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Inertia Calculation
Mark McMillin
NASA Langley Research Center

OpenVSP Workshop
NASA Ames Research Center
August 23-25, 2016
8/19/2016 McMillin 1

Tool Set Interfaces
Inertia Calculation Verifications
Test Case

8/19/2016 McMillin 2

Conceptual analysis process

for LEAPS inertia calculations
 Input - Geometry - OpenVSP
 Input - Mass statement - FLOPS
 Output - Vehicle level inertias
Previous workshops

8/19/2016 McMillin 3
Tool Set Interfaces

8/19/2016 McMillin 4
Mass Properties Tool Set

 Component
General Tab
 Blank Component
Mass Tab
 Analysis Menu
 Comp Geom
 Mass Properties

8/19/2016 McMillin 5
Inertia Calculation

8/19/2016 McMillin 6
Comparison to Analytic Solids and Shells

All shells and solids checked were accurate to at least three decimal places

8/19/2016 McMillin 7
Comparison of Wing to CAD Computation

Solid Wing From OpenVSP Transferred to FreeCAD (OCC) via IGES (mm)
 Volume 8.4471
 Center of Mass (2.9477, 0.0, 0.0)
 Inertia Matrix
 (111.377, 0, 0)
 (0, 12.184, 0)
 (0, 0, 123.466)
 Volume 8.5253
 Center of Mass (2.9378, 0.0, 0.0)
 Inertia Matrix
 (111.980, 0, 0)
 (0, 12.318, 0)
 (0, 0, 124.201)

8/19/2016 McMillin 8
Test Case

8/19/2016 McMillin 9
Test Case: CeRAS

Investigate OpenVSP enabled mass

properties capability for LEAPS Inertias
CeRAS/CPACS (XML) file has no inertia data
Need VSP model, IGES is provided

8/19/2016 McMillin 10
Test Case: 1979 AFRL Document

“Inertia Calculation for Preliminary Design” -

1979 AFRL Document
 Define Geometry using basic shapes
 Allocate mass, assign densities
 Components, distributed, point, volumes
 Calculate component inertias about reference axis
 Eight shape based inertia calculations
 Sum and translate inertias to vehicle cg
 Parallel Axis Theorem in a spreadsheet
Several comparisons with existing aircraft,
one detailed example for a C5-A!

8/19/2016 McMillin 11
Test Case: C5-A Example

 Mass statement
 Geometry
 Vehicle and component level inertias for comparison

8/19/2016 McMillin 12
C5-A Model – Geometry

Geometry Parameters

8/19/2016 McMillin 13
C5-A Model – Mass Breakdown

35 Weight components -

allocated to six groups
 Wing
 Horizontal tail
 Vertical tail
 Fuselage
 Propulsion
 Subsystems
 Point masses
 Distributed items
 Volumes
20 cg location

8/19/2016 McMillin 14
C5-A Model – Point Masses

Blank components
Visual cg verification
Volumes included here

8/19/2016 McMillin 15
C5-A Model – Distributed Masses

Distributed mass allocated to

green cylindrical shell

Propulsion modeled as solid


8/19/2016 McMillin 16
VSP Inertia Comparison to C5-A from 1979 Paper

Ixx-origin Iyy-origin Izz-origin Ixz-origin

OWE – fuel level not addressed here Fuselage 9.651E+09 2.369E+11 2.290E+11 3.723E+10
Wing and Vertical differences due to VSP 9.532E+09 2.370E+11 2.292E+11 3.776E+10
% diff 1.2 -0.1 -0.1 -1.4
modeling actual wing versus a Distributed 6.046E+08 1.791E+10 1.744E+10 2.614E+09
trapezoidal slab VSP 6.039E+08 1.843E+10 1.796E+10 2.692E+09

Point mass difference due to treating % diff 0.1 -2.9 -3.0 -3.0
Wing 3.685E+10 1.596E+11 1.791E+11 3.450E+10
avionics and furnishings as point VSP 3.673E+10 1.425E+11 1.594E+11 3.536E+10
masses % diff 0.3 10.7 11.0 -2.5

Cg comparison also very favorable Horizontal

% diff -0.5 -0.3 -0.3 -0.4
Cgx Cgz Vertical 2.302E+09 5.040E+10 4.810E+10 9.953E+09
VSP 2.044E+09 4.958E+10 4.754E+10 9.694E+09
VSP 1251 270 % diff 11.2 1.6 1.2 2.6
1979 1254 270 Engines 1.994E+10 5.720E+10 7.295E+10 1.044E+10
VSP 1.996E+10 5.719E+10 7.296E+10 1.044E+10
% diff -0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Point mass 3.412E+09 6.458E+10 6.366E+10 5.376E+09
VSP 3.874E+09 6.458E+10 6.366E+10 5.376E+09
% diff -13.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
8/19/2016 McMillin 17

My experience
 All component based inertias
 Use of spreadsheet required
 Used ~100 slices (default 10), but is still very fast

1979 Paper process

 Ixx trick for “point mass”
 Avionics/furnishings volumes incorrect?
 Main gear “point masses” (gear down)
 Vertical tail location is moved aft
 Inconsistent selection of origin
 Sign error in equation on page 9

Use this process to reverse engineer Roskam’s radius of gyration data

8/19/2016 McMillin 18

8/19/2016 McMillin 19
VSP Mass PropertiesTools

Draw cg not working

Point mass print out not adequate
Shell/Solid interface confusing
Don’t know what priority means – intersected
Requires scripting to loop through components
to create a csv file, API?
Assign mass instead of density, save a step
Stability from version to version could be an

8/19/2016 McMillin 20
Way Forward

 FreeCAD
 Requires parts to be solids for inertias
 Investigate OCC area moments of inertia (surfaces)
 3-D printer ready!
 An OpenVSP workbench inside of FreeCAD could
provide a very powerful “Best of both worlds”

8/19/2016 McMillin 21

8/19/2016 McMillin 22
Mass Properties Tool for Leaps

Flexibility is paramount
 Variety of mass breakdown structures
 Mission phase capability
 Spreadsheet
 Collect mass data from a variety of
sources and initialize VSP
 Parallel Axis Transfer and summation of
VSP component data for inertia

8/19/2016 McMillin 23
C5-A Model – Mass Breakdown

CG Location Groups:
• Main and nose landing gear
Aircraft Weight Allocation Components: • Auxiliary power unit
• Horizontal tail structure • Starting system • Air conditioning
• Vertical tail structure • Auxiliary power • Auxiliary gear
• Fuselage structure unit • Gun
• Main gear • Instruments • Crew
• Nose gear • Hydraulics • Weapons
• Engine Nacelle & Pylons • Electrical • Fuel system (Centroid of fuselage fuel tank)
• Other structure • Electronics • Avionics bays
• Engine • Armament • Radar
• Aux gearboxes • Air conditioning • Furnishings & Equipment
• Exhaust system • Photographic • Photographic equipment
• Cooling & drain • Auxiliary gear • Other equipment
• Lubricating system • Other equipment • Liquid nitrogen
• Engine controls • Crew • Miscellaneous items
• Oil • Wing Pylons • Fuselage store and tank pylons
• Liquid Nitrogen • Ext Wing tanks • Fuselage external stores and tanks
• Miscellaneous • fuselage pylons • Wing store and tank pylons
• Payload • Ext Fuselage • Wing external stores and tanks
tanks • Internal Payload
• Guns
• Fuel

8/19/2016 McMillin 24
1979 AFRL Document – Slab wing

Wing, horizontal tail, and vertical tail groups are all common
surfaces. To define the shape of the surface the normal planview (one
side of wing and horizontal since they're symmetrical) is used. The
equations are derived for a trapezoidal panel with the thickness varying
linearly from root to tip. If a surface has edge or thickness breaks,
it should be separated into inner and outer trapezoidal panels with the
inertia of each calculated separately. The thickness is assumed
"constant as you go from leading to trailing edge and equal to the
maximum for that section.

8/19/2016 McMillin 25
Early Considerations for Code Development

Coding style guide

Configuration control
 Suite testing
 Data dictionary
Coordinate Systems

Inertia presentation at VSP workshop?

8/19/2016 McMillin 26
TTT Uncertainty Demo
Minimum Wing Weight

1 2 3
Driver Data Products
1. Wing Parameters
OpenVSP 4 2. Mission Conditions
3. Material Properties
WingDes 4. Vehicle Geometry
Aerodynamics 5. Vehicle Geometry
6. Aerodynamic Loads
7. Structural Weight

N2 Diagram
8/19/2016 McMillin 27
Leverage Uncertainty Demo

Geometry i i

i Flops i


• VSP component macro



• VSP to AMMIT Interface


• AMMIT Structural Thickness Spreadsheet

Total Inertias

• FLOPS Subsystems
N2 Diagram
• Spreadsheet Mass Prop Calculator
8/19/2016 McMillin 28

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