Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences: 107 Y. T. Tsay, L.-S. Shieh, S. Barnett

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Lecture Notes in

Control and
Information Sciences
Edited by M.Thoma and A.Wyner


Y. T. Tsay, L.-S. Shieh,

S. Barnett

Structural Analysis and Design

of Multivariable Control Systems
An Algebraic Approach

Berlin Heidelberg New York
London Paris Tokyo
S e r i e s Editors
M. T h o m a ° A. W y n e r

Advisory Board
L. D. Davisson • A. G. J. MacFarlane • H. Kwakernaak
J. L. Massey • Ya Z. Tsypkin - A. J. Viterbi

Yih Tsong Tsay
Leang-San Shieh
D e p a r t m e n t of E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g
U n i v e r s i t y of H o u s t o n
Houston, Texas 77004

Stephen Barnett
S c h o o l of M a t h e m a t i c a l S c i e n c e s
U n i v e r s i t y of B r a d f o r d
W e s t Y o r k s h i r e B D 7 1DP
United Kingdom

ISBN 3-540-18916-5 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York

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Progress in system theory over the last two decades can be broadly categorized

into two main streams:

(I) Algebraic System Theory - Study of basic notions and fundamental concepts

of both algebra and system theory.

(2) System Analysis and Design Methods - Study of potential design techniques

to analyze the characteristics of systems and to design controllers for

satisfying various specifications and performance criteria.

Thousands of papers have been published in both areas in the last two decades.

Systemic presentations in book form can be found~ for example~ in [1-5] for the

former, in [6-10] for the latter~ and in [11-16] for both. From this

literature9 we find that many elegant theories still cannot be employed to

analyze/design the physical systems with ease. In other words~ work is still

needed to fill the gap between algebraic system theory and practical system

analysis/design techniques. This provides the main motivation for our


The development of our work is based upon state-space representations and matrix

fraction descriptions as the mathematical models for physical systems. A

unified approach characterizing the dynamics of a system is presented through

the formulation of the characteristic %-matrix (also known as the matrix

polynomial) of the system. Applications in pole assignment design~ modal

control design for multivariable systems~ parallel realizations~ and cascade

realizations of multiport networks are illustrated. A detailed guide to the

content of the monograph is provided in the last section of Chapter I.


The a u t h o r s wish to express their gratitude for the fruitful discussions

with Dr. Jagdlsh Chandra, Director of Mathematics Science, US Acmy R e s e a r c h

Offlce~ Dr. Robert E. Yates, Director of the Guidance and Control Directorate,

US Army Missile Com=~and, and Dr. Norman P. Colemanj Chief of the Automation and

Robotics Group of the Fire Support Laboratory, US Army Armament Research,

D e v e l o p m e n t and E n g i n e e r i n g C e n t e r .

This research monography was f i n a n c i a l l y supported in part by t h e US Army

Research Office under contract DAAL-03-87-K-0001, the US Army M i s s i l e Command

under contract DAAH-01-85-C-Alll, and the NASA-Johnson Space Center under

contract NAGg-211.


i.I State-space representations and matrix fraction descriptions of

multivariable systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

1.2 Fundamental properties of X-matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.3 Organization of chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8



2.1 Characteristic X-matrlces of reachable and observable systems ..... 12

2.2 Canonical matrix fraction descriptions (MFDs) of MIMO systems ..... 18

2.3 Minimal nice selections for determining Kronecker and observability

indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.4 Illustrative examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33


3.1 Canonical X-matrices and canonical MFDs of MIMO systems ........ 39

3.2 Latent structure of nonsingular l-matrices .............. 46

3.3 Solvents of nonslngular X-matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

3.4 Illustrative examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67


4.1 Structure theorems for canonical left divisors and complete sets of
canonical left divisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

4.2 Structure theorems for canonical right divisors and complete sets of
canonical right divisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

4.3 Structures theorems for spectral factorization of nonsingular X-

matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

4.4 Computational aspects of divisors and spectral factors for A-matrices 94

4.5 Illustrative examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i12


5.1 Linear state-feedback controls and properties ............. 123

5.2 X-matrix assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126


5.3 Left and right latent structure assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

5.4 Divisor assignment and decoupling design of MIMO systems ....... 142



6.1 Parallel decomposition theories and their applications to MIMO systems

and circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

6.2 Semi-cascade decomposition theories and their applications to modal

controls of MIMO systems ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

6.3 Cascade decomposition theories and their applications to multiport

network synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

In this introductory chapter~ state-space representations and matrix

fraction descriptions of multivariable linear systems are reviewed in Section

I.I. Some basic definitions on k-matrices~ which are the main mathematical

tools used in our workj are summarized in Section 1.2~ and Section 1.3 gives a

guide to the content of the monograph.

I.i State-Space Representations and Matrix Fraction Descriptions of

Multivariable Systems

An m-input~ p-output linear time-invariant system o can be described by

state equations as follows:

~x(t) = Ax(t) + ~u(t)

y(t) = cx(t) + Du(t)

where X(t)~x~cnp y(t)EF~C p, u(t)FJJ=_Cm are state, output, and input vectors,

respectively; ~ F~ U are state~ output and input spaces of O~ respectively;

A~BgCgD are matrices of appropriate dimensions. For continuous-time systems~

is a differential operator and tERj while for discrete-time systems~ A is a

forward shift operator and t~2.

Equations (l.la) and (l.lb) are referred to as the state-space

representation of the multivariable system O. A~B,C~ and D can be treated as

linear maps:

System map A: X÷X

Input map B~ U+X

Output map C: X÷F

Forward map D: U ÷ F (1.2)


From Eq. (1.2)~ ~ can be described by the following diagram:

X A = X

D ,~ ;,

which is not commutative.

The diagram in Eq. (1.3) is useful in studying the structural aspects of

the system O.

From Eq. (i.i)~ t h e input-output relationship of the system o can be

represented as

y(t) = G(1)u(t)


G(I) = C(),l -A)-IB+D eCPXm(l) (l.4b)


In Eq. (l.4b) cPXm(1) denotes the set of pXm matrices with elements being

rational functions of ~ over the complex field C. G(I) is called the transfer

funct{on matrix of the system O. It has been shown in [i~13] that G(1) can be

represented as the "ratio" of two matrix polynomials:

G(I) = D[I(1)Nz(I) (l.5a)

= Nr(I)D~I(I) (l.5b)

where DI(I) EcP×P[~,], Ng(l) , Nr(l) ecPXm[)~], Dr(%)ecmXm[% ] ; cPxP[)~], Cpxm[)~] and

cmxm[l] are sets of matrix polynomials of ~ with coefficients in cPXP~ CPXm~ and

cmXm~ respectively. Combining Eqs. (1.47 and (1.5)7 yields

y(t) : D~l(X)N~(h)u(t)

: Nr(X)D~l(x)u(t)

Equations (l.6a) and (l.6b) are referred to as left matrix fraction descriptions

(LMFD) and right matrix fraction descriptions (RMFD) of the system O~


Let TEC n×n be a nonsingular matrix~ and from Eq. (i.I) define

A = TAT -I , B = TB, C = CT-I~ D -- D (l. Ta)


~(t) = rx(t) (l.Tb)

Then the state equations for the system O are as follows:

^ A

Ix(t) = ~(t)+Bu(t) (l.Sa)

y(t) = CX(t)+Du(t) (l. Sb)

For the same set of inputs u(t), o in Eq. (i.i) and o in Eq. (1.8) will generate

the same set of outputs y(t) for t~0 if X(O) = TX(0). The difference between

the state vectors X(t) and (t) in the system O and O~ respectively~ is

therefore not apparent if only the input-output relationships are considered.


Thus~ we say that o and O are equivalent systems. Formally, we have the

following definition=

Definition I.i The system in Eq. (i.I) and the system in Eq. (1.8) are

equivalent if and only if the states are related by:

x(t) = TX(t)
We will call this equivalence relation similarity equivalence (SE). Q

Let UZ(1)EcPxP[I], and det Uz(1) = KZ which is a nonzero constant (i.e.

UZ(I) is unimodular). Define

D~(),) = Up(I)D~(I) (l.9a)


N£(X) = U9 (),)N9(~) (l.9b)


G(I) = ~(~,) (1.9c)

which is an LMFD of a system ~:

y(t) = G(X)u(t) (i. I0)

From Eqs. (l.6a) and (I.i0), ~ in Eq. (l.6a) and O in Eq. (I.i0) will generate

the same set of y(t) for t~0 if the same set of u(t) is used as inputs~ and

and ~ both have the same set of initial conditions y(t), t<0. Thus, we say that

and ~ are equivalent systems. Similar reasoning can be applied for RMFDs. We

reach the following definitions:

Definition 1.2 Two systems with LMFDs G(~) = D~I(~)N~(~) and G(~) =

D~-I(%)N~(%) are equivalent if and only if

D~(X) = U~(X)D~(X)


where U~(%) is unimodular. Similarly, two systems with RMFDs O(~) m Nr(~)Drl(~)

and = are equivalont if and only if

Dr(1) = Dr(X)Ur(X)


NrC~) = NrC~)UrC~)

where Ur(% ) is unimodular. We will call this kind of equivalence relations

unimodular equivalence (UE). D

It can easily be verified that both SE and UE satisfy the basic properties

of an equivalence relation: transitivity, symmetry and reflexivity [13]. Since

a system can be represented via state-space equations or matrix fraction

descriptions, we have:

Lemma i.i Denote SE or UE by ~; Ox, Uy and ~z are systems. Then, we have

(i) Transitivity: Ox Uy and Oy O z implies Ox Oz .

(2) Symmetry: o ~ O implies O ~ O .

x y y x
(3) Reflexivity: °x ~ ~x" •

From the idea of equivalent systems, both state-space representations and

matrix fraction descriptions of multivariable systems are non-unique. In

Chapter II, we will develop canonical forms, which are unique for a given

system, for both state-space representations and matrix fraction descriptions.

1.2 Fundamental Properties of h-Matrices

Since the MFD representations of a MIMO (multi-input, multl-output) system

involve the ratio of two %-matrices~ and the results presented in the following

chapters are closely related to h-matrices, it is appropriate to review some

definitions of l-matrices in this section. Further details and properties can

be found, for example, in [2] and [3]. Specifically, we can define l-matrices

as follows [17,18]. Let F be an arbitrary field) and FiX] be the ring of

polynomials over the field F. A l-matrix, denoted by A(X)EFPxm[x] is a pxm

matrix whose elements are in Fill. Let A..(X) be the (i,~)th element of A(X))

A(X) -- (Aij(X)) , l~i~p, l&j:m (l.lla)

and k,°
Aij(X) ~ ~J kij-k
k=0 aijkX ) aijk~F (l.llb)

where kij is the degree of the polynomial Aij(X).

Let r = Max(kij ) iKi~p, ISj~m)) then A(X) can be written as

A(X) = ~ AkXr-k (l.12a)

where AkcFpxm , and the (i,j)th element of A k is given by

(Ak)iJ = { aij k if k~kij (l.12b)

0 otherwise

A l-matrix A(X)EFP×P[I] is said to be nonsingular if det(A(X)) ~ 0, and

regular if the matrix coefficient A 0 of the highest degree term (referred to Eq.

(l.12a)) is nonsingular. A regular l-matrix is monie if A 0 is an identity


Let A(X) be given by Eq. (I.ii), and define

~i = Max(kij' l~j~m), l~i~p (1.13)


Then, ~i' denoted by ~i = Dr. (A(I)), is the row degree [12] of the ith row of
A(X). Similarly

. = Max(kij , l~i~p), l~j~m


denoted by Kj : ~c.(A(~)), is the column degree [12] of the jth column of A(X).

Ahr = ((Ahr)ij), IKiKp, IKjKm


aiJ~i if kij = ~i
(I. 15b)
L 0 if kij < ~i

Then Ahr is called the leading row matrix of A(X). A(X) called is a row-reduced

X-matrlx if p=m and Ahr is nonslngular [12]. Similarly, defining

Ahc = ((Ahc)ij) , l~igp, l~j~m


I aijKj if kij = ~j
(Ahc) ij
L 0 if kij < <j

then Ahc is called the leading column matrix of A(X), and if p=m and Ahc is

nonslngular, A(X) is a column-reduced X-matrix [12].

To analyze the structure of ~-matrices, it is convenient to transform a

general l-matrix to certain specific forms whose structures can be easily

handled. The most commonly used transformations are those of equivalence

[12,13] .
Definition 1.3 Two ~-matrices Al(l ) and A2(1) are row equivalent, column

equivalent, or equivalent, iff AI(% ) = UL(I)A2(1) , Al(1) = A2(I)UR(I) , or AI(%)

= UL(~)A2(~)UR(1) , respectively, where UL(~) and UR(1) are unimodular l-

matrices. []

The equivalence of nonsingular l-matrices can be stated as follows:

Lemma 1.2 Any nonsingular h-matrix is row equivalent, column equivalent, or

equivalent to a row-reduced, a column-reduced~ or ~ row- and column-reduced l-

matrix. •

It is well known that equivalent row-reduced or column-reduced h-matrices

of a given nonsingular h-matrix [12] are not unique. According to Definition

1.3, a regular h-matrix is always equivalent to a monic l-matrix, and the

properties and applications of monlc l-matrices have been discussed by many

authors [17-32]. We shall extend some known results on monic h-matrices to row-

reduced or column-reduced l-matrices in the following chapter3.

In the analysis and design of multi-input, multi-output (MI~O~ systems~ M~D

representations of the systems are rational matrices over the co~plex field C.

Therefore, we will set F = C in the follow~ng chapters wheneve~ h-matrices are


1.3 Organization of Chapters

The material in this monograph can be regarded as being in two parts~ The

first part7 which includes Chapters II, III and IV~ is devoted to exploring the

spectral decomposition theory of h-matrices via the canonical structures of MIMO

systems represented in state space equations and MFDs~ the second part~ which

consists of Chapters V and VI, considers appl~cat~ons of the structure theory

developed in the first part to the design and decomposition of MIMO systems.

Illustrative numerical examples are presented throughout the book.

In Chapter II, the characteristic h-matrices of multivariable control


systems are defined. For a reachable system the characteristic X-matrix can be

constructed from the coefficients of the dependence equations for the column

vectors of the teachability test matrix; on the other hand~ for an observable

system~ the left characteristic X-matrix can be constructed from the

coefficients of the dependence equations for the row vectors of the

observability test matrix. The controller and observer canonical state-space

representations for reachable and observable MIMO systems~ respectively~ are

formally defined. The canonical RMFDs and LMFDs for reachable and observable

systems~ respectively~ are defined~ and their properties are discussed based on

the canonical controller and observer state-space representations. The

characteristic %-matrlces~ the canonical state-space forms~ and the canonical

MFDs are highly dependent on the Kronecker or observability indices of the

system. Thus~ we also present a numerical method using an orthogonalized

projection scheme to compute the Kronecker and observability indices of MIMO

system. This numerical algorithm is based on the so-called minimal nice


Spectral analysis of general nonsingular Z-matrices is presented in Chapter

Ill. Firstly 7 column-reduced and row-reduced canonical X-matrices are defined;

then the equivalent transformations of a nonsingular X-matrices to a column-

reduced or a row-reduced canonical X-matrlx are established. Consequently~ the

latent roots and latent structures of a general nonsingular %-matrix can be

studied in terms of its equivalent column-reduced or row-reduced canonical Z-

matrix. The relationships between the latent structures of nonslngular X-

matrices and the eigenstructures of the system maps in their associated state-

space minimal realization quadruples are investigated. As a result~ the Jordan

chains of nonsingular X-matrices can be easily found from the input and output

maps of their associated Jordan canonical minimal realization quadruples. The

matrix roots~ formally called solvents~ of nonsingular %-matrices are defined

and briefly discussed.


Chapter IV is devoted to developing the theory of divisors and spectral

factors of nonsingular l-matrices. The state-space structures of canonical left

and right divisors of nonsingular l-matrices are extensively investigated via

the so-called geometric approaches. Constructive proofs on the existence of the

canonical divisors are provided, and some properties of left/right divisors of

nonsingular l-matrlces are investigated. Also~ the concepts of complete sets of

canonical left/right divisors~ which are extremely important in the applications

to the design and decomposition of MIMO systems~ are presented. For

completeness~ the structures of spectral factorizations used to factor a

nonsingular %-matrix into the product of lower degree canonical l-matrices are

also explored. Finally~ computational algorithms for divisors and spectral

factors based on block triangularization and block diagonallzatlon of square

matrices are discussed. A newly developed matrix sign algorithm is suggested

for effective computation of divisors and spectral factors of nonsingular l-


The applications of the theory begin in Chapter V~ where state-feedback

control designs of multivariable systems are studied. Properties of linear

state-feedback controls are discussed first. The invariance property of the

Kronecker indices of MIMO systems under linear state-feedback controls is an

important guide in devising various control schemes. The characteristic %-

matrix and column-reduced l-matrix assignments for the denominators of the

closed-loop MFDs are derived. A study is then made properties of the closed-

loop MFDs. For controlling the latent structure of the characteristic l-

matrices in the closed-loop system, we introduce the left/right latent structure

assignment. For the purposes of closed-loop decomposition, the divisor

assignment and decoupling design, via the notions of divlsors~ are also


Decomposition theories and their applications to multivariable analysis and

design are developed in Chapter Vl. Parallel decomposition theory is derived


based on the complete sets of left/right divisors of the characteristic ~-

matrices. Applications of the parallel decomposition theory to model reduction

problem and multiport network synthesis are discussed. The semi-cascade

decomposition theory as well as applications to the modal control design of MIMO

systems are presented via the notion of spectral factorization of characteristic

),-matrices. Finally~ the cascade decomposition theory for MIMO systems is

considered~ with applications to the cascade realization of multlport networks.



It is well-known that the dynamics of single-input, single-output (SISO)

systems can be determined from their transfer functions and characteristic

polynomials, which are the denominators of the transfer functions. Many system

design techniques of SIS0 systems can actually be interpreted as altering the

transfer functions or the characteristic polynomials of the closed loop systems

to satisfy some desired dynamic performance criterion. To facilitate the same

concepts for MIMO systems, in this chapter we present formal definitions of the

characteristic k-matrices and the canonical MFDs for MIMO systems, which are the

counterparts of the characteristic polynomials and the transfer functions for

SISO systems, respectively. Properties as well as computational algorithms for

the characteristic k-matrices and the canonical MFDs are given. Relationships

between the state space representations and MFDs of MIMO systems are

established. The results of this chapter provide the foundations for the

spectral analysis of k-matrices and the decompositions of MIMO systems which are

presented in the following chapters.

2.1 Characteristic y-matrices of Reachable and Observable Systems

An m-input, p-output linear time-invariant system can be described by the

state equations as follows:

kX(t) = AX(t)+Bu(t) (2.1a)

y(t) = CX(t)+Du(t) (2.1b)

where X(t) ECn, y(t) E ~ and u(t) ECm are state, output, and input vectors,

respectively; A,B,C and D are matrices of appropriate dimensions. For

continuous-time systems, k is a differential operator and tc~ while, for


discrete-time systems, ~ is a forward shift operator and fEZ.

The system described in Eq. (2.1) is reachable if the reachabillty test

matrix [13]

R(A,B) = [B,AB,...,An-IB] (2.2)

is of full rank. The system in Eq. (2.1) is observable if the observability

test matrix [13]

0(A,C) = [cT,ATc T,...,(AT)n-IC T]

I] (2.3)

is of full rank.

Definition 2.1 Let B = [bl,b2,...,bm] ~ bieC nxl. The reachabillty base matrix

is defined by

<i-i ~ -I (2.4a)
P(A~B) =A [bl,Abl~" . o ~ A bl, . . ,bm,Abm~.
. . . ~A m b m ]

where <.'s are the teachability or Kronecker indices [32-37] of (A~B). D


Definition 2.2 T T
Let C = [CI~C29...~C ~ ]T CieclXn" The observability base matrix
is defined by

~(A,C) A T T T T-~I -I T C T ATcT ,(AT)~p-Ic~ T (2.4b)

= [CI~A CI~---,(A ) CI,..., p, p'''" ]

where V.'s are the observability indices [32-37] of (A~C). Q


Obviously, the columns (rows) of P(A,B) ( ~(A, O)) are contained in

~(A,B)(0(A,C)). Thus, p(A,B)(~(ApC)) can be obtained from E(A,B)(0(A~C)). The

selection of the columns (rows) of P(A,B)(Q(A,C)) from R(A,B)(0(A,C)) follows

the sequence proposed by Popov [35]. It is well known [33-36] that when (A~B)
is a reachable pair, rank[F(A,B)]=n and ~ <i=n; when.(A~C) is an observable
P i=l
pair, then rank[~(AgC) ] = n and [ 9.=n.
i= I i
Assume that (AgB) is a reachable pair with reachability indices ~j
j=l,2,...,m. Then A 3b. can be uniquely represented as [35-37]

I(. j-I K. m min[<.,K.] _ .

AJb. =- ¥ v z 3 _K-t~
arij (<.+I)A 3b i- L k~ 1 arijka Di , if K.>O, l~j~m
-] i=l 3 i=l 3



b° -- -
ari'ibi'3 if <. = O, l<jKm
.1 i=l 3

Note that the input matrix B may contain dependent vectors. As a result~ we can

make a general structural analysis of MIMO systems. Similarly, if (A,C) is an

observable pair with observability indices Vi, i=l,2,...,p, t h e n C.A1 1 can be

uniquely represented as

~. i-I
C.A ~ = - ) ag.iJ(vi+l)CjA vi- ~ m~n[~)i'gJ]a~ijkCjAk-I , if Vi>0 , iKi<p
I j=l j:l k--i
V. <~).
i 3


C. = - ) a~ijlCj, if v'=0'1 l~i~p
j =~l

It has been shown that the Kronecker indices <.l and the set of parameters

{arijk} are invariants of (A~B) under coordinate transformations of states, and

the ~. are also invariant under linear state feedback. Similarly, the

observahility indices ~'x and the set of parameters {a~ijk } are invariants of

(A,C) under coordinate transformations of states and the ~.x are also invariant

for the full state observer construction.

We are now ready to define the characteristic X-matrices of multi-input

multi-output (MIMO) systems [30-32].

Definition 2.3 The right characteristic X-matrix of a reachable system in Eq.

(2.1), or a reachable pair (A,B), is defined by

Dr(X) ~ [(Dr(X))ij ] ecmXm[x], l~i~m, l~jKm

where the (ipj)th entries of D (~) are defined as


A (2.7b)
arii(~.+l ) = I

I ~k
if <i>0~ or <.=0z and i=j
0 if Ki=0 , izj

I Ki if i=j (2.7c)
A Kj if <i><j, i~j (2.7d)
<ij =
l otherwise Q

An illustrative example is given in Section 2.4.

Definition 2.4 The left characteristic % matrix of an observable system in Eq.

(2.1)~ or an observable pair (A,C), is defined by


D£(1) ~ [(Dg(I))ij]EcPXP[x], l~iSp, Isj~p (2.8a)

where the (i,j)th entries of Di(I) are defined as

A (2.8b)
a~ii(~.+l ) = I

k~ I agij(k+l)l k if 9.>0, or V.=O and i=j

(Dg(1))iJ ~ dgij (l) = { = 3 J (2.8c)
.0 if ~.=0 and i~j

Vij = ~ if 9i<~j, i~j
t gj-I otherwise D

Since {arijk} , {aZijk} are invariant under coordinate transformations of

the states, the right characteristic l-matrix, Dr(1) , and the left

characteristic l-matrix, D~(~)~ are invariant under the coordinate

transformations of states [35-36]. Furthermore,

since <..~<. for l~i~m, the
•j J
column degree of the jth column of D (1) is ~.. Define the leadin~ column
r 3 "
matrix as

A (2.9a)
Drh = [(Drh)ij] , l~iKm, IKjKm

for ~.<~.
j x
A I arij(<j+l) (2.9b)
(Drh)ij = hrij = 0

Drh is constructed using the coefficients of the highest powers of I in each

column. Since arii(<.+l ) - i, and arij(<i+l) = 0 for i>j, Drh is an upper

triangular matrix with diagonal elements all l's~ so det(Drh) = I. Thus, Dr().)
is a column reduced l-matrix and the degree of tier(Dr(1)) is ~ K. = n.
j=l J

Similarly, when VijN~ i for lKjNp, the row degree of the ith row of D~(k) is ~i"
Define the leading row matrix

Dih = [(Dzh)ij] , lKiKp, IKjKp

i a£iJ(~i+l ) for ~i~Vj

(D£h)ij ~ hlij = O, otherwise

D£h is constructed by the coefficients of the highest powers of ~ in each row.

Since a£ii(~i+l ) ~I, and a%iJ(~i+l ) = 0 for i<j, D£h is a lower triangular
matrix with diagonal elements all l's, so det(Dih) = i. Thus, D~(%) is a row
reduced l-matrix and the degree of det(D£(~)) is ~ ~. = n.
i= I i
From the definition of the right characteristic ~-matrix in Eq. (2.7) and

the properties of Drh in Eq. (2.9), we have the following results:

Proposition 2.1 The right characteristic l-matrix D (l) in Eq. (2.7) has the

following properties.

(a) d .,(~) ~ O, monic


(b) deg drii(k) > deg drij(k) , i;.j

(c) deg drii(k) > deg drji(k) , j>i

(d) deg drii(X) ~ deg drji(k) , j<i

where drij(k) is the (i,j)th entry of Dr(1). D

Similarly, from Eqs. (2.8) and (2.10), we have:

Proposition 2.2 The left characteristic l-matrix D~(k) in Eq. (2.8) has the

following properties.

(a) d£ii(k) z O, monic

(b) deg d~ii(k ) > deg d~ji(k) , izj

(c) deg d£ii(k ) > deg d~ij(k) , j>i

(d) deg d~ii(k ) ~ deg d~ij(k) , j<i

where dEij(k ) is the (i,j)th entry of DE(X). []

2.2 Canonical Matrix Fraction Descriptions (MFDs) of MIMO Systems

As we have men=ioned in Section i.I, the MFD representations of MIMO

systems are nonunique. In order to specify the "standard" MFDs for an MIMO

system, we shall define the canonical right MFD for the reachable systems and

the canonical left I~FD for the observable systems in this section. The

relationships between the left/right characteristic X-matrices and the

left/right MFDs of MIMO systems are also discussed.

To find the RMFD of the reachable system in Eq. (2.1), it is convenient to

transform the state equations in Eq. (2.1) into the canonical controller form

[32-34] using the following similarity transformation:

Xc(t) = TcX(t)

r ,(pl A ml -I )T ,.. pT J Km-I-T r (2.11b)

Tc = [PI' . . . . ' m''''~Pm A ) ]


P. = the o. th row of P-I(A,B), ~.>0 to 11

i l l


(L = ~° (2.11d)
I j=l 3

The state equations in the canonical controller form are:

XXc(t) = AcXc(t)+Bcu(t)

y(t) = CcXc(t)+Dcu(t) (2.12b)


Ac ~ TcAT~I =A [(Ac)ij]' IKiKm, l~j~m, ~.<.>01J (2.13a)

r o
K~. XK~.
EC x x
; Acii = [_~riil,... _~rii<.] (2.13b)

_0 ] K.x<.
(Ac)ij ~ .... £C i ]; Acij
[-arijl'....-arijKj]' ~i~<j
Acij =i[-a--rijl, .,-ariJKi,0.....0], ~i<<j


[ Acll" "'"'Aclm]" = -D-irh [ arlll,''',arll<l,''',arlml,''',arlm<

AcmI, •,Acmn J


Bc = TcB = EbcDr ; Ebc = [ebcl~ebc2'''''ebcm] (2.13e)

{ en if <.>01
ebci 0 if <.=0

CT~I T T T T (2.13g)
Cc = [CcI,Cc2,...,Ccp]

A (2.13h)
Cci = [Cill,...,CilK.,...,Ciml,...,Cim ~ ]
i m

D ~ D (z.13i)

From Eq. (2.12)~ the input-output relationship of the system can be described as

y(t) = [Cc(lln-Ac)-IBc+Dc]u(t)

Also, from Eq. (2.13), we have

( lln_Ac )-IBc = ~r (%) [Drh6r ( ~)] -I (2.14b)

Qr(~) ~ [~r1(1), ....~rm(~)]
0 T ~m
[01xOi_l,l,l,..., l I , ix(n-oi )] , Ki>0,i=l,...

Qri(~)~{ 0nxl' ~.~0


~r(l) ~ ~rh(l)-Ar~r(~)

~rh(k) ~ diag[% 1,iffil,...,m] (2.14f)

A [A~I,A T .T .T ~a×n (2.14g)

Ar = r2~...,Arm] e~

o. th row of A for K.>0

Ari =
01× n for K.=0

From Eq. (2.14a), we have

y(t) = [Nr(k)D~l(X)+Dc]U(r)


Dr(k ) b Drh6r(k) (2.15b)

Nr(X) b CcSr(X5 (2.t5c)

Thus, the RMFD representation of the system in Eq. (2.15 becomes


G(X) in Eq. (2.165 is referred to the canonical RMFD of the system in Eq. (2.1)~

and D (X) is the right characteristic %-matrix of the RMFD. It is well known
that, for a reachable systemp Dr(X) and Nr(%) are right coprime. From Eqs.

(2.14c) and (2.15c), any column of Nr(X) corresponding to Ki'0 is a zero column.

~f the system in Eq. (2.15 is observables the state equations can be

transformed into the observer canonical [32-34] form by the similarity

transformation as follows:

X0(t 5 = T;Ix(t5 (2.17a5

~1-1 ~ -1
T0 . [ q l , . . . , A ql'''''qP''''' A p qp] (2.17b)


qi = the T.th column of ~-I(A,C), V.>0



T.b j=l
i v.J (2.17d)

The state equations in the observable canonical form are as follows:

tx0(t) ffiA0X0(t)+B0u(t) (2.18a)

y(t) = C0X0(t)+D0u(t) (2.18b)


A 0 ~ T;IAT0 = [(A0)ij] , l<i~p, l<j~p, Vi•j>O (2.19a)

(A0) £i ~ 0 ,
-IAoIi cC~.x~.
i i = -- -- T (2.19b)
_ , A0i £ [-a0iil, •. •, - a 0 i £ u £ ]

-- -- T
V. xV. [-a0ijl .....-a0iju .] , if Vik~j, izj
(A0)Ij ~ [0 A0i j]~CI j; A0ij m -- J

[-a0ijl,...,-a0iJui,0,...,0lT if Vi<vj,izj


. • ] a~lll,''',aillgl,''',a£pll,''',a£plu p

A0pl'" 'Aopp J a~Ipl~'''~a£1P~l'''''azppl'''',alpp~

Bo ~ T~lB ~ [BOI,B02,...,~O~]

BOj = [ b l j l , . . . , b l j v i , . . . , b p j l , . . . , b p j ~ p ] T (2.19f)

- A T T T (2.19g)
CO ~ CT0 = D£~Ec0 ; Eco = [ec01,...,ec0p]
en , if ~. >0
T ~ ~ (2.19h)
ecoi = 0 , if ~.=0

DO ~ D (2.191)

From Eq. (2.18), the input-output relationships of the system can be expressed


yCt) = [Co(XIn-Ao)-IB0+Do]U(t)

From Eq. (2.19), we h a v e

CO(lIn_A0)-I = [~9(~)D~h]-l~(~) (2.20b)


*~(~> =~ [~'Lc~:', .... *~,pc~)] '~


ui'0I'A' "'X' z ,01x(n_Ti)],
~i (~) =Af01x-[01xTi-I' (2.20d)

~(~) =A ~h (~)-~( X)A~ (2.20e)

~h(~) =Adieg[~ z,i=l,...,p] (2.20£)

A~ =A [A~I,A~2 , . . . ,A~p] eCnxp (2.20g)

T . t h column o f A0 f o r V.>0
A i l (2.20i)
A£i =
0nX 1 f o r U.=0

Prom Eq. (2.20a), we have

y(t) = [D~l(k)NA(k)+V0]u(t) (2.21a)


D~(A) ffi ~(k)DEh (2.21b)

N~(X) - SE(k)B 0 (2.21c)

Thus, the LHFD representation of the system in Eq. (2.1) becomes

~(k) -- ,~I(k)N~C~)÷, o - ,il(k)~Ck))~(k) =AN~(k)÷O~(k), ° (2.22)

O(k) in Eq. (2.22) is referred to the canonical LHFD of the system in Eq. (2.1)

and D%(k) is the left characteristic k-matrix of the LMFD. D~(k) and N~(k) are

left coprime if Eq. (2.1) is an observable system. Note t~at avy row of N%(k)

corresponding Co Vi=0 is a zero row.

Prom Eqs. (2.13) and (2.14), the minimal realization of D-I( ~,,, using a pair
(A,B) can be formulated as follows.

Lemma 2.1 The quadruple (A)B)Cr)Dr) , where

Cr ~(0), c and Dr ffiA (~m~C0)~<0))o~

is a minimal realization of D l(k)) i.e. V l(k) ffi Cr(kln-A)-iB+Dr.


Prom Eqs. (2.13) and (2.14b), we have

Tc( ~n-A)-IB = ~(X)D~t(x) (2.23a)


Also, from Eq. ( 2 . 1 4 d ) , we have

_ m ei)T ,T(0),r(0)



Since DrCX) = Drh6(k) , we have D-I(X)r = ~ - I ( A ) D ~ " When < i - 0 , from Eq. (2.14e)

we have {6(X)}i i = I, {6(X)}i j = 0 for i~j, and {6(A)}q i = 0 for q~i. As a

result, when <i=0, we have {6-1(l)}ii - I, {~-l(k)}i j - 0 for izj, and

{6-1(A)}qi = 0 for qzi. Thus

M • • m . .
rh <0>*rC0"O
Ki=0 ~i=0

Rearranging the terms in Eq. (2.23c) and substituting Eq. (2.23d) into the

rearranged equation yields DrI(A) = Cr(AIn-A)-IB+Dr.

It can be easily shown that (AtilT(0)) , is an observable pair or (A~C r) is

an observable pair. Thus, the results of Lemma 2.1 follow. •

From Lem~a 2.1 we observe that, if every ~i>O for l$i~m, then D r = 0m~ both

C r and B are of full rank, and D-I(A) is strictly proper. For representing

Dr( A ) without involving the inverse of (Xln-A) , an alternative representation of

Dr( A ) is derived as follows.


Lermna 2 •2 D (A) can be represented as


Dr(A~ ,, ~rC%~n-A)~(X)÷~',r


~here ~(A) ~ T~l*rCX), c r -~ Dr.E~de~ Dr ~ Drht~m-*~CO~*rCO)l.


Using Ebc and A c in Zq. (2.13), *r(A) and A r in Eq. (2.14), and 6rh(A) in

Eq. (2.14f), it can be easily verified that Ar = E~cA c and *rh (A)
E~cASr(A)+[Im-*~(0)$r(0)]. Then, from Eq. (10e) we have

,cA)= ~LA,r(A~÷I~m-,~CO~,rCO,-~L,c,r(A~
T [ X~n_Ae],r(x)+t~m_,~(o),r(o)]
= Ebc

~LTo(A~n~)T~l,rCA~÷t~m ,~(0)~r(0)1

Thus, Dr(A) -- Drh*(%) = Cr(AIn-A)B(A)+D r. •

In a similar fashion, from Eqs. (2.19) and (2.20), the minimal realization

of D~I(%) using a pair (A,C) can be expressed as follows:

Lemma 2.3 Define Bg =

(A,Bg, C,D£) is a minimal realization of D~I(A), or DII(A) = C(AIn-A)-IBg+D E. •

Also, an alternative representation of DE(A) without involving the inverse

of (Xl -A) is as follows.


Lemma 2.4 D~(A) can be represented as

D~CA~ = ~(A)C~n A)~÷~ ~


where C(X) = ~(X)T;I; B~ " ToEc0D~h; D~ " [Ip-~(0)~(0)]D~h. •

Lemmas 2.3 and 2.4 can be proven following the same reasoning as in Lemmas

2.1 and 2.2, respectively.

2.3 Minimal Nice Selections for Determlnln~ Kronecker and Observability Indices

As we h a v e seen~ the right characteristic ~ - m a t r l x and t h e c a n o n i c a l right

HFD o f a reachable s y s t e m can be d e t e r m i n e d once t h e K r o n e c k e r indices o£ t h e

reachable pair (A,B) are known. To find the Kronecker indices of reachable

systems, we i n t r o d u c e the notions of nice selections and m i n i m a l n i c e sections

for the reachability test matrix R(A,B). An algorithm to determine the

Kronecker indices from t h e m i n i m a l n i c e selection is also presented. The same

procedure is equally applicable for determining the observability indices o f an

observable system.

Definition 2.5 A nice selection 7 is an o r d e r e d subset of the set {k:l~k~nm}

such that

(I) The c a r d i n a l i t y 17[ i s e q u a l t o n .

(2) if i+mjEy, t h e n i + m ( j - l ) c y f o r l ~ i s m and 0 ~ j s n - l . n

A nice selection T c a n be r e p r e s e n t e d by a Young d i a g r a m [39] o f m rows

l a b e l e d from 1 t o m and n columns l a b e l e d from 0 t o n - 1 w i t h a c r o s s a t an ( i , j )

entry iff i+mj~y for l~i~m and O~j~n-1. Due to the property (2) in Definition

2.5, the Young diagram of a nice selection associated with T either has

consecutive crosses o r no c r o s s e s at all i n e a c h row. The Young d i a g r a m w i t h

m=3, n=6 and a nice selection 7 = {1,2,3,4,6,9} is illustrated as follows:


0 1 2 3 & 5

1 X X b1

£~ 2 X b2

3 X X X b3

z3 s A2 A3 A4 A

Im denotes an mxm i d e n t i t y matrix.

Definition 2.6 Let (A,B) be a reachable pair and ~j be the number of crosses in

the jth column o f the Young diagram o f a nice selection y associated with (A,B).


j~0 zj " rank(B'AS'''''Ak'lB)' k~n

and (AJbi), V(i,j)¢{(a,8): l~C~m, O~8~n-I and cr~n(B-1)~y} are independent, then

~, defined as ~M' is a minimal nice selection of the reachable pair (A,B). D

It has been shown [37] that minimal nice selections are unique up to

permutations of the rows of the Young diagram. Also, if K. denotes the number
of crosses at the ith row of the Young diagram of a minimal nice selection YH'

the set K = {~i,l~i~m} is the Kronecker indices of the reachable pair (A,B)

associated with YM" Note that K i may be zero for some i. The maximum number of

minimal nice selections associated with a reachable pair (A,B) is m!, and each

minimal nice selection results in one controller f o r m and one a s s o c i a t e d RMFD.

All the controller f o r m s and a s s o c i a t e d RHFDs a r e equivalent. To d e t e r m i n e the

canonical controller form and associated canonical RHFD, we define the input

selection sequence as follows.

Definition 2.7 The input selection sequence for a multivariable system with m-
input, S = {Sk, l~k~n}, is defined as a permutation of the set {k,l~<Sm}. The

natural input selectlon sequence, SN~ is de£1ned as SN = { S l ~ S 2 p . * * , s m} =

{l,2,...,m}. The m i n i m a l n i c e selection YM w i t h the input selecelon sequence S

i s d e t e r m i n e d by e x a m i n i n g t h e i n d e p e n d e n t v e c t o r s o f t h e o r d e r e d column v e c t o r s

i n t h e following m a t r i x :

~(A,B) ~ [ b s l ~ b s 2 j . .,bsmtAbsl~Abs2~
. . *~Abs ~ .* ' A n - ~ s l An-2b ,A n - I b s m]
** m ** ~ 82'"

If the set K contains the Kronecker indices o f t h e minimal n i c e selection

~M o f a r e a c h a b l e pair (A,B) w i t h the natural input selectlon s e q u e n c e SNp t h e n

the reachabillty b a s e m a t r i x o f t h e (A,B) due t o Fopov [35] i s d e f i n e d as

~i-I ~ -1 (2.25b)
PCA,B) = [bl,Abl,...,A bl,...,bm,Abm,..., A m bm ]

and the controller form transformation matrix Tc becomes Eq. (2.11b). From

Lemma 2 . 1 , the right characteristic X-~natrix can be d e t e r m i n e d . In addition,

t h e RMFD can be found by u s i n g Eqs. ( 2 . 1 4 ) and ( 2 . 1 5 ) .

The l i n e a r l y independent vectors in a rectangular or square m a t r i x R(A,B)

can o f t e n be determined by a p p l y l n g the Sylvester theorem [13] to the square

synnnetrlc matrix R(A,B)RT(A,B), o r by c a l c u l a t l n g the nonzero elements at the

diagonal entries of two triangular matrices, decomposed from the square

symmetric matrix R(A,B)RT(A,B) [38]. Here~ we propose an orthogonallzed

projection approach to determine the llnearly independent vectors o f R(A,B) in

Eq. ( 2 . 2 5 a ) as f o l l o w s .

Let V = {vi,l~i~N} be
a s e t of v e c t o r s v i ¢ c n × l , N ~ n . The o r t h o g o n a l i z e d
projection F(k)~C m~n f o r Vk = { v i , l ~ i ~ k } , l~k~N, can be e v a l u a t e d r e c u r s i v e l y as


p(O) = I ( t h e u n i t m a t r i x of o r d e r n) (2.26a)

P(k-l)VkVkP ( k - l )
P(k-1) f o r VkP ( k - l ) VkZO
v~P(k-l)v k
v(k) = (2.26b)
F(k-1) f o r VkP(k-1)v k = 0

where v k d e n o t e s the c o n j u g a t e t r a n s p o s e of v k.

Lemma 2.5 Some i m p o r t a n t p r o p e r t i e s of t h e o r t h o g o n a l l z e d projection [39] are

as f o l l o w s :

(1) P*(k) " P(k) o r P(k) i s s y m m e t r i c .

(2) p2(k) = PCk) or P(k) i s i d e m p o t e n t .

(3) P ( k ) v i = 0nxl, ~ vi~Vk, l~i~'k.

(4) P(k)X = X, ~ XIVk, x£Cn x l , 1 S i ~ k .

From Lemma 2.59 we have t h e following results:

. A
Lemma 2 . 6 V k P ( k - l ) v k = 0 i f f Vk£Vk_l, where Vk_ I = S p a n c [ V k _ l ] .


S i n c e P ( k - 1 ) i s i d e m p o t e n t and s y m m e t r i c , we have

VkP(k-1)v k .= VkP ( k - 1 ) P ( k - 1 ) v k .. ( p ( k - 1 ) V k ) ( P ( k - 1 ) v k)

(a) If VkE{/k_.,,,. t h e n v k = [ a,v.. From p r o p e r t y (3) o f Lemma 2 . 5 we have
i=l I

p(k-l)v k = [ a i P ( k - 1 ) v i - Onx I


VkP(k-1)v k = 0

(b) I f V k P ( k - l ) v k = 0j we have P ( k - l ) v k " 0n× I .



k-1 ^
" alvi+ k' :k I k-I

Then, from p r o p e r t y (4) o f Le~ma 2 . 5 we o b t a i n

P(k-l)v k = P(k-l) V k = Vk = Onxl

T h u s , vk " ~ a i v i o r VkC k - l "
i 1

Lennna 2 . 7 D e f i n e WkCVk; W0 = ~ ;

Wk_lU{Vk) if VkP(k-l)Vk=O for IEk~N

Wk_1 i f V k P ( k - 1 ) v k = 0 f o r l~k~N

Then, WN i s a b a s e f o r VN.


Lennna 2 . 7 c a n be p r o v e d d i r e c t l y from Lennna 2 . 6 . •

Lemma 2 . 7 provides a foundation for deriving the recursive algorithm for

selecting the iudepeudent vectors from a s e t of vectors. B a s e d on Le~ma 2 . 7 , we

now d e r i v e an a l g o r i t h m to determine the Kronecker indices o f t h e dynamic s y s t e m

i n Eq. ( 2 . 1 ) via the minimal nice selection as f o l l o w s [40].


Al~orlthm 2.1

Given: (A,B) - A r e a c h a b l e p a i r
S - The i n p u t s e l e c t i o n sequence
Find: ~ - The Kronecker i n d i c e s
P:=I n {set orthogonallzad projection to identify matrix)
For i:=l to m Do
K1. : = 0 ; { R e s e t Kronecker i n d i c e s }
Flagi:=True;{Set selection flags true for all inputs}
v i : = b i {Copy b i to v i}
For i:=l to m Do
j : = s i ; { S e l e c t Akbs.,k~0}
If F l a g j then
If v.*dzO then
Begin { S e l e c t v.}
P:=P-d*d*/vj*dl{Update P}
v j : = A * v j ; { U p d a t e vj f o r next s e l e c t i o n }
K.:=~.+l{Update Kronecker index}
Flagj:=false {Reset selection Flag}
End {For loop}
Until all Flag i are false;

Note that the * between two variables in the above algorithm is the product
notation, and the superscript * designates conjugate transpose. •

l~hen t h e system in Eq. (2.1) is not reachable, the sum o f

the Kronecker
indices ~i found by using the above algorithm is less than n, i.e. ~ ~i<n.
i 1
Thus, the above algorithm can also be used to test the reachabillty of systems

i n state s p a c e form.

As is well-known, teachability and observabillty of a system are dual

concepts. The a b o v e a l g o r i t h m can be modified to flnd the observability indices

~;i by substituting (AT,cT) for (A,B), ~;i for Ki, and treating S as the output
selection s e q u e n c e w h i c h is d e f i n e d in the same way as the input selection

sequence in Definition 2.6.

2.4 Illustrative Examples

Consider the following 3-1nput 2-output system

;kXCt) = AXCt)+BuCt)
yCt) - CXCt)+Du(t)


-1 0 -2 5 -9

0 -1 4 -8 14 - 1 1
A = 0 0 1 -4 7 ; B = - 3 5
0 0 0 -1 6 1 4
0 0 0 0 2 0 1

1 -1 4 -5 ; D = 02x 3

Determine various controller forms and associated RM~Ds u s i n g minimal nice

selection YM and v a r i o u s input selection s e q u e n c e s S.

(1) If the input selection sequence, $, is selected as S = {1,2,3}, which is

the natural input selection s e q u e n c e SN, t h e n t h e c a n o n i c a l controller form

and a s s o c i a t e d canonical RHFD c a n b e d e t e r m i n e d as f o l l o w s .


Usln E the minimal nice selection algorithm, we o b t a i n the Kronecker

indices KI-2 , K2-3 and K3=0. Note that the input matrix B contains a
dependent vector. The c o r r e s p o n d i n g Young d i a g r a m b e c o m e s

0 1 2 4

X X X b2


$5 A

The s t a t e equations in the canonical controller form o f Eq. (2.27) can be

determined from E q s . (2.11) and ( 2 . 1 2 ) as follows:

- I
o 11o
2 I 0 0
8"-8"~"o" 1
0 0 iO

; B<-/O
/ o
0 I" o- -0-O-

" EbcDThI

[0 011 1 -1 LO 1 2j 1

Cc 3 I 0 2 2 ; Dc = 02x3

The r i g h t characteristic l-matrix Dr(l) c a n b e d e t e r m i n e d from Eq. (2.15)


Dr(k) = Drh~r(k) = Drh[ ~rh (k)-ArSr( A)]

12-k-2 0 -1 1 (2.28b)
0 13+k2-k-1 -2
0 0 1


[i0i]I [ioi]
= 0
; ~rh(k) "

ar =
[20 01 0I 01 -i0] ; Sr(~)
. Ii O~ 0 0 !2IT
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Note t h a t Drh i s an upper triangular matrix with diagonal entries all l's,

and Dr(~ ) is a column-reduced ~--matrlx which satisfies all the conditions

in Proposition 2.1.

The canonical RHFD can be obtained from Eqs. (2.14) and (2.15) as


y(t) " Nr(A)D:l(k)u(t)



[2),-4 3),2+3),-2 0 ]
~r(~) ,, C~r(~) -
31 2~.2+2~. 0

(2) If the input selection sequence, S, is selected as S = { 2 , 3 , 1 } , then the

K r o n e c k e r i n d i c e s become KI=0 , ~2=3, and K3=2 and t h e Young d i a g r a m i s

0 1 2 3 4

1 b1

2 X X X b2

3 X X b3

15 A A2 A3 A4

The s t a t e equations in a controller form of Eq. ( 2 . 2 7 ) become


o ooo
o o 1!o o/ / o o o 1

li°°IE j
0 0 0 _
i 1 -1Lo o.l~ ~c'LO 1 2 I 0 I = EbcD r
o o, 6=i=I I-~-6-~ -o- -o" o
o o12 lJ L1 o i 0 1


Drh =
[, o
i]-' =
- 0

[-~ ~ ~ :-4 2]
2 21 0 3

Note that Drh is not a triangular matrix.

The corresponding RMFD can be obtained from Eqs. (2.14) and (2.15) as


y(t) = Nrl(X)D:~(X)u(t)


Drl(X) s
[ 0 2 ~k3+~k2-X-1 -2X2+2X+4
o] ; Nrl(X) =
0 3X2+3X-2 2k-4 ]

-1 0 X2-X-2 0 2X2+2X 3X J
Note that Drl(X) is a column-reduced X-matrix but it does not satisfy the

conditions (b) and (c) in Proposition 2.1.

(3) If the input selection sequence, S, is selected as S ffi {3)1,2}, then the

Kronecker indices become glffi2) ~2=0, and K3ffi3, and the Young diagram is
A n
II w
0 fl
II I 0 @ oll '~ 0
r~ 0 ,.l~, I
~u ,~'u 0,-, ~,'u
I g. ~°
I I..I
0,~00 I 0
t=--..--J ! m
! e
g,, v ~n
v n I I I I~
','.~ (3o n
~g n , =1
÷ I I, I ! ! 0
1,4 I-'
o o i,,,~
n 0
M ' I ' I'4
I 0 00|P--' 0 ~'1
I | II 0 W
iii I
~-'00lO 0 ~'
L I i
0 , ~
i v
! ! I
O00l~.J 0
0 0 0100
I - I 0 0 i O 0
0 0 l I I

÷ I

! !

v v

Note that in thls case D h i s not a trlaugular matrix, and Dr2(~) is a

column-reduced X-matrlx but i t does not s a t i s f y the c o n d i t i o n s (b) and ( e )

in Proposition 2.1.

In this chapter, the latent structures of nonslngular k-matrlces are

investigated. The c o l u m n - r e d u c e d and the row-reduced canonical k-matrlces are

defined as the standard forms of a nonsingular k-matrix. Equivalence

transformations are developed for transforming nonslngular k-matrlces to row-

reduced or column-reduced canonical k-matrices, and for transforming non-

c a n o n i c a l HFDs t o c a n o n i c a l MFDs.

The e x i s t e n c e of the first types of transformations enables us t o a n a l y z e

the latent structures of nonsingular k-matrices in terms of the latent

structures of canonical A-matrices. Due t o the simplicity of the formulation

for minimal realizations of the inverse of the canonical k-matrlces in state-

space, the latent structures of canonical k-matrlces can e a s i l y be i n v e s t i g a t e d

from t h e i r associated state-space minimal realization quadruples.

After the latent structures of nonsingular k-matrices are established, the

"matrix roots", called solvents, of nonslngular k-matrlces are studied via the

latent roots and latent vectors. Solvents of monle k-matrlces have been

discussed in many previous works [17-18,22-30]. Our reasons for considering

solvents in this chapter are: (I) to extend the idea of solvents for

nonsingular k-matrices; (2) to develop the structure of a special class of

divisors, namely monic linear divisors of nonslngular k-matrices. The g e n e r a l

structure of divisors of nonsingular k-matrices is studied in the next chapter.

3.1 Canonical A-matrices and Canonical MFDs of MIMO Systems

In this section, we develop a technique to reduce a nonsingular A-matrix to

a row-reduced or column-reduced canonical A-matrix. The reduction technique is

then extended to convert a general I~FD to one whose denominator is a row-reduced

or column-reduced canonical k-matrlx. The converted MFDs a r e referred to as

canonical MFDs.

Definition 3.1 A column-reduced canonical ~-~atrix, Dr(1) , can be d e s c r i b e d as

Dr(k) = D r h 6 r ( k )

where Drh i s an upper triangular square matrix with diagonal elements being all

l*s. 6r(k) is a l-matrix with the (i,i)th entry, (6r(k))i,i, being a monle A

p o l y n o m i a l o f d e g r e e Ki i ~ c i ( D r ( A ) ) and t h e ( i , j ) t h entry, (~r(A))i,j being a A

p o l y n o m i a l of d e g r e e ~ m i n ( K i , ~ j ) - I , i z j .

A row-reduced canonical k-matrlx, D~(k), can be d e s c r i b e d as

D~,(k) " ~,(A)V~.h

where D~h i s a lower triangular square matrix with diagonal elements being all

lls. ~(k) is a k-matrix with the (i,i)th entry, (6~(k)i, i being a monic k

p o l y n o m i a l o£ d e g r e e ~i ffi ~ri(DE ( k ) ) and t h e ( i , j ) t h entry, (~E(k))i, j being a A

polynomial of degree ~ min(gi,~j)-I , izj. []

From D e f i n i t i o n 3.1, we o b s e r v e that the left (right) characteristic k-

matrices o f MIMO s y s t e m s discussed in Chapter II are the row (column) reduced

canonical k-matrices. Their salient feature is that the inverse of these k-

matrices can be d e s c r i b e d by t h e s t a t e - s p a c e realizations in c a n o n i c a l observer

or controller forms. Therefore, the structural properties of these A-Inatrices

can he s y s t e m a t i c a l l y e x p l o r e d i n t e r m s of a s t a t e - s p a c e setting.

As m e n t i o n e d in Lemma 1.2 of Chapter I, a nonslngular l-matrix is row

equivalent, column e q u i v a l e n t or equivalent to a row-reduced, a column-reduced

or a row-and-column-reduced l-matrix. However, since equivalent row-reduced

(column-reduced) k-matrices of a given nonsingular k-matrix are not unique, a

row-reduced (column-reduced) k-matrix is not n e c e s s a r i l y a row-reduced (column-

reduced) canonical k - m a t r i x as d e f i n e d in Deginitlon 3.1. We w i l l investigate a

constructive way to explore the equlvalent trans£ormation of a nonsingular k-


m a t r i x to its row-reduced or column-reduced c a n o n i c a l k - m a t r l x as f o l l o w s .

We begin with the state-space minimal realizations of the ~nverse of the

reduced k-matrlces.

L e n a 3.1 Let A(k)eCmxm[k] be a column-reduced Z - m a t r l x w i t h the column d e g r e e s


Ki,i=l,...,m. Then A(A) can be r e p r e s e n t e d as

A(k) = Dch [ Dh ( k)-A c r ~ c (k) ]

where Dch i s the l e a d i n g column m a t r i x of A(k) and Dh(k) ~ d i a g [ k Ki ,~'1," ... ,m] ;
+c(~) ^ -~ [~cZ(X),~c2(X),...,~em(X)];^~ci¢X)
. ~)i [O~x o i - 1 , l , X , . . . , x ~ 'o Ix(n-oi)
^ J~T
for I~.>01 and ~c¢(~) =A OnxI for Ki'O ; ai ~ j'l)" K:j, i ' l , . . . , m ; n ~ Ore; Acr ¢Cmxn
can be d e t e r m i n e d from Dch and the c o e f f i c i e n t s of each e n t r y of A ( k ) . •

The minimal r e a l i z a t i o n of A-l(k) can be s t a t e d below•

~o=e 3.2 ~-~c~ - ~cC~n-~ c)-I ;c+~c (3.la)



^ iI I } ~cl ^& ^ ^
A .A -(A ). ; n=n-KI-~ m
C T .cr 1__ | . . . . . . . . . .

o:j~ . • , o:j

OC~=_I~J1 ,, oc;=_l~x:-',, o l o . o
! • • • • • o

O_ 'a _" _ ' _ ' _ _ 1
-(Acr) m

(Acr) i ~ The ith row of Acr,i'l,.•.,m


e °i i f ~c.>O
Bc = bc - "'''ebcm]; ebcl Onx 1 i f ;i=O

~c ~ ~(0) (3.1e)


Lemma 3 . 2 can be e s t a b l l s h e d by d i r e c t verification. •

The q u a d r u p l e ( A c , B c , C c , ; c ) is referred to as a c o n t r o l l e r (not a canonical

oontroller) form r e a l i z a t i o n o f A-ICk). ,n g e n e r a l , we c ~ . de~ine A ~ T:IAc~ c,

~ A A

B ~ T:IBc, C ~ CcTc and D " Dc, where Tc is a non-singular similarity

trans£ormatlen matrix, so t h a t the inverse of a c o l u m n - r e d u c e d X - m a t r i x , A(X),

can be r e a l i z e d by u s i n g a q u a d r u p l e (A,B,CjD)~ or

A-I(A) . C(kln-A)-IB+D

Let Dr(k) be the right characteristic k-matrix of (A,B) in Eq. (3.2).

Using Lemma 2.1, D:l(k) can be realized as follows:

D: l ( k ) ffi Cr(XIn_A)-IB+ Dr (3.3)

The relationship between A(k) in Eq. (3.2) and Dr(k) in Eq. (3.3) is the

Theorem 3 . 1 Let A(X) be a c o l u m n - r e d u c e d X - m a t r i x r e p r e s e n t e d by Eq. ( 3 . 2 ) , and

l e t D (k) be d e f i n e d i n Eq. ( 3 . 3 ) . Then~


A(k) ffi D r ( k ) U r ( k ) (3.4)


where Ur(k) is a unimodular X-matrix, Ur(k) = [CT:I~r(X)+DDr(X)] -I. T


St(X) are defined in Eqs. (2.11b) and (2.14c), respectively.

From Eqs. (2.6) in Chapter 11 and (3.2)~ we obtain

A-l(k) - C(kln-A)-IB+D - lqr(k)D:l(X)+D - Nr (k)D:l(k)

where Nr(k) ffi cz:l~r(k)¢cmxm[x]| Nr(k) - Nr(X)÷DDr(A) | T c is a transformation

matrix which transforms (A,B) into the canonical controller pair. Since A(k) is

nonsingular; Nr(k) must be nonsingular or A(X) = Dr(X);;l(k). Also, since

O(A(X)) = O(A) = O(Dr(~))~ we obtain det(A(k)) - gcdet(Dr(k)) , where K c is a

non ero c o n s t a n t Therefore, Ass result, i.

a unimodular X-matrlx. •
Theorem 3.1 provides a method for determining a unimodular X-matrlx which
converts a nonsingular column-reduced k-matrix to the column-reduced canonical
The dual results for row-reduced X-matrices are as follows:

Lena 3.3 Let A(k)ecPxP[k] be a row-reduced X-matrix with row degree ~)i'

iffil,...,p, then A(k) can be represented as

A()k) - [Vh( k)-$0 (k)A0g I V0h

where D0h is the leading row matrix of A(X) and Dh(X) A diag[lV i = l , . . . , m ] ;

~0(k)^ b [~01(t),~02(k) ' . . . . ~0p(k)lT

;^ ^~0£(k)i ~ [ 0 1 x ~ i ' l ' l ' k ' " " 'xVi-l'01xCn-Ti)]
for ~>0~ and ~0i(k) = 01x n for ~i'0; ~i ~ j--ll ~ j , i ' l , ' " , P ; n ~ ~p; A0~cCnxp can
be determined from Doh and the c o e f f i c i e n t s of each entry of A(X). •

Lemma 3.4 A-l(x) . Go(X~n-;o)-l;o+~o


O~lX(~p-1) ^

0 • I A A ^

AO A -(Ao~) 1 eou
O~xc; _~) ,' -(%pp ;nffin-•l-V
. . . . . . . P . . . .

I . . A

0 • •

O~pX(Gl-l) o;~ 2 ; " i


(Aog) i ~ The i t h column of A0g, i ~ l , . . . , p .

~o ~ *o(°) A
T. A

-~ cO;
^ ^
~ [ec01, : c02 ,"- . - , :cop' T; ecoi =
{ en • ' i~ ~.,o
x (3.6d)
Onx I i f V.=Ox

;o ~ °o~t:p-*o(°)*o c°)1
A A A ^

(A0,Bo,Co,D 0) is referred to as an observer (not canonical observer) form

resli-atio, of A-I(x). ~n general, it we define A A ~0Ao;;1 B -~ ~0; 0'
C ~0 - land D = DO, where T O is a coordinates trans£ormation matrix, then the
inverse of a row-reduced k-matrix, A(A), can be realized by a quadruple

(A,B,C,D), i.e.

A-IcA) . C(kIn-A)-IB+D

Theorem 3 . 2 L e t A(A) b e a r o w - r e d u c e d A - m a t r l x , which can be realized, using a

quadruple (A,B,C,D). Let D~(A) b e the left characteristic A-matrlx o£ ( A , C ) .



where UE(A) is a unimodular A-matrix, UE(A) = [$~(A)T;IB+D~(A)D] -I, T O and ~E(k)

are defined in Eqs. (2.17b) and (2.20c), respectively. •

Combining Lemma 1.2 and Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 yields the results as follows.

Theorem 3 . 3 A nonsingular k-matrix i s row o r column e q u i v a l e n t to a row-reduced

or c o l u m n - r e d u c e d c a n o n i c a l ~matrix, respectively. •

Theorem 3.3 reveals the fact that the structural properties of nonsingular

A-matrlces can be studied from the appropriate row-reduced or column-reduced

canonical k-matrices. In the next chapter~ the structure theorems of divisors

of nonsingular matrices are derived~ using the row-reduced or column-reduced

canonical ~-matrices.

The followlng extension o f Theorem 3 . 3 to t h e RMFD and LHFD c a n b e e a s i l y


Theorem 3 . 4 An i r r e d u c i b l e RHFD (LMFD) d e s c r i b e d by G ( k ) = N C ~ ) D - I c A ) ,

(G(A) = D-I(~)N(A)), c a n be c o n v e r t e d to a canonical RM~D (LMFD) d e s c r i b e d by

G(~) = NrCX)D~Icx), (G(k) = Dilck)N~(k)), where VCk) and N(A) are coprlme and

Dr(k)(DL(A)) is a column-(row-) reduced canonical k-~natrix. •

Corollary 3.1 An i r r e d u c l b l e proper RMFD o r LMFD c a n b e r e a l i z e d by a c a n o n i c a l

controller-form state-space quadruple (Ac,Bc~Cc,Dc) i n Eq. (2.12) or a canonlcal


observer-form state-space quadruple (Ao,B0,C0,D O) in Eq. (2.18), respectively.


Let G(A) = N(X)D-I(x) be an irreducible, proper RI4FD, then from Theorem 3.4

we obtain G(X) = Nr(~)D~I(I), where ~ci(Nr(~)) ~ ~ci(Dr(1)). Thus, G(X) can be

expressed as G(k) = Nr(A)D~I(A)+Dc(A), where ~ci(Nr(k))<~ci(Dr(k)). Since G(I)

iS proper I we have ld,~ G(l)<~.
~im Also Nr(l)Drl(l) is strictly proper, or
~im l(k) and ~i+~m
l÷m Nr(A)D ~ = O, therefore Dc(X)<m ~ or Dc(I) = Dc is a constant
matrix. Thus

G(X) - NrCX)D~I(X)+D c

From Eqs. (2.14) and (2.16)~ we can find the minimal realization quadruple

(Ac,BctCc,D c) in the canonical controller form.

The minimal realization of the irreducible proper LRFD in the canonical

observer ~orm can be proved in a similar way. •

3:2 Latent Structure of Nonsingular l-matrlces

As stated in Theorem 3.3 i n Section 3.1, a nonsingular l-matrlx is row or

column equivalent to a row-reduced or column-reduced canonical k-matrlx~

respectively. We shall first concentrate on the latent structures of canonical

l-matrices and then extend the results to nonslngular l-matrlces.

The latent roots of a nonsingular l-matrlx D(k) are defined as the roots of

det(V(l)) = O.

Lemma 3.5 [17-19] Let the set of latent roots of D(k) be O(D(A)), and the set

of eigenvalues of A, which is the system map of a minimal realization of D-I(x),

be O(A). Then O(D(1)) = O(A), and


[o(D(X)[ - [o(A)[ = n •

where I [ denotes the cardinality o f the s e t .


Directly from Theorem 3.3 we have

(3. lOs)
D(X) = Dr(X)Ur(X)

where D (k) is a column-reduced canonical k-matrlx~ and Ur(X) is unimodular.

From Lemma 2.1~ we have

D-I(x) = U:I(x)[Cr(XIn-A)-IB+Dr]

Thus the results of Lemma 3.5 follow.

The seneralized latent vectors of a nonsingular X-matrix are defined as


Definition 3.2 [17-19] Let X. be a latent root of D(X). A left Jordan chain
of left generalized latent vectors (left Jordan chain for abbreviation) f o r D(X)

associated with X i is a set of nonzero vectors Pij' 0~J~&i-I such that

i ~1 (D(k) (Xi))Tpi(j -k) " 0mx 1

where D(k)(x)~d(k)D(X)/dX k = k-th derivative o£ D(X) with respect to I (3.11b)

The scalar ~i is named the length of the Jordan chain [41]. Similarly, a right

Jordan chain o f D(X) associated with X i is a set o f nonzero vectors qij~


0 % J ~ i - 1 such that

i 1 (DCk) (3.11c)
k=0 kT (Ai))qi(j-k) TM Omxl

The v e c t o r s Pi0 and qi0 are r e f e r r e d to as the primary l e f t and r i g h t l a t e n t

vectors, respectively, n

We s h a l l first present the p r o p e r t i e s of l e f t / r l g h t Jordan c h a i n s of the

column-reduced c a n o n i c a l k-matrlces, and the r e l a t i o n s to the e l g e n v e c t o r s of

the system maps i n t h e i r a s s o c i a t e d minimal r e a l i z a t i o n q u a d r u p l e s .

The s a l i e n t p r o p e r t i e s of l e f t and r i g h t Jordan c h a i n s of a column-reduced

c a n o n i c a l k - m a t r i x Dr(k ) are d e s c r i b e d as f o l l o w s .

Len~aa 3.6 Let (qij)~ be the ~-th component of q i j ' then for O~E~m we have

( q i j ) ~ = 0 i f the Kronecker index, of a minimal r e a l i z a t i o n quadruple of D ; I ( A ) ,

satisfies ~ = O, 0 ~ <~.


From Eq. (3.11e) we have

D r ( A i ) q l 0 = DrhD(Ai)qio = Ore×1 •

Since Drh i s n o n s l n g u l a r , and i f KEffi0, the Eth column of Dr(A i ) i s e~ and ~th

row of Dr(k i ) i s (e~) T. Thus, the Eth component of qi0 i s z e r o . Also, from

Dr(ki)qil+D~l)(ki)qi 0 = 0m× I

We find that the Eth component of qil is zero. Repeatedly using Eq. (3.11c)

r e s u l t s i n ( q i j ) E = 0 i f KE = O, l ~ m . •

Lena 3.7 If Plj' O~J~i-l' is a left Jordan c h a i n of Dr(X) and P i j ~ DTr h P i j ,

then the ~ - t h component, (pij)~, of Plj is zero. This i m p l l e s t h a t the £ - t h

column of Drh is orthogonal to Pij if K~ = 0 for 0 ~ m . •


Lemma 3 . 7 can be e a s i l y proved by o b s e r v i n g the f a c t t h a t P l j ' 0~J~i-l' is

a r i g h t J o r d a n c h a i n of D~(X) and the E - t h component of P i j i s z e r o i f K~ = 0.

L e t (Ac,Bc,Cc,D c) be a minimal r e a l i z a t i o n quadruple of the inverse of a

column-reduced canonical X-matrix Dr(X) , and let (Ac,B c) be a controller

c a n o n i c a l p a i r as d e f i n e d i n Eqs. ( 2 . 1 3 a ) and ( 2 . 1 3 d ) , i.e.

D:I(X) = Cc(Xln_Ac)-IBc+Dc (3.12)

The relationships between the Jordan chains of A and Jordan cha£ns of Dr(X) can

be d e s c r i b e d in the f o l l o w i n g i m p o r t a n t theorems.

Theorem 3.5 If qij' 0£J~£i-1' i s a r i g h t Jordan c h a i n of Dr(k) a s s o c i a t e d with

a latent r o o t Xi, then q c i j ' 0£J££i-I' a right Jordan c h a i n of Ac a s s o c i a t e d

with an eigenvalue li, can be found as

= ! 1 $(k)(ki) q . . . . . (3.13a)
qclj k 0 ~" r I~j-K;


~k)(k)~d(k)~r(k)/dkk " n - t h d e r i v a t e of ~ r ( k ) w i t h r e s p e c t to k (3.13b)

and Sr(X) i s d e f i n e d i n Eq. ( 2 . 1 4 c ) .


From Eqs. (2.14h) and (2o15b) we have


ScVr(k) = ( k I n - A c ) $ r ( k )

Differentiating b o t h s i d e s of Eq. ( 3 . 1 3 c ) k times y i e l d s

Bc r
vCk)(1) = k$Ck-1)Ck)+Clln-Ac)~k)ck)
, k~l (3.13d)

If qij' 0~J~i-l' is a right Jordan chain of Dr(k) , from Eqs. (3.11c) and
(3.13d) we have

B i ~-TD
1 (rk)(kl)qi," k - = i 1 $(rk-l)(~,i)qi,.k.]
c k=O ~J- ; k=l ~ [ ~J- )

+ ! 1 [(kiln_Ac)~(rk)
k 0~ (Xi)qi(J-k)]
= Onx 1, l<J~£i-1

Thus, we have

= (3.14b)
(XiIn-Ac)~r(ki)qi0 Onx I

J 1 (k) j-1
(kiln-kc) k~O = Isjs¢.-I
= ~.~ ~r (kl)qi(;-k)
~ +k=[0 ~1¥ r .(k)(ki )qi(j-l-k) 0nxl' i

Define qcij i ~"
k=0 1 ~)(rk)(~i)qi(j_k)

Then, Eq. (3.14) becomes

= (3.1Sb)
(liIn-Ac)qci 0 0n× 1

(liTn-Ac)qcij+qei(j.1) = Onx I , l~J~£i-I

Obviously q c i j ' 0~J~Ei-l' is a Jordan chain of Ac.

Theorem 3.6 If qcij' O~J~Ei-l' is a right Jordan chain of A c associated with an

elgenvalue I i , then q l j ' a r i g h t Jordan chain of Dr(k) , can be determined by

qij = ~(O)qclj ' Jffi0'l'""~i'l (3.16)


From Eq. (3.15a) we have qci0 ffiSr(kl)qio" So from Eq. (2.23b),

*:(0)qci0 ffi *Tr(O)*r(li)qlo = *T(O)*r(O)qio

The ~-th component of ~ ( 0 ) q c i o can be expressed as

(qio)~ , %>o
(*~(O)qcio)~ 0 , ~=0

From Lemma 3.6 we have qio " ~(O)qci0" Thus, from Eq. (3.15a) we have

iJ 1 ~ k ) ( k i ) q i ( j _ k ) , j>o


[ ~:(O)~r(O) if k=0
I 0m if k>0

This implies

~(0)qcl j " ~(O)~r(O)qlj

The ~-th component of ~(O)qcij is

(qij)~ if K~>O
(~(0)qcij) £ s

o if Kt-o

Thus, we have the r e s u l t in Eq. ( 3 . 1 6 ) .

Theorem 3.7 If Pcij' 0~J~i-l~ is a l e f t Jordan chain of Ac a s s o c i a t e d with an

elgenvalue Xi~ then P i j ' a l e f t Jordan chain of Dr(l) j can be determined by

T (3.17)
P i j = BcPcij '

From Eq. (3.13d)~ we have

[D(rk) (~)] T B T - k [ ~ ( r k - l ) ( x ) ] T + [ ¢ ( r k ) ( x ) ] T ( X I n - A c ) T .

Since Pcij~ 0 ~ J ~ i - 1 is a l e f t Jordan chain of Ac~ we have

(kiIn-Ac)Tpcij = -pc£(j_l) ~ 0~i~.-l~ ,

and Pci(-1) ~ Onxl"


J 1 . (k-l)(k)]T
~TI [ D(k)(~)]TB~pci(:rj - k) = k~ 1 ( k - l ) ! tYr i Pci(j-k)

1 [~k)(~i)]T(XiIn-Ac)TPci(
k---f :
j- k)

k=O v--i" [$ k 0 ~ tVr i J PciCj-k-1)

= -T[
l r.,.CJ)cx i ),T
~r a Pci(-l) " 0mxl

Thus, we conclude t h a t B l P c i j , 0 ~ J ~ t i - I , is a l e f t Jordan chain of Dr(k).

Theorem 3.8 If Pij' O~J~£i-l' i s a l e f t Jordan chain of Dr(1) a s s o c i a t e d with

l a t e n t root Zi' then a l e f t Jordan chain Pclj of Ac can be determined by

J 1 ~(rk)(Xi)Dl (3.lS)
Pcij = Tp k=~O ~ hPi(j_k)

where Tp = {[Tp] i j }; l<j~np l<ign and K.~.xj = 0 ;

[Tp] i i reversed upper t r i a n g u l a r T o e p l i t z m a t r i x [ I I ] with f i r s t

m m

column [ a l i 2 , . . . , a l i ~ . , l ] T ;

[Tp] j i r e v e r s e d upper t r i a n g u l a r T o e p l i t z matrix with f i r s t column

[ a i j 2 . . . . . a i j K i , 0 ] T if Ki<%, and [ a l j 2 m . . . , a l j % , 0 , . . . , 0 ] T
i f ~.x >~..

From Leuuna 3.7, DT
rh P i j ' O~J~i-l' are g e n e r a l i z e d l e f t l a t e n t v e c t o r s of a
l e f t Jordan chain of o(~) = D;~Dr(~). Define

k=O ~ hPi(j-k) ' O~J~li-i


It follows from Theorem 3.5 that Pcij' 0~J~i-I is a right Jordan chain of Ac
which is the associated companion form for DT(~), and Ac ~ (Ac)ij for l~i~m and
l~j.~,m is defined according to:

( c)ii = (Ac)IIcR ~

0(~j-1)xki K.xK. ^ [ [aijl,...,-aiJKi] if ~iSKj

CR J ~;Aji = ~ _ if Ki>Kj;izj
jl [-aijl,--.,-aljKj,O,..-,0]

By direct computations, it can be easily shown that A T = T A T -I. Thus, a left

c pcp
Jordan chain of AcT is Pcij = Tp;cij" •
From Theorems 3.5-3.8, the relationships between the Jordan chains of Dr(~)
and the Jordan chains of A, which is a system map of an arbitrary minimal

realization quadruple of D-I(x) p can be formulated as follows:


Corollary 3.2 Let Dr(X) be the right characteristic h-matrix of a reachable

pair (ApB); qaij for 0~j~i-I be a right Jordan chain of A associated with an

eigenvalue X.~ of A; qij for 0~j~.-l~ be a right Jordan chain of Dr(~) associated
with the same latent root X£ of Dr(~). Then qa£j and qij can be related by

= T-I i 1 ,(k)
qaij c k= 0 kT ~r (Xi)qi(j-k)' 0~J~£i-I

qij = ~(0)Tcqaij, 0~JS~i'l

where ~r(k) (~) is defined in Eq. (3.13b), and Tc is the transformation matrix
which transforms A to its controller canonical form A c = T cAT -I.
c •


Corollary 3 . 2 can be p r o v e d in a straightforward fashion from Theorems 3 . 5

and 3.6. In a similar way using Theorems 3.7 and 3.8 we can obtain:

Corollary 3.3 Let Dr(A) be the characteristic A-matrix of a reachable pair

(A,B); Paij for O~j~.-Iz be a left Jordan chain of A a s s o c i a t e d with the

eigenvalue ~i o f A; P i j for 0~J~i-I be a l e f t J o r d a n c h a i n o f Dr(A) a s s o c i a t e d

w i t h t h e same l a t e n t r o o t ~ i o f Dr(A). Then, paid and Pi~ can be r e l a t e d by

i I .(k)(k )DT
Paij = T~Tp k=0 kT ~r i rhPi(j-k) ' 0~J~i-I

Pij = BTpcij' O~J~£i-I

where ~b(rk)(A) i s d e f i n e d in Eq. ( 3 . 1 3 b ) and T c i s the t r a n s f o r m a t i o n m a t r i x such

that A ,, T AT- 1 , which i s the c o n t r o l l e r canonical form of A. •

c c c
It is well known t h a t the Jordan chains of a matrix are not unique; the

same is true for the Jordan chains of a A-matrlx. However, from Theorems 3.5

through 3.8, we observe that, given a left/right Jordan chain of a system map

Ac, the corresponding left/right Jordan chain of the right characteristic A-

matrix of a reachable pair (Ac,B c) can be uniquely determined, and vice versa.

Also, from Theorems 3.5 through 3.8, we observe that ~r(A) in Eq. (2o14C) links

the generalized eigenvectors o f Ac t o the generalized latent vectors of D r ( A ) .

M o r e o v e r , t h e i n p u t m a t r i x Bc i n Eq. ( 2 . 1 3 d ) o r B i n Eq. (2.1) relates the left

generalized eigenvectors o f Ac to t h e l e f t generalized latent v e c t o r of D r ( A ) .

'~et . be a mod~l ~atri~ of Ao. ~en, we have Aj ~ M : l A c ~ , where Aj is a

system map in Jordan block canonical form, and M c and (M: 1) contain all the

right and left generalized elgenvectors of A c. Thus, from Theorems 3.6 and 3.7

we can easily derive the following results.


Len~a 3.8 (M:IBc)T c o n t a i n s all the left Jordan chains of a column-reduced

c a n o n i c a l A - m a t r l x Dr(A) , and ~ ( 0 ) M c c o n t a i n s all the r i g h t Jordan c h a i n s of

Dr(k)" •

Corollary 3.4 Let (A,B) be a reachable pair, M be a modal matrix of A, and

Dr( k ) be the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c ~ - m a t r l x of (A,B). Then, (M-1B) T and ~ ( 0 ) M c o n t a i n

a l l the l e f t and r i g h t Jordan c h a i n s of Dr(~) , r e s p e c t i v e l y . •

Now, from Lenmas 2.1 and 3.8 we have the f o l l o w i n g c o n c l u s i o n .

Theorem 3.9 Let (Aj,Bj,~j,Dj) be a minimal r e a l i z a C l o n of a column-reduced

c a n o n i c a l A-matrlx Dr(A) with Aj i n Jordan form. Then,

D:I(A) . ~ j ( A I n _ A j ) - I B j ÷ ~J , (3.19)

where BjT i n Eq. (3.19) contains all the left Jordan c h a i n s of Dr(A) , and ~ j

c o n t a i n s a l l the r i g h t Jordan c h a i n s of Dr(A).


From Lemma 2.1, (A,B,~,~) is a minimal realization of Dr(At._

_ Thus

D:lcx) = ~(~In-A)-IB+D - ~T(o)(kIn-Ac)-lBc+~

- J

Hence, from L e n a 3.8, BjT and ~j contain all the left and right Jordan chains of

Dr()J. •
In an analogous fashion, we can easily obtain the following results for a

l a t e n t s t r u c t u r e of the row-reduced c a n o n i c a l k - m a t r l c e s :

B m

Theorem 3.10 Let (Aj,Bj,Cj,Dj) be a m{uimal reallzatton of a row-reduced

c a n o n i c a l ~ - m a t r l x , D~(k), w i t h Aj i n a Jordan form. Then,

D~I(I) " Cj(~ln-Aj)-l;j+; J (3.20)

where B~ i n Eq. 43.20) contains all the l e f t Jordan c h a i n s of D~(X), and Cj

c o n t a i n s a l l the r i g h t Jordan c h a i n s of D~Ck). •

The latent structures of general nonsingular l-matrlces can be derived

directly from Theorems 3 . 3 , 3 . 9 , and 3.10z

Theorem 3.11 Let D(~) be a n o n s l n g u l a r k - m a t r l x and

DCI) " D (1)U ( 1 )

r r

where Dr(k) i s a column-reduced c a n o n i c a l k - m a t r i x and Ur(1) i s un~modular. Let

i i be a l a t e n t r o o t of Dr(1) , P i j and q l j for 0<J~i-I be an a s s o c i a t e d l e f t and

an a s s o c i a t e d r i g h t Jordan c h a i n of Dr(1) w i t h l e n g t h Ki' r e s p e c t i v e l y . Then

A (3.21a)

~-~ U; ki)qi(j_k ) ,
k-0 x

are respectively a left and a r i 8 h t Jordan c h a i n of D(X) w i t h l e n g t h ~ . . These


c o r r e s p o n d t o the l a t e n t r o o t h i o f D(A). u;(k)(kl) d e n o t e s the v a l u e of the

k - t h d e r i v a t i v e of U ~ l ( l ) e v a l u a t e d a t k = ~.


From Theorem 3.3, we have

D(k) ffi Dr(k)Ur(k)

Since Plj' O~J~ti-l' is a l e f t Jordan chain of Dr(1) , from Definition 3.2

we have

J (3.22)
1 I (v~k)(/i))Tpi(j k) 0mxl' x

Since D(k) = Dr(A)Ur(A) , we have

D~k)(k) - [D(k)U:I(A)] k

kCsD(S)(k)u~(k-s)(k) (3.23a)

where kCs is a binomial coefficient,

A kl (3.23b)
kCs = s l ( k - s ) !

S u b s t i t u t i n g Eq. (3.23) into (3.22) y i e l d s

)~J kT.1 (s=~

Ok k e s [ D ( S ) ( x i ) u -"( k - s )' ( k i ) ur ' ( k - sr) ( x i ) ] T p i ~j-k" ffi Omx I
Equation (3.24a) can be rearranged as

J I - -(s) T ~ 1 [vCk-a)(Xi)]TpiCj 0~J~ti-I

~T. lUr (li)] (k-s) l -k) = Om×l
s=O k s




s~ 0 ~T. kT (Xi)]Tpi(j-s-k) = 0mxl

Since u~l(ki ) is nonslngular for all Xi' from Eq. (3.24c) we conclude that

J 1
[D(k)(/i)] Pi(j-k) = 0mxl
05J5£i_l (3.25)

By Definition 3.2, Pij for 05J$£i-i is a left Jordan chain of D(%) corresponding
to the latent root ~i"
Furthermore, since qij for 0KJ~£i-I is a right Jordan chain of Dr(%) , from
Definition 3.2 we have

J[ ~I [D~k)(ki)]qi(j_k) ffi 0mxl 0~J~£i_l (3.26)


Substituting Eq. (3.23) into (3.26) yields

J i k
) ~-~ [s=~O kCsD(Sl(kilUr(k-sl(ki)]qi(j-k ) 0mxl m
Equation (3.27a) can be rearranged as

~. (~i) k'T Ur ~i)qi(j-s-k) = Omxl z

By Definition 3.2, we conclude that

qij ~ i k-T
1 U; ( k ) ( X i ) q i ( j _ k ) for O~j~.-I
k=O x

is a right Jordan chain of D(X) corresponding to the latent root A i.

From Theorem 3.11, we can easily deduce the following:

Corollary 3.5 Let D(X) and Dr(l ) be defined in Theorem 3.11, Pij and qij for

0~J$~i-i be a left and a right Jordan chain of D(A) corresponding to a latent

root A.. Then


A -- (3.28a)
Pij -
Pij ' o<j ~£.-I


qij ~ i 1 u(k) -- 0~jS~.-I (3.28b)

k= 0 k'~ r (Xi)qi(j-k) ' i

are a left and a right Jordan chain of Dr(1) corresponding to the same latent
root %..

Again, for completeness we state the result corresponding to Theorem 3.11

and Corollary 3.5 for the row-reduced case.

Theorem 3.12 Let D(X) be a nonsingular A-matrix, and

D(X) = UE(A)D~(X)

where DE(1) is a row-reduced canonical l-matrix, and U~(X) is unimodular. Let

Pij and qij for O~j~;9~.-It be a left and a right Jordan chain of D~(X) with length

~i' respectively.: They correspond to a latent root X i of Dr(1). Then

?ij =A k=0~L ~-~

(k) Z
(Xi)] PiCj-k) '
0~j<~._l (3.29a)


- O~j~t.-I (3.29b)
qij ~ qij ' x

are a l e f t and a r i g h t Jordan chain of D(A) with l e n g t h Ei~ r e s p e c t i v e l y . These

correspond to the l a t e n t root A i of D(A). •

C o r o l l a r y 3.6 Let D(A) and DE(A) be d e f i n e d i n Theorem 3.12, P i j and q i j for

0~J~i-i be a l e f t and a r i g h t Jordan c h a i n of D(A) c o r r e s p o n d i n g to a l a t e n t

root Ai, then

Pij =A i ~I [U(k) ()ki)]T~i(j_k ) , O~j~Ei-I


- (3.30b)
qij ffi qij' 0~j~E.-Ix

are a left and a right Jordan chain of DE(A) corresponding to the same latent

root A.. •

Theorems 3.11 and 3.12 with Corollaries 3.2 and 3.3 build up the latent

structures of nonsingular A-matrices based on the latent structures of canonical

A-matrices, whose importance is thereby emphasized.

3.3 Solvents of NonsingularL-matrices

In this section we shall extend the idea of latent roots in nonsingular A-

matrices to "matrix roots" which in the literature [17,18] are usually called


Let fzC+C be analytic within, and on a simple closed contour C, and x be

any point interior to C, then the well-known Cauchy's integral theorem [42]


f(;k) (3.31)

where C is traversed in the positive (counter-clockwise) sense.

Using this approach, a class of matrix functions can be generated from

scalar function f(%) [43]. Let x ecmXm, the set of mxm complex matrices, and let

Xl,...,Xq, f o r q~n, be the d i s t i n c t eigenvalues of X. Suppose t h a t ~l,...,Xq

are i n t e r i o r to C, then the m a t r i x f u n c t i o n f(X) can be defined [9] as

1 (3.32)
f(x) = ~ -~C f ( ~ ) ( ) ' I m - x ) - l d ~ = ~ ~C (~Im - x ) - l f ( ~ ' ) d k

where I is an m ~ identity matrix.

If f(k), an n-th degree complex polynomial with coefficients fk' is

described by

n n
fCX) = >" fkXn-k = ~ xn-kf k (3.33a)
k=O k=O

then, the corresponding matrix function becomes

n n
f(x) ffi i fk xn-k = I xn-kf k (3.33b)
k=O k=O

where X 0 ~ I .
An n-th degree, m-th order nonsingular ~-matrix A(~)Ecmxm[~] can be written

as follows:

A(%) = A0%n+Al%n-l+...+An_l%+An (3.34)

• cmxm , k = 0,1,...,n, det(A(%)) ~t 0.

where akE

Since A(k) is analytic everywhere in C , we can define the right matrix

polynomial AR:C mxm ÷ Cmxm as

1 (3.35a)
AR(X) ffi~ ~C A()')(IJk-X)-Id~

where xEcmxm has all its eigenvalues interior to the simple closed contour C.

Substituting Eq. (3.34) into Eq. (3.35a) yields

AR(X) = ~ ~C (k=~O Ak%n-k)(Im %-x)-Id~

" k~o ~'E~i ~= :-kC~m~-x)-ld~l

>~ ~ x n-k (3.35b)

Similarly, the left matrix polynomial of A(%) is defined as

1 n
AL(X) " 2--~ ~C (Im%-X)-IA(%)d% = [ ~ i PC (Im%-X)-l~n-kd~]Ak

>~ X'-kAk (3.36)

Having these definitions of right (left) matrix polynomials in Eqs. (3.35) and
(3.36), we are ready to define the solvents of %-matrices.

Definition 3.3 Let R be an mxm complex matrix such that

AR(R ) =
AORn+AIRn-I+. " . + A n _ I R + A n = 0m (3.37)

Then R is a risht solvent of the A-matrlx A(A), where 0m is an m~n null matrix.

Bimilarlyj if L is an mxm complex matrix such that

AL(L) = LnA0+Ln-IAI+...+LAn_I+A n - 0m

then L is a left solvent of the A-matrix A(A). 0

The solvents of A(A) can be constructed by using the latent roots and

generalized latent vectors of A(A). The structure and existence of solvents

have been extensively studied and r e p o r t e d in the literature (for example, [17-

19, 23-25]). Numerical methods to compute solvents can be found in [24,44-46].

Some important results on the properties of solvents are summarized as follows.

Theorem 3.13 If A(A) has m linearly independent right generalized latent

^ A ^ ,~

vectors ql,...,q m Cleft latent vectors P I " " ' P m ) corresponding to latent roots

then QAQ-I(p-IAp) is a right Cleft) solvent, where P = (Pl'''"
^ ;o )T
(Q = (ql,...,qm)) and A ffi diag(Alg...gkm). •

A set of right (left) solvents RkJ k ffi l,...,n (Lk, k - l,...,n) is called

a complete set of right (left) solvents of A(X) if O(A(X)) = U O(Rk)(O(A(A)) -

n k=l
O O(Lk)) , where O(A(A)) is the spectrum of A(A) and a(Rk)(O(Lk)) is t h e
spectrum of the right (left) solvent Rk(Lk). The existence of the complete set

of right (left) solvents has been investigated by Gohberg et. al. [20~21]~ and

Dennis et. al. [18].

A right solvent R of A(A) is regular [17] if

aCR) n oCA(1)(~)) = (3.39a)

where A(1)(A) is given by


A(k) = A(1)(t)(Imk-Z) (3.39b)

and ~ denotes the null set. Similarly, the definition of a regular left solvent

is given by

oCL) O oCA(1)(1)) = (3.40a)

where A(1)(1) is given by

A(1) = ( I l - L ) A ( 1 ) ( l ) (3.40b)

Thus, a complete set of regular right solvents Rk, k = 1,...,n of A(%) is

defined as

k~j and j,k = l,...,n (3.41a)

O(R k) • aCzj) = ~ ,

oCACk)) = v o(~.)

Similarly, a complete set of regular left solvents Lk, k = l,...,n of A(k) is

given by

o(Lk) n 0~Lj) = 0 , k=j, j , k = 1, . . . . n (3.42a)

oCA()0) = U o(L k)

An important theorem on regular solvents developed by Markus and Mereuca [23]


Theorem 3.14 If {Rk, k " I,...,n}({L k, k = l,...,n}) is a complete set of

regular right (left) solvents of A(1), then the associated block Vandermonde


I I ... I
m m m

2 2 R2 (3.43a)
V(R1,..., RI R2 " " " n

. . . . .

-1 n-1 R.-1
R2 " "" n

2 n-i
Im LI LI •.. LI

Im L2 L2
2 -.. L2-1
vB(LI,...,Ln ) ...

1 L L2 ... L n-I
M n n n

is nonsingular, where the B in Eq. (3.43b) designates block transpose [18].

From Eq. (3.39b)9 if REC mxm is a right solvent of a nonsingular l-matrix

A(1), then A(I) can be written as

A(I) ffiA(:)(1)(: l-R) (3.4~a)


where ACI)(%)~cmxm[%] is a l-matrix with degree lower than that of A(1). As we

shall see in Chapter IV, (Iml-R) is a right divisor of A(%), and A(1)(l) is a

left divisor of A(1). Similarly from Eq. (3.40b) if LEC mxm is a left solvent of

A(k), then A(k) can be decomposed as

A(k) ~ (I k-L)i(1)(k) (3.44b)


where A(1)(1)EcmXm[%] is a %-matrix with degree lower than that of A(%); and

(Imk-L) and A(1)(k) are a l e f t and a r i g h t d i v i s o r of A(k), r e s p e c t l v e l y . The

more general s t r u c t u r e and p r o p e r t i e s of l e f t and r i g h t d i v i s o r s of a nonsiugular

k-matrix are presented in Chapter IV.

3.4 Illustrative Examples

Two examples are presented in this section. The first example demonstrates

the r e l a t i o n s h i p s between the l a t e n t structures of canonical k - m a t r l c e s and the

eigenstructures of the system map of the a s s o c i a t e d c o n t r o l l e r canonical minimal

realization. The second example is devoted to verifying the relationships

between the latent structures of nonsingular k-matrlces and the latent

structures of canonical k-matrices. In addition the complete set 0£ solvents of

nonsingular k-matrlces is found.

Example 3.1

Given a column-reduced canonical k-matrix

X3-3k-2 0 -1 1
3k+3 k2+2k+1 -2
vr(k) =
0 0 1

The controller canonical minimal realization of D-l(k) can be found as


D;I(I) = Cc(kI4-Ac)-IBc+Dc


" 0--0-0 i o
-3 -3 0 I-I
oI , oI 0
-!-I ; Be-t1
L o
o Ol




[iooo o] 0
0 0;0
0 0
; Dc"
0 0
0 0

The modal m a t r i x o f A¢ can be found as

0.0 -0.33333 -0.IIIII 0.33333 0.11111

0.0 0.33333 -0.22222 -0.33333 0.22222
M~ " 0.0 -0.33333 0.55556 0.33333 0.44444
1.0 0.33333 -0.88889 -0.33333 -0.IIIII
-I.0 0.66667 1.22222 0.33333 -0.22222

The minimal r e a l i z a t i o n o f D : I ( ~ ) i n a J o r d a n form becomes

Aj = MA1AMA = block diag

Bj = H~IB = [ loilT 0 1



(: [0001
:)I 0 0 0
1 2 0 0 1

I 0.0 -0.33333 -0.11111 0.33333 0.11111 1

~ j = ~MA = 1.0 0.33333 -0.88889 -0.33333 -0.11111
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

The e l g e n v a l u e s aud the lengths of a s s o c i a t e d J o r d a n c h a i n s a r e {~1=-1, ~2=-1, ~3=2}

and {&l=3, ¢2~1, &3=l}, respectlvely. From Theorem 3.9 we have the l e f t Jordan

chain of Dr(~)

(Plo,Pll,Pl2) ffi 0 1 0 ; (P20) " ; (P30) ~ 0

1 2 1 2 1

Thus, from Theorem 3 . 8 , we have the l e f t generalized eigenvectors of AC as

i 1 ,Ck)(~ )DT
P c l j ffi Tp k'T~r f rhPi(j-k)


Zp- Io i:,oi [o oil

-3 0 0 '0
o o oLo 0 [;~r
0 1

- -o--o-I£ - 1 - 1
(X)- [o o1
0 o


PcI0 = TpSr(%I)D~hPI0 = [-2'-I'I'0'0]T

Pc11 = Tp[~r(XI)D~hPII+~I)(XI)D~hPl0 ] = [1'1'0'1'1]T

Pcl2 = Tp[~r(XI)D hPl2 +~ hPll + ~ ~r urhPl01 " [ - I ' - I ' I ' I ' 0 ] T

Pc20 = Tp~r(~2)D~hP20 = [ 3 ' 0 ' 0 ' I ' I ] T

Pc30 = Tp~r(~3)D~hP30 = [ 1 ~ 2 ' I ' 0 ' 1 ] T

If the left generalized elgenvectors Pcij are known, then the left generalized

latent vectors of D (%) can be determined from Theorem 3.7 as


Pij = BcPcij; 0<JK£i-l' l<iS3 .

From~j, the right Jordan chains of Dr(X) can be determined as

[o 033 o11111]
I 0.33333 -0.88889 ; (q20) =
-0.33333 ;
(ql0'q11'ql2) 0 0.0 0,0 0.0

r 0.IIIII-
(q3o) - i-o.~1~ii .
L o.o

Thus, from Theorem 3.5, we have the right generalized eigenvectors of A c as

qcl0 = ~r(Xl)ql0 = [0'O'0'I'-I]T

qcll = Sr(Al)qll+$~l)(Al)ql0 = [-0"33333'0"33333'-0"33333'0"33333'0"66667]T


I (2)(
qcl2 ~ ~r(Al)ql2+~(rl)(Al)qll+ 2 ~r A1)ql0 - [-0.IIIII,-0.22222,0.55556,
0.88889,t.22222] T

qc20 " $r(A2)q20 " [ 0 " 3 3 3 3 3 ' - 0 " 3 3 3 3 3 ' 0 " 3 3 3 3 3 ' - 0 " 3 3 3 3 3 ' 0 " 3 3 3 3 3 ] T

qc30 ~ +r(A3)q30 = [0.11111,0.22222,0.44444,-0.11111,-0.22222]T

From Theorem 3.6, we can compute the right generalized latent vectors of Dr(A)
if the right generalized eigenvectors of A c are known. Using the calculated
generalized eigenvectors, i t can be easily verified that

T T T T T .T,
[Pcl2'Pcll'PclO'Pe20'Pe301 tqcl0,qcll,qcl2,qc20,qc30] = 15 •

Example 3.2
Consider a nonsingular A-matrix

D(A), [ A4+9~3+31A2+50A'33A2
7A+12 ~4+IOA3+38)L2"67~k+49

which is not a canonical A-matrlx (check with Definition 3.1). Using column
equivalent transformation (Theorem 3.3), we have

D(A) ~ Dr(A)Ur(A)


or ['+72+1717+


l+2 ~+3 ] A+2 -A-3 ]

or(A) -
k+l X+2 -l-I l+2

It is easy to verify that Dr(k) is a column-reduced canonlcal k-matrix and Ur(A)

is a unlmodular A-matrlx. Followlng the same a p p r o a c h i n Example 3 . 1 j we h a v e

t h e J o r d a n form m i n i m a l r e a l i z a t i o n of D-I(A):

D:I(A)= ~ j ( A I r - A j ) - I B j + D J


Aj = [1oo] -I 0 0
O -3 0
0 0 -2
= - I
~ .[o., -o.,~ o.~ -,.o]
3.0 -1.5 0.5 -3.0

~ : [ o o o]

The l a t e n t roots and t h e l e n g t h s of associated J o r d a n c h a i n s o f D (X) a r e


{AI=-I, A2=-3, A3=-2} and {~I=2, ~2ffil,' ~3=1}, respectively. From Theorem 3.9,
we h a v e t h e l e f t Jordan chains of D (A):

1 -1
(PIO'Pll) ~ [0 1] ' (P20) . [_3] , (P30) = [ _~]

and the right Jordan chains:


(qlO,qll) . [0.5
3.0 -0.75]
-1.5 '
..fqio~ = [ 0 . 2 5 1
L0-5 J ' (q30) = [-I.0]_3.0

U s i n g Theorem 3 . 1 1 , we h a v e a l e f t Jordan chains of D(~):

(~10'~11) " [ 0'-'1,I <;=o,-I-i], <~,o>-[-,


and t h e r i g h t Jordan chains:

0.5 -5.5
-qlo " u~ICxl~qio - [0 ' -~] [~.o] - [ ~.o]

~11 = UTI(Xl)qll+UT(1)qlo

1 -i ] r-0. 75 -i -~1r0.~1. [-o.~l

"[o <-~.~ j + [-~ ,,<~.0, ~.o~

- . olro.:51 : [-~.25
q2o " U:1(~'i)q20 ['~ -lJlO.5 J ]

-- -1.0 ]
q30 " UTl(Jt3)q30
". [7 -01][-3.0] " [ 3.0_1.0

From t h e left Jordan chains o f D(A) and Theorem 3 . 1 3 , we h a v e a c o m p l e t e set of

left solvents :

'-1- <,.1o~.,-" [o~1 ~,] <~,o~1~,"

I 1 I]
-1 0

II I n | II II

| i . iI
' I' I 0
o Q o ! ! 0

i ,~I I I
I I ~=,
o 0
i I
I !
i I'
Q ~
Q~, ! u i !
• u
i i ° ~
i i I
! i
i i I I
l !
I i i I
m i !
• I ! I I I
l-m l - i
I II N .~I n I 8
O.I~" 0 w ~
0 ~
I I ~-~
I ' I i'
~ O I 0
a I !

i I i I





An essential difficulty in structural decompositions [30,31] of MIMO

systems lies in determining the left/right divisors and spectral factors of a

nonsingular )k-matrix. The state-space mlnlmal realizations of the inverse of a

nonslngular )k-matrix discussed in Chapter III will be used to determine the

left/right divisors [30-31] and spectral factors [51-53]. In this chapterp we

investigate the existence of the left/rlght divisors and the spectral factors of

a nonsingular A-matrix. The so-called geometric approaches [5,47-50j81-82] are

employed to derive the structure decomposition theorems of a nonsingular )k-


First, we shall define the left and right divisors of )k--matrices as


Definition 4.1 Given A()k)ccmxm[)k]. If

A()k) = L(A)R()k) (4.1)

where L(%), R(k) ccmxm[%], then L(A) is a left divisor and R(A) is a right

divisor of A()k), end L()k), R()k) are left and right spectral factors of A()k). If

det(L(A)) z 0, (det(R()k)) ~ 0), then L(A), (R()k)), is a nonsingular left (right)

divisor of A(A). Also, if L()k), (R(A)), is a column-reduced (row-reduced)

canonical )k-matrix, then L(k), (R(k)) is a canonical left (right) divisor of

A()k). []

Definition 4.2 A left (right) divisor L()k) (R()k)) of A()k) is nontrivial if

L()k) (R()k)) is not a unimodular )k-matrix. []

If U(A) is a nnimodular )k-matrix, L()k), (R(A)), is a left (right) divisor

of A(A), then L()k)U()k), (U(A)R(A)), is also a left (right) divisor of A()k).


Furthermore, from Theorem 3.3 any nonsingular k-matrix can be reduced to a

column (row) reduced canonical k-matrlx by post multlplylng (premultiplying) a

unimodular x-matrix. Thus, to investigate the structures of left/rlght divisors

of a nonsingular A-matrix, it is sufficient to study the structures of canonical

left (right) divisors of a column (row) reduced canonical A-matrix.

In Section 4.1, we shall discuss the state-space structures of the

canonical left divisors of column-reduced canonical A-matrices; the state-space

structures of the canonical right divisors of row-reduced canonical A-matrlces

are dealt with in Section 4.2. Also, constructive proofs on the existence and

properties of canonical left/right divisors and complete sets o£ canonical

left/right divisors are provided in Sections 4.1 and 4.2. Section 4.3 is devoted

to investigating the state-space structures of the spectral factorization of

nonsingular A-matrices. The computational aspects of the left/right canonical

divisors are presented in Section 4.4. The main theorems used to implement the

computational algorithms are block diagonalization and block triangularization

[54,55] of the system map, which is the minimal realization quadruples of the

inverse of a nonsingular A-matrix. A numerical method to compute the left/rlght

canonical divisors using the matrix sign algorithm [56-60] is presented. Some

illustrative examples are provided in Section 4.5.

4.1 Structure Theorems for Canonical Left Divisors and Complete Sets of

Canonical Left Divisors

In this section, we develop the. structure theorems for canonical left

divisors of a column-reduced canonical %-matrix or a right characteristic %-

matrix of a reachable pair (A,B) in an MIMO system. The main tool used to study

the structural theorems of this section is the reachable state-space realization

[5,47-50] for the inverse of column-reduced canonical A-matrices. The complete

set of canonical left divisors of a column-reduced canonical A-matrices is

defined, together with the structure theorem for complete sets of canonical left


Consider a reachable pair (A,B). Let X =Ca he t h e a s s o c i a t e d state space,

U ffi Cm be the input space, and A: X ÷ ~ B: U÷X. Also, let S- C s be an A-

invariance subspace of X where ns<n , or AScS, and assume that V is the canonical

projection of X on X / ~ or V: X÷X/S. Denote B ffi Im(B), and B L ffi ~+S)/S. Let

A L be the induced map in X/S by A, and B L ffi V'B, then B L - Im(B L) and the

following diagram commutes:

B _X ;X


It is well known that V is epic [5], and if (A,B) is reachable, then the induced
n -I
pair (AL,B L) in X/S is also reachable, or X/S ffi <ALIBL> ~ BL+ALBL+...+AL v BL

which is the reachability subspace [5] of (AL,B L) and n v ffi n-n s.

n xn n xm
Theorem 4.1 Let (A,B) and (AL,BL) , where Ace n×n, BEe nxm, AL¢C v v, BLOC v ,

be reachable pairs with right characteristic l-matrices Dr(1) and DLR(1) ,

respectively, and n~nv>0. Then DLr(k) is a canonical left divisor of Dr(1) iff

(AL,B L) is an induced pair of (A,B).


(i) Sufficient Part:

Let X be the state space of (A,B), S he an A-invariant subspace of X and V:

X~S be a canonical projection. Then, from Eq. (4.2), we have

ALV ffi VA (4.3a)

BL = VB (4.3b)

Alsoj from Eq. (2.14b)~ we obtain

BDr(k) ffi ( k I n - A ) T c l * r ( k ) . (4.4a)

Premultiplying Eq. (4.4a) by V yields

VBVr(k) = V(k~n-A)z~l,r(k )


BLDr (~) ffi (~kln _AL)VTcl,r (%) (4.4b)


Since (AL,BL) is an induced p a i r of (A,B), (AL,B L) is reachable and the i n v e r s e

Of the right characteristic h-matrix of (AL,BL) can be realized using Lemma 2.1


are defined as in Eqs. (2.14e), (2.11b) and (2.9a) for the reachable pair

(AL,BL). Using the results in Eqs. (4.4b) and (4.4c) yields

Since the right-hand side of Eq. (4.5) is a k-matrix, DLr(k) is a column reduced
left divisor of D (k).
(2) Necessary Part

Let DLr(k)R(k ) ffiDr(h ) where R(%)¢cmXm[k]. Since


BLDLr(~) ffi (~I v -AL)TZ~LR(~), we have

BLDr(~) = (%1n - A L ) T ~ L r ( ~ ) R ( ~ )

Thus ~ci(Dr(k))>~ci(~Lr(k)R(A)), and ~Lr(A)R(A) can be wri=ten as

n xn
~Lr(X)R(X) ffiW~r(X) , WgC v •

Substituting Eq. (4.7) into Eq. (4.6) gives



Using the results in Eqs. (2.13), (2.14b) and (2.15b), Eq. (4.8a) becomes

(ki n -AL)-IB L = T~W[(%In-A)TCI]-IB

A I nvxn
Define V = T~cWTcEC~ . Then Eq. (4.8b) can he expressed as

(kin -AL)-IBL = V(AIn-A)-IB



== i-l_ . -i ~ " " (4.9)

~'L ~L A " VAI-IBk-I
ill iffil

By e q u a t i n g the m a t r i x c o e f f i c i e n t s i n Eq. ( 4 . 9 ) , we get


~ B L = VAXB, i>0


[ALV-VA] [B,A~,A2B .... ] = [0 n xm,0n ~ , - . . ]


S i n c e (A,B) is reachable, we have



A l s o , s i n c e (AL,BL) i s r e a c h a b l e and

n -I n -I
[ B L , A L B L , . . . , A v BL] = V [ B , A B , . . . , A v B]

we have
n -I n -I
rank[BL,ALBL,...,AL v BL ] = nv~;min[rank(V),rank(B,AB,...,A v B)] .

n xn
Thus, rank(V)~n v . But vEC v so we o b t a i n rank(V) • nv, ie. V is epic. Thus,

V is a canonical projection V: X÷X/S, where S• Ker(V) and S is an A-invariant

subspace o f X. From t h e r e s u l t s i n Eq. (4.10) we can c o n c l u d e that (AL,B L) i s

an induced p a i r o f (A~B) i n X / S v l a V. •

Some s t r u c t u r e properties of the left divisors of D (~) are described as



Lends 4.1 Let (~1,¢2,...,~m) be the Kronecker indices of (A,B) and

(<LI,<L2,...J~Lm) be the Kronecker i n d i c e s of (AL,BL) , then

KLi~< i , l~i~m

Let B = [ b l , . . . , b m], BL " [bL1,...,bi~]
(1) Let i=l.
Assume,~ by contradiction, that Kbl~''>~'.i"Then, we obtain {bLI,ALbLI,...,
-1 -i
ALL1 bLl} = {VbI,VABI,...,VA LI b I} which contains independent vectors.
However, Akbl-- for k><'1 is dependent of AJb I for j " I,...,K i. Thus,
vAkbl(=ALkbLl) for k>~ i is dependent of VAJbl(m~bLl) fOr jffil,...,~i. The
above result contradicts to the assumption, and therefore KLI<K1 .
(2) Let KLi~< i for iSik-l.
Assume, by contradiction, that ~K*ik>~ik" Then, we obtain

~ bL1,...,ULik,%bLik,...,~Lik-lhLikt -
{Vbl,VAbl,... ,VA bl,...,Vbik, VAbik ,...,vALik-lbik } which contains
independent vectors. However, for k>K..
• <-i

So that

vAkb ik = ~k I %~jVAJb~
~=I j-i

From the hypothesis KLiKK i for iKik, we have

)_' ak~jVAJb ~ " ~ ak~jVAJb ~

j=l j-l

• ~,.CI

This leads to a c o n t r a d i c t i o n , and therefore KLik~Kik.

(3) By mathematical induction, we obtain

KLi~Ki, IKiKm •

Lemma 4.2 Let P(A,B) and P(AL,B L) be the reachability base matrices of (A,B)

and (AL,BL) , and (Kl,...~Km) ' let (KL1,...,gLm) be the Kroneeker indices of
(A,B) and (ALJBL) 9 r e s p e c t i v e l y and l e t V be the c a n o n i c a l p r o j e c t i o n shown in

Eq. ( 4 . 2 ) . Then

VP(A,B)H " P(AL, B L)

1 KLI O1+i OI+~L2 Om-I +I Om-l+KLm. nxnv
H = [ e n P . .. ~e n ,e n ,... pe n p.. .,e n p...pe n JEL

Oi = j~l= ~J '

%-I %-1
Since VP(A,B) = [bLI,ALbL1;...,A L bLI,...,bLm,ALhLm,...,A L bLm] , from
Lemma 4.1 and the definition of H~ the result in Lemma 4.2 follows.

Theorem 4.2 Let V, H, P(A,B), P(AL,BL) be the same as those defined in Lemma

4.2. Then



The result follows from Lemma 4.2 and the fact that HTH ffi I

Lemma 4.3 Let T c be the ~ransformation m a t r i x for the c o n t r o l l e r canonical

form. Then T ffi T-1p-I(A,B) where
c cp

T c p = [Tcp]ij; KiWi>0; l~i~m; l~j~m

[Tcp]ii The r e v e r s e d upper t r i a n g u l a r T o e p l i t z m a t r i x with f i r s t row

[Tcp]ij The reversed upper triangular Toeplitz matrix with first row

[arij2,... 'arijKj,0] if K.<~.

i j or [arlj2' . "'arij<i
. . . .'0' ,0]
if K.<K..
z j


Lemma 4.3 can be verified by direct computations.

Corollary 4.1 Let T c and TLC be the similarity transformation matrices which

t r a n s f o r m (A,B) and ( % , B L ) to t h e i r c o n t r o l l e r forms, then

-I (4.13)
V = TLcWTc

W ffi TL~pHTTep; T" I = TLcP(AL,B L) ; T c p = p-I(A,B)T~I


From Lemma 4.3, we obtain P (A,B) = T-IT-It

cp and P(AL,B L) u TLCTLep.-I
-i Thus,

from Theorem 4.2 we have

V = p (AL,BL) HTp-I(A,B ) ffi TL1 TL~pHTTcpTc = TLCr~rrC


-I T
where N = TLCPH Tcp. •
From Eq. (4.5), the properties of the right divisor pairing with the

canonical left divisor _DLr(X) of Dr(k) can be stated as follows.

Corollary 4.2 Let DLr(X ) be a canonical left divisor of Dr(h) , which is

defined iu Theorem 4.1, and Dr(X ) = DLr(X)R(k ). Then

Cl) Rex) - ~rC0)W~rCX)+(Zm-~rC0>%rC0))D~6r¢X>

where DRh = D L hDrh is an upper triangular matrix with diagonal elements all

(2) R(X) is a nonsingular X-matrix.


Cl) R(A) = L
~ C ' V ~T : I ~r ( k ) + D ' D r ( ~ )

(2) Since both Dr(h) and DLr(X) are column-reduced canonical h-matrices, R(X)

is nonsingular. •

For some applications (refer to Chapter VI) of the divisor theorems, we

need to have a full set of divisors whose spectra cover the entire spectrum of a

X-matrix. We s h a l l discuss the complete set of left divisors before leaving

this section.

Definition 4.3 If L c = {Di(k),i-l,...,k } is a set of left divisors of a

nonsingular X-matrix A(k) such that Di(~) are nontrivial and i~ I ~(Di(k)) ffi

~(A(k)), then L c is a complete set of left divisors of A(A); if Di(k) are

canonical left divisors, t h e n Lc i s a complete set of canonical left divisors.

If any complete set of left divisors of Di(k ) contains o n l y one e l e m e n t w h i c h i s

column equivalent to Di(k)j then Lc is an irreducible complete set of left

divisors of A(k); if Vi(k) are canonical left divisors, then Lc is an

irreducible complete set of canonical left divisors. The complete set of

canonical right divisors and irreduclble complete set of canonical right

divisors of A(k) can be defined in the same manner. O

The structure theorems for a complete set of canonical left divisors are

formulated in Theorems 4.3 and 4.4; while the irreducible complete set of left

divisors is discussed in Section 4.4.

Theorem 4.3 Let S I and S 2 be complemented A-invariant subspaces of X(where

$1~ ~ = ~ and X = ~ Q S 2 ) , and (ALi,BLi) , i-1,2, be the induced reachable pairs

of (A,B) in X/Si, i-1,2. Then the followlng diagram comuutes.

AL 1
, Xl$1 :. X/$I

L/ .B =X A ~X

XI$ 2 ;.- XIS2

The set of the right characteristic k-matrices {DLr.(k),i=l,2}, of (ALi,BLi),

i=1,2, i s a c o m p l e t e s e t of c a n o n i c a l left divisors of D ( k ) .


From Theorem 4 . 1 , DLr.,i=l,2 are canonical left divisors of Dr(k). Since

ViA = ALiVi, we obtain

[vl]A o][vl] (4.15)

V2 0 AL2 V2

Because Ker(V i ) ffi S i and SIOS2 = ~, we have K e r ( V l ) ~ e r ( V 2) - #. Also, S I ~ S 2

ffiX, therefore dim(Ker(Vl))+dlm(Ker(V2)) ffi dlm(X) ffi n. Let ~ ~ [VI,V2
] T T T. Since

Ker(~) = Ker(Vl)~Ker(V 2) = ~, we have dim(V) = n, ie. ~ is nonsingular. As a

result, we obtain take over ~AV-1 I block diag(AL1,AL2) , and

O(DLrlCA))uO(DLr2(A)) - OCALI)UU(AL2) " oCblock diag(ALi,AL2)) - ~(A) -

O(Dr(A)). Thus, {DLr.(l),iffil,2 } is a complete set of canonical left divisors of
Dr(k). •
The results of Theorem 4.3 can be easily extended to a more general case as


Theorem 4.4 Let S i , i f f i l , . . . , k be independent A - i n v a r i a n t subspaces of X such

t h a t i__~l S i - X. Define Xi ~ ~ S and ( A L i , B L i ) , i = l , . o . , k be the induced

reachable pairs of (A,B) in X/Xi, and

DLr.(A) , i - l , . . . , k be the r i g h t
characteristic A-matrlces of (ALi,BLi),i=l,...,k. Then {DLr.(A),i-l,...,k} is a

complete set of canonical left divisors of Dr(A). •

4.2 Structure Theorems for Canonical Right Divisors and Complete Sets of

Canonical RiKht Divisors

Parallel to the structural analysis of the canonical left divisors for

column-reduced k - m a t r i c e s i n S e c t i o n 4 . 1 , we d e r i v e the s t r u c t u r e theorems for

the c a n o n i c a l r i g h t d i v i s o r s and the complete s e t of c a n o n i c a l r i g h t divisors

for row-reduced A-matrices i n t h i s s e c t i o n .

LetX =Cn be the s t a t e space, Y - C p be the output space, and A: X ÷ ~ C:

X+~ Let S= C , ns<n be an A-invariant subspace of X, and S be the canonical

injection map s: S*×. Define ~ = A~and C R = C IS. Than the following diagram



It £s known that S is monic, and if (A,C) is observable, then the embedded pair
usI Ker(CR~ -I)
(AR, C R) is also observable, or i~ 0.
Dual to Theorem 4.1, we h a v e t h e following results.

Theorem 4.5 Let (A,C) and (AR,CR) be observable pairs with left characteristic

~-matrices D~(~) and DR~(X) , respectively and

n xn pxn s
AcCuxn c~cPxn ARC C s S CR~ C ,n~ns>0. Then DR~(X) is a canonical right

divisor o f D~(k) ire (AR, C R) is an embedded pair o f (A,C), or

are defined in Eqs. (2.17b), (2.20c) and (4.16), respectively. •

The structure properties of the right divisors of D~(~) are as follows,

beginning with the analogues of Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2.

Lemma 4.4 Let (~l,V2,...,vp) be the observability indices of (A,C) and

(~RI,VR2, .... ~Rp) be the observability indices of (AR, CR). Then ~RI~Vi, l~i~p. •

Lem~a 4.5 Let Q(AjC) and Q(AR, C R) be ~he observable base matrices of (A,C) and

(AR, CR) , respectively. Let S be the canonical injection map in Eq. (4.16).


~:A,C)S = Q(Az, CR) (4.17)


^ 1 ~RI TI+I TI+~R2 Tp-I+I T +V_ _ n Xn
H = [en,...,e n ,e n ,...,e n ,...,e n ,...,enP-I ~P]£EC s

~i = ~ vj , l<i<p

(VI,...,~ p) and (VRI,...,VRp) are the observability indices of (A,C) and

(AR, CR) , respectively. •

It then follows directly from Lemma 4 . 5 :

Theorem 4.6 Let S, H, ~(A,C), and ~(AR, C R) be the same as those defined in

Lemma 4.4. Then

S = Q-I(A,c)HT~(AR, CR) (4.18)

Lemma 4 . 6 Let TO be the similarity transformation matrix for the observer

canonical form and Q(A,C) be the observability base matrix. Then

TO = ~ - I ( A , C ) T ; ~ (4.19)

TOp = [Top]ijEC ~ J, ISiSp, l~j~p, V.V.>0

[T0p]ii The r e v e r s e d upper t r i a n g u l a r Toeplitz matrix with first row

[a~ii2,...,a£iiV .,I]

[Top]ij The r e v e r s e d upper t r i a n g u l a r Toeplitz matrix with first row

[a~.ij2,...,a~iju .,0] f o r VI>V j or [ a ~ . i j 2 , . . . , a ~ i J v i , 0 ,...,0]

f o r V.<V.. •
i j

Corresponding to Corollaries 4.1 and 4.2, respectively, we have:


C o r o l l a r y 4.3 Let TO and TR0 be the s i m i l a r i t y t r a n s f o r m a t i o n m a t r i c e s which

transform (A,C) and (AK, C R) to their observer forms. Then

^ -I (4.20)
S = T0~rrR0

where = TOp.T;0p,TOp= T;1Q-1C ,c )-1

TR0 P = ~(AR, CR)TR0 •

C o r o l l a r y 4.4 Let Dp~(A) be a c a n o n i c a l r i g h t divisor of D~(X) d e f i n e d i n

Theorem 4.5 and D¢(~) = L(X)DR£(X). Then

(1) L(~) - ~(~) W~ (O)+~9(~)VLh(Im-~R~(O) $~ (0)) -1h i s a low

where DLh = D~hDp~
triangular matrix with diagonal elements all l's.

(2) L(A) is a n o n s i n g u l a r k-matrix. •

The s t r u c t u r e theorems of the complete sets of canonical right divisors

defined in Definition 4.3 can now be given as follows.

Theorem 4.7 Let S 1 and S 2 be complemented A-invariant subspaces of X(where

SIOS 2 = ~ and X = SIQS2), and (ARi,CRi),i=I,2 , be the embedded observable

pairs of (AjC) in Sl,i=l,2. Then the following diagram commutes.

$2 = $2 CR2

x A X ~ V (4.21)

The set of the left characteristic l-matrices, {Dp~.()0,i=l,2}, of (ARI,CRI),

i--1,2 is a complete set of canonical right d i v i s o r s o f D~.(X).


From Theorem 4 . 5 , D R E i , i - I , 2 are c a n o n i c a l r i g h t d i v i s o r s of D~(~). Since

AS i = SIARI , we o b t a i n

A[SI,S 2] = [S1,S2]-block dlag[Azl,AR2] •

Because Im(Si) - 3 i and Sln ~ = ~, we have Im(S1)NIm(S2)= ~. Also, S I ~ S 2 =

I m ( S l ) ~ I m ( S 2) = X, therefore rank(S 1) + rank(S 2) " dim(X) = n,
Since Im([Si,S2] ) = Im(Sl)+Im(S2) = Im(Sl)~Im(S2) = X, or rank([Si,S2]) =

dim(X) = n, and [SI,$2] is nonsingular, therefore, we obtain [SI,S2]-IA[SI,S2] =

block dlag[AR1,A~2]. Thus,

O(DR¢I(~))uoCDR~,2(~)) = OCARI(~))uo(AR2(~)) - oCblock diag(AR1,AR2))

= oCA) = oCD¢(1)) .

Now, we can conclude t h a t {DR¢i(~),i=l,2 } is a complete set of c a n o n i c a l r i g h t

d i v i s o r s of D~(A). •

The r e s u l t s of Theorem 4.7 can be extended to the following more g e n e r a l


Theorem 4.8 Let S i , i = l p . . . , k be independent A - i n v a r i a n t aubspaces of X such

that X= i=~1 Si, and ( A R i , C R i ) , i = l t . . . , k be the embedded observable p a i r s of

(A,C) in S i , i = l , . . . , k . Also, l e t D R ~ i ( ~ ) , i = l , . . . , k be the l e f t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c ~-

matrices of (ARi,CRi). Then { V R ~ i ( ~ ) , i = l , . . . , k } is a complete set of canonical

r i g h t d i v i s o r s of D~(~). •

4.3 S t r u c t u r e s Theorems for S p e c t r a l F a c t o r l z a t l o n of Nonsiusular X-matrices

We now i n v e s t i g a t e s t r u c t u r e theorems for s p e c t r a l f a c t o r i z a t i o n [50-53] of


n o n s i n g u l a r X-matrices.
Let (A,B,G,D) be a minimal r e a l i z a t i o n of A-l(%), where A(%)Ecn~m[%] is a
nonsingular h-matrix. Let XECn, U~Cm and YECm be the s t a t e , input, and output
spaces, respectively. SE C s is an A-invarlant subspace of X. (AL,B L) and

(AR, CR) are the induced and embedded p a i r s in X/S and S, v i a the epic map V and
the monic map S, o£ (A,B) and (A,C), r e s p e c t i v e l y . Then the following diagram


~ "L ~ X/$
BL -, IV


s % ~-

The sequence S÷X÷XIS is exact at X, i . e . VS - O(n_ns)Xn s. Also, (AL, BL) and

(AR, CR) are reachable and observable Pairs , respectively.

From the epic map V and the left inverse of the monic map S, we can

construct a transformation T to block-trlangularize the system map A:

Lemma 4.7 Let S + ffi (S*S)-Is * and V + TM V*(VV*) -I be the left and right inverses

of S and V, respectively. Define



(a) T is nonsingular and T -1 - [$,V T]

(b) Let A T = TAT -I , then


. [~'~ S+AV+ nsxm s (n-n s) x(n-n s) (4.23b)

, ~tc , A,~C

L o

(:) o(A) = oCAL)uo(A &) (4.23c)


(a) Let T = [S,V*I. Then

TT =
[ ]r "V]
S+S S+V+
= In s

L vs In_ n

so t h a t T- I = [S,V +]

[,] V
A[S,V +1 -

s i . : e ALV - VA and S ~ " AS, we obtain S÷AS " AS; VAS - VSA R - 0 , rAY + " ~ , o.d

therefore, the r e s u l t in Eq. (4.23b) follows.

(c) The r e s u l t in Eq. ( 4 . 2 3 c ) can be proven d l r e c t l y from Eq. ( 4 . 2 3 b ) . •

From Theorems 4 . 1 , and 4 . 4 , and Lee~a 4 . 7 , we a r r i v e at the followin8

results on the s p e c t r a l f a c t o r i z a t l o n of nonsingular A-matrlces:

Theorem 4 . 9 Suppose (A,B,C,D) is a mlnlmal reallzation quadruple of the

inverse of a nonsingular A-matrlx, A(A) , and the asociated (AEICR) and (AL,B L)

are defined in Eq. (4.22)° Then A(A) can be factored as

A(A) - DE(A)UA(A)DR(A)

where DL(A) and DR(A) a r e the r i g h t characteristic A-matrix of (AL,B L) and the

left characteristic l-matrix of (AR, CR) , r e s p e c t i v e l y . UA(A) i s a u n i m o d u l a r k-



From Theorems 4.1 and 4.5, we have

A(Z) = DL(k)R(Z) = L(k)DR(A)

From Lemma 4.7, there are no shared latent roots between DL(k ) and DR(1). Thus

DR(A) must be a right divisor of E(k), or R(k) = gA(A)'DR(A) and A(A) =

DL(k)UA(k)DR(k). Now, we obtain det(A(A)) = det(DL(A))det(UA(k))det(DR(k)).

Thus from Lemma 4.7 we observe that det(UA(k)) is a nonzero constant, and

therefore UA(k) is a unimodular A-matrix. •

When a column/row-reduced non-canonical k-matrix~ A(A), is given and the

structures of the column/row-reduced, canonical left/right divisors of A(A) are

of interest, we develop the following results.

Theorem 4 . 1 0 Let (AjB,C,D) be a minimal realization of the inverse of a

column-reduced l-matrix, A(k), where AEC n×n, BEC nxm, CE Cain and DEC mxm. Let
n xn n xm
(AL,B L) be a reachable pair, where ALEC v v BL¢C v and nanv>O. Also, let

DLr(k) be the right characteristic l-matrlx of (AL,BL). Then, DLr(k) is a

canonical left divisor of A(k) iff (AL,B L) is an induced reachable pair of



Since A(A) = Dr(A)Ur(A) , from Theorem 4.1, the results of Theorem 4.10


Corollary 4.5 Let (A,B,C,D) be a minimal realization of the inverse of a

column-reduced k-matrlx, A(k), T c be t h e t r a n s f o r m a t l o 1 1 m a t r i x which t r a n s f o r m s

(A,B) i n t o a controller form (,~,,,." T c A T : 1, Bc = ; c B ) . bl,o, let VLr(k) be t h e

right characteristic k-matrlx o f an induced reachable pair (~,BL) o f (A,B) v i a

11 Xn
the c a n o n i c a l p r o j e c t i o n veC v . Then

A(A) = DLrCA)R(k)


o~.lrC~,~ ~,..ck~ ~I.,÷~,,

- n n - rand(V)

and ~(k) i s d e f i n e d in Lenma 3 . 1 .


From Lemma 3 . 1 and Eq. ( 3 . 2 ) , we o b t a i n


BoA(k)= (k~11 -Ac) ~c (k)



BA(k) = (kln-A)T:l~c(k) .

From Eq. ( 4 . 2 ) , we have

BLA(k~ - (k~ n -AL~V~:l~c(k~ .


As usual~ the dual results on t h e spectral factorlzatlou of row-reduced X-


matrices can be written down at once:

Theorem 4.11 Let (A,B,C,D) be a minimal r e a l i z a t i o n of the i n v e r s e of a row-

reduced A - m a t r l x , A ( k ) , where AECuxn, BeCnap, CcCpxn and DeCpxp. Let (AR, CR) be
n xn pxn
an o b s e r v a b l e p a i r , where ARE C s s, CREC s, n>ns>O" A l s o , l e t DRE(A) be the

left characteristic k-matrlx of (AR, CR). Then, DR~(A) is a canonical right

divisor of A(A) iff (AR, CR) is an embedded pair of (A,C). •

Corollary 4.6 Let (A,B,C,D) be a minimal realization of the inverse of a row-


reduced X-matrix, A(k) and let T O be the transformation matrix which transforms

(A,C) into an o b s e r v e r form (A0,C0) , where A0 - T;1AT0, = CT0. Also, let

DR~(A) be the left characteristic k-matrix of an embedded observable pair

(AR, C R) of (A,C) via the canonical injection S. Then,

A(k) = L(k)DRA(k)


DR~(k) = CR(AI n -AR)-IBR+DR; n s = rank(S)


L(k) = ~0(X)T;lS~R+A(k)~R ,

and ~0(A) is defined in Lemma 3.3. •

Theorem 4.11 and Corollary 4.6 can be easily proved by using the same

a p p r o a c h e s as given in Theorem 4.10 and C o r o l l a r y 4 . 5 .

4.4 Computational Aspects of Divisors and Spectral Factors for k-matrices

In this section, we present schemes for computing left/right divisors and

spectral factors of nonsingular k-matrices, and their associated complete sets

of irreducible left/right divisors and spectral factors. The computational


schemes are mainly based on b l o c k triangularization or block diagonalization

[54,55] for the system map of the minimal realization quadruple for the inverse

of a nonsingular X-matrix. At t h e end o f t h i s section, a numerical method for

block triangularization and b l o c k diagonallzation of a square matrix, using the

matrix slgu algorithm [56-60], is presented.

Let (A,B,C,D) be a minimal realization for the inverse of a nonsingular k-

matrix A(A). Assume t h a t A c a n b e u p p e r b l o c k triangularized as

A = I AI2 ; AI¢C i l i=1,2; AI2CC (4.28a)

A2 J

and B,C c a n b e w r i t t e n as

T T T i (4.28b)
B = [BI,B2] ; Bi¢C ; i=1,2

mxni; (4.28c)
C = [Cl,C2]; CicC i=1,2

Then, we o b t a i n the following results.

Theorem 4.12 If (A,B,C,D) is a minimal realization of the inverse of a

nonsingular A-matrix A(A), with A, B and C shown in Eq. (4.28), then

(I) The right characteristic X-matrix of (A2,B2) , defined as Dr2(X) , is a

canonical left divisor o f A(X).

(2) The left characteristic X-matrix of (AI,C1) , defined as DLI(X) , is a

canonical right divisor of A(~).

(3) ACX) = Dr2CA)Ur~CX)D~I(~) w h e r e Ur~CX) i s a u n l m o d u l a r X - m a t r i x .


From Theorem 3 . 3 , A(X) = Dr(X)Vr(X) = U~(X)D~(X), where Dr(X) and D~(X) a r e

column- and r o w - r e d u c e d c a n o n i c a l X - m a t r l c e s , respectively. Each p a r t of the

theorem i s e s t a b l i s h e d as f o l l o w s :

(I) Choose V ~ 1 0 , Z n 2 ! ; C n × n l a n d a p p l y Theorem 4 . I .

(2) Choose S [ I n l J 0 ] EC and a p p l y Theorem 4 . 5 .

(3) From Theorem 4 . 9 and t h e r e s u l t s i n (1) and ( 2 ) .

Similar results can be s t a t e d f o r a lower b l o c k t r l a n g u l a r i z e d system map A

of a minimal r e a l i z a t i o n f o r t h e i n v e r s e of a n o n s l n g u l a r h - m a t r l x as f o l l o w i n g .

Corollary 4.7 If (A,B,C,D) is a mlnlmal realization for the inverse of a

nonsingular h-matrlx, A(X), with A,B and C being partitioned as

A = I AI 0 1 ; Aic Cn.xn.
x x ; i=1,2; A21cC
n2xn I (4.29a)
A21 A2

B = [B1,B2] ; Bi~C x ; i=1,2

mxn i (4.29c)
C = [C1,C2] ~ CicC ; i=1,2


(1) The right characteristic X-matrix of (AI,BI) , defined as Drl(X), is a

canonical left d i v i s o r of A(X).

(2) The left characteristic X-matrix of CA2,C2) ~ defined as D~2(X), is a

canonical right divisor of A(X).

(3) A(X) = DrI(X)Ur~(X)D~2(X) where Urn(X) is a unimodular h-matrix. •


To find a complete set of canonical left or right divisors, we need to

block-diagonalize the system map of A of the mlnlmal realization quadruple for

the inverse of a nonsingular l-matrlx.

Theorem 4.13 If (A,B,C,D) is a minimal r e a l i z a t i o n of A-l(1) and A is block-

diagonallzed as

A = block diag[Ai,iffil,...,k]| Ale C I l| i=l,..., k (4.30a)

n. x m
TT (4.30b)
B = [BI,B2,...,B ]; BieC I ; £=i,..., k

C = [Cl,C2,...,Ck] ; Ci¢ C 1 i=l,..., k


(I) The right characteristic k-matrices of (Ai,Bi) , Dri(k) , for l~i~k,

constitute a complete set of canonical left divisors of ACk).

(2) The left characteristic k-matrices of (Ai,Ci) , D~i(k), for l~i~k,

constitute a complete set of canonical right divisors of A(~).


(I) Choose V.z = block dlag[0nl ,...,0nl._l,ln.1 '0n'l+l'''''0nk]" From Theorem

4.12, we o b t a i n D .(k) as a canonical left divisor of A(k) for i=l,...,k.

Also, using Lemma 2.1 yields O(DriC1)) = O(AI) , and hence U OCVriC1)) -
k iffil
u oCA) - OCA(1)). Thus, {Dri(k) , i'l,...,k} is a complete set of
canonical left divisors of A(k).

(2) Similar to the proof in (I).

The computational scheme for the irreducible complete set of canonical


left/right divisors for a nonsingular k-matrix A(A) can be formulated by using

the Jordan canonical form minimal realization of A-I(A).

Theorem 4.14 If (A,B,C,D) is a minimal realization of A-I(k) and A is in

Jordan canonical form as

A = block dlag[Aji,i=l,...,k ]

where AjIEC i x is a Jordan block associated with an elgenvalue ~i and a full

Jordan chain as

Aj i = • Xi I • (4.31a)

and B and C are represented as

T T T ~ (4.31b)
B ffi [BjI,...,Bjk ] ; gjiCC ; iffil,...,k

C = [CjI,...,Cjk]; CjiEC l i=l,..., k


(I) The right characteristic k-matrices of (Aji,Bji) , Dri(k) for l~i~k,

constitute an irreducible complete set of canonical left divisors of A(A).

Also, {Dri(A),ifl,...,k} is unique.

(2) The left characteristic k-matrices of (Aji,Cji) , DEi(A) for l~i~k,

c o n s t i t u t e an irreducible complete set o f c a n o n ic al right divisors of A(~).

Also, {D~i(~),i'l,...,k} is unique.



(1) From Theorem 4 . 1 3 , {Dri(X),i=l,...,k} is a complete s e t of c a n o n i c a l left

divisors of A(X). Since each A j i contains a Jordan block with a full

Jordan chain, A j i cannot be £ u r t h e r decomposed i n t o more than one b l o c k .

This fact shows t h a t {Dri(~),i-1,...,k } is an i r r e d u c i b l e complete s e t of

canonical left divisors of A(X). Moreover, the Jordan b l o c k d e c o m p o s i t i o n

of a square m a t r i x i s u n i q u e , and t h e r e f o r e the i r r e d u c i b l e complete s e t o f

left divisors, {Dri(~),i=l,...,k}, is unique.

(2) Similar to (I). •

From Theorems 4.12 and 4.13, we observe that the canonical left/right

divisors and complete sets of canonical left/right divisors of nonsingular X-

matrices can be determined from the block trlangularlzatlon/diagonalizatlon of

the system map A of the minimal realization quadruple (A,B,C,D) for the inverse

of the X-matrlces. The block triangularizatlon and dlagonallzation of a square

matrix can be reformulated as an algebraic Riccatl equation problem [54] and

several numerical algorithms are available for s o l v i n g such R i c c a t i equations

[55-56]. Here, we s h a l l p r e s e n t a new a l g o r i t h m f o r b l o c k d l a g o n a l l z a t l o n and

block t r i a n g u l a r l z a t i o n of a square m a t r i x u s i n g the m a t r i x s i g n a l g o r i t h m [60].

Let us d e f i n e the m a t r i x s i g n f u n c t i o n f i r s t .

Definition 4.4 The matrix sign function of AeC nxn with o(A)cC÷UC -, where C

and C- are the open right and left plane of C, respectively, is defined by [56]

Sign(A) = 2 Sign+(A)-In - In-2 Sign-(A) (4.32a)


1 ~r+ (~in_A)-Idx (4.32b)

Sign+(A) = 2-~'~


1 (4.32c)
Sign-(A) = 2"~ ~r (Xln-A)-Id~

r÷(r_) is a simple closed contour in C+(C-), and encloses O(A)O6* (O(A)nC'). [3

From Definition 4.4, we can formulate Slgn(A) using the modal matrix M of
A. Let

J " M-IAM " block diag[J+,J_] (4.33a)

nlxn 1 P
where J+eC and J _ E C 2xn2 (n=nl+n2) are the collectlons of Jordan blocks
with o(J+)cC + and o(J_)cC-~ respectively. Then,

Sign(A) = M[Slgn(J+)QSign(J)]M -I ffi M[Inl~(-In2)lS-1 (4.33b)

Assume that M is partitioned as

nxn I nXn 2 (4.34)

M = [MI,M2] , MIEC , M2EC

where M I and M 2 contain the eigenvectors associated with the eigenvalues of J+

and J_, respectively. Let W be the inverse of M and be partitioned as

nlXn n2Xn
M-I ~ W " [ ]WIW 2 , wIEC , W2cC (4.35)

Then, from Eq. (4.32a), we obtain

Sign+(A) ffi ~I [Sign(A)+I n] = M[Inl ~ On2]M-1 " M1W1

Obviously, rank[Sign+(A)] = n I. Let

s IEcnxn s EC nxl (4.36b)

Sign+(A) = [ S l ' S 2 " " ' n' ' i


S ~ Ind[Sign÷(A)]¢C nxnl (4.37)

where S i8 a monic map which c o n t a i n s n I i n d e p e n d e n t column v e c t o r s of Sign+(A).

These independent vectors are selected from the n(>nl) column vectors of

Sign+CA) in Eq. (4.36b).

Thus, we obtain the results as follows.

Lemma 4 . 8 There e x i s t s a n o n s l n g u l a r m a t r i x ~ C n l x n l such t h a t S = MI~ and S+

* ~ * -i *
= ~-iM~j where M 1 is defined in Eq. (4.34); S + ~ (S*S)-Is * and M 1 (HIM I) M 1

are the left inverses of M I and S, respectively.


Assume that S contains n I columns of Sign+CA) with column indices as k i for

iffil,2,...,nI. Then from the definition of S we obtain

S = Sign÷(A)Us

[e~ I k2 kn
where Us = ,e n j...,e n ] .
d A
Since Sign+(A) = MIWI, we have S = MIWIUs = MI~ , where ~ = WIUs. By
Sylvester's inequality [61], we o b t a i n


and s i n c e rankCW 1) = rankCU s) = n l , we c o n c l u d e t h a t

rank(~) = n1

From t h e d e f i n f t l o n of the left inverse o£ S÷~ we h a v e

S+ = ( S * s ) - t s * = [(MI~)*(MI~)]-I(MlC) . ~-IMI+

Two i m p o r t a n t properties of S are g~ven by:

Theorem 4 . 1 5 D e f i n e S = I = ( S ) and l e t X b e t h e s t a t e s p a c e and A: X÷X. Then,

(1) S i s an A - i n v a r [ a n t s u b s p a c e of X.

(fi) S is the canonical injection map S : S ~


(i) From Lemma 4 . 8 , we o b t a i n

AS = AMI~ = MIJ+~ = MI~(~-IJ+5) = SAR


A~ ~ ~-ta+~ (4.39b)

T h u s , S " Im(S) i s a n A - i n v a r i a n t s u b s p a c e o f X.

(ii) S i n c e S i s monic and S = I m ( S ) , S i s t h e c a n o n i c a l injection map S: S ~ •

Obviously, from Theorems 4 . 5 and 4 . 1 5 , S defined i n Eq. (4.37) can be used

as a canonical injection map for finding the canonical right divisor of

nonslngular ~-mstrlces. Since S is composed of the independent column v e c t o r s

of Sign+(A), the orthogonalized projection algorithm in Section 2.3 can be used

t o f i n d S from S ~ S i g n - l ( A ) :

Al~orithm 4.1
Given: - [SI,S2,...,Sn],Si¢ C , for l~i~n
Find: S - [Skl ,Sk2,...,Skn I], such that Ski¢{Si,l~i~n} for l~ki~n I are



j:=0;{set independent vector index starting at zero}

P:=In;{Set orthogonalized projection to identity matrix}


For i=l to n Do


If S.*d=0


j:=j+l;{increment index j}

Sk~:=Si;{v i is an linearly independent column vector}

P:=P-d*d /Si*d;{Update P}


End ;{For loop}

n1:=j;{Total number of linearly independent column vectors which is the

rank of S}

Note: The * between two variables in the above algorithm is the matrix

product notation; and the superscript * designates conjugate

transpose. •

The m a t r i x S d e f i n e d in gq. (4.37) can be used f o r b l o c k d i a g o n a l i z a t i o n of

a system map as follows.


Theorem 4.16 Let AcC mxn with Re(~i)Z0 for i=Ip2,...n, where {~i,i=l,2,...,n}

is O(A). Define

S I = Ind[Sign+(A)] EC 1 (4.40a)

S 2 = Ind[Sign-(A)] EC z (4.40b)

where Sign+(A) and Sign-(A) are defined in Eq. (4.42) and nl+n 2 - n.

Assume that nln 2 = 0~ then

AD = M-IAMss = block diag[ARi,AR2 ] (4.41a)

where M s is a block modal matrix and expressed as

Cnxn (4.41b)
Ms [SI,S 2] ¢

and ARlC; lxnl and AR2ECn2xn2 are defined as

+ nlxn 1
AR 1 . SIASI¢ C (4.41c)

AR2 = S;AS 2C;2xn2 (4.41d)

4- 4- + * -l * 4- *
S I and S 2 are the left inverses of S I and S2, or S 1 = (SIS I) S I and S2 = ($2S 2)
- I s *2' respectively~ where * designates conjugate transpose.

Theorem 4.16 can be proved using Theorem 4.15 and Eq. (4.39).

l£ more than two blocks are needed for the block diagonalization of A, we

can construct the block modal matrix using generallzed sign matrix functions.

Definition 4.5 Let AcC nxn and Re(O(A))n{rl,r2} = @, where rl<r 2 and rl,r2C~

The ~eneralized matrix sign function of A with respect to the open interval

(rl,r 2) on the real axis is defined as

Sign(rl,r2 ) = 2 S£gn;rl,r2)(A)-I n

- (4.42a)
= I n - 2 Szgn(rl,r2

. cA1 . (4.42b)
Szgn(rl9 r2) (A) ~[ S l g n ( r l ) ( A ) - S i g n ( r 2 ) (A) ]

• - A (4.42c)
Stgn( rl, r2 ) (A) = In-S ign;r I' r2 ) (A)

Sign(ri)(A) ~ Sign(A-riln) , for i=1,2 .

Theorem 4.17 Let AECnxn and Re(O(A))O{ri,i=l,..°~k} = @, where r1<r2<...<rk

and r.I ER f o r l~i~'k. Define

+ 1 (4.43)
S i = Znd(Sign(ri-l'ri)(A))eC , l~i~k+l

where r0 = -=and rk+ 1 = =. Assume that n.~0 for l~i~k+l.


M-1AMss = Block dlag[ARI,AR2,...,AR(k+I) ] (4.44a)


where M s is a block modal matrix

Ms ffi [ S l , S 2 J . . . , S k + I ] (4.44b)

and ARi , l ~ i ~ k + l , a r e d e f i n e d as

ARi = S+AS.

where S~l is the left i n v e r s e of S.% for l~i$k+l.

Directly from Theorem 4.15 and Definition 4.5. From Definition 4.5 and

Theorem 4.17, we have the following:

CoTollary 4.8 L e t ARi be d e f i n e d as i n Eq. ( 4 . 4 4 c ) . Then r i _ l < R e ( X i j ) < r i t for

all eigenvalues Aij of ARI , l~j~n i. •

Theorems 4.13 and 4.17, together with Corollary 4.9, allow us to decompose

a nonsingular A-matrix into a complete set of canonical right divisors such that

each divisor has latent roots clustering inside a certain vertical strip of the

complex plane C.

To obtain the canonical projection map from matrix sign function, we define

V = {Ind[(Sign+(A))T]} T (4.45)

which is epic. Note t h a t V c o n t a i n s n 1 i n d e p e n d e n t row v e c t o r s o f Sign+(A) and

these independent vectors are selected from t h e n(>n I) row v e c t o r s o f Sign+(A)

i n Eq. ( 4 . 3 6 c ) . Parallel t o Lemma 4 . 8 j we have=

nlxn 1 ÷
Lemma 4 . 9 There e x i s t s a n o n s i n g u l a r m a t r i x ~EC s u c h t h a t V -- r]W1 and V

= W;q -1, where W1 iS defined in Eq. (4.35); V+ &= V * ( W * ) " 1 end W1 &- W~(W1W;)-I
are the right inverse o f V and WI, r e s p e c t i v e l y .


From t h e d e f i n i t i o n o f V we c a n d e s c r i b e V as

V ffi VvSign + (A) (4.45)

T A k l k2 nl
where Uv ffi [ e n , e n , . . . , e n ].

Since from Eq.

(4.36b) we have Sign+(A) = MIWI, Eq. (4.46) becomes V =
UvMIW 1 ffi qWl, where n = UvM I. By applying Sylvester's inequality [61], we have

rank(n) = n I. From the definition o f right inverse, we have

* * * -1 + -1 (4.47)
V + = V*(VV*) -I = (qWl) (nWiWln) = win

Algorithm 4.1 can be utilized to find V from Sign+(A) by replacing

[Sign+(A)] T for ~ and VT for S. Corresponding to Theorem 4.15, the basic

properties of V are given b y :

Theorem 4.18 Define S = Ker(V); let X be the state space and A: X÷X. Then

(i) S is an A-invariant subs,ace of X.

(ii) V is the canonical projection map V= X÷X/S. •

Obviously, from Theorems 4.1 and 4.18, V defined in Eq. (4.45) can be used

as the canonical projection map for finding the canonical right divlsors of

nonsingular l-matrices.

Paralleling Theorem 4.17, we can construct the block modal matrix from

canonical projection maps.

Theorem 4 . 1 9 Let AECnxn and R e ( O ( A ) ) N { r i , i = I p . . . , k } = ~, where rl<r2<...<rk


and ri~ R for l~i~k. Define

V. = {Ind((Sign ~r I I,rl)(A))T ) }T ¢C nixn , l~i~k+l

1 ° •

where r0 = -~ and rk+ 1 = ~. Assume that ni~0 for l~i~k+l. Then

MVA~I - ~lock diag[ALI,AL2,...,ALCk+I)]

where 4 1 i s a b l o c k modal m a t r i x

T T T T (4.49b)
MV = [ V I , V 2 , . . . ,Vk+ I]

ALl , l ~ i ~ k + l , a r e d e f i n e d as f o l l o w i n g

A L i = Vi AV~ (4.49e)

V~ is the right inverse of V.. Also, the real parts of a l l the e l g e n v a l u e s o£

1 I

ALi are in (ri_l,ri).


Directly from Theorem 4.18 and Definition 4.5. •

Since matrix sign functions can be used t o compute the c a n o n i c a l injection

and canonical projection maps, the block triangularization transformation can be

easily obtained from matrix sign functions of A by Lemma 4.7.

Theorem 4.20 Let AEC nxn and Re(~(A))fl{rl,r2} ffi ~, where rl<r 2 and tiER for

i=I,2. Define

+ nXn 1 (4.50a)
S(rl,r2) = Ind(Sign(rl,r2)(A))EC
= [Ind((Sign~rl,r2)CA))T)lTcCnxn2 (4.50b)
V ( r l , r 2)

Assume t h a t n I and n 2 are p o s i t i v e . Let

T~ - (4.51)
V ( r l , r 2)

where S ( r l , r 2 ) is the l e f t i n v e r s e of S ( r l , r 2 ). Then

0n2Xn I AL


AR ~ S+ (4.52b)
~L"A~C~, r2>A~r l, r2> <4.52=~

and V+( r l , r 2 ) is the r i g h t i n v e r s e of V ( r l , r 2 ). Furthermore, the r e a l p a r t s of

the eigenvalues of AR are inside ( r l , r 2) and Chose of AL are o u t s i d e ( r l , r 2 ) .


From Theorem 4.15, S ( r l , r 2 ) is the canonical i n j e c t i o n map, S ( r l , r 2 ) : S÷X,

where S ~ Im(S(rl,r2)) and X is the s t a t e space such t h a t A: X÷X. From the

d e f i n i t i o n of V ( r l , r 2 ) and Lennna 4.9, we have


- . +

V(rl,r2 ) = V~(In-Slgn(rl,r2)(A))

E1 k2 n2]T
U~ = [e n , e n , . . . , e n

Also from Le---a 4.8, we have

S(rl,r2 ) = Sign[rl,r2)(A)U s

k I k2
U S s [en ' e n , ' ' * ' e n hI]

From Eq. (4.36a) s it is easy to show that Sign(rl,r2)(A ) is idempotent. Thus,

we obtain

s - • - • - -
rl,r2) (rl,r2) In-S1gn(rl,r2)(A))S1gn(rl,r2)(A)Us 0

since V(rl,r2 ) end S(rl,r2 ) are of full rank. This implles that KerC~Crl ' r2 ) =

I m ( S ( r l , r 2 ) = S or V ( r l , r 2 ) i s a canonical projection map. By Lem~a 4 . 7 , the

rest of the r e s u l t s of Theorem 4.20 f o l l o w . •

To compute Slgu(A) or Sign+(A), Roberts [56] proposed a reeursive

algorithm, which is referred to as the m a t r i x sign algorithm [56] and can be

described as f o l l o w s :

Sign(i+l)(A) = {[Sign(i)cx)+(Sign(i)(A))-l]; Sign(0)(A) = A for £>n(4"53a)


Sign(A) = i~£m (4.53b)

÷= Sign(1)(A)

The a l g o r l t h m i n Eq. (4.53a) provides quadratic convergence a t the n e i g h b o r h o o d


of Sign(A). Recently, a new algorithm to compute the matrix sign functions has

been d e v i s e d [ 6 0 ] . This new a l g o r i t h m f o r Sign(A) i s as f o l l o w s :

Theorem 4.21 The m a t r i x sign function of A can be r e p r e s e n t e d by a m a t r i x

continued f r a c t i o n :

Sign(A) - A[In+(A2-1n)[21n+(A2-1n)[21n+(A2-1n)[...]-I]-I]'I] -I (4.54a)

where AcC nxn and Re[~(A)] ~ 0.

The approximate m a t r i x s i g n f u n c t i o n becomes

Sign(A) ~ [(In+A)J-(In-A)J][(lu*A)J÷(In-A)J] -l ~ Sign(j)(A) (4.54b)

where j is a finite integer.

The recursive algorithm for computing the matrix sign function of A with

Re[O(A)] ~ 0 is

Slgn(nk+l)(A) - SigU(fk) [Sign(nk) (A)]

where $ i g n ( 1 ) ( A ) ~ A; nk+ 1 = f k ' n k and fk>l f o r k~0; n0=l. •

The degree of the convergence rate of the algorithm in Eq. (4.55) at the

neighborhood of Sign(A) is fk if fk is constant for k~0. The reader is referred

to [60] for further details of the new matrix sign algorithm in Eq. (4.55).

Theorems 4.15-4.21 present a set of computational algorithms for block

dlsgonallzation and block triangularizatlon of a square matrix A such that each

block matrix along the diagonal has eigenvalues clustering inside a certain

vertical strip of the complex plane C. These algorithms are suitable for

finding the complete sets of left/right divisors and spectral factors of


nonsingular k-matrices occurred in the continuous-time systems (see Chapter VI).

For discrete-time system problems we often need to block-dlagonalize or block-

triangularize a system map A such that each block matrix along the diagonal has

elgenvalues clustering inside a certain annulus centered at origin of the

complex plane C. Therefore, to use Theorems 4.15-4.21 for discrete-tlme

systems, the argument matrix A in the matrix sign functions9 Sign(At, Sign+(A)

and Sign-(A), should be replaced by (A-In)(A+In)-l; Sign(rl,r2)(A),

• ÷ ° --

Sxgn(rl,r2)(A) and Stgn(rl,r2)(A) in Definition 4.5 should be redefined


Sign(rl,r2)(A) = 2 Sign(rl,r2)(A)-I n

• - (4.56a)
= In-2 Sxgn(rlpr2)(A)

• + 1 (4.56b)
S1gn(rl,r2)(A) ~ ~[Sign(rl)(A)-Sign(r2)(A)]

S1gn(rl,r2)(A ) ~ in_Slgn(rl,r2)(A
. -
• * ) (4.56c)

Sign(ri)(A) ~ Sign((A-In)(A+In)-l-riIn ), for i=1,2 (4.56d)

With the definitions in Eq. (4.56), Sign(rl,r2)(A) is called the generalized

matrix sign function of A with respect to the open annulus centered at origin of

C and bounded with radii (l+rl)l(l-r I) and (l+r2)/(l-r2).

4.5 Illustrative Examples

Two examples are illustrated in this section. The first example
demonstrates the computations of the complete sets of canonical left/right

divisors and the spectral factors for a nonslngular k-matrix via the Jordan form

decompositions. The second example illustrates the computations of the complete

sets of canonical left/right divisors and spectral factors for a nonsingular k-

matrix via the matrix sign algorithms.

Example 4.1

Consider a reachable pair (A,B) of a contlnuous-tlme system:

-2 2 -5 4
A = 2 -5 I0 -23
I -2 4 -4
0 0 0 2

and 1 3 2
0 -2 -2
B= 0 1 1
2 5 3
1 2 1

The r i g h t characteristic X-matrix is found t o be

X2iX-2 -18X-18 11
Dr(X) = X3+3X2+3X+l -1
0 1

which is a column-reduced canonical X-matrix. The Jordan form minimal

realization quadruple of D-I(x) can be found as


-1 1 0 0
Aj = 0 -I 0 0
0 0 -I 0
0 0 0 2

0 1
Bj = 0 1

Cj -- -I 0 -1
0 0 0

Dj = [ioo] 0

Let Aj and Bj be partitioned as


Aj " Bj =
0 A2 B2

A1 = 00~ I0° -I
] ,~ =

BI = 0 i 1 B2 =
0 1 1 2 1

The right characteristic l-matrices o£ (AI,BI) and (A2,B 2) are

1+i -I 1 ]
Drl(A) = 0 12+21+1 -I
0 0 1
I+4 6 I ]
Dr2(1) = L-3 1-50 -Ii

respectively. From Theorem 4.13, {Drl(1),Dr2(k) } i s a complete set of canonical

left divisors of Dr(1). Similarly, l e t Cj be p a r t i t i o n e d as

Cj = [CI,C2]

CI =
[6 513]
I -I 0 C2 =
-i 0
0 0 0 0 0

The left characteristic k-matrlces of (AI,C I) and (A2,C 2) are

12-41+13 108 O ]
D.l(k) = 25/3 k+70
0 0 1


D~(~) = [ 0 -17
,t+1 ~1

respectively. From Theorem 4.13, {DRI(k),D~2(Z) } is a complete set of canonical

right divisors of Dr(k).
Let Aj, Bj, Cj be partitioned as

Aj = , Bj- , C~- [~X,~21

o ~2 J ~2
~I -~oo] [ o oI X2 = o
1 0 0

[12:] [011]
~1 = ~2 = 1 x 1
0 1 I 2 1

E1 =
[i ~] -i
~2 = -1

The right c h a r a c t e r i s t i c `1-matrix of (A2,B 2) is

I A2-X-2 -2X-2 i 1
Dr2(A) = 0 ~+I -i
0 0 1

and the l e f t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c k-matrix of (A1,C 1) is

D~I(A) =
I ~-2

Therefore from Theorem 4.12, we have


Dr(),) - D r 2 C ) , ) U r t ( ) , ) D t l ( ) , )

w h e r e U r t ( ) , ) i s u n l m o d u l a r and c a n b e f o u n d as

Urt(),) - -0 5
),-2 0
o 1

Vr(),) c a n a l s o b e f a c t o r e d as

Dr(),) ffi Dr2(),)DEI(),)

1 2),+8 01
V£1(),) -. Ur£C),)Dtl(),) - 0 ),2+2),+1 0
0 0 I

which is not a canonical ),-matrix

Example 4 . 2

Consider a reachable pair (A,B) o f a c o n ~ i n u o u s - t l m e system:

-l.O -6.0 11.0 -32.0 63.0 1

-1.0 -2.0 3.0 -11.0 24.0
A " 2.0 -4.0 10.0 -18.0 37.0
!.0 -2.0 4.0 - 7.0 12.0
0.O 0.0 -0.5 1.0 -3.0

1.0 1.0
-2.0 0.01
B= 1.0 1.0 3.0
2.0 1.0 4.0
1.0 0.0 1.0

The r i g h t characteristic ) ` - m a t r i x i s f o u n d t o be

),3+3.6667),2-0.6111),-4.0556 ),2-0. 3333),-0. 6667 -1.0
Dr(),) ,-
I -0.5556),-9.1667
),2-0 . 6667),-2 . 0000

From Lemma 2 . 1 , a minimal reallzat~on q u a d r u p l e o f D ; I ( A ) i s ( A , B , C r , D r ) , where

0.29333 -0.64000 1.38667 -2.96000 5.76000

2.06667 -4.42222 9.60000 -18.33333
Cr = / - 1 " 0 4 4 4 4
L o.ooooo 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 J
0.0 0.0 0.0 1
Dr = 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0

Selectlng r0 - -co~ r I " - 3 t r 2 = 0, and r 3 = % we have t h e followlng shifted

matrix sign functions:

Sign(ro)(A) = 15

1.0 ~.0 8.0 -20.0 40.0"

0.0 -1.0 4.0 -10.0 20.0
Sign(r1 ) (A) - 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

1.0 -4.0 10.0 -24.0 48.0]

0.0 -1.0 0.0 -20.0 4.0|
0.0 0.0 -1.0 4.0 -8.0
SlgnCr2)(A) " I 0.0
-1.0 J
Sign(r3)(A) = -I 5

From Theorem 4 . 1 9 , we have

V 1 = [0.0 2.0 -4.0 10.0 -20.0]

V2 = [ 0 . 0 0.0 -I.0 2.0 -4.0 1

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0

Fl.O -2.0 5.0 -12.o 24.0]

£3 = L 0 . 0 0.0 0.0 - 1.0 2.0J

O' ne V2


we have the b l o c k d l a g o n a l l z e d minimal r e a l i z a t i o n quadruple of D-I(A):


AD = 1 = Block dleg I -4.0), (oo 5) (Io o I]

1.0 -1.0 ' -1.0 3.0

-2.0 2.0 2.0

-~.~ 1.o 1.o
BD = MVB - 1.0 0.0 2.0
-Lo- =2.0- : 3 - 6 -
0.0 -1.0 -2.0

1 r - 0 " 0 2 6 6 7 I 0.18667 -0.08003 ! 0.29333 -0.45333]

cv - C r ~ - -0.01111 ~-o.75556 0.13333 I-I.O4444 1.31111
L 0.00000 a 0.00000 0.00000 ' 0.00000 0.00000 J

DD = D r

From Theorem 4 . 1 3 , we have a complete set of c a n o n i c a l left divisors {D~I(X) ,

DE2(A), D~3CA)}:

X+4.0 1.0 1.01

D~I(A) =
I 0.0 1.0 0.O
0.0 0.0 1.0

I X+1.5 -0.5 -1.01

D~2(X) = 2.5 X-0.5 -2.0
0.0 0.0 1.0
X-1.0 0.0 -1.0 1
D£3(X) = -1.0 X-I.0 -2.0 ;
0.0 0.0 1.0

and a complete s e t of c a n o n l c a l r i g h t d i v i s o r s {Drl(~) , Dr2(~), Dr3(~)}:


k+4.00000 0.0 0.01

Drl(k) - 0.41667 1.0 0.0
0.00000 0.0 1.0

I" ),-0. 5839b, -0.25000 0.0 1

Dr2(X)- [ 5.69761 h+1.58394 0.0
L o.o 0.0 1.0

r x+o. 16667 0.20000 0.0 "1
Dr3(),) = | -6.80556 X-2.16667 0.0
L o.o o.o 1.o J
To p e r f o r a the s p e c t r a l f a c t o r i z a t l o n ~ u s l n 8 Theorem 4 . 2 0 , we have

[L S~2'r3) J1 !--0"--0~0-00
[" 1"°°°°° -2"°°°°°
-0. lee67 4"°°°°° 2"°°°°°
0.33333 o.le6e7 0.00000t
T " -- / 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 2.00000 -5.00000 12.00000 -2,,.00000
/~(~2,~3)/ /o.ooooo l.ooooo o.ooooo 1.ooooo-2.00000
LO.OOOOO o.ooooo o.ooooo o.ooooo 2.00000

and a minimal ¢ e a l l , a t l o n q u a d r u p l e (~f,BT,CT,D T) of D;Z(X) with ~ being block-


FII'O -100.0 t - 8 . 4 6 6 0 0.2652 -7.8314 1

% - TA~ - 1 -
03x 2 AL
- - 770
0.0 ~--g.~(Og
0.0 I-1.6000
0.0 ~ 0.2000
B T - TB -
[ ] ,o.ooo .
F 4,0000 11.0000 26.0000 1
0.83333 2.1667 l
i --_5 .-6o-b6- - 3 : o ~ o ~ - ~ 7o~o-o-]
BL | 1. 0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 |
L 2.00O0 0.00000 2.0000 J

I 2.9333 - 3 . 0 6 6 7 ] -0.2471 0.0703 -0.1555

CT - C~-1 - [CR, CL] - -1.0444 11.22221 0.7970 0.2542 0.3517
0.0000 0.0O00 ! 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 J

DT = D

From T h e o r e l 4 . 1 2 , Dr(~) can be f a c t o r e d as


Dr(X) = Dr2 ( k)Ur£( X)D¢I(X)

where Dr2(X) i s ehe r i g h t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c X - m a t r l x of (AL,BL)=

~2+3.5X+4.25 0.8X+0.7 -1.01
Dr2(X) = 6.25 X+l.5 -2.0
0.00 1.0 1.0

D¢I(X) is the l e f t characteristic X-matrix of (AR, CR):

~+0.1667 0.2000 0.0 ]

D£1(k) = -6.8056 X-2.1667 0.0
0.0000 0.0000 1.0

and UrE(A) i s a u n i m o d u l a r X - m a t r l x :

UrE(X) = z 3

To factor Dr2(k), we find a =inlmal realization quadruple (AL,BL,CL,DL) of

[-3.20 -1.60 0.50]

,',L= / 1 6 0 -O.SO 100 /
L 0.20 0.40 -t.ooJ

r -3. O0 3.00 3 •00 ]

BL = | 1.O0 -I.00 -I.00
L 2.00 0.00 2.00 J
0.04 0.12 0.00~
~L = 0.30 -O.lO 0.50]
o.oo o.oo o.ooj

L r

S e l e c t i n g r 0 = -m, r 1 = -3 and r 2 = ~, we have the f o l l o w i n g s h i f t e d m a t r i x s i g n



Sign(ro)(A L) " 13

-0.6 -0.8 0.0 ]

9ign(rl)(A,)~ - -0.8 0.6 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0

Slgncr2)CAL) " -Z 3

Again, from Theorem 4.20, we have


TL -
[...i,..,] El.O _..o o.oj
- o.o o.o l.O
VL(rl,r2) 0-.8 - "0~4" -0"~0

and a minimal realization quadruple (ALT,BLT,CLT,DLT) of D:~(X) with ALT being



[ 00 ..20 - 0 -. I2.50 I 0.0
ALL ~ _ C - - o . o - ~:~.-o

BLT " TLB = " 2.0 0.0 2.0

BLL ~io 2.0 f.~

CLT = CTLI . [CLR CLL] . [0.04 0.0 il]0.25

0.I0 0.50j 1.0
0.00 0.000 0.00

DLT " Dr

Now, from Theorem 4.12 we have


~r2(k) = ~r2(k)Or~(k)~1(k)

where ~r2(k) is the right characteristic h-matrix of (ALL,BLL):

k+4.00 1.00 1.00]

~r2(k) = o.oo
0.00 1.O0

~l(k) is the left characteristic h-matrix of (ALR,CLR):

k-o.so -0.20 o.oo- I

~.i(k)- 6.25 k+1.5o 0.00|
0.00 0.00 O.OOJ

and Urn(k)£s a unimodular k-matrix~

Urn(k) -
1.0 0.0 0.0 ]
o.o 1.o -2.0
0.0 0.0 1.0

Combining these two parts of spectral factorization, we have

Dr(h) =
[I+4.oo 1.oo 1.oo][1.o
0.00 1.00 0.00| 0.0
0.0o 0.o0 1.00J 0.0 0.0 1.0

k-0.50 -0.20 0.001 rk+0.1667 0.2000 0.0 1

I 6.25
0.00| |-6.8056
1.ooj L o.ooo
1.o J

Feedback design for multlvarlable systems has attracted many researchers

[5-16,62-78] in the fields of system theory and control engineering. Probably

the most successful design methods are state-feedback control in the time domain

[5,63-71], and the inverse Nyquist array and the root loci design in the

frequency domain [8,72-78]. In this chapter, we shall discuss the feedback

control of multivariable systems employing the notions of the characteristic k-

matrices and their divisors for constructing the state-feedback control laws.

These new approaches permit a deeper insight into some structural aspects of

feedback control. In g e n e r a l , the design schemes presented in this chapter

provide methods f o r c o n s t r u c t i n g s t a t e feedback c o n t r o l l e r s by d e a l i n g with the

assignments of the denominator of the c l o s e d - l o o p m a t r i x fraction description.

Therefore, advantages of both the time domain and the frequency domain d e s i g n

can be achieved via these design methods.

Some properties of linear state-feedback controls are set out in Section

5.1. In Section 5.2j methods using characteristic and non-characteristic k-

matrix assignments to construct the state-feedback controller are developed.

Section 5.3 is devoted to deriving the latent structure assignments which take

the left/right generalized latent vectors of the closed-loop right

characteristic k-matrices as the design guideline. The divisor assignment and

decoupling desigu approaches are discussed in Section 5.4.

5.1 Linear State-Feedback Controls and Properties

Consider an m-input, p-output linear time-invariant system described by

~x(t) = AX(t)+BuCt)

y(t) = CX(t)+Du(t)

where X(t)~C n, u ( t ) ¢ C m, and y(t)cC p are state, input, and output vectors,

respectively; Aj B, C, and D a r e matrices of appropriate dimensions; ~ is an

operator, and t is an independent variable. For continuous time systems, ~ is a

differential operator with tER. For discrete time systems, k is a forward shift

operator with tEZ. Assume that the system in Eq. (5.1) is reachable. The

linear state-feedback control law c a n b e d e s c r i b e d as~

u(t) = -FX(t)+GFr(t)

where F, GF, and r(t) are the feedback gain, input gain, and reference input~

respectively. The i m p o r t a n t invariance property of t h e K r o n e c k e r indices under

a state-feedback control i s as f o l l o w s .

Lense 5.1 Let the state-feedback control law be Eq. (5.2), and let Drc(~) be

the right characteristic ~-matrix of the closed-loop system. Thenp ~ci[Drc(~)]

= aci[Dr(~) ] = ~i,iffil,...,m, where Dr(~) is the right characteristic ~-matrlx of

the open-loop system, Ki,i=l,...,m are the Kronecker indices, and ~ci[Drc(k)]

denotes the ith column degree of Drc(A).


R e f e r t o Popov [ 3 5 ] . •

Le-~a 5.1 gives the structure of all possible right characteristic X-

matrices of the c l o s e d - l o o p s y s t e m s with l i n e a r state-feedback control laws. In

other words, we may o n l y assign the closed-loop right characteristic X-matrix

having the same Kronecker indices as the open-loop right characteristic X-

matrix. However, this structural limitation does not restrict the freedom of

choosing the closed-loop elgenvalues. Thus, the dynamics of the closed-loop

system still can be controlled by a s s i g n i n g appropriate eigenvalues or poles.

From Lemma 5 . 1 , we o b t a i n the results below.


Lemma 5.2 Let (A,B,C,D) be a m i n i m a l r e a l l z a t l o n of D : I ( x ) , where Dr(X) i s the

right characteristic X-matrix of the r e a c h a b l e pair (A,B). Lee Drc(X) be the

desired right characteristic X-matrlx of the c l o s e d - l o o p s y s t e m under the s t a t e -

feedback control law ~n Eq. (5.2). Then, (A-BF,BCF,C,DCF) is a minlmal

realization -1
of Drc(~) , where OF = Dr hD-~
r c ,D rug
~_ i s the l e a d i n g - c o l u m n c o e f f i c i e n t

m a t r i x of Drc(X), and Drh i s t h a t of Dr(X).


From Lerma 2 . 1 , we have

Drl(X) = ~(X~n-A)-IB+~ - ¢_T(O)(X~ -A )-lS c +~ (5.3)

r n c

where C - ~rT(0)Tc ; D = ( I m - ~ T ( 0 ) ~ r ( 0 ) ) D : h l ; Ac - TcAT:I; Bc - TcB. (Ac,B c) i s

the controller canonical form of (A,B). Let

FT:I " DrhF c
- (5.4)

we o b t a i n

Tc ( A - B F ) T c- I = Ac-BcFc = A c - E b c F c ~ c

TcBGF = BcDrhD;Ic = EbcD:hlc A B c

where Ac and Bc a r e the c o n t r o l l e r canonical forms of the c l o s e d - l o o p system.

From Lem~a 5 . 1 , the g r o n e c k e r indices of (A-BF,BG F) are the same as those of

(A,B), thus we o b t a i n the minimal realization of the inverse of the right

characteristic X-matrix of (A-BF,BGF) as


D;~CX) " ~T(0lCklr u -~ c )-Igc +~ c = C(XIn-CA-BFI)-IBGF+DGF

where Dc = (Im-*~(O)*r(O))D;~c " DGF" Thus, (A-BF,BOF,C,DG F) is the minimal

realization of D~(~). •
Lemma 5.2 reveals the state space structure of the closed-loop right

characteristics A-matrix under linear state-feedback controls. From Lemma 5.2,

we have the following results on the structure of the feedback gain when some of

the Kronecker indices are zero.

Corollary 5.1 Let K ~ {~l,...,~m} be the Kronecker indices of (A,B). If Ki=0

for some l~i~m, then the ith rows of Fc defined in Eq. (5.4), can be chosen to

be null, and therefore the ith rows of F and F are also null.


From Eq. (5.5a), we have Ac = Ac-EbcFc" If <.=0,~ the ith column of Ebc is

null. Thus, the ith row of EbcFc

- is null, and we can choose C~c) i = 0. Since F

= FcTe = DrhFcTc and (Drh)ij = 0 for j~i and ~.=0,

the ith rows of F C = Drh ~ C

and F
are both null. •
In the following sections of this chapter, we d i s c u s s various schemes f o r

constructing linear state-feedback controls laws for different design purposes.

5.2 ~-matrix Assisnment

In this section, we d i s c u s s methods to construct the linear state-feedback

control laws from t h e d e s i r e d denominator of the closed-loop RMFD. One s i m p l e

way to assign the denominator of the closed-loop RMFD i s to select a column-

reduced canonical A-matrix which has the same K r o n e c k e r i n d i c e s as those of the

open loop right characteristic A-matrix. This approach is referred to as the

right characteristic h-matrix assignment. For this scheme, the numerator ~-

matrix of the closed-loop canonical EMFD is to be the same as that of the open

loop c a n o n i c a l RHFD. A s e c o n d way t o approach the problem is to assign the

denominator of the closed-loop RHFD a s a non-canonlcal column-reduced A-matrix

h a v i n g t h e same K r o n e c k e r i n d i c e s a s t h o s e o f t h e o p e n l o o p r i g h t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c A-

matrix, This approach is referred to as the column-reduced A - m a t r i x a s s i g n m e n t .

The important feature of this scheme is that the numerator A-matrix of the

c l o s e d - l o o p c a n o n i c a l RMFD may n o t be t h e same a s t h a t of the open-loop canonical

R~D. This result is different from t h e s i t u a t i o n i n SISO s y s t e m s u s i n g l i n e a r

state-feedback controls.

Theorem 5 . 1 (Right C h a r a c t e r i s t i c A - m a t r i x Assignment)

If the desired closed-loop right characteristic A-matrlx is given by

Drc(A) , and Drh c is the leading-column matrix of Drc(A) ~ then the feedback gain
and input gain become

F = F T (5.7a)
e c
-I (5.7b)
GF = DrhDrh c

where Fc can be d e t e r m i n e d by

FcSr(A) - GFDrc(A)-Dr(A)


From Lemma 5.2~ we o b t a i n

BcDrc(A) = ( A I n - A e ) ~ r ( A ) = ( A I n - A e ÷ E b c F c ) ~ r ( A )

= ( X l n - A c ) ~ r ( A ) + E b c F c ~ r ( A ) = BcDr(A)+EhcFc~r(A)


Bc(GFDrc(A)-Dr(k)) = EbcFc~r(k)

Since B c = EbcD r and the ith row of Fc is zero if K'=0'I we have

D:~(GFDrc(k)-Dr(A)) - FcSr(k).
Thus, the result of Eq. (5.7c) follows.

The closed-loop canonical RMFD [79,80] can be found as follows.

Corollary 5.2 Let the desired closed-loop right characteristic k-matrix be

D (X) and F and G F be determined in Theorem 5.1. Then, the closed-loop

canonical RHFD with D = 0 p ~ is given by

Gc(~) - C(nn-(A-BF))-IBUF = Nr(k)Drc1(~) (S.8)


Gc(A) = C(AIn-(A-BF))-IBGF = Cc(AIn-Xc)-IBc

= CcSr(X)D;cI(A) = N r(k)D:~(k) •

If arbitrary F and GF are assigned in Eq. (5.2), the closed-loop RRFD,

which may not be the canonical RMFD, can be described as follows.

Theorem 5.2 Let D = 0 and the state-feedback control law be shown i n Eq.
(5.2) with the ith row of F being null if K.-0 and G F being nonsfngular. Then,
the RMFD of the closed-loop system can be expressed as

Oc(k) = C( ~n-(A-BF))-IB0 F = Nr( ~);;cl(X) C5.9a)

where ;rc()0 is a column-reduced ~k-matrlx defined by

; r c (~) = G ; I [ F T : I ~ ( ~ ) ' D r (~)]


Gc()t) = C( ~I -(A-BF))-IBGF = Cc(~In-Ac)-iBc


X c = Ac-BcFT:I and Bc = TcBGF = EbcDr @F

For the a r b i t r a r y matrices F and GF s p e c i f i e d in Theorem 5 . 2 , Ac and Bc are in

controller forms but not necessary in canonical controller forms. Therefore,

from Len~na 3 . 2 , we have

;:Ioc - , C0 C nZc I o, c

where Dc = (Im-~T(0)~r(0))D;1GF * I t can be easily showu that

BcDrcCX~ = C~In-Ac)~rCX)


BcGFDrc(A) = (kln-Ac+BcFT:l)$r(t) = (kln-Ac)~r(A)+BcFT:1~r(k)

= BcDr(~)+BcFT:I~r(~)

Since the i t h row of F i s n u l l i f ~i=O, we have the r e s u l t in Eq. ( 5 . 9 b ) , from


"thus, the closed-loop RMFD becomes

G (cAr - co( n - "


Theorem 5.2 reveals the fact that the closed-loop RHFD can be written as

Nr(A);:~(A) , where the EMFD may not be canonical even if Nr(l) is the numerator

of the open-loop canonical RMFD and Drc(A) is column-reduced A-matrix determined

by Dr(A) , F and G F. If the canonical RMFD of the closed-loop system is found to

be Gc(A) = Nrc(A)D:~(A), we can easily prove that NrcCk) = Nr(A)U(A) and

Drc(A) = Drc(A)U(A) where U(A) is a unimodular matrix.

From Theorems 5.1 and 5.2p we observe that the non-canonical column-reduced

A-matrix assignment can be accomplished as follows=

Theorem 5.3 (Column-reduced A-matrix Assignment)

Let Drc(A) be a given column-reduced A-matrix with column degrees

(KIj...jKm) , Which is the set of Kronecker indices of the open loop system in
^ ^

Eq. (5.1). Drh c is the leading-column matrix of Drc(A). We choose the

feedback gain and input gain to be


G F = DrhDrhlc

where F can be determined by


Fc~r(A) = GFDrc(A)-Dr(A) (5. lOc)


Then, the c l o s e d - l o o p RHFD w i t h D = 0 pxm i s g i v e n by

Gc(~) = C(~In-(A-BF ))-IBGF . N r



This follows directly from Theorems 5.1 and 5.2.

Example 5 . 1

Given a 3-input 2-output c o n t i n u o u s t i m e system

Ax(t) = Ax(t)+Su(t)

y(t) = CX(t)+Du(t)


2.2 1.6 4.0 3.0 1.0 1

-6.4 -4.2 -8.0 -6.0 -2.0
A = -1.6 -0.8 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0
3.2 1.6 4.0 3.0 2.0
9.6 4.8 12.0 6.0 2.0

-I.0 1.0
-2.0 0.0 1
B = 3.0 -I.0 1.0
-2.0 3.0 4.0
1.0 -2.0 -3.0

C = [ 0.0]

D = 02x 3

Using the minimal n i c e s e l e c t i o n a l g o r i t h m in S e c t i o n 2 . 3 , the Kronecker i n d i c e s

are found to be E 1 -- 3, <2 = 2 and ~3 " 0. Note that the input matrix B

contains a dependent vector, but the system is reachable. From Eq. (2.16)~ we

have the canonical RF~D

O(k) = Nr(k)D;l(k)

-4k2+13k-13 7k-12 0 ]
SrCk) =
-5kX+10k+3 12k+7 0

and k3-2k2-k+2 -k2+k+2 -1 ]

VrCk) = 0 X2+2/+1 -2
0 0 1

The open loop poles are -i,-I,-I,I,2. We shall construct linear state-feedback

control laws using both the right characteristic k-matrix assignment and the

column-reduced k-matrix assignment as follows:

(I) Right characteristic k-matrix assignment

Let the desired closed-loop right characteristic ~-matrix be

Drc(~) " [ Z3+6Z2+22~+30


which is a column-reduced canonical A-matrix with the leading-column c o e f f i c i e n t


I -I 0]
Drh c = 0 I 0
0 0 1

From Theorem 5.1, we have the feedback gain matrix

-12.1 -12.3 -25.5833 -26.4167 -20.58331

F ffi- -25.6 - 6.8 -22.0000 - 1.0000 6.0000
0.0 0.0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
and the input gain matrix

I.0 0.0 -I.0]

GF = 0.0 1.0 -2.0
0.0 0.0 1.0

The linear state-feedback control law is 8iven by

u(t) = -FX(t)+GFr(t)

The closed-loop canonical RMFD can be found as

Gc(~.) = Nr(A)D:~(}O

The closed loop poles are -2~-2,-2,-3,-4.

(2) Column-reduced k-matrix assignment
Let the desired denominator of the closed loop RMFDbe

A3+4k2+8A+6 -k2-7~-12 0 1
rc(),) = 2~2+4~+2 k2+7k+12 0
0 0 1

The leading-column c o e f f i c i e n t matrix is

Drhc 0

which is nonsingular. Thus, Drc(k) is column-reduced with column degrees

~cl(Drc(~)) 1 3, ~c2(Drc (k)) = 2 and ~c3(Drc(X)) = Ol ~ut

- ^ [ X3+6X2+I2X+8 0 0 ]
Dr~cDrc(k) ffi 2k2+4A+2 k2+7A+12 0
0 0 1

and from Definition 3.1, ;rc(X) is not a column-reduced canonical X - m a t r i x .

From Theorem 5.3, we have the feedback gain

-10.1 - 8.3 -17.5833 -14.4167 -10.5833 1

F =' - -27.6 -10.8 -30.0000 -13.0000 - 4.0000
0.0 - 0.0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

and t h e i n p u t g a i n

I I.0 0.0 -I.0 1

GF = 0.0 1.0 - 2 . 0
0.0 0.0 1.0

The linear state-feedback control law is

.(t) = -FX(t)+GFr(t)

The closed-loop RMFD is given by

Since the denominator o f ¢(X) is not a column-reduced canonical X-matrix, Gc(~)

is not a canonical RRFD. From T h e o r e m 3 . 4 j we h a v e the canonical RMFD o f the

closed-loop system:

ccCx) = .rcCx)D~<x)
7X-12 0 1
Nrc(X) = -SA2-14X-11 12~+7 0

It is easy to check that


Nrc(k) = Nr(k)Ur(k)

Drc(~) - Vrc(XIUr(A1

where Ur(X I i s a u n i m o d u l a r k - m a t r i x

Ur(~) - l i0 0]I

The d e n o m i n a t o r of the canonical RHFD o f the closed-loop system in this design

example i s t h e same as t h a t in (11; however, the numerator is different (compare

t h e n u m e r a t o r o f t h e open l o o p c a n o n i c a l RHFD w i t h N r c ( ~ ) ) .

5.3 Left and Right Latent Structure Assignment

In this section, we present an alternative method for constructing the

linear state-feedback control law from t h e d e s i r e d left or right latent structure

of the closed-loop right characteristic A-matrix. This approach is the

counterpart of elgenstructure assignment f o r MIMO s y s t e m d e s i g n , which have been

discussed by many a u t h o r s [64,66]. An a d v a n t a g e of determining the feedback

control law u s i n g t h e l a t e n t structure of the closed-loop right characteristic A-

matrix instead of the eigenstructure of the closed-loop s y s t e m map, is to avoid

dealing with the higher dimensional eigenvectors o f t h e s y s t e m map.

Using the relationships between the latent structures of the right

characteristic ~-matrix of a reachable pair and the elgenstructures of the

s y s t e m map e x p l o r e d in Section 3.2, we d e r i v e the state-feedback control law v i a

latent roots and l a t e n t vectors a s s l g n m e n t as f o l l o w s .

Theorem 5 . 4 (Left Latent Structure Assignment)

A linear state-feedback controller i n Eq. (5.21 is required for controlling

the m - i n p u t p-output reachable s y s t e m i n Eq. (5.11 w i t h D = 0 p×m s u c h that the


closed-loop r i g h t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c l - m a t r l x has the assigned l a t e n t r o o t s ,

{[i,i=l,...,k}, and l e f t g e n e r a l i z e d l a t e n t v e c t o r s , { P i j , j = 0 , 1 , . . . ,
~.-1,i=l, .,k} where l i is the length of Jordan chain correspondlng to ~i and
kI °*
i~ l £i=n. Define
Aj ~ block diag{~i,i=lt...~k}cCnxn (5.11a)


i ~ .xZ. BJ1

1 [-]
1 Xl 1 e ~ ~; ~j ~ e ~m;- £
1 Bj i
i Bjk io

Assume that (AjmBj) is a reachable pair and the Kronecker indices of (Aj,Bj) are

equal to those of (A,B). Then, the desired feedback galu F and the input gain

GF can be determined by F - FcT c and G F = DrhDr c' where Tc is the

transformation matrix which transforms A into the canonical controller form A C

TcAT:I , and F c is computed from Fear(k) = GFDre(A)-Dr(A). Drc(k) is the right

characteristic A-matrix of (Aj,Bj) with the leadinE-column matrix Drh c and Dr(k)

is the right characteristic A-matrix of (A,B) with the leading-column matrix



Theorem 5.4 can be proved using Theorems 5.1 and 3.9.

Corollary 5.3 With the l i n e a r s t a t e - f e e d b a c k c o n t r o l law determined in Theorem

5.4, the l e f t generalized eigenvectors of the closed-loop system map A = A-BF
can be determined by

Paij = TTTp 1 (k) C- )Dz

k=O k'[ ~r ~i rhc iCj-k) , 0~j~Ki-1, i=l,...,k


[Tp]ii r e v e r s e d upper t r i a n g u l a r T o e p l l t z m a t r i x wlth f i r s t column

[ a i i 2 , • • . , a i i ~ . , 1] T

[Tp] j i r e v e r s e d upper t r i a n g u l a r T o e p l l t z m a t r i x with f i r s t column

[aij2,...,alj~i,0] T i f Ki<~j or [ a l j 2 , . . . , a l j K j , O , . . . , 0 ] T if
z J

aijk, k=l,...,min(Ki,Kj) , are the c o e f f i c i e n t s of the ( i , j ) t h entry of ~r(~.),


C o r o l l a r y 5.3 can be proved u s i n g Theorem 5.4 and C o r o l l a r y 3 . 3 .

Theorem 5.5 (Right L a t e n t S t r u c t u r e Assignment)

A linear state-feedback controller in Eq. ( 5 . 2 ) i s r e q u i r e d for c o n t r o l l i n g

the r e a c h a b l e system in Eq. ( 5 . 1 ) w i t h D - 0pXm such t h a t the c l o s e d - l o o p r i g h t

characteristic A-matrix has the a s s i g n e d l a t e n t r o o t s , {~i,i=l,...,k}, and r i g h t

generalized latent vectors, {qlj,j=0,1,...,Li-l,i-l,o..,k}, where &. i s the

k 1
length of J o r d a n c h a i n c o r r e s p o n d i n g to ~. and ~ ~.=n. Define Aj ~ b l o c k
~.x~. x i'1
diag[]i,isl,...,k]¢C x x, where J i i s d e f i n e d in Theorem 5 . 4 , and Cj ~
[~j1,...,~jk]cd nXn where ~Ji = Eqio''"'qi~-l]¢C ~. Assume that (~j,~j) is
an o b s e r v a b l e pair. The o b s e r v a b i l i t y indices of (Aj,Cj) are the Kronecker

i n d i c e s of (A,B), and the l e f t characteristic A-matrlx of ( A j , C j ) i s D~(A) w i t h

a l e a d i n g - r o w m a t r i x I m. Then, the feedback g a i n , P, and the i n p u t g a i n , GF,

can be determined by F - P c T c and GF - DrhD r c where Tc i s the t r a n s f o r m a t i o n

m a t r i x which t r a n s f o r m s A i n t o i t s canonical controller form, A - T AT- 1 . F


is computed from the f o l l o w i n g m a t r i x e q u a t i o n :


Fc~r(~O = OFDrc(~)-Dr(~)

where Drc(A) = DrhcD~(~) , Drh c i s any square upper t r i a n g u l a r constant matrix

with d i a g o n a l elements a l l l's and Dr(~) i s the r i g h t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c A-matrix of



From the assumption and Lerma 2.3, D~I(A) can be realized by


TOj i s the t r a n s f o r m a t i o n m a t r i x which t r a n s f o r m s Aj i n t o i t s o b s e r v e r c a n o n i c a l

form A0 = TojAjToj-
--I -

Since D~h = Im' the (i,j)th entry of V ~ ( A ) ) i j , has degree m i n ( ~ i , ~ j ) - i ,

where Vi = ~ r i ( V ~ ( A ) ) , and (D~CA))il i s monic. Because Vi = Ki, i = l , . . . , m , where

Ki a r e the Kronecker i n d i c e s of (A,B), thus ~ci(DE(A)) = Ki and DE(A) i s a l s o

column reduced. Therefore, Drc(A) , defined as Drc(A) ~ D~(A)Drhc, has

~ c i ( D r c ( A ) ) = Ki . From the assumption, Drh c i s an upper t r i a n g u l a r m a t r i x with

d i a g o n a l elements a l l l's. Thus, Drc(A) i s a column reduced c a n o n i c a l A-matrix

with column i n d i c e s Bci(Drc(A)) = Ki,i=l,...,m and Drc(k) is an a p p r o p r i a t e

closed-loop right characteristic A-matrlx. From Theorem 3.9 and D:~CA) " ~j~XX n
- A j ) 1BjDrhc+DjDrhc, Cj c o n t a i n s a l l the p r e a s s i g n e d r i g h t l a t e n t v e c t o r s ,

qij,j=0,1,...,~i-l,i=l,...,k, of Drc(A). Therefore, the c o n t r o l law in Theorem

5.5 c o n t a i n s the p r e a s s i g n e d r i g h t l a t e n t s t r u c t u r e . •

C o r o l l a r y 5.4 With the l i n e a r s t a t e - f e e d b a c k c o n t r o l law determined in Theorem

5.5, the right generalized e i g e n v e c t o r of the c l o s e d - l o o p system map A = A-BF

can be determined by

-q a i j = T;1 ~ ,(k)(~i)~i ( j-k)' O~j~E--X (5.14)

~1 Yr z


C o r o l l a r y 5.4 can be proved u s i n g C o r o l l a r y 3 . 2 .

Example 5.2

Let us consider the same open loop system described i n Example 5.1. We

shall construct the linear state feedback control laws using left and right

latent structure assignments as follows:

(i) Left latent structure assignment

Let the desired latent roots and left latent vectors of the closed-loop

right characteristic ~-matrix be

Xl =-5 ; ~to = It -2 o] T

X2 = -4 ; P20 = [3 -40] T

i3 = - 3 ; ~3o = [t-lo] z

~4 =-2 ; ~4o = [1 1 o] T

X5 = -2 | P50 = [2 -3 O]

From Theorem 5.4, we have

-i -40 00 00 00 1
Aj = o -3 o o
0 0 -2 0
0 0 0 -1

and 1 -2 0 "]
3 -4 0
Bj = i
0 J

It can easily be c h e c k e d t h a t the Kronecker indices of (Aj,Bj) are KI - 3, K2 "

2, K3 = 0 . Using the formulas given i n Theorem 5 . 4 , the feedback gain is found

to b e

[-35.4 -19.2 -46.6667 -29.3333 -17.6667 7

F ffi - | 15.4 - 6.2 -17.5000 - 9.5000 - 3.5000
L 0.0 0.0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 J
and t h e i n p u t g a i n i s

I -1 -1 ]
OF " 0 1 -2
0 0 1

The l i n e a r state-feedback control law i s

u(t) = -Fx(t) + GFr(t)

The c l o s e d - l o o p canonical RIdFD i s

GcCk) = N r ( X ) D : ~ ( k )

where D r c ( ~ ) is the closed-loop right characteristic ~-matrix:

X3+7X2÷22k+24 4k+8 0 1
Drc(k) = 6k÷12 k2+gA+14 0
0 0 1

It is straightforward to check the Drc(~) has latent roots ~i and l e f t latent

vectors Pi0 for 1~i~5, as desired.

(2) Right latent structure assignment

Let the desired latent roots and right latent vectors of the closed-loop

right characteristic ~-matrix be


~'I = - 5 ; ~10 " [1 o 0]T

~2=-4 ! ~2o" [ 1 2 ° ] T

X3 =-3 ; ~3o= [ 1 ° olT

X4=-2 ; ~4o = [1 o 0IT

X5 =-2 ; q50 = [7 6 0]

From Theorem 5.5~ we h a v e

o o0 o0 o]
-4 0
Aj = 0 -3 0 0
0 0 -2 0
0 0 0 -

1 0 1 0 1]
~j = o 1 o I -2
0 0 0 0 0

It is easy to check that the observability indices of (AjgCj) are V 1 = 3, V 2 =

2, V 3 = 0 which are the Kronecker indices o£ the open loop system. Choosing the

leading-column coefficient matrix of the closed-loop right characteristic ~-

matrix a s

= [11i] 0

with formulas given in Theorem 5.5, the feedback gain is found to be

-47.7 -27.1 -65.1667 -44.8333 -28.66671

F = - -10.6 - 3.8 -11.0000 - 4.0000 0.0000
0.0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

and t h e i n p u t g a i n i s

I I -2 -I 1
GF = 0 I -2
0 0 I

The linear state-feedback control law is

u(t) = -FX(t)+GFr(t)

The closed-loop canonlcal RMFD is found as

Gc(k) = Nr()`)D:c1()`)

where Drc()`) i s the c l o s e d - l o o p r i g h t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c l-matrix:

)`3+10A2+31~,+30 2)`2+6.5)`+9 0 1
Drc ()`) =
I 0

It is straightforward to check that Drc()`) has latent roots ~i and right latent
vectors qi0 for I<i~5 as desired.

5.4 D i v i s o r Assignment and Decouplin~ Deslzn of MIMO Systems

In this section, we s h a l l extend the latent structure assignment scheme

d i s c u s s e d in S e c t i o n 5.3 t o the s i m p l e r s t a t e - f e e d b a c k c o n t r o l l e r d e s i g n method,

namely, divisor assignment. Basically~ the divisor assignment approach is to

construct the feedback law by a s s i g n i n g the desired complete s e t of c a n o n i c a l

left or r i g h t d i v i s o r s f o r the c l o s e d - l o o p r i g h t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c k-matrix. From

Theorems 3.9 and 4 . 4 , divisor assignment is equlvalent to the latent structure

assignment in Section 5.3. However, the notion of divisor assignment enables us

to c o n s t r u c t the s t a t e - f e e d b a c k c o n t r o l l e r s for p a r a l l e l forms ( r e f e r to Chapter

Vl for details), input decoupling, and input-output decoupling [69-71] of


closed-loop MIMO systems.

Theorem 5.6 (Left Divisor Assignment)

Let {Drci(X) , i=l,...,k} be a desired complete set of canonical left

d i v i s o r s of the c l o s e d - l o o p r i g h t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c X-matrix. Assume t h a t (Aci ,

Bci,Cci,Dci) is a minimal realization quadruple of D;~i(X) for i-l,...,k.


Ac = Block d i a g [ A c i , i = l , . . . , k ] (5.15a)

= -T -T (5.15b)
Bc [Bcl'''''Bck]

If the Kronecker indices of (Ac~Bc) are the same as those of the open loop

system, then the linear state-feedback control law in gq. (5.2) can be

c o n s t r u c t e d as

F = F T (q |f'

GF ffi DrhV;1 c (5.16b)

where F is determined by

Fc~r(X) ffiGFDrc(X)-Dr(X)

Note t h a t Dr(X) i s the r i g h t characteristic k - m a t r i x of the open loop system

d e s c r i b e d in Eq. ( 5 . 1 ) ; Drc(X) i s the r i g h t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c X - m a t r l x of (Ac,Bc);

Drh and Drh c a r e the leading-column coefficient m a t r i c e s of Dr(X) and Vrc(X),

respectively. ~r(X) is defined by Eq. (2.13b). Tc is the matrix which

transforms the system map A of the open loop system to i t s controller canonical

form A •


Similar to the proof of Theorem 5.4.

Theorem 5.7 (Right Divisor Assignment)

Let {D~ci(k) , i=l,...,k} be a desired complete set of canonical right

divisors of the closed-loop right characteristic l-matrix. Assume that (Aoi ,

B0i,Coi,D0i) is a minimal realization quadruple of Sz;i(k) for i=l,...,k.


AO = Block diag[A0i , iffil,...,k] (5.17a)

- - (5.17b)
T 0 = [c01,...,C0k]

If the observability indices of (A0,C O) are the same as the Kronecker indices of

the open loop system and the leading-row coefficient matrix of the left

characteristic l-matrix of. (A0~C O) is Im9 then the linear state-feedback control

law in Eq. (5.2) can be constructed as

F = F T (5.18a)
c c
-I (5.18b)
G F = Drh Drh c

where Fc is determined by

Zc~r(k) = CFDrc(k)-Dr(X)

And, Drh c is an upper triangular matrix with diagonal elements all l's; Drc(k) =

Drh c D~c(X) and D~c(X) is the left characteristic h-matrix of (A0,C0). Dr(h) is
the right characteristic h-matrix of the open loop system. ~r(X) is defined by

Eq. (2.13b). T c is the transformation to transform the system map A of the open

loop system to its controller canonical form A C .


Similar to t h e p r o o f o f Theorem 5 . 5 .

In practical appllcatlons~ we may c h o o s e the simpler structure for the

c o m p l e t e s e t of c a n o n i c a l left/rlght divisors of the closed loop characteristic X-

matrix such that all the necessary conditions in Theorems 5.6 and 5.7 are

satisfied. In Propositions 5.1-5.4~ various ways to carry out the left/right

divisor assignment are proposed. The i n f o r m a t i o n which i s needed to p e r f o r m t h e

d e s i g n o f an HIM0 s y s t e m u s i n g t h e a p p r o a c h e s in Propositions 5.1-5.4 is the set

of K r o n e c k e r indices of the open loop system. In P r o p o s i t i o n 5.5, we s h a l l

explore the input-output decoupling design problem, using the idea of d i v i s o r


Proposition 5.1 L e t Vrci(X) = diag{dij(X),j=l,...,m } for i=l,...,k, and
deg[dij(X)] = ~j, then {Drci(~),i=l,...,k} is a complete set of left divisors

which can be a s s i g n e d to c o n s t r u c t
D (X). •
k rc
S i n c e Drc(X ) = d l a g { w dij(X),j=l,...,m} , the Kronecker indices of Drc(X)

w i l l be t h e same as t h o s e o f t h e open loop s y s t e m . A p p l y i n g Theorem 5.6 g i v e s

the d e s i r e d f e e d b a c k g a i n s F and i n p u t g a i n GF.

Similarly, for right divisor assignment, we have t h e f o l l o w i n g :

Proposition 5.2 Let D&ci(X) = dlag{dij(X),j=l,...,m ) f o r i=l,...,k, and
deg[dij(X)] - Kj, then {Dg.ci(X),i=l,...,k } is a complete set of right divisors

which can be assigned to construct Drc(X). •

Since D~c(l) - diag{ w di~(l),j=l,...,m}
, J the observability indices of
D~c(~) will be the same a s the Kronecker indices of the open loop system.

Selecting a Drh c and applying Theorem 5.7 gives the desired feedback gain F and

input gain GF.

Proposition 5.3 Let

Drci(~) = diag[li_l,di(~),Im_i],i=l,...,m

with deg[di(l) ] = Ki, then {Drci(l),i=l,...,m } is a complete set of left

divisors which can be assigned to construct Drc(~). •

Proposition 5.4 Let

D£ci(l) = diag[li_l,di(1),Im_i],i=l,...,m

with deg[di(~) ] = Ki, then {D£ci(R),i=l,...,m} is a complete set of right

divisors which can be assigned to construct Drc(~). •

The divisors suggested in Proposition 5.3 result in

DEc(1) = diag{di(1),i=l .....m}

and the closed-loop KMFD becomes

Gc(~) = C[~In-(A+BF)]-IBG F = ~ N .(~)D-~(~)
i 1 rcl r~

Also, from Eq. (2.15c), we have Nrci(R) = [Ni(~),0pxl,...,0p×l] , where Ni(R) is

a column polynomial vector. The closed-loop transfer function matrix becomes

m s. (~,)
y(t) = I~ ri(t)

The p a r a l l e l decomposed s y s t e m in Eq. ( 5 . 2 1 ) i s an i n p u t d e c o u p l i n g s y s t e m . The

same reasoning can be applied for Proposition 5.4 with Drh c = Im. The technique

for input decoupling can be extended to design an input-output decoupling system

which is d e f i n e d as

I (5.22)
Yi(t) = ~ ri(t) for i'l,...,m and m=p

The necessary and sufficient conditions for input-output decoupling using linear

state-feedback have been investigated by many authors [10,68-71]. Wolovich

[10,69] derived the condition that the matrix %÷~ ~G(%)G(%) K G be nonsingular

for m=pj where ~G(%) is the interactor of the open loop systemt namely

~G(~.) = diag{A z,i--l,...,m} for fik0

When K G is nonsingular, the closed-loop characteristic h-matrix can be factored


Drc(X) - Dd(X)N(X)

where N(A) is a right divisor of N r(~), or

Nr (~) = NdC~)N(~)

Nd(A) = d i a g { n i ( A ) , i = l , . . . , m } ; D d ( A ) " diag{di(k),i'l . . . . ,m}


deg[di(A)] = deg[ni(k)]+fl

For practical applications~ N(k) must be stable and invertible. Note that the
closed-loop poles associated with w di(A) can be arbltrarily assigned, and
that ni(k) is the monic common divisor of the ith row component of Nr(A). The

feedback gains for input-output decoupling can be determined as follows.

Proposition 5.5 Assume that di(l) are monic, then the feedback gains for the

input-output decoupling are F = FcTc,G F = K; I, where Pc satisfies

Fc~r(A) " D:hI[K;IDrc(k)-D r(A)]



aim ~
l.~o ~G(1)Nr(),)D (1) = KGG F


Nr(k)Dr~(k) = diag{ni(1)/di(1),i-l,...,m }

where both ni(k) and di(k) are monic, then KGG F = Im or G F = KG I.

From Eq. (5.7)~ we obtain G = DrhDr h and Drc b = KGDrh.

Thus, Pc~r(A) = (KGDrh)-IDrc(A)-D:hlDrCA) = D:hI[K;IDrc(A)-Dr(A)].

Example 5.3

Consider a 3-input, 2-output s y s t e m

~(t) = D3~(t)+Bu(t)

y(t) " CX(t)÷Du(t)



[i I

1 -1 4 -5 11 ]
C = 0 1 -1 4 -5 ; D = 02x 3

The Kronecker indices are found to be K I - 3, K 2 = 2 and K 3 = 0. Note that the

input matrix B contains a dependent vector. From Eq. (2.11b) we obtain the

similarity transformation matrix as

I 0 -0.11111 0.55556 -1.55556 3.55556
0 -0.22222 0.11111 -0.11111 0.11111
Tc = 0 0.55556 -0.77778 1.77778 -2.77778
i -2.88889 6.44444 -13.4444 26.4444
-1 3.22222 -7.11111 16.1111 -32.1111

Ac~ Bc and C c in the controller canonical form become

Fo 1o o oI 0 0 0
/ o o 1 o o I 0 0 0
Ac = TcAT:I = i _ 2 _ 3 _ _0_ _0__ _0 3 ; B - z B - I 0 1
/ o o o o 1/ c = 0 0 0
L-3 -3 0 -1 -2 j 0 1 2

Cc CT:I [2 0 2:4 3]
= = 4 4 3 !2 2 ; Dc = 02x3

From Eq. (2.14c) we obtain

I I ~. ~k
2 o OIT 0 o 0]
Sr(X) = 0 0 0 I Ar - -3 0 -1 -2 ;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

= 1
[o] 0

• r ( k
plays an important role in determining the eigenvectors of the system )
matrix Ac and the latent vectors of t h e right characteristic )`-matrix of the

system. The right characteristic )`-matrix of the system can be written as

Dr()`) = Drh[Dh(k)-Ar~r()`)] =
[lo_1][ 3i3 _2 o oj
0 1 -2 3 +3 )`2+2)`+I 0
0 0 1 0 1

[ )`3-3)`-2
-1 ]

Nr(~) in Eq. (2.15c) becomes

[ 2)`2+2 3)`+4 0 ]
~r()`) = Cc~r()`) =
3)`2+4)`+4 2),+2 0

The RHFD of the system can be described as G(~) = Nr(k)D;l()`).

To d e m o n s t r a t e the input decoupling of a MIMO system, using the divisor

a s s i g n m e n t method, we a s s i g n the desired complete s e t of left divisors of the

closed-loop right characteristic )`-matrix a s :

Drcl()`) = 0 )`+2 0 Drc2()`)= 0 )`+4 0

0 0 1 0 0 1

The m i n i m a l r e a l i z a t i o n of t h e c l o s e d - l o o p characteristic )`-matrix i n a Jordan

form can e a s i l y be found from Drcl()`) and Dr¢2(~) a s :

AjC = block diag -2

, l: -4
; BjC = [lol 1!IT


oo]0..5 0.0 |l 0.0 -0.5 ; DjC =
[o o o]
0 0 0
0.0 0.0 0.0 I 0.0 0.0 0 0 l

Thus, the right characteristic l-matrix of the closed-loop system becomes

[ 13+7~i+141+8 0 0
Vrc(l) = 12+6~+8 0
0 1

From Theorem 5 . 6 , we h a v e t h e s t a t e - f e e d b a c k control law:

u(t) = Fx(t) + Cr(t)

0.0 1.0 - 2.0 5.0 -18.0 I
F l
= -3.0 6.3333 -14.66667 24.66667 -45.66667
FeTe 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 J
_ [,0
GF DrhDr~ h =
0 0I -

The closed-loop RHFD of the designed system is described by

212+2 31+4 0 13+712+141+8 0 0 -1

312+41+4 21+2 0 0 0

The partial fraction expansion of the closed-loop RMFD yields (refer to Section

[ 71+11-1 0][12+!I+4 0 0] -I [~: 4 0][ii2 0 0]-1

Gc(1) = I+2 + I+4 0
71+10 -I 0 0 1 3 0 0 1

Example 5.4
To demonstrate the input-output decoupling of a HIHO system~ we consider
the following 2-input, 2-output system:
IxCt) = AX(t) + Bu(t)

y(t) = CS(t) + Du(t)



-i -2
-2 24 -5
-9 421 - 1
A = 2 -5 10 -23 ; B= - 3
1 -2 4 -4 1
L0 o o o 2 0

C =[ : - 5 , 7 8
10,-21, 8 8
41 ~. ]; D
- 9 -20 43 -85 = 02x2

The KHFD of the systemcan be computedas

G(X) = I 12+31-40 -X+Il [ 13-31-2 0 ] -1

1-2J L 3x+3 X2+21+1

The interactoris

~o(I> " [ 0

KG 1~

The numerator matrix Nr(1) can be decomposed as

Nr(1) " [13+31-40 -I+II

Nd(X) = [ I-I 0 ] I+4 -I ]
0 1-2 ; N(X) = 0 1

The number o f p o l e s w h i c h can be a s s i g n e d is 4. Let the left divisor of the

closed-loop right characteristic l-matrix be


Dd(~) =
(~+2) (X+4)
Thus, the c l o s e d - l o o p right characteristic X - m a t r i x becomes

Dre(X) = Dd(X)N(X )

= [(~+1)(x+2)(x+4)o -(~+1)(~+z)(x+2)(~+4)

The feedback control law can be s o l v e d as

u(t) = OFt(t) + ~ x ( t )


o~-,;'-[o ]:I
r-3.0 8.66667 -19.33333 37.33333 -80.33333 ]
F = FcT c ffi L _ 3 . 0 6.33333 -14.66667 24.66667 -45.66667

The closed-loop RMFD of the designed system becomes

Cc(~) =
(~.÷I ) (X+2)


showing t h a t the d e s i g n e d system i s i n p u t - o u t p u t decoupled.

The main purpose of this chapter is to investigate the ~nterconnection

structures of multlvariable systems described by MFVs. The d i v i s o r and s p e c t r a l

factorization theorems developed in Chapter IV w i l l be utilized as the primary

tools for studying the properties of the basic interconnection structures~ these

being the parallel formsp the cascade forms~ and the semi-cascade forms of

multivarlable systems.

For convenience in explaining these basic interconnection forms, we

consider a class of m-input~ m-output systems~ which can be described by s

proper, 3rd-degree, right matrix fraction description (RMFD) w i t h a monic

denominator ~-matrix [80]. The RMFD c a n be described by the following

fundamental structures:

Y(I) = c (A)u(A) (6. la)


Gr(A) ~ N r (A) D: 1 (k) - (NOA3+N 1 A2+N2A+N 3 ) (ImA3+DIA2+D2 A+D 3 )-1 (6. Ib)

= No[(AIm+SI)(IIm+S2)(IIm+S3)] [(lim+~l)()~im+~2)(Xim+~3)]-i (6.1c)

= (N013+NI12+N2 I+N3 ) ( llm+~3 ) -I( llm+~2 ) -i( llm+~l ) -I (6. Id)

= No+K 1 (AIm+LI )-I+K2( XIm+L2)-I+K3 ( AIm+L3 )-1 (6. le)

= NO [(Aim+Z 1) (Aim+p 1)-I] [AIm+Z2 ) (Aim+P2 )-i] [(kim+Z3 ) (klm+P3 )-i]


where NO, N i and Di, i=1,2,3 in Eq. (6.lb) are matrix coefficients| S i and Si'

i=i~2,3 in Eq. (6.1c) are the spectral factors of Nr(A) and Dr(A) , respectively~
-Li, i=1,2~3 in Eq. (6.1e) are the complete set of left solvents [17-18,25-27]
of Dr(k). The matrices Ki, i-I,2,3 in Eq. (6ole) are the block residues [27-31]

a s s o c i a t e d with Li, i = 1 , 2 , 3 . Pi and Zi , i = I , 2 , 3 i n Eq. ( 6 . 1 f ) are, in general,

not the spectral factors or s o l v e n t s of Nr(A) and Dr(k) , r e s p e c t l v e l y . Note


that, for a s l n g l e v a r l a b l e system, or a completely decoupled system, Si - Zi

and Si = Li = Pi for i=I,2,3. The set of linear A-matrlces, {(~Im+Li) ,

i = I , 2 t 3 } , i n Eq. (6.1e) i s the complete s e t of l e f t d i v i s o r s [31] of Dr(~).

The structure of Eq. (6.1d) is the seml-cascade form in which the

denominator modes with a s s o c i a t e d l a t e n t v e c t o r s of Dr(~ ) are i s o l a t e d from one

another but not from the dynamic modes of the numerator. The seml-cascade form

is a s u i t a b l e structure for modal c o n t r o l of m u l t l v a r l a b l e systems [30]. The

p a r a l l e l s t r u c t u r e of Eq. (6.1e) i s a block p a r t i a l f r a c t i o n form [26] of Gr(k) ,

which is often used because of its satisfactory reliability and sensitivity

p r o p e r t i e s i n p h y s i c a l system r e a l i z a t i o n s . The cascade s t r u c t u r e of Eq. ( 6 . 1 f )

is v a l u a b l e from many a s p e c t s . For example, such a s t r u c t u r e p r o v i d e s advantages

of s i m p l l c l t y i n c o n s t r u c t i o n , sensitivity reduction, maintenance i n p h y s i c a l

system i m p l e m e n t a t i o n and t r o u b l e s h o o t i n g of the implementation hardware.

I n t h i s c h a p t e r , we s h a l l i n v e s t i g a t e the i n t e r c o n u e c t l o n s t r u c t u r e s of an

m-lnput, p - o u t p u t l i n e a r t l m e - l n v a r l a n t system d e s c r i b e d by Eq. ( 2 . 1 ) , repeated

here for c o n v e n i e n c e :

Xx(r) = Ax(t) + Su(t)

y(t) = CX(t) + Du(t)

I f the system i n Eq. (6.2) i s r e a c h a b l e , the c a n o n i c a l P.~D of the systems

becomes ( r e f e r to S e c t i o n 2.2)

G(I) = Nr(k)D;I(A)+D

where N r ( ~ ) D ; l ( k ) is a strictly proper r a t i o n a l k - m a t r i x , and Nr(1) and Dr(X)

are r i g h t coprime. I f the system i n Eq. ( 6 . 2 ) i s o b s e r v a b l e , the c a n o n l c a l LHFD


of the system i s g i v e n by ( r e f e r to S e c t i o n 2.2)

G(A) = D~I(A)NE(A)+D

where D[I(A)NE(A ) i s a strictly proper rational A-matrlx, and N£(k) and DE(A)

are left co,rime. As p o i n t e d out i n S e c t i o n 2.1, for a general MIMO system,

Dr(A) and DE(A) may not be monic. Instead, they are c a n o n i c a l column-reduced

and c a n o n i c a l row-reduced A - m a t r l c e s , r e s p e c t i v e l y . The p r i n c i p a l t o o l s f o r the

results developed in this chapter are the spectral decomposition/factorization

theorems of nonsingular A-matrices explored in Chapter IV v i a the geometric

approaches [5,81-82].

This chapter is organized as follows. In Section 6.1, we study the

parallel decomposition structure of MIMO systems and its applications to model

reductions and multiport network synthesis. In Section 6.2, the semi-cascade

realizations and their applications to modal control of MIMO systems are

investigated. In Section 6.3~ the minimal cascade realizations and their

applications to multiport network synthesis are discussed.

6.1 Parallel Decomposition T h e o r i e s and T h e i r A p p l i c a t i o n s to MIMO Systems and


In t h i s section, a complete s e t of c a n o n i c a l left (right) d i v i s o r s of the

right (left) characteristic A-matrix of a reachable (observable) MIMO system

derived in Section 4 of Chapter IV is employed to study the parallel decomposed

structures [26,27,31] of MIMO systems and to d e v e l o p t h e i r a p p l i c a t i o n s to model

reductions and network synthesis.

6.1.1 Parallel Decomposition T h e o r i e s of MIMO Systems

As i n d i c a t e d in Theorem 4 . 1 3 , i f a MIMO system i s r e a c h a b l e ( o b s e r v a b l e ) , a

complete set of canonical left (right) divisors of the right (left)


characteristic l-matrlx exists.

Definition 6.1 Let a system (A,B,C,D) in Eq. (6.2) be reachable and

decomposable i n t o the forms in Eq. ( 4 . 3 0 ) . Also, let (Kil,~i2,...,~im) be the

Kronecker indices of (Ai,Bi), and Tci be the transformation matrix which

transforms ( A i , B i ) i n t o i t s c o n t r o l l e r c a n o n i c a l form ( A c i , B c l ) . Define

n i Xnoi (6.3a)
Acp ~ b l o c k d i a g [ A c i , i f l p . . . ~ k ] ; Ac£¢C

n. Xm
T T T T cC~ (6.3b)
Bcp [ B c l ' B c 2 , ' ' ' , B c k ] ; Bci

Ccp ~ [ C c l , C c 2 , . . . , C c k ] ; CciEcpXni (6.3c)

A (6.3d)
v = D

and Ac~• = T c i. A . T• - ~ ;c l B c i. = TciBi; Cc x . • C.T-~

i cl for i=l,...,k. Then,
(Acp,Bcp,Ccp,Dcp) i s c a l l e d a p a r a l l e l controller canonical form of the system

(A,B,C,D). 0

Theorem 6.1 (The G e n e r a l i z e d Right P a r t i a l F r a c t i o n Expansion Theorem)

Let (Acp,Bcp,Ccp,Dcp) be a p a r a l l e l controller c a n o n i c a l form of the system

(A,B~C,D) i n Eq. ( 6 . 2 ) . Then, the r i g h t m a t r i x f r a c t i o n d e s c r i p t i o n (PJ4FD) can

he decomposed as

i=I cp


SriCl)V~(X) ~ cci<IIn-Aci)-IScl

Dri(~) i s the r i g h t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c l - m a t r l x of (Aci,Bcl) and



I Kil-I
1 ~ ...
00... ... 00 ... *I
~ri(X) A o o . . .
1 k ... kK ... 0 0 ...
• • tea • .•a • •a• • at• .~

0 0 ... 0 0 0 ... 0 ... 1 ~ ... K m-



From Eq. (6.3) we obtain

G(I) ~ C(XIn-A)-IB+D = Ccp(%In-Acp)-IBcp+Dcp

k k
= I C c i ( k l n - A c i ) - I B c i + D c p = .~ Nri(k)D:~(~k)÷Dcp
i=1 I I 1

Equation (6.4) shows that the RMFD can be described by partial fraction

expansion forms. The interpretation of the system structure in Eq. (6.4) is that

the original system has been decomposed into the parallel connections of

subsystems described by the canonical RMFD NrI(~)D:~(~) , i'l,...,k.

The dual results of the parallel decomposition for observable systems are

d e s c r i b e d as f o l l o w s .

Definition 6.2 If the system (A~B,C,D) in Eq. (6.2) is observable and

decomposable into the forms of Eq. (4.30), let (Vil,Vi2,...,~ip) be the

observability indices of (Ai,C i) and T0i be the transformation matrix which

transforms (Ai,C i) to its observer canonical form (A0itC0i). Define

n. Xn.
Aop block dlag[A0i,i=l,...,k] ; A0£CC I

n. Xm
A T T T T, L (6.5b)
BOp = [B01,B02,...,B0k] " BOiE:C

pXn. (6.5c)
COp [CollC02,...,Cok]; C0£¢C 1

Dop ~ D

and AO£ = T0~AiT0£ ; B0£ = T;~Bi; C0~ = CiT01 for i=l,...,k.

Then, (A0p~B0p,C0p~D0p) is called a parallel observer canonical form of the

system (A,B,C,D). []

Theorem 6.2 (The Generalized Left Partial Fraction Expansion Theorem)

Let (A0p,B0p,Cop,Dop) be a parallel observer canonical £orm of the system

(A,B~C,D) in Eq. (6.2). Then, the LHFD of the system can be decomposed as



D~C X)~i¢X) b C0iCX'n.-A0i)-IB0i


D~i(k) is the left characteristic ~-matrix of (Aoi,C0i) and


I1 ~, ... Vil-I 0 0 ... ... 0 0 ... "~ ]
,.~b°i(1) . 0 0 . . 0 . 1. ~ . ... . ~ V°2-I 0 0 ...

" " "'" " " "'" " "'" " " "'" p-I
0 0 ... 0 0 0 ... 0 ... 1 k ... X ~-



Similar to Theorem 6.1.

As pointed out in Section 4.4, the matrix sign algorithm can be employed to

compute the transformations for block dlagonalizatlon of the system map A and to

find out the complete set of canonical left/right divisors for the right/left

characteristic ~-matrix of the s y s t e m i n Eq. (6.2). Therefore, the matrix sign

algorithms, together with the minimal nice selection algorithms (Section 2.3)

for determining the Kronecker indices of each parallel decomposed subsystem,

constitute effective numerical methods for performing the left/right matrix

fraction expansions for left/right MFDs o f MIMO s y s t e m s .

Applications of the parallel decomposition f o r MIMO s y s t e m s a r e illustrated

in t h e following subsections.

6.1.2 Model Reduction of MIMO Systems

A low-degree model of a high-degree HFD is often desirable for computer

simulations and c o n t r o l system designs. A model r e d u c t i o n method f o r a c l a s s o£

MIMO s y s t e m s described by MFDs w i t h monic characteristic ~-matrices has been

p r o p o s e d by $ h i e h and Tsay [27], T h i s method i s e x t e n d e d in this subsection for

analysis and d e s i g n [83] o f g e n e r a l MIMO s y s t e m s .

The b a s i c idea for reducing a h i g h o r d e r MIM0 s y s t e m t o a l o w e r o r d e r model

is to decompose the system into dominant and non-dominant subsystems, and to

discard the non-dominant subsystem which has faster dynamic responses. We

define the dominant and non-domlnant modes as follows.

Definition 6.3 The n o n - d o m i n a n t modes o f a c o n t i n u o u s - t i m e system are defined


as the modes with Re(kl)<y1, where Y1 is a real number, white the dominant modes

are the modes having Re(ki)>71. If the elgenvalues distribution of the original

system is unknown, the real number YI can be chosen as 71 ffi trace(A)/n, which is

the arithmetic mean of the elgenvalues of A. For a discrete-tlme system, the

non-dominant modes are the modes wlth [~£I<y2, where 72 is a positive real

number, while the dominant modes are the modes having [li[>Y2. If the

elgenvalues d i s t r i b u t i o n of the original system i s unknown, the p o s i t i v e real

number 7 2 can be chosen as 7 2 ffi I n - - I , which i s the geometric mean of the

elgenvalues of Ao O

Two methods, namely the frequency-domain reduction method and the time-

domain reduction method, are to be derived for the model reduction of MIMO

systems based on the idea mentioned above.

The use of Theorem 6.1 yields a frequency-domain model reduction method for

a right MFD as follows.

Theorem 6.3 If an MIMO system can be decomposed into parallel connections of

two subsystems as

G(A) = NrI(A)D:II(k)+Nr2(A)D:21(A)+Dc p

such that Drl(~) contains latent roots of dominant modes and Dr2(~) contains

non-domlnant modes, then the reduced-degree model of G(k) can be determined by

CA(~) - SrlC~)V~ll(~)+Vcp -" O(~)


Dcp ffi Nr2(0)D:21(0)+Dcp ( f o r c o n t l n u o u s - t i m e systems) (6.7c)

Dcp ffi Nr2(1)D:~(1)÷Dcp ( f o r d i s c r e t e - t l m e systems)

cp i s an pXm c o n s t a n t m a t r i x d e r i v e d for matching the z e r o - t h time-moment of

impulse response of G(t), or the steady-state values of the unlt-step responses

o£ t h e o r i g i n a l stable system. •

In a similar manner, by u t i l i z l n g Theorem 6 . 2 , we o b t a i n a frequency-domaln

model r e d u c t i o n method f o r a l e f t MFD as f o l l o w s .

Theorem 6.4 I f an MIMO s y s t e m can be decomposed i n t o p a r a l l e l connections of

two s u b s y s t e m s as

CCA)" D~(k)N~,1(k)+D~ICk)N&2Ck)+D0p

such that D~I(~ ) and V~2(k) contain latent roots o f dominant modes and non-

dominant modes, respectlvely, then the reduced-degree model of G(X) can be

d e t e r m i n e d by

GA(A) " DEI( 0p
~(o).~2(o)+Dop (for contlnuous-time systems)

D0p D (6.8c)

^ -I
V0p = D~2(1)N£2(1)+Dop ( f o r d i s c r e t e - t i m e systems)

S i n c e D r l ( k ) i n Eq. (6.7b) and D ¢ l ( k ) i n Eq. (6.8b) are obtained from the

induced pair (AL1,BL1) and the embedded pair (ARI,CR1) of (A,B) and (A,C),

respectively, the matrix sign algorithm in Theorem 4 . 2 1 can be employed to

compute t h e f r e q u e n c y - d o m a i n r e d u c t i o n models i n Theorems 6.3 and 6 . 4 .

In some c o n t r o l system problems, state-space reduction models a r e needed.

For i n s t a n c e , the suboptimal control d e s i g n and the a p p r o x i m a t e o b s e r v e r design

are in t h i s category. For t h e s e p u r p o s e s , t h e t l m e - d o m a i n method f o r the model

reduction o f an o b s e r v a b l e HIMO system can be s t a t e d as f o l l o w s .


Theorem 6.5 Let (A,B,C,D) be an o b s e r v a b l e c o n t i n u o u s - t i m e system and d e f i n e

nXn 1
SI =A Ind[ Sign + (A-711n)]¢C

S 2 ~ Ind[Sign-(A-Ylln)]¢C , nl+n 2 = n

AR1 =A +
SIASI£Cn l x n l , S +I = ( S ; $ I ) - I s ;

A ;IB£Cnl xm -1
BRI = , SI [Inl Onlxn2][S1 S2]

Cg1 =

p ^ =AC(_A)-IB+D_CRI(_AR1)-IBRleCP×m

The r e d u c e d - o r d e r model w i t h d o m i n a n t modes of the o r i g i n a l system h a v i n g a n o n -

zero i n i t i a l v e c t o r X(0) becomes

Iz(t) = ARlZ(t)+BRlU(t)

Y s ( t ) = CRlZ(t)+D0pu(t) -" y ( t )

* -1 * ^
z(0) = [CR1CRI] CRI[CX(0)-DopU(0)] i f p~n I


• . -I[cx(0)_;
z(0) = CRI[CR1CR1] 0pu(0)] i f pan 1

The c o r r e s p o n d i n g c a n o n i c a l LMFD of (AR1,BRI,CR1,D0p) i s



Theorem 6.5 can be proved from Theorems 6.4 and 4.16 and C o r o l l a r y 4 . 8 . •

An alternative tlme-domaln method f o r the model r e d u c t i o n of a reachable

MIMO system can be s t a t e d i n a s i m i l a r way:

Theorem 6.6 Let (A,B,C,D) be a r e a c h a b l e c o u t l u u o u s - t l m e system. Define

T nlxn
V I ~ {Ind[(Sign+(A-'(lln))T]} ¢C '

T u2xn n
V 2 ~ {Ind[(Sign-(A-Tlln))T]} ¢C , nl+n 2 "

+ nlxnl + * * -1
ALl ~ VlAVI¢C , V1 - Vl(VlV I)

BLI ~ VIB¢Cnlxm

- pxn I
CL 1 ~ CVI¢ C ,
VI ~ [VlV
T T2] -T [ I n l 0nlxn 2] T

^Dcp ~ C(-A)-IB+D-CLI(-ALI)-IBLIECp×m

Then, t h e r e d u c e d - o r d e r model wLth dominant models of t h e o r i g i n a l system having

a non-zero initlal v e c t o r X(O) becomes

kz(t) = ALlZ(t)+BLIU(t)

Y s ( t ) = CLlZ(t)+Dcpu(t) = y ( t )

* -I * ^
Z(0) ffi [CLICLI] CLI[CX(0)-DcpU(0)] if p>n I

. .
z(O) ffi CLI[CLICLI] -l[cx(o)_~c p U ( 0 ) ] i f p~n I

The corresponding canonical RHFD of (ALI,BLI,CLI,Dcp) is

Again, the matrix sign algorithm in Theorem 4.21 can be used to compute the

time-domain reduction models in Theorems 6.5 and 6.6.

Example 6.1

Given a 3-input 2-output continuous-time system described by the state-

space equations (6.21 with X(0) = 05xl, where

I 0.5 -3.0 1 0 . 5 -21.5 39.0 1 "-2.0 1.0 0.0

0.5 -2.0 - 3.5 6.5 - 5.0 1.0 -2.0 -3,0
A = -1.0 2.0 - 9.0 17.0 -30.0 ; B " 1.0 1.0 3.0 ;
-0.5 1.0 - 2.5 4.5 -25.0 2.0 1.0 4.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 8.0 1.0 0.0 1.0

C = [I0.0 -15.0 41.0 -65.0 131.0]

5.0 - 2.0 10.0 - 2.0 6.0 ; D " 02x 3

Find: (1) The c o r r e s p o n d i n g canonical LMFD o f t h i s system.

(21 The b l o c k decomposition of t h e MIMO s y s t e m into two s u b s y s t e m s :

one c o n t a i n i n g elgenvalues with real parts greater than

y1 (= trace(A)/n) and the other containing eigenvalues with real

parts less t h a n ~1"

(3) The left block partial fraction expansion and t h e reduced-degree

model of the LMFD.


(4) The r e d u c e d - o r d e r model of t h e o r i g i n a l system.


Using the minimal nice selection algorithm in Section 2.3, we f i n d t h a t the

Kronecker indices of this system are gl-3, g2-2 and g3=O. Since g3=0, there

exists a dependent vector in the input m a t r i x B. The c o r r e s p o n d i n g canonical

LHFD can be found as

G(A) - D~I(),)NE(X)

A3+5.164A2+5.319A÷3.475 -0.208A-I.658 ]
D~(k) -
-0.649k2-6.853k-4.366 )~2+8.836)~+6.688
N~(k) - [ 7A2+22"I49A-2"074 16~2+80"527k+55"24 39A2+I83"403A+I08"406]
-4.545A-54.377 6.611A+35.366 8.675A+16.354 J

We s h a l l decompose t h e s y s t e m s into the two s u b s y s t e m s described in (2) above,

where e i g e n v a l u e s w i t h r e a l p a r t s greater t h a n Y1 = t r a c e ( A ) / n = -14/5 = -2.8.

First, we have to compute S i g n (A-71I 5) and Sign (A-7IIS) , which can be

e x p r e s s e d as

Sign÷(A+2.815) = ~ [Sign(A+2"8Is)+I5]

Sign-(A+2.815) = 15-Sign÷(A+2.815)

The computed m a t r i x s i g n f u n c t i o n s are:

0 1 -2 4 0 0 2 -4
Sign+(A+2.815) = 0 0 0 Sign-(A+2.815) - I -2
O 0 0 -2 0 0 2
0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I

From the ranks of Slgn+(A+2.SI5 ) and Sign-(A+2.SIs) , we have n I = 3 and n 2 = 2,

respectively. Thus~ the system map A can be block-decomposed into two

submatrices by using the block modal matrix M S • To find the block modal matrix

M S i n Eq. (4.41b) for the block-diagonallzatlon of A, we determine the canonical

injection maps S I and S 2 in Eq. (4.40) uslng Algorithm 4.1 in Section 4.4. The

o b t a i n e d m a t r i x MS becomes

-2 -1 -4 "]

M S " [Sl,S 2] -
where S I - Ind[Sign (A+2.815) ] and S2 = Ind[Sign-(A+2.8Is) ].

Let z(t) = M;Ix(t)

nlXl n2xl
,,+here ,'Ct)= [,'~Ct~,,"~Ct~ T, ,,Ct:>,+~,<t, -sCt),,C ,",:Ct~C
Then, the block-decomposed system in z(t)-coordinates becomes

~z(t) = ~z(t)+BDU(t)

y(t) = CvZ(t)+DvU(t)


AD " M;1AHS "~ b l o c k diag[ARl+Ap,2] ;

+ [_o., _1.o
-6.0 -2~.S
2.5 ; A~- S~2-
: [,.o,o.o]
-0.5 1.0 4.5 0.0 -8.0

B D " M;IB = [BRI~B~]

BRI = -I.0
I ; BR2 = [_,.o _,.o]
1.0 0.0 1.0

CD ffi CMS ffi [CRI,CR2] |

CRI = CS1 . [ 10.0 -15.0 -63.0] . [ 1.0 5.0]

5.0 - 2.0 0.0 ; CR2 CS3 = 1.0 6.0

D D ffi D ffi 02x 3

From Theorem 6.2, we obtain the l e f t block p a r t i a l f r a c t i o n expansion of G(~) as

-I k)NELCk)+D~(k)NE2(A)

[ ~2+1.154~+0.903 -0.469 ] [ 5~-0.232 17k+13.611 39A+27]
Dg.l(k) = - 0 . 8 1 0 ~ - 0 . 5 6 5 k+0.846 ; NEI(A) = -7.052 4.225 1.398 j

DE2(A) ffi -4 A+8 ; N%2(A) = 3 -I 1

Note that {DEI(~) , D~2(k)} is a complete set of canonical right divisors of

Applying Theorem 6.4, the reduced-degree model obtained by dropping the

subsystem D;~(A)NE2(A), which has elgenvalues l e s s than - 2 . 8 , becomes

D0p = D (0)N9.2(0) ffi -0.5 0.25 0.0
-0.625 0.25 -0.125

The reduced-order model obtained from Theorem 6.5 becomes


XZs(t) - ARIZs(t)+BRIU(t)

YxCt) ffi CRlzs(t)+D0pU(t) -~ y ( t )

* -I * ^
Zs(0) - (CRICRI) CRl[CDZ(0)-D0pU(0)]

1.164 -0.465 2.327 -0.465 1.396 ]

= 0.643 -0.257 1.285 -0.257 0.771 z(0)
-0.539 0.903 -2.390 4.028 -8.084

-0.145 0.058 -0.029 ]

+ -0.080 0.032 -0.016 u(0)
-0.021 -0.011 -0.002

The t i m e - r e s p o n s e curves of the o r l g i n a l system and the reduced-degree model and

r e d u c e d - o r d e r models o b t a i n e d above for the u n i t step i n p u t s of u ( t ) - [ l t 0 , 0 ] T,

u(t) ffi [ 0 , 1 , 0 ] T and u(t) = [ 0 , 0 , 1 ] T are compared in Figs. 6.1-6.6. The

approximation is quite satisfactory. It is interesting to note that the

eigenvalues of the original system are ~1,2 = -0.5±j0.St ~3 = -I.0, ~4 =-4.0 and

k5 = - 8 . The reduced-degree model and the r e d u c e d - o r d e r model o b t a i n e d by u s i n g

Theorems 6.11 and 6.5, r e s p e c t i v e l y , c o n t a i n e i g e n v a l u e s kl,A 2 and k3"

6.1.3 Multiport Network Synthesis

If G(I) is the transfer function matrix of a multiport network to be

realized, then Eqs. (6.4a) and (6.6a) are the parallel decompositions of G(%).

Each subsystem Nri(~)D:~(~) can be r e a l i z e d u s i n g a c t i v e elements or R-C ladder

networks with summers [ 8 4 , 8 5 ] . Thus, a d e s i r a b l e network can be c o n s t r u c t e d by

connecting all subnetworks together with the direct matrix gain Dcp. The

proposed approach can be viewed as the g e n e r a l i z e d F o s t e r r e a l i z a t i o n [86-88]

for m u l t i p o r t network s y n t h e s i s .


'o:o* am: soo'. rso: Ib.oo 1#',m Jb.oo ~.m ab.m
F[O. 8 . 1 RE:SPOHSE OF ¥ l ( t ) TO INPUTS , U ~ - I . U 2 - O . U 3 , , O

'o:oo am: |w" Tso: Ib,m ~z'.u Ib.m i)'.m Jb.m
T~nE (~N $E~
FIG. 6.2 R[SPOHSi[ OF Y 2 ( t ) TO INPUTS " U I ' I . U 2 " O . U 3 = O

Do a'.so w:oo T'm ~b.oo I~a.m ~k.oo lY.so ab.oo

Till( (|N SEC)
FEO. 6 . 3 RESPONSE OF • l E t ) TO INPUTS * U I - O . U 2 - I . U 3 m O
...... I~(ouc(o mOB.


oo aim" soo" eso: ~ooo'. Ib.so :k.oo l~.m ab.~

TLrl( (IN SEC)
FIG. 6 . 4 RESPONSE OF Y 2 ( t ) TO INPUTS , U I - O . U 2 - I . U 3 - O
...... REOuCF.OnOOEL

'~° °00
T|ftE (IN SEC)
F|0. S . S RESPONSE OF ¥ 1 ( t ) TO |NPUTS * U I - 0 . U 2 - 0 . U 3 w l

N aim
: sod
: f'so to'.m la'. N tk.o0 t~.N ab.N
Tilt[ KXR SEC)
FXO. 6 . 6 R(SPOHS[ OF ¥ 2 ( t ) TO INPUTS i U l m O . U 2 - 0 . U 3 - I
...... REDUCED r10O(l,.

6.2 Semi-Cascade Decomposition Theories and Their Applications to Modal

Controls of MIMO Systems

In this section, we investigate the realization of MFDs v i a spectral

factorizations of the characteristic l-matrices of MIMO s y s t e m s , and develop

their applications to modal control of MIMO systems [30,89~90].

6.2.1 Semi-Cascade Decomposition Theories

If t h e MIMO system (A,B,C,D) of Eq. (6.2) is reachable and A,B,C can be

decomposed into the forms in Eq. (4.28), then from Theorem 4.12, we obtain the


G(1) = N r ( l ) [ D r 2 ( l ) R ( ~ ) l - l + v = Nr(X)R-I(1)D:~(1)+D

where Dr2(1) is the right characteristic l-matrix of (A2,B 2) and R(1) is a right

divisor of D ( ~ ) .

Lemma 6.1 A reachable MIMO system of dimension greater than 1 can always be

decomposed into a semi-cascade realization form as follows.

IX(t) = AX(t) + Su(t)

y ( t ) = CX(t) + Vu(t) (6.10b)


A =
A1 AI2 1; AI¢C
I i
; i=1,2
0 A2

T T T • (6.10d)
B = [BI,B2] ; BI¢C ; i=1,2

pxn. (6.10e)
C = [Ci,C2] ; Ci¢C x; i=l,2

V = 0 pXm (6.100

The corresponding semi-cascade RMFD is given by

G(A) = Nr(A)R-I(A)D:~(A)

where Dr2CA ) is the right characteristic A-matrix of (A2,B2) , and it has

(A2pB2~Cr2~Dr2) as its associated 'minimal realizationp where Cr2 and Dr2 are
defined in Lemma 2.1. Also

Nr(A ) = C T : I ~ r ( A ) (6.11b)

R(~) " Cr2VT:ISr ()0 ÷Dr2D r (),)

where Dr(A) is the right characteristic A-matrix o f (A,B) and V is the canonical

projectionX~)</S in which (A2,B2) is induced~ where S i s an A-invariant subspace

of Xwhich is the state-space.


Lemma 6 . 1 c a n b e p r o v e d by d i r e c t l y u s i n g Theorem 4 . 1 and Theorem 4 . 1 2 . •

Le-,-a 6 . 1 r e v e a l s the state-space structure and t h e RMFD r e p r e s e n t a t i o n for

the semi-cascade realization of a reachable MIMO s y s t e m . From E q s . (6.10) and

(6.11), the seml-cascade realization of a reachable system is, in fact, the

result of spectral factorization of the right characteristic X-matrix of the


The dual results for the semi-cascade realizations of observable systems


can be stated as follows.

Lemma 6.2 An observable MIMO system in Eq. (6.2) can always be decomposed into

a semi-cascade realization form as shown in Eq. (6.10) and the corresponding

seml-cascade LMFD is given by

G< x) - D~ll c X)L-lc X).~C X) (6.12a)

where D~I(X) is the left characteristic X-matrix of (AI,C l) and it has

(AI,B~I,CI,D~I) as its minimal realization. Also

N~(X) = ~bE(X)ToIB (6.12b)

L(X) = ~E( X)T;IsBEI+D~( X)DEI

where DE(X) is the left characteristic X-matrix of (A,C)~ $ is the canonical

injection map from S~X, and (AI~Cl) is the embedded map of (AIC) in S p whereX

and S are defined in Lemma 6.1.


Similar to Lemma 6.1.

6.2.2 Modal Control of MIMO Systems

To perform modal control of MIMO systems by assigning the divisors of the

characteristic X-matricesl which contain specific latent roots and associated

latent vectors of the X-matrlces, we study the MIMO system (A,B,C1 D) in Eq.

(6.2) which can be transformed into the following Jordan canonical form, using

the modal matrix M of A:


lXj(t) = AjXj(t)+Bju(t) (6.13a)

y(t) = CjXj(t) (6.13b)


Xj(t) = M-Ix(t) (6.13c)

Aj = M-IAM = block dlag[Aji,i=l,...,k];Aji¢ C I i (6.13d)

m n.xm
T T _* . ~ 1 (6.13e)
Bj = M-IB = [BjI~Bj2~... ~BJk j ; B j i ¢ C

Cj - CH - [Cjl,Cj2,...,Cjk];CjieC

Each Aji is a full Jordan block with eigenvalue ki' i.e.

~i 1
ii 1 . . n.xn.
I I (6.13g)
Aji " £C

• li

The generalized left eigenvectors, pjicC t associated with Aji can be

determined by partitioning the modal matrix M such that the following matrix

equations are satisfied:

Apj i = PjiAji, i = l , 2 , . . . , k

The goal of modal control is to design a linear state-feedback control law

for the system in Eq. (6.2), or the equivalent system in Eqs. (6.10) and (6.13),

such that some undesirable elgenvalues and associated eigenvectors of the system

can be replaced by deslrable ones. Since the system map of Eq. (6.13) can be

viewed as a s p e c i a l c a s e o f the b l o c k t r i a n g u l a r i z e d system map i n Eq. ( 6 . 1 0 ) ~ we

consider t h e more g e n e r a l b l o c k t r l a n g u l a r i z e d system i n Eq. ( 6 . 1 3 ) as

~XD(t) = ADXD(t)+BDU(t)
y(t) = CDXD(t)+DDU(t)
Xv(t) " T~Ix(t) (6.14c)


- ; BD -
rBvl] [itI ; XD(t) =
o '~2 L BD2 XD2(t)

Cv = [Cvl,Cv2]; DD=0

ADI is the collection of the unimportant system modes not to be controlled~ and

AD2 contains all dynamic modes to be controlled. XDi(t) , BDi and CDi are

matrices of appropriate dimensions. Let the control law be

u(t) - -FDXD(t)+GFr(t) - -FDT;Ix(t)+GFr(t)

where F D ~ [0,FD2 ]. Then, the closed-loop system becomes

~XD(t) = ~XD(t)÷BDU(t)
y(t) " CDXv(t) (6.15c)


= . [ AD1 ADI2-BDIFD2 ] I BDIOF1


The modal control design problem is to find FD2 such that AD2-BD2FD2 has the

prespecifled elgenvalues and eigenvectors. From the structures of ~ and BD' we

observe that the modal control of the entire system is equivalent to the

elgenstructure assignment of t h e partitioned subsystem (AD2,BD2). Using Theorem

5.1, we obtain the control law for the sub-system (AD2,BD2) as follows.

Lemma 6.3 Let Dr2(1) be the right characteristic l-matrix of (AD2,BD2) which

contains the undesirable modes to be controlled. Assume that the desirable

closed-loop right characteristic l-matrix with prespecifled modes is Drc2(1).

Then, the feedback gain FD2 and input gain G F in Eq. (6.15) become FD2 ffi Fc2Tc2

and G F = Drh2Dr~c2 , respectively. Fc2 can be determined from the following

matrix equation:

Fc2~r2(1) = GFDrc2(I)-Dr2(I)

Tc2 is the transformation matrix w h i c h transforms (AD2,BD2) into its canonical

controller form, and Drh 2 and Drhc2 are the leading-column matrices of Dr2(1)

and Drc2(1) , respectively. •

From the structure of the closed-loop state equations in Eq. (6.15) and

Lemons 6.1, we observe that Drc2(1) is the canonical left divisor of the closed-

loop characteristic l-matrix, Drc(1). Therefore, the latent roots and left

generalized latent vectors of Drc2(1) are also part of the latent roots and left

generalized latent vectors of D (1). As a result, we can determine the modal


control law via latent roots and associated latent vectors assignment as follows.

Theorem 6.7 (Modal Control Law with Latent Structure Assignment)

Assume that the desired closed-loop latent roots and left latent vectors

corresponding to the modes to be controlled are (~2i,i=l,...,k) and

(P2ij,j=0,1,...,~i-l,i=l,...,k), respectively. Define

Aj2 = block diag[J2i~i=l~...,k]EC ;n2 = ~. (6.16a)
i= I i

- -T ~T ITECn2 xm (6.16b)
Bj2 = [Bj21~... ~ J2k J

where ~2i and Bj2i are defined in Theorem 5.4.

Assume that (Aj2,Bj2) is a reachable pair and that the Kronecker indices of

(Aj2,Bj2) are equal to those of (AD2,BD2) in Eq. (6.14). Then, the feedback

gain F D and the input gain G F of the modal control law in Eq. (6.15a) can be

determined by FD = [0,FD2], where FD2 = Fc2Tc2 and G F = Drh2Dr c2" Fc2 can be

determined from the following matrix equation=

Fc2~r2(l) = GFDrc2(1)-Dr2(l)

where Dr2(1) , ~r2(l) are the same as those defined in Lemma 6.3, and Drc2(l) is

the right characteristic l-matrix of (Aj2,Bj2).


Theorem 6.7 can be proved from Theorem 5.4 and Lemma 6.3. •

From Theorems 5.2 and 6.3~ the closed-loop RMFD of the system in Eq. (6.10)

with D = 0px m and the modal control law in Eq. (6.15a) can be represented as

G (1) = C(II -i)-IBGF = N (1);-l(1) (6.17a)

c n r rc


= A_BFDT;I (6.17b)

^Drc(A) ffi G; I[FDT; IT :I~r(A)+Dr(A)] (6.17e)

and Nr(A)D:I(A) = G(A) is the canonical RMFD of the open loop system in Eq.

(6.10), Tc is the transformation matrix which transforms (A,B) into its

controller canonical form. The properties of Drc(A) can be stated as follows.

Theorem 6.8 Drc(k) defined in Eq. (6.17c) is column reduced. If the open loop

right characteristic k-matrix of the system in Eq. (6.14) is factored as

Dr(k) = R(k)Dr2(A)

where Dr2(A) is the right characteristic k-matrix of (AD2,BD2) , then Drc(A) can

be factored as

^ (6.19)
D r c (l) = R(A)Drc2(A)

where Drc2(A) is the right characteristic k-matrix of (AD2-BD2FD2,BD2GF).


From Eq. (6.17c), the leadlng-column matrix, G;iDrh , is nonsingular because


Drh , the leading column matrix of Dr(1) , is nonsingular, and therefore Drc(A) is

column reduced.

If Dr(k) is factored as in Eq. (6.18), then from Theorem 4.1, Lemma 6.1 and

Eq. (6.14), we obtain

Dr2(~ = Cr2(AIn2-AD2)-IBD2+Dr2

R(x) = ~ 2V~DIT~I~r(X)+~r2Dr(X)

where V = [0,1n2 ]. From Lemma 5.2, we have

Drc2(k) = Cr2(AIn2-AD2+BD2FD2)-IBD2GF+Dr2GF

Since Drc(X) is column reduced and Drc2(%) is a canonical left divisor of

Drc(X), from Theorem 4.10 and Eq. (6.15), we obtain

D r c (),) = R' ()0Drc2(k)


R'c x) = er2VT lT l r< X)+ r2OF rc(X)


R'( X)-R(~) = Dr2 [GFDrc (),)-Dr(X)]

Also, substituting Eq. (6.17e) into the above equation yields

Since Dr2--[Im-~bTr2(0)~Jr2(0)]Drh12' the ith row of F is null, and (Drh2)ij =

(Drhl2)ij = 0 for j~i if %i = 0, it follows that

Dr2FD2 = (Im-~Tr2(0)~r2(0))Drhl2FD2 =- 0

T h e r e f o r e , R(k) = R ' ( k ) , or D c ( ~ ) = R(~)Drc2(~).

From Eq. (6.17a) and Theorem 6.8 we obtain:


Theorem 6.9 The closed-loop RMFD of the modal controlled system can be

represented as the semi-cascade form~

Gc(~) = Nr(X)R-I(X)D~2(~ ) (6.20)

where Nr(~) is the numerator of the open-loop canonical RMFD, R(%) is the right

divisor of the open-loop right characteristic %-matrix associated with the

uncontrolled modes I and Drc2(% ) is the desired closed-loop right characteristic ~-

matrix of the controlled modes.

Theorem 6.9 reveals the important feature of the modal control design that

the left divisor of the denominator of the open-loop RMFD has been changed to the

desired one with prespecified eigenstructures.

Note that Gc(~) in Eq. (6.20) may not be a canonical RMFD. Using Theorem

3.4~ we can transform Eq. (6.20) into a canonical RMFD as follows:

Gc(X) = Nrc(X)Drcl(X)

where Nrc(X) = Nr(%)Ur(~) , Drc(X) = Drc(~)Ur(%) , and Ur(%) is a unimodular %-

matrix. The result in Eq. (6.21) implies that although the zeros of the open-

loop system remain unchanged under modal control laws~ the numerator of the

closed-loop canonical RMFD may be changed.

Example 6.2

Given a 3-input 2-output continuous time system in the form (6.2) where

2.2 1.6 4.0 3.0 1.0 1

-6.4 -4.2 -8.0 -6.0 -2.0
A -- -1.6 -0.8 -3.0 -2.0 -i.0
3.2 1.6 4.0 3.0 2.0
9.6 4.8 12.0 6.0 2.0

-2.0 1.0 0.0

-1.0 -2.0 -5.0
B = 3.0 -1.0 1.0
-2.0 3.O 4.O
1.0 -2.0 -3.0

3.6 3.8 5.0 4.0 0.0 ]

C = 5.4 2.2 5.0 3.0 -I.0 ' D = 02x 3

The RMFD of the system is found to be

G(X) = NrfX)Drl(X)


Nr(X) = [ -4X2+13~-13

-5 X2+I0 A+3

0.0 ]



X3-2X2-X+2 -~.2+X+2 -1 ]
D (X) = 0 ~.2+2 k+l -2
0 0 1

We shall illustrate the semi-cascade realization and the modal control

design for this system. For these purposesj the system map A has to be block-

triangularized. We shall use Theorem 4.20 to construct the transformation T D to

transform A to a block-trlangular form.

Selecting r0 = -~ and r I = 0 and utilizing the matrix sign algorithm in

Theorem 4.21 yields

S i g n ( r 0 ) ( A ) = 15

-2.6 -0.8 -2.0 0.0 0.0

3.2 0.6 4.0 0.0 0.0
Sign(rl)(A ) = 1.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.0
-3.2 -1.6 -4.0 -I.0 0.0
6.4 3.2 8.0 4.0 1.0

From Theorem 4.20, we have the canonical injection map S(r0,rl ) and the

canonical projection map V(r0,rl):

1.8 -1.6 -0.8 1.6 -3.2 IT

S(r01rl ) = 0.4 0.2 -0.4 0.8 -1.6
1.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 -4.0

- = [ -0.8 -0.4 -I.0 0.0 0.0 ]

V(r0~r I) 3.2 1.6 4.0 2.0 1.0

Thus the transformation T D can be constructed as

$Tr0 ' -i F 0.6444 -1.7778 -0.4444 -0.I000 0.2000
rl) |-0.1778 0.9111 -0.2222 0.2000 -0.4000
TD = -i-~.~4_4~ -0.2222 0.4444 0.I000 -0.2000
~(ro,rl) 1-°"8°°° :o-:45o~-:17o~o~ o.oooo o.oooo
t 3.2000 1.6000 4.0000 2.0000 1.oooo

I 1.8000 0.4000 1.0000~ -0.4444 0.0000

-1.6000 0.2000 -2,0000! -0.2222 0.0000
= -0.8000 -0.4000 0.00001 -0.5556 0.0000
1.6000 0.8000 2.0000! 1.6000 0.4000
-3.2000 -1.6000 -4.00001 0.8000 0.2000


X ( t ) = T D XD(t)

then the state equations of t h e system in X D - coordinates become

~XD(t) = ADXD(t)+BDU(t)

y(~) = CDXD(t)+DDU(t )


C D -- CT D = [CDI , Cv2]


0.6 0.8 2.0] 2.0889 2.2444 ]

~I = -3.2 -2.6 -4.0 ; L,A~12 = -1.9556 -3.3778
0.0 0.0 -I.0 -0.4889 -0.8444

1.0 1.0 ]
AD2 ffi 0.0 2.0

-2.0444 0.7444 -0.5556 1 -I.0 1.0 1.0 1

ffi -2.0222 -0.3778 -2.7778 ;
BDI 2.0444 0.2556 2.5556 BD2 = 1.0 0.0 1.0

CDI ffi
]; CD2 =

D D -- 02x3

(I) Semi-Cascade Realization

From Corollary 4.2~ Dr(X) can be factored as

Dr(X) = Dr2(X)R(X)

where Dr2(A) is the right characteristic X-matrix of (AD2,BD2):

A-2 0 -i 1
Dr2(A) = -2 A-I -2
0 0 i

and R(A), which is a right divisor of Dr(A) ~ can be computed by using Eq.


ALl A1 0 ]
R(A) = 2A+2 A+I 0
0 0 i

Thus, from Lemma 6.1, the seml-cascade RMFD of the entire system is given by:

G(A) = Nr(A)R-I(~,)D;~ (A)

Note that Dr2(X) contains two unstable modes of the system with latent roots 1

and 2, and R(A) contains three stable modes with latent roots -i~-I~ and -I.

(2) Modal Control Law

Since AD2 contains two unstable modes with eigenvalues 1 and 2~ we shall

design a modal controller to stabilize these two modes. Using the left latent

structure assignment in Theorem 5.4~ we select the latent roots and latent

vectors of Drc2(X) in Theorem 6.7 to be

~21 = - 2 P210 = [ I -I O] T

A22 = -4 P220 " [i I O]

s o we h a v e

Aj2 = [ -20 -40 ]

- = 1 -I 0 ]
B J2 [ i 1 0

The right characteristic l-matrix of (Aj2,Bj2) is found to be

;%+3 i 0 ]
I ),+3 0
Drc2 ()') = 0 0 I

Thus, from Eq. (6.15a) and Theorem 6.7, we have the modal control law

u(t) = -FX(t)+GFr(t )


-18.4 -9.2 -23.0 -12.0 -6.0 ]

F FDTI~ ffi- -19.2 -9.6 -24.0 -14.0 -7.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


1.0 0.0 -I.0 ]

GF = 0.0 1.0 -2.0
0.0 0.0 1.0

From Theorem 6.8, we have the RMFD of the closed-loop system:

Gc(1) -- Nr(;k)Drcl(X)


rc Drc2 (

13+312+k-I -A2-3k-2 0 ]
= 3k3+8A+5 k2+3~+2 0
0 0 1

Note that Gc(A) - Nr(A)Dr~(A) is not a canonical RMFD. The canonical RMFD of
the closed loop system can be found from the closed loop state equations:

kX(t) = AX(t)+BGFrCt)

yCt) = CXCt)+Du(t)


= A-BF

-19.8 10.4 26.0 13.0 6.0 ]

24.2 6 3 . 0 3 4 . 0 18.0
-18.8 -48.0 -24.0 -12.0
- 3 7 . 6

8.8 -22.0 -15.0


29,6 -14.8 37.0 22.0

From Eq. (2.15), we have the canonical RMFD of the closed-loop system:


N (~) = [ -412-8l+23 71-12 0 ]

rc -5~2-261-18 12l+7 0

X3+6X2+10X+5 -12-3X-2 0 ]
Drc(k) = -X-I X2+3X+2 0
0 0 i

It is easy to show that


Drc()%) = Drc(1)Ur()%)


Nrc()%) = Nr(l)Ur()% )

where Ur()%) is a unimodular l-matrix|

i 0 0 ]
Ur()%) = -3 1 0
0 0 1

Also, P210 and P220 are left latent vectors of Drc(l).

6.3 Cascade Decomposition Theories and Their Applications to Multiport Network


In this section~ we shall present the factorization of MFDs to achieve the

cascade realizations of MIM0 systems. The minimal factorizations of MFDs are

defined first. Algorithms to perform the minimal factorization [91-98] of RMFDs

and LMFDs are derived. The corresponding state-space cascade realizations are

also discussed. Finally, applications of the cascade system structures to

multiport network realizations are illustrated.

6.3.1 Minimal Factorizations of MFDs

If G( )%)eCmXm[ )%] can be factorized as

G()k) = GI(~,)G2()%)

where G()%), GI()%) and G2()%) are described by MFDs, then Gl(S) and G2()%) are

called the left factor and right factor of G()%), respectively. The

factorization of G()%) in Eq. (6.22) is minimal [94] if


Deg(D(X)) = Deg(DI(A))+Deg(D2(X))

where D(A), DI(A) and D2(A) are the left or right characteristic X-matrices of

the systems described by G(A)~ GI(X) and G2(k) ~ respectively. The minimal
factorization of G(X) in Eq. (6.22) can be generalized as

G(A) = GI(X)G2(A)...Gk(A)

with Deg(D(~.)) = ~ Deg(Di(A)).

Definition 6.4 An RMFD~ G(X) = Nr(X)D;I(x)Ecm×m(x), is nonslngular if

D (A)Ecmxm[A] is a column-reduced canonical X-matrlx, and Nr(A)ecm×m[A ] is


nonsingular. Similarly~ an LMFD9 G(X) = D;I(A)N~(A)p is nonsingular if

D~(A) e~mxm[A] is a row-reduced canonical X-matrix, and N~(A) Ecm×m[x] is

nonsingular. Q

Theorem 6.10 (RMFD Factorization)

Consider a nonsingular canonical RMFD expressed as G(X) = Nr(X)Dr(X).

Assume that DI(X) and NI(X) are a column-reduced left canonical divisor and a

row-reduced right canonical divisor of Dr(X) and Nr(k) , respectively~ or

Dr(X ) = Dl(D~2(X ) (6.25a)

Nr(X ) = N2(X)~I(k) (6.25b)

N1 ( X)D;I(X) = HI( X)+;I( ~)~;1(X)

where Hl(k) is a k-matrix and NI(%)D;I(x) is a proper RMFD.


Let (AI,BI,CIpD I) he a minimal realization of the RMFD, NI ( D 5 2 1 ( ~ . Then,

G(I) : 02(1)Gl(1)

Cl(D : N l ( D D [ l (
G2(~ = N 2 ( ~ D 2 1 ( ~

Nl(X) : N'I( X)+D2( X)HI(X)

D21()%)NI(X) is the LMFD of (AI,BI,CI,DI).



and (AI,BI,CI,DI) is a minimal realization of the RMFD~ NI(X)D21(X), we can

determine the corresponding LNFD, using (A1,B1,CI~D 1) as follows:


G(X) = N2(X)D21(X)[NI(X)+D2(X)HI(X)]DII(X) N2(%)D21(%)NI(%)DII(% )

and the result in Eq. (6.26a) follows. •

Theorem 6.10 provides a method for factoring a nonsingular canonical RMFD

into the product of two nonsingular RMFDs. Since D2(%) may not be in a column-

reduced canonical form, G2(X) may not be a canonical P~FD. Howeverj using

Theorem 3.4, we can convert G2(X) into a canonical RMFD.

Corollary 6.1 The RMFD factorization in Theorem 6.10 is minimal.


Deg(DI(X))+Deg(D2(X) ) = Deg(DI(X))+Deg(D2(X)) = Deg(Dr(X))

Since the left factor GI(X) and right factor G2(X) can be represented as

nonsingular canonical RMFDs, we can repeatedly factorize G(X) to obtain

GCX) = Gk(~)Gk_I(~)...GI(X)

if the conditions in Theorem 6.10 are satisfied.

The main feature of the RMFD factorization in Theorem 6.10 is that the

poles and zeros with associated latent vectors of GICX) and G2(X) can be

preselected by performing spectral factorlzatlons of Nr(~) and Dr(X). This

property is important in multlport network synthesis and factorlzation of a

para-Hermitlan MFD.

The dual results of the LMFD factorizatlon are stated as follows.

Theorem 6.11 (LMFD Factorization)

Given a nonsingular canonical LMFD as

G(X) = D~l(x)N(X) (6.28a)

Let D~(X) = D2(~)DI(X ) and NE(X) = NI(A)N2(X) , where D1CX) and NI(X) a r e a row-

reduced right canonical divisor and a c o l u m n - r e d u c e d l e f t canonlcal divisor of


D£(X) and Ng(X), respectively. Let D;I(x) NI(X) - HI(X)+D21(X) NI(X) , where
HI()~) is a l-matrix and D;I(x) NI(X) is proper. Also, let (AI,BI,CI,D I) be a
minimal realization of D21(~k)~l(%). Then

O(l) = Cl(k)C2(L)


el(x) = D~I(x)NI(X); G2(X) = D~ICX)N2(X); Nt(X) = Bt(X)D2(X)

NI(I)D21(I) is the RMFD of (AI,BI,CI,DI). •

Repeatedly applying Theorem 6.11, a nonsingular canonical LMFD can be

factorized into a product of many nonsingular canonical LMFDs as

G(I) -- Ol(1)G2(},)...Ok(1)

6.3.2 State-space Realization of the Cascade Systems

Let the state-space realizations of GI(I) and G2(l) in Eq. (6.26a) be

%Xl(t ) = AiXl(t)+BlUl(t )
Yl(t) ~ ClXl(t)+DlUl(t )

)d(2(t) = A2X2(t)+B2u2(t)
Y2(t) = C2X2(t)+D2u2(t )

where Ai,Bi,C i and Di, i=I~2 are matrices of appropriate dimensions. For

cascade connections, we let u(t) = Ul(t) , Yl(t) = u2(t) , and y(t) = y2(t), where

u(t) and y(t) are the input and output of the overall system, respectively.

Then, t h e state-space realization of t h e overall system becomes

xict] [i]
= + u(t) (6.31a)
ILX2(t) B2C 1 A 2 JLX2 (t) B2D 1

xl(t) ]
y(t) = [D2CI,C2] + D2DlU(t)

The above result can be generalized to the case of many subsystems as follows.

Theorem 6.12 Given a nonsingular MFD, G(~)~ which has a minimal factorization

G(I) = Gk(%)Gk_I(I)...GI(I)

and (Ai,Bi,Ci,D i) is the minimal realization quadruples of G.(~), i=l,2,...,k.


Then~ the state-space minimal realization quadruple of G(~), (A~B~C,D), can be

expressed as

AI 0 ... 0 0

B2C 1 A2 ... 0 0

B3D2C I B3C 2 ... 0 0

A =
Bk_IDk_2...D2C I Bk_IDk_2...D3C 2 ... Ak_ I 0

BkDk_I'.'D2C I BkDk_I-.-D3C 2 --- BkCk_ I Ak

B = [B~,(B2DI)T,(B3D2DI)T,...,(Bk_IDk_2...DI)T,(BkDk_I...DI)T] T

C = [Dk...D2CI~Dk...D3C2~Dk...D4C3~...,DkCk_I,Ck]

D = [DkDk_I...DI]


Theorem 6.12 can be proved by using induction on the number of cascade

subsystems. •

6.3.3 Cascade Realizations of Multiport Networks

If the matrix transfer function of a multlport network can be factorized as

G(~,) = GI(1)G2(%)...Gk(1)

the subnetworks G.(%) can be constructed in a way such that each G.(I) contains
1 1
desirable latent roots and associated latent vectors of G(1). Then, we can

realize each subnetwork with each G.(1) and cascade them to construct the
complete network for G(1). Since the factorization of G(~) is minimal~ the

realized network uses minimal active elements or reactive elements. The

advantages of cascade structure were noted in the introduction to this chapter.

Example 6.3

Let the canonical right matrix fraction description of a 2-input 2-output

network be

G(1) = Nr(1)Drl(1)


Nr(~) = [ 0 t tO

Dr(A) = 1212 + [ 2.0511"8

10.2 ~ + 2.05 9.2

The zeros of G(1) are -5, -I0 and the poles of G(1) are (-l,-l,-10±jl).

Find (i) The minimal realizations of D -I in the controller canonical form and

in the Jordan form.

(2) The minimal cascade factorizations of G(%).

(3) The cascade realization of G(~) in the state-space representation.

(4) The implementation of the cascade networks.


Using Lemma 2.1, the minimal realization of D-I(~) in the controller


canonical form can be found as

D;I(L) = Cc(%I4-Ac)-IBc+Sc

_ 0.00 1.00 i 0.00 0.00
A = -8.75 -n.8o lO.OO 1.8o
c o.oo - ~.~ ~To~ t.oo
-2.05 - 2.05 I-9.20 -10.20

B = i 0
c ~-~
0 1

o o o]
Cc 0 0 I 1 0

Dc 02x 2

The corresponding Jordan form minimal realization of D -I can be obtained by

finding the Jordan forms minimal realization quadruple (Aj,Bj,Cj,Dj) from

(Ac,Bc~Cc,D c) as

D;I(1) = Cj(II4-Aj)-IBj+D J

lit0 0] E11] r01002s
-lJ o
0. 1-10
.1 ; Bj
o 1
-z i-o.I o.15 1
; cj =1-o-.i--_-o-;1- -| ; DJ
0 I-I -i0 I i L 0.0 -0.125 J

Note that the latent roots of Dr(1) have been arranged in two groups; {-i)-I}

and {-10±jl} as shown in the system map Aj. Using Theorems 4.9 and 4.12

together with the Jordan form minimal realization quadruple of D-l(1)i yields

the spectral factorization of Dr(l ) as follows:

Dr(I ) = DL(1)DoDr(1)


DO : 12 ; DR(1) = 121 + [ 0.05

-0.8 ] II -i
1.2 ; DL(1) = 121 + [ 2 9 ]

In a similar manner) the spectral factorization of N (1) can be determined as


Nr(1) = [ 0 10

Thus, G(1) can be represented as

G(X) = Nr(X)IDL(X)DR(X)]-I = Nr(X)DRI(X)DZI(x)

=o,[' ~ ][~ ~+ (~,o °o)] [,~+ ( o::~ -o.~,.~)]-' ['~+ ( ~" -'4-'

Applying Theorem 6.10 gives the cascade factorization of G(X) as

G(X) = G2(X)Gt(X)


G2(I) = [ 0 I 1.6569 0.14487J

o,<~<>-[~ ~÷ ,~.ooo,r
o.o~ o.~,~1[~+~.~,,, (~'~ I)}

The cascade realization of G(X)~ using Theorem 6.12, can be found as

^ ^

G(I) = G2(A)GI(I) : Cr(ll4-Ar)-lBr+Dr


r-~.o ~.o o.o o.o

|- 20 -90 00 00
r !-- 4~-9450 1.3586 -1.8552 0.4414 B r --
L 9.6069 -0.0552 -I.6569 -0.1448

^ [0 01~ ~] ^
Cr 0 0 ! 0 i ; Dr = 02x2

The cascade realization of G(X) using four one-port R-C networks and summers but

without using multiwinding transformers and integrators [84] is shown in Fig.

6.7. The poles and zeros of the first subnetwork~ described by GI(%) , are

{-10±jl} and {-5,-I0}, respectively whilst the poles and zeros of the second

subnetwork, described by G2(X) ~ are {-i,-i} and {~}~ respectively. The

realized cascade multi-port network contains the prespecified poles and zeros in

each subnetwork.

In '
.= i (D

Ul i/ "~~ !

Fig. G,7 Cascade Rea]tzatlon of the Network G(X)=61(x)G2(X)


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[6] A.G.J. MacFarlane, Frequency-Response Methods in Control Systems, IEEE

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[7] B. Porter and R. Crossley, Modal Control, Taylor & Francis Ltd., London,

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