Water Pollution Is The Contamination of Water Bodies (E.g. Lakes, Rivers, Oceans and
Water Pollution Is The Contamination of Water Bodies (E.g. Lakes, Rivers, Oceans and
Water Pollution Is The Contamination of Water Bodies (E.g. Lakes, Rivers, Oceans and
Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water; and,
in almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and
populations, but also to the natural biological communities.
Water pollution is a major problem in the global context. It has been suggested
that it is the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases, [1][2] and that it
accounts for the deaths of more than 14,000 people daily. [2] An estimated 700
million Indians have no access to a proper toilet, and 1,000 Indian children die of
diarrheal sickness every day.[3] Some 90% of China's cities suffer from some
degree of water pollution,[4] and nearly 500 million people lack access to safe
drinking water.[5] In addition to the acute problems of water pollution in developing
countries, industrialized countries continue to struggle with pollution problems as
well. In the most recent national report on water quality in theUnited States, 45
percent of assessed stream miles, 47 percent of assessed lake acres, and 32
percent of assessed bay and estuarine square miles were classified as polluted.[6]
Surface water and groundwater have often been studied and managed as separate
resources, although they are interrelated.[7] Sources of surface water pollution are
generally grouped into two categories based on their origin.
Point source pollution
Point source pollution refers to contaminants that enter a waterway through a
discrete conveyance, such as a pipe or ditch. Examples of sources in this category
include discharges from a sewage treatment plant, a factory, or a city storm drain.
The U.S. Clean Water Act (CWA) defines point source for regulatory enforcement
purposes.[8] The CWA definition of point source was amended in 1987 to
include municipal storm sewer systems, as well as industrial stormwater, such as
fromconstruction sites.[9]
Non–point source pollution
Non–point source (NPS) pollution refers to diffuse contamination that does not
originate from a single discrete source. NPS pollution is often the cumulative
effect of small amounts of contaminants gathered from a large area. The leaching
out of nitrogen compounds from agricultural land which has been fertilized is a
typical example. Nutrient runoff in stormwater from "sheet flow" over
an agricultural field or a forest are also cited as examples of NPS pollution.
Many potentially toxic chemicals adhere to tiny particles which are then taken up
byplankton and benthos animals, most of which are either deposit or filter feeders.
In this way, the toxins are concentrated upward within ocean food chains. Many
particles combine chemically in a manner highly depletive of oxygen,
causing estuaries to become anoxic.
When pesticides are incorporated into the marine ecosystem, they quickly become
absorbed into marine food webs. Once in the food webs, these pesticides can cause
mutations, as well as diseases, which can be harmful to humans as well as the entire
food web.
Toxic metals can also be introduced into marine food webs. These can cause a
change to tissue matter, biochemistry, behaviour, reproduction, and suppress
growth in marine life. Also, many animal feeds have a high fish meal or fish
hydrolysate content. In this way, marine toxins can be transferred to land animals,
and appear later in meat and dairy products.
There are many different ways to categorize, and examine the inputs of pollution
into our marine ecosystems. Patin (n.d.) notes that generally there are three main
types of inputs of pollution into the ocean: direct discharge of waste into the
oceans, runoff into the waters due to rain, and pollutants that are released from
the atmosphere.
One common path of entry by contaminants to the sea are rivers. The evaporation
of water from oceans exceeds precipitation. The balance is restored by rain over
the continents entering rivers and then being returned to the sea.
The Hudson in New York State and the Raritan in New Jersey, which empty at the
northern and southern ends of Staten Island, are a source
of mercury contamination of zooplankton (copepods) in the open ocean. The highest
concentration in the filter-feeding copepods is not at the mouths of these rivers
but 70 miles south, nearer Atlantic City, because water flows close to the coast. It
takes a few days before toxins are taken up by the plankton[2].
Polluted runoff from roads and highways can be a significant source of water
pollution in coastal areas. About 75 percent of the toxic chemicals that flow
into Puget Sound are carried by stormwater that runs off paved roads and
driveways, rooftops, yards and other developed land. [4]
Atmospheric pollution
Another pathway of pollution occurs through the atmosphere. Wind blown dust and
debris, including plastic bags, are blown seaward from landfills and other areas.
Dust from the Sahara moving around the southern periphery of the subtropical
ridge moves into the Caribbean and Florida during the warm season as the ridge
builds and moves northward through the subtropical Atlantic. Dust can also be
attributed to a global transport from the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts
across Korea, Japan, and the Northern Pacific to the Hawaiian Islands.[11] Since
1970, dust outbreaks have worsened due to periods of drought in Africa. There is
a large variability in dust transport to the Caribbean and Florida from year to year;
however, the flux is greater during positive phases of the North Atlantic
Oscillation.[13] The USGS links dust events to a decline in the health of coral reefs
across the Caribbean and Florida, primarily since the 1970s. [14]
Apart from plastics, there are particular problems with other toxins that do not
disintegrate rapidly in the marine environment. Examples of
persistent are PCBs, DDT, pesticides, furans, dioxins, phenols and radioactive
waste. Heavy metals are metallic chemical elements that have a relatively high
density and are toxic or poisonous at low concentrations. Examples
are mercury, lead, nickel, arsenic and cadmium. Such toxins can accumulate in the
tissues of many species of aquatic life in a process called bioaccumulation. They are
also known to accumulate in benthic environments, such as estuaries and bay muds:
a geological record of human activities of the last century.
Specific examples
Since the end of World War II, various nations, including the Soviet Union,
the United Kingdom, the United States, and Germany, have disposed of chemical
weapons in the Baltic Sea, raising concerns of environmental contamination. [75][76]
Most water pollutants are eventually carried by rivers into the oceans. In some
areas of the world the influence can be traced hundred miles from the mouth by
studies using hydrology transport models. Advanced computer models such
as SWMM or the DSSAM Model have been used in many locations worldwide to
examine the fate of pollutants in aquatic systems. Indicator filter feeding species
such as copepods have also been used to study pollutant fates in the New York
Bight, for example. The Hudson discharge flows south along the coast due
to coriolis force. Further south then are areas of oxygen depletion, caused by
chemicals using up oxygen and by algae blooms, caused by excess nutrients from
algal cell death and decomposition. Fish and shellfish kills have been reported,
because toxins climb the food chain after small fish consume copepods, then
large fish eat smaller fish, etc. Each successive step up the food chain causes
a stepwise concentration of pollutants such as heavy metals (e.g. mercury)
and persistent organic pollutants such as DDT. This is known as
Groundwater pollution is much more difficult to abate than surface pollution
because groundwater can move great distances through unseen aquifers. Non-
porous aquifers such as clays partially purify water of bacteria by simple filtration
(adsorption and absorption), dilution, and, in some cases, chemical reactions and
biological activity: however, in some cases, the pollutants merely transform to soil
contaminants. Groundwater that moves through cracks and caverns is not filtered
and can be transported as easily as surface water. In fact, this can be aggravated
by the human tendency to use natural sinkholes as dumps in areas
of Karst topography.
Sampling for biological testing involves collection of plants and/or animals from the
surface water body. Depending on the type of assessment, the organisms may be
identified for biosurveys (population counts) and returned to the water body, or
they may be dissected for bioassays to determine toxicity.
Physical testing
Common physical tests of water include temperature, solids concentration like total
suspended solids (TSS) and turbidity.
Chemical testing
See also: water chemistry analysis and environmental chemistry
Water samples may be examined using the principles of analytical chemistry. Many
published test methods are available for both organic and inorganic compounds.
Frequently used methods include pH, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical
oxygen demand (COD), nutrients (nitrate and phosphorus compounds), metals
(including copper, zinc, cadmium, lead and mercury), oil and grease, total petroleum
hydrocarbons (TPH), and pesticides.
Biological testing
Biological testing involves the use of plant, animal, and/or microbial indicators to
monitor the health of an aquatic ecosystem.
Because deep sea mining is a relatively new field, the complete consequences of full
scale mining operations are unknown. However, experts are certain that removal of
parts of the sea floor will result in disturbances to the benthic layer,
increased toxicity of the water column and sediment plumes from tailings.
Removing parts of the sea floor disturbs the habitat of benthic organisms,
possibly, depending on the type of mining and location, causing permanent
disturbances.[19] Aside from direct impact of mining the area, leakage, spills
and corrosion would alter the mining area’s chemical makeup.
The oceans are normally a natural carbon sink, absorbing carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere. Because the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide are increasing, the
oceans are becoming more acidic.[26][27] The potential consequences of ocean
acidification are not fully understood, but there are concerns that structures
made of calcium carbonate may become vulnerable to dissolution, affecting corals
and the ability of shellfish to form shells.[28]
Discarded plastic bags, six pack rings and other forms of plastic waste which finish
up in the ocean present dangers to wildlife and fisheries. Aquatic life can be
threatened through entanglement, suffocation, and ingestion. Fishing nets, usually
made of plastic, can be left or lost in the ocean by fishermen. Known as ghost nets,
these entangle fish, dolphins, sea turtles, sharks,
dugongs, crocodiles, seabirds, crabs, and other creatures, restricting movement,
causing starvation, laceration and infection, and, in those that need to return to
the surface to breathe, suffocation.
Effects of pollution
Among the impacts of deep sea mining, sediment plumes could have the greatest
impact. Plumes are caused when the tailings from mining (usually fine particles) are
dumped back into the ocean, creating a cloud of particles floating in the water. Two
types of plumes occur: near bottom plumes and surface plumes. [19] Near bottom
plumes occur when the tailings are pumped back down to the mining site. The
floating particles increase the turbidity, or cloudiness, of the water,
clogging filter-feeding apparatuses used by benthic organisms.[23] Surface plumes
cause a more serious problem. Depending on the size of the particles and water
currents the plumes could spread over vast areas. [19][24] The plumes could
impact zooplankton and light penetration, in turn affecting the food web of the
Cities with sanitary sewer overflows or combined sewer overflows employ one
or more engineeringapproaches to reduce discharges of untreated sewage,
utilizing a green infrastructure approach to improve stormwater
management capacity throughout the system, and reduce
the hydraulicoverloading of the treatment plant[22]
repair and replacement of leaking and malfunctioning equipment [15]
increasing overall hydraulic capacity of the sewage collection system (often
a very expensive option).
A household or business not served by a municipal treatment plant may have an
individual septic tank, which treats the wastewater on site and discharges into
the soil. Alternatively, domestic wastewater may be sent to a nearby privately
owned treatment system (e.g. in a rural community).
Industrial wastewater
Some industrial facilities generate ordinary domestic sewage that can be
treated by municipal facilities. Industries that generate wastewater with high
concentrations of conventional pollutants (e.g. oil and grease), toxic pollutants
(e.g. heavy metals, volatile organic compounds) or other nonconventional
pollutants such as ammonia, need specialized treatment systems. Some of
these facilities can install a pre-treatment system to remove the toxic
components, and then send the partially treated wastewater to the municipal
system. Industries generating large volumes of wastewater typically operate
their own complete on-site treatment systems.
Soil pollution!! One of the most grave problems existing on the earth. Well, (on the
earth?), the earth itself is getting contaminated and polluted! Collectively, aren't
we all responsible for this? The conquest of utilizing land and soil resources and
conducting experiments on it, for our benefits, is quite understandable, but it
certainly is not, at the cost of its health and wellness! Mankind has been trying out
several different things and has made several arrangements in the soil, to make
life happy and comfortable. However, how often have we thought of contamination
of soil? Its never too late in life, so I think this is the right time, to know about
soil pollution causes and effects. Read more on soil science.
What is soil pollution anyways? Soil pollution is defined or can be described as the
contamination of soil of a particular region. Soil pollution mainly is a result of
penetration of harmful pesticides and insecticides, which on one hand serve
whatever their main purpose is, but on the other hand, bring about deterioration in
the soil quality, thus making it contaminated and unfit for use. Insecticides and
pesticides are not to be blamed alone for soil pollution, but there are many other
leading causes of soil pollution too.
Climate change
Agricultural activities that can cause land degradation include shifting cultivation
without adequate fallow periods, absence of soil conservation measures, fertilizer
use, and a host of possible problems arising from faulty planning or management of
irrigation. They are a major factor in Sri Lanka and the dominant one in
The role of population factors in land degradation processes obviously occurs in the
context of the underlying causes. In the region, in fact, it is indeed one of the two
along with land shortage, and land shortage itself ultimately is a consequence of
continued population growth in the face of the finiteness of land resources. In the
context of land shortage the growing population pressure, during 1980-1990, has
led to decreases in the already small areas of agricultural land per person in six out
of eight countries (14% for India and 22% for Pakistan).
Severe land degradation affects a significant portion of the earth's arable lands,
decreasing the wealth and economic development of nations. Land by improved crop
yields and reduced population. As the land resource base becomes less
productive, food security is compromised and competition for
dwindling resources increases, the seeds of famine and potential conflict are sown.
What Causes Soil Pollution?
The wars that hit the earth are the most likely cause of soil pollution.
Soil pollution is a result of many activities and experiments done by mankind and
some of the leading soil pollution causes are discussed below.
The intensity of all these causes on a local or regional level might appear very small
and you may argue that soil is not harmed by above activities if done on a small
scale! However, thinking globally, it is not your region or my place, that will be the
only sufferer of soil pollution. In fact, it is the entire planet and mankind that will
encounter serious problems, as these practices are evident almost everywhere in
the world. Want to know what are those problems, which can turn more serious in
the near future?
Soil can become contaminated in many ways. Chemicals, like herbicides and
pesticides, are major polluters; oil dumps, landfills, and industrial wastes can also
wreak havoc. But how do these chemicals and oils get into open spaces far away
from industrial sites and dumps?
This land houses a small stand of trees, a nice meadow, and a small creek. Long
before it reaches our plot, though, the creek runs beneath a hill by a factory.
When it rains, water carries factory waste down the hill and into the creek, which
carries it to our plot. In addition, there’s a farming operation a hundred miles away
from our plot. The farmers use pesticides to protect their crops. However, some
of the pesticides evaporate when temperatures rise; the next rainfall brings those
chemicals to our plot as acid rain.
Petroleum hydrocarbons
Heavy metals
Soil pollution happens when these chemicals adhere to the soil, either from being
directly spilled onto the soil or through contact with soil that has already been
As the world becomes more industrialized, the long term effects of soil pollution
are becoming more of a problem all over the world. It is thought that a full 150
million miles of China's farmland is contaminated.
Decrease in soil fertility and therefore decrease in the soil yield. Definitely,
how can one expect a contaminated soil to produce healthy crops?
Loss of soil and natural nutrients present in it. Plants also would not thrive in
such a soil, which would further result in soil erosion.
Disturbance in the balance of flora and fauna residing in the soil.
Increase in salinity of the soil, which therefore makes it unfit for
vegetation, thus making it useless and barren.
Generally crops cannot grow and flourish in a polluted soil. Yet if some crops
manage to grow, then those would be poisonous enough to cause serious
health problems in people consuming them.
Creation of toxic dust leading is another potential effect of soil pollution.
Foul smell due to industrial chemicals and gases might result in headaches,
fatigue, nausea, etc. in many people.
Soil pollutants would bring in alteration in the soil structure, which would
lead to death of many essential organisms in it. This would also affect the
larger predators and compel them to move to other places, once they lose
their food supply.
The effects of soil pollution are: Not enough oxygen in the soil, acidic soils
that may burn the plant, bugs will go and start an infestation in the soil, it
effects plants growth, the soil pollution eats away at the nutrients and
becomes a bigger soil polluter, not enough drainage, new soil diseases develop
every year, not enough moisture in the soil.
As you can see, pollutants can impact soil everywhere. And the effects are
potentially disastrous: small chemical changes in soil can render an area
inhospitable to plants, virtually eliminating the food chain’s foundation. Also,
chemicals that runoff through soil into rivers and streams can contaminate
drinking water. For farmers, pollutants can reduce crop yields and lead to
heavy erosion.
Health effects
Contaminated or polluted soil directly affects human health through direct contact
with soil or via inhalation of soil contaminants which have vaporized; potentially
greater threats are posed by the infiltration of soil contamination into
groundwater aquifers used for human consumption, sometimes in areas apparently
far removed from any apparent source of above ground contamination.
The long term effects of soil pollution are many and can be difficult to deal with,
depending on the nature of the contamination.
Soil Pollution Problems
Even when soil is not being used for food, the matter of its contamination can be a
health concern. This is especially so when that soil is found in parks, neighborhoods
or other places where people spend time.
Health effects will be different depending on what kind of pollutant is in the soil.
It can range from developmental problems, such as in children exposed to lead, to
cancer from chromium and some chemicals found in fertilizer, whether those
chemicals are still used or have been banned but are still found in the soil.
Some soil contaminants increase the risk of leukemia, while others can lead to
kidney damage, liver problems and changes in the central nervous system.
Those are just the long term effects of soil pollution. In the short term, exposure
to chemicals in the soil can lead to headaches, nausea, fatigue and skin rashes at
the site of exposure.
Environmental Long Term Effects of Soil Pollution
When it comes to the environment itself, the toll of contaminated soil is even more
dire. Soil that has been contaminated should no longer be used to grow food,
because the chemicals can leech into the food and harm people who eat it.
If contaminated soil is used to grow food, the land will usually produce lower yields
than it would if it were not contaminated. This, in turn, can cause even more harm
because a lack of plants on the soil will cause more erosion, spreading the
contaminants onto land that might not have been tainted before.
In addition, the pollutants will change the makeup of the soil and the types of
microorganisms that will live in it. If certain organisms die off in the area, the
larger predator animals will also have to move away or die because they've lost
their food supply. Thus it's possible for soil pollution to change whole ecosystems.
Control Measures
Most importantly, recycle. The less trash we put out, the less chance that
trash will end up in our soil. If you’re a gardener, use environmentally-friendly
insect control methods. And, if you can, buy organic food that wasn’t grown
using harmful pesticides. It’s hard to worry about the soil’s health as new
factories, highways, and buildings go up, but it deserves some serious
consideration [edit]
Excavate soil and take it to a disposal site away from ready pathways for
human or sensitive ecosystem contact. This technique also applies to dredging
of bay muds containing toxins.
Aeration of soils at the contaminated site (with attendant risk of
creating air pollution)
Thermal remediation by introduction of heat to raise subsurface
temperatures sufficiently high to volatize chemical contaminants out of the soil
for vapour extraction. Bioremediation, involving microbial digestion of certain
organic chemicals. Techniques used in bioremediation include land
farming, biostimulation and bioaugmentating soil biota with commercially
available micro flora.
Extraction of groundwater or soil vapor with an
active electromechanical system, with subsequent stripping of the contaminants
from the extract.
Containment of the soil contaminants (such as by capping or paving over in
Phytoremediation, or using plants (such as willow) to extract heavy metals
Dealing with Soil Pollution
There are some ways to get soil back to its pristine condition or to remove the
spoiled soil so the land can be used for agriculture again. Tainted soil can be
transported to a site where humans won't be exposed to the chemicals, or the soil
can be aerated to remove some of the chemicals (which can add the problem of air
pollution if the chemicals can be released into the air).
Other options include what's known as bioremidiation, where microorganisms are
used to consume the pollution-causing compounds as well as electromechanical
systems for extracting chemicals, and containment of chemicals by paving over the
tainted area.
None of these are an ideal solution. Preventing contamination in the first place is
the best way to go. It won't eliminate all potential pollution problems, but choosing
to farm organically is a good way to protect the soil (and yourself) from chemicals
found in pesticides and other common garden chemicals.
Definition of Noise Pollution: annoying and potentially harmful environmental noise
Noise pollution
Noise pollution (or environmental noise) is displeasing human, animal or machine-created
sound that disrupts the activity or balance of human or animal life. The word noise comes
from the Latin word nauseas, meaning seasickness.
Indoor and outdoor noise pollution sources include car alarms, emergency service sirens,
mechanical equipment, fireworks, compressed air horns, ground skeeping equipment,
barking dogs, appliances, lighting hum, audio entertainment systems, electric megaphones,
and loud people.
No one on earth can escape the sounds of noise- an unwanted, disturbing sound
that causes a nuisance in the eye of the beholder. Noise is a disturbance to the
human environment that is escalating at such a high rate that it will become a
major threat to the quality of human lives. In the past thirty years, noise in all
areas, especially in urban areas, have been increasing rapidly.
All of us are constantly exposed to sound. Those like the twittering of birds, the
rustling of leaves, the gentle lapping of waves are natural sounds that would strike
a responsive chord in most of us. But when even pleasant sounds become too loud,
they become unwanted noise. Sound levels are measured in decibels (dB). It is a
unit for expressing the relative intensity of sound on a scale from zero (for the
average least perceptible sound) to about 130 for the average pain level.
Sources of Noises
A survey carried out in Bombay by the Society for Clean Environment (SOCLEEN)
and Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for Hearing Handicapped revealed that the
main sources for noise were:
1. Road Traffic
2. Use of loudspeakers
3. Bursting of crackers
4. Industrial activities
5. Railways
6. Aircrafts
7. Radio and Television
- Sounds from Motor Vehicles.
- Sounds from musicle instruments.
- poor urban planning
- Noise from aircrafts and railways.
- Car alarms
- Office equipment
- Factory machinery
- Construction work
- Groundskeeping Equipment
- Barking animals
- Appliances
- Power tools
- Lighting hum
- Audio instruments
- Loudspeakers
- Noise created by people.
Human health: Noise effects are both health and behavioral in nature.The unwanted
sound is called noise. This unwanted sound can damage physiological and psychological
health. Noise pollution can cause annoyance and aggression, hypertension, high stress
levels, tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and other harmful effects. [3][4][5]
Furthermore, stress and hypertension are the leading causes to health problems,
whereas tinnitus can lead to forgetfulness, severe depression and at times panic attacks. [4]
Chronic exposure to noise may cause noise-induced hearing loss. Older males exposed to
significant occupational noise demonstrate significantly reduced hearing sensitivity than
their non-exposed peers, though differences in hearing sensitivity decrease with time and
the two groups are indistinguishable by age 79. [8] A comparison of Maaban tribesmen, who
were insignificantly exposed to transportation or industrial noise, to a typical U.S.
population showed that chronic exposure to moderately high levels of environmental noise
contributes to hearing loss.[3]
High noise levels can contribute to cardiovascular effects and exposure to moderately high
levels during a single eight hour period causes a statistical rise in blood pressure of five to
ten points and an increase in stress[3] and vasoconstriction leading to the increased blood
pressure noted above as well as to increased incidence of coronary artery disease.
Noise pollution is also a cause of annoyance. A 2005 study by Spanish researchers found
that in urban areas households are willing to pay approximately four Euros per decibel per
year for noise reduction.[9]
Environmental effect
Noise can have a detrimental effect on animals by causing stress, increasing risk of death
by changing the delicate balance in predator/prey detection and avoidance, and by
interfering with their use of sounds in communication especially in relation to reproduction
and in navigation. Acoustic overexposure can lead to temporary or permanent loss of
An impact of noise on animal life is the reduction of usable habitat that noisy areas may
cause, which in the case of endangered species may be part of the path to extinction.
Noise pollution has caused the death of certain species of whales that beached themselves
after being exposed to the loud sound of military sonar.[11]
Noise also makes species communicate louder, which is called Lombard vocal response.
Scientists and researchers have conducted experiments that show whales' song length
is longer when submarine-detectors are on.[13] If creatures do not "speak" loud enough,
their voice will be masked by anthropogenic sounds. These unheard voices might be
warnings, finding of prey, or preparations of net-bubbling. When one species begins
speaking louder, it will mask other species' voice, causing the whole ecosystem to
eventually speak louder.
European Robins living in urban environments are more likely to sing at night in places with
high levels of noise pollution during the day, suggesting that they sing at night because it
is quieter, and their message can propagate through the environment more clearly. [14] The
same study showed that daytime noise was a stronger predictor of nocturnal singing than
night-time light pollution, to which the phenomenon is often attributed.
Zebra finches become less faithful to their partners when exposed to traffic noise. This
could alter a population's evolutionary trajectory by selecting traits, sapping resources
normally devoted to other activities and thus lead to profound genetic and evolutionary
Most of society is now aware that noise can damage hearing. However, short of a
threat that disaster would overtake the human race if nothing is done about noise,
it is unlikely that many people today would become strongly motivated to do
something about the problem. Yet, the evidence about the ill effects of noise does
not allow for complacency or neglect. For instance, researchers working with
children with hearing disorders are constantly reminded of the crucial importance
of hearing to children. In the early years the child cannot learn to speak without
special training if he has enough hearing loss to interfere effectively with the
hearing of words in context (Bugliarello, et al., 1976). In this respect, there is a
clear need for parents to protect their children’s hearing as they try to
protect their eyesight. If no steps are taken to lessen the effects of noise, we
may expect a significant percentage of future generations to have hearing damage.
It would be difficult to predict the total outcome if total population would suffer
hearing loss. Conceivably, the loss could even be detrimental to our survival if it
were ever necessary for us to be able to hear high frequencies. Colavita has
consistently been unable to find among university students in his classes any who
could hear 20 kHz, although the classical results of Fletcher and Munson show 20
kHz as an audible frequency (Fletcher, 1953).
There are two types of hearing loss: conductive and sensorineural (see fig.1 for
anatomy of the ear). In conductive deafness sound-pressure waves never reach the
cochlea, most often as a consequence of a ruptured eardrum or a defect in the
ossicles of the middle ear (Bugliarello, et al., 1976).
The three bones form a system of levers linked together, hammer pushing anvil,
anvil-pushing stirrup. Working together, the bones amplify the force of sound
vibrations. Taken together, the bones double, often treble the force of the
vibrations reaching the eardrum (Bugliarello, et al., 1976).
When jarring sounds with their rapid vibrations strike the eardrum; the muscles
twist the bones slightly, allowing the stirrup to rotate in a different direction.
With this directional shift, less force is transmitted to the inner ear: less, not all
(Bugliarello, et al., 1976).
The human ear is a delicate and fragile anatomical structure on the other hand
it’s a fairly powerful physical force. These muscles act quickly but not always
as in examples of when the ear catches the sound of gun being shot unexpectedly.
The muscles of the ear were relaxed and were unprepared for such a blast,
because of this damage was done.
Conductive hearing loss can be minimized, even overcome by use of the familiar
hearing aids. The most common is worn over the mastoid bond behind the pinna. It
picks up sound waves and transmits them through the skull to the cochlea.
Sensorineural hearing loss, the most common form in the United States, occurs as
a result of advancing age as well as exposure to loud noises. In both instances
there is a disruption of the organ of Corti. The organ serves two functions:
converting mechanical energy to electrical and dispatching to the brain a coded
version of the original sound with information bout frequency, intensity, and
timbre. The hair cells of the organ of Corti send their electrochemical signals into
the central nervous system, where the signals are picked up by thousands of
auditory nerve fibers and transmitted to the brain. It is the decoding of all the
information that enables a person to distinguish the unique ant separate sounds of
a violin, trumpet, and clarinet, even all three are playing the same note.
The organ of corti, a gelatinous mass, is on of the best protected parts of the
body, encased as it is within the cochlea which in turn is deeply embedded in the
temporal bone, perhaps the hardest of the 206 bones (Bugliarello, et al., 1976).
None the less, loud noise can damage the hair cells and the auditory nerve,
producing at times, depending on the type of noise, sudden and often total
Sustained noise over a period of time can also engender sensorineural deafness in
the form of gradual losses in hearing. This is the most common loss in teenagers
today listening to loud rock music (Bugliarello, et al., 1976).
Noise is harmful. Damage caused by noise can range from bursting of eardrum,
permanent hearing loss (in a recent survey 80% of Traffic Police in Pune were
found to be deaf), cardiac and cardiovascular changes, stress, fatigue, lack of
concentration, deterioration in motor and psychomotor functions, nausea,
disturbance of sleep, headaches, insomnia, and loss of appetite and much other
damage is caused. Pregnant women exposed to high noise levels may be at risk.
Harmful effects are there even if you don’t feel you are being disturbed.
Psychological disturbances and emotional distress also occur - violent conduct by
persons continuously exposed to unbearable noise.
The National Physical Laboratory has found that Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta are
the noisiest cities in the world. Even the Election Commission has recognized the
harmful effects of noise and banned use of loudspeakers during the elections.
Widespread ill effects of Noise Pollution such as high blood pressure, increased
acidity and peptic ulcer formation, deafness, mental agitation and disturbance of
sleep generally became known to people in early 1980s. So far Bombay Police Act
1951 and Bombay Municipal Corporation Act 1888 considered noise as just a
nuisance, now it is known as major health hazard. We in India are exposed not only
to noises, common to most countries, but in addition we have to face misuse of
loudspeakers, loud and shrill vehicle horns, noisy crackers, etc, which are firmly put
down in most countries.
Control Measures
Mitigation and control of noise
Aircraft noise can be reduced to some extent by design of quieter jet engines, which was
pursued vigorously in the 1970s and 1980s. This strategy has brought limited but
noticeable reduction of urban sound levels. Reconsideration of operations, such as
altering flight paths and time of day runway use, has demonstrated benefits for
residential populations near airports. FAA sponsored residential retrofit (insulation)
programs initiated in the 1970s has also enjoyed success in reducing
interior residential noise in thousands of residences across the United States.
Exposure of workers to Industrial noise has been addressed since the 1930s. Changes
include redesign of industrial equipment, shock mounting assemblies and physical barriers
in the workplace.
Noise Free America, a national anti-noise pollution organization, regularly lobbies for the
enforcement of noise ordinances at all levels of government. [17]
Legal status
Governments up until the 1970s viewed noise as a "nuisance" rather than an environmental
problem. In the United States there are federal standards for highway and aircraft noise;
states and local governments typically have very specific statutes on building codes, urban
planning and roadway development. In Canada and the EU there are few national, provincial,
or state laws that protect against noise.
Noise laws and ordinances vary widely among municipalities and indeed do not even exist in
some cities. An ordinance may contain a general prohibition against making noise that is a
nuisance, or it may set out specific guidelines for the level of noise allowable at certain
times of the day and for certain activities.
Dr. Paul Herman wrote the first comprehensive noise codes in 1975 for Portland,
Oregon with funding from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and HUD (Housing
and Urban Development). The Portland Noise Code became the basis for most other
ordinances for major U.S. and Canadian metropolitan regions. [18]
The notable exception to this rule is the City of Portland Oregon which has instituted an
aggressive protection for its citizens with fines reaching as high at $5000 per infraction,
with the ability to cite a responsible noise violator multiple times in a single day.
Many conflicts over noise pollution are handled by negotiation between the emitter and the
receiver. Escalation procedures vary by country, and may include action in conjunction with
local authorities, in particular the police. Noise pollution often persists because only five
to ten percent of people affected by noise will lodge a formal complaint. Many people are
not aware of their legal right to quiet and do not know how to register a complaint.
There are numerous effects on the human environment due to the increase in noise
pollution. In the following paper, the cause and effects of noise pollution will be
presented in some detail. Slowly, insensibly, we seem to accept noise and the
physiological and psychological deterioration that accompanies it as an inevitable
part of our lives. Although we attempt to set standards for some of the most
major sources of noise, we often are unable to monitor them. Major sources of
noise can be airplanes at takeoff and landing, and a truck just off the assembly
line, yet we seem accept and enjoy countless other sounds, from hard rock music to
loud Harley Davidson motor cycles.