Dr. Ric Guanzon - Science of COVID-19
Dr. Ric Guanzon - Science of COVID-19
Dr. Ric Guanzon - Science of COVID-19
A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously
identified in humans. (WHO)
• The first cases were reported on 31 December 2019, with the earliest
symptoms appearing just over three weeks earlier on 8 December 2019,
and by 5 January 2020 there were 59 suspected cases in China
Infectious agents may be transmitted through either direct or indirect contact.
• Inanimate objects that are contaminated by direct contact with the reservoir
• a tissue used to wipe the nose of an individual who has a cold
• a toy that has been handled by a sick child may be the indirect contact for a susceptible
• Door knob, face mask, endotreacheal tube, etc (seen in Covid19) where virus lodged
(The reason for disinfecting these objects, throwing away contaminated)
• Ingesting food and beverages contaminated by contact with a disease reservoir is another
example of disease transmission by indirect contact.
Important Data/Issues
• SARS virus = 100 nanometers
• FLU virus = 80 120 nanometers
• Usual human coronavirus = 0.1 to 0.2 microns* (around 125 nm)
• SARS-CoV2 is characterized is at 400 -500 nm (.4- .5 u)(Wuhan)
• (UK studies report they are also around 100-200 nm)
• (NY studies 70 -90 nm)
Even poorly performing masks captured over 90% of viruses. The researchers chose two N95 masks that scored
poorly in an earlier study, yet even these poor-performers still blocked 94% of particles under the heaviest air
flow rate.
Conclusion: Masks
– including surgical
masks and N95
masks – can
capture viruses
and even particles
over 10 times
smaller (Paddy
Robertson, 2020)
Several 3M masks were able to capture over 99% of tiny 0.01 micron particles (10 times smaller than the
coronavirus), even while on people’s face. What’s more, surgical masks were surprisingly effective,
capturing 63% of the tiny virus-sized particles (Paddy Robertson, 2020)
Can Masks Protect People From The Coronavirus?
Bottom line: Masks can filter particles as small as 0.007 microns – 10 times smaller than
viruses, and much, much smaller than the PM2.5 cutoff. What’s more, they work
surprisingly well, even while people are wearing them. Surgical masks don’t work as well
as N95 masks, but they are cheaper and more readily available. This makes them useful
alternatives when other masks aren’t available (Paddy Robertson, 2020)
American Journal of Infection Control
June 2, 2020
Jonathan Carnino, Department of Pulmonology
Boston University School of Medicine
• Salt treatment of surgical masks improved the abilty to block various strains of
the flu virus (in a previous study)
• Paper towels soaked in saline solution and then allowed to dry, effectively
filter out particles comparable to the size of coronavirus, SARS-CoV-19
• 14 % are MODERATE
• 5 % are CRITICAL
• Fever, headache, dry cough, myalgias, abdominal discomfort, difficulty of
breathing, diarrhea, loss of smell, anorexia, fatigue
Variation in False-Negative Rate of Reverse Transcriptase Polymersae
Chian Reaction
• Almost all Covid-19 patients are not contagious by the 11th day of
illness (Dr. Edsel Maurice Saldana, PSMID, UP-PGH
• Implication: Time-based testing rather than test-based clearance
• Record more recoveries much faster (the need for 2 negative PCR
• for clearance
• It takes 5 – 10 days to make IgM antibodies – thus can have false negative
(sometimes used to monitor response to treatment)
• Covid rapid testing may not work if done within 11 days of infection because
Ab appears on D11 post infection (IgM on Day 12, IgG on Day 14)
Sensitivity Specificity
• 90 % • 95 %
• The ability to label a person • The ability to label a person who
• who has the disease positive does not have a disease negative
• Age and Co-morbidities – (DM, COPD, CVD)
Prevention (Non-pharmaceutical interventions)
• It can also protect against UV light and sometimes even improve skin
lesions that don't respond to ointments.
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine
• chloroquine 500 mg twice daily and hydroxychloroquine 400–600 mg
twice a day loading followed by 400–600 mg blocked SARS-CoV-2 cell
entry in vitro.
• Azithromycin can also have serious side effects, including the risk of
potentially fatal heart rhythms
• The drug impairs the ability of the virus to replicate
• Anxiety
is a common emotion when dealing with daily stresses and
problems. But when these emotions are persistent, excessive and
irrational, and affect a person’s ability to function, anxiety becomes a
• Bipolar
• Depression
• The adrenal cortex releases stress hormones, called cortisol. This has
a number of functions including releasing stored glucose from the
liver (for energy) and controlling swelling after an injury.
Thank you!