PDT Worksheet 2020

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Professional Development Tool Worksheet

Learning Goal Strategies Resources Success Indicators Target Date

Related Standard What are the best ways to achieve this What do I need to help me achieve this? How will I know I achieved it? When do I plan to achieve it?
Knowledge I feel that the best way to I feel that one of the best I will know that I achieved this I would like to achieve this
I will increase my achieve this goal is to continue resources that I can use to based on feedback from my goal by graduation, Spring
knowledge of evidence- learning about occupational help me achieve this goal is peers, educators, mentors, 2021. However, I feel that
based practices and therapy treatment, goals, the Occupational Therapy and fieldwork, as well as this is something that will be
how to incorporate interventions, etc. through Practice Framework: Domain personal reflection on my ongoing throughout my
them into treatment continuing education and and Process developed by competence and abilities. career as an occupational
interventions. research. AOTA. therapist.
Critical Reasoning I feel that the best way to I feel that one of the best I will know that I achieved this I would like to achieve this
I will increase my overall achieve this goal is through resources that I can use to based on feedback from my goal by graduation, Spring
critical reasoning skills the development of problem- help me achieve this goal is peers, educators, mentors, 2021. However, I feel that
by asking more open- solving skills, analyzing my the Standards of Practice for and fieldwork, as well this is something that will be
ended questions when I occupational performance Occupational Therapy personal reflection on my ongoing throughout my
am on fieldwork and during fieldwork developed by AOTA. competence and abilities. career as an occupational
reflecting on the opportunities, and the therapist.
answers. utilization of resources in the
decision-making process.
Interpersonal Abilities I feel that the best way to I feel that one of the best I will know that I achieved this I would like to achieve this
I will make achieve this goal is through resources that I can use to based on feedback from my goal by graduation, Spring
improvements to my the use of effective help me achieve this goal is peers, educators, mentors, 2021. However, I feel that
interpersonal abilities communication, the through experiences with my and fieldwork, as well as this is something that will be
by increasing my integration of feedback from peers, educators, mentors, personal reflection on my ongoing throughout my
interprofessional professors, peers, and and fieldwork. competence and abilities. career as an occupational
networking skills while mentors, and the therapist.
on fieldwork. development of interpersonal
Performance Skills I feel that the best way to I feel that one of the best I will know that I achieved this I would like to achieve this
I will improve my achieve this goal is through resources that I can use to based on feedback from my goal by graduation, Spring
performance skills by the demonstration of my help me achieve this goal is peers, educators, mentors, 2021. However, I feel that
identifying 3 abilities and the integration of through feedback from my and fieldwork, as well as this is something that will be
weaknesses and making current evidence-based peers, educators, mentors, personal reflection on my ongoing throughout my
positive changes to practice techniques and and fieldwork. competence and abilities. career as an occupational
remedy them. technologies. therapist.
Ethical Reasoning I feel that the best way to I feel that one of the best I will know that I achieved this I would like to achieve this
I will improve my ethical achieve this goal is through resources that I can use to based on feedback from my goal by graduation, Spring
reasoning skills during the understanding, help me achieve this goal is peers, educators, mentors, 2021. However, I feel that
fieldwork opportunities application, and integration of the Occupational Therapy and fieldwork, as well as this is something that will be
through the analysis the occupational therapy code Code of Ethics developed by personal reflection on my ongoing throughout my
and development of my of ethics into hypothetical and AOTA. competence and abilities. career as an occupational
personal code of ethics. fieldwork experiences. therapist.

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