3s Building
3s Building
3s Building
DOI: 10.1002/suco.201900146
CSIR—Central Building Research
Institute, Roorkee, India
Academy of Scientific and Innovative In precast construction, standardized concrete elements are manufactured in a
Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, India controlled environment followed by onsite installations. One such precast sys-
BG Shirke Construction Technology Pvt. tem is 3S building system (Strength, Safety, and Speed), which consists of RCC
Ltd., Pune, India
hollow columns with notches; RCC solid beams (“T” shape/“L” shape/Square
Correspondence Shape), RCC Stair flights, RCC shear walls, and Autoclave Aerated Concrete
Ajay Chourasia, CSIR—Central Building (AAC) or RCC precast slab. The current study focuses on seismic performance
Research Institute, Roorkee 247667, India.
Email: [email protected] of this system, where a full-scale two storey, “3S” precast RC building, was
subjected to quasi-static lateral loading. The experimental results show that
the structure responded within elastic range at Life Safety (LS) performance
level with minimal damage to the joints. The results are further compared to
an analytical model in SAP2000 subjected to pushover analysis. Both the
experimental and analytical results were found to be in agreement. Therefore,
it is inferred that the 3S building system can perform satisfactorily under seis-
mic loads.
3-S building system, damage ranking, precast building, push-over analysis, seismic performance
Structural Concrete. 2020;1–17. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/suco © 2020 fib. International Federation for Structural Concrete 1
In this system, precast dense concrete hollow core col- flexural strength to similar monolithic specimen. The
umns of modular sizes are used in combination with structural performance of 1:5 scale-down prefabricated
RCC shear walls (as per the design demand) inter- hybrid Industrialized Building System (IBS) sub-frame
connected with precast dense concrete rectangular/“T” subjected to cyclic lateral loads was evaluated.10 The
shape/“L” Shape beams with precast slabs for floors and maximum displacement ductility and energy dissipation
roofs. The top region of the beam having depth of precast demand of the system was obtained as 3.99 and
slab and in-situ screed thickness, along with hollow cores 132.25 kN mm, respectively. Nonetheless, scaled-down
of precast columns are grouted with appropriate grade of specimens can have limitations particularly when multi-
in-situ self-compacting concrete. The jointing of various ple aspects of the system are to be studied. For economic
precast components is accomplished through on-site con- testing of comparatively large number of variables and
creting along with secured embedded design reinforce- careful monitoring, full-scale tests are preferred.11
ment of appropriate length and configuration to ensure
monolithic continuous, resilient, ductile, and durable
behavior. The building frame system is either “column- 2 | CURRENT RESEARCH FOCUS
beam-slab frame” or “dual (frame and shear wall)” as the
case may be since the provision of shear wall is mainly In recent years, research interest in investigating the
governed by design demand. Precast slabs (AAC/RCC) response of different seismic force resisting system have
are used as floor/roof slabs with overlay of 40 mm been shifting from component-level to system-level pre-
(1.57 in.) thick, M20 grade of screed concrete with nomi- cast buildings, preferably on full-scale. The current paper
nal reinforcement over the entire area of slab immedi- focuses on investigation of seismic performance of full-
ately after erection. The technology has been widely scale two storey, “3-S” precast RC building. “3-S” precast
implemented in India since 1974 for mid-rise and high- building system consist of assemblage of innovative pre-
rise residential buildings. cast RC column, beam and slab components, and on-site
Despite the increasing growth of precast construction, installations using dowel rebar and in-situ concrete of
it is often looked upon with skepticism due to lack of appropriate grade. To evaluate the seismic performance,
knowledge about its seismic behavior.1 Failure of connec- the 3S precast building was tested under a fully reversed
tions, insufficient diaphragm action by precast slabs and displacement controlled quasi-static cyclic lateral loading.
roof system, insufficient ductility of columns are often The seismic performance of “3-S” system need to be
the major causes of failure of precast buildings during investigated to study its connection's behavior and struc-
earthquake.2–4 Generally, precast beams and columns are tural failure mode when subjected to lateral cyclic loads.
connected with dry moment-resisting connections, cast- The seismic performance of the system is evaluated based
in-place and welded connections. Pseudo dynamic test on on ASCE-4112 and FEMA-356.13 The characteristics rela-
prefabricated two-bay frames were conducted, where tionship between load to deflection, stiffness, ductility,
results showed precast columns exhibited cantilever crack pattern, failure mode and performance levels are
behavior and the seismic resistance was offered by the studied to understand seismic performance of “3-S” pre-
flexural resistance of the bottom edge sections only.5 cast system.
Cyclic loading test on a full-scale two-story Autoclaved
Aerated Concrete Assemblage Specimen was carried
out.6 No damage was observed in the AAC floor slabs or 3 | EXPERIM ENTA L PR OGR AM
their connection to the walls. The test results showed that
the failure of the assemblage was flexure-dominated and 3.1 | Geometry and design of specimen
behavior of the assemblage was governed by the behavior
of the vertical walls. Half scaled specimens for industrial A full-scale two-storied “3-S” precast building system
and residential types of prefabricated composite with having footprint of 4.5 mm × 2.9 mm and overall height
welded beam-column connections were studied, where of the building was 5.38 m, with each floor height equal
the connections were reported to show improvement in to 2.69 m, founded on 150 mm thick RC raft slab
seismic behavior with change in diameter of the beam (6.2 m × 4.1 m) adequately anchored to test floor using
reinforcement; development length and increase in num- 700 mm MS length of 32 mm diameter high-tension
ber of stirrups in the connection zone.7 Ductile moment- anchor bolts 12 nos. The system consisted of precast
resisting connections were investigated to enhance the dense concrete hollow core column shell in combination
flexural strength, energy dissipation capacity and ductil- with precast dense concrete rectangular/“T” shape/“L”
ity of the precast beam-column connections.8,9 The test shape beams, with precast slab panels for floors and roofs
result showed that the connections exhibited higher having 40 mm (1.57 in) thick in-situ screed concrete laid
over entire floor/roof. The layout and reinforcement bars from the supporting beam protude between the pre-
assemblage of precast components of the proposed build- cast slabs and the joint region is filled with the in-situ con-
ing system is shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respec- crete. Light-weight reinforced autoclaved cellular concrete
tively. The reinforcement details in precast beams and slabs were placed in between the beams over their flanges
columns are given in Table 1 and Table 2. The floor slab with adequate bearing. The slabs components were fitted
comprised of 600 mm wide autoclaved light weight cellu- sidewise with tongue and groove joints. Reinforcement of
lar concrete (AAC). The jointing of various elements was 6 mm at 230 c/c both ways was placed over the slabs;
accomplished through on-site concerting along with which was suitably anchored into peripheral beams. Deck
secured embedded reinforcement of design length, diam- concrete of 40 mm thickness was then poured on top of
eter, and configuration to ensure monolithic continuous slab. Self-compacting concrete was used for column cores
resilient, ductile, and durable behavior. Tongue and and beam tops concreting operations. Figure 6 demon-
groove arrangement of joint was used in joining all the strates the connection details between precast beam to col-
precast slabs. The joints between slab panels were filled umn and column to column. In beam to column joints,
with 1:5 cement mortar and 40 mm thick reinforced in- appropriate notches were provided in the shell of hollow
situ screed concrete of grade M20 is overlaid on the AAC columns wherein the precast concrete beams were placed.
slab panels (Figure 3). Nevertheless, following capacity Mechanical anchorage was provided for the bottom rein-
design principles, all elements were designed to fail in forcement of beams as per the requirement of structural
flexure and were detailed to meet the requirements for design. Design reinforcement was placed at the top surface
ductile detailing as per IS-13920:2016.14 The structural of beam passing through the protruding rings of precast
design was done in accordance with IS 456:200015 and IS beam and anchored into the core of hollow columns. The
1893:2016.16 top portion of beam was then concreted along with col-
umn core concreting. In column to column joints, Dowel
bars were provided with required development length,
3.2 | Connection details over which the stem was casted and hollow column shell
was erected, followed by in-situ concreting of hollow core
The connection between precast structural components with appropriate mix. Figure 7 shows the joint connection
have been established through the reinforcement bars detail between precast beam to beam, wherein connection
protuding from the two adjacent panels. Figures 4 and 5 was achieved through precast miter joint and reinforce-
respectively show the connection detail between precast ment embedded into in-situ concrete. Figure 8 demon-
slab to slab and precast beam to slab, where reinforcement strates the 3D views of various precast connections.
F I G U R E 1 Layout of
columns and beams of “3-S”
precast building system at
(a) first floor level; (b) second
floor level
Top extra
Longitudinal Longitudinal reinforcement
reinforcement reinforcement @ supports Transverse
Beam Id Length (mm) B (mm) D (mm) (bottom throughout) (top-mid span) near-end & far-end reinforcement
FB1/RB1 3,270 200 465 2–12 TOR 2–8 TOR 2–12 TOR 8 TOR @ 200 c/c
FB2/RB2 3,720 200 465 2–12 TOR 2–8 TOR 2–12 TOR 8 TOR @ 200 c/c
FB3/RB3 2,420 200 465 2–10 TOR 2–8 TOR 2–12 TOR 8 TOR @ 200 c/c
FB4/RB4 2,490 200 465 2–10 TOR 2–8 TOR 2–12 TOR 8 TOR @ 200 c/c
FB5/RB5 2,120 150 465 2–10 TOR 2–8 TOR 2–12 TOR 8 TOR @ 200 c/c
Dowel reinforcement in
Column Id B (mm) D (mm) Longitudinal reinforcement column-beam joint
GA2/A2 600 300 4–20 TOR +2–12 TOR 4–20 TOR +2–12 TOR
GA3/A3 600 300 4–20 TOR +2–12 TOR 4–20 TOR +2–12 TOR
GB1/B1 750 300 6–20 TOR 8–20 TOR
3.3 | Material properties concrete column shells were filled with self-compacting
concrete of M35 grade having 280 mm slump to ensure
The M30 concrete mix was used for RCC precast column complete filling. The surface joints between precast
and beam components. The hollow cores of precast column-beam were filled with mortar having dry
predicted maximum lateral load to produce significant change this displacement control loading, the initial six cycles
in the behavior of the system such as flexural cracking and were performed only once whereas subsequent cycles were
yielding of the reinforcement. The swivel-head of the actuator reported thrice in order to document any degradation in
was bolted to a 32 mm thick steel plate which in-turn fixed to strength and/or stiffness. The lateral load was applied by
the vertical members of rigid load distribution frame. The programmable, two-way acting, 500 and 100 kN capacity
actuators were supported on a reaction wall as shown in servo-hydraulic actuators. The cyclic lateral load from
Figure 9. The weight of assemblage on the floors (45 kN) com- actuator was uniformly distributed over two points at each
pensates the expected live load on each floor 40 kN. floor levels on two opposite sides of building by roller-type
ball bearing attached to load distribution frame, providing
restrained boundary condition, simulating actual condi-
3.5 | Load specifications and tion of rigid diaphragm in building. The instrumentation
instrumentation was selected to characterize the global and local behavior
of the system. The global behavior of the system was char-
The system was subjected to cyclic lateral displacements acterized by its overall load–displacement behavior in the
with monotonically increasing amplitudes (ASTM 2126).20 direction of loading. The applied load was measured using
Statically, the frequency of 0.004 Hz (fst) was considered pin-load cells of the actuators. The displacement response
while programming displacement time histories. Within of system at critical locations was measured using linear
displacement of the system was 116 mm with lateral load stiffness (Ks) and effective post-capping tangent stiffness
of 340 kN. (Kps) was obtained 2.09 and 10.2 kN/mm, respectively.
This shows that the building has considerable stiffness
degradation in post-yield state. This in turn has effect of
4.3 | Performance levels reducing dissipated energy due to decrease in the area
under load–displacement curve. The stiffness degradation
Figure 12 shows the defined performance levels for the of the “3-S” system was attributed to crushing of concrete
“3-S” precast RC building based on damage pattern. The and cracking of grout material filled-in beam column sur-
Operational (O) level, shows the point on the capacity face joints.
curve where the building starts to behave nonlinearly.
Minor cracks were observed in the tested building up to
this level, at a lateral roof displacement of 7 mm. In IO 4.5 | Structural displacement ductility
level, the structure undergoes light damages in the form
of minor cracks in beams and columns at first story. Sub- The ductility of the structural system is an important
sequently 2 mm to 2.5 mm wide cracks were observed in characteristic to withstand lateral loads with sufficient
filled grout of beam-column surface joints at higher dis- deformability without any significant loss in strength and
placement cycles corresponding to LS level. Concrete avoid premature failure. The global ductility is expressed
crushing and spalling were also noticed in beams and as μ = du/dy, where dy and du are the displacement at ide-
minor shear cracks in column with 4 mm residual defor- alized elastic limit and at ultimate limit of the structure.
mation of the building. In addition, separation of screed Based on the ductility capacity, structure need not be
concrete from AAC panels and partial uplift at mid-span designed to remain in elastic range while the inelastic
of slab was also observed. In CP level, the overall build- capacity considering energy conservation principle, can
ing suffered extensive damage, mostly shear/flexure be utilized until decrease in load by 20–25% of ultimate
cracks with large permanent drift, showing some of the load is achieved.21 The ductility for the tested “3-S” pre-
beams on the verge of partial or complete collapse. Col- cast building system was obtained as 3.00.
umns suffered extensive concrete crushing at the end
region of first storey and horizontal cracks at the mid-
span of column. The C performance level showed wide 4.6 | Seismic force reduction factor
cracks with excessive crushing of screed concrete and
buckling of reinforcement in beams and columns render- Seismic-force reduction factor (R) allows the designer to
ing instability in building, as a result the test was termi- use conventional linear elastic analysis procedure while
nated to avoid damage to instruments. accounting for non-linear behavior and deformation
limits. Thus, the seismic-force reduction factor is used in
seismic codes to scale-down or normalize elastic response
4.4 | Structural stiffness capacity of buildings for determination of ultimate designed seis-
mic force. Based on the displacement ductility the
The tri-linear curve was utilized to calculate structural seismic-force reduction factor is an approximation of the
lateral stiffness based on equal energy principle that is, ratio of the seismic forces that the structure would experi-
the area above and below the curve were approximated ence if its response is completely elastic with 5% viscous
equal. The effective lateral stiffness (Ke) was calculated as damping. Following the definition, the R factor in terms
50 kN/mm. The calculated effective post-yield tangent of force, may be expressed as:
TABLE 4 Dissipated hysteretic energy and input energy ratios for the “3-S” precast building system
Performance levels displacement (mm) Base shear (kN) First storey Second storey Total
Operational (O) 7 230 0.18 0.09 0.27
Immediate occupancy (IO) 47 510 0.30 0.16 0.56
Life safety (LS) 72 520 0.40 0.25 0.65
Collapse prevention (CP) 96 540 0.60 0.22 0.82
Collapse (C) 116 340 0.65 0.09 0.74
TABLE 5 Damage description and ranking for “3-S” precast building system
Structural elements
Damage ranking level Column Beam Beam-column junctions Slab
1. No damage Operational (O) No flexural/shear cracks No flexural/shear cracks No flexural/shear cracks No flexural/shear cracks
2. Minor Immediate No flexural/shear cracks No flexural/shear cracks Spalling/cracks in mortar No flexural/shear cracks
occupancy grout at a few filled-in
(IO) joints of precast beam-
column (crack
width < 2 mm, becomes
zero at load reversal;
zero residual
3. Moderate Life safety (LS) Horizontal cracks—2 to Shear cracks 2 to 3 mm Spalling/cracks in mortar 2 mm wide horizontal
2.5 mm wide at end wide with crushing of grout at a few filled-in cracks perpendicular
region of lower storey concrete at ends of all joints of precast to loading, separation
column, with spalling of beam beam-column (crack of screed concrete
cover concrete width up to 3 mm. from AAC panels and
partial uplift at
4. Severe Collapse 3 mm wide horizontal Wider shear cracks (up to Wide cracks (>5 mm), Crushing of screed
prevention cracks in lower storey at 5 mm). Extensive crushing of core concrete and exposure
(CP) mid height in columns spalling of cover concrete, exposure and of nominal
having less stiffness concrete and exposure buckling of reinforcement of
along the direction of of rebars, crushing of reinforcement screed floor with
loading. Spalling of core concrete excessive separation
concrete cover, exposure and uplift.
of reinforcement, shear
cracks in end region,
and initiation of
buckling of longitudinal
5. Collapse Collapse (C) Excessive spalling and Excessive spalling and Wide cracks (>5 mm), Crushing of screed
crushing of cover crushing of cover crushing of core concrete and exposure
concrete at ends; concrete at ends; concrete, exposure and of nominal
bending of longitudinal bending of longitudinal buckling of reinforcement of
rebar rebar reinforcement screed floor with
excessive separation
and uplift.
H le,max ð 1 X
H de E inp = mi ai ðτÞ vi ðτÞdτ
0 i=1
By considering equal energy based calculations,
Seismic-force reduction factor is calculated as areas of Dissipated hysteretic energy, Edis, has been estimated
lateral load–displacement relationship below ideal as the area of hysteresis loop between two consecutive
elastic and idealized elastic–plastic structure. Thereby, displacement peaks.
the structural-force reduction factor (R) may be repre-
sented in terms of displacement ductility (μ), and is n ð uðt Þ
expressed as: E dis = H it dui
i=1 0
R= ð2μ −1
The results indicate that the specimen exhibited lin-
ear behavior up to Immediate Occupancy (IO) level,
As none of the columns, beams or beam-column joints and the energy has been dissipated by viscous
attained their failure loads at the end of the test, the damping. On attainment of significant damage state
seismic-force reduction factor was calculated for maximum (Collapse level), around 74% input energy was been
displacement level attained (this can be lower bound dissipated by hysteretic behavior. The ratio of the dissi-
values). The equal displacement based R value for “3-S” pated energy to input energy was low in the upper sto-
precast building system was obtained as 5.6 whereas equal rey even at the Collapse performance level. Table 4
energy based R value is found to be 6.8. shows the ratios of dissipated hysteretic and input
energy for the tested “3-S” precast building at different
defined performance levels.
4.7 | Energy dissipation
Energy dissipation capacity of the tested “3-S” precast 4.8 | Proposed damage ranking
building system is obtained at the defined performance
points of hysteresis envelope (O, IO, LS, CP, C) by com- The damage ranking of “3-S” precast system is proposed
paring the cumulative input energy to the dissipated hys- based on damage pattern at different performance state
teretic energy. The input energy (Einp) induced by the as defined in Table 5 which shows damage description in
hydraulic actuator to the tested building specimen, has precast column, beam, beam-column junctions and slab
been estimated by the following equation (ATC 40).22 for the proposed ranking.
FIGURE 13 (a) Pushover curve from SAP2000; (b) Capacity-demand curve from SAP2000
and reassessment, if required, until the desired perfor- summarized in Table 6. In Table 6, it is observed that at
mance level is achieved. In the present study, the experi- the second step, one hinge exceeds the elastic state, at the
mental model is replicated in SAP2000, for the result base shear of 73.27 kN, with a displacement of 4.28 mm.
comparison and validation. The geometric dimensions The performance level of immediate occupancy (IO) is
and the material properties are assumed to be the same exceeded at the 11th step, corresponding to a base shear
for the beams and columns as given in Tables 1–3. The of 418.267 kN, with a displacement of 35.5 mm. The life
load definition consists of dead load equal to the weight safety (LS) level is exceeded at the 21st step, at a base
of the AAC planks and the screed concrete and the live shear value of 555.727 kN, with a displacement of
load is taken as 45 kN as per the actual model. The load 65 mm. Finally, the collapse prevention (CP) level is
on the slab is converted to equivalent uniform load to be exceeded at the 26th state, with the ultimate base shear
applied to the framing beams. It is to be noted that a value of 567.2 kN, at a displacement of 79 mm. It is also
combination equal to full dead load +30% of the Live evident from the pushover curve, that this is the point
load is defined as per FEMA 356 for pushover analysis.13 where the global collapse of the structure occurs, after
Auto hinges as predefined in SAP2000, according to the which the capacity of the structure falls steeply.
provisions of FEMA 356 are inserted at each joint, to The capacity-demand curve of the structure, which is
allow for development of the plastic capacity. The beams assumed as Type B, according to the provisions in FEMA
and columns are assumed as cracked sections. Pushover 356 is given in Figure 13b. The single ADRS curve, meets
analysis is carried out on the structure, with the direc- the capacity curve at the performance point defined at
tion of loading being parallel to the span length values of base shear of 146.218 kN, displacement of
along 4.2 m. 5.8 mm and at a time period of 0.143 s. On further
Modal analysis for the Pushover load case showed inspection, as seen in Table 6 of pushover curve demand-
that the fundamental time period of the structure is capacity, according to ATC 40,22 it is observed, that the
0.20161 s. Figure 13a shows the pushover curve for the performance point lies between the steps 2 and 3. Looking
structure and the state of hinges at each step of the analy- at the hinge formation between these states, it is seen
sis, corresponding to the displacement and base shear as that in both steps, only immediate occupancy (IO) state is
exceeded by the hinges, which indicates that there is
probably no local failure and hence the structure will be
safe under the incumbent earthquake demand on the
The results thus obtained from experimental and ana-
lytical studies are compared in Figure 14 and Table 7. It is
observed that the results are in agreement. However, the
difference in the results may be explained by the fact that
in the experiment the dowel bars are present only at the
F I G U R E 1 6 (a) Modeling of
precast building in ATENA; (b) Cracks
observed from FEA. FEA, finite element
observed at 3.5 mm corresponding to 325 kN load. The Research Institute (CSIR-CBRI), Roorkee, India, for per-
building attained a maximum lateral load of 432 kN at mitting to publish the paper.
15 mm deflection. Subsequently after each cycle of loads,
the load kept degrading due to stiffness degradation and the
final load is observed to be 383 kN at 28 mm deflection. NOTATION
Figure 16b shows the crack formation, while Figure 17 pre- measured acceleration time history at ith floor
sents the lateral load–displacement curve from FEA. level
C collapse
CP collapse prevention
6 | C ON C L U S I ON S de deformation at ultimate designed earth-
quake load
A full-scale two storey precast RC frame building was evalu- de − di deformation at initiation of cracks
ated under displacement controlled reverse cyclic quasi- dle,max deformation at maximum elastic earthquake load
static lateral loading. Non-linear static analysis (push-over) dmax roof displacement at maximum load
was carried out in SAP to compare the experimental results. du ultimate deformation
Moreover, FEA was conducted in ATENA to study the in- dui story displacement increment
depth structural behavior of precast RC frame building and dy effective yield deformation
to validate the results. Chief conclusions derived from the dτ time increment
present research program are: Hde ultimate designed earthquake load
Edis hysteretic dissipated energy from initial time to t
1 The test observations that “3-S” precast structure Einp input energy from initial time to t
responded to the simulated seismic cyclic loads in sim- g acceleration due to gravity
ilar manner as that of engineered conventional cast in- Hi strength at initiation of crack
situ structure. Lateral load resisted by the structure Hdu load capacity at ultimate displacement
under LS (life safety) is almost 1.65 times of the seis- Hit measured base shear at ith floor level
mic weight of the structure. The maximum resisted Hmax maximum load
cyclic lateral load at LS performance level of the struc- Hle, maximum earthquake load developed in a
ture corresponds to 0.67 g of its mass. max completely elastic structure
2 The diaphragm comprising of floor panels of precast con- Hy effective yield strength
crete having 40 mm thick reinforced in-situ deck con- IO immediate occupancy
crete was effective in cyclic lateral load transfer Ke effective elastic stiffness
mechanism during LS performance level. All joints and Kpc effective post-capping tangent stiffness
connections observed intact during LS performance level Ks effective post-yield tangent stiffness
thereby confirming that the manufacturers' detailing for LS life safety
the “3-S” precast structural elements and connections mi concentrated mass at ith floor level
conforms to the performance requirements. n number of stories
3 The structure responded in elastic range at LS perfor- O operational level
mance level exhibiting displacement ductility value of R seismic-force reduction factor
3.00 and seismic force reduction factor “R” value of 5.6. ui measured story displacement at ith floor level
4 In FEA, stress concentration is seen at the middle part vi(τ) velocity time history at ith floor level
of ground floor columns, and at first floor diaphragm # diameter of the reinforcement
members. Few minor cracks however observed at the μ displacement ductility factor
connections of in-situ beams and AAC slab panels,
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