Estimation of Diameter and Surface Area Flux of Bubbles Based On Operational Gas Dispersion Parameters by Using Regression and ANFIS

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International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 23 (2013) 343–348

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Estimation of diameter and surface area flux of bubbles based on

operational gas dispersion parameters by using regression and ANFIS
B. Shahbazi a, B. Rezai b, S. Chehreh Chelgani c,⇑, S. M. Javad Koleini a, M. Noaparast d
Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 14115-111, Iran
Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 15875-4413, Iran
Young Researchers and Elites club, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Mining Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran 14395-515, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) procedure and regression methods were used to predict
Received 9 September 2012 the Sauter mean bubble (bubble diameter) and surface area flux of the bubble in a flotation process. The
Received in revised form 7 October 2012 operational conditions of flotation, impeller peripheral speed, superficial gas velocity, and weight percent
Accepted 15 December 2012
solids were used as inputs of methods. By using the mentioned operational conditions, the non linear
Available online 4 June 2013
regression results showed that Sauter mean, and surface area flux of the bubble are predictable variables,
where the coefficients of determination (R2) are 0.57 and 0.74, respectively. To increase the accuracy of
prediction an ANFIS model with cluster radius of 0.4 was applied. ANFIS model was capable of estimating
Bubble diameter
Bubble surface area flux
both Sauter mean, and surface area flux of the bubble, where in a testing stage, satisfactory correlations,
Flotation R2 = 0.78, and 0.86, were achieved for Sauter mean, and surface area flux of bubble, respectively. Results
Regression show that the proposed ANFIS model can accurately estimate outputs and be used in order to predict the
ANFIS parameters without having to conduct the new experiments in a laboratory.
Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining & Technology.

1. Introduction related to bubble surface area flux, for example, for shallow froths,
the relationship was linear (k = PSb), where P summarized the
Some of the most important gas dispersion parameters are bub- operational and chemical factors [2].
ble size (d32, 106), superficial gas velocity (Jg, cm/s), gas holdup (eg, It is thought useful to develop empirical models to estimate gas
%) and bubble surface area flux (Sb, s1). Many investigators at- dispersion factors in different conditions, due to poor understand-
tempted to present formulas that would describe relationships be- ing of gas dispersion phenomena and difficulty in measuring them
tween operational conditions of flotation (that provided those in flotation cells. Also, these models could be used readily for appli-
properties) and gas dispersion variables [1]. cations, such as cell comparison and selection, new cell installa-
In determining the effect of bubble size on flotation, the first tion, scale-up for plant design, cell optimization, circuit
step is the measurement of distribution of bubble size in flotation modeling, simulation, etc. Table 1 shows the modeling of gas dis-
cells under various conditions. Physical factors that would drasti- persion variables in previous investigations [1,3–6].
cally be expected to affect bubble size are impeller type and speed, Using the laboratory data, computing techniques have been ap-
as well as air flow rate. The bubble size would probably vary within plied to many aspects of mineral processing that were mentioned
location in the cell according to the level of turbulence and the flow in the references of the paper [7–10]. Adaptive neuro fuzzy infer-
patterns prevailing, but it would be useful to find some ‘‘global ence system (ANFIS) is one of the most popular and well docu-
mean’’ value to represent the overall conditions in the cell in terms mented neural fuzzy systems, which has a good software support
of bubble size. [11]. ANFIS has high potential in building neural fuzzy models with
Gorain et al. investigated the effect of gas dispersion properties good prediction capabilities, while previous investigations consid-
on the flotation rate constant in plant and pilot scale mechanical ered ANFIS models to estimate outputs more accurately than other
cells over a range of operating conditions for four impeller types, methods [12–14]. ANFIS architecture was chosen for the modelling
and found that the rate constant was not readily related to the bub- of this work.
ble size, gas holdup or superficial gas rate individually, but it was The study presented herein aims to predict the Sauter mean
bubble (d32), and surface area flux of the bubble (Sb) based on oper-
ational conditions in quartz flotation. This is accomplished by
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 519 702 9356. using multivariable regression (MR), and adaptive neuro fuzzy
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Chehreh Chelgani).

2095-2686/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining & Technology.
344 B. Shahbazi et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 23 (2013) 343–348

Table 1
Presented model for estimation of Sb and d32 [1,3–6].

Model Parameter Application Advatage Disadvantage

Sb ¼ 123N 0:44
s ðQA Þ0:75 As0:1 P 0:42
Ns is impeller peripheral speed, Q/A is air flow rate Industrial Simple model Effect of pulp density is not known and
per unit cell cross-sectional area, As is impeller mechanical flotation is not applicable for laboratory
aspect ratio and P80 is 80% passing feed size cell flotation cells
Sb ¼ Sb max abJ b1 eaJg
Sbmax is the maximum bubble surface area flux Laboratory new High bubble Model is not applicable for mechanical
achievable, a is a parameter which determines the flotation cell surface area flotation cells
position of the curve along the Jg-axis, and b is a (JKMRC) flux
parameter which determines the shape of the
Sb = aQAwb Where Qa is the air supplied to the cell; a is the Laboratory Model yields a Obtaining surface of the bubbles in the
volume fraction of air that overflows the weir in mechanical flotation more accurate overflowing froth is difficult and the
the form of unbroken bubbles and wb is the cell and realistic effect of many other operational
specific surface of the bubbles in the overflowing values variables is unknown
Sb = 5.5eg eg is gas holdup Flotation columns Gas holdup is The effect of many operational
and mechanical cells, easier to variables is unknown
both laboratory and measure
plant scale
d32 ¼ 1þa:dbexpð
a is a dimensionless parameter and d is a Laboratory Simple model a and d are unknown for different
4d2 dimensionless parameter related to the geometric mechanical flotation operational conditions
standard deviation cell

inference system (ANFIS) models. The prediction capabilities of the

models are also compared. The tests included the determination of
Camera Viewing chamber
impeller peripheral speed (Ns), superficial gas velocity (Jg), weight
percent solids (Pd), Sauter mean bubble (d32), and surface area flux
of the bubble (Sb) in a laboratory. In order to establish predictive Lamp
models, statistical and soft computing techniques were used with
laboratory results as inputs and outputs, and prediction perfor-
Sampling tube Vbelt
mances were then analyzed.

2. Material and methods

0.13 m Air line
All gas dispersion measurements were carried out in a labora- Standpipe
tory at Denver flotation cell. Impeller diameter of 7 cm was used
for agitation in a cell with a square section of 13 and 12 cm height, Bubble 0.12 m
Air rotameter
and impeller diameter of 9 cm was used for agitation in a cell with
Stator Air valve
a square section of 16 and 20 cm height. Impeller rotating speeds Impeller
were 700, 900, 1100 and 1300 r/min, and superficial gas velocities
0.07 m
were 0.32–0.79 cm/s and weight percent solids were 0–20%. The
type of impeller was a Rushton turbine with 8 paddles, and a stator
Fig. 1. Bubble diameter measurement for different impeller speeds and air flow
was used around the rotor. All measurements were done without rates.
any baffling in the flotation cell.
MIBC (methyl iso-butyl carbinol), and quartz particles (solid
density of 2.65 g/cm3 and particle size of 500  106) were used from the vertical angle. During sampling, in order to limit changes
for flotation procedures. Concentration of frother was 22.4  106, in the bubble environment, the closed assembly is filled with water
and C/CCC (CCC, critical coalescence concentration) was 2. The of similar nature to that in the flotation cell, and the tube is im-
quartz sample was used for the gas dispersion study in a 3 phase mersed to the desired location below the froth. As bubbles slide
system with no flotation of quartz. Thus, all gas dispersion mea- up the inclined window illuminated from behind, they rise into
surements were carried out without any collector addition. the viewing chamber, and are imaged by a digital video camera.
According to Girgin et al.’s investigation, in order to prevent
3. Experimental data bubble coalescence, the frother was initially added to the water
in the cell, and then the viewing chamber was filled with it [16].
3.1. Bubble size distribution With regard to the results, for 2.56 < Ns < 6.12 m/s, 0.32 < Jg < 0.79 -
cm/s, and 0 < Pd < 20%, bubble diameter was obtained at
The adopted mean bubble diameter was the Sauter diameter, 330  106 < d32 < 1150  106. The laboratory results are shown
which is calculated by the following equation [15]: in Table 2.
P 3
ni di
d32 ¼ P 2
ð1Þ 3.2. Bubble surface area flux
ni di
where n is the number of bubbles; and d the bubble diameter. A term that incorporates both the superficial gas velocity and
In this work, a bubble viewer (Fig. 1) was used to measure bub- the Sauter mean diameter is the bubble surface area flux which
ble size distribution, and raise velocity. It consists of a sampling was calculated by the following equation for all operating condi-
tube attached to a viewing chamber with a window inclined 15° tions [17]:
B. Shahbazi et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 23 (2013) 343–348 345

Table 2
Results of experiments for quartz flotation in different operational conditions.

No. Peripheral Gas velocity Percent Bubble size Surface No. Peripheral Gas velocity Percent Bubble size Surface
speed Ns (m/s) Jg (cm/s) solids Pd (%) d32 (106) area Sb (s1) speed Ns (m/s) Jg (cm/s) solids Pd (%) d32 (106) area Sb (s1)
1 3.30 0.21 15.00 400 31.41 34 6.12 0.53 15.00 400 80.14
2 6.12 0.21 15.00 470 26.53 35 6.12 0.53 0.01 730 43.36
3 6.12 0.21 10.00 480 26.42 36 4.76 0.63 10.00 760 49.84
4 6.12 0.21 0.01 490 25.77 37 4.76 0.63 20.00 770 48.85
5 5.18 0.21 10.00 520 24.02 38 4.76 0.63 0.01 810 46.89
6 3.30 0.21 0.01 560 22.50 39 4.03 0.63 10.00 860 43.83
7 5.18 0.21 0.01 650 19.27 40 4.03 0.63 20.00 980 38.49
8 4.24 0.32 15.00 410 46.87 41 4.76 0.79 10.00 500 95.31
9 4.03 0.32 20.00 500 38.31 42 4.03 0.79 10.00 610 77.85
10 4.24 0.32 0.01 510 37.50 43 4.03 0.79 20.00 730 64.55
11 4.76 0.32 0.01 520 36.92 44 3.30 0.47 0.01 890 31.83
12 6.12 0.32 0.01 550 35.03 45 6.12 0.32 15.00 450 42.58
13 5.18 0.32 15.00 570 33.55 46 4.03 0.32 0.01 790 24.23
14 5.18 0.32 10.00 630 30.44 47 4.03 0.79 0.01 930 51.07
15 4.76 0.32 20.00 660 29.16 48 4.24 0.21 15.00 500 25.38
16 5.18 0.32 0.01 670 28.54 49 4.76 0.47 20.00 590 47.86
17 4.76 0.32 10.00 780 24.62 50 2.56 0.32 10.00 830 23.21
18 4.03 0.32 10.00 820 23.32 51 5.18 0.53 10.00 620 51.39
19 3.30 0.32 20.00 840 22.82 52 5.18 0.53 0.01 650 46.48
20 2.56 0.32 0.01 930 20.73 53 6.12 0.42 0.01 510 49.60
21 3.30 0.32 10.00 1150 16.72 54 4.24 0.32 10.00 560 34.16
22 6.12 0.42 15.00 330 77.12 55 4.24 0.21 0.01 580 21.64
23 5.18 0.42 15.00 330 77.52 56 5.18 0.42 10.00 570 44.30
24 6.12 0.42 10.00 430 58.09 57 4.03 0.63 0.01 730 51.74
25 5.18 0.42 0.01 700 36.07 58 2.56 0.32 20.00 880 21.83
26 4.03 0.47 20.00 520 53.73 59 3.30 0.21 10.00 690 18.27
27 4.03 0.47 0.01 590 48.11 60 6.12 0.32 10.00 430 44.64
28 4.03 0.47 10.00 620 45.76 61 5.18 0.21 15.00 420 30.31
29 4.76 0.47 0.01 810 34.70 62 4.24 0.21 10.00 640 19.60
30 4.76 0.47 10.00 870 32.51 63 6.12 0.53 10.00 540 59.00
31 3.30 0.47 20.00 900 31.25 64 3.30 0.32 0.01 960 19.92
32 3.30 0.47 10.00 1050 26.92 64 4.76 0.79 20.00 870 54.37
33 5.18 0.53 15.00 330 95.54 66 4.76 0.79 0.01 730 64.82

6J g layer 5 is a circle node labeled that computes the overall output
Sb ¼ ð2Þ
d32 as the summation of all incoming signals [18,20,21].

where Sb is the bubble surface area flux; Jg the superficial gas veloc- 5. Results and discussion
ity; and d32 the Sauter mean bubble diameter. According to this re-
search for 2.56 < Ns < 6.12 m/s, 0.32 < Jg < 0.79 cm/s, and 5.1. Regression
0 < Pd < 20%, the bubble surface area flux is obtained at
16.72 < Sb < 95.54 s1. Table 2 shows the laboratory results. In a mechanical flotation cell, the size of the bubbles generated
depends on the impeller diameter, impeller speed and air flow rate.
In general, the mean bubble size decreases with increase in impel-
4. ANFIS procedure description ler speed, and also increases with increase in air flow rate [22,23].
In addition, the bubble surface area flux may be assumed to be
As an implementation of a first order sugeno fuzzy inference dependent on impeller peripheral speed, superficial gas velocity
system, ANFIS model has a specific architecture and learning rule and weight percent solids.
[18,19]. ANFIS includes a multilayer feed forward network struc- In this study, impeller peripheral speed (Ns) was used instead of
ture that consists of a total of five layers to implement different impeller speed (N) to determine the contemporary influence of
node functions where each node performs a particular function impeller speed and impeller diameter in the models. Also, superfi-
of incoming signals. Both square and circle node symbols are used cial gas velocity was applied for modeling instead of air flow rate
to represent different properties of adaptive learning. To perform per unit cell cross-sectional area (Q/A).
desired input-output characteristics, adaptive learning parameters Inter correlation is a term used to denote the correlation of a
are updated based on gradient learning rules [18]. number of variables among themselves, as distinct from the corre-
To describe ANFIS architecture, a model with two input vari- lations between them and an ‘output’ or dependent variable. The
ables is shown in Fig. 2. In this model, suppose that the rule base correlation between two variables reflects the degree to which
of ANFIS contains two fuzzy if-then rules of Takagi and Sugeno’s the variables are related. The most common measure of correlation
type as follows:Rule 1: If x is A1 and y is B1, then f1 = p1x + q1y + r1.- is the Pearson Product Moment Correlation (called Pearson’s corre-
Rule 2: If x is A2 and y is B2, then f2 = p2x + q2y + r2. lation for short). When computed in a sample, it is designated by
In Fig. 2, fuzzy reasoning is illustrated and the corresponding the letter ‘‘r’’ and is sometimes called ‘‘Pearson’s r’’. Pearson’s cor-
equivalent ANFIS architecture is also shown in Fig. 3. In this struc- relation reflects the degree of linear relationship between two vari-
ture: every node in layer 1 is a square node; every node in layer 2 is ables. It ranges from +1 to 1. A correlation of +1 means there is a
a circle node labeled which multiplies the incoming signals and perfect positive linear relationship between variables [24].
sends the product out; every node in layer 3 is a circle node labeled By a least square mathematical method, the inter correlation of
N; every node in layer 4 is a square node; and the signal node in impeller peripheral speed (Ns), superficial gas velocity (Jg), and
346 B. Shahbazi et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 23 (2013) 343–348

A, B is of triangular membership function type

μ (Y1 )
μ ( X 1 ) A1 B1
f = p1 x + q1 y + r1
1 1 1 1

( w1 f1 + w2 f 2 )
X1 Y1 f = = (w1 f 1 + w2 f 2 )
( w1 + w2 )

A2 μ (Y2 ) B2
μ( X 2 ) f 2 = p2 x + q2 y + r2
X2 Y2

Fig. 2. Reasoning scheme of ANFIS.

weight percent solids (Pd), with Sauter mean bubble (d32) and sur-
Layer 4
face area flux of bubble (Sb) were determined (Table 3). According Layer 1 Layer 2
Layer 3
to the presented results in Table 3, the increase of the impeller x y Layer 5
peripheral speed and weight percent solids can decrease the Sauter A1 w1 w1
mean bubble, and the increase in superficial gas velocity can in-
x Π N
A2 Σ f
crease it. Also, the increase of all three mentioned operational con-
ditions (Ns, Pd, and Jg) will increase the surface area flux of the y B1 Π w2 N
bubble. B2 x y
Linear and non linear multivariable regressions were examined
by comparing their statistical significance using a coefficient of Fig. 3. Schematic of ANFIS architecture (Ramezanianpour et al., 2004).
determination (R2).

d32 ¼ 1094:731  115:408Ns þ 316:895J g  4:717Pd ; 5.2. ANFIS results

R ¼ 0:47 ð3Þ
MATLAB software provides three different fuzzy system gener-
ators: ‘‘fuzzy’’, ‘‘GENFIS1’’ and ‘‘GENFIS2’’ [25]. If explicit knowl-
d32 ¼ 1039:784  94:873Ns þ 217:131J g þ 96:826Pd edge of the system is not available, it can be applied as either
‘‘GENFIS1’’ or ‘‘GENFIS2’’ provided a training data set is available.
 14:761P2d þ 0:494P3d ; According to the ability of generators, GENFIS2 was applied in this
R ¼ 0:57 ð4Þ investigation.
GENFIS2 (Generate fuzzy inference system structure) creates a
Sugeno-type FIS structure using subtractive clustering and requires
Sb ¼ 26:109 þ 6:879Ns þ 74:445J g þ 0:424P d ; R2 ¼ 0:65 ð5Þ separate sets of input and output data as input arguments. When
there is only one output, GENFIS2 may be used to generate an ini-
tial FIS for ANFIS training. GENFIS2 accomplishes this by extracting
Sb ¼ 21:244 þ 4:788N s þ 84:602J g  8:393P d þ 1:323P 2d  0:045P3d ; a set of rules that models the data behavior. The rule extraction
R2 ¼ 0:74 ð6Þ method first uses the subclust function to determine the number
of rules and antecedent membership functions and then uses linear
The difference between the measured and predicted values for all least squares estimation to determine each rule’s consequent equa-
samples is illustrated in Fig. 4. According to the results, non linear tions. This function returns a FIS structure that contains a set of
regressions are a more accurate predictor of both Sauter mean bub- fuzzy rules to cover the feature space.
ble (d32) and surface area flux of the bubble (Sb). On the other hand, Generally, GENFIS2 function generates a model from data using
to increase the accuracy of predictions, a model of adaptive network clustering, and requires you to specify a cluster radius. The cluster
based fuzzy inference system was studied. radius indicates the range of influence of a cluster when you con-

12 Mean=0 20 Mean=0
Std. Dev. =124.48 Std. Dev. =9.34
10 N=66 N=66


6 10


0 0
-300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
Difference between actual and predicted Difference between actual and predicted
-6 -1
d32 (10 ) Sb (s )

Fig. 4. Distribution of the difference between measured Sauter mean bubble (d32), and surface area flux of bubble (Sb) values and their estimated values obtained from non
linear regressions Eqs. (4) and (6).
B. Shahbazi et al. / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 23 (2013) 343–348 347

*Mean diff. =0 Actual Sb R-square=0.86 Actual Sb
Std. dev. diff. =102.97 ANFIS predicted Sb 70 *Mean diff. =0 ANFIS predicted Sb
1000 Std. dev. diff. =5.74
800 50

Sb (s )
d32 (10-6)

600 40
200 10

0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16
Sample number Sample number
*diff.= difference

Fig. 5. Differences between actual and ANFIS estimated of Sauter mean bubble (d32), and surface area flux of bubble (Sb).

Table 3 (r = 0.41, 0.59, respectively), and an increase in superficial gas

Inter-item correlation matrix for input variables and Sauter mean bubble (d32), and velocity (Jg) can increase Sauter mean bubble (r = 0.27). Also, an in-
surface area flux of bubble (Sb).
crease in all mentioned operational conditions (Ns, Pd, and Jg) will
Variable Sb Ns Jg Pd d32 increase the surface area flux of the bubble (r = 0.36, 0.18, and
Surface area (Sb) 1.00 0.360 0.700 0.18 0.41 0.70 respectively). Through the modeling data, the coefficient of
Peripheral speed (Ns) 0.36 1.000 0.004 0.07 0.59 determination (R2) between the prediction value and the experi-
Gas velocity (Jg) 0.70 0.004 1.000 0.06 0.27 mental value of Sb and d32 were 0.74, and 0.57, respectively, while
Percent solids (Pd) 0.18 0.070 0.060 1.00 0.13
Bubble size (d32) 0.41 0.590 0.270 0.13 1.00
by using the ANFIS method for modeling and predicting, R2 was in-
creased to 0.86, and 0.78, respectively. The results showed that
mentioned operational flotation conditions can be used as predic-
tors of Sb and d32 successfully. As a comparison between regression
and ANFIS, it was found that the performance of the ANFIS model is
sider the data space as a unit hypercube. Specifying a small cluster
better than regression models. Therefore, it can be effectively used
radius will usually yield many small clusters in the data, (resulting
in the estimation of Sb and d32.
in many rules). Specifying a large cluster radius will usually yield a
few large clusters in the data, (resulting in fewer rules) [25]. The
cluster radius is specified as the third argument of GENFIS2. Here References
we recall the GENFIS2 function as using a cluster radius of 0.4.
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