Syr-E (Synchronous Reluctance Evolution) : Version 1.6 Draft User'S Manual July, 23 2019
Syr-E (Synchronous Reluctance Evolution) : Version 1.6 Draft User'S Manual July, 23 2019
Syr-E (Synchronous Reluctance Evolution) : Version 1.6 Draft User'S Manual July, 23 2019
User’s Manual
July, 23 2019
This document is a “work in progress” written to give some basic guidelines to start using SyR-e.
As the software evolves we try to keep the manual up-to-date. We apologize for any error or
omission and encourage the reader to notify us. Thank you for dedicating your time to our work.
1. Introduction
SyR-e stands for Synchronous Reluctance – evolution and is an open-source (*) code developed in
Matlab/Octave. SyR-e can design synchronous reluctance machines automatically by means of finite
element analysis and multi-objective optimization algorithms.
It requires Matlab or Octave and FEMM software installed. Among the Octave distributions, the one
which was tested with SyR-e is Octave UPM (Politechnic University of Madrid). Octave UPM is a customized
version of GNU Octave compiled with GUI. The recommended FEMM version is 4.2, updated on April, 21
2019 ( The Matlab version used at the time of this report is R2018b.
The principle of operation of SyR-e is represented in Fig. 1. A Matlab script realizes a parameterised
drawing of a synchronous reluctance machine as a .fem file that is quickly analysed by FEMM. The main
results move back to Matlab for performance evaluation. This basic data flow can be used for automatic
design purposes, with hundreds of potential machines tested by the multi-objective optimization algorithm,
or for the analysis of existing machines, either the just optimized ones or other that are manually designed
by the user. GNU Octave can replace Matlab for all mentioned purposes.
(*) LICENSE: The C++ programs based on the original FEMM source code are licensed under the Aladdin Free Public License, as
the original FEMM source is also provided under this license. The Matlab/Octave code is provided under the Apache Version 2.0
license. Further details and the texts of these licenses are provided with the source.
Figure 1 - Data flow to evaluate machine performances
1.2. Background
SyR-e is not a commercial software and therefore no technical support is guaranteed. This User Guide
gives to the reader the basic information so to allow a first use of SyR-e but it is not intended as a designer
manual. SyR-e has been developed over the last few years and used to realize several designs and
prototypes. The main technical details about the chosen design methodology can be found in [1] and [2].
The reader is encouraged to refer to related literature for more technical details on the design of
synchronous reluctance machines.
The origin of SyR-e, dated back in 2009, was motivated by a twofold vision: 1) to investigate SyR rotor
geometries with no prejudices from the existing literature and, 2) to provide an automatic design tool to
non-expert designers. These two aspects are still the foundation of the current release, although the work
in between has demonstrated that the SyR-e designed geometries are quite consistent with the previous
To summarize the work done so far, different multi-objective optimization algorithms (MOOA) have
been compared in [1]. It was shown that multi objective differential evolution (MODE) can guarantee
superior performances in terms of speed of convergence and quality of the final result when compared
with other state-of-the-art algorithms. The current SyR-e distribution embeds an open source version of the
MODE algorithm, but this can be easily substituted with any other algorithm provided that it runs in
Matlab/Octave and it is configured to manage the same input/output variables.
Originally, the first version of SyR-e can design only two types of rotor barriers: the circular ones and the
segmented ones (all shown in [2]). In the latest versions, the fluid geometry of the flux barriers (explained
in [4]) and the SPM rotor are added.
Since FEMM is able to solve magneto-static problems, the transient behavior of the machines is usually
approximated with a sequence of static simulations in which the rotor position and current phase angles
are modified so to emulate their actual behavior. This procedure will be hereinafter referred as static time
stepping and needs the number position (geo.nsim) and the corresponding rotor angular excursion
(geo.delta_sim) to be determined. To be more fast, SyR-e use the sliding gap boundary in FEMM. This
means that the rotor is not physically rotated during the static time stepping simulation, but the rotation is
obtained with the boundary condition. Further details can be found on FEMM website.
2. Getting started
FEMM must be installed before running SyR-e, including OCTAVEFEMM support. OCTAVEFEMM is
installed automatically with FEMM, typically in the directory c:\Program Files\femm42\mfiles. This path
needs to be added to Matlab/Octave search path by typing the following lines at Matlab/Octave command
The SyR-e files must be copied in a single directory, for example c:\SyR-e. SyR-e must be launched from
its root folder, e.g. the user must set the Matlab/Octave current folder to the SyR-e installation directory by
typing the following line
cd C:\SyR-e
2.3. SetupPath
Run the script “setupPath.m”. This will include in the Matlab/Octave path all the SyR-e subdirectories
needed for machine analysis on a permanent basis. After the first time, you do not need to launch
setupPath.m anymore. However, if the user move SyR-e to a different home directory, the previous paths
needs to be manually removed from Matlab/Octave search path and “setupPath.m” needs to be re-
executed from the new directory.
Those Matlab users having the “Parallel Computing Toolbox” installed can execute the command
parpool to enable the parallel execution of “for” loops (the key command is parfor). For more information
about this feature, please refer to Matlab documentation. What happens on a single computer is that
multiple FEMM instances are run in parallel. Their number depends on the number of microprocessor cores
(workers) of the specific computer. If “Parallel Computing Toolbox” is not installed, SyR-e will work exactly
in the same way, but the computational time will be longer for some simulations.
Matlab users who also have the MATLAB Distributed Computing Server installed can distribute the FEA
simulations on a cluster of computers connected in a network. For example, a network of 3 computers
having quad-core processors can use 12 FEA simulations in parallel, with substantiation shortening of the
overall computational time.
If you have one motor designed with an older version of SyR-e, is possible to open it with the last
version of SyR-e. All the missing data will be set to standard values and some messages will appear on the
command window. To use the motor (for further optimization or post-processing) is highly recommended
to save the machine with the new version of SyR-e.
3. SyR-e operation with GUI
The easiest way to use SyR-e (only for Matlab users) is through the Graphical User Interface (GUI),
launched by GUI_Syre.m. In the GUI, there are some windows, with all the key parameters of one motor.
The first five windows are used for the design, the sixth windows is for the optimization and the last
window is for the post-processing.
For the Octave users or for the advanced users, is possible to use SyR-e without GUI, with the same
features described in this paragraph.
This section describes the use of all the parameters editable via the GUI (or using manual_dataSet for
the advanced users). As said, the GUI is launched by running GUI_Syre.m. The input data procedure is
organized in five sections:
Stator & Rotor Geometry (e.g., tooth length, slot opening, ….)
For each parameter of the GUI there is an input field accompanied by the parameter’s name, its
dimension in square brackets and the name of the corresponding Matlab variable in round brackets. When
the GUI is launched, the default values of all parameters are taken from the mot_01.mat.
Figure 2 - Main data window
The right part of the window is for the parameters of the rotor geometry. If the rotor is a SyR type
(Circular, ISeg, Seg and Fluid) you can select the number of rotor barriers (geo.nlay), the angles describing
the barrier positions at the airgap (alpha) and their thicknesses (hc), the translation of the barrier along the
q axis (geo.dx) and the dimension of the radial ribs (geo.pont). The last four parameters are vectors of
geo.nlay elements. Figure 4 clarifies the definition of i (i=1,2,…nlay) angles and hci (i=1,2,… nlay)
thicknesses. The angle of the first barriers is defined starting from the middle point of the pole while the
other angles are defined as the angular displacement between two consecutive barriers. This choice is
adapted to the use of a per unit representation of the i (i=1,2,… nlay) angles being the angle subtending
half pole pitch the base value. Also the thicknesses hci (i=1,2,… nlay) can be represented conveniently in per
unit values. If they are all 1 p.u. then the barriers are thick the same and occupy as much radial space as
they can. A minimum thickness of the flux guides is fixed to guarantee rotor mechanical feasibility and
avoid overlapping barriers. When all the p.u. heights are of a different value, e.g. 0.2, then the barriers are
again thick the same with a value that is the 20% of the previous example. All other situations are
combination of the previous ones. Angles and thicknesses are input in per unit but the actual values in
degrees and millimetres are immediately calculated and displayed.
The translation of the barrier along the q-axis is expressed in p.u. with reference of the hc. This
parameter is not available for the ISeg geometry. Each barrier can have a different dx, and figure 5 show
three rotor lamination with different dx (all the barrier in this example have the same dx, but is possible to
have different dx for each barrier). To note that the shape of the end-barrier arcs change with dx, because
the thinner points of the radial ribs are defined by the alpha parameters, and for the three example, it is
the same. (see “2016 08 30 - added dx in circ geometry.pptx” in ReadMe folder).
The radial ribs with usually are evaluated using the “Overspeed” parameter (in other option tab), but in
some case can be useful to set manually the dimension of the radial ribs. To enable this feature, the tick
near this field must be set. For Seg geometry only, it is possible to have split radial ribs, placed at the corner
of the barriers [17]. Regarding the tangential ribs, they are out of the mechanical estimation at the
moment, but their dimension can be changed with the proper input.
For Circular and Seg geometries, the FBS angle is available to make asymmetric rotors, useful for torque
ripple reduction. Further details could be found in [15] and [17].
Figure 4 - Definition of i angles and hci thicknesses for circular (left) and segmented (right) rotor
geometries in case of three rotor barriers
Figure 5 - Difference of dx setting in the barrier design: -0.5 (left), 0 (center) and +0.5 (right).
SPM machine
If the rotor type is SPM, the input are the PM angle span (expressed in electrical degree), the magnet
width (hc [mm]) and the number of segment of the magnet (for this last input, use the dx field). If dx = 1,
the magnet is parallel magnetized. While radial magnetization is needed, define dx as 20 or more.
The beta parameter is used as the shaping factor of magnet. When it is unity, the magnet surface is
uniform. If it is less than unity, magnet shaping technique is applied on its outer surface. The detailed
illustration is presented in [14].
V-type IPM machine
If the rotor type is set to Vtype, the IPM machine is designed. It follows the same rules for Δ α
parameters, while the barrier thickness h c is expressed in per unit of the airgap length. The angle between
the d axis and the magnet is defined in p.u., as β radians = −β pu
2 ( π2 − 2πp ). Imposing β pu =0 will create a
straight magnet (I-type geometry), while β pu=1 will set the PM parallels to the pole boundaries. The
parameter dx control the tangential ribs shape: with dx=0, the end barriers are round, otherwise the ribs
are with constant width. Fore more details see “2019 07 22 - IPM Vtype geometry parameters”. It is
possible to set more than 1 barrier, and the parameters become vectors.
The target copper temperature (per.tempcu) is the one used to estimate the coils resistance and
determine i0 from per.loss. The Housing temperature is used to evaluate the estimated copper temperature
with an easy thermal model [10].
Overspeed is the maximum expected rotational speed and used to size the radial ribs. The calculation is
made considering the centrifugal force at steady state and disregarding the magnetic pull and the structural
effect of the tangential ribs at the airgap [3]. If the thickness of the calculated radial ribs falls below the
minimum mechanical tolerance defined by geo.pont0 (that is the last parameter defined in the current
window), then the radial ribs are disregarded (as it is the case in Fig. 5). The thickness of the tangential ribs
defined by geo.pont0. As said, their presence is disregarded during radial ribs sizing.
Mesh and Mesh MOOA are two variables that control the density of the mesh in the finite element
problem (used by file mfiles\dimMesh.m). There are two different mesh resolution to set: a general mesh
resolution and the airgap mesh resolution. Usually, during the optimization, the mesh is coarser than the
post-processing. In Table 1, the equations to obtain the resolutions are reported for both cases.
Figure 7 - Other options window
There is a table for visualization of the winding layout. The table has two rows, corresponding to the
inner and outer layers of the windings, respectively. Single and double layer windings are feasible in this
release of SyR-e. The number of columns is equal to the number of slots represented in the machine sketch
to the right end of the GUI. The first column (Slot n° 1) corresponds to the slot on the horizontal axis and so
on, in counterclockwise direction. The numbers 1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3 in the table refer to the position of the
conductors of the three phases in the slots. Their positive and negative signs determine the direction of the
phase current into the slot. Single layer windings are a subcase of double layer ones: when the two
numbers corresponding to each single slot are equal, a single layer winding will be represented.
Every time geo.q or geo.Kracc are changed, the winding table is recalculated using a version of Koil
software ( by Luigi Alberti) purposely rebuilt to work with SyR-e under Windows
operating systems and distributed with SyR-e package. It is always possible input the numbers in the table
manually and customize the winding layout. It is recommended to use the “SAVE CONFIGURATION” button
after each change of windings parameter, to make the manual modifications effective.
It is possible also design a stator with multiple three-phase sets, by setting properly the related input.
About the winding, the numbers of the phases follow the original one, e.g.: [4,5,6] for the second set, [7 8
9] for the third set and so on. The winding configuration must be saved with “Save Configuration” button.
For example, two slots per pole per phase (geo.q = 2) and no shortening (geo.Kracc = 1). The table says:
1 1 -3 -3 2 2
1 1 -3 -3 2 2
1 1 -3 -3 2 2 1 1 -3 -3 2 2
-2 1 1 -3 -3 2, or alternatively
1 -3 -3 2 2 -1
Phase permutations have no effect because the offset between the three phase windings and the rotor
in position zero is calculated automatically.
The parameter Qs is the number of slots to use in the simulation. It can be varied for the non-
conventional winding machines, with an increase of the computational time of FEMM. The default value is
the minimum allowed.
If the designed machine is a fractional slot machine, the “slot layer position” tick can be selected to
design layer in the coil tooth style.
Figure 10 - Materials window
“Empty \tmp folder” deletes all the files in the subfolder \tmp. Many files are temporary stored is this
folder during optimization, and it is the good practice to empty the folder before each optimization run.
In the main data window, there is also the “syrmDesign” button, which perform a parametric design of
SyR motor according to [11] and [16], SPM motor according to [12] and single layer V-type motors
according to [18]. The parameters of the analysis are the split ratio x defined as the ratio between rotor and
outer stator radius and the induction ratio b defined as the ratio between the peak of the airgap flux
density and the peak flux density in the stator iron. For the SPM and V-type motors, instead of this
parameter, the ratio between the length of the PM over the airgap width.
Before to start the parametric analysis, the user must set the main data of the machine, plus the
boundary of the parameters, the overload current during the analysis, the induction in the stator yoke iron
(Bfe) and the tooth factor (kt) that define how the stator teeth are narrow.
When the user push the syrmDesign button, the contour plot of torque and power factor appear in the
x-b plane (or x-lm/g plane) and a machine can be selected and saved pushing on the preferred point of the
It is possible, for all the geometries, to use the FEAfix approach to increase the accuracy of the design
plane. The number of FEA simulations for each plane could be set and, if a parallel pool is enabled, the
simulatios will run in parallel. If 1000 simulations is select, all the design plane will be FEA-simulated.
Further details could be found in [16].
During the optimization, some stator and rotor parameters are automatically modified, in order to reach
the best in term of some objective. The optimization process consists of two parts: the evolution process
and the re-evaluation of the Pareto front, with better accuracy than the evolution process. Before pushing
the “Optimize” button and start the optimization, three type of input must be set:
Before to start the optimization, remember to delete the \tmp folder to avoid lack of memory on the
If “Parallel Computing Toolbox” in installed on the computer, optimization process always uses parallel
computing. Some information about the computational time and Pareto front are visualized during the
optimization process.
If the process fails for technical reasons (e.g. black-out), it is possible to restart an previous optimization
from the last generation, launching “restartOptimization.m”
- Flux barrier angles (for SPM, is the angle span of the magnet)
- Flux barrier thickness (for SPM is the thickness of the magnet)
- Translations along the q-axis
- Airgap thickness
- Airgap radius
- Tooth width
- Tooth length
- Stator slot opening
- Tooth shoe thickness
- Beta parameter (PM shaping factor, for SPM and Vtype)
- PM dimensions (for Circular, Seg, ISeg and Vtype only, expressed in per unit here)
- FBS angle (for Circular and Seg only)
The last optimization variable is gamma (, which are the angle between the current vector and the d-
axis (maximum permanence axis). Each motor is evaluated using a single current angle. At the end of the
optimization is expected to be very close to the Maximum Torque per Ampere (MTPA) angle condition
MTPA, which is the one maximizing the torque per Joule loss.
For each variable are present one checkbox, to use or not use the variable in the evolution process and a
text-box, with the lower and upper boundary of the variable.
In the definition of the search bounds and the number of variables to be included in the optimization
process some preliminary test should be realized so to verify that the chosen search space does not contain
unfeasible machines. For example, the sum of rotor radius and tooth length should be lower than the stator
radius. This kind of checks are not executed automatically by SyR-e then a particular care must be used in
the definition of bounds. A suggestion could be to start with bounds close to a machine with known
performances so to gain experience and confidence with the software.
- Maximum torque
- Minimum torque ripple, which is the peak-to-peak torque ripple. In the past was used the standard
deviation of the torque divided by the medium torque.
- Minimum copper mass
- Minimum PM mass
Each objective has one check box (to select the objective for the evolution process) and one textbox, to
set the maximum wanted value. During the evolution process, all the motors that have their performance
higher than the maximum value set are penalized. This discourages the optimization algorithm to further
search in not promising regions of the search space.
Figure 7 - Optimization window
The post processing is executed using the last SyR-e window. The main parameters to enter are the
”rotor angular excursion” that is the angular span of the static time stepping in electrical degrees, the
“current phase angle” in dq coordinates and the “number of rotor positions” that is the number of equally
spaced rotor positions that will be simulated over the previously defined angular excursion. Moreover, the
“current load” is the per unit current level used in the analysis, being the current i0 defined on the basis of
the admissible joule losses at stall the base current value. Permanent magnets having residual flux density
specified by “Br” can be included in the rotor barriers (Br can be extracted from the temperature
characteristic too). Note that the radial ribs are not re-calculated considering permanent magnet mass
during the post processing because the analysis will be executed starting from an existing .fem file.
There are seven types of post-processing which SyR-e can perform, selectable from the Evaluation Type
menù (see “2019 07 22 - Evaluation Type”):
Figure 8 - Post Processing window
3.4.6. Flux density analysis
In this case, the simulation is similar to the first one, but the flux density waveforms at the airgap, in the
middle of the stator teeth and in the middle of the stator yoke, for each rotor position are extracted.
4. Offline operation
This set of function (stored in the folder syreManipulateMM) allow to manipulate the result of the flux
and torque maps evaluation, obtaining:
Magnetic model
Inverse magnetic model
Maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) and maximum torque per voltage (MTPV) trajectories
Operating limits on the torque-speed plane (see “2018 03 09 - MaxTw updated”)
dqtMaps (see “2018 12 08 - dqtMap readMe”)
Standard SyR-e files are in .mat format and .fem format. There are some features to do the automatic
export of the motor from SyR-e to other software. The export currently supported are:
- File .dxf: is useful to export the draw in other CAD or FEA software, like MagNet, SolidWorks,
AutoCAD, and other. The function is in \syreExport and is called SyreToDxf.
- MagNet: is like the post-processing with FEMM, but use MagNet. It is included in the GUI with the
red buttons “MN” to save a MagNet file and simulate in MagNet (only single point and map, with
1.1. manual_dataSet.m
In this script produce a dataSet structure, similar to the one produced by the GUI. Is the input for the no-
GUI users.
1.2. DrawMachineScript(dataSet,pathname,filename)
This function allow to save the motor described by the structure dataSet in the selected pathname and
with the selected filename. If no input are used, the dataSet is evaluated by manual_dataSet.m, the
directory is the SyR-e directory and the name is “newmachine.mat”.
1.3. MODEstart(pathname,filename)
With this function, you can run the optimization. If you run the function without inputs, the base setting
are the ones stored in manual_dataSet.m. Else, if you put a correct pathname and filename, the base motor
will be the selected motor, and in MODEstart you can change the parameters of the optimization.
1.4. post_proc_single_motor(dataSet)
This function allows running the analysis of an existing motor. For more details, refer to section 3.3.
5. References
[1] F. CUPERTINO, G. PELLEGRINO, C. GERADA, “Design of Synchronous Reluctance Motors with Multi-
Objective Optimization Algorithms”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, DOI:
[2] G. PELLEGRINO, F. CUPERTINO, C. GERADA, “Automatic Design of Synchronous Reluctance Motors
focusing on Barrier Shape Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, DOI:
[3] PALMIERI M., PERTA M.; CUPERTINO F., PELLEGRINO G. “High-Speed Scalability of Synchronous
Reluctance Machines Considering Different Lamination Materials”, IEEE IECON 2014, the 40th Annual
Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 29 October - 1 November Dallas (USA).
[4] M. GAMBA, G. PELLEGRINO, F. CUPERTINO, “Optimal Number of Rotor Parameters for the Automatic
Design of Synchronous Reluctance Machines”, ICEM 2014, International Conference ion Electrical
Machines, 2-5 September 2014, Berlin, Germany.
[5] PALMIERI M., PERTA M.; CUPERTINO F., PELLEGRINO G. “Effect of the numbers of slots and barriers on
the optimal design of synchronous reluctance machines”, OPTIM 2014, International Conference on
Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Brasov, Romania 22-24 May 2014, pp. 260-267.
[6] CUPERTINO F, PELLEGRINO G, ARMANDO E, GERADA C “A SyR and IPM machine design methodology
assisted by optimization algorithms”, IEEE ECCE 2012, Energy Conversion congress & EXPO. Raleigh
(USA), 15-20 September 2012, pp. 3686-3691.
[7] G. PELLEGRINO, F. CUPERTINO: “FEA-based multi-objective optimization of IPM motor design including
rotor losses”, IEEE ECCE 2010, second IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Atlanta,
Georgia, USA, September 12-16, 2010.
[8] F. CUPERTINO, G. PELLEGRINO: “IPM motor rotor design by means of FEA-based multi-objective
optimization”, IEEE ISIE 2010, Bari, Italy, 4-7 July 2010.
[9] A. Zamuda, J. Brest, B. Boskovi ˇ c, and V. ´ Zumer, “Differential Evolution for Multiobjective
Optimization with Self Adaptation,” in 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC 2007. IEEE
Press, 2007, pp. 3617–3624.
[10]A. Boglietti, A. Cavagnino, M. Lazzari and M. Pastorelli, "A simplified thermal model for variable-speed
self-cooled industrial induction motor," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 39, no. 4, pp.
945-952, July-Aug. 2003.
[11]I. Boldea, T. Fulcao, T.A. Lipo, L. Malesani, T.J.E. Miller, A. Vagati, “Synchronous Reluctance Motors and
Drives, A New Alternative,” Tutorial Course
[12]C. Lu and G. Pellegrino “A Simple Design Method for Surface-mounted PM Machines for Traction
Application”, Proc. of IEEE ECCE 2016, 18-22 Sept. Milwaukee (USA).
[13]G. Y. Sizov, D. M. Ionel and N. A. O. Demerdash, "Modeling and Parametric Design of Permanent-
Magnet AC Machines Using Computationally Efficient Finite-Element Analysis," in IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 2403-2413, June 2012.
[14]C. Lu, S. Ferrari, G. Pellegrino, M. Davoli, C. Bianchini “Parametric Design Method for SPM Machines
Including Rounded PM Shape”, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Cincinnati,
OHIO, Oct. 1–5, 2017
[15]S. Ferrari, G. Pellegrino, M. Davoli and C. Bianchini, "Reduction of Torque Ripple in Synchronous
Reluctance Machines through Flux Barrier Shift," 2018 XIII International Conference on Electrical
Machines (ICEM), Alexandroupoli, 2018, pp. 2290-2296.
[16]S. Ferrari and G. Pellegrino, "FEA-Augmented Design Equations for Synchronous Reluctance Machines,"
2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Portland, OR, 2018, pp. 5395-5402.
[17]S. Ferrari and G. Pellegrino, "Torque Ripple Minimization of PM-assisted Synchronous Reluctance
Machines via Asymmetric Rotor Poles," in press, 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
(ECCE), Baltimore, MD, 2019.
[18]S. Ferrari, G. Pellegrino, M. Z. M. Jaffar and I. Husain, "Computationally Efficient Design Procedure for
Single-Layer IPM Machines," 2019 IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC),
San Diego, CA, 2019.
6. Acknowledgements
SyR-e was made possible thanks to the contribution of several colleagues, students and friends that
collaborated to the development of the project.
A special credit goes to Irene Bedino, author of the original design of the SyR-e logo.