
ICE m:. > iiniLgcrmi
Peninent ponions of Decision No, 180073 dated December 7. 2018 of the CSC RO VI
read, as follows:
"However, this Office likewise agrees -with the CSC FO-Negros Occidental
that the appointment issued to Eng\ Villaroman as Division Manager C was in
violation of Section 5. Rule VII of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of
Executive Order No. 292 otherwise known as the 'Administrative Code of 1987'
and Section 130 of the 201 7 ORAOHRA. which respectively read, asfollows: xxx
"Documents attached to his appointment as Division Kdanager C of the
Binalbagan Water District (BWD) which were submitted to the CSC FO-Negros
Occidental disclose that prior to his appointment to saidposition. Engr. Villaroman
was the Principal Engineer B of the Local Water Utilities Admimsiraiion (L i.
As represented by Redemor C. Talavera. Offiicer-in-ChargeofLWUA w his letier
dated June Ii, 2018 addressed to CSC Chairperson Alicia dela Rosa-Bala Engr
Villaroman 'has provided technical assistance to several concerns of BWD and
latter considered him as an asset to their workforce Thus. LWUA requested the
Commission to approve andtor confirm (Engr. Villaroman si transfer effective
"There is no showing thai upon the issuance of Engr. Villaroman's
appointment as Division Manager C ofBWD on July I. 20JS. the Commission has
rue Copy:
ChiefHijhian ResourceSpeciali.';!
Commission .Secretariat and Uai.sQii CfTice
Civil Service Ccmmission
Bawat Kawani, LIngkod Bayani
^CSCBuilding, iBP Road. Batasan Hills. n26QuezonCit\ £ (02) 93"-7935/(021 531-7939/(02) 931-809: jS-^cscptiii&, ^>www,csc.aov.pP
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already approved LWJJA 's requestfor him lo be exempt from the prohibition on
transfer. In a letter dated August 16. 2018. OlC-General Manager Canon even
followed-up with the Commission the request for exemption relative to Engr.
I illaroman s transfer to BWD. Apparently, said request is still pending with the
In her Petition for Review. OIC-General Manager Canon advanced the following
e Copy:
III.2.3. This clearly shows that Engr. Joselilo C. Villaroman was never
assigned at Binalbagan W ater District to oversee its operation within one (1j vear
before his appointment as Division Manager C. The technical assistance extended
by Engr. Joselito C. Villaroman mentioned in the Endorsement bv the Board of
Directors mw not associated to 'overseeing' but an isolated casefor humanitarian
consideration as the assignment/designation ofEngr. Joselito C. Villaroman since
June 1. 2013 to June 30. 2018 vvaj' not in Southern Negros (which includes BWD)
but in other areas. Meaning, the prohibition set by the cited provisions of the lav-
does not apply to the appointment ofEngr. Joselilo C. Villaroman.
Records show that on July I. 2018. OIC-General Manager Canon Issued an appointment
(transfer) to Villaroman as Division Manager C under permanent status at the Binalbagan Water
District. Binalbagan. Negros Occidental, Said appointment was submitted for attestation, but the
Tnie Copy:
^ChiefHuc{lan Resource Specia.isE
Commission Secretariat and Liaison oSice
Civil Service Commission
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same was invalidated in a Letter dated July 26. 2018 of the CSC FO-Nesros Occidental the
pertinent ponions of which read, as follows;
"Moreover, records sho-w that Villaroman previously held the position ofPrincipal
Ettgineer B ai the Local Water Viiliiies Administration before he transferred to that
water district on July 2. 20IS.
"xxx, Engr. Villaroman has rendered technical assistance to the Binalbagan Water
District prior to his transfer to the said water district. However, as ofthis writing,
no CSC-approved exemption was submitted to this Office. Upon confirmation with
thai Office, you affrmed that the requestfor exemption is still pending M>ilh the
Commission, and that you issued the appoimment without the CSC-approved
exemption xxx.
"In view ofall the foregoing, this Office hereby INVALIDATES the appoimmeni
issued 10 Joselito C. Villaroman as Division Manager C(SG 22).'
On .August 9. 2018. QIC-General Manager Canon filed an appeal before the CSC RO VI
but the same was dismissed in the assailed Decision No. 180073 dated December 7. 2018. Hence,
this Petition for Review of OIC-General Manager Canon where the issue to be resolved is whether
the invalidation of the permanent appomtmeni of Villaroman as Division Manager C is in order.
Ce^^dTrue Copy:
'Chief Hilhian Resource Specialist
Commissioti Secretariaf.aiici Liaison OfTicc
Giyi! iPFVice Commission
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The Qualification Standards (QS) for the Division Manaaer C position as prescribed in
CSC Memorandum Circular(MC) No. 05. s. 2016' vis-a-vis the qualifications of Villaroman
as maicated in his Personal Data Sheet CFDS) dated Jui\-1.2018 are. as follows;
As to the education requirement, the Commission rules that Villaroman also meets the
same, While it is true that Villaroman does not have a Master's Degree or Certificate in Leadership
and Management from the CSC. the aforesaid CSC MC No. 5. s. 2016. however, provides that
R.A. No. 1080 eligibles. the duties and responsibilities of which involve practice of profession.
Revised Qualification Standards for Division Chief and Executive/Managerial Positions in the Second Level.
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'Chier'H Resource Specialist
Commission Secretarial a.-id Liaison Ofllce
Civil Jiervice Corami.ssion
Pace 6 of9
are exempt from such requirement. As can be seen in the Position Description Form (PDF) of
Villaroman as Division Manager C. his duties and responsibilities of assuming the responsibilities
for the operation and maintenance of water district facilities, planning and desisnina of water
district water supply system and monitoring and supervising development of the proiecf s
construction stage, involves practice of profession as a Civil Engineer^, Item No. 3, CSC MC No.
5, s. 2016 provides, as follows;
"8. For executive/managerial positions in the second level wnth duties and
responsibilities involving practice ofprofession, the Mandatory' Continuing Legal
Education (MCLE) for BAR passers, the Continuing Professional
Educatioit/Developmen! (CPE/CPD) for licensed professionals or trainings
relevant to practice of profession may constitute for a maximum of 40 hours of
technical training and the remaining 80 hours shall be management training taken
within the lastfive years reckonedfrom the date ofassessment."
Section.. Defmmon of Terms, tai The practice of avil engineenngwiihm the meaning and iment ofthis Act shall
embrace services in the form of consuliation. design, preparation of plans, specifications, estimates, erection,
installation and supervision of the construction ofstreets, bridges, highwavs. railroads, airports and hangars, port
works, canals, river and shore improvements, lighthouses, and d>y docks: buildings, fixed structures for irrigation,
flood pi oiection. drainage, water supply and sewerage works: demolition ofpermanent structures: and tunnels. The
entimei anon ofany work in this section shall not be construed as excluding anv other work requiring civil engineering
knowledge and application."fRepublic Act [R.A.] No. 544. as amended bv R.A. 1582. or otherwise known as the
'Civil Engineerin.2 Law"!.
Having met all the Qualification Standards for the Division Manager C position, the
Commission will now proceed to the issue of whether the appointment of Villaroman for the said
position in the nature of transfer violated Section 5, Rule VII, Omnibus Rules Implementing
Book V, Executive Order No. 292 and Section 130, Rule XII, 2017 Omnibus Rules on
Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions (2017 ORAOHRA) which provide, as
"SEC. 5. XXX
"rue Copy:
. .AGA
/Chief Hiifiian Resource Specialist
Commission Secretarial, and Ljaiscm OfTice
Cfvl! Service Commission
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cued BWD's urgent need of a technical personnel to address its water supplv svsiem problems
Further, in a Letter dated December 27. 2018. LWUA QIC Nestor G. Evanuelista informed the
Commission of the following:
He did not physically move to BWD to oversee its operation. His official
assignment did not include BWD. as can be gleaned from the Cenificaiion dated
30 July 20!8 issued by his then superior. Engr. Renato J. Anvogxxx."
From the above-mentioned justifications, it has been sufficiently proven that Villaroman's
transfer to BWD will serve the best interest of the service. Thus, in CSC Resolution No. 1901102
dated September 23, 2019-'. the Commission granted the request of then LWUA QIC Redentor
C. Talavera to exempt the transfer of Villaroman to BWD from the rule prohibiting transfer of
officials to agencies they are designated to oversee within one (1) year after the lemiination of
such designation. Pertinent portions of said CSC Resolution No. 1901102 read, as follows:
"In sum. the Commission is convinced that Villaroman can fill up the
position of Division Manager C as his transfer is an exemption from the rule
prohibitins within one Cl) vear the transfer ofofficials ofoversishr bodies lo ofnces
ihev are desisnaied to oversee pursuant to Section 5. Rule VII ofthe Omnibus Rules
implementing Book V of EG Ha. 292 and Section 130, Rule XIJ of the 2017
.attested bv:
" T.rntvp.reil cn Febriiarj' 1,2020 hciice Commission Secretariat and Liaison Office
tLi;r,3Ciciriy pursuant fi,
Tjimaps.Jr. VS. CUMEi-EC 357 5CRA 350
i 'itioroman. Joselnn
'ChiefHumfen P.esyarf.cSpeciaiist
Commis^on.flecreiarlst 2.;<1 tiaiscn Office
civil SsFVlce ESSi(Tlli>il".s