Power Electronics Lab Assignment-III: Simulation of Half Wave Uncontrolled Ac-Dc Converter
Power Electronics Lab Assignment-III: Simulation of Half Wave Uncontrolled Ac-Dc Converter
Power Electronics Lab Assignment-III: Simulation of Half Wave Uncontrolled Ac-Dc Converter
Simulation and Analysis of Half wave uncontrolled AC-DC Converter with R, RL and FWD.
MATLAB Simulink.
On A diode turns on only when a forward voltage is applied. It remains on, until the current
stops flowing. The characteristics curve of a diode is a graph of the current that flows
through the diode versus the voltage across it and is shown in Figure.2.1. The curve shows
that virtually no current flows when the diode is reverse biased, but that the current
increases very rapidly when it is forward biased.
The half-wave rectifier is so called because it delivers a half cycle of dc output for every
full cycle of the applied ac voltage. For positive half cycle the diode is forward biased and
all the source voltage appear across the load. During negative half cycle the diode is reverse
biased because Voltage across diode is negative. The conduction angle of a rectifier circuit
is equal to the time that the component conducts current during each cycle, divided by the
period, and multiplied by 360o.
Use MATLAB (Simulink) to simulate the half-wave Rectifier circuit as shown in figure.2.2
for different input voltages with R, RL and FWD and fill the table as shown in table 2.1.
Choose 𝑅 = 500 Ω and 𝐿 = 30 𝑚𝐻.
Power Electronics Lab Assignment-III
Input (Vrms) Input (Vm) Calculated Simulated
1 20V
2 30V
3 40V
Table.2.1: Hands on Exercise Readings.
1) Run MATLAB software by double click on desktop icon.
2) Open blank untitled Simulink model window for creating a new model.
3) Drag and drop required blocks from Simulink library Browser window.
4) Make the circuit as shown in circuit diagram.
5) Run the simulation and fill the simulated column in table.2.1.
3 Resistance Simpower/Elements
4 Powergui Simpower
5 Voltage & Current Simpower/Measurement
6 Scope and Display Simulink/Sink
7 Mean Simpower/Control &
8 From & Goto Simulink/commonly used
Table.2.2: Required blocks and their location in Simulink library.
Power Electronics Lab Assignment-III
➢ With R Load:
➢ With RL Load:
➢ Freewheel Diode:
A freewheeling diode is basically a diode connected across the inductive load
terminals to prevent the development of high voltage across the switch. When the
inductive circuit is switched off, this diode gives a short circuit path for the flow of
inductor decay current and hence dissipation of stored energy in the inductor. This
diode is also called Flywheel or Fly-back diode.
The main purpose of freewheeling or fly-back diode is to free wheel the stored
energy in inductor by providing a short circuit path. This is necessary else a sudden
decay in circuit current will give rise to high voltage across the switch contacts and
In half wave rectifier, the output voltage (VDC) across the load resistor is denoted by:
𝑉𝐷𝐶 = 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛(1)
= 0.318 ∗ 𝑉𝑚 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛(2)
Student Task: