Kossover Notice of Claim May 2020
Kossover Notice of Claim May 2020
Kossover Notice of Claim May 2020
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Claimants above named, through their attorneys E.
Respondent for monetary damages for injuries to reputation, personal injuries, economic
losses, harms and damages, all of the foregomg having been sustained as a result of the
intentional and deliberate false statements and misstatements by die above-named Respondents
defaming,libeling and slandering the Claimant Andrew Kossover, and in support ofthe above,
the Claimants state:
1. The post office address ofthe Claimants is P,0. Box 399, New Paltz, Ulster County,
New York 12561.
3. The Claimants are lawyers and practice together at the firm of Kossovca: Law
Offices, LLP located at 40 Main Street, New Paltz, New York 12561.
4. The Clmmant Andrew Kossover was the Public Defender ofUlster County.
5. The Re^ndent Patrick K.Ryan is the Ulster County Executive.
Fair Street, Kingston, New York,the Respondents herein requested that Andrew Kossover resign as
release regarding Andrew Kossover as the Ulster County Public Defender. Annexed hereto, made a
part hereof,and incorporated herein by refer^ice, isa copy of said press release entitled "Statement
8. The press release was issued publicly and made avmlable to multiple public news
10. The aforesaid misstatements and frlsehoods were both explicit andimplicit
11. The press release attributed a $2.5 million loss in State revenue to financial
mismanagement by the Claimant Andrew Kossover.
13. The aforesaid press release blamed Mh. Kossover for failing to claim nearly
$2.5 million in available state funding.
15. The said press release stated that Mr. Kossov^ had resigned.
17. Tfte language ofsaid statemoits in the press release are those offoe Respondents in
whole or in part and are foe responsibility offoe Respondents.
]8. The press release as constructed and structured, and taken as a whole,falsely, and
wrongfidly attributed the blameto Mr.Kossover forfinancial mismanagement ofthe Ulster Coimty
19. The aforesaid press release were and are mat^ially false and the Respondent
made false derogatory spoken statments to the media and others resulting in further damage to
21. The Respondents published and authorized the publication ofthe aforedescribed
statements knowing them to be false or with reckless disregard for the truth,
23. The aforesaid statements and the attached Statonent were made with full
knowledge thatthe same would irreparably injure Mr.Kossover's reputation asaPublic Defends
and lawyer and would irreparably damage the law practice of the private law firm of the
Claimants hereiiL
25. The aforesaid statements and the attached Statement were publi^ed and
republished by multiple newsp^jers and news outlets for days and wedcs following the initial
publication ofthe statements and the attached Statement by the Respondents dated February 14,
26. Mr. Kossover requested that the Respondents retract die press release and
27. The Respondents have not retracted nor corrected the press release or statements.
30. The Respondents' conduct in initially making the false press release and
statements and then refusing to consider or issue corrections, restat^ents or retractions was
31. That the Respondent Patrick K.Ryan was at all times acting as the Ulster County
32. That the Respondent, the County of Ulster, was at all times legally responsible
for the actions, conduct and statements ofits County Executive Patrick K.Ryan.
33. As a result of the Respondents' conduct, Mr. Kossover has been permanently
injured in his reputatico), standing in the community, standing as a lawyer, and in his private
practice of law.
34. As a result of the Respondoits' conduct, Mr. and Mrs. Kossover in their private
practice oflaw as the firm ofKossover Law Offices,LLP,have been permanently and irreparably
injured and damaged.
35. As a result of Respondents' conduct, the Claimant's law firm and Claimants
personally suffered advise economic and practice consequences.
Kossover has suffered derivative spousal damages as a result of the conduct ofthe Respondents.
38. Because of the Respondents' intentional, willful, and reckless conduct as set forth
40. By reason ofall ofthe foregoing,the Claimants demand and are entitled to substantial
monetary judgments against the Respondents herein for the harm, injury, damage, and loss to the
Claimants resulting from the Respondents'conduct
Andrew Kossover
Victoria Kossover
Attorneys for Claimants
28 Second Street
Troy, New York 12180
We, ANDREW KOSSOVER and VICTORIA KOSSOVER,are the Claimants in the above-
entitled action, and we have read the foregoing NOTICE OF CLAIM and know the contents thereof
The contents are true to our own knowledge except as to those matters therein stated to be alleged i^n
Andrew Kossover
Victoria Kossover
Notary Public, State of New York
Qualified in Ulster County
Registration No.01SE47S6022
My Commission Expires /^rii 30.20.2^
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