Qualification: Unit of Competency: Student Name: Student ID: Assessment Due Date: Assessment 1 (Week 5, 11 May, Term 2 / 2018)
Qualification: Unit of Competency: Student Name: Student ID: Assessment Due Date: Assessment 1 (Week 5, 11 May, Term 2 / 2018)
Qualification: Unit of Competency: Student Name: Student ID: Assessment Due Date: Assessment 1 (Week 5, 11 May, Term 2 / 2018)
Student Name:
Student ID:
This unit describes skills and knowledge required to determine strategic change requirements and
opportunities; and to develop, implement and evaluate change management strategies.
1. Identify change 1.1 Identify strategic change needs through an analysis of organisational
requirements objectives
opportunities 1.2 Review existing policies and practices against strategic objectives to
identify where changes are required
1.3 Monitor the external environment to identify events or trends that impact on
the achievement of organisational objectives
2. Develop change 2.1 Undertake cost-benefit analysis for high priority change requirements and
management opportunities
2.2 Undertake risk analysis and apply problem solving and innovation skills to
identify barriers to change and agree and record mitigation strategies
2.5 Assign resources to the project and agree reporting protocols with relevant
3.3 Consult with relevant groups and individuals for input into the change
3.5 Action interventions and activities set out in project plan according to project
3.7 Conduct regular evaluation and review and modify project plan where
appropriate to achieve change program objectives
Performance Evidence
analyse and interpret information about the organisation’s internal and external environment and
consult with stakeholders to identify requirements and opportunities for changes that support
organisational objectives
develop a change management project plan for the priority changes incorporating resource
requirements, risk management and timelines
obtain approvals and agree reporting protocols with relevant managers and implement the plan
including addressing barriers to change
review and evaluate the change management project plan and modify as needed to achieve
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
explain the change management process or cycle and strategies for communicating and
embedding change
explain how organisational behaviour and the external environment can impact on change
list potential barriers to change and explain possible strategies to address barriers.
Foundation Skills
Reading Interprets detailed information that may deal with complex ideas related to
issues both within and outside the workplace context
Writing Uses clear and precise language to develop information about objectives,
requirements, activities and recommendations
Develops complex plans and strategies in appropriate format for the
audience and purpose
Oral Communication Discusses and seeks information using appropriate structure and
language for the particular audience
Uses questioning and active listening to clarify or confirm understanding
Numeracy Interprets, analyses and presents numeric/financial information in complex
Navigate the world of Takes a lead role in the development of organisational strategic goals and
work associated roles and responsibilities
Interact with others Uses a variety of communication tools and strategies to build and maintain
effective working relationships
Uses inclusive and collaborative techniques to seek feedback, negotiate
and consult with a range of stakeholders
Get the work done Plans, organises and implements activities required to achieve strategic
priorities and outcomes, including consulting with others and sequencing
events to minimise uncertainty for staff
Uses problem-solving skills to identify and analyse issues or barriers, and
develop responses
Develops new and innovative ideas through exploration and lateral
To be deemed competent for this unit of competency, you are required to satisfactorily complete three
(3) assessment tasks:
Assessment Instructions
Your assessment will be required to be typed in Arial font size 12 only. You will provide your
completed assessment for all of questions in one document and MUST be uploaded into MOODLE
(No other method of submission will be accepted).
You are required to professionally format your document including spell-check and indicating each
Task answer [e.g. Task 1 (a.) then the answer, Task 1 (b.) then the answer etc.] according to this
Assignment requirement. You may lose marks if you have not spell-checked your document (as this is
a professional formatting requirement, a business skill).
This assessment can be completed in one of several ways. Assessment candidates may identify unit
requirement within their own work environment or organisation, or with reference to a scenario
provided by the trainer/assessor.
Be sure to properly reference your sources of information using the Harvard referencing system. For
more information go to:-
If, as a student you feel you have special needs that require your Trainer/Assessor to apply a
reasonable adjustment – please discuss this with your Trainer/Assessor at the beginning of the
subject studies.
c. 1.5 Spacing
o Student ID
o Date
o Page numbering
e. Title page
f. Index page
g. Body of work
h. Referencing
1. Log-in to Moodle and access the subject that you will be submitting the assignment in.
2. Locate the assessment you will be uploading into by scrolling down to the week that the
assessment is due in and then click on the assessment submission link.
3. Click on the name of the assignment.
4. Click the Browse button.
5. Select the file and click Open.
6. Click the Upload this file button.
7. If you have more than one file, repeat the process (steps 4-6) to attach additional files up to
the assignment's limit.
8. Once happy with your submission click the Send for marking button. The files are locked
and the student can no longer delete, or upload more, files.
Note: The date and time of the submission is recorded when the files are sent for marking, not when
they are first uploaded.
Performance objective
You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to identify change requirements for an
Assessment description
Using the scenario information supplied, you will identify strategic change needs, review existing
policy, monitor trends in the external environment that impact on an organisation’s objectives, identify
operational change objectives, prioritise change requirements and consult experts or specialists to
assist in identification of change requirements and opportunities. You will then write a report to
management outlining the change requirements.
1. Review the scenario information provided (in the Appendix of this task) for Fast Track Couriers.
2. Prepare to write a report on change requirements for Fast Track by following steps 3–10 below.
3. Analyse the organisational objectives provided in the scenario to identify the following change
requirements for Fast Track Couriers.
a. Identify requirements for change.
b. Prepare an explanation of how your identified change needs to link to the organisation’s
strategic plan goal/s.
4. Review the organisation’s current state to understand how the current policies, practices and
operations deliver against the organisation’s strategic goals.
Review the organisation’s performance against objectives with regards to its:
a. people
b. policies and processes
c. technology
d. structure.
5. Monitor external trends to identify events or trends which may impact on the achievement of the
organisation’s strategic plan goals.
a. Identify two external trends.
b. Develop an explanation of how the trends currently impact or will impact organisational
6. Identify major operational change requirements.
a. Identify changes due to performance gaps.
b. Identify changes due to business opportunities.
c. Identify changes due to threats.
d. Identify changes due to management decisions.
7. Identify specialists to be consulted to assist with identifying change needs.
a. Identify specialists you will engage to help identify change requirements, and be
prepared to explain your reasons for engaging these specialists.
b. Identify what consulting model you would adopt to engage the specialists, and be
prepared to explain why you would use this model.
8. Assume your assessor is a specialist/expert of the kind you have identified in step 7. Consult
with your assessor to assist with identification of change management requirements and
9. Identify the managers that need to be informed. Prepare a plan that identifies who, when and
how stakeholder managers will be engaged to review and prioritise change requirements.
10. Assume your assessor is a manager you have identified. Consult with your assessor to review
the changes you propose and to help you prioritise changes. Suggest and justify the priority you
have assigned to each change you recommend.
11. Prepare a 3–4 page report detailing change requirements for the organisation. Include all of the
information you identified and the explanations that you prepared in steps 3–10.
12. Submit all documents to your assessor as per the specifications below. Ensure you keep a
copy of all work submitted for your records.
It is the end of the 2015 financial year. You are an external change management consultant employed
by Fast Track Couriers. You have been asked by the General Manager to prepare a report to identify
opportunities and requirements for change for the organisation in the coming year.
You have been given some information about the organisation and the organisation’s strategic goals.
Specific operational and human resources goals were developed to support the strategic goals.
The strategic goals were developed as a result of external market research indicating an opportunity
for Fast Track Couriers to build market share in Sydney. The business has the opportunity to increase
Sydney market share by 7.5% on the back of increased efficiency and shorter delivery times from
larger truck fleet and improved distribution systems.
You have also been given some information about employees and some background information
regarding the organisation’s workforce relations.
Before submitting the final report, you will need to review your proposed changes with all relevant
manager stakeholders. The General Manager is very concerned about identifying change
requirements in close consultation with key management stakeholders within the organisation in order
to ensure the least resistance to implementation.
Strategic goals are supported by the following operational and human resources goals.
Employee profile
Fast Track Couriers employs the following people.
● General manager (GM) – Generally on the road; never in office.
● Chief financial officer (CFO) – Reports to GM and keeps office hours; 9–5, Mon–Fri.
● Accountant – Reports to CFO and keeps office hours; 9–5, Mon–Fri.
● Truck drivers (x20) – Report to office.
● Office team manager – Reports to GM and keeps office hours; 9–5, Mon–Fri.
● Office team members (x5) – Perform administrative, sales, customer relationship management
duties. Monitor truck drivers and handle enquiries. Report to office team manager.
● Covered by an award.
● Salary $45,000 per annum.
● Heavily unionised.
● Employee demographics: all male employees aged 25–65.
● Little opportunity to participate in learning and development programs due to being on the road;
however, little to no interest in participating in development opportunities.
● Large number of workplace injuries due to heavy lifting.
● Low employee engagement scores. Drivers cite pay as an issue.
● Currently experiencing low turnover.
● History of industrial disputes regarding pay and previous change initiatives.