Phase 1 & 2: 50% OFF On NABARD Courses Code: NABARD50
Phase 1 & 2: 50% OFF On NABARD Courses Code: NABARD50
Phase 1 & 2: 50% OFF On NABARD Courses Code: NABARD50
Business Cycles
▪ These fluctuations are called as ‘cycles’ means that they are periodic and occur
regularly, though perfect regularity has not been observed.
▪ Also, the duration of a business cycle has not been of the same length - it has
varied from a minimum of two years to a maximum of ten to twelve years.
Phases of Business Cycles:
Business cycles have shown distinct phases the study of which is useful to understand
their underlying causes.
Thus, when expansion gathers momentum and we have prosperity, the gap between
potential GNP and actual GNP is zero, that is, the level of production is at the maximum
production level.
▪ A good amount of net investment is occurring and demand for durable consumer
goods is also high.
▪ Prices also generally rise during the expansion phase but due to high level of
economic activity people enjoy a high standard of living.
Then something may occur, that bring an end to the expansion or prosperity
Economists differ regarding the possible causes of the end of prosperity and start of
downswing in economic activity:
▪ Monetarists have argued that contraction in bank credit may cause downswing.
▪ Keynes have argued that sudden collapse of expected rate of profit (which he calls
marginal efficiency of capital, MEC) caused by adverse changes in expectations of
entrepreneurs lowers investment in the economy.
▪ This fall in investment, according to him, causes downswing in economic activity.
Contraction and Depression:
During contraction-
▪ There is a fall in GNP and also level of employment is reduced.
▪ As a result, involuntary unemployment appears on a large scale.
▪ Investment also decreases causing further fall in consumption of goods and
▪ At times of contraction or depression prices also generally fall due to fall in
aggregate demand.
▪ A significant feature of depression phase is the fall in rate of interest. With lower
rate of interest people’s demand for money holdings increases.
▪ There is a lot of excess capacity as industries producing capital goods and consumer
goods work much below their capacity due to lack of demand.
▪ Capital goods and durable consumer goods industries are especially hit hard during
▪ Depression occurs when there is a severe contraction or recession of economic
Trough and Revival:
▪ There is a limit to which level of economic activity can fall. The lowest level of
economic activity, generally called trough. It lasts for some time.
▪ On the contrary, when recovery starts, the inventories go below the desired level.
▪ This encourages businessmen to place more orders for goods whose production picks
up and stimulates investment in capital goods.