2013 12 09 NIH - PBD Annex 6 - Soil Investigation Report

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REPORT SOIL INVESTIGATION & RELOCATION/TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROPOSED GYMNASIUM AND NIH BUILDING U.P. COMPOUND, TAFT. AVENUE, MANILA GEOTESTING (INTERNATIONAL) INC. GEOTECHNICAL & MATERIALS TESTING ENGINEERS 5550-8 Boyle Street, Palanan, Makati City ‘Telephone Nos: 832-5297 « 728-5778 *728-5831 |GEOTESTING) Fax Nos, : 832-5318 + 8633-16-11 Ref. No.: GUI-32582-57162:07 Date :November 13, 2007 UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES MANILA ‘The Health Science Center 8/F Philippine General Hospital Taft Avenue, Manila Aitention: Arch, Allen Buenaventura Subject REPORT-SOIL INVESTIGATION & RELOCATION/TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY, PROPOSED GYMNASIUM AND NIH BUILDING, U.P. COMPOUND | TAFT AVENUE, MANILA Gentlemen: ‘We are submitting herewith three (3) copies of our soil investigation report, two (2) copies and one (1) CD of Relocation and Topographic survey for the above subject project If our reports need clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, GEOTESTING |ATIONAL) INC. DOMINADO! IRMIN, JR. President [SEOTESTING 10 2.0 SOIL INVESTIGATION REPORT PROPOSED GYMNASIUM AND NIH BUILDING U.P, COMPOUND, TAFT AVENUE, MANILA INTRODUCTION ‘This report presents the results of the soil investigation performed at the proposed project site in U.P. Compound, Taft Avenue, Manila, The object of the investigation was to explore the subsurface conditions at the project site, perform laboratory testing and engineering evaluation to provide discussion and recommendations concerning the general subsurface conditions at the site, foundation support and design soil values for the proposed strueture to be constructed. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION ‘The subsurface conditions at the site were explored by drilling three (3) test boreholes to 40 .0 meters deep each. The test borings were drilled with a trailer-mounted, rotary wash drilling equipment employing the wash boring ‘method with Standard Penetration Tests and rock coring. Borehole location is shown on Plate No. 1. Disturbed soil samples were obtained from Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) performed by driving a 2-inch O.D. and 1-3/8 inch LD. split spoon sampler with a 140-Ibs. hammer falling freely from a height of 30 inches every 1.5-meter interval. The number of blows required to force the sampler 6.0 inches into the bi [SEOTESTING 3.0 40. 5.0 sol] was counted and recorded for each consecutive 6-inches penetration. The nutfber of blows for the last 12.0 inches penetration was taken as the standard petition value denoted by N in the boring log. The logs of the borings are présented on Plate Nos. 3 to 5. The Unified Soil Classification System used in ceeeeibite| soils is shown on Plafe No. 2. LABORATORY TESTING Selected samples retrieved from the boriags were tested for natural moisture contents, atterberg limits and grain size distributions. Rock core samples were tested for unconfined compression. Some test results appear in the boring logs. Other test results are presented on Plate No. 6 to 8. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ‘The site is generally underlain by 13.20 to 20.70 meters of soils consisting of very loose to dense silty sand, very soft to very stiff silty clay and stiff to very stiff clayey silt. Underlying these soils is weathered tuff (adobe) extending to 40.0 meters deep, the maximum depth drilled. At the time of the soil investigation, the groundwater was encountered at 1.70 to 2.0 meters deep below ground surface. DISCUSSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ‘The soils immediately underlying the site investigated are relatively weak, highly compressible and cannot support the structure to be constructed, The estimated allowable soil bearing capacity is only 50 kp (1,000 psf). |GEOTESTING ‘The structure shall be supported by either driven or bored piles. ‘The following parameters are recommended to obtain the allowablé pile load capacities: a = ultimate skin friction along the pile shaft driven pile = 15 Tin? bored pile = = 0.75 Tim* p = ultimate tip resistance = 400 Thm? Estimated length of piles embedded in the «uff = 15.0 to 21.0 meters from ground surface Factor of Safety (Static) = 2.50 Factor of Safety (Dynamic) 2.0 ‘Asa guide, the estimated ultimate pile load capacities are as follows: * Driven Piles 12” x 12” 30 ems x 30 ems) - 70 tons 14” x 14” 5 ems x 35 ems) - 90 tons 16” x 16” (40 cms x 40 cms) - 110 tons, Bored Piles 0.50 meter @ - 100 tons 0.75 meter @ - 220 tons 1.0 meter O - 360 tons 1.50 meters @ - 770 tons 2.0 meters - 1,475 tons bil [GEDTESTING 60 10 8.0 It is strongly recommended that test piles be driven at the building site to determine actual pile load capacities and lengths. CONCRETE-ON-GRADE-SLABS ‘The finished surface of the subgrade for the floor slabs should be covered with at east 15.0 ems. of free draining-granular fill. The fill should be uniformly spread over the subgrade, moisture conditioned and compacted to at least 95% compaction. Prior to the pl acing of the fill, the subgrade should be recompacted to at least 95% compaction. The surface of the fill should be level, dense and non-yielding. \ EXCAVATION Inspection of excavations for severely weathered areas should be conducted. Identified unstable areas shall be secured. e SEISMICITY ‘The building should be designed for seismic Zone 4, Soil type 84 of the National Structural Code of the P! pines, Volume 1, Buildings, Towers and other Vertical Structures, where seismic zone factor is 0.4 and $ factor is 2.0, Soil profile type is SE according to NSCP 2001, 5" Edition, The following plates are attached and complete this soil investigation report. Plate No. 1 Borehole Location Plan 2 Unified Soil Classification System 305 | Subsurface Exploration Logs 6to8 — *| Grain Size Distribution DOMINADOR AA FERMIN, JR. Reg, Civil Enginger #7357 e ea ies ee ees ere os A =] a BOREHOLE LOCATION PLAN | GEOTESTING (INTERNATIONAL) INC. ‘son0 B BOYLE STREET, PALANAN | MAKATI, METRO MANILA (GEOTECHNICAL & MATERIALS TESTING ENGINEERS MAA Monova? © 8528318 * 6221611 “GRAPH MAJOR DIVISION aaa TYPICAL DESCRIPTION crave raw cnavers|i 07 ow cesar ee crave | “=H He, aaa ‘som esect| cp | muwsieeiearcitve coarse i S oe we | me |exereres RML o Ean s¢_ | cusvevawansnnostar mnrunes we | SSR OL | OERERISYSRS NAc wm | Meiagesreamesenst SEINE | Cano enn ee sues) ctavs cu | | RMNGRIAREER La OH nga cihoneae ses SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Noes: 1. DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE CLASSIFICATIONS. 1 UAL SETS BORING LOGS, THE FOLLOWING TERMS ARE USED TO OSSC OSS UAE WEN SL Tr ESIVE SOILS AND THE RELATIVE GOMPACTNESS OF COMESIONLESS (avenoxmaresvenaina |. VERY LOOSE — THESE ARE USUALLY, SERENGTHINKSE) | LOOSE Base ON AN EXAMINA __STRENGTHINKSE) | CiepiuM DENSE TION OF SOIL SAMPLES: very SOFT Less THAN 25 DENSE PENETRATION RESIST Sort p25 1005 DEN FOENSE ANCE, AND SOIL DENSITY MeoIUM STIFF 9.3 702.0 > Bava Shee Yo 7020 Plate No. 2 GEOTESTING (INTERNATIONAL) INC. — ‘ant GHOTHCHITCA, te MATERIALS TESTING ENGINEERS TEN Ge-oor + naz-sie + 90-1081 GEOTECHNICAL DATA PROTECT: LOCATION: Date Started: PROPOSED GYMNASIUM UP. Compouna- tat Avene, PM“ Sheean 2007 | BH ‘NIH BULDING Bate Finished 1 Surface Bievation: Oct 25,2007 = Wailer Content Desertation And 2 | éle & Kimber of Blows Classification of Materials By ai8) Mterberg Limite, % Per Foot / 30 em. wu 29 406080 0 0 5.0em CONCRETE SLAB SILTY SAND; Brown, wel, non- plastic, mediusn dense, lace gravel (6M) SILTY CLAY; Brown, wet, low plasticity, stiff, trace to litle sand. (CL) SILTY SAND Browntogryan | brown wet nore plastic, medium dense > Fivose. GM) oe Ez SILTY CLAY; Gray, wet low si wl 7[] ee pty eke | ! 5 | P 24 (HWE i 1° me 2 CLAYEY SILT; Light browa, wet, r gr wt C ae A ed ss [ Fate Tagged tp Himer ©. Baton [nwmOcober 25 2007 omar — ste 70 mero BCL? Noted by. Pepito G. Tampengeo, Je [DAT November 09, 2007 |~ © = Water Content PL — Platety indo wy sor 27 ease Spr "Sioned Penetaion Test (9 7 = Mike ort Se Shay (y= Wer Tobe Joc “tnow Ground net [prac GEOTESTING (INTERNATIONAL) INC. (GEOTECHNICAL, MATERIALS TESTING ENGINEERS Gi 5550-8 BOYLE STREET, PALANAN aKATY coe ‘TL No. b32-0207 + 852-6310 * 099-1611 = GEOTECHNICAL DATA pROICr TOCHTION: Date Seared ‘UP. Compound Taft Avenue, PROPOSED GYMINASTUM & ee ea October 23,2007 BH ‘NIH BUILDING of 1 Surface inevetion: cere ele Water Content Doserition And 2 Number of Blows Closatcchon ot Materials 3] 21 ‘tarberg: Units, % Por Foot / 30 om. " o 0 [270 40 eo mo I Z | rock fragments "TTF ROCK Brown to grayish ‘brown, Completaly to highly weathered. Reb (we-we TREE) | | 1 IREE=IP% Rema Reta lrofpodo te ROD | lawyaabi te or] RG fepsqo ge Reb if 3) | Ree | fowppspoue |_| oe: || T T By LH ! sab | [reb-apr ay | “ MN bt Foie Tagged by Her 0. Btlon |DaTE October 25,2007 | MAPS ade a. 79 mers BLY Toted by. Fepite G Tampengco,Jr. [DATE November 02, 2007 cpa crams Sa Pa tan wg) 2 SE 72 ee 35 shay Bote ew [HERO ‘9650-R BOYLE STREET, PALANAN GEOTESTING (INTERNATIONAL) INC. Renee GHOTECINICAL & MATERIALS TESTING ENGINEERS ma. eae-eor * 992-80 + 99-16: GEOTECHNICAL DATA PRonEer aE op Gompeed tenemos, PO OR PROPOSED GYMNASIUM & Eom October 23,2007 BH ‘NIH BUILDING Bate Finished 1 [Surface Hovatons ae oom 2 Water Content Number of Blows Deceition And A Clossfication of Matertols BRE hutateog Lipiie ls Por Foot 7 30 em. La ooo oo 0 9 Ine Rep | bots om [l ml | - HUY ||) ea Sabi | Dy lle End OF Boring 45 a + | a so Ltt | | i L Gis Taga by Bane Baan [DRE Oem 25 HOT |FenO ——Weyple 70 met BCL” Faas op. Popo G Tampenge, Je [DAME November 09, 2007 i ~ mostly tron ey = Horamer Walaht wee orm Eee PERG tan nS = Sere ‘Plastic Limit ‘SB — Shelby be "= Below Ground Level | PLATE NO. GEOTESTING (INTERNATIONAL) INC. {0B BOVE STREET, PALANAN (QBOTECHRICAL & MATERIALS TESTING ENGINEERS Tn WO. O32 ‘TEL NO, 0o2-Seo7 * o02-ssi8 + 693-seii GEOTECHNICAL DATA PROWECT TOCATION: Dato Started T UP. Compound, Tait Avenue, ] PROPOSED GYMNASIUM & aa October 26,2007 BH ‘NIE BUILDING. [Dote'Finishes | 2 Surface Blevalion: ‘October 28, 2007 oescton Aa 2 2S ae oreo ae cess Matoncts | 3 | 3/5] atererg ium, x er eat 7 30 em. wl | oo 00 SILTY SAND; Brown, wel, non- \ Telael Tact plastic medium dense (SM) SILTY CLAN Brown to gray, web ch Tow plasty, medium stiff to soft, litle sand, «cy - medium stiff to very soft some sand. (ML) CLAYEY SILT Light brown, wet, | U. Ho stgntyplnse sa | E IN rock fragments an TUFF ROCK; Light brown to. 2% ‘brown, complotely to | ‘highly weathered. 1 | 1 (wcwH oe) il i | Par er] | fed by: Elmer O. Esteion [pi er ar Hole Longed by: Eimer 0. Estelon |DATE: October 28,2007 _| Rem Srna ee Toted by: Pepto G. Tampengco, jr (DATE: November 09, 2007, 27 Misus Gent Ear —Stuncerd Penetration Test (=) orm Sari > ete iit $0 Shelby = Weter Table BEL — Below Ground Level [PLATE NO. 4 By eae mee ‘NO. 882-6997 an2-ssi8 + 6 GEOTECHNICAL DATA maar ate Bara UP Compara. Tat avrae. PY "Gieez62007 | BH ats Praha 2 ee 25,207 a GEOTESTING (INTERNATIONAL) INC. {9050-B BOYLE STREET, PALANAN PROJECT: PROPOSED GYMNASIUM & NIHBUILDING [Surtace Elevation: Description And Water Content Number of Blows Classification of Materials PS lew" Per Foot / 30 om. & ‘terborg Limits, % m0 0 #0 yo 406080 | | yREL=4 f Leo = Depth teed ie 20 so i ~ grayish brown |quyes bo de 3 SS gr ut Renae cl | le ie aay be Ms 1 0 | Leta 9 che} | REDS assoo.bo ee u | Labrirdi Uy | paggess Oy bh bats ieee Bd oP (Wal | fecaebe crs i ae : |qu36. 16 | os {e13\2| : ra la a aan aan Cad hors em ES ee rarpreerk [BNE Neventer 207 ve = Water content p= plasticiy igo | w= ore 27 igus Ut ‘Spi — standard Penetration Test (8) 7 = Prete Umit Se- shelby ‘y= Wealer Tobie Bone Gran inet Tuas NO | GEOTESTING (INTERNATIONAL) INC. oT ‘STREET, PALANAN }) cermcese wis me meme Ma ae «pz *e0-10 = GEOTECHNICAL DATA aT Sy Comma ua nin, Po BE PROPOSED GYMNASIUM & Compound Ts October 26,2007 BH Te nN aa Pane 2 ‘Surface Elevation: October 28, 2007 a ‘Water content ji racaay alten ee elle ¢ e1ane eT Marat | | BE) attr Limite, % ale Por Foot 7 80 om al le agtat Dediae aise 1 i bit | REE ef law ops oe Bs Lt | | Che IREC=2%| | oe feds I dy oolaehs de Ra Oil oe | - \ Le \ \ \ aap TRS Eis |e OTA MN pent —20D eB | Se {ate Nowe. 207 \ ett | IRGC Reo | SEES Poste Ut $8 shelby Seo —"eelow Ground Level [PLATE NO. GEOTESTING (INTERNATIONAL) INC. ee ee poser GEOTECHNICAL & MATERIALS TESTING YNGINEERS {i NO. 90-5007 + €98-6040 * 699-1614 GEOTECHNICAL DATA pane LOCATION: yp, Cor ind, Taft Averme | PROPOSED GYMNASIUM & ee BH NIH BUILDING Bats Finis 3 Surface Fievation Novenber 05,2007 | z Walor Content Descrision And 2(é “ Number of lows Classification of Matoriale cea Miecborp Limite, % E Per Foot / 30 cm- 2 le a 0 60 80 “24068 SILTY SAND; Dark brown, we h | oh ‘non plas, Tose HI I. ery loose trace gavel (HT bg (SM) ) | in 3 SILTY CLAY, Grays brown to ray, wet, low plasticity, Stiff to very so, litle sand. (CL) @ s ‘ mT Th : mr) | Ih ; | 1 oat j 2 Y aaeoaaeees a N aLS Z plastic dense.(SM) {Il y ae HH Leake ZZ TUFF ROCK; Gray tobrown, nv) hse \ ‘completely to highly 1 ‘weathered. (WC-WH) | al | free fae 1s Oy LRT le [oe ) 3 [REC-2b%| | | it | ~ Hlole Togged by: Eimer O, Eston [Dams: November 6 2007 Remarits — Watetabe = 1.80 meters BCL" Woted by: Pepito G. Tampengeo, J. [DAT November 09, 2007 op aa sort = Pet ean te 6) = gee ene 27 as it Sah aon to 2 eee ine 7 ~ Poste Git her Se "ice Cound Lot FIA NO (GROVECHNICAL, #& MATERIALS TESTING ENGINEERS Tan NO, BoS-Gno7 * manus © 630nt601 @ GEOTESTING (INTERNATIONAL) INC. S600-B BOYLE STREET, PALANAN GEOTECHNICAL DATA aa Tacx a ‘OP. Compound, Ta Avewe, PROPOSED GYMNASTIM eta vere, PM Soopersi oar | BE SmnreUTLDING ir ea ‘5 [Surfece Elevation: November 06, 2007 pen 0 ig : eo Sheer of foe Cleselfisstion of Materiole P25 Aterborg: Limits, % x Par Foot / 50. em. | s © «2 es ae | |e] | ipepeten! lps de ‘a IRI c |ROD=25%, 122.2 thf ¢ IReb=ab%6| \ fl 3 . 1 | |\\ Fes} 7 eae bss } | cha_| BEB lavas Rae [aosso bi oh leks Lael. 40 46 ne 1]|) SP22 | pap=tox la640 He \ Tie Tagged by ner ©. Eseon [paris Nowember 06, 2007| emer Taied tp Pepto G Tampengen je [DATE November, 207 ‘Watertable= 1.80 meters BGL* om a ep Mistiat TRL Rana tt oy 2 Ee 7. = rit im 35 sheloy ‘Y ~ Wolor Teble BEL Below Ground Lwel [Piare NO. MARAT cxeY GEOTECHNICAL & MATERIALS TESTING ENGINEERS ‘TEL NO, 82-8207 * as2-ba10 + 629-2611 G8 GEOTESTING (INTERNATIONAL) INC. ‘S550-B BOYLE STREET, PALANAN GEOTECHNICAL DATA Romer, bocarion: Date Started Compound, Tat Aversi, PROPOSED GYMNASIUM & oe Compe ea Ontober 31,2007 BH NIFTBUILDING Date Finished: 3 Surface Hievations nese clositcaton ot Materials | 2 ) 315) | atterborg Limits, fur) _ Par Foot 7" $0 om. y 460 x 4 0 | Tas T chad _|_|eee~ | EA cbr rel | lquha0o ie chia | freb-shw oH nd OF Boring eel 6 \ L 1 Ie Hole Logged by: FimerO. Esteon [DATE: November 0, 2007 | Remerks: Watectable~ 1.80 meters BGL* Woted by: Pepito G. Tampengeo, Jr [DATE November 09, 2007 i Water contort PL Plesety Index Sey ~ Harmer welght agus mt SPT ~ siondord Peneraion Test (8) &S ~ Gate Sample > Poste Umit 58 — shal = wa Paste Ur 5B — Shelby sae PLATE NO. 5 I-Ha NOMLAGIMLSIG FZIS NIVED waidan | aS4voo A¥I9 YO TS owe PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHT ft it Lae oF te OF oT ON gzis aAgIS CYVNVIS sa raspy nuaayy ysl Punodiney 2’. :NOLLYOOT swor-cee ‘a1ee-zee '2629-c09 ‘BON TEL SAID LL wvaviva ‘xaaM1s stom E0289 ON ONIgTING HIN-FNISwNWVAD caso =L98TOUE MINION ONUSEL STVTIGLIME 3 TWOISHIORIOSD ONT (IVNOLLWNSGLNI) ONTLSELOAD 8 =] | 2-Ha NOLMNSIMISIA @ZIS NIVAD irae oe AYIO Yo TIS ow PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT 8 E z P 3 é 5 a az 607 09 OF 02 ON OT ON aqZIS SAGIS CdyvINVLS ‘quepy aouay yes, ‘Pemedutoy ‘gn -NOLLYOOT ior-sea ‘s1e9-2ee ‘2029-209, SON, TEE [SAnNION DNLISAL STITEGLYN % TOINEOAEOD | Sant (TENOTLYNMEINT) PNTESALOAD =e ON ALVId e-Ha NOLLNEIMLSIG @ZIS NIVUD aN nian | aSaVOD sw1aH09 PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHT qe 002 007 ny snuany we PuNEdODg'N:NOLLVOOT rro-e6e “eiss-aee ‘2829-200 “BOM TL Bu 1AVVA OF 02 ON OF OXF OW aziS AIS duvaNVIS Sn PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT SHENONG DNSAL STHIURLIN * TWOIRIDSIORD

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