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10.3 Calculation For Cylindrical Worm Gear Pair Strength

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3 Calculation for Cylindrical worm gear pair strength

Gear strength calculation formula for Cylindrical worm gear pair JGMA 405-01 (1978)

1. Applicable range (Common) Hereby

1.1 This standard is applied to Worm gear pair with T2 : Nominal torque (kgf・m) for Worm wheel
following ranges and shaft angle 90 ° for power T1 : Nominal torque (kgf・m) for Worm gear
transfer used in general industrial machinery. Ft : Nominal Tangential load (kgf ) on the Refer-
ence pitch circle for Worm wheel
Axial module : 1 ~ 25 mm d2 : R eference pitch diameter (mm) for Worm
Reference diameter of Worm wheel wheel
: Below 900 mm u : Gear ratio
Sliding velocity : Below 30 m/s η R : Transfer efficiency of Worm gear when Worm
Revolving velocity of Worm wheel gear is driver (excludes bearing loss and mixer
: Below 600 min-1 loss of lubricating oil)
Tooth profile : Stipulated in JIS B1723 μ : Friction factor{Refer to (3) of 3.2}
(Cylindrical worm gear α n : Normal reference pressure angle(°)
Material : Refer to Table 7 (2) When Worm wheel is driver (speed increment)
Ft d 2
1.2. This standard is used for calculating Allowable T 2 = 2000 (kgf • m) ............................................ Same as (2)
load from given dimension of Cylindrical worm gear T 2η 1 F t d 2η 1
pair or is used for determining suitable dimensions of T 1 = u = 2000u (kgf • m) ............................................. (5)
Cylindrical worm gear pair from given load. µ
tanγ −
cos α n
η1 = µ ·
................................................. (6)
2. Definition §
tanγ ¨1 + tanγ ¸
Gear strength of Cylindrical worm gear pair is Allow- © cos α n ¹
able load for Surface durability. Hereby
η 1 : Transfer efficiency of Worm gear pair when
3. Basic conversion formula and numerical Worm wheel is driver (excludes bearing loss
value and mixer loss of lubricating oil).
3.1 Sliding velocityν s (m/s)
d 1n1 (3) Numerical value of friction factor μ
υs =
19100cosγ ...................................................................... (1) Obtain Friction factorμ from Fig. 1 of sliding veloc-
Hereby ity when engaged with Worm gear with Case harden
d1 : Reference pitch diameter of Worm gear (mm) and ground or Worm wheel with phosphor bronze.
n1 : Revolving velocity of Worm gear (min-1) Remark 1. Friction factor for engagement with other
γ : Reference pitch cylindrical lead angle (°) materials.
Due to insufficient data, values of Friction factor are
3.2 Torque, Tangential load and Efficiency difficult to stipulate. Therefore Reference table 1 pro-
(1) When Worm gear is driver (speed reduction) posed by H.E Merritt is adopted for reference.
Ft d 2
T 2 = 2000 (kgf • m) ............................................................... (2)

T2 Ft d 2
T 1 = uηR = 2000uηR (kgf • m) . .......................................... (3)

§ µ ·
tanγ ¨1 − tanγ ¸
© cos αn ¹
ηR =
tanγ + ................................................. (4)
cos α n

 riction factor μ for different ma-
Reference table 1 F
terials combination
Materials Value of μ

Casting iron and phosphor bronze 1.15 times value of Fig. 1

Casting iron and Casting iron 1.33 times value of Fig. 1

Hardened steel and Aluminium 1.33 times value of Fig. 1

Steel and Steel 2.0 times value of Fig. 1

Fig. 1 Friction factor



Friction factor M






0 0.001 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 30
Sliding velocity Us (m/s)

4. Calculation formula of Allowable load 4.2 Equivalent load calculation

for Surface durability Basic load capacity from formulas (7) and (8) is the
4.1 Basic load capacity calculation limit of Tangential load and torque to withstand
Calculate Basic load capacity for Surface durabil- 26,000 hours of usage when in a non-impact environ-
ity from given dimensions and material of Cylindrical ment. It is considered non impact if number of starts
worm gear pair using following calculation formula. per hour is under 2 times and starting impact torque
Allowable tangential load Ftlim (kg・f) is below 200% of rated torque (1). However, if such
ZLZMZR condition is not met, calculate Equivalent load and
F t lim = 3.82 K υ K n S clim Zd 2 mx ........................... (7)
0 .8
KC compare with basic load capacity. In other words,
Allowable Torque for Worm wheel T2lim (kgf・m) when expected life is more or less than 26,000 hours
ZLZMZR with impact conditions applied. Starting toque is
T 2lim = 0.00191 K υ K n S clim Zd 2 mx .................... (8)
KC larger than above. Calculation method for Equivalent
Hereby load is as follow.
d2 : R eference pitch diameter (mm) for Worm Note(1) This is torque for Worm wheel when prime
wheel mover (or load) performs rated load opera-
mx : Axial module (mm) tion.
Z : Zone factor
Kυ : Sliding velocity factor
Kn : Revolving speed factor
ZL : lubricating oil factor
ZM : Lubrication factor
ZR : Roughness factor
Kc : Tooth contact factor
Sclim : Allowable stress factor for Surface durability

Equivalent tangential load Fte (kgf) 5.2 Zone factor Z
Fte = F t K h K s .......................................................................... (9) Calculate Zone factor from (1) and (2) using Table 3.
Virtual torque of Worm wheel T2e (kgf・m)  hen , b 2 < 2.3mx Q + 1 use value in Table 3 multi-
(1) W
T 2 e = T 2 K h K s ....................................................................... (10) plied by
Hereby b2
as value for Z.
Ft : Nominal tangential load on the Pitch circle of 2mx Q + 1
Worm wheel (kgf) (2) When b 2 ҈ 2.3mx Q + 1 , use value in Table 3 multi-
T2 : Nominal torque of Worm wheel (kgf・m) plied by 1.15 as value for Z.
Ks : Starting factor (Refer to 5.9) Hereby
Kh : Time factor (Refer to 5.10) § d1 ·
Diameter quotient
Q : Diameter quotient ¨Q = mx ¸
© ¹
4.3 Load definition Zw : Number of thread for Worm gear
(1) When non-impact, expected life is 26,000 hours.
It should meet the following conditions. 5.3 Sliding velocity Kυ
Ft ҇ F t lim . .............................................................................. (11) Obtain Sliding velocity factor based on Sliding veloc-
T 2 ҇ T 2lim . .............................................................................. (12) ity from Fig. 3.
(2) Other than above cases,
it should meet the following conditions. 5.4 Revolving velocity factor Kn
Fte ҇ F t lim ............................................................................... (13) Obtain Revolving velocity factor based on Revolving
T 2 e ҇ T 2lim ............................................................................... (14) speed of Worm wheel from Fig. 4.
Remark: For fluctuating load, use total torque T2c to
define load based on formulas (10) and (12) 5.5 Lubricating oil factor ZL
instead of T 2. Calculation method of T 2c is As long as lubricating oil with proper viscosity con-
found at「Calculation of Fluctuating load」 taining extreme additives is used, ZL = 1.0.
in Reference table 4 (page 153). If bearing is used in Worm gear pair equipment or
compelled to use lubricating oil with thin viscosity. ZL
5. How to calculate each factor for Surface is less than 1.0.
durability from calculation formula Remark: Viscosity
Factors used for Surface durability calculation formu- There are many recommended viscosity values from
las mentioned above are stipulated below. different sources for proper lubricating oil. However,
there is no consensus. Recommended mean values
5.1 Facewidth of Worm wheel b2 (mm) are collected from sources and shown in Reference
Refer to Fig. 2 for Facewidth of Worm wheel. table 2.

Fig. 2 Facewidth of Worm wheel

b2 b2

Table 3. Base value of Zone factor

7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 11 12 13 14
1 1.052 1.065 1.084 1.107 1.128 1.137 1.143 1.160 1.202 1.260 1.318
2 1.055 1.099 1.144 1.183 1.114 1.223 1.231 1.250 1.280 1.320 1.360
3 0.989 1.109 1.209 1.266 1.305 1.333 1.350 1.365 1.393 1.422 1.442
4 0.981 1.098 1.204 1.301 1.380 1.428 1.460 1.490 1.515 1.545 1.570

Reference table 2 Recommended dynamic viscosity
Unit cSt/37.8°C
Operating oil temperature Sliding velocity m/s

Max. oil temperature Starting oil temperature Below 2.5 Above 2.5 to below 5 Above 5
‒10°C to below 0C° 110 - 130 110 - 130 110 - 130
0 C° to below 10°C
Above 0°C 110 - 150 110 - 150 110 - 150
10 C° to below 30°C Above 0°C 200 - 245 150 - 200 150 - 200
30 C° to below 55°C 〃 350 - 510 245 - 350 200 - 245
55 C° to below 80°C 〃 510 - 780 350 - 510 245 - 350
80 C° to below 100°C 〃 900 - 1100 510 - 780 350 - 510

Fig. 3 Sliding velocity factor




Sliding velocity factor KG







0 0.001 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 30

Sliding velocity factor KU (m/s)

Fig. 4 Revolving velocity factor



Revolving velocity factor Kn





0 0.1 0.5 1 2 4 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 300 400 500 600
Revolving velocity of Worm wheel (min - ¹)

5.6 Lubrication factor ZM Tooth bearing for classification equivalent to A in JIS
Obtain Lubrication factor from Table 4. B 1741 (tooth bearing) will be Kc = 1.0. ....................... (16)
Value of Kc for classification B and C is larger than 1.0.
Table 4. Lubrication factor ZM Reference table 3: Shows JIS Tooth bearing ratio and
Above 10, approximate values of Kc.
Sliding velocity m/s Below 10 Above 14
below 14
Oil bath lubrication 1.0 0.85 -
5.9 Starting factor Ks
Forced lubrication 1.0 1.0 1.0
Starting factor is stipulated below
(1) Obtain value from Table 5 if the starting torque is
5.7 Roughness factor ZR below 200% of rated torque.
Roughness factor is determined with consideration (2) If Starting torque exceeds 200% of rated torque,
based on influence on Pitting and Wearing to flank of value of K s = 1.0. With starting torque to be as
Worm gear and Worm wheel. Due to insufficient data, maximum, then calculate fluctuating load (refer to
ZR = 1.0 is adopted at the moment............................... (15) Table 4) to calculate total load.
However, Surface roughness is to be below 3S for
Worm gear and below 12S for Worm wheel. 5.10 Time factor Kh
If Surface roughness is rougher than above, Rough- Obtain Time factor from Table 6 using expected lifes-
ness factor Z R should be lower than 1.0. pan and extent of impact. Use interpolation when
expected lifespan is between the values in the below
5.8 Tooth bearing Kc Table.
Quality of Tooth bearing has large influence on load
capacity. Due to insufficient data at the moment,

Reference table 3 Classification of Tooth bearing and approximate value of Kc

Ratio of tooth bearing
Classification Kc
Tooth trace direction Direction of tooth depth
A Above 50% of length of effective trace direction Above 40% of effective tooth depth 1.0
B Above 35% of length of effective trace direction Above 30% of effective tooth depth 1.3 - 1.4
C Above 20% of length of effective trace direction Above 20% of effective tooth depth 1.5 - 1.7

Remark: Conditions for tooth bearing from JIS B1741

Table 5. Starting factor Ks

Number of start times per hour Below 2 times 2 - 4 times 5 - 9 times Above 10 times

Ks 1.0 1.07 1.13 1.18

Table 6. Time factor K h


Impact from prime mover side Expected lifespan Impact from load

Uniform load Medium impact Heavy impact

1,500 hours 0.80 0.90 1.0

Uniform load 5,000 hours 0.90 1.0 1.25
(Motor, Turbine, Hydraulic
motor and others) 26,000 hours(1) 1.0 1.25 1.50

60,000 hours 1.25 1.50 1.75

1,500 hours 0.90 1.0 1.25

Light impact 5,000 hours 1.0 1.25 1.50

(Multiple cylinder engine) 26,000 hours (1)
1.25 1.50 1.75

60,000 hours 1.50 1.75 2.0

1,500 hours 1.0 1.25 1.50

Medium impact 5,000 hours 1.25 1.50 1.75

(Cylinder engine) 26,000 hours (1) 1.50 1.70 2.0

60,000 hours 1.75 2.0 2.25

Note (1) Operating 10 hours a day for 260 days per a year is equivalent to 10 years and above.

5.11 Allowable stress factor Sclim
Table 7 shows Allowable stress factor and limits of sand burning sliding speed for Surface durability.

Table 7. Allowable stress factor Sclim for Surface durability

Material of Worm wheel Material of Worm gear Sclim Limits of sand burning sliding velocity (1) m/s

Alloyed steel with Case hardening 1.55 30

Phosphor bronze centrifugal casting Alloyed steel HB400 1.34 20

Alloyed steel HB250 1.12 10

Alloyed steel with Case hardening 1.27 30

Phosphor bronze chill casting Alloyed steel HB400 1.05 20

Alloyed steel HB250 0.88 10

Alloyed steel with Case hardening 1.05 30

Phosphor bronze sand casting or Forging Alloyed steel HB400 0.84 20

Alloyed steel HB250 0.70 10

Alloyed steel with Case hardening 0.84 20

Aluminum bronze Alloyed steel HB400 0.67 15

Alloyed steel HB250 0.56 10

Alloyed steel HB400 0.49 8

Alloyed steel HB250 0.42 5
Same material as Worm wheel but with
Graphite flake high strength casting 0.70 5
higher hardness.
Phosphor bronze casting and Forging 0.63 2.5
Gray iron casting (Pearlite quality) Same material as Worm wheel but with
0.42 2.5
higher hardness.

 alues of Sclim in the table 7 is maximum sliding velocity applicable. Even if used below a calculated load,
Note (1): V
there is risk of sand burning if the sliding velocity exceeds this limit.

Remark 4 Calculation for Fluctuating load T 2 c = T 21Kh' .......................................................................... (R3)

(1)For combination of uniform torque with different Hereby,
revolving speeds, T2c : Total sum of torques, T 21, T22, T23… (kgf・m)
When maximum nominal action T21(1) operates Worm Kh’ : Factor taken from Reference table 4. If Uec is
wheel at U 1 seconds per 1 cycle, smaller nominal median value, use interpolation.
torque T22, T23… at U2, U3… seconds and mean revolv-
ing speed is n21, n22, n23, … . calculate Equivalent time Reference table 4 Kh’
per 1 cycle based on T21 and n21 using below formula. Uee Kh Uee Kh’
3 3 500 hours 0.77 5,000 hours 0.90
n 22 § T 22 · n 23 § T 23 · . .................
Ue = U 1 + U 2 ¨ ¸ +U3 ¨ ¸ + (R1)
n 21 © T 21 ¹ n 21 © T 21 ¹ 1,000 hours 0.79 10,000 hours 0.92

2,000 hours 0.81 25,000 hours 1.0

3,000 hours 0.84 26,000 hours 1.0
Ue : Equivalent time (per 1 cycle) (s) based
Note (1) : This table does not include torque peak
on T21 and n21.
.... with instantaneous change. Please use cal-
n21n22 n23 : m ean revolving velocity of Worm
culation formula from (2) for such types of
wheel (min-1)
torque peak.
T21,T22, T23 .... : Nominal torque of Worm wheel
Remark: When 1 cycle of the fluctuating load exactly
matches one revolution of a Worm wheel,
Therefore Total equivalent time within 26,000 hours is
the largest torque always fall on only 1 spe-
as follow,
cific tooth of the Worm wheel. Therefore
Uec = × (Total number of cycle within 26,000 hours) ...... (R2) calculation formula for fluctuating load is
not applied. Calculated maximum torque is
applied continuously to the whole expected
Hereby, Total equivalent time per 26,000 hours based
on Uec・T21 and n21.
Calculate Total torque from Uec and Reference table 4
using the following formula.

Determine dimensions of Worm gear based on calcu- Ua § T 22 ·­° § T 22 · ½°

lated Total torque T2c from formula (R3) from (a) and U 1e = 4 ¨©1 + T 21 ¸¹®°̄1 + ¨© T 21 ¸¹ ¾° ....................................... (R6)
(b). Calculation of U 1e’(Torque peak equivalent action
(a) Non impact, expected lifespan is 26,000 hours. It time per hour) with N times of start per hour is
is considered non impact if number of starts per hour U 1e' = NU 1e .......................................................................... (R7)
is under 2 times and starting impact torque is below Actual time is NU 1e.
200% of rated torque. When such peak torque acts NUa seconds per hour,
Detemine dimensions for worm gear pair in accor- steady torque T22 and Uniform torque T23,T24…acts for
dance with following relation. U2, U3, U4 seconds. When each mean revolution ve-
T 2 c ҇ T 2lim ............................................................................. (R4) locity is n21, n22, n23, n24, calculation of Equivalent time
Hereby Ue(s) per hour is by following formula,
T2lim : Allowable torque for Worm wheel (kgf・m) to n 22 § T 22 ·
n 23 § T 23 ·

Ue = U 1e + U 2 n 21 ¨© T 21 ¸¹ + U 3 n 21 ¨© T 21 ¸¹ + . ................. (R8)
match with revolution velocity n21 for Worm
wheel. However, standard revolving speed n21 is the aver-
(b) When life is about 26,000 hours, impact conditions age value of peak torque between starting and end.
and number of start is above 2 times per hour. Design Therefore, from standstill to reach n21 is calculated by
dimensions for Worm gear pair to form following re- n21= n’21 / 2. T 21 is standard torque. (Refer to Reference
lation. Fig. 1)
T 2 c K h K s ҇ T 2lim ................................................................... (R5) Total Virtual time in 26,000 hours is as follows.
Hereby T2lim : Allowable torque for Worm wheel (kgf・m) Ue
Uec = × 26000 ........................................................... (R9)
to match with revolution velocity n21 for Worm wheel. 3,600
(2) For combination of Peak torque and Flat torque Hereby
when starting {Refer to 5.9 number(2)}. Uec : T otal equivalent time (h) per 26,000 hours
Value of peak T 21 during start reaches steady based on T21 and n21.
speed of operation after acceleration time of Ua This Uec is equivalent to Uec of formula (R2) of previous
seconds. If constant driving and torque are desig- item (1). Dimensions of Worm gear pair can be deter-
nated as T22, Equivalent action time U1e (s) is using mined from formula (R3), (R4) or (R5) of (1) but Ks to
following calculation. be 1.0.

Reference Fig. 1 Conditions of Peak and Uniform torque


Peak Torque

T23 (n23min -1)

T22 (n22min -1)

T24 (n24min -1)
Other types of
Uniform torque

Elapsed time


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