African Adventists and Self-Reliance
African Adventists and Self-Reliance
African Adventists and Self-Reliance
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Journal of Adventist Mission Studies
Journal of Adventist Mission Studies, Vol. 5 [2009], No. 2, Art. 2
Problems out of the 121 entities, 79 are
The first step in solving a still receiving some operating
problem is to acknowledge that appropriations and are not yet
there is a problem. Therefore, self-reliant in some sense of the
I acknowledge that there is a word.
problem with the Seventh-day 3. In spite of growing from
Adventist Church in Africa in be- 689 churches in 1950 with a
ing self-reliant and in caring and membership of 93,527 to 25,689
providing for quality services for churches in 2005 with a member-
the membership. The following ship of 4,888,138, Africa is not
evidences have led me to con- able to build houses of worship
clude that there is a problem: in most places without asking for
1. The number of pastors foreign aid. Take for example Mo-
employed on the continent to zambique. This Union has over
care for the large numbers of 220,000 members with a total
believers and large territories is of 974 organized churches, but
inadequate and results in poor has only 13 church buildings. In
care to church members. In 1950 2007, Maranatha International
the ratio of pastors to member- Volunteers, a foreign organiza-
ship was 1:300 (337:93,527) and tion, kindly decided to build
by 2005 the ratio had become 1,001 churches for that Union.
1:1,444 (2,793:4,888,138). The 4. Over 90 percent of the pas-
work load of the pastor in 2005 tors in Africa do not have a reli-
was four times what it was in able form of transportation with
1950. The worsening trend con- which to perform their demand-
tinues. ing duties for their churches and
2. While the Adventist Church members.
has been in many African coun- 5. The major capital projects
tries for over 100 years, it is such as a university campus or
still operating most of its work publishing house development
under mission status instead still depend on most of the money
of conference status. One of the coming from outside of Africa.
characteristics of a conference is 6. From 1981 to 2005 (about
that it does not receive operating 25 years), out of almost one billion
appropriations from outside of its dollars spent in the development
territory. Out of 24 unions op- and operations of the Adventist
erating in Africa, only 4 operate Church in Africa, about 50 per-
under conference status while cent came in the form of appro-
the other 20 are operating under priations from outside of Africa.
mission status. Out of 121 orga- 7. The brain drain from the
nized church entities operating continent among both church
in Africa, 42 are operating under employees and non-employees is
conference status, while 79 oper- symptomatic of something gone
ate either as missions, fields, or wrong. Whether this is true or
associations. That means that not, or even right or wrong, one
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Mwansa: African Adventists and Self-Reliance
of the factors causing the brain ties as conferences rather than
drain is a lack of good working missions; and (5) contribute its
conditions and care for worker’s due share to the world budget to
needs. enable the world church to evan-
The list could go on, but the gelize the un-entered territories
above should be enough to prove of the world.
the point that there are problems
in Africa when it comes to self- Factors Contributing to
reliance. African Dependence
Below are listed several fac-
A Working Definition tors that have contributed to
of Self-Reliance make Seventh-day Adventists in
What do we regard as self- Africa so dependent on foreign
reliance? How are we going to aid.
tell when Africa has become self- 1. The missionaries brought
reliant? The following will help both the gospel and the gold,
in serving as a definition and at thereby creating a spirit of de-
the same time as performance pendence among the local peo-
indicators of self-reliance. Self- ple. When the missionaries who
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Journal of Adventist Mission Studies
Journal of Adventist Mission Studies, Vol. 5 [2009], No. 2, Art. 2
style preference but part of being hard work brings a profit, but
a Christian. He writes, mere talk leads only to poverty”
(Prov 14:23). He repeated the
I have not coveted anyone’s silver
or gold or clothing. You yourselves
same counsel in other passages
know that these hands of mine have using different examples. “A little
supplied my own needs and the sleep, a little slumber, a little
needs of my companions. In every- folding of the hands to rest—
thing I did, I showed you that by this and poverty will come on you
kind of hard work we must help the like a bandit and scarcity like
weak, remembering the words the an armed man” (Prov 6:10, 11;
Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more 24:33, 34). Solomon taught that
blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts
“the lazy man does not roast his
game, but the diligent man prizes
Paul’s teachings are consis- his possessions” (Prov 12:27).
tent with the rest of the Bible. Getting things free was not
When sin first entered, God encouraged in the Bible. Even
reminded Adam and Eve that when a young man wanted to
because the ground was cursed, marry, he was required to prove
they were going to have to work that he was hard working and
and sweat through painful toil to could keep his wife and the
live. “By the sweat of your brow family. When Jacob negotiated
you will eat your food until you marriage with Laban he said,
return to the ground, since from “I’ll work for you seven years in
it you were taken; for dust you return for your younger daughter
are and to dust you will return” Rachel” (Gen 29:18). Embedded
(Gen 3:17-19). Before eating, be- in the fourth commandment was
fore enjoying any lifestyle, before the concept of working. “Remem-
enjoying comfort, before enjoying ber the Sabbath day by keeping
anything there is hard work! it holy. Six days you shall labor
and do all your work” (Exod
Hard Work 20:8-9).
Hard work as a concept and
lifestyle is strongly promoted by Biblical Examples
Scripture. Solomon, the wise ser- Since the Fall, God’s people
vant of God, wrote and said, “All have followed God’s advice to
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Mwansa: African Adventists and Self-Reliance
work hard with the soil, to work The examples given above
hard to earn a living, and God are not intended to make either
has blessed the work of their agriculture or animal husbandry
hands. The Bible records that the only occupations that God’s
God placed Adam and his family people are to have, but they serve
in the garden to work. “Now Abel as examples of how God’s people
kept the flocks and Cain worked made use of the natural gifts of
the soil” (Gen 4:2). Noah, “A man God, the soil and nature, to es-
of the soil” started a garden as tablish a livelihood. These people
soon as he came out of the ark worked and God blessed their
(Gen 9:20). God’s people in the labor and they did not depend
Old Testament based their econ- on someone to provide for their
omy on animal raising or tilling needs. Others had other trades,
the soil. It is said of Isaac and but all the same, those trades
the use of the soil, that “Isaac provided their means of living.
planted crops in that land and Paul was a tent maker (Acts 18:3)
the same year reaped a hundred- and Lydia was a dealer in purple
fold, because the Lord blessed cloth (Acts 16:14). The disciples
him” (Gen 26:12). And it is said of were fishermen (Mark 1:6). The
Uzziah that “he had people work- point really is not the specific
ing his fields and vineyards in the occupation but that they had an
hills and in the fertile lands, for occupation or trade by which they
he loved the soil” (2 Chr 26:10). earned their living, thereby avoid-
The keeping and raising of ani- ing being a burden to others.
mals was so important in the
Hebrew economy that when the God’s Promises
family of Jacob went into Egypt A careful study of the prom-
they asked for fertile land. When ises of God reveals that God puts
Pharaoh asked the sons of Jacob a blessing on his peoples’ labor
about their occupation, they and not on their idleness. While
answered, “Your servants have the nature of blessings is differ-
tended livestock from our boy- ent in different areas of life, here
hood on, just as our fathers did” is how God promised he would
(Gen 46:34). Even women were bless his children if they had a
shepherdesses (Gen 29:9). relationship of loyalty with him.
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Journal of Adventist Mission Studies
Journal of Adventist Mission Studies, Vol. 5 [2009], No. 2, Art. 2
If you fully obey the Lord your Reasons to Enhance
God and carefully follow all his com- Stewardship Education
mands I give you today, the Lord The current emphasis in
your God will set you high above stewardship education that only
all the nations on earth. All these
appeals to members to be faithful
blessings will come upon you and
accompany you if you obey the Lord in returning tithe and offerings is
your God: You will be blessed in the not adequate in dealing with the
city and blessed in the country. The subject of self-reliance in Africa.
fruit of your womb will be blessed, For people to give or support
and the crops of your land and the God’s work materially they must
young of your livestock—the calves have wealth or something to give.
of your herds and the lambs of your The Church, either through the
flocks. Your basket and your knead- Department of Stewardship or
ing trough will be blessed. You will
some other entity, should there-
be blessed when you come in and
blessed when you go out. The Lord fore expand their teachings to
will open the heavens, the store- include empowering believers
house of his bounty, to send rain with knowledge and means to
on your land in season and to bless work hard and make money.
all the work of your hands. You will When I once shared the points
lend to many nations but will borrow above, a person asked me, “Well
from none. The Lord will make you what do those people eat if they
the head, not the tail. If you pay at- claim they do not have money?”
tention to the commands of the Lord
The answer is that they eat food
your God that I give you this day and
carefully follow them, you will always and mainly it is the kind of food
be at the top, never at the bottom. that is not transferable to cash.
(Deut 28:1-6, 12, 13) Take for an example a person
who grows some vegetables and
Before I conclude this section, cassava for consumption. Sub-
I do not want to leave the impres- sistence farmers often do not
sion that I am saying that Afri- produce enough to sell. They
cans are not hard workers. Many are living from hand to mouth.
of them are. What I am saying is I have never forgotten what my
that all people should approach mother told me in a letter one
life with this attitude. By work- day in her early days as an Ad-
ing hard, sometimes very hard, ventist. “Pastor, the church has
sometimes day and night, one is given us a goal for tithe from
to provide the needs of life. This each member. My goal is $20
attitude will lead people not to for this year. Would you please
look to other people to meet their send that money as I do not want
needs, but rather to look to self to be the only one not to pay.”
as the supplier of one’s needs. My mother was faithful to the
Africans and all of God’s people church, but she could not give
need to adopt and internalize this faithfully to the church since the
attitude. Begging is not of God’s church needed money, of which
order for his children. she had none.
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Mwansa: African Adventists and Self-Reliance
You can only give what you the church will not become fi-
have. This point was made nancially independent.
very vivid to me when I was in As a result of the two points
Ukraine conducting a seminar I have made above, I would
on money management. The like to suggest that the church
seminar was advertized and should expand its teachings to
on the first day a lot of people its members by starting to teach
turned up. The hall was packed church members how to make
with standing room only. After I money. If the church expects to
made my first two presentations receive financial support from
teaching the people how to best its members, and such support
manage money, one man raised can only come if people have the
his hand and said something means, the church then should
I will never forget. “Sir, before extend its work to not only help-
you can teach us how to manage ing people be faithful but also
money can you please first teach teaching people to know how to
us where to find this money that work hard and make money.
we will be managing.” Because