Motor-Drive Unit Tapmotion ED: Operating Instructions

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Motor-drive unit

Operating Instructions

1800138/08 EN
© All rights reserved by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen
Dissemination and reproduction of this document and use and disclosure of its content are strictly prohibited
unless expressly permitted.
Infringements will result in liability for compensation. All rights reserved in the event of the granting of patents,
utility models or designs.
The product may have been altered since this document was published.
We reserve the right to change the technical data, design and scope of supply.
Generally the information provided and agreements made when processing the individual quotations and orders
are binding.
The original operating instructions were written in German.
Table of contents

Table of contents

1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Manufacturer....................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Completeness...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Safekeeping......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Notation conventions........................................................................................................................... 6
1.4.1 Hazard communication system............................................................................................................................. 6
1.4.2 Information system................................................................................................................................................ 8
1.4.3 Instruction system................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.4.4 Typographic conventions...................................................................................................................................... 9

2 Security.............................................................................................................................. 10
2.1 Appropriate use................................................................................................................................. 10
2.2 Fundamental safety instructions........................................................................................................ 11
2.3 Personnel qualification...................................................................................................................... 13
2.4 Personal protective equipment.......................................................................................................... 14

3 Product description.......................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Scope of delivery............................................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Function description.......................................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Type designation............................................................................................................................... 16
3.4 Design............................................................................................................................................... 17
3.4.1 Indication field..................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.4.2 Anti-condensation heater.................................................................................................................................... 18
3.4.3 Swing frame/terminal rail..................................................................................................................................... 19
3.4.4 Position transmitter equipment............................................................................................................................ 20
3.4.5 Transmission gear cover plate............................................................................................................................ 20
3.5 Protective devices............................................................................................................................. 21
3.6 Safety markings................................................................................................................................. 22

4 Packaging, transport and storage................................................................................... 23

4.1 Packaging.......................................................................................................................................... 23
4.1.1 Suitability............................................................................................................................................................. 23
4.1.2 Markings.............................................................................................................................................................. 24
4.2 Transportation, receipt and handling of shipments............................................................................ 24
4.3 Storage of shipments......................................................................................................................... 25

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Table of contents

4.4 Unpacking shipments and checking for transportation damages...................................................... 26

5 Mounting............................................................................................................................ 27
5.1 Fitting motor-drive unit on transformer.............................................................................................. 27
5.2 Mounting drive shafts and bevel gear................................................................................................ 29
5.3 Centering on-load tap-changer and motor-drive unit......................................................................... 29
5.4 Cable recommendation..................................................................................................................... 36
5.5 Installing electrics for motor-drive unit............................................................................................... 37

6 Commissioning................................................................................................................. 39
6.1 Starting up motor-drive unit............................................................................................................... 39
6.2 Tests on motor-drive unit................................................................................................................... 40
6.2.1 Checking correct electric switch-off..................................................................................................................... 40
6.2.2 Checking mechanical and electric end stop of on-load tap-changer/off-circuit tap-changer and motor-drive unit
............................................................................................................................................................................ 40
6.2.3 Checking tripping of motor protective switch....................................................................................................... 41
6.3 Tests on the transformer................................................................................................................... 42
6.3.1 High-voltage tests on the transformer................................................................................................................. 42
6.3.2 Dielectric tests on transformer wiring.................................................................................................................. 42
6.4 Transporting transformer to the operating site.................................................................................. 43
6.5 Commissioning the transformer at the operating site........................................................................ 43

7 Operation........................................................................................................................... 44
7.1 Operating the motor-drive unit remotely............................................................................................ 44
7.2 Operating motor-drive unit locally...................................................................................................... 44
7.3 Operating the motor-drive unit with the hand crank........................................................................... 45

8 Fault elimination................................................................................................................ 47
8.1 Safety instructions............................................................................................................................. 47
8.2 General information........................................................................................................................... 48
8.3 Fault in the environment of the motor-drive unit................................................................................ 48
8.4 Fault in the motor-drive unit when the switching operation has not ended........................................ 48
8.5 Fault in the motor-drive unit after the switching operation is ended correctly.................................... 49
8.6 Hand crank operation in the event of faults....................................................................................... 49

9 Inspection and maintenance............................................................................................ 51

9.1 Care................................................................................................................................................... 51
9.2 Inspection.......................................................................................................................................... 51

4 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

Table of contents

9.3 Maintenance...................................................................................................................................... 51

10 Disassembly...................................................................................................................... 53

11 Disposal............................................................................................................................. 55

12 Special motor-drive unit models..................................................................................... 56

13 Technical data................................................................................................................... 57
13.1 Technical data for TAPMOTION® ED............................................................................................... 57
13.2 Technical data for position transmitter equipment............................................................................. 57
13.3 Permissible ambient conditions......................................................................................................... 58

14 Appendix............................................................................................................................ 60
14.1 898802............................................................................................................................................... 61
14.2 898801............................................................................................................................................... 62

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1 Introduction

1 Introduction
This technical file contains detailed descriptions on the safe and proper in-
stallation, connection, commissioning and monitoring of the product.

It also includes safety instructions and general information about the prod-

This technical file is intended solely for specially trained and authorized per-

1.1 Manufacturer
The product is manufactured by:

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH

Falkensteinstraße 8
93059 Regensburg
Tel.: (+49) 9 41/40 90-0
E-mail: [email protected]

Further information on the product and copies of this technical file are availa-
ble from this address if required.

1.2 Completeness
This technical file is incomplete without the supporting documents.

The following documents also apply in addition to this technical file:

▪ Connection diagrams
▪ Routine test report
▪ Supplement

Also observe generally valid legislation, standards, and guidelines as well as

specifications on accident prevention and environmental protection in the re-
spective country of use.

1.3 Safekeeping
Keep this technical file and all supporting documents ready at hand and ac-
cessible for future use at all times.

1.4 Notation conventions

1.4.1 Hazard communication system

Warnings in this technical file are displayed as follows.

6 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

1 Introduction Warning relating to section

Warnings relating to sections refer to entire chapters or sections, sub-sec-

tions or several paragraphs within this technical file. Warnings relating to
sections use the following format:

WARNING Type of danger!

Source of the danger and outcome.
► Action
► Action Embedded warning information

Embedded warnings refer to a particular part within a section. These warn-

ings apply to smaller units of information than the warnings relating to sec-
tions. Embedded warnings use the following format:

DANGER! Instruction for avoiding a dangerous situation. Signal words and pictograms

The following signal words are used:

Signal word Definition
DANGER Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in
death or serious injury.
WARNING Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result
in death or serious injury.
CAUTION Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result
in minor or moderate injury.
NOTICE Indicates measures to be taken to prevent damage to property.
Table 1: Signal words in warning notices

Pictograms warn of dangers:

Pictogram Definition
Warning of a danger point

Warning of dangerous electrical voltage

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020 1800138/08 EN TAPMOTION® ED 7

1 Introduction

Pictogram Definition
Warning of combustible substances

Warning of danger of tipping

Warning of danger of crushing

Table 2: Pictograms used in warning notices

1.4.2 Information system

Information is designed to simplify and improve understanding of particular
procedures. In this technical file it is laid out as follows:

Important information.

1.4.3 Instruction system

This technical file contains single-step and multi-step instructions.

Single-step instructions

Instructions which consist of only a single process step are structured as fol-

Aim of action
ü Requirements (optional).
► Step 1 of 1.
ð Result of step (optional).
ð Result of action (optional).

Multi-step instructions

Instructions which consist of several process steps are structured as follows:

8 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

1 Introduction

Aim of action
ü Requirements (optional).
1. Step 1.
ð Result of step (optional).
2. Step 2.
ð Result of step (optional).
ð Result of action (optional).

1.4.4 Typographic conventions

The following typographic conventions are used in this technical file:
Typographic convention Purpose Example
UPPERCASE Operating controls, switches ON/OFF
[Brackets] PC keyboard [Ctrl] + [Alt]
Bold Software operating controls Press Continue button
…>…>… Menu paths Parameter > Control parameter
Italics System messages, error messages, Function monitoring alarm triggered
[► Number of pages]. Cross reference [► 41].
Table 3: Typographic conventions

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2 Security

2 Security
▪ Read this technical file through to familiarize yourself with the product.
▪ This technical file is a part of the product.
▪ Read and observe the safety instructions provided in this chapter.
▪ Read and observe the warnings in this technical file in order to avoid func-
tion-related dangers.
▪ The product is manufactured on the basis of state-of-the-art technology.
Nevertheless, risks to life and limb for the user or impairment of the prod-
uct and other material assets due to the function may arise in the event of
improper use.

2.1 Appropriate use

The motor-drive unit adjusts the operating position of on-load tap-changers
in regulating transformers to the individual operating requirements. The mo-
tor-drive unit is designed solely for use in electrical energy systems and fa-
cilities. If used as intended and in compliance with the requirements and
conditions specified in this technical file as well as the warning notices in this
technical file and attached to the product, then the motor-drive unit does not
present any danger to people, property or the environment. This applies
throughout the service life of the product, from delivery, installation and oper-
ation to removal and disposal.

The following is considered appropriate use:

▪ Only operate the product in accordance with this technical file and the
agreed delivery conditions and technical data.
▪ Use the equipment and special tools supplied solely for the intended pur-
pose and in accordance with the specifications of this technical file.
▪ Use the product only with the transformer/on-load tap-changer/de-ener-
gized tap-changer specified in the order.
▪ You will find the standard valid for the product and the year of issue on the
▪ The serial numbers of on-load tap-changer / de-energized tap-changer
and on-load tap-changer accessories / de-energized tap-changer acces-
sories (drive, drive shaft, bevel gear, protective relay, etc.) must match if
these products are supplied as a set for one order.
▪ Electrically operate the motor-drive unit remotely during normal operation.
▪ In special operating cases (such as during maintenance tasks), the motor-
drive unit can also be operated electrically on site via control switch S3.
▪ Never operate the motor-drive unit electrically or with the hand crank be-
fore the transformer has been disconnected if you think there may be a
fault in the transformer or on-load tap-changer/de-energized tap-changer.
For more information, refer to the "Troubleshooting" [►Section 8, Page
47] chapter.

10 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

2 Security

▪ The provided hand crank is for activating the motor-drive unit during in-
stallation and tests in the transformer plant or during maintenance tasks if
the transformer has been disconnected.
▪ For details about using the hand crank in emergency operation when the
transformer is energized, refer to the "Operation" [►Section 7, Page 44]

2.2 Fundamental safety instructions

To prevent accidents, malfunctions and damage as well as unacceptable ad-
verse effects on the environment, those responsible for transport, installa-
tion, operation, maintenance and disposal of the product or parts of the prod-
uct must ensure the following:

Personal protective equipment

Loosely worn or unsuitable clothing increases the danger of becoming trap-

ped or caught up in rotating parts and the danger of getting caught on pro-
truding parts. This poses a danger to life and limb.
▪ Wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as a helmet, work
gloves, etc. for the respective activity.
▪ Never wear damaged personal protective equipment.
▪ Never wear rings, necklaces, or other jewelry.
▪ If you have long hair, wear a hairnet.

Work area

Untidy and poorly lit work areas can lead to accidents.

▪ Keep the work area clean and tidy.
▪ Make sure that the work area is well lit.
▪ Observe the applicable laws for accident prevention in the relevant coun-

Drying the transformer

Drying the motor-drive unit will cause damage to property as well as motor-
drive unit malfunctions.
▪ Never dry the motor-drive unit.

Working during operation

The product may only be operated in a sound, operational condition. Other-

wise it poses a danger to life and limb.
▪ Regularly check the operational reliability of safety equipment.
▪ Comply with the inspection work, maintenance work and maintenance in-
tervals described in this technical file.

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2 Security

Hand crank aperture

Reaching into the hand crank aperture during a tap-change operation may
lead to injuries caused by a rotating drive shaft.
▪ Never reach into the hand crank aperture.

Securing the motor-drive unit

If you open the motor-drive unit during operation, there is a danger of electric
shock due to live components behind the swing frame.
▪ Secure the motor-drive unit against unauthorized opening during opera-
tion by using a padlock.
▪ The motor-drive unit may only be opened by an electrically skilled person.

Opening the swing frame

Opening the swing frame while the motor-drive unit is in operation may result
in electric shocks due to live components.
▪ The swing frame may only be opened by an electrically skilled person.

Explosion protection

Highly flammable or explosive gases, vapors and dusts can cause serious
explosions and fire. This increases the danger to life and limb.
▪ Do not install, operate or perform maintenance work on the product in
areas where a risk of explosion is present.

Safety markings

Warning signs and safety information plates are safety markings on the
product. They are an important aspect of the safety concept.
▪ Observe all safety markings on the product.
▪ Make sure all safety markings on the product remain intact and legible.
▪ Replace safety markings that are damaged or missing.

Ambient conditions

To ensure reliable and safe operation, the product must only be operated
under the ambient conditions specified in the technical data.
▪ Observe the specified operating conditions and requirements for the in-
stallation location.

12 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

2 Security

Auxiliary materials and operating materials

Auxiliary materials and operating materials not approved by the manufactur-

er can lead to personal injury, damage to property and malfunctions of the
▪ Only use conductive and grounded hoses, pipes, and pump equipment
that are approved for flammable liquids.
▪ Only use lubricants and auxiliary materials approved by the manufacturer.
▪ Contact the manufacturer.

Modifications and conversions

Unauthorized or inappropriate changes to the product may lead to personal

injury, material damage and operational faults.
▪ Only modify the product after consultation with Maschinenfabrik Reinhau-
sen GmbH.

Spare parts

Spare parts not approved by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH may lead

to physical injury, damage to the product and malfunctions.
▪ Only use spare parts that have been approved by Maschinenfabrik Rein-
hausen GmbH.
▪ Contact Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH.

2.3 Personnel qualification

The person responsible for assembly, commissioning, operation, mainte-
nance and inspection must ensure that the personnel are sufficiently quali-

Electrically skilled person

The electrically skilled person has a technical qualification and therefore has
the required knowledge and experience, and is also conversant with the ap-
plicable standards and regulations. The electrically skilled person is also pro-
ficient in the following:
▪ Can identify potential dangers independently and is able to avoid them.
▪ Is able to perform work on electrical systems.
▪ Is specially trained for the working environment in which (s)he works.
▪ Must satisfy the requirements of the applicable statutory regulations for
accident prevention.

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2 Security

Electrically trained persons

An electrically trained person receives instruction and guidance from an

electrically skilled person in relation to the tasks undertaken and the poten-
tial dangers in the event of inappropriate handling as well as the protective
devices and safety measures. The electrically trained person works exclu-
sively under the guidance and supervision of an electrically skilled person.


The operator uses and operates the product in line with this technical file.
The operating company provides the operator with instruction and training
on the specific tasks and the associated potential dangers arising from im-
proper handling.

Technical Service

We strongly recommend having maintenance, repairs and retrofitting carried

out by our Technical Service department. This ensures that all work is per-
formed correctly. If maintenance is not carried out by our Technical Service
department, please ensure that the personnel who carry out the mainte-
nance are trained and authorized by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH to
carry out the work.

Authorized personnel

Authorized personnel are trained by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH to

carry out special maintenance.

2.4 Personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment must be worn during work to minimize risks to
▪ Always wear the personal protective equipment required for the job at
▪ Never wear damaged personal protective equipment.
▪ Observe information about personal protective equipment provided in the
work area.
Protective clothing Close-fitting work clothing with a low tearing strength,
with tight sleeves and with no protruding parts. It mainly
serves to protect the wearer against being caught by
moving machine parts.
Safety shoes To protect against falling heavy objects and slipping on
slippery surfaces.
Safety glasses To protect the eyes from flying parts and splashing liq-
Visor To protect the face from flying parts and splashing liq-
uids or other dangerous substances.
Hard hat To protect against falling and flying parts and materials.

14 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

2 Security

Hearing protection To protect against hearing damage.

Protective gloves To protect against mechanical, thermal, and electrical
Table 4: Personal protective equipment

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3 Product description

3 Product description

3.1 Scope of delivery

The motor-drive unit is packaged with protection against moisture and is de-
livered as follows:
▪ Motor-drive unit
▪ Product documentation

Please note the following:

1. Check the shipment for completeness on the basis of the shipping docu-
2. Store the parts in a dry place until installation.
3. The product must remain in its airtight, protective wrapping and may only
be removed immediately before installation.

3.2 Function description

The motor-drive unit adjusts the operating position of on-load tap-changers
in regulating transformers to the individual operating requirements.

The tap-change operation is activated by starting the motor-drive unit (a sin-

gle control impulse triggered, for example, by a voltage regulator of the
TAPCON®-series). This operation is always completed regardless of any
other control pulses emitted during the tap-change operation. In the standard
design, the next tap-change operation can only proceed once all control de-
vices have reached their resting positions.

Behavior in the event of a voltage interruption

Should the voltage be interrupted during an on-load tap-change operation,

once the voltage supply returns, the motor-drive unit completes the started
on-load tap-change operation.

3.3 Type designation

The various basic designs of the TAPMOTION® ED are clearly identified by
explicit product definitions.
Type designa- Description Variants
ED 100-ST Product designation Electric Drive
ED 100-ST Transmission gear design 100 or 200 (depending on the
torque required)
ED 100-ST Protective housing design S = small protective housing
L = large protective housing

16 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

3 Product description

Type designa- Description Variants

ED 100-ST Special applications … = none
C = Plunger coil design
ED 100-S-ISM Special application ISM = "Integrated Smart Module"
for recording, aggregating and in-
terpreting data on the transform-
Table 5: Type designation

3.4 Design
This chapter contains an overview of the design of the motor-drive unit.

Components not described here in detail are described in the motor-drive

unit's technical data.

Figure 1: Motor-drive unit, open

1 Protective housing cover 9 S3 control switch

2 Viewing window for indication field 10 Swing frame/anti-condensation

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020 1800138/08 EN TAPMOTION® ED 17

3 Product description

3 Fixing lug 11 Indication field

4 Ground connection 12 Nameplate
5 Output shaft 13 Motor protective switch Q1
6 Hand-crank aperture with hand- 14 Document pocket
crank interlock switch
7 Hand lamp 15 Transmission-gear cover plate
8 Hand crank

3.4.1 Indication field

A clear indication field is fitted in the motor-drive unit. Pointer and operations
counter are mechanically driven and indicate the tap-change operation se-
quence and operating position of the motor-drive unit. The reset wheel on
the operations counter is lead-sealed at the factory.

Figure 2: Indication field

1 Tap position indicator 3 Tap-change indicator: Shows the

current position of the control cam
(33 tap-change indicator sections
per operating position)
2 The two drag hands indicate the 4 The mechanical operations coun-
regulating range currently used ter shows the overall number of
tap-change operations

3.4.2 Anti-condensation heater

The anti-condensation heater is designed as a panel heater which also acts
as the front cover of the swing frame.

The design of the motor-drive unit and panel heater ensures that air circu-
lates inside the motor-drive unit and therefore that there is a constant interior
temperature which is always higher than the outside temperature.

18 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

3 Product description

3.4.3 Swing frame/terminal rail

The swing frame protects all electrical and mechanical parts of the motor-
drive unit behind the swing frame against accidental contact.

The terminal rail behind the swing frame makes electrical connection of the
motor-drive unit a simple task. The wiring is easily connected using vertically
arranged cap rails with the corresponding installed terminal bars.

Figure 3: Terminal rail

1 Swing frame 4 Cable duct

2 Position transmitter module 5 Cap rail
3 Terminal bar X1 6 Opening for cable entry (sealed by
base plate)

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3 Product description

3.4.4 Position transmitter equipment

NOTICE Damage to the on-load tap-changer and motor-drive unit!

Damage to on-load tap-changer and motor-drive unit due to incorrect use of
position transmitter equipment.
► Only circuits stated in the chapter Technical data for position transmitter
equipment [►Section 13.2, Page 57] may be connected to the position
transmitter module connections.
► The switchover point of the position transmitter equipment in the motor-
drive unit is not the same as the switchover point of the diverter switch
operation. This depends on the type of diverter switch. This fact should
be noted when project planning the locking circuits between the motor-
drive unit and external equipment (e.g. transformer circuit breaker).
► Therefore, the "Tap changer in operation" position transit contact shown
in the connection diagram should be used for external monitoring, locking
and control purposes instead of the position transmitter equipment.

The position transmitter equipment is used to indicate the operating position

of the on-load tap-changer/off-circuit tap-changer when idle.

The remote display is available in various versions.

The position transmitter module for connection by the customer is located on

the terminal rail [►Section 3.4.3, Page 19].

For more information about the position transmitter equipment, see Techni-
cal data for position transmitter equipment [►Section 13.2, Page 57].

3.4.5 Transmission gear cover plate

WARNING Danger of death and severe injury from electrical voltage!

Danger of death and severe injury from electrical voltage if the transmission
gear cover plate is not fitted.
► Never start up motor-drive unit without transmission gear cover plate.

20 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

3 Product description

The touch-protected transmission-gear cover plate features an opening for

the hand crank used in manual mode.

Transmission-gear cover plate

3.5 Protective devices

The following protective devices are fitted in the motor-drive unit:
▪ End stop device (mechanical and electric)
▪ Device protecting against unintentional passage
▪ Motor protection device
▪ Protection against accidental contact

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3 Product description

3.6 Safety markings

The following safety markings are used on the product:

Figure 4: Overview of safety markings

1 Warning of rotating parts 2 Warning of dangerous electrical

3 Warning of hot surface 4 Read the documentation

22 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

4 Packaging, transport and storage

4 Packaging, transport and storage

4.1 Packaging
The products are sometimes supplied with sealed packaging and sometimes
in a dry state, depending on requirements.

Sealed packaging surrounds the packaged goods with plastic foil on all

Products that have also been dried are identified by a yellow label on the
sealed packaging. In the dry state, delivery is also possible in a transport

The information in the following sections should be applied as appropriate.

4.1.1 Suitability

NOTICE Property damage due to incorrectly stacked crates!

Stacking the crates incorrectly can lead to damage to the packaged goods.
► The outer marking on the packaging states if, for example, the on-load
tap-changer or selector has been packed upright. Never stack these
► General rule: Do not stack crates above a height of 1.5 m.
► For other crates: Only stack up to 2 equally sized crates on top of one an-

The packaging is suitable to ensure undamaged and fully functional means

of transportation in compliance with local transportation laws and regula-

The packaged goods are packed in a sturdy crate. This crate ensures that,
when in the intended transportation position, the packaged goods are stabi-
lized to prevent impermissible changes in position, and that none of the parts
touch the loading surface of the means of transport or touch the ground after

Sealed packaging surrounds the packaged goods with plastic foil on all
sides. The packaged goods are protected from humidity using a desiccant.
The plastic foil was bonded after the desiccant is added.

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4 Packaging, transport and storage

4.1.2 Markings
The packaging bears a signature with instructions for safe transport and cor-
rect storage. The following symbols apply to the shipment of non-hazardous
goods. Adherence to these symbols is mandatory.

Protect against Top Fragile Attach lifting Center of mass

moisture gear here
Table 6: Shipping pictograms

4.2 Transportation, receipt and handling of shipments

WARNING Danger of death or severe injury!

Danger of death or serious injuries due to tipping or falling load.
► Only transport the crate when closed.
► Do not remove the securing material used in the crate during transport.
► If the product is delivered on a pallet, secure it sufficiently.
► Only trained and authorized persons may select the sling gear and se-
cure the load.
► Do not walk under the suspended load.
► Use means of transport and lifting gear with a sufficient carrying capacity
in accordance with the weight stated on the delivery slip.

In addition to oscillation stress, jolts must also be expected during transpor-

tation. In order to prevent possible damage, avoid dropping, tipping, knock-
ing over and colliding with the product.

If a crate tips over, falls from a certain height (e.g. when slings tear) or is
subject to an unbroken fall, damage must be expected regardless of the

Every delivered shipment must be checked for the following by the recipient
before acceptance (acknowledgment of receipt):
▪ Completeness based on the delivery slip
▪ External damage of any type

The checks must take place after unloading when the crate or transport con-
tainer can be accessed from all sides.

24 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

4 Packaging, transport and storage

Visible damage If external transport damage is found upon receipt of the shipment, proceed
as follows:
▪ Immediately record the identified transport damage in the shipping docu-
ments and have this countersigned by the carrier.
▪ In the event of severe damage, total loss or high damage costs, immedi-
ately notify the manufacturer and the relevant insurance company.
▪ After identifying damage, do not modify the condition of the shipment fur-
ther and retain the packaging material until an inspection decision has
been made by the transport company or the insurance company.
▪ Record the details of the damage immediately on site together with the
carrier involved. This is essential for any claim for damages.
▪ Photograph damage to packaging and packaged goods. This also applies
to signs of corrosion on the packaged goods due to moisture inside the
packaging (rain, snow, condensation).
▪ NOTICE! Damage to packaged goods due to damaged sealed packag-
ing. If the product is delivered in sealed packaging, check the sealed
packaging immediately. If the sealed packaging is damaged, do not under
any circumstances install or commission the packaged goods. Either re-
dry the dried packaged goods as per the operating instructions, or contact
the manufacturer to agree on how to proceed.
▪ Identify the damaged parts.

Hidden damage When damages are not determined until unpacking after receipt of the ship-
ment (hidden damage), proceed as follows:
▪ Make the party responsible for the damage liable as soon as possible by
telephone and in writing, and prepare a damage report.
▪ Observe the time periods applicable to such actions in the respective
country. Inquire about these in good time.

With hidden damage, it is very hard to make the transportation company (or
other responsible party) liable. Any insurance claims for such damages can
only be successful if relevant provisions are expressly included in the insur-
ance terms and conditions.

4.3 Storage of shipments

Packaged goods dried by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen

Upon receipt of the shipment, immediately remove the packaged goods

dried by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen from the sealed packaging and store
air-tight in dry insulating fluid until used if the packaged goods were not sup-
plied in insulating fluid.

Non-dried packaged goods

Non-dried packaged goods but with a functional sealed packaging can be

stored outdoors when the following conditions are complied with.

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020 1800138/08 EN TAPMOTION® ED 25

4 Packaging, transport and storage

When selecting and setting up the storage location, ensure the following:
▪ Protect stored goods against moisture (flooding, water from melting snow
and ice), dirt, pests such as rats, mice, termites and so on, and against
unauthorized access.
▪ Store the crates on timber beams and planks as a protection against ris-
ing damp and for better ventilation.
▪ Ensure sufficient carrying capacity of the ground.
▪ Keep entrance paths free.
▪ Check stored goods at regular intervals. Also take appropriate action after
storms, heavy rain or snow and so on.

Protect the packaging foil from direct sunlight so that it does not disintegrate
under the influence of UV rays, which would cause the packaging to lose its
sealing function.

If the product is installed more than 6 months after delivery, suitable meas-
ures must be taken without delay. The following measures can be used:
▪ Correctly regenerate the drying agent and restore the sealed packaging.
▪ Unpack the packed goods and store in a suitable storage space (well ven-
tilated, as dust-free as possible, humidity < 50% where possible).

4.4 Unpacking shipments and checking for transportation

▪ NOTICE! Damage to packaged goods due to ineffectively sealed packag-
ing. Transport the packaged crate to the place where the packaged goods
are to be installed. Do not open the sealed packaging until just before in-
▪ WARNING! Serious injuries and damage to the packaged goods due
to the packaged goods tipping out. Place the packaged goods in an up-
right crate and protect it from tipping out.
▪ Unpack the packaged goods and check the condition.
▪ Check the completeness of the accessories kit using the delivery slip.

26 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

5 Mounting

5 Mounting
This chapter describes how to correctly install and connect the device.

WARNING Danger of death or severe injury!

An energized transformer and energized on-load tap-changer components
can cause death or serious injuries during installation of the drive!
► Ensure the de-energized state of the transformer and on-load tap-chang-
er components during installation of the drive.

5.1 Fitting motor-drive unit on transformer

1. Attach four stud bolts (not supplied by MR) to the transformer tank. The
arrangement and diameter of the fixing lugs can be found in the drawings
in the Appendix [►Section 14, Page 60].

Figure 5: Stud bolts

2. For motor-drive unit with vibration damper: Attach the vibration damper to
the motor-drive unit.
3. NOTICE! Damage to the drive due to mechanical tension. Make sure the
drive is de-energized and fit it vertically to the transformer tank so that the
output shaft of the drive is exactly aligned with the vertical shaft of the
bevel gear.

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5 Mounting

The assembly holes for attaching the drive are located externally on the pro-
tective housing's fixing lugs.

Figure 6: Securing motor-drive unit

4. Connect grounding screw of motor-drive protective housing to transformer

tank. It is essential that a CUPAL washer be placed between the cable
shoe and connecting lug. The aluminum side of the CUPAL washer must
be facing the connecting lug.

Figure 7: Grounding screw

5. Connect the main protective conductor to the protective conductor termi-

nal on terminal bar X1 (minimum connection cross-section 2.5 mm2).

28 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

5 Mounting

Figure 8: Main protective conductor

5.2 Mounting drive shafts and bevel gear

The process of mounting the drive shafts and bevel gear is described in the
installation and commissioning instructions for the on-load tap-changer / de-
energized tap-changer.

5.3 Centering on-load tap-changer and motor-drive unit

WARNING Danger of death or severe injury!

Danger of death or severe injury due to motor-drive unit starting up by acci-
dent and due to electric voltage!
► Before starting any coupling work make sure that the motor protective
switch is tripped.
► Carry out any adjustment work in manual mode only.
► When manually operating the motor-drive unit only use the hand crank
provided for this purpose.
► Note that the hand crank safety switch causes a 2-pole disconnection of
the motor circuit but that the control circuit is not interrupted.

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5 Mounting

NOTICE Damage to property!

The on-load tap-changer will be damaged by incorrectly centering the mo-
tor-drive unit.
► Do not perform more than 250 tap-change operations on the on-load tap-
changer. If more than 250 tap-change operations are performed, com-
pletely fill oil compartment with insulating oil and lubricate sliding surfaces
of contacts on selector and selector gear with insulating oil.

The following steps for centering the on-load tap-changer and motor-drive
unit do not apply to the DEETAP® DU and COMTAP® ARS. The process
for centering the motor-drive unit and DEETAP® DU or COMTAP® ARS is
described in the relevant operating instructions.

One on-load tap-change operation is represented by one rotation of the tap-

change indicator. This indicator is divided into 33 tap-change indicator sec-
tions, each of which corresponds to one hand crank revolution in the stand-
ard motor-drive unit design. The time of the switchover depends on the on-
load tap-changer/de-energized tap-changer type, but is always 2 tap-change
indicator sections before the area marked in gray on the tap-change indica-
tor at the latest.

To center the on-load tap-changer and motor-drive unit, proceed as follows.

1. NOTICE! Move the on-load tap-changer/de-energized tap-changer and
the motor-drive unit into the adjustment position before commencing any
adjustment work. Ensure that the tap position indicators for the motor-
drive unit and the on-load tap-changer/de-energized tap-changer match.
Otherwise damage to the on-load tap-changer and transformer may re-

Figure 9: Adjustment position

30 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

5 Mounting

2. Attach the hand crank in the motor-drive unit to the shaft end located in
the upper cover plate. This activates a hand crank interlock switch, which
disconnects the motor circuit at 2 poles.

Figure 10: Hand crank

3. Turn clockwise using the hand crank until the diverter switch operation be-
gins. When turning the hand crank, observe the tap-change indicator,
which mechanically reflects the progress of the tap-change operation.

Figure 11: Turning the hand crank

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020 1800138/08 EN TAPMOTION® ED 31

5 Mounting

4. Once the diverter switch operation begins, continue to turn in the same di-
rection while counting the tap-change indicator sections required for the
pointer to reach the mid-position of the area marked in gray on the tap-
change indicator. Note the number counted (value A) and the direction of
rotation (example: A=2).

Figure 12: Counting the tap changes needed to reach the mid-position

5. If value A is greater than 8 tap-change indicator sections, the tap-change

operation has been completed correctly. If value A is less than 8 tap-
change indicator sections, turn another 8-A tap-change indicator sections
in the same direction (example: 8-2=6) to complete the tap-change opera-
tion. Then turn in the opposite direction until the pointer is in the mid-posi-
tion of the area marked in gray on the tap-change indicator.

Figure 13: Completing the diverter switch operation

6. Turn the hand crank counter-clockwise until the diverter switch operation

32 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

5 Mounting

Figure 14: Turning the hand crank in the opposite direction

7. Once the diverter switch operation begins, continue to turn in the same di-
rection while counting the tap-change indicator sections required for the
pointer to reach the mid-position of the area marked in gray on the tap-
change indicator. Note the number counted (value B) and the direction of
rotation (example: B=5).

Figure 15: Counting the tap-change indicator sections needed to reach the mid-position

8. If value B is greater than 8 tap-change indicator sections, the tap-change

operation has been completed correctly. If value B is less than 8 tap-
change indicator sections, turn another 8-B tap-change indicator sections
in the same direction (example: 8-5=3) to complete the tap-change opera-
tion. Then turn in the opposite direction until the pointer is in the mid-posi-
tion of the area marked in gray on the tap-change indicator.

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5 Mounting

Figure 16: Completing the diverter switch operation

9. If the values obtained for A and B are identical, the on-load tap-changer
and the motor-drive unit are correctly coupled (a slight imbalance of maxi-
mum 1 tap-change indicator section is permitted). If the values obtained
for A and B are different, establish correction value C by halving the differ-
ence between A and B: C=|(A-B) x 0.5|
Example: C=|(2-5) x 0.5|=|-1.5|=1.5

Also take numbers after the decimal point into account.

10. If the correction value |C| is less than 0.5 tap-change indicator sections,
no further action is required. Refer to point 18 for how to proceed next.
11. Use the hand crank to crank in the direction in which the determined val-
ue A or B was higher (example: counter-clockwise, because B > A) until
the diverter switch operation begins.
12. Once the diverter switch operation begins, continue turning another 8
hand crank revolutions in the same direction to correctly complete the
diverter switch operation.
13. Uncouple the motor-drive unit and vertical drive shaft by removing the
coupling brackets. After uncoupling, do not turn the drive shaft any fur-

34 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

5 Mounting

Figure 17: Uncoupling the motor-drive unit and drive shaft

14. Operate the motor-drive unit using the hand crank in the same direction,
continuing by C tap-change indicator sections on the tap-change indica-
tor (example: 1.5 tap-change indicator sections).
15. Couple the motor-drive unit and on-load tap-changer by refitting the verti-
cal drive shaft (tightening torque 9 Nm). Do not turn the drive shaft and
output shaft of the bevel gear and motor-drive unit any further.
16. Continue to turn in the same direction while counting the tap-change in-
dicator sections required for the pointer to reach the mid-position of the
area marked in gray on the tap-change indicator. Note the number
counted (value A) and the direction of rotation. If value A is greater than
8 tap-change indicator sections, the tap-change operation has been
completed correctly. If value A is less than 8 tap-change indicator sec-
tions, turn another 8-A tap-change indicator sections in the same direc-
tion (example: 8-4=4) to complete the tap-change operation. Then turn in

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5 Mounting

the opposite direction until the indicator is in the mid-position of the area
marked in gray on the tap-change indicator. Check the coupling again as
described previously.
17. The pointer of the tap-change indicator must be in the mid-position of the
area marked in gray once the on-load tap-change operation with the
hand crank is complete.

Figure 18: Pointer in the mid-position

18. Once coupling is complete in both directions, check by undertaking sev-

eral on-load tap-change operations and check that the on-load tap-
changer and motor-drive unit are in the same tap position.

5.4 Cable recommendation

Electromagnetic interference on signal lines, which can be expected due to
the environment of the transformer, can disrupt the proper operation of the
motor-drive unit.

That is why Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH recommends using shield-

ed signal lines when possible.

NOTICE Damage to the device!

Current flow through the shielding of signal lines can lead to the device get-
ting damaged.
► For signal lines between the motor-drive unit and transformer, connect
the shielding of the signal line to the motor-drive unit only.
► For all other signal lines, connect the shielding on both sides, as long as
there is no potential difference between the two devices. If there is a po-
tential difference, then connect the shielding only on one side for these
signal lines, too.

Circuit Function Cable type

Motor circuit Power supply Unshielded, separate cable
Control circuit Power supply Unshielded, separate cable
Tap-change supervisory control Shielded
Pulse circuit, raise/lower Shielded
Trigger circuit Q1-Off Shielded

36 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

5 Mounting

Circuit Function Cable type

Monitoring circuit Temperature sensor Shielded
Signaling circuits Signal transmission Shielded
Cross wiring between motor-drive Power supply Unshielded, separate cable
Tap-change supervisory control Shielded
Pulse circuit, raise/lower Shielded
Trigger circuit Q1-Off Shielded
Table 7: Recommendation for connection cable

5.5 Installing electrics for motor-drive unit

WARNING Danger of death or severe injury!

An energized transformer and energized on-load tap-changer components
could cause death or serious injuries when installing the electrics!
► Adherence to the following safety precautions is mandatory.

The drive may only be connected to circuits that are equipped with an exter-
nal and all-pole isolating device as close to the drive as possible to ensure
that the unit can be fully de-energized if required (service, maintenance etc.).

Furthermore, a drive without its own overcurrent protective device for the
control circuit and the heater circuit may only be connected to circuits that
are equipped with an external overcurrent protective device. The protective
device must ensure protection against indirect touching. The protection rec-
ommended by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH close to the drive is 1.6
A C (3.0 A C is to be used in a heater circuit with additional heating and sup-
ply voltage <127 V AC/DC). This is to be verified after installation by carrying
out a measurement.

Suitable equipment includes isolating devices in accordance with IEC

60947-1 and IEC60947-3 (e.g. circuit breaker). When selecting the circuit
breaker type, the properties of the relevant circuits (voltage, maximum cur-
rents) must be observed. The following should also be noted during installa-
▪ It must be easy for the operator to access the isolating device
▪ The isolating device must be labeled for the device and circuits to be iso-
▪ The isolating device may not be a part of the power line
▪ The isolating device may not interrupt the main protective conductor

Unless specified otherwise, the connections for the supply circuits must have
a conductor cross-section of at least 2.5 mm2 (16 AWG). Check applicable
standards and directives to ensure that the specified minimum cross-section
of the supply line is sufficient.

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5 Mounting

The voltage supply for the motor-drive unit must be able to provide 5…7
times the nominal operating current of the motor-drive unit for one second.

A maximum voltage tolerance of -20…+10% of the nominal voltage must be

observed to avoid damage to the drive.

To electrically connect the motor-drive unit, proceed as follows:

1. Switch off the voltage supply.
2. Secure the voltage supply to prevent an unintentional restart.
3. Ensure that everything is de-energized.
4. Visibly ground and short circuit the motor-drive unit.
5. Cover or cordon off adjacent energized parts.
6. Connect the motor-drive unit in accordance with the connection diagrams
provided in the briefcase. Observe the supply voltages (motor circuit, con-
trol circuit, heater circuit) and pin assignments stated in the connection di-

Figure 19: Example: Standard terminal block X1

7. When operating the motor-drive unit, ensure that a current corresponding

to that stated in the Technical Data chapter (Load capacity of micro-
switches) [►Section 13.1, Page 57] flows through the micro-switches in
the motor-drive unit at all times to ensure correct functioning of the micro-

38 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

6 Commissioning

6 Commissioning

6.1 Starting up motor-drive unit

1. Make sure that the motor-drive unit is connected as shown in the connec-
tion diagram provided.
2. Ensure that all protective conductors are connected correctly.
3. Ensure that the preliminary fuse is selectively configured for the protective
devices in the motor-drive unit.
4. Ensure that motor-drive unit and on-load tap-changer are correctly cou-
pled and the operating positions of the motor-drive unit and on-load tap-
changer match.
5. Ensure that the hand crank is not inserted in the hand crank aperture.
6. Ensure that all signaling contacts provided in the connection diagram are
output and monitored in the control room.
7. Ensure that the motor protective switch and control circuit fuse are disa-

1. Apply voltage to the motor-drive unit.
2. Measure the voltage and frequency of the motor circuit at terminal X1 and
compare with the details on the nameplate. The details must match.
3. As an option with separate control-circuit supply: Measure the voltage and
frequency of the control circuit at terminal X1 and compare with the details
on the nameplate. The details must match.
4. As an option with separate heating-circuit supply: Measure the voltage of
the heater circuit at terminal X1 and compare with the details on the con-
nection diagram. The details must match.
5. As an option with three-phase motor: Ensure that the voltage applied to
the connection terminals has a clockwise phase sequence.
6. As an option with DC motor: Ensure that the motor voltage has the right
potential connection.
7. Engage the motor protective switch and fuses for the control circuit and
heater circuit (if present).
ð The voltage monitor LED and thermostat LED (if present) on the rear of
the swing frame must light up green.
8. Close the motor-drive unit and secure it against unauthorized opening by
using a padlock.
ð Commissioning is complete.

Contact Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH if anything is not clear or you

encounter problems during commissioning.

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020 1800138/08 EN TAPMOTION® ED 39

6 Commissioning

6.2 Tests on motor-drive unit

WARNING Electric shock!

Risk of death or severe injury due to electrical voltage!
► Make sure that the motor-drive unit is correctly connected as shown in
the connection diagrams provided.
► Make sure that the supply voltage is matched to the technical data of the
motor-drive unit.
► Ensure contact safety before performing the checks and tests. The trans-
mission gear cover plate must be fitted and the motor and swing frame
► Ensure that the motor-drive unit and on-load tap-changer/de-energized
tap-changer are correctly coupled and that they are in the same tap posi-
tion for each operating position.

Please contact Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH (MR) if any aspect of

the tests is not clear.

6.2.1 Checking correct electric switch-off

1. Change over motor-drive unit by moving control switch S3.
2. Check that the pointer of the tap-change indicator stops within the gray
field after completing a tap-change operation.
3. Carry out this test in both directions.

6.2.2 Checking mechanical and electric end stop of on-load tap-

changer/off-circuit tap-changer and motor-drive unit
1. Press the S3 control switch to switch the motor-drive unit to the second-
to-last operating position.

40 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

6 Commissioning

Figure 20: S3 control switch

2. Open motor-drive unit door and switch off motor protective switch Q1 (po-
sition O).
3. Using the hand crank, operate the motor-drive to move it to its last operat-
ing position. If the last operating position isn't reached, check coupling be-
tween on-load tap-changer/de-energized tap-changer and motor-drive
4. Continue turning the motor-drive unit in the same direction with the hand
crank until the motor-drive unit is mechanically blocked.
5. Turn back motor-drive unit with hand crank to mid-position of tap-change
6. Remove the hand crank.
7. Switch on motor protective switch Q1 (position I).
8. Check that the motor-drive unit no longer starts up when the S3 switch is
turned further in the same operating direction as under item 1.
9. Perform check for both end positions.

6.2.3 Checking tripping of motor protective switch

Proceed as follows to check tripping of the motor protective switch:
ü The motor protective switch Q1 is switched on (position I).
1. Close X1:14 - X1:15 Q1 OFF connection to trip the motor protective
ð The motor protective switch is tripped (position O). If the motor protec-
tive switch is not tripped, contact Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH.
2. Switch on motor protective switch again (position I).
ð The tripping of the motor protective switch is checked.

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6 Commissioning

6.3 Tests on the transformer

Please contact Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH (MR) if any aspect of
the tests is not clear.

6.3.1 High-voltage tests on the transformer

Note the following points before performing high-voltage tests on the trans-
▪ Ensure that the oil compartment of the on-load tap-changer is completely
filled with insulating fluid.
▪ Ensure that all protective devices for the on-load tap-changer are function-
ing correctly and are ready for use.
▪ Ensure that the ground connections on the motor-drive protective housing
and protective housing fastening are free of paint.
▪ Only perform high voltage test if motor-drive unit door is closed.
▪ Disconnect external connections to electronic components in the motor-
drive unit to prevent damage from overvoltage.
▪ When connecting the motor-drive unit's supply voltage, only use the cable
bushings in the protective housing base intended for lead insertion.
▪ Guide all ground connecting leads to one central connection point (estab-
lishment of suitable reference earth).
▪ Disconnect all electronic components before the high voltage test. Before
a dielectric test of the wiring, remove all devices with a withstand voltage
of < 1000 V.
▪ Remove leads used for testing before the high voltage test as these func-
tion as antennas.
▪ Wherever possible, route the measurement leads and data leads sepa-
rately to the energy cables.

Contact the manufacturer if you have any questions about possible sources
of danger.

6.3.2 Dielectric tests on transformer wiring

Note the following points for dielectric tests on the transformer wiring:

The motor-drive unit is put through dielectric tests before delivery.

► Before the dielectric test for the transformer wiring, disconnect drive from
the section to be tested to rule out increased component loading for those
components fitted in the motor-drive unit.

42 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

6 Commissioning

6.4 Transporting transformer to the operating site

If the drive must be removed in order to transport the transformer, proceed
as follows:
1. Ensure that the drive and the on-load tap-changer / de-energized tap-
changer / ARS are in the adjustment position.
2. Remove the drive.
3. Do not actuate the drive while the on-load tap-changer / de-energized tap-
changer / ARS is decoupled and do not turn the output shaft.
4. Do not actuate the decoupled on-load tap-changer / de-energized tap-
changer / ARS and do not turn its drive shaft.
5. Transport the drive to the installation site in the MR delivery packaging.
6. Fit the drive and drive shaft to the transformer at the installation site in ac-
cordance with the respective instructions and check for correct coupling
and centering.

6.5 Commissioning the transformer at the operating site

NOTICE Damage to motor-drive unit!
Damage to the motor-drive unit due to condensate in protective housing of
motor-drive unit.
► Always keep protective housing of the motor-drive unit tightly closed.
► In the event of downtime lasting more than 8 weeks prior to initial com-
missioning, connect and operate the anti-condensation heater in the mo-
tor-drive unit. If this is not possible, place a sufficient amount of desiccant
in the protective housing.

NOTICE Damage to the on-load tap-changer and motor-drive unit!

Damage to on-load tap-changer and motor-drive unit due to incorrect use of
position transmitter equipment.
► Only circuits stated in the chapter Technical data for position transmitter
equipment [►Section 13.2, Page 57] may be connected to the position
transmitter module connections.
► The switchover point of the position transmitter equipment in the motor-
drive unit is not the same as the switchover point of the diverter switch
operation. This depends on the type of diverter switch. This fact should
be noted when project planning the locking circuits between the motor-
drive unit and external equipment (e.g. transformer circuit breaker).
► Therefore, the "Tap changer in operation" position transit contact shown
in the connection diagram should be used for external monitoring, locking
and control purposes instead of the position transmitter equipment.

1. Commission motor-drive unit [►Section 6.1, Page 39].

2. Ensure correct function of motor-drive unit [►Section 6.2, Page 40].
3. Commission the transformer.

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020 1800138/08 EN TAPMOTION® ED 43

7 Operation

7 Operation

7.1 Operating the motor-drive unit remotely

Operate the motor-drive unit remotely during normal operation.

You can do this with a single control pulse, e.g. using a voltage regulator of
the TAPCON® series.

This operation is always completed regardless of any other control pulses

emitted during the tap-change operation. In the standard design, the next
tap-change operation can only proceed once all control devices have
reached their resting positions.

Behavior in the event of a voltage interruption

If the voltage is interrupted during a tap-change operation, the motor-drive

unit will complete the started tap-change operation once the voltage supply

7.2 Operating motor-drive unit locally

In special operating cases (such as during maintenance tasks) the motor-
drive unit can also be operated electrically on site via control switch S3.

In exceptional cases, the unit can be operated using a hand crank. You will
find more information in the following section.

44 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

7 Operation

7.3 Operating the motor-drive unit with the hand crank

WARNING Danger of explosion!

Unauthorized operation of the motor-drive unit with the hand crank may re-
sult in death or serious injury.
► Never operate the motor-drive unit electrically or with the hand crank be-
fore the transformer has been disconnected if you think there may be a
fault in the transformer or on-load tap-changer / de-energized tap-chang-
► Never use the hand crank to complete a tap-change operation that has
begun electrically, but has not been ended completely.
► If the hand crank is difficult to move, you must stop using it.
► When operating the motor-drive unit with the hand crank, never reverse
the direction of rotation.
► If there is any doubt about the on-load tap-changer / de-energized tap-
changer being in proper working condition or about the cause of a fault in
the motor-drive unit, contact the Technical Service department of Maschi-
nenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH immediately.
► To operate the motor-drive unit manually, only use the hand crank mount-
ed in the motor-drive unit.

For information about fault rectification, refer to the "Fault elimination"

[►Section 8, Page 47] chapter.

Normal operation

During normal operation, there is no need to operate the unit with the hand
crank. The hand crank is mainly required during installation and for tests in
the transformer plant.

Use of the hand crank for operating the motor-drive unit is permitted if the
transformer is disconnected, e.g. for maintenance tasks, if there is no detect-
able fault on the transformer or on-load tap-changer / de-energized tap-
changer and the previous tap-change operation has been completed correct-

Emergency operation exception

An operation is considered an emergency operation if a tap-change opera-

tion is absolutely necessary when a transformer is energized, despite a fault
in the motor-drive unit. In this case, be sure to observe the warnings listed

Operating the motor-drive unit with the hand crank

To carry out a tap-change operation with the hand crank, proceed as follows:
1. Open the door of the protective housing for the motor-drive unit.
2. Switch off motor protective switch Q1 (position 0).

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020 1800138/08 EN TAPMOTION® ED 45

7 Operation

3. Insert the hand crank mounted in the motor-drive unit into the hand crank
aperture in the upper cover plate.
ð The built-in hand crank interlock switch interrupts the motor circuit at
two poles. The control circuit will not be interrupted.
4. NOTICE! Damage to the on-load tap-changer due to tap-change opera-
tion not being completed correctly. Turn the hand crank in one direction
until the pointer has fully circled the tap-change indicator once and is
again in the mid-position of the area marked in gray on the tap-change in-
ð The tap-change operation is complete.
5. Remove the hand crank and return it to the mounting bracket.
6. Switch on motor protective switch Q1 (position I).
7. Close the door of the protective housing for the motor-drive unit.

46 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

8 Fault elimination

8 Fault elimination

8.1 Safety instructions

WARNING Danger of death or severe injury!

Danger of death or severe injury from explosive gases in the on-load tap-
changer / de-energized tap-changer, in the pipework system, at the dehy-
drating breather opening and from flying parts and hot oil splashing!
► If a protective device has been tripped or you suspect a fault, first check
the transformer, on-load tap-changer / de-energized tap-changer and mo-
tor-drive unit. Never operate the motor-drive unit electrically or with the
hand crank beforehand as long as the transformer is energized.
► Do not resume operation until the troubleshooting has been completed.
► Make sure that only trained technicians perform the work.
► Use suitable personal protective equipment/clothing.
► Ensure that there are no naked flames, hot surfaces or sparks (for exam-
ple caused by static charging) in the immediate surroundings and that
none occur.
► Ensure that all safety equipment for the on-load tap-changer / de-ener-
gized tap-changer is ready for use.
► Ensure that the oil compartment of the on-load tap-changer is correctly fil-
led with oil as per the instructions.

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020 1800138/08 EN TAPMOTION® ED 47

8 Fault elimination

8.2 General information

Document each fault, even if it is easy to rectify.

In the event of faults on the on-load tap-changer / de-energized tap-changer

or motor-drive unit, which cannot be easily and immediately corrected on
site, or if a protective device has been tripped, please inform your authorized
MR representative, the transformer manufacturer or contact us directly at:

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH

Technical Service

Postfach 12 03 60

93025 Regensburg


Phone: +49 94140 90-0

Fax: +49 9 41 40 90-7001

E-mail: [email protected]


8.3 Fault in the environment of the motor-drive unit

Error pattern Action
No change in voltage on transformer de- ▪ Contact MR
spite change in position on motor-drive
Noises on drive shaft or motor-drive unit ▪ Ensure that the motor-drive unit is at-
when changing tap position tached correctly, in accordance with
the "Assembly" [►Section 5, Page 27]
▪ Make sure that the drive shaft includ-
ing protective cover is assembled cor-
rectly, in accordance with the operat-
ing instructions for the on-load tap-
changer / de-energized tap-changer.
Table 8: Fault in the environment of the motor-drive unit

8.4 Fault in the motor-drive unit when the switching operation

has not ended
If the motor-drive unit stops and if the arrow of the tap-change indicator does
not point in the area highlighted in gray (see the "Indication field" [►Section
3.4.1, Page 18] section, Position 3), then the switching operation has not
been ended correctly.

48 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

8 Fault elimination

This is a stationary state that is not allowed and must be rectified im-
mediately. If you cannot rectify the fault immediately, switch off the trans-
former. Contact the Technical Service department at Maschinenfabrik Rein-
hausen GmbH immediately.

If you notice a fault in the motor-drive unit right away, you should immediate-
ly start troubleshooting as described in the following table.
Error pattern Action
Tripping of the motor protective switch ▪ Hand crank operation is prohibited
Q1 ▪ Switch on Q1 only once
▪ If Q1 does not trigger again and if no
other fault is present, the motor-drive
unit automatically ends the switching
operation that was started.
▪ If Q1 is tripped again, do not attempt
any more switching operations and
contact MR.
Interruption of the supply voltage to the ▪ Hand crank operation is prohibited
motor-drive unit or motor controller ▪ Reestablish the voltage supply
▪ Once the voltage supply returns, the
motor-drive unit automatically ends
the switching operation that was start-
Component defect in the motor-drive unit ▪ Hand crank operation is prohibited
▪ Contact MR
Table 9: Fault in the motor-drive unit when the switching operation has not been ended

8.5 Fault in the motor-drive unit after the switching operation is

ended correctly
Error pattern Action
Tripping of the motor protective switch ▪ Switch on Q1
Interruption of the supply voltage to the ▪ Reestablish the voltage supply
motor-drive unit or motor controller
Component defect in the motor-drive unit ▪ Contact MR
Table 10: Fault in the motor-drive unit after the switching operation is ended correctly

8.6 Hand crank operation in the event of faults

Hand crank operation in the event of faults

An operation is considered an emergency operation if a tap-change opera-

tion is absolutely necessary when a transformer is energized, despite a fault
in the motor-drive unit.

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020 1800138/08 EN TAPMOTION® ED 49

8 Fault elimination

WARNING Danger of explosion!

Unauthorized operation of the motor-drive unit with the hand crank may re-
sult in death or serious injury.
► Never operate the motor-drive unit electrically or with the hand crank be-
fore the transformer has been disconnected if you think there may be a
fault in the transformer or on-load tap-changer / de-energized tap-chang-
► Never use the hand crank to complete a tap-change operation that has
begun electrically, but has not been ended completely.
► If the hand crank is difficult to move, you must stop using it.
► When operating the motor-drive unit with the hand crank, never reverse
the direction of rotation.
► If there is any doubt about the on-load tap-changer / de-energized tap-
changer being in proper working condition or about the cause of a fault in
the motor-drive unit, contact the Technical Service department of Maschi-
nenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH immediately.
► To operate the motor-drive unit manually, only use the hand crank mount-
ed in the motor-drive unit.

For a detailed description of operation using the hand crank, refer to the
"Operation" [►Section 7, Page 44] chapter.

50 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

9 Inspection and maintenance

9 Inspection and maintenance

This chapter contains information about inspecting and maintaining the prod-

9.1 Care
You can clean the outside of the motor-drive unit's protective housing with a
damp cloth. You can clean the inside of the protective housing with a dry

9.2 Inspection
Carry out the following inspections on the motor-drive unit within the speci-
fied intervals:
Interval Action Detail
For checking operations Visual checks ▪ Check the gaskets of the protective housing of the motor-
on the transformer drive unit.
▪ Check the function of the electrical heater in the protective
housing of the motor-drive unit.
Contact Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH if the gaskets or
heater are not in perfect condition.
Annually Checking the motor pro- ü The motor protective switch Q1 is switched on (position I).
tective switch 1. Trip the motor protective switch from the control room.
ð The motor protective switch is tripped (position O). If
the motor protective switch is not tripped, check the
switch's connection to the control room and if neces-
sary contact Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH.
2. Switch on the motor protective switch again (position I).
ð The tripping of the motor protective switch from the control
room is checked.
Table 11: Inspection plan

9.3 Maintenance
Maintenance of the motor-drive unit is not required. The condition of the mo-
tor-drive unit and its correct function must, however, be checked in accord-
ance with the section "Tests on the motor-drive unit" each time the on-load
tap-changer / de-energized tap-changer/ motor-drive unit is maintained.

Furthermore, certain components of the motor-drive unit (e.g. cam switches,

relays, contactors) have to be replaced every 1 million tap-change opera-
tions. Contact the Technical Service department of Maschinenfabrik Rein-
hausen GmbH for information regarding this.

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020 1800138/08 EN TAPMOTION® ED 51

9 Inspection and maintenance

We strongly recommend having on-load tap-changer maintenance and mo-

tor-drive unit checks carried out by our Technical Service department. This
ensures, in addition to the correct performance of all work, that certain com-
ponents will be upgraded to the latest state of technology and manufacturing

If the maintenance and checks are not carried out by our Technical Service
department, please ensure that the personnel who carry out the mainte-
nance are trained by MR or are otherwise suitably qualified to carry out the
work. In such cases, we would ask you to forward to us a report on the main-
tenance performed so we can update our maintenance files. For inquiries
about spare parts, please provide the serial number (see nameplates on the
on-load tap-changer and motor-drive unit) and the number of tap-change op-

Technical Service

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH

Technical Service
Postfach 12 03 60
93025 Regensburg
Phone: +49 94140 90-0
Fax: +49 9 41 40 90-7001
E-mail: [email protected]

52 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

10 Disassembly

10 Disassembly
The safe disassembly of the motor-drive unit is described below.

WARNING Danger of death or severe injury!

An energized transformer and energized on-load tap-changer/de-energized
tap-changer/ARS and motor-drive unit components can cause death or seri-
ous injuries during disassembly!
► Switch off the voltage supply.
► Secure the voltage supply to prevent an unintentional restart.
► Ensure that everything is de-energized.
► Cover or cordon off adjacent energized parts.

To disassemble the motor-drive unit, proceed as follows:

1. Remove the vertical drive shaft and protective tube between bevel gear
and motor-drive unit.

Figure 21: Removing the protective tube and horizontal drive shaft

2. Connect lifting gear to fixing lugs on motor-drive unit.

3. Remove the nuts for fastening the motor-drive unit.

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020 1800138/08 EN TAPMOTION® ED 53

10 Disassembly

4. CAUTION! Injuries and damage to the motor-drive unit due to the lift-
ing gear cable angle being too low! Remove and lower the motor-drive
unit using the lifting gear. While doing so, ensure that the lifting gear cable
angle does not fall below 45° relative to the horizontal.

Figure 22: Lifting gear

ð The motor-drive unit is disassembled.

54 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

11 Disposal

11 Disposal
For disposal, observe the national requirements applicable in the country of

If you have any questions about disassembly and disposal, please contact
Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH's Technical Service department.

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020 1800138/08 EN TAPMOTION® ED 55

12 Special motor-drive unit models

12 Special motor-drive unit models

The standard design of the motor-drive unit can be modified to accommo-
date specific operating requirements.
Feature Special equipment in motor-drive unit
VACUTAP® VT Recovery time delay (60 s)
On-load tap-changer with change-over Star-delta monitoring
selector for star-delta change-over oper-
Furnace and electrolysis operation Additional input terminals for "operation
without step-by-step switch"
Thermostat for on-load tap-changers Temperature monitoring with break con-
tact for the control circuit
Higher maximum number of operating Control gear + on-load tap-change posi-
positions tion indicator for 70 operating positions
Control gear + on-load tap-change posi-
tion indicator for 105 operating positions
Special on-load tap-changer arrange- Control gear for ABC arrangement
ment: ABC arrangement
Ambient temperature: Externally located control elements
-40 to -25°C Main switch for disconnecting all circuits
except the heating circuit
Thermostatically controlled additional
Temperature monitoring depending on
oil used
Ambient temperature: Externally located control elements
-60 to -40°C Main switch for disconnecting all circuits
▪ For up to 1000 tap-change operations except the heating circuit
▪ For type ED 100 Thermostatically controlled additional
Temperature monitoring depending on
oil used
Additional heating for transmission gear
Ambient temperature: Modified heater control system
+50 to +60°C Sunroof
Additional special options available upon
Delay of the on-load tap-change opera- Delay of the on-load tap-change opera-
tion (switching delay function) tion for switching on the transformer
Table 12: Special designs

56 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

13 Technical data

13 Technical data

13.1 Technical data for TAPMOTION® ED

The technical data applies to the standard design and may vary depending
on the design delivered. Subject to change without prior notice.
Motor-drive unit ED 100-S/L ED 200-S/L
Motor power 0.75 kW 2.0 kW 2.2 kW
Motor circuit power supply 3 AC/N 230/400 V
Current approx. 1.9 A approx. 5.2 A approx. 6.2 A
Frequency 50 Hz
Synchronous speed 1,500 rpm
Rotations of the drive shaft per tap-change opera- 16.5
Duration of the tap-change operation approx. 5.4 s
Rated torque on the drive shaft 45 Nm 90 Nm 125 Nm
Rotations of the hand crank per tap-change opera- 33 54
Maximum number of operating positions 35
Voltage supply for control circuit and heater circuit AC 230 V
Power consumption of the control circuit (control/ 100 VA/25 VA
Heating power 50 W for ED 100/200 S
60 W for ED 100/200 L
Load capacity of micro-switches Switching capacity: 100 W
AC voltage/current: 250 V AC 100 mA…4 A
DC voltage/current: 220 V DC 10 mA…250 mA
Protection against foreign objects and water IP 66 in accordance with DIN EN 60529
Test voltage to ground 2 kV/60 s
Weight maximum 130 kg
Table 13: Technical data for TAPMOTION® ED

13.2 Technical data for position transmitter equipment

Resistance-type position transmitter module

Standard resistance: 10.0 Ω (0.6 W, +/-1 %) per tap position

The number of desired operating positions determines the number of loaded


Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020 1800138/08 EN TAPMOTION® ED 57

13 Technical data

The decisive power loss of the position transmitter module is 0.6 W because
in the worst-case scenario only one resistor is energized. The supply voltage
should not exceed DC 220 V. If your setup is more demanding, please con-
tact Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen.

Position transmitter module with N/O contact range (break-before-make


AC: 250 V, 0.5 A (resistive loading)

DC: 220 V, 0.2 A (resistive loading)

Minimum voltage level for signal and data processing: 24 V

Position transmitter module with N/O contact range, (make-before-


AC, DC: 250 V, 0.02 A (resistive loading)

AC, DC: 24 V, 0.20 A (resistive loading)

Minimum voltage level for signal and data processing: 24 V

Position transmitter module with N/O contact range, 10 A (make-before-

break-type) for controlling current matching transformer in industrial

AC, DC: 250 V, 10 A (resistive loading)

Position transmitter module, diode matrix

DC: 220 V, 0.2 A (resistive loading)

Minimum voltage level for signal and data processing: 24 V

13.3 Permissible ambient conditions

Motor-drive unit version Operating temperature Storage temperature
Standard -25 to +50°C -50 to +70°C
The heater must be in constant operation in the
temperature range of -50 to -40°C
Standard with ISM -25 to +50°C -25 to +70°C
Arctic with thermostat-controlled -40 to +50°C -60 to +70°C
additional heating All heaters must be in constant operation in the
temperature range of -60 to -40°C
Arctic with thermostat-controlled -40 to +50°C -40 to +70°C
additional heating with ISM All heaters must be in constant operation in the
temperature range of -40 to -25°C
Arctic with thermostat-controlled -60 to +50°C -60 to +70°C
additional heating and additional All heaters must be in constant operation in the
heating for transmission gear temperature range of -60 to -40°C

58 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020

13 Technical data

Motor-drive unit version Operating temperature Storage temperature

HiTemp -25 to +60°C -40 to +70°C
HiTemp with ISM -25 to +55°C -25 to +70°C
Table 14: Permissible ambient conditions

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020 1800138/08 EN TAPMOTION® ED 59

14 Appendix

14 Appendix

60 TAPMOTION® ED 1800138/08 EN Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020


Zuwiderhandlungen verpflichten zu Schadenersatz. Alle Rechte für den Fall der Patent-, Gebrauchsmuster- oder Geschmacksmustereintragung vorbehalten.

Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieses Dokuments, Verwertung und Mitteilung seines Inhaltes sind verboten, soweit nicht ausdrücklich gestattet.



O 36
O 20

32-1 566



191,5 191,5






80 224 80




12 174


R 15 198 198 M10

1009191 20.11.06 RKL
034036 08.05.01 Stn

Tag Name
04 1029497 22.07.10 POT

026360 17.09. Sbi

Än. In Änd.-Nr.

MOTOR DRIVE UNIT ED - L SED 1040043 000 05



gez. edv 01.01.01

gepr. Stn 08.05.01
385 330 310
O 25
Zuwiderhandlungen verpflichten zu Schadenersatz. Alle Rechte für den Fall der Patent-, Gebrauchsmuster- oder Geschmacksmustereintragung vorbehalten. HAND CRANK


Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieses Dokuments, Verwertung und Mitteilung seines Inhaltes sind verboten, soweit nicht ausdrücklich gestattet.


O 36


Ø13,5 191,5 191,5 TO THE LEFT OR TO THE RIGHT

80 224 80


24.02.11 NOJ


12 174


R 15 198 198 M10

Tag Name

22.07.10 POT
20.11.06 RKL
08.05.01 Stn




MOTOR DRIVE UNIT ED - S SED 1040041 000 05

Än. In


gez. Atm 08.05.01

gepr. Stn 08.05.01
Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH
Falkensteinstrasse 8
93059 Regensburg

+49 (0)941 4090-0

[email protected]

1800138/08 EN - TAPMOTION® ED -
F0047007 - 01/20 - Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020


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