031 Gears en Mobile2003

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Bosch Rexroth AG Gears Mobile 2003 31

Lager Customer Benefits from Integrating

Additional Functions into the Drive Gearbox

1. Introduction
The benefits of a gearbox to the custo-
mer increase as the range of functions
widens. Two new developments from
Rexroth involve the integration of a
service brake or an additional gear
step into the existing space of a stan-
dard drive gearbox. Drive gearboxes
with a service brake are a good idea,
particularly in wheeled vehicles with
hydrostatic single-wheel drives (figure
1). Speed shift drives are used where
there is a particularly large speed ran-
ge to cover, e.g. in vehicles with a
much slower work rate compared to
driving for transportation purposes
(figure 2).
Figure 1: Field sprayer

2. Drive gearbox with

integral dynamic brake
With fast wheeled vehicles with sin-
gle-wheel drives, the drive motors are
generally operated in the closed hy-
draulic circuit. If a suitable hydraulic
system is used, the vehicle has a basic
braking capability from the hydrosta-
tic travelling drive that is adequate for
most common braking situations. The
holding brake (which is needed on
many wheeled vehicles with single-
wheel drives) may also be used as an
additional service brake in order to
achieve the prescribed maximum de-
celeration during braking. This also Figure 2: Road finisher
takes account of the statutory safety
requirements relating to a mechanical

Bernhard Langenbeck BRM-GT/EVG
32 Mobile 2003 Gears Bosch Rexroth AG

In addition to the application-specific

requirements placed on the gearbox,
the design of the brake also requires
certain special properties:

– Part of the total deceleration that

must be provided by the mechanical
– Maximum deceleration provided by
the mechanical brake if the hydro-
static system fails
– Number of possible braking to sta-
tionary operations with just the me-
chanical brake when warmed up
– Holding brake torque
– Separate actuation of the service
Figure 3: Rexroth-GFT 17 T2 drive gearbox with integral service brake
and holding brakes
– Possibility of intervention by va- shaft of the first planet gear stage.
rying the vehicle’s dynamic response When the disk pack engages, the
– Space required for the gearbox spring-loaded pistons connect the in-
should ideally not be changed by in- put shaft for the first stage sun wheel
tegration of the service brake to the supporting axle, thus braking
the main drive pinion.
– Possibility of external cooling of the
brake for applications with
In addition, there is a second cylindri- park
increased sustained braking power
cal piston arranged in the standard pi-
ston of the holding brake (figure 4).
The structure (figure 3) of the gear- During parking, this is pressed against
box essentially corresponds to the the disk pack by the outer piston.
standard version of the drive gearbox. Both pistons are unpressurized in this
The gearbox is driven through the state. When the holding brake is ven-
supporting axle (fixed to the vehicle) ted by pressurizing the outer piston,
by the sun wheel of the first reduction the inner piston is raised with it since drive
stage which is lying at the gearbox co- it is spring-loaded. When the holding
ver. The second planetary stage is brake is disengaged, the inner, addi-
driven by the planet carrier for the tional piston can be pressed back hy-
first stage. The wheel hub is driven via draulically against the disk pack via its
the two ring gears of the planetary separate cylindrical piston space for
stages. The multiple-disk brake run- the purposes of service braking.
ning in the oil is arranged in the sup-
porting axle at the same position as
the holding brake in the standard ge-
arbox. It is applied to the sun wheel Figure 4: Brake operating states
Bosch Rexroth AG Gears Mobile 2003 33

The disk packs must be dimensioned activated. If even greater braking po- The drive gearbox with integral ser-
so that they can, at least once, absorb wer is needed, the gearbox can be coo- vice brake is slightly longer on the en-
the heat of friction resulting from the led with scavenging oil from the hy- gine side due to the larger double pi-
vehicle’s momentum calculated from draulic circuit. ston (figure 5).
the vehicle mass and the travelling The construction illustrated here has
speed. The energy is dissipated as heat the following advantages: The technical data for the illustrated
via the oil to the housing and thus to – Compact structure Rexroth GFT 17 T2 is summarized in
the environment. – Cost-effective since there is no sepa- figure 6.
When the shapes of the components rate service brake
and the production tolerances are de-
– Low-maintenance multiple-disk
fined, the thermal expansion and rela-
tive motion resulting from the uneven
heating of the components must be – Not sensitive to dirt
considered in order to prevent parts – Independent access to the brake can
jamming against one another, parti- be obtained for a limited period by
cularly the brake disks in the suppor- varying the vehicle’s dynamic re-
ting axle. sponse
Drive gearbox with dynamic brake
The separate pistons and thus the in- Drive gearbox whit holding brake
dependent actuation of the service Figure 5: Comparison of the size of the drive
brake are required by EU regulations gearbox
in order to allow the service brake to
be actuated independently. Inverse ratio i 26,4 32,1 45,4
braking by reducing the pressure in motor A6VE 55
the holding brake’s cylinder space is motor speed n1 /min 4.300 4.300 4.3 00
no longer permitted for service brakes differential pressure ,p ba r 45 0 450 43 0
in Europe. The additional option of motor torque T1 Nm 39 2 392 37 4
actuating the brake by reducing the output torque T2 Nm 10 .362 12.603 17.000
output speed n2 /min 163 134 94
pressure in the outer piston (holding TBR Nm 40 0 400 40 0
holding brake
brake function) can be used, however, release pressure ,p bar 18 18 18
to control the brake independently of operating pressure ,p max . bar 50 50 50
the service brake by means of a slip service brake ,p max . bar 50 50 50
control system. service brake Tbrmax . Nm 170 170 170
Figure 6: Technical data for the Rexroth-GFT 17 T2
However, if the brake is used in the
future for the purposes of slip control,
it should be noted that the brake ap-
plication time is limited by the ther-
mal capacity of the gearbox. To mini-
mize the energy occurring in the gear-
box, the braking is initially limited to
hydrostatic braking. As more and
more braking power is required, the
brake integrated into the gearbox is
34 Mobile 2003 Gears Bosch Rexroth AG

3. Drive gearbox with Clutch engaged

Drive preliminary stage
back-up preliminary high speed
stage Drive 1st stage
low speed .
The following requirements were Drive 2nd stage
identified for the speed shift drive be- Main output pinion
fore development started:

– Defined progressive ratio suitable

for the hydraulic transmission range
– Should be possible to engage while
vehicle is in motion
– Holding brake function
– Compact structure
– Possibility of external cooling Figure 7: GFT 45 T2/3 drive gearbox with switching stage

In the two-stage basic gearbox (figure remains connected to the supporting also allows the gear to be changed un-
7), the planetary preliminary stage axle, fixed to the housing. The planet der load.
was not arranged in the gearbox cover preliminary stage reduces the engine
(as is generally the case with three-sta- speed to a ratio of between roughly
ge driving gears). Instead it is arran- i = 3 and i = 5. In the second gear
ged inside the supporting axle. This step, the planet preliminary stage is
arrangement allows the stage to be blocked. In this position, the prelimi-
engaged when needed. The input to nary stage is thus simply turned, and
the planetary preliminary stage is on the speed is not reduced. The clutch
the sun wheel, and the output on the between the ring gear and the housing
planet carrier. Two clutches can each is therefore disengaged, and the clutch
connect the freely rotating ring gear to between the preliminary stage sun
the supporting axle and the sun wheel wheel and the preliminary stage pla-
shaft to the planet carrier. Both clut- net carrier is engaged. If both clutches
ches can be disengaged hydraulically are disengaged, then the gearbox is id-
by relieving a spring-loaded cylindri- ling.
cal piston.
The non-positive action of the clutches
When the vehicle is stationary, the with friction disks means that the gear
engaging the two clutches with the can also be changed in motion. If in-
spring-loaded cylindrical pistons verse braking by engaging whichever
blocks the preliminary stage, and thus clutch is disengaged is permitted, then
brakes the wheel hub via the gearbox. a service brake function can be imple-
The first gear step is obtained by dis- mented through the use of suitably-
engaging the clutch between the sun sized friction disks. The use of friction
wheel and planet stage. The ring gear disks with a suitable thermal capacity
Bosch Rexroth AG Gears Mobile 2003 35

With this gearbox, as well, particular

Transmission gearbox, 2-stage
attention must be paid to the heat ba- with back-up preliminary stage
lance since, in addition to the heat Drive gearbox, 3-stage
losses from the brakes, the mixing los-
ses from the preliminary stage in the
confined space inside the supporting
axle should also be taken into ac-
count. External flushing of the gear-
box for cooling purposes is also possi-
ble at this point.
Figure 8: Drive gearbox with back-up preliminary stage

The drive gearbox with back-up preli-

minary stage is longer on the engine
Gear stages
side due to the additional preliminary input torque T1max 502 Nm 370 ft.lbs
stage in the supporting axle. However, input speed n1 max 3000 rpm
this additional length can be saved by ratio 1. Gear 89, 6
omitting the ratio 2. Gear 19, 7
preliminary stage on the cover side output torque 1. Gear T2 max 450 00 Nm 3319 1 ft.lbs
(figure 8). The technical data for the output torque 2. Gear T2 max 9894 Nm 72 98 ft.lbs
output speed 1. Gear n2 max 33 rpm
Rexroth-GFT 45 T2/3 is summarized
output speed 2. Gear n2 max 15 2 rpm
in figure 9. spring-loaded multiple disk clutch
speed shift torque, statically TBr 600 Nm 443 ft.lbs
release pressure p 29, 2 ba r 424 ps i
4. Summary max. release pressure p max. 40 ba r 580 ps i
The drive gearbox with integral ser- spring-loaded multiple disk clutch
vice brake, combined with a hydrosta- speed shift torque, statically TBr 2600 Nm 19 18 ft.lbs
release pressure p 22, 3 ba r 323 ps i
tic travelling drive, can be used to ful-
max. release pressure p max. 40 ba r 580 ps i
fil the statutory requirements con-
hydraulic - motor
cerning the service brake with the motor A6VE 5 5...
modified holding brake, and allows
A6VE 8 0...
control systems to independently re-
Figure 9: Technical data for the Rexroth-GFT 45 T2/3
gulate the vehicle’s dynamic response.
The drive gearbox with back-up preli-
minary stage allows the transmission
range of a hydrostatic drive to be
increased considerably.

If we compare the size of the gearbox

with that of the equivalent basic gear-
box, we can see that, with both gear-
boxes, the additional functions only
slightly incre-ase the installation space
required compared to the basic gear-

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