Dpico: Inj - Pumpcalibrationdata

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Ass'y No.

: 1 0 4 7 4 5 - 9 9 8 0
조 정 데 이 터 E/G Type : N EW J2
IN J . P U M P C A L IB R A T IO N D A T A A kind of car: WIDE BONGO J2
Drawing No. : 96 - 04 - 01 Company : KIA MOTORS
General Ass'y No. : KP - VE4/10F2075LNP1691 Date : 96. 04. 16.
Pre- Stroke : Pump rotation : Counter clockwise(viewed from Drive side)
1.Test Conditions
1-1 Nozzle : 105780-0000(KP-DN12SD12T) 1-4 Injection pipe : 2mm × 6mm × 840mm
1-2 Nozzle holder : 105780-2080 1-5 Fuel oil temperature : 45+5 ℃
1-3 Nozzle opening pressure : 150+5 Kgf/㎠ 1-6 Supply pump pressure : 0.2 Kgf/㎠
2.Setting Pump speed Settings Charge air Difference
(r/min) press (mmHg) in delivery
2-1 Timing device travel 1,200 2.9±0.2 mm
2-2 Supply pump pressure 1,200 4.5±0.3 Kgf/㎠
2-3 Full load delivery 1,200 54.5±1.0 cc/1000st 2.5

2-4 Idle speed regulation 385 11.5±2.0 cc/1000st 2.5

2-5 Start 100 65.0∼85.0 cc/1000st
2-6 Full load speed regulation 2,375 23.0±2.0 cc/1000st 4.0
2-7 Load- timer Adjustment 1,200 Q=44.5±1.0cc/1000st
T=2.5±0.2 mm

3.Test Specifications Charge air press

3-1 Timing device N = r/min 700 1200 2075
mm 0.4±0.4 2.9±0.2 7.4±0.4
3-2 Supply pump N = r/min 700 1200 2075
Kgf/㎠ 2.8±0.3 4.5±0.3 7.7±0.3
3-3 Overflow delivery N = r/min 1,200 cc/1000st (Measure)
3-4 Fuel injection quantities
Speed control lever Pump speed Fuel delivery Charge air 4.Dimensions
position (r/min) (cc/1000st) press (mmHg)
Full- load speed 500 51.5±2.0 K 3.3±0.1
1,200 54.5±1.0 KF 5.9±0.1
2,075 46.0±2.0 MS 1.0±0.1
2,500 10.0 이하 BCS
Control lever angle
Switch OFF Magnet valve 100 M/V OFF Q=0 α 20°±4°
Idling A mm
600 Below 5.0
β 35°±5°
3-5 Solenoid valve Max. cut-in voltage 8 V B mm
Test voltage 12 ∼ 14V
D O O W O N P R E C IS IO N IN D U S T R Y C o ., L td . Service Department
D P IC O 503-5,SHINSA-DONG,KANGNAM-GU,SEOUL,KOREA TEL:(02)510-7241∼7, FAX:(02)510-7110

Ass'y No.: 1 0 4 7 4 5 - 9 9 8 0
※ Load timer adjustment.
1.Adjust the governor shaft so that the clearance between the end of the
flange and the end of the governor shaft is approxiamely 3mm and then
lock the nut.
2.Load timer adjustment.
2.Load timer adjustment.
(1)Fix the control lever in the position satisfying the following
Boost Pressure :
Pump speed : 1,200 r/min
Fuel injection quantity : 44.5±1.0 cc/1000st
(2)With the control lever positioned as described in (1) above adjust the
governor sleeve so that the timer reduction value (△T) conforms to the
specified values (item 2-7)
T = 17∼22 N·m ( 1.7∼2.2 Kg·m )
3.Confirmation of Timer Characteristics.
Fix the control lever in the position satisfying the following conditions
and confirm the timer stroke.
Control lever position Specified Values
Pump speed Fuel injection q'ty Boost pressure Timer stroke Timer reduction
(r/min) (cc/1000st) (mmHg) (mm) value (mm)
54.5±1.0 2.9±0.2 --
1,250 44.5±1.0 2.5±0.2 △TA = 4

35.0±1.0 (Measure)
385 11.5±2.0 0 --

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