Consent For Laser Hair Removal

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Laser Solutions

& Day Spa

Consent for Laser Hair Removal

This consent is designed to give_______________________________________ the information needed to make an

informed decision to undergo laser treatment for hair removal. Although Laser Hair Removal is quite effective, you
require a series of treatment for hair removal. The hair often becomes thinner and lighter after each treatment. Please
read this form, and initial each paragraph, to be sure you understand it completely before making your decision.

What is Laser Hair Removal

_______ Lasers emit a gentle beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle where it is absorbed. The
energy from the laser is converted into heat that paralyzes the hair follicle while leaving surrounding skin unharmed.
This method of hair removal eliminates 60 times the hair per treatment than electrolysis. During each visit you will be
questioned thoroughly regarding your medical history. During treatment sessions a laser light will be applied to the
areas of unwanted hair growth.


_______ Contraindications include pregnancy, Accutane, epilepsy or those who have a history of seizure, diabe-
tes (we do not treat below elbows or below knees), chemo or radiation therapy, pacemaker, internal defibrillator,
an internal metal device (surgical screws, pins, plates, or implants) in the area to be treated, HIV positive (a letter
of clearance is needed), multiple sclerosis (a letter of clearance with confirmation that the area to be treated in not
numb), scleroderma, lupus, sarcoidosis, children under the age of 12, treatment over numbness of any body part,
over moles or lesions of any kind, over tattoos, port wine stains, under the eyebrows, or any orifice. Use of photo-
sensitive medications may cause increased skin sensitivity to laser treatment.

Risks and Complications

_______ Individual responses to treatment with the laser device may vary. Some people may feel minimal discomfort
during treatment, but this is for a short duration. After treatment, the area may feel similar to mild sunburn and the use
of post laser lotion and sun block is mandatory throughout your treatment course. Scarring: Whenever there is any
disruption of the skin surface a rare possibility exists of hypertrophy scars (enlarged scars) and keloid scars (abnor-
mal, heavy raised scar formation) for those with a predisposition if post treatment instructions are not followed. To
avoid the chance of scarring, it is important that you follow all instructions carefully.

Blistering or Scabbing

_______ Should this occur you must contact our office immediately so that we can arrange for an evaluation.

Sun Tanning/Artificial Tanning

_______ No tanning (sun or artificial) 3-4 weeks prior and 1 week after your treatment. Sun block with SPF 45 or
higher is required for everyday sun exposure and those times when you may have direct tanning.

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Pigment and Color Changes

_______ Some Clients have a predisposition to this type of reaction (darkening of the skin) and may have expe-
rienced it with minor cuts or abrasions. To minimize the chances of skin darkening in the treated area, avoid sun
tanning 3-4 weeks before and 1 week after treatments. In some darker skin colors, darkening of the skin may occur
even though the area has been protected from the sun. The darkening usually fades away in 1-4 months on its own,
although a topical bleaching agent would be prescribed for quicker results. Rarely, however, the dark area becomes
permanent. In some clients, the treated area may become lighter in color than the surrounding skin. This lightened area
will gradually fade away and return to normal over a period of 1-4 months. Rarely, however, does lightening of the
skin color become permanent.

Eye Exposure

_______ While there is a risk of inadvertent harmful eye exposure to laser treatments, safeguards have been provided
including the use of protective eyewear during treatment. It is important that you keep these protective goggles on at all
times during the treatment.

Your consultant has explained the theory of the laser device, any risks, including possible complications and benefits.
Alternative methods of removing excess hair are shaving, waxing, plucking, coloring, and electrolysis.

The minimum number of treatments for optimum results and our guarantee is six treatments. The consultant has also
explained treatment protocols, laser safety and necessary precautions.

I have been given the opportunity to ask any question and have received satisfactory answers.

I hereby authorize Dayone Laser Solutions and Day Spa to perform and assist in the laser treatment. I certify that I am a
competent adult of at least 18 years of age, or that if I am a minor under the age of 18, I understand that the consent
of my parent/legal guardian will also be required before treatment. I agree to have photographs taken of me to docu-
ment the progress of my treatments. I consent to the use of these photos for quality control and educational purposes.
I certify that I have read this entire informed consent and that I understand and agree to the information provided in this
form, and I have been given written Pre and Post Instructions, which I will adhere to regarding Laser Hair Removal.

Patient Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date/Time:______________

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature:___________________________________________ Date/Time:______________

(If client is under 18 years of age)

Staff Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date/Time:______________

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