Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contra-Indication Side and Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities Generic Name: Classification

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Mechanism of Nursing Responsibilities

Classification Indication Contra-indication Side and Adverse Effects

Generic Name: Classification:  For patients with Contraindicated in patients CNS: nervousness,  Watch for weight change during
Fluoxetine HCl Antidepressant depression hypersensitive to drug and somnolence, anxiety, therapy, particularly in underweight or
SSRIs problems, renal or within 14 days of stopping insomnia, headache, bulimic patients.
Brand Name: hepatic impairment, an MAO inhibitor intended drowsiness, tremor,  Record mood changes.
Prozac Action: panic disorder, to treat psychiatric dizziness, asthenia,  Watch for suicidal tendencies.
Inhibition of  For short-term disorders. abnormal thinking, fatigue,  Teach patient to recognize and
Route & Dosage: serotonin treatment for fever. immediately report symptoms of
150mg PO neuronal uptake bulimia nervosa, Watch for weight change CV: palpitations, hot serotonin toxicity (fever, mental status
in the CNS.  For short-term during therapy, particularly flashes. changes, muscle twitching, excessive
problem with in underweight or bulimic EENT: nasal congestion, sweating, shivering or shaking,
Peak Effect: agoraphobia, patients. pharyngitis, sinusitis. diarrhea, loss of coordination).
 For depressive Record mood changes. GI: nausea, diarrhea, dry  Tell patient to avoid taking drug in the
episodes of bipolar Watch for suicidal mouth, anorexia, afternoon whenever possible because
type I tendencies. Teach patient to dyspepsia, constipation, doing so commonly causes
recognize and immediately abdominal pain, vomiting, nervousness and insomnia.
report symptoms of flatulence, increased  Drug may cause dizziness or
serotonin toxicity (fever, appetite. drowsiness. Warn patient to avoid
mental status changes, GU: sexual dysfunction, driving and other hazardous activities
muscle twitching, excessive decreased libido. that require alertness and good
sweating, shivering or Metabolic: weight loss, psychomotor coordination until
shaking, diarrhea, loss of hyponatremia. effects of drug are known.
coordination). Tell patient to Musculoskeletal: muscle
 Tell patient to consult prescriber
avoid taking drug in the pain.
before taking other prescription or
afternoon whenever possible Respiratory: URI, cough.
OTC drugs.
because Skin: rash, pruritus,
 Advise patient that full therapeutic
effect may not be seen for 4 weeks or
Other: flulike syndrome.
Mechanism of Nursing Responsibilities
Classification Indication Contra-indication Side and Adverse Effects
Generic Name: Classification:  For patients with Contraindicated in patients CNS: asthenia, headache,  Monitor all patients for worsening of
Venlafexine HCl Antidepressant moderate hepatic hypersensitive to drug or palpitations, somnolence, depression or emergence of suicidal
SSRIs disorder, depression, within 14 days of stopping dizziness, nervousness, thoughts or behavior, especially when
Brand Name: general anxiety MAO inhibitor therapy. insomnia, suicidal therapy starts or dosage changes.
Effexor XR Action: disorder, panic Don’t start MAO inhibitor behavior, anxiety, tremor,  Warn patient to avoid hazardous
Increase the disorder, social less than 7 days after abnormal dreams, activities that require alertness and
Route & Dosage: amount of anxiety disorder and stopping venlafaxine. paresthesia, agitation. good coordination until effects of drug
25mg PO norepinephrine, hot flashes. CV: hypertension, are known.
serotonin, or both tachycardia, vasodilation,  Tell patient to avoid alcohol and to
in the CNS by chest pain. consult prescriber before taking other
blocking their EENT: blurred vision, prescription or OTC drugs.
reuptake by the mydriasis.  Teach patient to recognize and
presynaptic GI: nausea, constipation, immediately report signs and
neurons. dry mouth, anorexia, symptoms of serotonin toxicity (fever,
vomiting, diarrhea, mental status changes, muscle
Peak Effect: dyspepsia, flatulence. twitching, excessive sweating,
GU: abnormal ejaculation, shivering or shaking, diarrhea, loss of
erectile dysfunction, coordination).
anorgasmia, urinary  Advise female patient of childbearing
frequency, impaired potential to contact prescriber if she
urination. becomes pregnant or intends to
Metabolic: decreased become pregnant during therapy or if
libido, weight gain, weight she’s breastfeeding.
loss, increased appetite,  Tell patient to take each dose with
hypercholesterolemia. food and a full glass of water.
Skin: diaphoresis,
 Tell patient not to crush, chew, or
ecchymosis, rash.
place extended release capsules or
Other: yawning, chills,
tablets in water. If patient can’t
swallow capsule whole, advise patient
to carefully open capsule and sprinkle
contents on a spoonful of applesauce,
mix and take immediately without
chewing pellets, then follow with a
full glass of water.

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