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Hardware-software complex for acupuncture diagnostics on BAP and BAZ, testing of

medicines, electric treatment and bioresonance therapy

ТУ 9444-001-0116473274-2009

The device is certificated.


Table of contents

INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................6
General information.........................................................................................................................6
Delivery set:.................................................................................................................................8
Computer system requirements .................................................................................................11
Installation of the complex ............................................................................................................12
Turn off User Account Control in Windows Vista/7/8.1/10 .....................................................12
Installation of the Voll Office program .....................................................................................15
Connection and setting of the device.........................................................................................21
Driver check and reinstallation..................................................................................................23
common troubles and remedies .....................................................................................................27
Contacting Technical Support ...................................................................................................29
System information ...............................................................................................................30
program description.......................................................................................................................32
Working with the program ........................................................................................................32
Program Settings .......................................................................................................................34
Addition and saving of patients database ..................................................................................40
Addition and saving of files of digital medicine electronic copies and databases ....................41
Analog and digital medicine copies ..........................................................................................44
Information ................................................................................................................................44
Image display settings ...............................................................................................................45
Voll diagnostics .............................................................................................................................47
Main principles and the preparations for the electropuncture measurements ...........................47
The preparation of a patient.......................................................................................................47
The conducting of the quadrantic measurements ......................................................................48
Interpretation of the quadrantic measurement results ..........................................................48
BAP search and measurement ...................................................................................................49
Main features about BAP measurements...............................................................................49
Work sequence ......................................................................................................................49
BAP search ............................................................................................................................51
The interpretation of BAP measurement results....................................................................52
The phenomenon of “indicator drop”....................................................................................53
Indications and contraindications ..............................................................................................54
Indications .............................................................................................................................54
Conducting of measurements ....................................................................................................54
Measurement order for quadrant leads.................................................................................55
BAP measurement order: ......................................................................................................56
Projections of foot BAPs on hands............................................................................................57
Location and description of CMP doublers of CMP foot meridians on palms .....................58
Voll diagnostics options ............................................................................................................59
Express analysis ....................................................................................................................59
Screening analysis .................................................................................................................59
Meridian analysis ..................................................................................................................59
Diagnosis analysis.................................................................................................................59
Training for doctors ..............................................................................................................59
Voll’s device ..........................................................................................................................60
The medicine testing......................................................................................................................60
General information...................................................................................................................60
Usage .........................................................................................................................................64
Testing procedure ......................................................................................................................66
Recording of medicines to carrier and creating the medicine electronic copies (bioenergetic
The medicine testing..................................................................................................................69
Testing order .........................................................................................................................71
Editing of prescription...............................................................................................................74
Testing from container ..............................................................................................................76
Medicine recording to the database ...........................................................................................78
Editing of medicines in database ...............................................................................................80
Information transference and potentiation (active imprinter)....................................................83
Transference order ................................................................................................................85
Medicine search in the database ................................................................................................86
Recommended medicines ..........................................................................................................86
Work sequence.......................................................................................................................86
Voll electrotherapy ........................................................................................................................90
General information...................................................................................................................90
The mechanisms of therapeutic effect .......................................................................................90
Electropuncture procedure.........................................................................................................91
Energy imbalance restoration (Conductance therapy)...............................................................92
Indications and contraindications ..............................................................................................96
Procedure room .........................................................................................................................98
Quadrant leads therapy order ...............................................................................................99
BAP therapy order.................................................................................................................99
Electric current parameters ..................................................................................................99
Therapy duration ...................................................................................................................99
Therapy by nosologies.............................................................................................................100
Therapy order ......................................................................................................................100
Electric current parameters ................................................................................................101
Therapy duration .................................................................................................................101
Rolling with the roller electrode..........................................................................................102
Therapy by effects ...................................................................................................................103
Therapy order:.....................................................................................................................103
Electric current parameters ................................................................................................104
Therapy duration .................................................................................................................104
Therapy under the schedule.....................................................................................................105
Therapy order ......................................................................................................................105
Electric current parameters ................................................................................................106
Electropuncture procedure.......................................................................................................108
Especial biologically active points ......................................................................................112
Biologically active points providing general stimulating effect..........................................113
Procedure room .......................................................................................................................114
BAP therapy order...............................................................................................................114
Therapy by nosologies.............................................................................................................116
Therapy order ......................................................................................................................116
Chronopuncture (open point calculation) ................................................................................117
Operation procedure ...........................................................................................................119
Procedure room .......................................................................................................................138
Therapy order ......................................................................................................................139
Therapy by nosologies.............................................................................................................140
Therapy order ......................................................................................................................141
Muscle stimulation ..................................................................................................................142
Therapy by zones.....................................................................................................................145
The general algorithm for the treatment of painful conditions................................................155
Therapy order:.....................................................................................................................155
bioResonance Therapy (BRT) .....................................................................................................156
Bioresonance therapy procedure .............................................................................................158
Therapy order using quadrant leads ...................................................................................158
BAP therapy order...............................................................................................................159
Therapy duration .................................................................................................................159
Information transference and saving (autonosode) .................................................................159
Procedure of transference from quadrant leads .................................................................161
Procedure of transference from BAP ..................................................................................162
Therapy by medicines..............................................................................................................162
Work sequence for quadrant leads therapy.........................................................................163
BAP therapy order...............................................................................................................163
Therapy duration .................................................................................................................164
Antiparasitic BRT....................................................................................................................165
Therapy order:.....................................................................................................................165
Electric current parameters: ...............................................................................................166
Personal techniques creation ...............................................................................................166
Frequency BRT .......................................................................................................................167
Therapy order:.....................................................................................................................167
Electric current parameters: ...............................................................................................167
Personal techniques creation ...............................................................................................167
Vegetative Resonance Test (VRT) ..............................................................................................169
Technique description .............................................................................................................169
Functional load ........................................................................................................................171
Work sequence for quadrant leads therapy.........................................................................171
BAP therapy order: .............................................................................................................172
Electric current parameters: ...............................................................................................172
Therapy duration .................................................................................................................172
Vega analysis...........................................................................................................................173
Measurement order: ............................................................................................................174
Vega electronic ........................................................................................................................176
Measurement order .............................................................................................................177
Prescription editing .............................................................................................................180
Preparation of Epiphysis filter medicines ...........................................................................181
Ryodoraku ...................................................................................................................................182
Su-Jok method .............................................................................................................................190
Testing order: ......................................................................................................................191
Saving diagnostics results ...................................................................................................191
AURICULAR DIAGNOSticS.....................................................................................................196
Testing order: ......................................................................................................................207
Procedure room .......................................................................................................................207
BAP therapy order: .............................................................................................................208
Therapy by nosologies.............................................................................................................209
Therapy order ......................................................................................................................209
Diagnostics reports and administration of treatment...................................................................211
Nakatani diagnostics reports...............................................................................................214
Diagnoses view........................................................................................................................215
Diagrams and histograms ........................................................................................................216
Nakatani diagrams and histograms: ...................................................................................218
Visualization of spinal column state........................................................................................221
Visualization of organs state....................................................................................................222
Safety requirements .....................................................................................................................228
Transportation and storage ..........................................................................................................229
The maintenance..........................................................................................................................229
Guarantee obligations..................................................................................................................229

Voll Office, hardware-software complex for acupuncture diagnostics on BAP and BAZ,
testing of medicines, electric treatment and bioresonance therapy (henceforth referred as HSC
Voll Office or complex) consists of Voll Office software (henceforth referred as Voll Office or
program) and medical device of Master version (henceforth referred as Master or device). The
complex is intended for estimation of the functional status of the human body by testing of
biologically active points (BAP) and biologically active zones (BAZ) using electropuncture
diagnostics; for testing of medicines, electric and bioresonance therapy for treatment of diseases
of various etiology as well as for normalization of the disordered body functions. The complex
consists of a hardware component (the device connected to PC) and the program. Read the
operating instructions thoroughly before you start working with the unit. Accuracy of the results
obtained, treatment efficiency as well as convenience in work depend on if the device is properly
connected and set up.

HSC Voll Office has several modules for diagnostics (Voll, Ryodoraku, Su-Jok, Vega
Test, Aurametry, Auriculodiagnostics) and treatment (Bioresonance, Antiparasitic and
Frequency therapy, Electric treatment, Physical and Reflex therapy, Acupuncture), as well as
embedded database with more than 17 000 electronic drug copies for testing of medicines.
The complex is intended for use in healthcare facilities, medical treatment and preventive
care institutions.
Personal computer and printer should not be located near a patient (the distance must be
at least 1.5 m).
Mean time between failures is not less than 2200 hours.
An average lifetime of the device is at least 5 years.
Criterion of limit state should be an economic inexpediency of restoration of
The continuous work time of the device is not permitted to exceed 8 hours.

Power supply from USB port, V 5

AC external power supply, V 220

Isolation operating voltage (for patient protection), V 4 000

Maximum power consumption, VA 80

Speed, measurements per second, s 35 000

Voltage on electrodes in the Voll diagnostics mode, V +1.28

Current in the Voll diagnostics mode, A 12

Voltage on electrodes in the Nakatani diagnosis mode, V 12

Current in the Nakatani diagnosis mode, A 200

Voltage on electrodes in the Su-Jok diagnosis mode, V 5

Current in the Su-Jok diagnosis mode, A 10

Maximum voltage on electrodes in the electrotherapy mode, V +/–24

Maximum current in the electrotherapy mode, mA 20

Conventional operating current of a protective device in the

electrotherapy mode, mA

Current measurement accuracy in the electrotherapy mode, mA 0.004

Frequency range in the electrotherapy mode Hz 0…10

Maximum modulating frequency in the electrophysiotherapy mode, Hz 250

Maximum carrier frequency in the electrophysiotherapy mode, Hz 1 000 000

Frequency range in the mode of antiparasitic bioresonance therapy, Hz 0.1 – 5 000 000

Frequency adjustment accuracy, Hz 0.1

Polarity of impulses in the electrotherapy mode +/–/bipolar

Impulse shape in the electrotherapy mode

Impulse shape in the mode of antiparasitic bioresonance therapy meander

Quantity of modes of electrophysiotherapy, pcs 23

Frequency range in the mode of analog bioresonance therapy, Hz 0 – 20 000 000

Amplification in the mode of analog bioresonance therapy, unit 1 – 32

Maximum amount of cells in the medicine selector, pcs 32 000

Gross weight of the device, kg 1.5

Dimensions, mm
156 × 180 × 44


There are symbols of sockets and indicators on the front panel of Master device:

Electrodes — a socket for the connection of the patient cable;

Test — a socket for the connection of the cable for testing;
V (Voll) — indication of the Voll diagnostics mode, vegetoresonance testing and
auricular diagnostics;
R (Ryodoraku) — indication of the Ryodoraku diagnostics mode (Nakatani’s technique)
and Su-Jok diagnostics mode;
T (Therapy) — indication of any type of electrical therapy in progress;
N (Nozod) — indication of recording of electronic drug copies.

Delivery set:

Cylindrical electrodes (2 pcs.)

Electrode probe (with replaceable


Containers for testing (2 pcs.)

Electrodes for electrotherapy

(2 pcs.)

Plug-snap connectors to connect

the electrodes for physiotherapy
produced by outside manufacturers
(2 pcs.)

Replaceable tip for the electrode

probe to carry out Nakatani

Replaceable tip for the electrode

probe to carry out Su-Jok and
auricular diagnostics, as well as
for the child health assessments

Adhesive soft cloth tape for
fixation of electrodes for electric
physiotherapy on the patient’s

Patient cable

Cable for testing

Cable for connecting device to PC,

USB 2.0 A (male) — В (male)

Device power cable

It is not advised connection the
device to 220 V mains supply
during diagnostics.

Compact Disc with installation
files, drivers, utilities and
extensive documentation.

Computer system requirements

Operating system: Windows XP/VISTA/7/8/10
Processor: not less than Celeron 1000
Video adapter: any model supporting version DirectX 6.1 or higher (i. e. released in 2000 or
Random access memory: 256 Mbytes
Hard disc free space: at least 25 Mbytes
At least 1 serial USB port
If the CD with software is intended to use, CD-ROM is required.
For reproduction of sound, an audio card and speakers are required.

Preferable screen resolution is at least 1280x1024 for the most comfortable conditions of

Log in as an administrator. Do not connect Master to your computer!

Turn off User Account Control in Windows Vista/7/8.1/10

It is advised to turn off User Account Control in order to ensure that Windows system
facilities do not adversely affect such functions as addition of clients to the Voll Office program,
report generation, etc.
If METRO interface in Windows is active, navigate to Desktop.

Click the Start button in the left bottom corner of Desktop Windows, open Control
Panel using search box.

Click the User Accounts link in Control Panel.

Click the User Accounts link one more time.

In the opened Make changes to your User Account window click the bottom Change
User Account Control settings link:

In the Choose when to be notified about changes to your computer window drag the
slider to the lowermost position Never notify and click the OK button.

Then confirm selected action by clicking Yes in the relevant window:

Installation of the Voll Office program

Insert the Installation CD into CD-ROM drive.

Run the setup program diaginst_en.exe

The Windows Security message will appear during the driver installation process. Tick
the Always trust software from box and click the Install button:

It is advisable to answer “Yes” to all question of Setup Wizard during the installation.

During the installation process you will be offered to choose the directory for installation
of the program. It is preferable to leave it at its default setting and click the Next button:

The setup program will run. Do not interrupt the installation process!

At the final stage of program installation the setup of the drivers will be performed
automatically. Click the Next button.

The Windows Security message will appear during the driver installation process.

Tick the box Always trust software from and click the Install button.

At the final stage of program installation such window will be shown:

Upon completion of the installation process, a dialog box will be shown and you will be
offered to run the program.

When the Voll Office complex is installed and you are going to connect the device to
your PC and install drivers for the first time, it is not advisable to run the program before the
device initialization (you should untick the box Launch Voll Office). It is advisable to run the
program after the device initialization without disconnecting it.

At the first launch of the program after the installation of a new version, a dialog box
prompts you to save or update database:

If you do not want to remove the database of all the examinations, created techniques,
etc. completely, you should remain the tick in the Updating database box.
If you replace the tick into the box Replace database, all entries about receptions,
examinations and techniques will be removed from the database without possibility to restore.

Connection and setting of the device

Connection and launch sequence of the Master complex:

1. Turn on the computer
2. Connect the device to USB port of the PC
3. Run the program
4. Connect the device to 220 V mains supply (if required)

If the program Voll Office is running, you should close it before launch of the device for the
first time.

Connect B USB cable to the socket on the rear panel of the device marked as .
Connect A USB cable to the computer. The light on the rear panel of the device (it is the
indicator of power supply) must come on . It is desirable to connect the device to the USB port
on the main system board of the computer, avoiding connection to USB ports of monitor or front
panel base unit.

After connection of the device to the USB port, lights on the front panel of the Master
device must come on consecutively in the following order: V-R-T-N-T-R-V.

In the right bottom corner of the screen the message about installation of the device will

The device must be installed automatically.

For additional power supply for the Master complex (for example, when conducting
electrotherapy), connect one end of the power supply cable to the socket of the device and other
end to the 220 V 50 Hz mains supply. Additional power supply is required only when
conducting electric physiotherapy with increased current.

Connect plug of the miniXLP patient cable to the socket Electrodes of the device. The
cable has plugs: red is active (positive) for connection of the ebonite electrode probe or the
cylindrical electrode, and black is passive (negative) for connection of the cylindrical electrode.

Run the Voll Office program. Call the Settings menu, then select Device Settings.

Connect plugs of red and black electrode cables together. When the white line in the
graph rises, wait for the system message that the device is set up successfully: “Setting up is
made”. Digital value of correction makes no difference.

During the automatic setup process of the device, lights on the front panel of the Master
complex come on consecutively in order VRVTV, which means setup and calibration of the
certain channel. N light does not come on during the setup process, because calibration of the
mode of working with medicines is not required.

Upon completion of the setup process, it is advisable to disconnect the device from
the 220 V mains supply, unplugging black mains cable. Device connection to the 220 V mains
supply is required only when conducting physiotherapy with increased current. All other modes
are not required external power supply, just connect the device to USB port.

Driver check and reinstallation

Installed drivers can be viewed in the Device Manager when the device is connected.
On Windows XP PC you should select Control Panel in Start menu, click System,
choose the Hardware tab, and then click the Device Manager button.
On Windows 7 PC you should select Control Panel in Start menu, click Hardware and
Sound, and then choose the Device Manager on the right in the upper line of the opened Devices
and Printers menu.
After driver installation and connection of the device you should see such lines in the list:
*USB controllers* — BIORS medical device
*Ports (COM & LPT)* — USB Biors Serial Port (any number)

If there are no specified lines or they are marked with yellow exclamation sign (it can
also be with a question mark), it means that the driver is installed improperly. In that case you

should install the driver software manually. To do that, move the mouse cursor to this driver,
press the right mouse button, and select in the pop-up window the line Update the driver.

You should further reject connection to Windows Update in the window of Hardware
Update Wizard (tick the box No, not this time).

Then click the Next button and in the following window select Install from a specific

Click the Next button and include the install directory C:\Program Files
(x86)\Biors\Voll Office Rus\drv\ in the driver search in the following window Please choose
your search and installation options using the Browse button.

After clicking the Next button the Hardware Update Wizard will run and install the
required driver.

There are no images of BAPs during the diagnostics process (the atlas is not visible)
Sometimes after the program installation images are disappeared completely or partially.
90 % problem with the display are resolved by installation of drivers for VGA adapter. Although
Microsoft includes drivers in Windows installation software, it often “forget” about
implementation of some functions. This is particularly true for OS Windows 10. Required display
drivers must be on the CD when you purchase a computer or it is possible to download them
from the website of the video card manufacturer.

The shutdown of the device occasionally occurs with subsequent spontaneous start
When the electric power is switched on and/or off, a short term deactivation of the device
driver is possible. In the info window the message “The device is lost” will appear, accompanied
by sound signal. In that case you should not do anything, the program itself will found the device
in 30–40 seconds. If the plug is not tightly inserted into the socket, periodic disconnection of the
device is possible due to swinging or twitching of the plug in the socket. In that case you should
unplug the device from the 220 V mains supply and work from the USB port only.

There are no sounds during the measurements

1. Install audio card or drivers for it.
2. If audio card is installed, but still there are no sounds during the BAP
measurements, it means that system sounds in Windows are muted. You should unmute them:
select Control Panel in Start menu, click Hardware and Sound. Then select and click
Change system sounds, under Sound. Select sound scheme (Windows default is okay).

Nosodes from the ROM no longer visible completely or partially

1. If nosodes from the ROM on the list of nosodes are no longer visible, you should
click the Reset button in Settings menu — Program Settings — Testing.

2. There may be cases when after launch of the program the medicines database is
no visible or complex is installed incorrectly. It happens because of UAC
settings (User account control). They do not allow applications to work
correctly; in particular, affect deletion of files. Therefore you should either
disable them, or log in as an administrator every time you run Voll Office (click
the right mouse button on the icon). In that case it may be necessary to enter a
system administrator password:

The program does not “see” the device after its installation or the data from the
device is added incorrectly
In these cases, as well as when the lights on the front panel of the device do not come on
consecutively after its connection to USB port of PC, but the driver of the device is installed and
you can see it in the Device Manager (under USB controllers), i. e. in every possible problem
with the device you should do the following:

1. Close the Voll Office program, disconnect the device from the USB port,
connect the device to the computer again and launch the program. If the problem
persists, you should
2. Change the connection port of the device. And in any case, it is preferable
to use USB ports integrated into the mainboard for connection of the device. It is
not advisable to use USB ports on the front panel of the PC, monitor and other
peripherals. In laptops, it is difficult to define correct USB port, so you should just
change the USB port for the device connection. If the problem still continues, you
3. Delete device drivers. To do that, do not disconnect the device from the
PC, select Control Panel in Start menu, click the Hardware and Sound, then choose
the Device Manager (or click System, choose the Hardware tab, and then click the
Device Manager button). Look for the device drivers Biors Voll Office (they can be
under USB controllers) and USB Biors Serial Port (it can be under Ports COM &
LPT) and delete both (click Delete in menu with the right mouse button).

After that disconnect the device from the PC, connect it again and reinstall drivers. You
can download them from the installation CD from the Drivers directory or from the program
installation directory C:\Program Files\Biors\Voll Office Rus\drv\ft232)

If the program does not “see”the Master device, you should reinstall drivers

Contacting Technical Support

If no action is effective and the program still does not “see” the device, please send us the
scan of Device Manager window (select Control Panel in Start menu, click System, choose the

Hardware tab, and then click the Device Manager button) when device is turned on. The
following lines should be visible (opened):

*USB controllers*
– BIORS Voll Office
*Ports (COM & LPT)*
USB Biors Serial port (any number)

If the program is unstable: hangs up, closes down disorderly, if data transfer from
the device are delayed, or glitch occurs, etc., please send us the system information.

System information
You can get the system information using Windows tools, by means of the msinfo32.exe
utility. This utility provides detailed information about hardware resources, components
(multimedia, input/output, networks, ports, memory), software environment and Internet
Explorer settings.
System information. It displays the basic information about computer (the name and the
version of operating system, installed processor, BIOS version, physical and virtual memory
space and swap-file size).
Hardware resources. It displays the information about hardware settings (direct memory
access (DMA) and Interrupt ReQuest (IRQ) channel, input/output (I/O), memory).
Components. Detailed information about devices (CD-ROM, video unit, audiodevice,
network card, keyboard, mouse, printer, etc.).
Software environment. Installed software, system drivers, running services, etc.
Parameter browser. Information about browser.
To find the information about your computer, go to the Start menu, then click Run or press
WIN + R key combination (simultaneously). In the opened window enter msinfo32.exe and
click OK.

System information (MSINFO32.exe) is as follows:

You can easily save the image of the screen with system information to your clipboard, if
you make a screenshot. A screenshot can be taken by pressing the PrtScn button on the
keyboard when you see needed image on the screen. Then taken screenshot can be pasted into a
document in Word or Paint format (Click the Edit menu, then Paste). Repeat the same operation
for other option from the system information menu.
It is not advisable to take pictures of the monitor screen using photographic camera
or camera phone, because in that case too unclear image is formed. It makes analysis of the
issue much more difficult.

The Voll Office program is intended for the online operation together with Master device
as a hardware-software complex. However, you can as well launch it without connection to the
device in order to become familiar with capabilities in demo mode.

The program has a flexible, user-friendly interface with a lot of options for customizing.
As any other program, it requires some adaptation time and time to learn how to work with it.
However, we hope it will not take users much time and they will be able to evaluate its
capabilities. If you notice a program error, please contact us by email [email protected], and we
will make every effort to fix it as soon as possible.

Working with the program

The Voll Office program has written using advanced software development tools (such as
Microsoft Visual C++, DirectX, openGL, etc.) and has a lot of options for customizing of a user-
friendly interface. In fact, you can get the size of every info window as you want and place it in a
suitable location. To do that, you should “grab” the caption bar by the mouse pointer and “drag”
it in the right direction. In the meantime, the colored rectangles appear, showing the side of the
main window, suitable for attachment of the subdialog box. When you place the cursor with the
subdialog box over one of rectangles, you can attach the subdialog box to any side of the main
window. After that you should release the mouse button. For example, in the picture is shown
how to attach the Statistic window to the right side of the application:

Besides, you can close any window if you are not using it at the moment. To do that, you
should click on the little cross in the right corner at the top of the window. You can call the
window again by clicking the Windows tab.

You can also make pop-up windows. To do that, you should click the Attach button near
the cross when the window is opened (that button is shown in the picture as a pin):

When you place the cursor away from the window, it minimizes to a tab (as shown in the

When you place the cursor over that tab, the window appears on the screen again.

This is an example of multiple ways to arrange windows on the screen:

Preferable screen resolution is at least 1280x1024 for the most comfortable
conditions of work.

Program Settings
For the setting of the program select the Program Settings in the menu:

In the opened dialog box you can set different modes of operation:

Transition between BAPs during testing

If the automatic transition to the next point is selected, the program moves to the next
BAP upon completion of testing of the previous one automatically. If the transition by a Space
bar is selected, the program moves to the next BAP when a user presses a Space bar.

Fixation of the indicator drop

If it is chosen, the program performs measurements in the express and meridian analysis
for specified amount of seconds. This is intended to increase the duration of the measurements
when the indicator drop is fixed. In that case, during measurements the window appears
displaying the amount of seconds remaining before the end of the measurement. You should not
take off the probe from the BAP during measurements until the window disappears.

The quadrant measurements

The program evaluates normal ranges in quadrant measurements either according to Voll
(normal range is 82–86), or according to Kramer (normal range is 80–85).
At saving of examination results

It is possible to save the full diagram when you save results of examination to the
database after testing. If you need not this, it is enough to save 3 values only. In testing of
medicines the full diagram is always saved.

Switching to the Vega testing mode

You can select a classical variant after triple build-up or a

faster option using the Space bar. For emulation of a Space bar
pressing, you can connect the computer to the USB-pedal Single
Foot Switch and therefore move between measurements or switch
to the VEGA test mode, pressing the pedal by foot.

Reproduce sounds during testing

If you select this option, each measurement during testing will be accompanied by sound
signal (an audio card and speakers are required).

Reproduce conductivity sounds during testing

If you select this option, during Voll diagnostics, testing, VEGA test, etc., the program
will send a signal to an audio device (an audio card and speakers are required) according to the
current pointer position, while the sound frequency increases in direct proportion to the pointer
deflection (conductivity decrease).

Reproduce sounds in Voll’s device

If you select this option, during testing the program will send a signal to an audio device
(an audio card and speakers are required) according to the current pointer position.

Always save examination results automatically

If you choose this option, the program will save the results for selected patient in the
database upon completion of examination.

Change pulse polarity automatically

If you select this option, pulse polarity in output during electrotherapy by Voll will
depend on the value of initial testing. If values of initial testing are decreased, the pulse will be
negative. If they are increased, the pulse will be positive.

Automatic transition between BAPs

If you select the automatic transition to the next point, upon completion of Voll therapy
for one BAP the program moves to the next point automatically. If the transition by a SPACE
bar is chosen, the program moves to the next BAP when a user presses a SPACE bar.

Switching to diagnostics mode

This is a possibility to change measurement intervals (of autodiagnostics) during therapy.

Clark therapy

You can change duration of therapy sessions and pauses in antiparasitic treatment by

Offer compensative therapy after diagnostics

If you select this option, the program will offer to perform the compensative therapy after
quadrant measurements (if the obtained results are not within the normal range).

View of the indicator icon by default

You can choose a pointer or a sliding (linear) indicator. It will appear by default in all
dialog boxes. Besides, a user can change an indicator view in all dialog boxes, except Testing
and Vega test, by clicking on it with the right mouse button. In that case, setting of the indicator
view will be saved for this dialog box only.

Change of the sliding indicator color

If a sliding indicator is chosen, this option allows changing of its view, when the values
of conductivity change (the whole band will be colored).

In this window the entries of patient visits and Voll analysis results are kept.

Registry window consists of three main parts:

1. The field used to enter patient parameters. You can enter surname, name,
patronymic (middle name), date of birth, gender, address, phone number, and additional
information about a new patient. To add the data to the database, click the Registration
button. You can change the old data of patient. There will be a confirmation dialog to
confirm your action. It is obligatory to enter surname, name, and date of birth. On these
data the patient is identified in the database.

2. The patients list area. In this area you can view the list of all patients and
select one you need from the list.

3. The area of the examinations list of the selected patient. In this area you
can view the list of all examinations that were made for the patient. When you select
examination from the list, its results immediately display in corresponding examination
windows as well as in windows of diagnoses и diagrams.

When you click the examination with the right mouse button, the menu is shown. In
addition to standard options (such as delete/edit), you can perform data export for the
mathematical analysis:

The data is exported in the format of the mathematical analysis system MathCad. It is
possible to perform any mathematical transformation (Fourier, Laplace, Lorentz, etc.).

The comment on the examination is displayed in circular diagrams.

Addition and saving of patients database
You can save the database using the main program menu: click File and Save.

In the opened menu select the database and the item (for example, full name) that you are
going to save. You can select all or some entries with a mouse. To do that, select entries you
need, holding down the Ctrl button on the keyboard.

Upon completion of items selection, click the Save button, enter the file name and click
the Save button one more time:

You can open (upload to the program) the patient and medicine database using the main
program menu: click File and Open. In the opened menu select the disk with the database that
you are going to upload, and select the file you need.

Entries will be added. Please note that any examination is considered as an entry for the
patient database.

Addition and saving of files of digital medicine electronic copies and


After the complex installation, you can add files of digital drug electronic copies, patient
databases, created techniques and profiles. You can add the files using menu Voll Office
program only (by clicking File and Open), so you should do the following sequence of actions:
Run the Voll Office program.

At the top of the program window click File and Open or press the combination of Ctrl
and O keys.
In the opened menu find a directory where files were placed (for example, on the Voll
Office CD or on the flash drive).
Select the file of patients (for instance, patient.pat), medicines (for example, HEEL.pre),
or profiles and click the Open button.
Wait for it to be added.
To add the next file repeat the procedure.

To save patient databases, created techniques and profiles, you should perform a similar
procedure. You can save the files using menu Voll Office program (click File and Save or press
the combination of Ctrl and S keys).
If you want to select several items in the list you are going to save, press the Ctrl button
on the keyboard and, holding it down, select the desired entries. To select a block, you should
press the Shift key and, holding it down, click with the left mouse button on initial and final
lines of the list.

Then click the Save button, enter the file name, choose the directory to save it and click
the Save button one more time.

Analog and digital medicine copies
The Master device includes the ROM with analog drug copies.
Those medicines are marked in the general list as microchip icons (a black “myriapod”).
They will appear in lists after connection of the Master device to the computer:

If the certain potency for homeopathic remedies is not indicated, it means the remedy is
recorded using the classic potency С3. Potency M1 = C1000. Potency for organotherapeutic
drugs is D6.
It should be noted, that drug efficacy from the ROM is higher because there is an analog
drug copy in the ROM, while on the PC hard disk its digital copy is saved, which leads to some
loss of the information precision.

In this window the information about current program actions and errors is displayed. It is
not advisable for inexperienced users to close this window because the information it contains
facilitates understanding of program actions. The experienced users, knowing all details of
program operations, can close this window.

Image display settings
1. Rotate image (Rotate)
This feature rotates the image of a hand 180 degrees. It allows changing patient hand
position as you need.

You can also rotate 3D image as you want using a mouse. To do that, place the cursor
over the image, then click and hold the right mouse button. When you move the mouse, 3D
image will rotate. It can be useful to specify the localization of the BAP on a bone.

2. Use zoom (Zoom)

This option enables to zoom the certain BAP on a finger.

3. 3D image
Function of switching to three-dimensional view:

Main principles and the preparations for the electropuncture
Preparation of the patient According to Voll R., the patient must prepare for the
examination as follows: stop taking drugs (it is preferable 48 hours before the examination) as
well as remove all jewelry, watches, glasses, etc. in the exam room. The long-term use of
pharmacotherapeutic drugs for chronic diseases does not distort results of diagnostic tests, so
discontinuation is not necessary. It is desirable to go for the examination on an empty stomach.
Any alcohol intake is strictly prohibited. A patient should wear clothes made of natural fabric,
not creating static electricity. It is advisable to take all metal objects off the body (keys, watches,
rings, brooches, earrings, piercing jewelry, etc.). The examined person may also leave these
things nearby to perform the follow-up compatibility test. It is desirable that women remove
IUD, manicure-related and pedicure-related products, cosmetics, etc. the day before the
examination. It i necessary to put away and turn off all devices that generate electromagnetic
fields (paging device or mobile phone).

Workplace requirements During electropuncture measurements, electrical appliances in

the room must be turned off. This relates to:

- TV set- cell phone, radio telephone, paging device- broadcasting, especially FM or AM

stations- X-ray apparatus - ultrasound machine.

If for the artificial lighting the daylight fluorescent lamps are used, they should be placed
at a distance of not less than 1.5 m to the examined person (the distance between filament lamps
and the examined person should be at least 0.5 m). The Central Processing Unit and monitor
should be placed as far away as possible from the location of the measurements.
Artificial floor coverings (such as PVC covering or carpeting) in the room should be avoided due
to the possible static build-up.

These materials do not have any adverse effect:

- linoleum coverings,- wood coverings,- stone flooring.

Power supply lines of 220 V should be placed not closer than 30 cm to a patient. It is
advisable to ground big metal screens and metal handles.

The preparation of a patient

The electropuncture diagnostics by the doctor Voll R. requires that patient's clothes and
underwear are made of cotton. It is best to wear a white non-starched lab coat on bare skin. It is
possible to put rings, necklaces, etc. near to the examined person in order to perform the
compatibility test. It is desirable that women remove IUD, manicure-related and pedicure-related
products, cosmetics, etc. the day before the examination.

Any tight clothing should be unbutton. It is necessary to avoid alcohol and coffee intake
the day before the examination. This also relates to medicines, except for the vital ones. The

patient can bring his/her current medicines to perform the compatibility test (in order to know if
the drugs that a patient takes are benefits or hazards).

The conducting of the quadrantic measurements

To conduct the quadrantic measurements for determination of general energy balance,
you should connect red and black plugs to cylindrical electrodes and then, with respect to
polarity, put them into the right or left hand (put them on the right or left foot respectively). To
perform the quadrantic measurements on feet, the plate (footpad) electrodes are used. In their
absence, you can put a сylindrical electrode on the foot, placing it under toe tips. It is necessary
to wet dry palms or feet with water or wrap the above-mentioned electrodes in 1–2 layers of
gauze, wet with water.

Normal range is 82–86.

Interpretation of the quadrantic measurement results

82-86 — normal range;

87–90 — energy excitation;

91–95 — condition of severe excitation, that is required to be reduced;

higher than 95 — required to be reduced, especially in case of the forthcoming intense

physical activity or surgical intervention (it is advisable to send positive pulses in the
Electrotherapy mode);

Less than 80 — the condition of low level of energy, that is required “charging” (it is
advisable to send negative pulses in the Electrotherapy mode).

Thus, conducting the quadrantic measurements allows getting very valuable information
about patient energy balance. It is possible to locate the body area having energy imbalance
(obtained values are less than 82) or inflammatory process (obtained values are higher than 86).
Possible errors when conducting the quadrantic measurements:

a) No readings on two quadrants. Check whether the electrode is connected properly. If

that's not the problem, it can be a cable defect.

b) The values are too low or too high. Check skin moisture of the patient. If the skin is
too moist, you should dry it. In case of skin dryness you should moisten it.

Special attention needs to be given to a difference in values that exceeds 10 increments

(markings). Hence, in diabetes mellitus the energy of the body right side (pancreas — right hand
and foot) can be depleted.

Very high indicator values can be seen, for example, in hemicrania or thrombophlebitis.

Warning. It is advisable to carry out the quadrantic measurements before the
acupuncture points measurement. If the obtained values are less than 82 or higher than 86, it
is desirable to move to Voll electrotherapy menu and “roll-in” or “roll-out” the energy (i. e.
you should perform general quadrantic electrotherapy). Otherwise, further diagnosis will not
be entirely accurate.

BAP search and measurement

Main features about BAP measurements

When performing electropuncture measurements, you should connect black plug to

сylindrical electrode and put it into the patient hand. Connect red plug to electrode probe and
press the point electrode with slits on the end of the electrode probe to the biologically active
point (BAP) with constant pressure of approximately 250-300 N (the pressure on the BAP
should not exceed 300 g). You should occasionally wet the tip of the electrode probe (having
slits) using a cup filled with some cotton-wool that is wet with pure tap water or saline solution.

The Master device should be calibrated at least once a month. You can do it from the
Device Settings program menu. The calibration is performed when both electrodes (with red and
black plugs) are closed.

Work sequence

1. A patient takes the сylindrical electrode in the left hand and places the right hand (or
the right foot) on a horizontal smooth surface (for example, on the table). A doctor may hold the
patient’s palm with his/her free hand, but in that case he/she should wear a rubber or cotton

2. A doctor determines the measurement point projection on the right hand using
anatomical landmarks and embedded acupuncture atlas.

3. A doctor places active measuring electrode on a BAP projection, and gradually

increases the pressure on the electrode, monitoring on the scale of the screen until reaching the
measurement plateau (when pressure increase is not accompanied by value increase).

4. Perform three measurements automatically no taking the electrode probe off. The
duration of the entire measurement should not be less than 5–10 seconds when the value is
steady-state. If the value decreases (“indicator drop”), the measurement continues until the value
is stabilized.

5. After measurement on the right hand, the patient takes the сylindrical electrode into the
right hand, and the measurements are performed on the left (contralateral) hand.

6. If the measurements are performed on feet, the passive electrode is placed into the
ipsilateral hand (on the same side of the body).

7. During examination a patient should hold the сylindrical electrode in hand even if the
measurement process interrupts.

With regard to most measurement points, located on phalanges of fingers and toes, the
active electrode is placed at an angle of 45° to the skin surface. In other cases the electrode is
placed perpendicular to the skin surface.

To minimize the energy impact during electropuncture measurements, a doctor should
touch a patient as little as possible.

The skin in the area of measurement point should not be too moist or too dry. Only an
extensive experience can help to determine an appropriate degree of skin moisture. It is
impossible to express an appropriate degree of skin moisture as a value. In case of excessive
sweat in the BAP area it is necessary to wipe the skin with alcohol solution.

BAP search

BAP diameter is approximately up to 6 mm, so you should count 2–3 mm for the point
area itself and 2 mm more for so-called areal zone. Normally BAP is situated in a bone dimple.
To obtain accurate values, it is necessary to put the point electrode in the center of a point.

BAPs are located on energy channels (meridians), mainly in the deep skin layers, close to
periosteum. To find the BAP, put the point electrode on the skin vertically in the BAP area
(according to embedded anatomical atlas) and move it superficially in circular motion, without
changing the force of pressure.

When you see the highest deviation of the indicator, this is the BAP.

When the probe is on the BAP, you should immediately and confidently increase
pressure. You should not hesitate, because slow pressure increase leads to too low measurement
value. The determination process of correct measurement point value involves 4 phases.

Phase 1 — a rapid build-up of pressure on BAP with a probe until the deviation of the indicator
clearly slows down.
Phase 2 — the pressure on the probe should be decreased, adapting to the indicator rising.
Phase 3 — obtained value is read if deviation of the indicator does not change with increase of
pressure on the probe.
Phase 4 — it is necessary to keep pressure and watch the indicator, whether “indicator drop”
occurs (note the drop value).

At first, a medical beginner should learn to find end points of meridians (the very first points in
express diagnostics), located in angles of finger and toe nail beds, on first phalanges. These
points are relatively large and lay superficially under the skin. You can easily localize them
topographic-anatomically. You can perform self-training.

For the acquisition of skills, the Voll measurement menu of the program complex
includes the Training section. It clearly demonstrates the pressure level and diagnosis time in
the graph. Besides, the Voll’s device section includes the acoustic point probe. When the probe
passes across the BAP, a frequency of sounds increases. Experience has shown that sound
assistance is useful only at the start of the training. For experienced users the background sound
while working is an irritative agent, so sounds during diagnostic process are turned off in the
main menu.

The interpretation of BAP measurement results

Scale readings
90–100 Total inflammation
81–90 Local inflammation
66–80 Toxic load
51–65 The excitation is within normal parameters
50 Normal value
40–49 Initial clinical signs of degeneration (hepatosis, nephrosis, myocardial sclerosis, fibrosis,
cirrhosis, arthrosis)
30–39 Progressive degeneration
20–29 Severe degeneration
Less than 20 The final stage of degeneration (atrophy, ankylosis, blastosis, carcinomatosis)
Less than 10 Antemortem condition

Doctor Voll R. developed empirically the scale described above. It enables to determine the
energy state of BAP (related organ). Besides, it is possible to draw diagnostic conclusion,
analyzing values in BAP and quadrant measurements.

Doctor Voll’s technique allows using for the diagnostics and electrotherapy the points,
which were known in Ancient China, 4–5 thousands years ago. Besides, Dr. Voll has opened
new measurement points on meridians which are in direct connection with certain organs, tissues
and systems.
The diagnostic values, obtained in BAP measurements, become crucial for the patient and
the doctor. First of all, these values enable to determine either absolute health, or disease, or
onset of a disease (latent stage). The earlier the treatment starts, the earlier it can be possible to
prevent its further development. As a last resort, we can warn the patient that he/she has a
disease or liability to certain diseases.
In other words, using electropuncture diagnostics by Dr. Voll, a doctor is able not only to
determine whether or not a patient has a disease, but also a predisposition to diseases. That is
why an annual check-up (it is advisable twice a year) with use of electropuncture diagnostics is
necessary to prevent almost any disease.

The phenomenon of “indicator drop”

Special attention needs to be given to the “indicator drop”. To watch the phenomenon of
“indicator drop”, invariable pressure on the probe is necessary. This phenomenon mainly matters
when values are higher than 50.

It is known already, that the normal range of BAP values is 40–65 units of the scale.
Higher values indicate inflammation, lower values point to degeneration. However, degenerative
processes in organs and tissues are often accompanied by inflammation. This may manifest in
high values with “indicator drop”. For example, the pointer goes down to 50 from 75 (initial

Therefore, emphasis should be placed on the phenomenon of “indicator drop”.

To obtain the correct and reproducible value, it is important to carry out the following

1. The point search

2. The proper pressure on the probe

3. The direction of the pressure on the probe

When with proper BAP search the acupuncture point center is found, you should gentle
but fast push the probe end (placed at an angle of 45º to the skin surface) into the point on the
line of channel, making a small rotation.

You have reached the correct level of pressure on the probe. Just keep pressure at a
constant level and do not increase it by no means. In that case only it is possible to watch a body
reaction, expressed as an “indicator drop”.

The influence of age. Based on that BAPs in young persons are measured at normal
pressure, it is not difficult to ascertain the following: For children it is sufficient to touch the
point by tip of measuring electrode (or by special more thin electrode for children), because their
skin is very thin. With the age, the pressure must be heavier because skin is getting thicker and

less sensitive. Examination of older persons requires a significant pressure sometimes, in order to
reach BAPs located in the deep layers of skin.

Indications and contraindications


Using of the Voll R. technique is intended for:

1) screening integral functional assessment of body organs and systems for further, if
necessary, detailed examination using direct diagnostic techniques;

2) for the adjustment of homeopathic medicines (HM) selection, their potencies, dosage,
individual compatibility (when HM are prescribed together) and treatment efficacy evaluation;

3) for the assessment of meridian systems state, that are used in traditional Chinese
medicine, in order to compile an individual acupunctural recipe for reflex therapy and treatment
efficacy evaluation.


Voll electropuncture diagnostics is contraindicated for patients having heart pacemakers

due to the possibility of their failure, as well as for patients having skin damage or diseases in
areas of measurement points. The idiosyncrasy to electric current and mechanical pressure can
be considered as relative contraindications.

Conducting of measurements
To start examination, click the Begin analysis button. The device switches to the
diagnostic mode, so you can perform measurements, following the instructions and images on
the screen. To end analysis, click the Finish analysis button. To clear the analysis results, click
the Clear button. In the right window the image will be displayed. It will show either BAP that
you need at the moment, or directions of measurements during quadrant measurements, as well
as a pointer-type indicator displaying the current measuring value.

After measurements the point factor will be displayed in graphic form in a histogram:

Measurement order for quadrant leads

o Connect plugs of device wires to cylindrical electrodes. During
examination on feet it is possible to use plate footpad electrodes or, if not available, a
patient can step on the cylindrical electrode by bare foot.
o Wet the cylinders a bit.

o Take cylindrical electrodes into the hands with respect to polarity (as
shown in the image). The cylindrical electrode connected to the red plug is “+”, and
another one connected to the black plug is “–”.
o Click the Begin analysis button.
o If in program settings the automatic measurement is selected, the program
performs measurements automatically after input data alignment. If in program settings
the measurement by a Space bar is chosen, the program performs measurements when a
user presses Space bar.
o The current factor will display in histogram, and you can move to next

BAP measurement order:

o Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe.
Connect the black plug of device wire to the cylindrical electrode.
o Click the Begin analysis button.
o Wet a tip of the probe electrode a bit.
o Press a tip of the probe electrode to the BAP.
o Test the point shown in the image. The program will perform three
measurements consecutively, do not take the electrode off the BAP during all of them. If
the measurements are performed correctly, the point factor will be displayed in a
histogram. Otherwise, the program will repeat the measurements for the BAP.
o Take the electrode off the BAP. If in program settings the automatic
transition to the next point is selected, the program moves to the next BAP automatically.
If in program settings the transition by a Space bar is selected, the program moves to the
next BAP when a user presses a Space bar.
o Upon completion of the last BAP measurement, the program will end the
analysis automatically and the results will be displayed in corresponding windows.

You can see the help for BAP, by clicking the question mark above the image:

Saving of diagnostic findings:

If the patient has been registered, the program will offer to save the diagnostics results
after the examination.

Upon completion of measurements, the results are recorded to the database of patient

Projections of foot BAPs on hands

In program settings you can select Show ultimate control points of foot meridians on
hands and so measure a part of foot meridian BAPs on hands.

The main difference between these and Voll’s BAPs is they are localize not in bone
dimples (as according to Voll’s technique), but at the intersection of dermal ridges on palms. To
set displaying the data of points, select Settings menu, then Program Settings and after that in
the opened menu select the Design tab. Tick the Show ultimate control points of foot
meridians line. After that click the Apply button.

Location and description of CMP doublers of CMP foot meridians on palms
You can see them, place the mouse cursor over the question mark above the image:

Voll diagnostics options

Express analysis
This window is for Voll’s express analysis on end points and CMP (control measuring
points), as well as for measurements by quadrant leads. This examination helps simply and
quickly determine BAPs and meridians of concern for further detailed diagnosis.

Screening analysis
This window is for Voll’s screening analysis on meridian points, recommended by the
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Meridian analysis
This window is for Voll’s meridian analysis (on all meridian points). This is the most
complete examination.

Diagnosis analysis
This window is for the re-evaluation and clearer diagnosis of initial conclusions after
meridian, expressor screening analysis.

Training for doctors

This window is for training for a doctor. It helps to perform Voll’s measurements on all
meridian points. The main task is to press on a point with constant pressure of 300 N (300 g)
and, holding the electrode still, achieve the emergence of a ‘plateau’ in the graph during 3–
4 seconds.

Voll’s device

This window is for those users who are used to work with a classical Voll’s pointer
indicator. Besides, this window is intended for measurements of “spontaneous” unlisted BAPs. If
you select the classical device, it will work as a pointer indicator with accompanying sound
characterising the pressing force on the electrode (if an audio card is available). If the mode of
three measurements is selected, the program will perform 3 measurements sequentially, as in
Ошибка! Недопустимый объект гиперссылки. or Ошибка! Недопустимый объект
гиперссылки. analysis. Upon completion of measurements, the point factor will be displayed in
graphic form in a histogram and the values will be included in reports.


General information

Dr. Reinhard Voll found that medicines and other substances (jewellery, nail make-up,
cosmetics, clothes, food, etc.), contacting with human body, influence on BAP measurement
results. That discovery marked the beginning of a new concept in electropuncture named
medicine testing. Dr. Morrel tried to explain physics of medicine testing and found the influence
of tested medicines on erythrocyte sedimentation in numerous experiments. Sedimentation
improved by 20–40% once a suitable medicine was administered to the human body.

Instrumental medicine testing is performed by device which is round cup on remote third
electrode. Quantative and qualitative medicine dosing is considered completed if unsatisfactory
BAPs values (more than 65 or less than 40) reduce to normal value (50) and “indicator drop”
value decreases.

The medicine testing is performed by device which is a round cup on the remote third
electrode. Quantitative and qualitative medicine dosing is considered complete if it leads to
improving of unsatisfactory BAPs values (more than 65 or less than 40) to normal value (50) and
“indicator drop” value lowering.

Usually testing is performed on the worst BAPs, determined during Voll’s diagnostics
(for example, after express analysis), or on corresponding (homonymous) BAPs with tested
medicine (for instance, when testing liver medicines, it is better to use liver meridian BAPs).
You should click Reports menu, then Statistics, On point, Worst, and then select the suitable
BAP. It is possible to test several BAPs sequentially, it will improve the accuracy of assessment.

To test a lot of medicines sequentially, you should select a medicine (from the database
or putting it into the container) and test it on control points (CMP) of one hand (use all 10 or
8 fingers, except thumbs, because it is more convenient for testing a large number of medicines).
If in 80% of cases is shown that the medicine is “suitable”, it can be put on the list of suitable
medicines (Add to Prescription button).

You can test, using CMP of one hand or CMPs of both hands and feet. In that case, the
accuracy of results is higher, but the duration of testing is also increased. Further you should
select next medicine and go through all control points again. In such a manner, it is possible to
test a lot of medicines (several thousands) without intense impact on BAP, and obtain reliable
results. In order to clarify the list of medicines, obtained during initial testing on CMP, you can
make an additional selection on the worst BAPs.

It is very difficult for a doctor to learn medicine testing by carrying out the self
testing. It is necessary to involve another person for the practice. To do that, a doctor sits down
against a patient and searches corresponding BAPs. Before the procedure, it is necessary to wet a

probe slightly and remove excess moisture. Water excess on a probe increases skin
electroconductivity. Therefore, the patient’s body must be free of visible water drops.

During the testing the passing current is measured. Current change value directly depends
on resonance effect of exogenous current, passing from device through the human body, and
endogenous current, passing through the body “channels”. Resonance increases the current while
dysresonance decreases it. The closer is exogenous (from the device) current frequency to that of
endogenous current, the higher is resonance probability. And the higher is resonance probability,
the sharper is positive-going slope. All other phenomena (plateau and “indicator drop”) also
depend on resonance duration. It shows how long the body can keep the endogenous frequency
equal to exogenous. The amplitude-frequency characteristic of current from device does not
change while the graph changes, which indicates changes of internal conditions of resonance

Dr. Voll recommended distinguishing three steps during testing: 1) placing, 2) pressure
build-up, 3) keeping.

1. Placing: a doctor localizes a BAP using the probe and fixes the probe.

2. Pressure build-up: a doctor shifts glance from the probe on the BAP to device scale and
increases pressure on the probe applying slight acceleration in moving start and probe rotation in
moving end. Device indicator can show high values. Let us assume that indicator shows 70.

3. Keeping: it is necessary to remember a pressure level on the probe. The pressure

should be the same in further examinations.

Even slight pressure on the probe causes BAP micro trauma. Therefore pathological
pressure on BAP makes further measurement useless until the BAP restores.

It is necessary to learn how to determine the correct value when a probe presses on BAP
with minimum effort, otherwise the most important phenomenon (“indicator drop”) could be

It may be that all medicines cause indicator rising to 50–55 after determining of
diagnostic value of 70 (assumed) and device shows the same readings without medicines. It is
evidence of BAP inactivation due to excessive pressure on it.

It may be that all medicines cause indicator deviation to 50–55 after determining of
diagnostic value of 70 (as it was assumed). Besides, it may be that the device displays the same
values without medicines. It is evidence of BAP inactivation due to excessive pressure on it.

So, the device shows 70. The probe should be removed from the skin surface. The
medicine (homeopathic granule, tablet, vial, piece of food, etc.) should be placed on patient’s
hand or in the cup. The probe is applied again to appeared cavity on the skin in the place of
tested BAP with the same pressure and at the same angle. The indicator rapidly reaches the same
position of 70. Therefore this medicine is not suitable for the patient and must be set aside. If the
indicator holds position below 40, the medicine overburdens a patient and actually harmful. If
the device indicator slowly moves to 50 during another medicine test, this medicine is suitable
for a patient.

Insufficient pressure and BAP overexcitation are not allowed. The slightest signs of
indicator slowing down or value decrease should be noted. Thus, eventually we will be able to
find the medicine that causes energy balance, i. e. we will watch slow moving of indicator to 50
points on the device scale. This is the medicine testing. During BAP retest the indicator should
show 70 again when the tested medicine is removed from electric circuit. It is necessary to
remember that multiple measures of the same BAP during testing process can inactivate it, even
if pressure on the probe is correct. During training process it is necessary to learn to sense the
pressure level that injures a BAP if exceeded.

Of course, many things depend on operator because each operator has his own rhythm of
pressing. For some operators the standard positive-going slope is 0.5 s while for others is 1.1 s.
For testing purposes each operator should find his own individual rhythm to reach the “plateau”
that appears during neutral medicine testing. Neutral medicine is empty or non-connected testing
cup. It allows a doctor to “calibrate” himself. It is necessary to do the following: connect a cup to
the circuit and perform multiple pressures. The front will be visible and once growth of
“standard” 0.5 s is reached, it is possible to start testing and connect medicines. Testing clarifies
all: if a slope increases more rapidly, it is necessary to pay attention to the certain medicine. If a
slope is within norm, then we should continue, etc.

So, for medicine testing we should do the following:

1. Perform measurement without medicine in order to determine the initial BAP


2. Put a medicine into the cup (or select an electronic analogue from the database).

3. Perform measurement on the same acupuncture point very gently, applying similar
pressure level on the probe.

4. Signs that the medicine can be considered effective for the treatment:

a) sharp positive-going slope from pressure start to “plateau”;

b) “indicator drop” value is decreased significantly or completely absent;

c) initially measured BAP value improves to 40–65.

5. Selection of the medicine amount (1, 2, 3 tablets or other potency) helps to understand
whether values change to normal. If the value begins to grow (i. e. worsen) in increasing of
medicine amount, then in the cup the previous amount of medicine should be left with the
subsequent testing of an additional medicine.

For estimation of the body response to a medicine, a graph is displayed on the screen. It
allows evaluation of the growth speed, length and form of the plateau, as well as an indicator
drop value. The graph is saved completely. It is necessary to gain experience in order to learn
how to recognize required moments in the graph (the graph can be unloaded for mathematical
analysis, see Registration section).

Prescription includes the comparison of two graphs (measurements with and without

предварительный тест

тест на препарате

The graph interpretation in the order of increasing importance to better understand the
processes in human body:

1. Positive-going slope from the moment of pressure. The body encounters with
information for the first time, and its response to this information allows assessment of the
body’s compensation abilities, reactivity and level of possible effects of the tested substance on
human body. If the slope is sharp, the body is “informed” about this substance. Depending on the
slope characteristics, it is possible to estimate how the body deal with its impact, etc. Initial slope
is not a random process although it has some dependence on pressure on the probe. Therefore it
is better to apply the rhythm of stepwise pressure, make kind of “self-calibration” in order to
press the BAP with the same intensity and watch slope changes against that background.

2. Negative-going slope is a line after reaching the plateau (or “indicator drop” according
to Voll). With data from positive-going slope, it is detailing of the body response and level of its
compensation regarding tested substance.

3. Plateau value allows estimation of the overall health of person examined but not
characteristics of the substance.

Therefore, it is possible to perform testing and selection of a large variety of medicines

which are consistent in the therapeutic action to the patient.

It is necessary to know how to discern what exactly caused the current condition:
immunity disturbances or microorganism virulence, since our life environment is not sterile and
we always interact with many infectious agents. Virulence of infectious agents to immunity
defense ratio determines whether we response to infection or not.


Medicine testing is intended for the individual selection of homeopathic and allopathic
medicines, recording of electronic medicine copies to the database and detection of allergens and
substances (such as environmental toxins) that may have some undesirable impact on the body.

Medicine testing is registration of electropuncture parameters changes when substance

tested is included into the passive electrode circuit. For this purpose, a duralumin cup is used that
connects to the Test port via additional cable (it has two black plugs).

Testing of homeopathic remedies is the most extensive developed, but it is possible to
test minerals, metals, organopreparations, cosmetics, perfumery products, food, etc.

Program allows testing both certain medicines and combined medicine groups, as well as
carrying out treatment with medicines that improved acupuncture point state during the testing.

Besides, viruses, parasites, and other infectious agents testing is possible. In that case,
the test principle is following. If the nosode of virus, parasite, etc. is resonant (i. e. it is“alike” in
homeopathy terms) to the sick person, the value of tested BAP, excited or degenerated,
approximates a normal, both at increased or decreased initial BAP values. Nosode is resonant
(i. e. virus, parasite, etc. is in the body) when the value is improved by 10 units and more (it is
significant similarity) or by 5–10 units (it is a partial similarity). If the value is improved by less
than 5 units, it cannot be considered as significant (it can be an error measurement). The nosode
for such testing you can take from the ROM or, if it is not available, you can use a container.

Testing procedure

It is desirable to perform a meridian analysis before testing, and in case of too high or too
low values it is necessary to perform the procedures for energy alignment (e. g. electrotherapy).

Before each medicine testing the container should be thoroughly washed with flowing
water. Then clean the container with alcohol solution and let it dry. Small amount of medicine
(10–30 grams or 1 tablet for tableted dosage form) is enough for testing and biotransference. The
medicine should be placed in the cup without package, i. e. powder without bag, tablet without
blister, etc. Fluids are placed in the cup inside of a glass or glass vial.

List of medicines recommended for treatment is issued after Voll diagnostics.

It is advisable to test these medicines for patient compatibility in order to select the most
suitable ones and reject ineffective. To do that, it is possible to choose one of two ways:

1. Testing of medicines from the database. It is the most convenient way, since “actual”
medicine presence is not required because its energoinformational copy is used. Cup is not
connected because the medicine is included into human bioenergetical circuit from the available
database. Examination is performed by pathologies revealed. For example, if abnormalities on
measurement points of large intestine meridian are found, Nux vomica medicine is selected in
Homeopathy section of the database, and second measurement of revealed pathological BAPs is
2. Tested medicines, minerals, jewelry, etc. are placed in the cup which is included into
the human bioenergetical circuit by connecting to short tap from the Test socket. Examination is
performed by pathologies revealed. For example, if abnormalities on measurement points of
large intestine meridian are found, Nux vomica homeopathic medicine (10–30 granules) is
placed in the test cup, and second measurement of revealed pathological BAPs is performed.

Medicine testing is considered successful if parameters after second measurement with

medicine tested are normalized, i. e. values are within 50–65 units and “indicator drop” is
eliminated for maximum number of readings. In that case it is advised including the medicine on
the list for further prescription.

Recording of medicines to carrier and creating the medicine electronic

copies (bioenergetic transference).

During the bioenergetic transference of medicine electronic copies to water, sugar

granules, wax, etc. the maximum weight of carriers should not exceed 30 grams (or 100 sugar
granules). It is advisable to put into the container a little more amount of medicine to get more
reliable data. Electrodes should be removed from all plugs of patient cable, and plugs should be
connected to the container with carrier (if the medicine is transferred to water, a glass with water
is placed in the container).

The medicine testing

The medicine testing is a testing of medicines, recorded in the database on the media,
with evaluation of patient’s body response. Results of testing you can see in Prescription menu.

In homeopathy the following dilution scales are usually used:

1. A decimal scale, which is labeled with D or Roman numeral X;

2. A centesimal scale, which is labeled with C or CH;

3. A mil scale, which is labeled with M;

4. A fifty thousand-scale, which is labeled with LM или Q

If a homeopathic remedy in the database has not certain potency, it means that the
medicine is recorded with classical potency C3. The 1М potency indicates С1000 potency.

Given the choice between similar medicines, the medicine from the ROM of Master
device must be preferred as more accurate.

Before the testing starts, it is necessary to tick medicines for the testing in the general list
(All or Recommended tabs). To find a desired medicine, you can use the search bar over the list,
entering the name:

When the mouse cursor is placed over question mark on the right of medicine’s name, the
summary about medicine will appear.

To start examination, click the Begin analysis button. The device will switch to
diagnostic mode and move to the Tested tab. You can perform measurements you need,
following the instructions and images on the screen. If medicines for testing are not ticked, the
list of tested medicines will be empty. Until you press Space bar, the graph displays only that
electrodes are placed on the patient’s body, data recording are not being made. After the start of

testing (under the Space bar) you can continue testing the same medicines on other points
without finishing the testing. I. e. when the list comes to the end, you can select another BAP and
continue testing. To end the analysis, click the Finish analysis button. To clear analysis results,
click the Clear button. In the right window the image will display with the BAP that you need at
the moment, as well as progress graph, displaying current value of a measurement.

Testing order
o Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe.
Connect the black plug of device wire to the cylindrical electrode.
o Select the desired BAP from the list (for example, with the worst values).
o From the offered list, select the group of medicines for testing (to do that,
tick medicines you need).
o Click the Begin analysis button.
o Wet the tip of the probe electrode a bit.
o Press a tip of the probe electrode to the BAP.
o At first, an initial testing of a point shown in figure is performed, without
medicine. The program will perform three measurements consecutively; do not take the
electrode off the BAP during all of them. If measurements have performed correctly,
testing of medicines included into circuit from the medicine selector will start. Otherwise,
the program will repeat the measurements for the BAP.
o After that, the testing of medicines on the list will start. Once the tip of
electrode probe is pressed to the BAP, testing of the first medicine on the list starts. Wait
for the graph stops moving and take off the probe from the BAP. When you take off the

probe from the BAP, the transition to the testing of next medicine on the list occurs. The
tested medicine will became green. In this way you should go through the entire list of
medicines selected for testing.
o Testing of digital medicines is performed other than analog medicines. To
test digital medicine, the stimulation of the BAP with that medicine is performed at first,
and only afterwards the testing is carried out.

o In automatic mode the program goes through the list of medicines

selected for testing automatically. Testing is performed on one BAP (usually the worst
BAP is selected, or the BAP relating to the tested organ or system).
o In manual mode it is possible to carry out the testing of manually selected
medicines on manually selected point or several “spontaneous” BAPs.
To switch to that mode, you should select Manual mode after clicking the Begin
analysis button.

In this mode, when you select the medicine on the list with a mouse, it is immediately
included in the circuit automatically, and you can start testing on the selected point.
When you select with a mouse the other BAP for testing of the same medicine, and initial
measurements on that BAP were not performed, the program also carries out the initial
testing of the point, and further will perform the testing of medicine. You can test
medicines on any number of BAP and/or leads, just selecting the desired points with a
mouse. After addition to the prescription, all measured data will be available for viewing.
A medicine will be added to the prescription and become green if you click it with a
mouse upon test completion. In manually mode you can retest any medicine on the list.

o If in the process of testing the operator considers the tested medicine suitable for the
patient, it is possible to add it to the prescription by clicking the Add to prescription
button or press Ins key on the keyboard.

In that case, the selected medicine will become red on the list.

o Upon completion as well as in the process of testing, you can see the results by clicking
the Show prescription button.

Editing of prescription

In the prescription window you can look through the list of tested medicines for every
BAP, list of medicines added to the prescription and take a final decision on adding medicines to
the prescription, comparing the graph of BAP initial measurement to the graph of measurement
with medicine. To add the medicine to the prescription, click the red arrow. The column Weight
in the prescription list means how many BAPs tested positive when testing the medicine. If
decision about adding of the medicine to the prescription was based on many BAPs, its “weight”
is higher.

Quantitative results of medicine testing are displayed in the Statistics field:

Entry — initial measurement

Exit — final measurement

Reaction — final measurement minus initial measurement

Maximum — the highest point in the graph

Time of intensity — peak time in the graph from the beginning of testing

Indicator drop — indicator drop value between first and last BAP measurement

On these data and graph data it is possible to assess the degree of patient’s body response
to the medicine.

The body response can be:

(+) — stimulatory (medicine or infection increases body energy level)

(–) — dissipative (dispersion), i. e. medicine or infection decreases body energy level

The greater the number, the more intense the response is. It is also necessary to see in the
graph the time of response, indicator drop, time of intensity duration, etc. The more intensive and
clearer findings, the more suitable the medicine is.

Depending on the energy level and impact, it is necessary to apply medicines that cause
stimulatory or dissipative body response. Medicines having dissipative effect are applicable in
acute cases but they increase strain upon immune system, so in severe chronic conditions it is
necessary to use medicines having stimulatory effect.

Every medicine from prescription or all of them is possible to transfer to the carrier
(water, sugar granules, etc.), by clicking the Transference button (on the right of the medicine
name). If you want to make a mixed medicine, click the Interrupt transference button. Before
that, you should connect duralumin container to the Test socket of the device. Close all three
plugs on the container and put a carrier into it. Prior the transference you can set the potentiation
value and make an “exact” or “inverted” copy. Transference duration depends on a carrier
(transference to water takes 10 s, to sugar nibs — until 3 min, etc.).

It is possible to export the prescription data to Word or print it. If the patient has been
registered, the prescription will be saved.

Testing from container

This window is for Voll’s test analysis of a substance, placed in the container, on all
meridian points. Prior to the testing it is necessary to tick testing medicines (which will be placed
into container) on the general list. You can see the testing results in the Prescription menu.

To start examination, click the Begin analysis button. The device switches to the
diagnostic mode, so you can perform measurements, following the instructions and images on
the screen. To end analysis, click the Finish analysis button. To clear analysis results, click the
Clear button. In the right window the image will display. It will show the BAP that you need at
the moment as well as a pointer-type indicator displaying the current measuring value.

Testing order:

o Connect the red plug of the patient cable to the ebonite electrode probe.
Connect the black plug to the cylindrical electrode.
o Connect the testing container to the Test socket of the device. Insert the
testing cable plug into any socket of the testing cup.
o Wet the tip of the probe electrode a bit.
o Select the desired BAP from the list (for example, having the worst
o The program will offer to select from the list the recommended medicines
for testing. To select a medicine, tick an appropriate box at the beginning of the line.

Select medicines you need from recommended, as well as medicines available in material
o Click the Tested tab and add to the list the names of medicines you need to
test, as well as available medicines not from the list of recommended. To do that, add a
new entry to the list by ticking the box. Double click the empty line next to tick mark.
The cursor will appear. Enter the medicine name. Similarly, add next medicines. To
delete accidentally entered lines (entries), untick the box in the beginning of the line.

o Click the Begin analysis button.

o Press a tip of the probe electrode to the BAP.
o At first, an initial testing of a point shown in a figure is performed,
(without medicine), so you need not to put a medicine into container in the first stage.
The program will perform three measurements consecutively; do not take the electrode
off the BAP during all of them. If the measurements have performed correctly, the
program will switch to medicine testing. Otherwise, you have to repeat the measurements
for the BAP.

o Upon completion of the initial testing, the program will offer to put a
testing substance (first on the list) into the container. Put selected medicine into container
and press the Space bar on the keyboard. Press the tip of electrode probe to the BAP and
perform testing of the medicine, waiting for the graph stops moving, then take away the
probe from the BAP. When you take the probe off from the BAP, the transition to the
testing of next medicine on the list occurs. In this way you should go through the entire
list of medicines selected for testing.
o After that, the testing of medicines on the list will start.
o Press the probe to the BAP, wait for the test completion.
o To save results of a current test, click the Add to Prescription button.

o If necessary, select another BAP with the mouse and retest the medicine in
the container. The number of BAPs for the medicine testing is unlimited.
o Use a similar procedure for all medicines from the list.
o Upon test completion, you can see the results by clicking Show the
prescription button.

Medicine recording to the database

This window is for the recording of electronic analogs of medicines to the database. To
start recording, click the Begin record button. The substance must be in a metal cup. All patient
cable plugs and a cable for testing must be connected to the container. Besides, in that window
you can carry out manipulations with medicine database, for example, add and delete the groups
of medicines, delete medicines and transfer them to different groups, add comments.

Recording order:

o Select the name of a medicine in the name box. Select a medicine group in
the tree (homeopathy, infections, micronutrients, diseases, organopreparations,
o If you use the Master device, you can record the medicine to the ROM of
device in analog form. In that case tick the appropriate box. Attention! ROM capacity is
limited, it is not possible to correct or delete the entered information. Be careful
with use of that function to avoid ROM overflow!
o Put the substance into the cup, close all electrodes on the cup.
o Click the Begin record button. The program will record the medicine to
the database. The process is displayed as a progress bar.
o Upon completion of the recording, the medicine will appear in the list.
Note Medicines recorded to the ROM of device are marked by the icon

The medicines recorded to the Master device ROM are more accurate and therefore
more effective.

Digital remedies are recorded to the hard disk of a computer. The number of
such records is practically unlimited. Those medicines are marked in the general list
by the icon hard disk and always visible in the database.

Analog remedies are directly recorded to the ROM of the device. The

maximum number of records is 32 000. Those medicines are marked in the general list as
microchip icons (the black “myriapods”). They will appear in lists of medicines after connection
of the device to the computer:

By default, the recording is made to the hard disk of computer. To record a medicine
to the ROM of the device, you should every time tick the Writing in the EPROM of the
device box.

Editing of medicines in database

After recording you can edit data of the medicine. To do that, press the Change button:

– Delete the medicine from the database (it is not possible to physically delete the analog
medicine from the ROM of the Master device; only its name is deleted, so be careful)

– Rename the medicine.

– Edit the comment. Into that field you can enter any letter-digital information about
medicine up to 255 characters long. That information will be shown when you place the mouse
cursor over the question mark above the medicine name.

You can transfer any medicine (both analog and digital) to any group of medicines in two
clicks. To do that, select (highlight) the medicine name and click the Move button. Select a new
group of medicines in the appeared list and transfer the medicine by clicking that group.

To add a new group of medicines, click the Add button. In the opened window enter a
new group of medicines. It is possible to delete the group entered by user. It is impossible to
delete the existing (preset) in the program groups of medicines.

Information transference and potentiation (active imprinter)
This window is for the transference of electronic analogues of medicines to water or
sugar granules with specified amplification. Realized in the device the electronic amplification
during imprinting is a way to increase the medicine potency. So, it was determined by
experimental way, that X2 amplification results in a medicine imprint identical to the original
with regard to the effects for the human body. For example, if we enter a medicine with C3
potency into the selector’s database, after imprinting with amplification of X2 we get the same
potency (C3). If we enter a medicine with potency of 200, after amplification of X2 we get the
same 200 potency. This principle does not change: whatever the potency of a homeopathic
remedy entered into the selector’s database, we need to use X2 amplification to make its exact

Higher amplification results in further potency increase. So far we can see that
relationship between amplification and potency is not linear. The relationship between
amplification and potency is not linear:

X1 – 0.5
X2 – 1
X4 – 3.33
X5 – 10
X8 – 33.33
X10 – 66.66
X16 – 166.66
X32 – 333.33

It means that С3 potency after amplification of X32 will become С1000. For some
medicines the obtained potency will be slightly different, but overall dependence will remain.
The imprinting without amplification 1:1 (X1) results in medicine imprint with lower potency.

The amount of medicine in the cup is immaterial. Anyway, it is impossible to put inside a
kilo of sugar granules, and no substantial difference between 10 and 20 grams.

The potency can vary for the same medicine. Apparently, it depends on the substance to
which the information is recorded, environment and a user:

– The substance itself (to which the information is transferred) can change the medicine
potency regardless of amplification that is used during information transference. The less
substance is prepared for the recording and the more it is stable (for example, sugar or granules
with rigid structure of crystals), the harder to control the result of recording. Accordingly, the
more substance is prepared and the more it is “plastic” (for example, water or 70% alcohol), the
less effort is required to get a proper medicine (not with random potency but with potency
recorded in the device).

– The more high-noise environment (noise, day and electric light, talks, many running
devices), the harder to control the result in contrast to more favourable environment, when it is
night-time and the substance for recording is shielded from the light, electromagnetic and sonic

– The better the operator is committed to work, the higher quality of the medicine after

So it is advisable to record avoiding facilities, where the recording can be corrupted with
power line interference. Alternatively, it is possible to shield the cup, covering it with a metal
shield (for example, a pan).

Transference duration (exposition) is selected on the basis of a carrier. Transference to

water or 70% alcohol takes 10–180 seconds, to sugar granules from 3 to 30 minutes.
Transference to wax and other substances takes more time. The mixed medicine is recorded to
the carrier sequentially. For instance, if the 3 nosodes are included into prescription and during
recording they switch from one to another cyclically (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,
etc.), it is necessary 20 minutes for each nosode, i. e. 1 hour cumulatively.

To begin transference, click the Begin transference button.

Sugar granules should be placed into the metal cup, water in a glass or crystal glass
placed on the cup. Both patient cable plug and plug of a cable for testing must be closed on the
cup to create a bioenergetic contour:

For analog biotransference connect two cups. One cup should be connected to the red
patient cable plug and another cup to the black plug. A cup with black plug is a source (original
substance should be placed in that cup), a cup with red plug is a target (carrier for transfer
should be placed there). Do not allow cups to contact each other!

Transference order
o Select the electronic analog of the medicine from the list.
o Select potency (amplification) for the recording (X1...X32).
o In case of digital transference close all electrodes on the cup.
o In case of analog transference (from cup to cup) connect each of two cups
to device leads. You need not to connect them to each other.
o Put sugar granules or glass of water into the cup. In case of analog
transference put the substance into second cup connected to the black plug.
o Click the Begin transference button. The program will transfer the
medicine. The process is displayed as a progress bar.

Medicine search in the database
In the Record of remedies and Biotransference windows you can look through the lists
of medicines in the database as well as search them both all over the database and in separate

Recommended medicines
In the Recommended remedies window you can create and set your own profiles of
recommended medicines to use them in testing dialogs. Any user can compile a list of
recommended medicines for certain cases. For example, let’s create Maxillary sinusitis profile
and select for it the list of recommended medicines that will be tested on BAPs of maxillary

Work sequence
o Click the Create a profile button.
o Enter the name for a profile you are creating:

o Sequentially going through the meridians and selecting all BAPs necessary
for this profile (disease), tick desired medicines on the Recommended list for every BAP
after testing. If you want, you can select testing medicines on the All list. Select the
necessary BAP with the mouse and then tick desired medicines:

o The profile will be saved automatically. Now, in order to select it in the
menu of medicine testing, you should select the Recommended tab in corresponding list
of medicines, click the list with the right mouse button and select the required profile
from the drop down menu.

o After selection of the filled profile in the Medicine testing menu, in the
Recommended section the medicines selected for this profile on corresponding BAPs will be
displayed only. If the profile is not completed for any BAPs, the Recommended medicines list
will be empty.
o To delete the profile, select the Recommended tab, click the list of medicines
with the right mouse button (or click an empty window) and select the Default profile.

General information
Electric acupuncture or reflexotherapy is method of a reflex treatment, based on the
influence of electric current of microampere range on biologically active points (BAP) of the
human body. By way of impact on BAP two methods are distinguished:

 Electroacupuncture — treatment with use of a needle for acupuncture

pre-inserted into BAP;
 Electropuncture — treatment without hurting the skin surface.

The system is intended for electropuncture by Voll’s technique based on Voll

diagnostics. The method involves influence on acupuncture points with electric signal with
voltage of up to 20 V and frequency of 0.1–10 Hz or floating frequency. The device for therapy
is the same as that for diagnostics. It is run by computer. All treatment techniques (electric signal
parameters, acupuncture points for treatment, exposure) assigned automatically by the system for
the most appropriate therapeutic modality. A system user also has the opportunity to select
pathologic BAPs identified during the Voll diagnostics and correct the prescribed medicine
manually before the treatment starts. Besides, it is possible to change electric signal parameters
during the therapy process depending on patient’s feeling or the treatment efficacy. The system
allows to monitor the point state during treatment by meter reading on Voll’s scale with intervals
of 10 seconds. The readings are presented clearly in graph form. According it, the treatment
process could be assessed.

The mechanisms of therapeutic effect

In classical acupuncture BAPs matching certain organs are stimulated using gold, silver
or steel needles. In electropuncture for the same purpose the low-frequency pulse current from
the electropuncture device is used. Ways of electrode placing are the same as in
electroacupuncture diagnostics. Electrotherapy is intended to control physical, chemical and
electric processes in intracellular and extracellular space.

The Master device generates current pulses within a range from 0.1 to 10 Hz, empirically
selected by Voll R. Depending on program settings and position of the slide switch, it is possible
to perform three different kinds of therapy:

1. Therapy with frequency of 10 Hz. This is the universal treatment and can be used in all

2. Therapy with specific for the certain organ and nosology frequency in the range from
0.1 to10 Hz. It has the best effect but only applicable if it is known precisely which
frequency is required for the treatment of this particular disease.

3. Therapy with vary frequency from 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz. It has a broader impact on
different organs and systems. This type of therapy is used when frequency required
for treatment of the particular disease is unknown. It is suitable for beginning users
and for using in daily practice.

Electropuncture procedure

Electropuncture is prescribed for painful conditions of various genesis, and as a treatment

option instead of acupuncture. The impact points are selected on the basis of the Voll
diagnostics system prescription.

During procedure a patient should be in lying position. Areas intended to be treated are
stimulated simultaneously or sequentially with a roller electrode. For the electropuncture, the
plate and cylindrical electrodes (during quadrant electropuncture) or the search probe (during
electropuncture by BAPs) are used. For the electrical conductivity increase, it is necessary to put
a water-wet cotton ball under the electrode. Besides, wet the tip of the electrode probe. To
perform microelectrophoresis, a cotton ball should be wetted with solution of defined
composition. Connect the electrode probe or the roller electrode to the red plug (active). Connect
the cylindrical electrode (passive) to the black plug.

There are following types of pulse therapy:

1. Cross-hatching (hatching). A certain painful site is treated with the electrode probe, that
is moved fast along the painful area to one side and another without much pressing.
While doing so, the voltage level shall be gradually increased until patient's limit of
tolerance. Cross-hatching is finished when skin gets noticeably red. It is performed with
frequency of 10 Hz.
2. Moxa (cautery). It is performed with electrode probe applying directly to the skin (the
electrode probe remains fixed). Short, strongest voltage pulses are delivered. It is
performed with frequency of 10 Hz.
3. Current flow. The affected part of the body or a BAP is treated with voltage pulses with
intensity causing formication but not tenderness. It is performed using specific frequency
for the certain organ or nosology, or, if it is unknown, a floating frequency is used.
4. Rolling by roller electrode. The rolling is, above all, a non-specific superficial therapy of
certain skin areas (Zakharyin-Head tender zones). In terms of acupuncture, the
therapeutic effect of rolling can be explained by stimulation of channel divergences in the
treated area, which resulted in energy exchange increase between individual meridians.

Connect the roller electrode to the red plug of the patient cable. A patient takes the
passive cylindrical electrode (connected to the black plug) into one hand and grips the roller
electrode by insulated handle with the other hand.

Usually, a patient performs rolling himself. The areas on the back are rolled by assistant,
while the patient holds the electrode in his right hand. An affected area, including zones with
related lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels, is treated by the roller electrode with moderate
pressure. It is advisable to hold the roller electrode for a while in the center of the affected area
to enhance the therapeutic effect.

If possible, areas with regional lymphatic glands are rolled at first, then lymphatic vessels
originating from them, and after that an affected area itself, because usually there is a significant
lymphatic congestion in such zones.

Rolling duration is 15 minutes. It is possible to repeat the procedure several times during
the day, but between sessions the intervals should be for at least 1 hour each.

When conducting the electropuncture therapy, the following simple rules are to be

 Setting voltage values, please note that delivery of pulses should never cause any pain
(except for moxa and cross-hatching).
 A negative voltage supply to active electrodes results in the conductance value increase
(i. e. the energy level increases). A positive voltage supply “rolls out” the energy, the
BAP values decrease.
 The more acute the pathological process in the body, the less voltage should be used.
 In chronic disease processes higher voltage is used.
 You should monitor the BAP state on the graph during the therapy process. If there is any
sign of deterioration, it is necessary to stop therapy immediately.

Energy imbalance restoration (Conductance therapy)

As theoretically ideal energy state in electropuncture diagnostics is considered a state

without value swings and

the conductivity value (hand–hand lead) is within the normal range of 82–86.

all BAP measurement values should be normal, corresponding to 50.

In that ideal case a patient is healthy in respect of energy state; no therapy in order to
align the energy balance is required. Otherwise it is necessary to “roll-in” or “roll-out” the

Therapy in order to “roll-in” the energy is to apply the negative or alternating pulse
current with voltage level causing formication (pins and needles sensation) in a patient. Shall be
performed as follows:

1. Move to the Electrotherapy menu

2. Select any tab (Procedure room, Therapy by nosologies, or Therapy by effects).

3. For the therapy by quadrant leads it is necessary to put second cylinder on the red
patient cable plug and give the electrodes into patient’s hands (in therapy by the
hand–hand lead). When the therapy by the hand–foot or foot–foot lead is carried out,

it is necessary to connect the foot electrode to the corresponding patient cable plug
and put the foot electrode under the patient’s foot.

4. Set in the program:

pulse shape rectangular (negative)

Duration 100

Frequency 10 Hz (or floating)

Voltage 5V (or less)

Therapy duration 2 minutes

5. Click the Begin therapy button.

6. Monitor closely the conductivity increase in the graph and gradually increase the

7. The therapy is finished after achievement of normal values.

With the rapid growth, the achieved conductivity value usually does not remain
for long. The discomfort is possible along the voltage level increase. It should not last
long, otherwise it is necessary to stop the therapy session. The longest lasting session of
therapy in order to “roll-in” the energy must not exceed 30 minutes. It is necessary to
make pauses of about 20 minutes between sessions.

Therapy in order to “roll-out” the energy usually is performed with use of the low-
frequency positive pulses. Shall be performed as follows:

1. Move to the Electrotherapy menu

2. Select any tab (Procedure room, Therapy by nosologies, or Therapy by effects).

3. For the therapy by quadrant leads it is necessary to put second cylinder on the red
patient cable plug and give the electrodes into patient’s hands (in therapy by the
hand–hand lead). When the therapy by the hand–foot or foot–foot lead is carried out,
it is necessary to connect the foot electrode to the corresponding patient cable plug
and put the foot electrode under the patient’s foot.

4. Set in the program

pulse shape rectangular (positive)

Duration 10

Frequency 10 Hz (or floating)

Voltage 5V (or less)

Therapy duration 120 s

5. Begin therapy.

6. Briefly (for 3–4 seconds) increase the voltage level until pins and needles sensation
arises in a patient, then reduce it again to 5 V or less.

7. Monitor the value decrease in the graph and repeat the brief voltage increase several

8. The therapy is finished after achievement of upper normal level of conductivity.

9. You should stop to “roll-out” the energy if a patient starts to yawn or experience severe

Usually every therapy session in order to “roll-out” the energy lasts no more than
15 minutes. It is advisable to make pauses of about 15 minutes between sessions. It is possible to
achieve the effect of energy decrease if you just ground a patient.

Often the value decreases no more than 1–2 conditional units. However, even that is
enough for vitality enhancement. The long term use of the pulse current can be
counterproductive. Once decreased almost to normal range, the conductivity value may increase
again as a result of follow-up therapy sessions. In that case you should stop the therapy
immediately and try to continue only the next day.

Note. The energy excess is less harmful than the lack of energy.

Indications and contraindications

The electropuncture is the most individual approach to treatment, aimed primarily at

normalizing of affected functions of a sick person. Its main effect is harmonization of the body
vital activity and stimulation of immunodefences.

The method is effective in treatment of functional disorders related to small organic

changes and less effective in diseases related to significant organic changes.

Such diseases as cancer, dysentery, cholera, severe tuberculosis, syphilis, contagious skin
diseases, bacterial infections (acute fevers with high temperature and infectious diseases) should
be treated with tools of modern medicine.

Electropuncture efficacy is most pronounced in such symptoms and conditions as chill,

fever, headache, heaviness in the head, dizziness, buzzing in ears, stiffening of joints, fatigue,
insomnia, spinal deformity, backache, pain in forearms and hands, constipation, anemia,
neuralgia, as well as in following conditions:

Pulmonary diseases: bronchitis, cough, pleurisy, pneumonia;

Cardiac diseases: arterial hyper- and hypotension, angina pectoris;

Gastroenterological conditions: gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis,

heartburn, hiccup, colitis, meteorism, stomach spasms, esophagospasm, obesity;

Neurological disorders: headache, dizziness, depression, thoracal and lumbosacral

radiculitis, sleep disorders, cervicobrachial syndrome, different neutrites (of facial, ulnar, fibular,
and median nerve);

Arthrological diseases and traumas: arthralgia, joint pain, injuries, contusions;

Otolaryngologic diseases: otitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis;

Dental illnesses: toothache (complicated tooth decay, pain in parodontosis, etc.),

trigeminal neuralgia, stomatitis, parodontosis;

Urological conditions: impotence, urinary incontinence, pyelonephritis, cystitis,

nephrolithiasis, urethritis, prostatitis;

Obstetrics & Gynaecology diseases: frigidity, adnexitis, amenorrhea, endometritis,

premature menopause.

In general, the electropuncture has no proven side effects, but there are some
contraindications for this method:

age under one year old and over 75 years old;

different kinds of tumors, regardless of location;

pregnancy (after the fifth month);

acute myocardial infarction;

respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, decompensation stage;

acute febrile diseases of uncertain aetiology;

active tuberculosis;

acute infectious diseases;

acute psychosis;


state of inebriation;


when a patient has a heart pacemaker.

In addition to the main contraindications, the relative ones should also be considered:

– conditions immediately after physical overwork or psychological shock;

– menses.

During the electropuncture course a patient should avoid all alcohol because it can cause
worsening of a pathological process.

Procedure room
This window is for the electrotherapy by all meridian points and quadrant leads. By
default, the low voltage value of 5 V is set for the therapy beginning in order not to cause
discomfort in a patient. It is possible to change the pulse parameters during the therapy process
depending on the displayed graph of the treatment course. You can change shape, duration of
impulses or stop therapy at all in the absence of visible improvements.

To start therapy, click the Begin therapy button. The device will switch to the diagnostic
mode, and you can perform necessary measurements and therapy, following instructions and
images on the screen. To end therapy, click the Finish therapy button. To clear therapy results,
click the Clear button. In the right window the image will be displayed. It will show either BAP
that you need at the moment, or the quadrant lead, as well as a pointer-type indicator displaying
the current measuring value. During therapy session, the graph of therapy impact on the BAP
state over time is displayed. After measurements the point factor will be displayed in graphic
form in a histogram.

Quadrant leads therapy order
o Connect plugs of device wires to cylindrical electrodes.
o Wet the cylinders a bit.
o Take cylindrical electrodes into the hands with respect to polarity as shown in the image.
The cylindrical electrode connected to the red plug is “+”, connected to the black plug is
o Click the Begin therapy button.
o The program will perform the initial testing.
o Wait for the end of the electrotherapy, no taking the electrode off the BAP. The therapy
process is displayed as a progress bar.
o Perform the final testing similar to the initial testing.
o According to the results of the final testing, it is concluded whether the factor has
improved or not.

BAP therapy order

o Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe. Connect the black
plug of device wire to the cylindrical electrode.
o Click the Begin therapy button.
o Wet the tip of the probe electrode a bit.
o Press a tip of the probe electrode to the BAP.
o Perform the initial testing of the point shown in the image. The program will perform
three measurements consecutively, do not take the electrode off the BAP during all of
them. If the measurements were performed correctly, the point factor will be displayed in
a histogram. Otherwise, the program will repeat the measurements for the BAP.
o Wait for the end of the point electrotherapy, no taking the electrode off the BAP. The
therapy process is displayed as a progress bar.
o Perform the final testing similar to the initial testing.
o According to the results of the final testing, it is concluded whether the factor has
improved or not.

You can change parameters during therapy process:

Electric current parameters

o The pulse shape — rectangular, triangular and sinusoidal (positive or negative)
o Impulse duration (in milliseconds): 1–1000 ms
o Frequency (Hz): floating or in range of 1–20 Hz
o Voltage range (V): 1–20 V

Therapy duration
o Time (in minutes): 1–60 min

Therapy by nosologies
This window is for the electrotherapy by certain diagnoses. The voltage (pulse amplitude)
should be so set that the individual patient’s threshold of sensitivity is reached in the form of a
slight tingling under the electrodes. By default, the voltage value of 5 V is set in order not to hurt
a patient. To start therapy, click the Begin therapy button. The device will switch to the
diagnostic mode, and you can perform necessary measurements and therapy, following
instructions and images on the screen. To end therapy, click the Finish therapy button. To clear
therapy results, click the Clear button. In the right window the image will be displayed. It will
show the BAP that you need at the moment, as well as a pointer-type indicator displaying the
current measuring value. During therapy process the graph of therapy influence on the BAP state
over time will be shown. After measurements the point factor will be displayed in graphic form
in a histogram.

Therapy order
o Select the diagnosis you need and desired BAP from the list for selected diagnosis.

o Choose the electric current parameters and therapy duration. (Recommended values are
selected automatically)
o Click the Begin therapy button and perform the initial testing of the point. The program
will perform three measurements consecutively. If the measurements have performed
correctly, the point factor will be displayed in a histogram. Otherwise, the program will
repeat the measurements for the BAP.
o Wait for the end of the point electrotherapy, no taking the electrode off the BAP. The
therapy process is displayed as a progress bar.
o Perform the final testing similar to the initial testing.
o According to the results of the final testing, it is concluded whether the factor has
improved or not.

You can change parameters during therapy process:

Electric current parameters

o The pulse shape — rectangular, triangular or sinusoidal (positive or negative)
o Pulse duration (in milliseconds): 1–1000 ms
o Frequency (Hz): floating or in range of 1–20 Hz
o Voltage range (V): 1–20 V

Therapy duration
o Time (in minutes): 1–60 min

Rolling with the roller electrode

According to some kinds of therapy by nosologies (for example, by abscess zones), it is

advised rolling with the roller electrode. It is shown in the program:

The rolling is, above all, a non-specific superficial therapy. In terms of acupuncture, the
therapeutic effect of rolling can be explained by stimulation of channel divergences in the treated
area, which resulted in energy exchange increase between individual meridians.
Connect the roller electrode to the red plug of the patient cable. A patient takes the
passive cylindrical electrode (connected to the black plug) into one hand and grips the roller
electrode by insulated handle with the other hand.
Usually a patient performs rolling himself. The areas on the back are rolled by assistant,
while the patient holds the electrode in his right hand. An affected area, including zones with
related lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels, is treated by the roller electrode with moderate
pressure. It is advisable to hold the roller electrode for a while in the center of the affected area
to enhance the therapeutic effect.
If possible, areas with regional lymphatic glands are rolled at first, then lymphatic vessels
originating from them, and after that an affected area itself, because usually there is a significant
lymphatic congestion in such zones.
Rolling duration is 15 minutes. It is possible to repeat the procedure several times during
the day, but the intervals between sessions should be at least 1 hour each.

Therapy by effects
This windows is for the electrotherapy by effects in order to normalize the body state and
regulate the certain body functions. The voltage (pulse amplitude) shall be so set that the
individual patient’s threshold of sensitivity is reached in the form of a slight tingling under the
electrodes. By default, the voltage value is 5 V. It is advisable to wet hands or feet. To start
therapy, click the Begin therapy button. The device will switch to the diagnostic mode, and you
can perform necessary measurements and therapy, following instructions and images on the
screen. To end therapy, click the Finish the therapy button. To clear therapy results, click the
Clear button. In the right window the image of electrodes location will be displayed (therapy by
effects is performed by leads only). It will also show a pointer-type indicator displaying the
current measuring value. During therapy process the graph of therapy influence on the body
energy level over time will be shown.

Therapy order:
o Select the necessary effect and the desired BAP from the list for the selected effect.

o Choose the electric current parameters and therapy duration. (Recommended values are
selected automatically).
o Click the Begin therapy button and perform the initial testing of the point. The program
will perform three measurements consecutively. If the measurements have performed
correctly, the point factor will be displayed in a histogram. Otherwise, the program will
repeat the measurements for the BAP.
o Wait for the end of the point electrotherapy, no taking the electrode off the BAP. The
therapy process is displayed as a progress bar.
o Perform the final testing similar to the initial testing.
o According to the results of the final testing, it is concluded whether the factor has
improved or not.

You can change parameters during therapy process:

Electric current parameters

o The pulse shape — rectangular or triangular (positive or negative)
o Pulse duration (in milliseconds): 1–1000 ms
o Frequency (Hz): floating or in a range of 1–20 Hz
o Voltage range (V): 1–20 V

Therapy duration
o Time (in seconds): 10–300 s

Therapy under the schedule
This window is for the electrotherapy under the schedule. This offers to users expanded
possibilities for individual therapy scheduling, setting pulse shape, its duration, sensitivity, etc.
The technique’s name can be saved for further use, all created frequencies will be saved. The
pulses obtained as a result of constructing will be displayed on the screen.

To start therapy, click the Begin therapy button. The device will switch to the diagnostic
mode, and you can perform necessary measurements and therapy, following instructions and
images on the screen. To end therapy, click the Finish therapy button. To clear therapy results,
click the Clear button. In the right window the image will be displayed. It will show the current
pulse shape or the graph of therapy displaying the current measuring value over time.

Attention This mode implies that a user has a basic knowledge of electrotechnics. If
parameter setting is incorrect, the mode may fail to start due to the mutually exclusive values.

Therapy order
o At first, you should make a therapy schedule. You should tick the appropriate boxes and
select necessary parameters of electric current as well as exposure in seconds. The pulse
duration of zero clearly indicates the treatment discontinuation (in the moment of a such
mode the therapy is discontinued).
o If the Diagnostic measurements box is ticked, the program performs current
measurement of a point by Voll upon completion of the list.
o The number of repeats for the therapy list you can set by selecting the necessary number
in the Retry field.

o If you need to save the created therapy technique, you should click the Save button and
give a name to the technique.
o Click the Begin therapy button.
o Wait for the end of the point electrotherapy, no taking the electrode off the BAP. The
therapy process is displayed as a progress bar.
o Upon completion of all therapy stages, the program will switch to the testing mode.

You can change parameters during therapy process:

Electric current parameters

o Voltage range (V) is 1–20 V

There are several ways of influence on biologically active points (BAP): needle therapy,
cauterization, acupressure (point massage), thermo-, cryo-, laser-, magneto-, ray puncture, and
also electric reflexotherapy. Electric acupuncture or reflexotherapy is a reflex therapy method,
based on the influence of electric current of microampere range on BAPs of the human body. By
way of impact on BAP two methods are distinguished: electroacupuncture (treatment with use of
a needle for acupuncture pre-inserted into the BAP) and electropuncture (treatment without
hurting the skin surface).

For the electropuncture direct and pulse currents are used. To lead the current to the BAP,
the electrode of less area is used. It is called active. Second electrode is called passive. It is
believed that negative active electrode potential leads to the BAP conductivity increase
(restorative, stimulating, resolving effects are provided) and positive potential decreases the BAP
conductivity (sedative, inhibitory anti-inflammatory effects are achieved). The inhibitory
electrotherapy is contraindicated in children and elderly persons.

The BAP electrical properties are constantly subject to change in a wide range depending
on severity of the body imbalance. The BAP electrical conductivity increases if the
corresponding organ has a disease. When the normal functional state of the organ is restored, the
BAP electrical conductivity decreases. In various diseased conditions the lines of corresponding
meridians have increased electrical conductivity. A comparison of the BAP increased electrical
conductivity and surrounding tissue conductivity allows localization of the BAP. The BAP
conductivity during diagnostics are usually measured with straight and reverse polarity. If in
case of straight polarity the conductivity value is higher, it indicates an inflammatory process
(BAP sedation is required). If in case of reverse polarity the conductivity value is higher, it
indicates an degenerative process (the stimulating effect is required). The greater the asymmetry
of values during measurements in different polarities, the more significant a disorder. The
increase of conductivity asymmetry reflects the information about body immunodefences (the
faster the asymmetry develops, the more compromised an immunity).

The electropuncture is effective in the treatment of functional disorders related to small

organic changes and less effective in diseases related to significant organic changes.
Electropuncture efficacy is most pronounced in such symptoms and conditions as chill, fever,
headache, heaviness in the head, dizziness, buzzing in ears, stiffening of the joints, fatigue,
insomnia, backache, pain in extremities, constipation, anemia, neuralgia, etc.

The treatment by using the electric reflexotherapy should be started only after thorough
medical examination. A doctor has to follow the instructions and bear in mind contraindications
for this method of therapy.


– age under one year old or over 75 years old

– different kinds of tumors, regardless of location

– pregnancy

– acute myocardial infarction

– respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, decompensation stage

– acute febrile diseases of uncertain aetiology

– active tuberculosis

– acute infectious diseases

– acute psychosis

– thrombophlebitis

– state of inebriation

– cachexia

– the presence of an artificial heart pacemaker

– menses

Electropuncture procedure
Usually for one session no more than 5–6 BAPs are used. For influence the BAPs having
the highest conductivity value and disbalance are chosen. Duration of exposure on one BAP
must not exceed 6 min (duration of exposure must be shorter if much current is used). To
localize the BAP more precisely, it is necessary to guide by its topographic location. Avoid
hurting major vein and arteries. Do not touch BAPs in the areas of skin damage and neoplasms
(warts, lipomas, etc.).

It is necessary to precisely find a BAP for the treatment of chronic painless conditions. In
acute and subacute painful conditions it is not necessary to precisely find a BAP. Besides, in that
case it is possible to influence not only on BAPs using the classical prescriptions, but also on
points of maximal tenderness, hyperemia, etc.

Using a combination of BAPs, you should set the exposure scheme (for example,
crisscross order) because the long-term activation of the same BAPs leads to their adaptation. It
decreases the therapeutic effect. It is important to adhere to a certain order of influence on the
BAP during procedure. If it is necessary to influence BAPs in different body zones, you should
apply the following order: points in the upper body, lower body, back, abdomen. It is preferable
to start every time with Yang meridian BAPs, then proceed to Yin meridian BAPs.

First session of electropuncture reflex therapy should be performed with particular

caution, avoiding intense irritation and carefully monitoring the body response. Before first
session it is necessary to assess patient’s general appearance, defenses of the body or
asthenization level, determine patient’s nervous system type. Depending on these parameters, the
BAP influence techniques are selected. During session a doctor should monitor the patient’s
condition carefully because signs of syncopal condition (cold sweat, nausea, paleness), loss of
consciousness or paradoxical response can occur. The blood pressure should be monitored as
well. The patient's comfortable posture (sitting or lying) reduces a possibility of negative

The electric current intensity during therapeutic influence depends on BAP location.
Usually, they are located in muscle recesses and conjunctions, in muscle bundles, between skin
folds. If BAPs are located under the massive muscular layer (for example, in the gluteal area), it
is permitted to use the maximum current (up to 400 µA). For BAPs located in areas of the back,
lumbosacral spine and lower extremities, the electric current of 200–250 µA is used, and 70–
100 µA for the abdomen area.

To select the electric current intensity, a doctor should be guided by the following rules:

– chronic diseases and asthenization require minimum values of the current intensity;

– when area of maximal tenderness is treated, the current intensity is determined by

subjective feeling of a patient.

During the procedure a patient has slight bursting, tingling, warm feelings. That sensation
should not be painful, it should be pleasant. Sharp, severe pain in the point of influence is
undesirable because it can cause worsening of a disease.

Energetic system of the human body has a meridian structure composed of the main
constant meridians, specific meridians and some longitudinal and transverse channels. According
to perceptions of the Orient, Yang and Yin meridians are distinguished depending on the organ
with which the meridian is associated. The human body organs that have a lot of blood and little
energy belong to the group of Yin organs: P (lungs), RP (spleen–pancreas), C (heart), R
(kidneys), MC (pericardium), F (liver). Their main function is digestion and accumulation of
nutrients, vital energy Qi, blood and fluids of the human body. The organs that have a lot of
energy and little blood belong to the group of Yang organs: GI (large intestine), E (stomach), IG
(small intestine), V (urinary bladder), TR (three heaters), VB (gall bladder). Their main function
is digestion, nutrient intake and elimination of waste from the body. Two meridians (anterior
median and posterior median) are so-called “wonderful” meridians. They are not associated with
certain organs, but control the whole body. A state of energy balance (Yin and Yang) is a basis
for the perfect health.

To normalize energy in the meridian, it is first necessary to influence on sedative and
stimulating BAPs. In case of energy excess (Yang symptoms), the sedative BAP is stimulated in
the period of maximum energy in the meridian (i. e. during its two-hour activity). In case of
energy lack (Yin symptoms), the stimulating BAP is stimulated in the period of opposite
meridian two-hour activity time.


– When there is a significant excess of energy (Yang symptoms), the stimulation is


– When there is a deficiency of energy (Yin symptoms) the sedation is prohibited (it is
weaken the body additionally).

Influencing on meridian BAPs in chosen combination, the necessary sequence should be

strictly followed: in energy excess (for the meridian sedation) you should move against the flow
of energy in the meridian; in deficiency of energy you should move to the direction of the energy
flow. A failure to follow the principles of stimulation and sedation leads to deteriorating patient

Besides, there are the following four laws for the energy alignment: “Mother-Son”,
“Husband-Wife”, coupled (associated) organs, and “Midnight-Midday”.

The “Mother-Son” law is used, if the affected organ is resistant to energization through
the stimulating BAPs of the corresponding meridian. In that case the preceding meridian
(“Mother”) is stimulated and the subsequent meridian (“Son”) is sedated. It enables unloading of
the affected organ which helps to restore its functions.

The “Husband-Wife” law is based on the fact that a disease of an organ, associated with
the certain pulse point on the left hand, has an adverse impact on the organ associated with the
same pulse point on the right hand (i. e. it is also at risk). This can be called a prophylactic law
that indicates an organ at risk. Such organ requires a prophylactic therapy.

The law of coupled (associated) organs recognizes the energetic link between adjacent
Yin and Yang organs. In case of affected functions of the Yang organ, the Yin organ associated
with it is also at risk, and vice versa.

The “Midnight-Midday” law establishes a link between two organs which daily
maximum activity is shifted by 12 h (they are in phase opposition), while the Yang organ is
counterposed to Yin organ, and vice versa. According to this law, the stimulation of Yang organ
during Yang time results in sedation of counterposed Yin organ. At the same time, the
“Midnight-Midday” law indicates a risk for a disease of the organ if its daily minimum activity is
coincided with daily maximum activity of the affected organ.

The discussed above four laws of energy alignment in meridians allow identifying the
link between affected organ and four organs vulnerable to a disease in that case. Therapy of the
one of four coherent organs has a favourable influence on the affected organ as well.

Parallel Cross Coupled “Midday–

Adverse meridian
connection connection organs Midnight”













If two coupled main Yang and Yin meridians have imbalance of inner protective energy,
it is aligned by Lo Transverse channels. They play regulatory role for the coupled meridians.
They function when there are the energy excess in the main meridian (Yang symptoms) and the
deficiency of energy in the coupled meridian (Yin symptoms), and vice versa. When there is the
deficiency of energy in the main meridian and the energy excess in the coupled meridian, it is
necessary to stimulate the ally point (U BAP) of that meridian and sedate the stabilizing linking
Lo BAP of the coupled meridian. When there is an energy excess in the main meridian and the
deficiency of energy in the coupled meridian, it is necessary to sedate the Lo BAP of the main
meridian and stimulate the U BAP of the coupled one.

Deficiency of energy Energy excess

Sedate Lo BAP Tone up U BAP Sedate Lo BAP Tone up U BAP

P G16 P9 P7 GI4

GI E40 G14 GI6 E42

E RP4 E42 E40 RP3

RP C5 RP3 RP4 C7

C IG7 C7 C5 IG4

IG V58 IG4 IG7 V64

V R4 V64 V58 R3

R MC6 R3 R4 MC7


TR VB37 TR4 TR5 VB40

VB F5 VB40 VB37 F3

F P7 F3 F5 P9

Especial biologically active points

Medical beginners having relatively little experience are not advised using so-called
specific BAPs. The impact on them can worsen the patient's condition, even to death. You
should strictly take into account the time of the day, season of the year, phases of the moon,
patient’s astrological characteristics, when using these BAPs, and comply with the
recommendations on these factors. It is recommended to take special care with BAPs on the
neck, temples, and back of hands. Sometimes very low electric current results in such adverse
events as nausea, dizziness, changes in heart rate, breath, blood pressure, etc. For example,
impact on points GI17 can E30 can help in faintness or, conversely, it can lead to faintness.
When exposing on the VC14, the range of effects extends from CPR to lethal outcome. In the
program such specific BAPs are marked in red color.

Biologically active points providing general stimulating effect

These are BAPs providing general tonic effect, stimulating body defenses and creating a
balance. These BAPs are available for self-treatment to keep physical health. Besides, in the
treatment of different diseases it is advisable to add one or two points providing general
stimulating effect to the list of BAPs for the therapy, and start sessions from them. In the
program such BAPs providing general stimulating effect are marked in green color.

Procedure room

This window is for the electropuncture on BAPs. Besides, this window includes
recommendations on stylostixis. To start therapy, click the Begin therapy button. The device
will switch to the diagnostic mode, and you can perform necessary measurements and therapy,
following instructions and images on the screen. To end therapy, click the Finish therapy button.
To clear therapy results, click the Clear button. In the right window the image will be displayed.
It will show the BAP that you need at the moment, as well as a pointer-type indicator displaying
the current measuring value. During therapy process the graph of therapy influence on the BAP
state over time will be shown.

BAP therapy order

o Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe. Connect the black
plug of device wire to the cylindrical electrode.
o Select from the list the electrotherapy technique you need.
o Click the Begin therapy button.
o Press a tip of the electrode probe to the BAP. The patient holds the cylinder in the hand.
o Perform the initial testing of the point shown in the image.
o Wait for the end of the point electrotherapy, no taking the electrode off the BAP. The
therapy process is displayed as a progress bar.

You can change electric current parameters during therapy process and perform therapy using
different techniques:

G — galvanic (direct) current

EPT — electropuncture therapy

BRT — bioresonance therapy

VOLL — Voll electrotherapy

For every technique its own signal parameters are set.

Therapy by nosologies

This window is for electrotherapy by nosologies. To start therapy, click the Begin
therapy button. The device will switch to the diagnostic mode, and you can perform necessary
measurements and therapy, following instructions and images on the screen. To end therapy,
click the Finish therapy button. To clear therapy results, click the Clear button. In the right
window the image will be displayed. It will show the BAP that you need at the moment, as well
as a pointer-type indicator displaying the current measuring value. During therapy process the
graph of therapy influence on the BAP state over time will be shown.

Therapy order
Select the diagnosis you need and desired BAP from the list for selected diagnosis.

o Choose the electric current parameters and therapy duration.

o Click the Begin therapy button.
o Press a tip of the electrode probe to the BAP. A patient holds the cylinder in the
ipsilateral hand.
o Wait for the end of the point electrotherapy, no taking the electrode off the BAP. The
therapy process is displayed as a progress bar.

You can change electric current parameters during therapy process as in the Procedure
room window.

Chronopuncture (open point calculation)

The Chronopuncture module is intended for recommendations about conducting the zhen
jiu therapy in certain days depending on lunar, Jupiter and solar calendar, as well as patient
location (coordinates on the surface of the Earth).

In ancient times, special attention was paid to understanding of impact of space on human
body. No one was ever allowed to heal living beings without understanding and knowledge of
aspects of astronomy and cosmology. A lunar calendar was developed and implemented in
ancient China. Instructions, restrictions and preferences in regards to conducting the zhen jiu
therapy were determined under that calendar. Besides, 60-phase luni-solar calendar was
invented. It is largely used for calculation of opening and closing time of biologically active

In ancient times people also could tell time at night by the northern Plough location.
According to its location, people in ancient China determined a direction of the heaven Qi flow.
The ability to work with energy was given particular emphasis in zhen jiu therapy and massage.
Primarily, a skill to feel the Qi was taken into account, as well as understanding of a direction of
the energy flow, considering eight sides of horizon at different times of day and the year.
Therapist position (his/her hands and back) in regards to direction of the heaven Qi flow allowed
carrying out the high-quality correction of Yin (Earth) and Yang (Space) energies in a patient. It
also allowed a therapist to save his/her own energy and achieve an optimal restoration of the
body functions in a short time. Thus, the Big Dipper plays a role of the indicator of space and
time. It indicates the changes of Yin and Yang energies during one day and a year, that is
important to consider for practical and creative activities.

For more detailed information, the book of Davydov M. may be advised. The book is
called “Space and time in Chinese medicine”.

If the BAPs time is coincided with the present time, they are marked in the program in
green color. When the mouse cursor is placed over the point, the description of needle therapy
appears. By clicking the BAP, the transition to the Procedure room of the exact BAP occurs in
order to carry out the therapy.

The program calculates the following day characteristics that may be required for

- time of sunrise and sunset

- time of moonrise and moonset, lunar day characteristics (the moon is in decrement on a full
moon and in the last quarter; the increscent moon is on the new moon and in the first quarter)
- a possibility of solar or lunar eclipse on a particular day
- a day cycle in 60-day cycle according to Chinese calendar calculated for the particular location
- the element of the day
- Heavenly Stem of the day in 10-day cycle according to Chinese calendar calculated for the
particular location
- activity time of meridians, considering time of sunrise and sunset
- recommendations on the day according to lunar calendar
- the northern Plough location on a particular day depending on time of day and cardinal
- the order and time of antique points opening on a particular day depending on time of sunrise
and sunset

The following methods of open points calculation are provided:

- Method of intercreation of elements (Zi U Liu Zhu)

- Method of combined flows (Liu Zhu)
- Method of one open point (Wai Nei)
- Eightfold method of the Sacred Tortoise (Ling Gui Ba Fa)
- The Eight Methods To Get the Qi To Rise Skywards (Fei Teng Ba Fa)

It should be noted that each of these methods is individual. For practice only one method
should be chosen; you should not mix or combine them in your mind.

Operation procedure
o Make sure that Time zone settings in the program correspond to your location.

o Select from the list your city where you are. If your locality is absent on the list, select the “-
other-” item.

o If the “-other-” item is selected, it is necessary to enter your coordinates (latitude and
longitude) in degrees to within a tenth of a degree. For example, for Beijing in decimal it is
39 degrees, 91 minutes northern latitude and 116 degrees, 40 minutes east longitude.

o There are coordinates on a location map (with some error); sometimes you can
find them on the local websites of towns. For the Western Hemisphere (for example,
Northern America) the longitude coordinates are negative (it is necessary to put a minus sign
before number). The program does not display data for the Southern Hemisphere. There
is no calculation for the negative latitude.
o If the “summer time” box unticked, the program calculates data according to
astronomical time. If it is daylight-saving (summer) time in the locality at the day of
calculation, you should tick this box to make the time clock corresponding to the program
calculation time. As the clocks are switched to summer time differently in different countries
(it also can be approved or canceled by the legislature), you should follow the changes on
your own.
o Once all settings are selected correctly, the desirable day for calculation in the
program calendar should be chosen. In selecting the date, the program displays the day

The program information about date, time and location is based on Windows settings,
so you should set time and time zone in Windows system correctly. (You can find these
settings in the Windows Control Panel, in the Date and Time window). (Click the Start
button, then Control Panel, Adjust your computer’s settings and Clock, Language, and


Electrotherapy consists in dosed effects on the body of current flows and electrical,
magnetic and electromagnetic fields. Used for electrotherapy electrical current works as
anesthetic and tranquilizer for neuralgia, cramps, paralyses, or as irritant and stimulator for
neuromuscular system in case of muscular atrophy, articular rheumatism , some female diseases,
neurasthenia, hysteria and others.

ATTENTION: The improper use of the device for electrotherapy or using it for other
purposes can lead to undesirable consequences for patient health. Therefore, carry out
procedures only under observation of experienced physician.


Galvanization is a method of using for treatment purposes the direct weak current of low
voltage and not varying in time. Under the influence of external electromagnetic field the
conduction current arises in tissues, that causes changes in the ions interrelation in cells and in
intercellular space.

Therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory (draining-dehydrating), anesthetic, sedative (on

the anode), vasodilatory, myorelaxing and secretory (on the cathode).
Indications: inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders (chronic gastritis, stomach and
duodenum peptic ulcer, chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis, colitis), musculoskeletal system
diseases, peripheral nervous system disorders (neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis, radiculitis),
functional diseases of central nervous system with vegetative and sleeping disorders, idiopathic
hypertension of I-II degree, hypotension, eye and ENT organ disorders, skin diseases, chronic
diseases of female genital organs, etc.
Contraindications: acute and purulent inflammatory processes of various localization,
dermal sensitivity disorders, individual intolerance of electric current, skin damage in areas of
placing of electrodes, eczema.
Parameters: For galvanization, the maximum current applied to extremities is 20–
30 mA, and to trunk is 15–20 mA. For galvanization of face, the current magnitude usually
does not exceed 3–5 mA, and for treatment of mouth and nose mucosae is 2-3 mA.

Electrophoresis is a combined action on a body of the direct current and the medicine
that is taken into the body with the direct current.

Therapeutic effects: potentiation of galvanization effects and specific pharmacological
action of a medicine taken into the body with the current.
Indications: depend on pharmacological properties of a medicine and indications for
Contraindications: besides those to galvanization, the contraindications for certain
Parameters: The same current parameters as for galvanization and impulse
electrotherapy. The total amount of electricity passed through the tissues should not exceed
200 C (coulombs). The amount of medicine usually does not exceed its single dose for
parenteral or peroral administration.

Electric sleep therapy is an impact of pulse current on hypnogenic brain structures.

Therapeutic effects: somnolent, sedative, spasmolytic, trophic, secretory.

Indications: diseases of the central nervous system (neurasthenic, reactive and asthenic
conditions, nocturnal sleep disorders, logoneurosis), cardiovascular system diseases
(atherosclerosis of brain vessels at an early stage, cardiac ischemia, effort angina of I–II
functional class, idiopathic hypertension of I–II degree, gastric and duodenal peptic ulcer,
bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, eczema, uracrasia).
Contraindications: epilepsy, decompensated heart diseases, electric current intolerance,
inflammatory diseases of eyes (conjunctivitis, blepharitis).
Parameters: For electric sleep therapy square-wave impulses with current frequency of
5–160 imp*s-1 and duration of 0,2–0,5 ms are used. Impulse current intensity usually does not
exceed 8–10 mA. Choosing pulse recurrence rate, take into account a condition of a patient.

Electrostimulation is a form of stimulation when pulse currents are used for restoration
of activity of injured nerves and muscles as well as internal organs having the smooth muscles in
their walls (bronchi, gastrointestinal tract).

Therapeutic effects: myoneurostimulating, trophostimulating, vasodilatory, catabolic,

Indications: primary muscular atrophy as a result of peripheric motor nerves damage
(poliomyelitis, polyneuritis, plexitis, radiculoneuritis, traumatic neuritis, degenerative disc
disease with severe radicular syndrome, cerebral paralysis), flaccid paralysis with pain
syndrome and severe trophic disorders, secondary muscle atrophy as a result of physical
inactivity, long-term immobilization after bone fracture, joint diseases and injuries, fatigue,
uracrasia, atony of smooth muscles of internal organs (stomach, intestine, biliary system and
urinary bladder).
Contraindications: acute inflammatory purulent processes, spastic paralysis and paresis,
hyperelectroexcitability of muscles, conjugate pathological muscle contraction, early stages of

contracture development, joint ankylosis, bone fractures until their consolidation, varicose and
post-thrombotic syndrome, hemorrhagic stroke.
Parameters: for electrostimulation it is necessary to choose a shape of impulse current,
pulse recurrence rate and adjust the amplitude so as to reach the intense painless rhythmic
contractions of patient muscles. Duration of impulses for electrostimulation is 1–1000 ms. For
facial and hand muscles the current intensity should be 3–5 mA, for muscles of shoulders,
shins and hips it should be 10–15 mA.

Diadynamotherapy is a therapeutic influence on the body of diadynamic pulse currents.

Therapeutic effects: myoneurostimulating, anesthetic, vasodilatory, trophostimulating.

Indications: acute and subacute diseases of peripheral nervous system (radiculitis,
neuritis, radiculoneuritis, sympathalgia, spinal cord traumas), acute traumatic injuries of
musculoskeletal system (injury of ligaments, contusion, myalgia, periarthritis, muscular
atrophy), diseases of arteries and veins, idiopathic hypertension of the I–II stage, bronchial
asthma, diseases of gastrointestinal tract (noncalculous cholecystitis, biliary tract dyskinesia,
atonic and spastic colitis, pancreatitis), rheumatoid arthritis, enuresis, arthropathy deformans,
Bekhterev's disease, chronic inflammatory diseases of female genital organs, peritoneal
Contraindications: Bone fractures with non-immobilized bone fragments, urolithiasis
and cholelithiasis, thrombophlebitis, acute viscerogenic pain (ischemic heart disease, exertional
angina of class III, myocardial infarction, renal colic, labor, surgical manipulations),
idiosyncrasy to electric current, multiple sclerosis.
Parameters: The diadynamic currents are used, i. e. impulses of the semisinusoidal
shape with exponentially lengthen trailing edge, frequency of 50 and 100 Hz and amplitude in
the range between 2–5 and 15–20 mA. To decrease adaptation of excitable tissues to such
currents, the sequential order of pulses and the character of their combinations should be
changed. Currently 5 main combinations (types) of these currents and 2 types of their wave
modulation are used. For carrying out diadynamotherapy procedures the specific devices are
used. They generate 8 types of pulse currents of various duration, frequency and shape with
various polarity and duration of pauses between pulses. Besides, there is a constant component
intensifying effects of diadynamic currents.

Amplipulse therapy is influence of sinusoidal modulated currents on a body.

Therapeutic effects: neuromyostimulating, anesthetic, vasodilatory, trophic.

Indications: diseases of central nervous system with motor, vegetovascular and trophic
disorders, diseases of peripheral nervous system with pain syndrome (causalgia, neuromyositis,
neuralgia, lumbago, radiculitis, sympathalgia), hypertensive disease of I-II class,
respiratory tract diseases (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma), gastrointestinal tract
disorders (functional gastric disorder, gastroduodenal ulcer, reflux esophagitis, diskinetic

constipation, dyskinesia of biliary tract), diseases of joints (rheumatoid arthritis, arthropathy
deformans, periarthritis), pelvic inflammatory diseases, enuresis.
Contraindications: acute and subacute inflammatory diseases of internal organs,
fractures with non-immobilized bone fragments, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, idiosyncrasy to
electrical current, psychosis, multiple sclerosis, postthrombotic disease.
Parameters: for amplipulse therapy the alternating sinusoidal (harmonic) currents with
frequency 5 kHz, modulated by frequency in the range of 10–150 Hz are used. Depth of their
amplitude modulation reaches 100 %. For medical purposes alternating and constant
generation modes are used. In the first case the amplitude current pulsations are formed, in the
second case, the monopolar sinusoidal pulses. Amplitude of modulating current should not
exceed 50 mA. Amplipulse therapy is carried out with delivering of separate series of current
oscillations, which follow in certain sequence defining an operation mode (five main operation
modes are distinguished).

There are following general contraindications for electrotherapy:

 Inflammatory diseases and diseases accompanied by fever

 Pregnancy
 Patients with cardio- or other implanted electrostimulators
 Malignant tumors
 Convulsive disorder
 Skin damage in the areas of therapy
 Presence of implants containing metal in the areas of therapy
 Acute stage of myocardial infarction
 Acute stage of a cerebral vascular accident
 Fractures of bones before their consolidation (synostosis).
 Dermatoses
 Bleedings, hemorrhagic tendency
 Severe arterial hypertension
 Atrial fibrillation
 Renal and hepatic failure
 Renal, urinary bladder or gall bladder calculi (in case of therapy in the
region of abdomen and loin)
 State after surgical suturing of a divided nerve, tendon or vessel within
three weeks after surgery.

ATTENTION: The electrode for electrotherapy should be as large as possible. Be sure

that electrodes are placed in such position that the widest part of lining is in touch with the
skin. Attach electrodes so that they stick to the skin tightly, without unsticking. Always
remember that a patient may have skin sensitivity disorder, therefore a person can
inadequately assess intensity of current. Be particularly careful using currents with high
galvanic component (G, UR, IG 30, T/R, DF, MF, CP, LP, and others in monopolar mode
with pulse duration over 50 ms and pauses shorter than 200 ms). Never exceed recommended
current density of 0.1 mA/cm2 on the surface of active electrode. If during the procedure you
use electrodes of different size, choose current intensity as for the smallest one.

Many kinds of therapy are preferably applied in two-phase mode as it allows avoiding
risk of chemical burns even at high current intensity. Two-phase currents are more easily
tolerated, that is very important for patients with high sensitivity.

Different sizes of electrodes and maximum current intensity used:

The electrode area (сm2) Maximum current intensity (mA)

10 1

50 5

100 10

200 20


(G) Galvanic current

Direct current without any fluctuations and interruptions.

Application: ionophoresis, background therapy of paralyzes and atrophy, hyperemic


Attention Be careful when you apply galvanic current. Put slightly wet
viscose bandage on patient’s skin. Apply the bandage firmly.
Current intensity should not exceed 0.1 mA/cm² of electrode
work surface!

(IG 30) Galvanic impulse current (30)

Pulse shape: triangular, impulse duration (T) is 10 ms. Pause duration (R) is 50 ms.
Stimulation frequency is about 12 Hz. Monophasic/biphasic.

Application: stimulation of blood circulation, pain treatment.

(IG 50) Galvanic impulse current (50)

Pulse shape: triangular, pulse duration (T) is 1 ms. Pause duration (R) is 20 ms. Duration
of amplitude modulation wave is 50 ms. Duration of amplitude modulation pause is 70 ms.
Stimulation frequency is about 8 Hz. Monophasic/biphasic.

Application: induction of muscle tremor for stimulation of blood circulation, for pain
treatment, muscle tension relief and hematoma resorption.

(DF) Two-half-period continuous (TH) diadynamic current

Pulse shape: sinusoidal half-waves following one after another continuously, without
pauses. Pulse duration (T) is 10 ms. Galvanic noise is 5 %.

Application: classical current for the pain treatment in neuralgia and chronic pain, for
sympathetic block. It has prominent analgesic and vasoactive effect, causes fibrillar muscle
twitching, fine and diffuse vibration.

(MF 1) One-half-period continuous (OН) diadynamic current

Pulse shape: half-sine impulses alternate with pauses at regular intervals. Pulse duration
(T) is 10 ms. Galvanic noise is 5 %.

Application: pain treatment. It has prominent irritative and myostimulating effect, up to
tetanic muscle contraction. It causes large unpleasant vibration in a patient.

(MF 2) One-half-period rhythmic (ОР) diadynamic current

Pulse shape: ОР signal consists of one-half-period continuous signal (IT) followed by

the pauses at regular intervals. Duration of signal/pauses is 1 sec. Galvanic noise is 5 %.

Application: It has the most intense myostimulating effect, when the current pulses are
sent. That period are followed by full muscle relaxation during a pause.

(CP) Diadynamic current modulated by a short period (SP)

Pulse shape: sequential combination of two-half-period continuous (TC) and one-half-

period continuous (OC) signals that follow as a pulse delivery consisting of 1 sec pulses. Pauses
between TC and OC parts of SP signal are absent. Galvanic noise is 5 %.

Application: pain treatment, facilitation of absorption. At the beginning of a treatment

session this current has neurostimulating effect, and in 1–2 min it causes analgesia. It causes
periodic sensations of large and gentle vibration in a patient.

(LP 1) Diadynamic current modulated by long period (LP)

Pulse shape: simultaneous combination of the following pulse deliveries: one-half-

period continuous (OC) current with duration of 4 sec and two-half-period continuous (TC)
current with duration of 8 sec. The impulses of OC current during 4 sec are supplemented by
smoothly rising and descending (during 2 sec) pulses of TC current. Galvanic noise is 5 %.

Application: neuromyostimulating effect of such currents decreases and its analgesic,
vasoactive and trophic effects smoothly increase. Patient's sensations are similar to those of SP

(LP 2) One-half-period wave (OW) diadynamic current

Pulse shape: pulse deliveries of one-half-period continuous current with frequency of

50 Hz and duration of 4 sec, with gradual amplitude increase and decrease. Pulse deliveries are
followed by pauses with duration of 4 sec. Galvanic noise is 5 %.

Application: It has prominent neuromyostimulating effect.

(LP 3) Two-half-period wave (TW) diadynamic current

Pulse shape: pulse deliveries of two-half-period continuous current with frequency of

100 Hz and duration of 4 sec, with gradual amplitude increase and decrease. Pulse deliveries are
followed by pauses with duration of 4 sec. Galvanic noise is 5 %.

Application: It has prominent neurotrophic and vasoactive effect.

(UR) Trabert hyperstimulation current

Pulse shape: rectangular. Pulse duration (T) is 2 ms. Pause duration (R) is 5 ms.
Stimulation frequency is about 143 Hz. Monophasic/biphasic current.

Application: pain due to increased muscle tension, arthrosis and degenerative disc

(FM) Frequency-modulated current

Pulse shape: triangular. Pulse duration (T) is 1 ms. Pause duration (R) is 70–142 ms.
Stimulation frequency is 7–14 Hz. Monophasic/biphasic current.

Application: induction of muscle tremor with automatically changed stimulation cycles
for improving of blood circulation, reduction of muscle tension, for the pain treatment and
physiotherapy for athletes having slight pain.

(STOCH) Stochastic current

Pulse shape: triangular. Pulse duration (T) is 1 ms. Pause duration (R) is 10–100 ms.
Stimulation frequency is 10–100 Hz. Monophasic/biphasic current.

Application: electrical stimulation with random generation of impulses for stimulation of

blood circulation and pain relief; minimum adaptation to therapy.

(TENS) Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

Pulse shape: rectangular. Pulse duration (T) is 250 µс. Frequency bands are 1–150 Hz,
70–150 Hz. The fixed frequency is 1–200 Hz. Monophasic/biphasic current.

Application: pain treatment in case of chronic neuralgia and myalgia; rheumatic pain

(T/R) Impulse current with adjustable parameters

Pulse shape: square, 3 trapezoid, triangular. Carrier frequency (Fbas) is 2–10 kHz. Pulse
duration (T) is 10–500 ms. Pause duration is 1–7 sec. Monophasic/medium frequency.

Application: treatment of peripheral paralysis, selective muscle stimulation.

(FaS) Faradic current with amplitude modulation

Pulse shape: triangular. Pulse duration (T) is 1–10 ms (classical duration is 1 ms).
Duration of contraction is 1–60 sec. Pause is 1–60 sec. Monophasic/biphasic current.

Application: treatment of muscular atrophy, Ferster gymnastics for muscles,

electrogymnastics, muscle training for athletes, coordination of movements training.

(AMF 1) Amplitude-modulated current of average frequency (1st operation mode)

Pulse shape: sinusoidal waves. Carrier frequency (Fbas) is 2–10 kHz. Modulating
frequencies are 0–250 Hz. Modulation depth is 0 %, 50 % and 100 %. Pre-defined frequency
bands are 1–50 Hz, 1–250 Hz, and 100–250 Hz. Monophasic/biphasic current.

Application: depending on the chosen parameters: pain treatment, blood circulation
stimulation, muscle tension relief, etc.

(AMF 2) Amplitude-modulated current of medium frequency (2nd operation mode)

Pulse shape: sinusoidal waves. Carrier frequency (Fbas) is 2–10 kHz. Modulating
frequencies are 0–250 Hz. Modulation depth is 0 %, 50 % and 100 %. Monophasic/biphasic
current. Combination of electric current pulse deliveries of carrier frequency, modulated by one
frequency, with pauses. Duration of electric current pulse deliveries is discrete within 1-6 sec.

Application: This mode provides intense contrast of action of sinusoidal modulated
currents against pauses. It has the most significant neuromyostimulating effect.

(AMF 3) Amplitude-modulated current of medium frequency (3rd operation mode)

Pulse shape: sinusoidal waves. Carrier frequency (Fbas) is 2–10 kHz. Modulating
frequencies are 0–250 Hz. Modulation depth is 0 %, 50 % and 100 %. Monophasic/biphasic
current. Combination of electric current pulse deliveries modulated by certain frequency and
unmodulated electric current pulse deliveries. Duration of current supply should be within 1–
6 sec.

Application: stimulating effect of sinusoidal modulated currents in such combination is

expressed less than in 2nd operating mode, but analgesic effect starts to develop.

(AMF 4) Amplitude-modulated current of medium frequency (4th operation mode)

Pulse shape: sinusoidal waves. Carrier frequency (Fbas) is 2–10 kHz. Modulating
frequencies are 0–250 Hz. Monophasic/biphasic current. Combination of alternating electric
current pulse deliveries with modulation frequency of 150 Hz and different modulation
frequencies (the range is 1–250 Hz).

Application: In that case sinusoidal modulated currents have the most significant
analgesic effect which increases as the difference between selected first and second modulation
frequency reduces.

(AMF 5) Amplitude-modulated current of medium frequency (5th operation mode)

Pulse shape: sinusoidal waves. Carrier frequency (Fbas) is 2–10 kHz. Modulating
frequency range is 1–250 Hz. Monophasic/biphasic current. Combination of alternating electric
current pulse deliveries with different modulation frequencies within the range of 0–250 Hz and
pauses between them.

Application: such mode provides mild contrast of sinusoidal modulated currents against
pauses and has mild neuromyostimulating and trophic effect.

(MT) Current of medium frequency for muscle training

Pulse shape: sinusoidal waves. Carrier frequency (Fbas) is 2–10 kHz. Modulating
frequency range is 1–150 Hz. Two-phase. Duration of contraction is 1–60 sec. Pause duration
(R) between contractions is 0–60 sec.

Application: muscle training.

(KOTS) Current of medium frequency for Kots muscle training

Pulse shape: sinusoidal waves. Carrier frequency (Fbas) is 2–10 kHz. Two-phase. Pulse
duration (T) is 10 ms. Pause duration (R) is 10 ms. Duration of contraction is 1–60 sec. Pause
duration (R) between contractions is 0–60 sec.

Application: muscle training.

Procedure room
This window is for different types of electrotherapy. To start therapy, click the Begin
therapy button. The device will switch to the therapy mode and the selected current shape with
corresponding parameters is given to the device output. To end therapy, click the Finish therapy
button. To clear therapy results, click the Clear button. In the right window a brief description of
selected technique will be displayed as well as a pointer-type indicator displaying the current
value of current intensity during therapy. To get the current on electrodes up to 20 mA it is
necessary to connect the device to the 220 V mains supply. If the device is powered by USB port
only, the current for the electrotherapy will be low.

ATTENTION: Do not use the device for the electrotherapy if you have not the
professional knowledge in this field. The improper use of this mode may be harmful to health!

Therapy order
o For different electrotherapy types the corresponding electrodes are used. The electrodes
must have the appropriate size. However, they should be as large as possible. It is
unacceptable that electrode size be so small that the current density exceeds 0.1 mA/cm2!
The dry electrodes should not be used because this can cause the pain due to incomplete
contact of the electrode surface and skin! Usually for improvement of the electrical
contact between electrodes and patient’s skin the pads for electrotherapy are used (wetted
with water). Pads are expendable material. Replace expended pads timely. Place
electrodes such a way to provide the best contact between patient’s body and entire
surface of electrodes. Ensure the proper polarity of electrodes! The patient skin under
electrodes should not be damaged or have scars. More information about electrodes shape
and their placement is available in a guidance on corresponding electrotherapy method.
o Fix electrodes on the body with use of Martens elastic bandage, adhesive BINTLI tape or
any other way (using bag of sand, adhesive plaster, etc.).
o Set the needed electrotherapy time.
o Click the Begin therapy button. The program will switch to the therapy mode; do not
take electrodes into the hands during this mode!
o Smoothly increasing amperage by the slider, achieve required value for the therapy. At
the same time, the sense of discomfort or burning in a patient should be avoided.
o Wait for the end of therapy.
o Remove electrodes.

You can change electric current parameters during therapy process too. The scale
displays the electric current in milliamperes.

Special plug-snap connectors to connect the electrodes for physiotherapy produced by
outside manufacturers (for example, Fiab company, Italy) are included in the delivery set.
Connectors are put against the stop on the ends of patient wire plugs, which in turn are locked
onto the electrode snap.

Therapy by nosologies
This window is for electrotherapy by nosologies. To start therapy, click the Begin
therapy button. The device will switch to the therapy mode and the selected current shape with
corresponding parameters is given to the device output. To end therapy, click the Finish therapy
button. To clear therapy results, click the Clear button. In the right window a brief description of
selected technique will be displayed as well as a pointer-type indicator displaying the current
value of current intensity during therapy.

ATTENTION: Do not use the device for the electrotherapy if you have not the
professional knowledge in this field. The improper use of this mode may be harmful to health!

Therapy order
o For different electrotherapy methods the corresponding electrodes are used. It is possible
to use electrodes that are not included in the delivery set of the hardware-software
complex. The electrodes must have the appropriate size. However, they should be as
large as possible. It is unacceptable that electrode size be so small that the current density
exceeds 0.1 mA/cm2. Dry electrodes cannot be used, this can cause pain! Usually for
improvement of the electrical contact between electrodes and patient’s skin the pads for
electrotherapy are used (wetted in water). Pads are expendable material. Replace
expended pads timely. Place electrodes such a way to provide the best contact between
patient’s body and entire surface of electrodes. Red color means a positive electrode,
blue color means a negative electrode (it has a black plug). Ensure the proper polarity of
electrodes! The patient skin under electrodes should not be damaged or have scars. More
information about electrodes shape and their placement is available in a guidance on
corresponding electrotherapy method.
o Set the necessary therapy duration.
o Click the Begin therapy button. The program will switch to the therapy mode; do not
take electrodes into the hands during this mode!
o Smoothly increasing amperage by the slider, achieve required value for the therapy. At
the same time, the sense of discomfort or burning in a patient should be avoided.
o Wait for the end of therapy.
o Remove electrodes.

You can change electric current parameters during therapy process.

Muscle stimulation
This window is intended for the electrostimulation of muscles. To start therapy, click the
Begin therapy button. The device will switch to the diagnostic mode, and the selected current
waveform is given to the unit output. To end therapy, click the Finish therapy button. To clear
therapy results, click the Clear button. In the right window a brief description of selected therapy
method will be displayed, as well as a pointer-type indicator displaying the actual value of
electric current intensity during therapy.

Electrostimulation is a healing method consisting of impulse currents exposure for

strengthening of muscles and nerves as well as for restoring their performance capability.

Therapeutic effects: myoneurostimulating, neurotrophic, vasoactive, topical anesthetic.

Indications: Flaccid pareses and paralyses of face, neck, trunk and extremities muscles
due to injuries and diseases of peripheral and central nervous system; traumatic neuritis; plexitis;
poliomyelitis; polyneuritis; amyotrophy as a result of the hypodynamia, prolonged
immobilization due to bone and joint fractures, operative treatment; smooth muscle atony of
internal organs (stomach, intestinal tract, biliary tract, ureter, urinary bladder); pareses and
paralyses of laryngeal and diaphragmatic muscles; sexual neurosis, enuresis.

Contraindications: Atrial fibrillation, complete heart block (complete atrioventricular

block), polytropic extrasystoles, significant arterial hypertension, active rheumatic disease,
frequent vascular crises, hemorrhagic tendency and haemophilia, extensive trophic ulcers and

wounds, acute inflammatory (especially purulent) processes, fever, spastic paralyses and pareses,
muscle hyperexcitability to electrical stimulation, concomitant convulsions, precursory
symptoms of contracture, ankyloses of joints, bone fractures until fracture union, neurosuture,
suture of blood vessel or tendon within the first month after the surgical intervention, as well as
general contraindications for electrical physiotherapy. Besides, general contraindications for the

There are two ways to place the electrodes. The monopolar location of electrodes means
that the small (differential, positive) electrode with a red plug is placed on the object of
stimulation (a nerve or a muscle), and the big (indifferent, negative) electrode with a black plug
is placed on the trunk. A point electrode is usually used as a small electrode. The indifferent
electrode should be large enough not to cause stimulation. The monopolar location of electrodes
is usually preferred in stimulation of small surfaces, for example, when using stimulating
currents for nerves and muscles, face or hand muscles. The bipolar location of electrodes means
that both electrodes which usually have the same size are placed on the area of stimulation (for
example, for longitudinal muscle contraction). This technique is used if there are no points of
motor stimulation (points of muscular stimulation), but it is required to provide stimulation of the
greatest possible quantity of fibers. The selected size of electrodes should correspond to the
anatomic proportions of a patient. It is necessary to make sure that muscular contractions are not
interfered by the size of electrodes or their position. If it is possible, use flexible electrodes and
make sure that a fixing tape does not create a hollow. The closer the location of a muscle is to its
original position and attachment, the easier its contraction. In stimulation of cross-striated
muscles, the electrodes are placed on certain sites (motor points of nerves and muscles). The
motor point of a nerve is a site where the nerve is located under the skin superficially and
accessible for influence. The motor point of a muscle is the location where the motor branch of a
nerve enters the muscle. It is an area of the most excitability of the muscle. To define the motor
points location, the Erb’s table is used. However, taking into account the variability of their
location in each particular case, a therapist should define the location of these points. The first
procedure must be carried out at his presence. The found motor points are delineated to avoid the
search for them before the subsequent procedures.

First of all, it is necessary to check, if it is possible to carry out the stimulation by

currents of medium frequency (MT/KOTS). If muscles do not response to these types of current,
for the stimulation the triangular pulses should be used.

ATTENTION: Do not use the device for electrotherapy if you have not professional
knowledge in this field. The improper use of this mode may be harmful to health!

Therapy order:

o Place the corresponding electrodes according to the selected scheme of

o Set the required time of electrotherapy.
o Press the Begin therapy button. The device will switch to the therapy
mode. Do not hold the electrodes in your hands when this mode is on!

o Smoothly increasing amperage by the slider, achieve required value for the
therapy. At the same time, the sense of discomfort or burning in a patient should be
avoided. Make sure that muscles are not loaded excessively, as it can lead to their
damage. Do not increase the intensity if during procedure it becomes obvious that
contractions are decreased and exhaustion symptoms appear! If such symptoms appear,
stop the procedure immediately.
o Remove electrodes when therapy is completed.

It is possible to change electric current parameters during therapy session.

Therapy by zones
This window is intended for the electrotherapy by different body zones and parts. To start
therapy, click the Begin therapy button. The device will switch to the therapy mode, and the
selected current waveform with corresponding parameters is given to the unit output. To end
therapy, click the Finish Therapy button. To clear therapy results, click the Clear button. In the
right window a brief description of selected therapy method will be displayed, as well as a
pointer-type indicator displaying the actual value of electric current intensity during therapy.

The main fields used in physical therapy include:

• General effects (natural and hardware-generated);• Local effects (area of an abnormal focus,
cavity, projection of joints, organs, endocrine glands);• Metameric-receptor fields (reflexo-
segmental fields, hyperalgesia zones according to Zakharyin-Head);• Neural fields (peripheral
nerves projections, Erb’s motor points, neurotruncular fields);• Trigger spots (periosteal-
ligamentous and myogenic);• Vasoreceptor fields (“hemophysiotherapy”)
• Traditional acupuncture points (physioacupuncture)
• Alternative topical systems (alternative medicine)

General effects

The general-purpose techniques include modalities when the entire skin surface is treated
(mostly, this a treatment with natural factors)

Local effects

These methods are targeted at the pathologic focuses, affected organs, tissues, and body cavities.
The energy of physical factors influences them directly.
If there is a pathology of hollow organs, the local influence by physical therapy methods is used
mostly in order to relieve a spasm (or correct atony) of unstriated muscles. Pulse currents of low
and medium frequency, electrophoresis with antispasmodic agents, and thermal procedures are
In pathology of parenchymal organs, the methods of physiotherapy are prescribed to improve the
tissue trophism and relieve the interstitial edema. The medicine electrophoresis with macro- and
microelements, electromagnetic fields of high, ultra-high, medium, and short-wave frequency,
ultrasound and peloids are used.
The local influence according to the transverse technique of electrophoresis is permissible during
remission of a disease. In classical physiotherapy, the transverse technique for the brain, heart,
spleen, endocrine glands, and gonads are not used because of high sensitivity of that group of
In the acute stage of diseases, considering the vast autonomic innervation of internal organs, the
reflexo-segmental techniques are indicated for treatment. In that case, the influence is performed
in accordance to longitudinal (indirect) techniques, paravertebrally, in the area of the respective
dermatomes or skin hyperalgesia (Zakharyin-Head) zones.

Segmental body structure

In the course of embryonic development, each body segment acquires the respective
spinal nerve. Thus, every spinal nerve is associated with one or another skin area. Skin areas in
the form of bands enclosing the body from the anterior midline to posterior midline are called
segments. The following spinal segments are distinguished:

eight cervical segments (С1–С8.);

12 thoracic segments (D1–D12);
five lumbar segments (L1–L5); and
five sacral segments (S1–S5).

In the 19th century, British researcher Ged and Russian clinicist G. A. Zakharyin noted
that diseases of internal organs caused the increased sensitivity of certain skin areas. Later, these
areas became known as the Zakharyin-Ged zones (tender zones). In addition to increased
sensitivity, the tension and tenderness of muscles can be observed in these zones. Experimental
studies showed that the signs of the internal organ diseases, along with the increased sensitivity,
might be as follows:
— bands of extended skin in the area of the spine in inflammatory process in the spine;
— the same bands combined with the hair loss in the pulmonary tuberculosis;
— unilateral sweating in pneumonia;
— increased temperature of the affected side during pleurisy, etc.

Identification of reflectory changes

The easiest ways to identify reflectory changes of the skin, caused by pathologic
processes in the internal organs, are as follows:

1. Run the blunt end of a needle across the skin (the touch should be gentle, without
pressure). In a zone of tenderness (hyperalgesia), the touch is felt as sharp and stitching.

2. Touch the skin slightly with the sharp end of the needle. In a hyperalgesia zone, the
touch is painful.

3. Tickle a patient. In a hyperalgesia zone, the tickling is not felt.

4. Slightly pinch the skin and pull it away with your thumb and forefinger. In a
hyperalgesia zone, the dull, compressing or sharp pain is felt.

5. Measure the temperature. In a hyperalgesia zone, it is usually increased.

Besides, the diseases of internal organs can be identified as follows:

— on closer examination of skin surfaces (there may be hollows, rough or soft swelling);
— by measurement made with an elastomer device;
— by means of point percussion.
The point percussion makes it possible to identify the difference in the tension of the connective
tissue. It is carried out by a series of short slight slaps with the palm surface of one finger on the
To identify the superficial reflectory changes in the connective tissue, it is possible to use the
following techniques:

1. Put an open palm with slightly bent fingers on the skin surface and press a bit, with the
help of another hand moving the examining hand forward. The healthy skin responds to pressing,
while the resistance of refectory changes skin raises, and the skin indentation is almost invisible.

2. Fold a small skin area and pull it perpendicular to the body axis. The healthy skin is
stretched well, but if there are refectory changes, a patient has an unpleasant feeling of intense

3. Press the skin slightly with tips of the third and fourth fingers placed at an angle of 40-
60 degrees to the skin surface. Then slowly move the skin upwards. Fingers easily slide over the
healthy skin, the formed skin fold is evident, and the skin is moved in a narrow band. If the
resistance of the connective tissue is increased, the fingers move with difficulty, the skin fold is
unclearly seen, and the skin is moved in a wide band (7-8 cm in width).

The refectory changes in muscles lead to tenderness, local or spreading hypertonicity, and
They can be identified by the following ways:

1. Pinch a small portion of a muscle with your thumb and forefinger to form a fold. Then,
keeping the thumb fixed, move the tissue with the forefinger. In a hyperalgesia, a patient feels
the dull pressing pain, followed by sharp and stitching pain.

2. Press the muscle hard with the bent fingers. If there are reflectory changes in the
muscle tissue, you can feel the resistance rising with the pressure increase.

3. Touch the skin with vertically set fingers and make circular movements over the skin.
This technique helps determine skin areas having greater resistance than the surrounding tissues.
If a patient feels sharp pain during the procedure, this indicates the local hypertonicity.

4. Put all fingers except for the thumb across muscle fibers and move the hand over the
skin with a slight pressure. If you find more dense skin sites than the muscle sites with
hypertonicity (myogeloses), pinch them hard with two fingers. The pain resulting from that
procedure is not corrected by pain treatment, and myogeloses keep their shape.

To identify the reflectory changes in the periosteum, you should slide apart soft tissues
with the tips of vertically set fingers. During this procedure, the periosteum will be painful. You
can also detect dents, hardened spots, swelling, and impaired contours of bone structures.
All tissues have points that can be painful when pressing them. These points are called maximal.
They can be identified using a small ball with the diameter of 10 mm. To do this, you should
place the ball on the skin surface and make circular movements with a slight pressure. The dull
or sharp stitching pain indicates the location of a maximal point.
Maximal points can be identified without a ball. To determine their location in the muscle, you
should press it slightly with vertically set fingers. In the location of a maximal point the pain
occurs, resembling the sting of a needle.
Maximal points in the periosteum can be determined by rotating movements of the thumb,
second and third fingers.

Segmental innervation of internal organs (according to Hansen-Staa and Dittmar)

Organ Segments of spine

Heart, ascending part of aorta С3-4, D1-8
Lungs and bronchi С3-4, D3-9
Stomach С3-4, D5-9
Intestine С3-4, D9-L1
Rectum D11-12, L1-2
Liver, gall bladder С3-4, D6-10
Pancreatic gland С3-4, D7-9
Spleen С3-4, D8-10
Kidneys, ureters Cl, D10-12
Urinary bladder D11- L3(S2-S4)
Prostate D10-12(L5),(S1-3)
Testicles, epididimes D12 - L3

Uterus D10 - L3
Ovaries D12 - L3

Note: С — cervical segments; D — thoracic segments; L — lumbar segments; S —

sacral segments.

It happens that the reflex zones in diseases of different internal organs overlap. Thus,
zones overlap in diseases of heart and lungs, duodenum and liver, etc.
However, sometimes in disease of one organ, Zakharyin-Ged zones are located in different
places at a significant distance from each other. Thus, painful areas in coronary spasm are
located on the frontal surface of the shoulder, entire inner surface of the left arm, frontonasal part
of face, and on the neck.
The fact that some internal organs correspond to one Zakharyin-Ged zone, and others correspond
to two or more zones, can be explained by complex connections of organs to the central nervous

Among these connections, the following can be distinguished in the first place:
— overlay or overlap: in the process of development of embryonal nervous plexus, the fibers of
one nerve root may become part of several peripheral nerves, and vice versa, one nervous stem
can include fibers of several nerve roots;
— Aengley-Lavrentiev multiplication: Nerve fibers, coming from each cell, branches out in the
sympathetic ganglion and overlaps several cells of postganglionic fibers passing to different
organs. Those organs are not always located within one segment;
— double innervation of many internal organs: sympathetic and somatic innervation.
Besides, segmental reflectory changes in tissues take place in accordance to the law of
homolaterality: depending on anatomical arrangements and innervation, changes in tissues occur
in that side of the body where the diseased organ is located.
It is accepted to relate all azygos internal organs to the left and right sides of the body. The right
side includes the liver, gall bladder, duodenum and one-quarter of stomach, while the left side
includes heart, pancreas, spleen, three-fourths of the stomach, small intestine, descending colon,
and sigmoid colon.
In acute conditions, secondary complications and spreading of the pathological process from one
organ to others, the segmentation rule can be violated.

Landmarks for influence on internal organs

Organ The organ topical landmarks Metamer

Heart Borders of relative heart dullness (the top C3–C4,
border is a III rib, the right border is 1 cm
to the right of the sternum edge, the left D1–D8
border is 1–2 cm medial to the left
midclavicular line) (left)
Lungs The thoracic cage (the top borders are C3–C4,
supraclavicular regions, the lower borders
are edges of costal arches) D3–D9

Liver Right hypochondrium (the top border is a C3–C4,
VI rib, the lower border is the edge of a
costal arch) D6–D10

Kidneys Angle between XII rib and long muscles D10–L1
of the back (ThXII–LII vertebrae level)
Spleen Posterolateral part of the left C3–C4,

Prostate Area of perineum or rectum D10–D12,

Ovaries Groin D10–L2
Stomach Area of the left hypochondrium (the C3–C4,
upper pole is the ThXI–ThXII vertebrae
level, the pylorus is LIII vertebra, sinus is D5–D9,
LIII–LIV vertebrae level)
Duodenum Epigastric region, on the right of midline, C3–C4,
at the level of LII–LIII vertebrae

Gall bladder The intersection of the lateral border of C3–C4,
the rectus abdominis muscle and the right
edge of a costal arch D6–D10

Small intestine Sigmoid and cecum is at the border of C3–C4,
middle and external one-third of linea
umbilicoiliaca (to the left and right); D9–D12
ascending and descending colon are in the
lateral areas of abdomen, transverse colon (right)
is 2 cm below the stomach border
Rectum Area of perineum or rectum S2–S4
Urinary bladder Pubes D11–L1,

Ureters The top border is a lateral border of the D10–L1
rectus abdominis muscle at the level of
umbillicus (or on the back paravertebrally
at the level of L1 vertebra); the lower

border is at the level of linea bispinalis in
the pubic spine area
Uterus Hypogastrium D10–L1,


Use of zones of endocrine glands projection for physiotherapy must be extremely

cautious, because often there is no clear information available on the anatomical-functional
condition of one or another gland. It is necessary to control clinico-laboratory profile (the
hormonal “mirror”). Besides, an endocrinologist should take part in the treatment.
Effective methods of impact on zones of endocrine glands are the extremely high frequency and
ultra high frequency-wave therapy, sinusoidal modulated currents, low- or medium-intensity
ultrasound therapy. The paravertebral techniques or local impact using an extrafocal longitudinal
(tangential) technique are mainly applied.

Metameric-receptor fields

The metamere is a segment of the spinal cord including sensitive fibers from an
individual pair of spinal roots. The dermatome is a dermal area (accordingly, the myotome is a
muscle area, the sclerotome is a connective tissue region, the splanchnotome is an organ-related
area) where sensitive and autonomic fibers are distributed.
Neural cells of segmental formations of the autonomic nervous system outnumber the neurons in
the brain, that emphasizes the importance of the segmental system.
When conducting “segmental physiotherapy,” it is necessary to impact on dermatomes
(myotomes, sclerotomes) corresponding to metameric innervation. This is pathogenetically based
on the belonging of affected skin areas and underlying tissues to the category of “oligotrophic”
regions. The improvement of metabolism, blood circulation and trophism of these tissues, taking
place due to the treatment, facilitate the normalization of functioning of the internal organs,
especially in long-term chronic somatic conditions.
Segmental innervation is represented by eight cervical (cervicalis) C1–C8, twelve dorsal
(dorsalis) D1–D12, five lumbar (lumbalis) L1–L5, five sacral (sacralis) S1–S5 and 1–5
coccygeal (coccigea) Co1–Co5 neurometameres. The labeling of vertebrae is consistent with
distinguishing marks of neurometameres (C, L, S, Co) except for thoracic spine (Th —
thoracalis). The metameres are marked with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.), and the vertebrae are
marked with Roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.).
There is a disparity between the length of the spinal cord and spine column. In cervical region of
vertebral column the cerebrospinal segments are located one level higher than the next vertebra,
in the upper thoracic region they are located two vertebrae higher, and in the bottom thoracic
region they are located three vertebrae higher. The lumbar segments are projected on the level of
ThX, ThXI, ThXII, and the sacral segments are on ThXII–LI. The cauda equina is located below
the LII level.
The cerebrospinal nerve roots of each segment come from the spine column at the level of the
corresponding vertebrae. Therefore, the paravertebral physiotherapeutic protocols are not based
on segments but on vertebrae. For the accurate determination of these zones, usually bone

landmarks accessible for palpation and levels of dermatome innervation are used.
The detailed general examination is needed prior to the treatment.
For instrumental physiotherapy the low (threshold) or medium intensity is used.
In case of hyperalgesia, the segmental physiotherapy is ineffective due to the low level of
perception and afferent influences.
Determining the places for influence, a doctor should rely on the dermatome, sclerotome,
myotome and periostal changes, identified by means of specialized diagnostic techniques, or on
paravertebral projections of cerebrospinal nerve roots corresponding to neurometameres.

Methods of detecting changes in surface tissues (O. Gleser, W. Dalicho, 1962)

Detection methods Detected changes Methods of physiotherapy

Dermatome changes — Zakharyin-Ged zones of hyperalgesia

Identified by means of Local itching, burning. When Local galvanization,

patient’s history and running slightly the blunt end of a electrophoresis of anesthetics,
during sensitivity needle across the skin, it causes pulse currents of low
examination pain. When folding the skin, frequency, darsonvalism, red
burning and stitching pain occurs. laser, extremely-high-
The touch with a soft brush is not frequency therapy, heat
accompanied by the tickling carriers, massage (effleurage)

Sclerotome changes in the connective tissue

Kibler test: pinch the Difficulties with pulling away the Pulse currents of low and
skin with the thumb and skin. Delay of the rate of the skin medium frequency, infrared
forefinger and move this shifting on the ill side. Cohesion of laser, laser, decimeter-wave
fold along the spine skin and underlying layers (the peau therapy, peloids, massage
towards the lateral d'orange). Crepitation (“parchment (vibration, rubbing, petrissage,
surface. crackle”-type) during auscultatory fulling, “sawing”)

Myotome muscle changes

Detected by means of MacKenzie zones (painful sites of Pulse currents of low and
deep muscle palpation muscles); Cornelius hypertonicity medium frequency, infrared
(small “balls” accessible for laser therapy, peloids.
malaxation); Muller hypertonicity Massage: delicate (in case of
(spindles of medium size); Shade small myogeloses) or intense
myogeloses (large dough-like (large myogeloses) vibration,
infiltrations); Lange myogeloses petrissage
(muscular bands).

Periostal changes

Detected by means of Local tenderness (without signs of Infrared laser, decimeter-wave

palpation of bony periostitis) in the area of mastoid frequency therapy, peloids.
prominences bones, napex, orbits, spinous Massage (circular rubbing,
processes of vertebrae, sternum, ribs vibration, intense pressure).
and other palpated bony

Neural fields

The projections of peripheral nerves are skin zones innervated by separate peripheral
nerves. Such abnormalities are common to neuropathies related to the spinal column pathology,
as well as mono and polyneuropathies of traumatic, toxic or infectious origin.

The criterion of their localization is the nature of motor (paresis, paralysis) and sensation
disorders in the corresponding area.

Usually for treatment the following methods are used: longitudinal techniques of
galvanization, medicine electrophoresis, pulse currents of low and medium frequency (the anode
is placed proximally, the cathode is placed distally), magnetotherapy with use of solenoids, laser
therapy with “flying-spot”.

Scheme of Autonomous Sensitive Innervation Topography (V. Ya. Neretin et al.,


Peripheral nerves, spinal Zone of autonomic innervation dysfunction

roots, nerve plexuses
N. radialis External surface of proximal phalanx of the I finger
N. ulnaris V finger and ulnar surface of the hand
N. medianus II and III fingertips
N. musculocutaneous Radial surface of the forearm
N. axillaris Deltoid region, upper segments of external surface of the
Upper primary bundle of Deltoid region, external surface of the shoulder and radial
plexus brachialis surface of the forearm
Middle primary bundle of Radial surface of the back of the hand and dorsum of the thumb
plexus brachialis
Lower primary bundle of Palmar surface of the hand and fingers, little finger and ulnar
plexus brachialis surface of the hand
C5 Deltoid region and external surface of the shoulder
C6 Thumb, radial surface of the palm
C7 Third finger of the hand
C8 The little finger, ulnar surface of the hand

N. femoralis Internal surface of the shin
Lumbar plexus Frontal, lateral and internal surfaces of the thigh
L3 Internal surface of the lower third of the thigh
L4 Internal surface of the shin
N. peroneus superficialis Absent, or there is a small area on the anteromedial surface of
the back of the foot
N. peroneus profundus II toe
N. peroneus communis I–IV toes
N. tibialis Plantar surface of the foot
N. ischiadicus Posteroexternal surface of lower two-thirds of the shin, the
entire foot excluding its medial column
Sacral plexus Posterior surface of the thigh, the foot excluding its medial
L5 I–II toes
S1 V toe and the lateral column of the foot

CAUTION: Unqualified users are strongly not recommended to use segmental effects.

ATTENTION: It is prohibited to use the device for exposure on the area of frontal
heart projection.

The procedure can be performed in three ways of treatment: stable, instable, and stable-
instable. The stable way (the electrodes are in fixed position) is used when exposure on small
areas is required or when it is necessary to treat areas with skin changes (surgical or post-burn
scars, edema, etc.). The procedure can be performed using standard electrodes for electrotherapy.

In the instable way, the electrodes are moved along the exposure area smoothly at speeds
of 0.5 to 3 sm/sec, without detachment from the skin surface. This should be done in a
reciprocating, circular, spirally and other way of motion, depending on the size and relief of the
treated area. Influence in areas of skin damage is prohibited. In that case it is desirable to use
rigid paired electrodes produced by outside manufacturers or a roller electrode, connecting it to
the red plug and placing the negative electrode near the treatment area. The intensity of pressure
on the skin depends on patient’s subjective feeling.

The stable-instable way combines both exposure ways.

Average duration of one session for adults is up to 40 minutes. It is advisable to treat no

more than 3 zones during one session.

The general algorithm for the treatment of painful conditions

Therapy order:

o Place corresponding electrodes in accordance to the selected scheme of

o Set up the required duration of the electrotherapy.
o Click the Start Therapy button. The device will switch to the therapy
mode. Do not take the electrodes in your hands when this mode is on!
o Smoothly increasing amperage by the slider, achieve required value for the
therapy. While doing this, it is necessary to avoid unpleasant feelings or burning in a
o When the treatment ends, remove the electrodes.

You can change the electric current parameters during the therapy session.

The basis of BRT method is the body self-regulation process. The human body produces
and emits its own physiological (healthy) electromagnetic waves. Psychological stress, infections
and adverse environmental factors can result in pathological waves. The device registers body
signals, makes an inversion of physiological waves and reintroduces them to the body to create
resonance. In such a way the physiological waves are strengthened, and the pathological waves
are reduced. The process of body self-regulation takes place. A human body sets up the device
by itself and shows what to do for the treatment. Bioresonance therapy has not many

It is possible to perform general BRT (by quadrant leads) for a general healing effect or
BRT on BAPs based on Voll diagnostics for the impact on the target affected organ.

Bioresonance therapy in combination with homeopathy works very well. The best results
are achieved in the treatment of allergy regardless of cause or duration of a disease. It is possible
to make antipreparations using a device. It is possible to make an information copy of the drug,
record only positive effect on a carrier, and give this electronic copy to a patient. You can also
make for a patient “healing granules” (the record of the individual nosode to a carrier) that are
optimal regulating remedy. When a person is in good health, the information should be recorded
on a carrier (sugar granules) by transference of the person’s waves. In case of disorder, a person
should take that remedy to activate the self-regulatory mechanism.

Two kinds of BRT are implemented in the device.

Endogenous (internal) bioresonance therapy is a treatment with person’s own

electromagnetic waves after their special processing.

Exogenous (external) bioresonance therapy is a treatment with external signals. These

waves (for example, electromagnetic fields produced by special generators) create resonance
with separate body organs and systems.

1. Endogenous bioresonance therapy. It is aimed at treatment of the certain organ or

system and performed on the basis of diagnostics results.

There are the most pathological BAPs on every meridian.

It is offered to select from these BAPs for subsequent treatment.

The data is recorded from selected BAP using the electrode probe.

Obtained data is specially processed and reintroduced to the BAP. An electrode

should not be taken off the BAP during therapy process.

It is possible to record an individual nosode on a carrier after therapy


According to widely recognized type of endogenous BRT, the following procedure is
performed: electromagnetic waves obtained from the passive electrode (having a black plug) are
sent to the active electrode having a red plug.

In the “hand–hand” lead, the input electrode having a black plug (from which wave
spectrum is transmitted) is placed into the left hand and the active electrode having a red plug
(from which the inverted waves are introduce to the body) is placed into the right hand.

For BRT on BAPs, the worst BAP on the list is selected. Then the cylindrical electrode is
connected to the black plug placed into opposite hand. The electrode probe is connected to the
red plug and the biologically active point is fixed. Therefore, inverted signals from the entire
body are sent to the point. This treatment provides a better effect than using “hand–hand” leads.

Duration of pauses between BRT sessions depends on nature of the disease. For example,
in ARI you can perform BRT sessions daily or even several times per day. In case of chronic
diseases, sessions are carried out once in two or three days until stable positive effect.

2. Antiparasitic bioresonance therapy by Clark method (Hulda Regehr Clark). It is

performed as exogenous BRT.

A patient holds a cylindrical electrode in each hand (the positive electrode having a red
plug should be in the right hand).

BRT is performed during 7 minutes.

In case of acute diseases, the following procedure is advised. After start of the therapy, a
patient should hold cylindrical electrodes in the hands for 7 minutes. Usually a patient feel
nothing during the session due to low voltage on electrodes. In case of unpleasant feelings, it is
recommended to reduce the voltage. After that, it is necessary to pause for 20–30 minutes and
repeat a procedure for 7 minutes. Pause again for 20–30 minutes and repeat a procedure the last
time for 7 minutes. Therapy scheme looks like this: 7–20–7–20–7. Three-time session for
7 minutes with pauses is obligatory!

General antiparasitic therapy is carrying out at the frequency of 30 000 Hz. Additionally
in Master complex the ability of therapy by certain protozoa and other parasites is implemented,
with use of specific resonant frequencies. There are several variants of resonant frequency for
each parasite. It is selected for the certain patient empirically.

3. Exogenous (external frequency) bioresonance therapy. The basic idea of applying

the external frequencies for resonance creation consists in the following. If the treatment
frequency is selected correctly, even in very low amplitude of external signals the normal
(physiological) body waves are significantly strengthened, and the pathological waves are
reduced. The frequencies of exposure were determined experimentally and in clinical trials with
use of biopotentialography. The Master device has a therapy module, which is a pulse generator
intended for creation of specifically modulated frequencies of up to 500 kHz with accuracy of
0.1 Hz. A frequency, pulse shape and procedure can be set manually. Besides, there are ready-to-
use therapy programs developed by Paul Schmidt, Royal Rife, Wolfgang Ludwig, etc.
Exogenous frequency bioresonance therapy well combines with other therapy types.

This is a contact influence on a patient by applying electrodes made of conductive rubber
to the skin directly over the area of concern or over the organ projection. In certain cases, it is
permissible to apply electrodes to extremities. Hand (cylindrical) electrodes are used in the
treatment of organs located above the diaphragm. Foot electrodes (pads) are used in the
treatment of organs located below the diaphragm.

The intensity (pulse amplitude) is set in such a way that a personal sensitivity threshold of
the patient is achieved (tingling feeling in area under electrodes).

Bioresonance therapy procedure

This window is for the internal BRT by autonosode with specified amplification. To start
therapy, click the Begin therapy button. The device will switch to the diagnostics mode, and you
can perform necessary measurements and therapy, following instructions and images on the
screen. To end therapy, click the Finish therapy button. To clear therapy results, click the Clear
button. In the right window the image will be displayed. It will show the BAP that you need at
the moment or quadrant leads, as well as a pointer-type indicator displaying the current
measuring value. During therapy process the graph of therapy influence on the BAP state over
time will be shown. After measurements the point factor will be displayed in graphic form in a

Therapy order using quadrant leads

o Connect plugs of device wires to cylindrical electrodes.

o Wet the cylinders a bit.
o Click the Begin therapy button.
o Take cylindrical electrodes into the hands with respect to polarity (as shown in the
image). The cylindrical electrode connected to the red plug is ‘+’, connected to the black
plug is ‘–’.
o Press the Space bar.
o The program will perform the initial testing.
o Wait for the end of the electrotherapy, no taking the electrode off the BAP. The therapy
process is displayed as a progress bar.
o Perform the final testing similar to the initial testing.
o According to the results of the final testing, it is concluded whether the factor has
improved or not.

BAP therapy order

o Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe. Connect the black
plug of device wire to the cylindrical electrode.
o Click the Begin therapy button.
o Wet the tip of the electrode probe a bit.
o Press a tip of the probe electrode to the BAP.
o Perform the initial testing of the point shown in the image. The program will perform
three measurements consecutively, do not take the electrode off the BAP during all of
them. If the measurements have performed correctly, the point factor will be displayed in
a histogram. Otherwise, the program will repeat the measurements for the BAP.
o Wait for the end of the point electrotherapy, no taking the electrode off the BAP. The
therapy process is displayed as a progress bar.
o Perform the final testing similar to the initial testing.
o According to the results of the final testing, it is concluded whether the point factor has
improved or not.

You can change parameters during therapy process:

Therapy duration
o Time (in seconds): 20–300 s.

Information transference and saving (autonosode)

This window is for transference of the information from the patient’s BAP to water
(sugar granules) or saving the bioresonance medicine (autonosode) on a hard disk of the

Autonosode is an instant sample of patient’s psychoemotional and physiological state at a

given moment. It can, so to speak, “invert”, cancel that state. It is a sort of analog of
homeopathy, because every homeopathic remedy cancels a disorder that the corresponding
substance causes when it is taken by healthy person in high poisonous doses. At autonosode
preparation, we create a homeopathic medicine that fully characterizes the individual properties
of the disease. Therefore, an effect of a such medicine is the most potent.

General type of autonosode is usually taken from the leads (for example, “hand–hand”).
This type of medicine has a mild general stimulating effect on the immune system. Prepared
autonosode from BAP is clearly more potent in impact, but it is not advised at later stages of a

To begin the information recording, click the Begin record button. The device will switch
to the diagnostics mode, and you can record information from the point (or quadrant leads),
following instructions and images on the screen. To begin the transference after recording, click
the Begin transference button. In so doing, water (sugar granules) should be in the cup and all
electrodes should be closed on the cup. To clear therapy results, click the Clear button. In the
right window the image will be displayed. It will show the BAP that you need at the moment or
quadrant leads, as well as a pointer-type indicator displaying the current measuring value. After
measurements, the point factor will be displayed in graphic form in a histogram.

At first, the information is read from BAP or quadrant leads. On the completion of
autonosode reading, the program offers to save the obtained information to the hard disk

Enter the name of the recorded autonosode:

Upon saving of autonosode, the program will continue the medicine transference to the
carrier. Put the medicine into the cup, close red and black patient cable plugs on the cup and
click the Begin record button.

Procedure of transference from quadrant leads

o Connect wire plugs of device wires to cylindrical electrodes.
o Wet the cylinders a bit.
o Click the Begin record button.
o Take cylindrical electrodes into the hands with respect to polarity (as shown in the
image). The cylindrical electrode connected to the red plug is ‘+’, connected to the black
plug is ‘–’.
o Press the Space bar.
o The program will perform the initial testing.
o Wait for the end of the information recording, no taking the electrode off the BAP. The
recording process is displayed as a progress bar.
o Upon completion of the recording, put sugar granules (a glass of water) in the cup and
close all electrodes on the cup.
o Select necessary amplification for the transference (X1–X32).
o Click the Begin record button. The transference process is displayed as a progress bar.
o Record the autonosode to the database, if you want to.
o Upon completion click the Clear button.

Procedure of transference from BAP

o Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe. Connect the black
plug of device wire to the cylindrical electrode.
o Click the Begin record button.
o Wet the tip of the electrode probe a bit.
o Press a tip of the probe electrode to the BAP.
o Perform the initial testing of the point shown in the image. The program will perform
three measurements consecutively, do not take the electrode off the BAP during all of
them. If the measurements have performed correctly, the point factor will be displayed in
a histogram. Otherwise, the program will repeat the measurements for the BAP.
o Wait for the end of the information recording, no taking the electrode off the BAP. The
recording process is displayed as a progress bar.
o Upon completion of the recording, put sugar granules (a glass of water) in the cup and
close all electrodes on the cup.
o Select necessary amplification for a transference (X1–X32).
o Click the Begin record button. The transference process is displayed as a progress bar.
o Record the autonosode to the database, if you want to.
o Upon completion click the Clear button.

Therapy by medicines
This window is for BRT with electronic analogs of medicines that are transferred directly
to a patient, bypassing any carrier. It is preferable to choose for the therapy one of the worst
BAPs determined during the diagnostic process or perform therapy by quadrant leads. You can
find medicines in the Medicine testing menu. To start therapy, click the Begin therapy button.
The device will switch to the diagnostics mode, and you can perform necessary measurements
and therapy, following instructions and images on the screen. To end therapy, click the Finish
therapy button. To clear therapy results, click the Clear button. In the right window the image
will be displayed. It will show the BAP that you need at the moment or quadrant leads, as well as
a pointer-type indicator displaying the current measuring value. During therapy process the
graph of therapy influence on the BAP state over time will be shown. After measurements the
point factor will be displayed in graphic form in a histogram.

Work sequence for quadrant leads therapy
o Connect plugs of device wires to cylindrical electrodes.
o Wet the cylinders a bit.
o Select the medicine for therapy from the offered list.
o Click the Begin therapy button.
o Take cylindrical electrodes into the hands with respect to polarity (as shown in the
image). The cylindrical electrode connected to the red plug is ‘+’, connected to the black
plug is ‘–’.
o Press the Space bar.
o The program will perform the initial testing.
o Wait for the end of the electrotherapy, no taking the electrode off the BAP. The therapy
process is displayed as a progress bar.
o Perform the final testing similar to the initial testing.
o According to results of the final testing, it is concluded whether the factor has improved
or not.

BAP therapy order

o Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe. Connect the black
plug of device wire to the cylindrical electrode.
o Select the medicine for therapy from the offered list.

o Click the Begin therapy button.
o Wet the tip of the electrode probe a bit.
o Press a tip of the probe electrode to the BAP.
o Perform the initial testing of the point shown in the image. The program will perform
three measurements consecutively, do not take the electrode off the BAP during all of
them. If the measurements have performed correctly, the point factor will be displayed in
a histogram. Otherwise, the program will repeat the measurements for the BAP.
o Wait for the end of the point electrotherapy, no taking the electrode off the BAP. The
therapy process is displayed as a progress bar.
o Perform the final testing similar to the initial testing.
o According to the results of the final testing, it is concluded whether the point factor has
improved or not.

You can select medicines and their amplifications during the therapy. Moving to the new
medicine occurs after the next intermediate measurement.

You can change parameters during therapy process:

Therapy duration
o Time (in minutes): 20–300 s

Antiparasitic BRT
This window is for the antiparasitic therapy by Hulda Regehr Clark. Generally, the
therapy is performed with frequency of 30 000 Hz. There are treatment frequencies for therapy
by certain parasite types. They should be selected for every patient empirically.

To start therapy, click the Begin therapy button. To end therapy, click the Finish therapy
button. To delete the results, click the Clear button. In the right window the image will be
displayed. It will show the quadrant lead you need at the moment.

Therapy order:
o A patient takes the corresponding electrodes into the hands as shown in the image. It is
advisable to wrap cylindrical electrodes in cotton wipe wetted with saline solution.
Otherwise, the electrochemical degradation of electrodes occurs, and, albeit small, the
metal ions intake.
o Select therapy voltage and duration.
o Click the Begin therapy button. The therapy process is displayed as a progress bar and
information in the window.
o Upon completion click the Clear button.

Therapy is performed in two phases. There is 20 minute pause between phases. The
program is paused automatically.
You can change parameters during therapy process:

Electric current parameters:
o Voltage range (V): 5–10 V

Personal techniques creation

In the Scheduler mode a user can create his own techniques himself for various
nosologies or patients. To do that, create the list of frequencies in Hertz and durations of impact
in seconds during therapy. Zero frequency corresponds to rest. The maximum frequency for
meander is 500 000 Hz. Number of retries is a number of repeats of therapy session that is set in
a schedule. To transfer frequencies from the general list to the Scheduler, click the nosology
name with the right mouse button. After data input, click the Save button and enter the technique
name that will be displayed on the list of created techniques. Besides, it is possible to write a
comment for every personal technique. To do that, click the technique name with the right mouse

To add the existing frequencies to the schedule, click them in the general menu with the
right mouse button:

Frequency BRT
This window is for the frequency therapy according to different researchers' methods (all
frequencies are taken from publicly available sources; we cannot guarantee the accuracy of that
data). Besides, you can create your own therapy technique. To start therapy, click the Begin
therapy button. To end therapy, click the Finish therapy button. To delete the results, click the
Clear button. You can see the whole frequency list for the certain nosology by clicking a
frequency value. When you place the mouse cursor over the yellow square on the right of a
frequency value, a prompt message will appear.

Therapy order:
o Place corresponding electrodes on necessary areas of the patient body.
o Select therapy voltage and duration as well as electric current parameters.
o Click the Begin therapy button. The therapy process is displayed as a progress bar.
o Upon completion click the Clear button.

Electric current parameters:

o Voltage range (V): 5–10 V

Personal techniques creation

In the Scheduller mode a user can create his own techniques himself for various
nosologies or patients. To do that, create the list of frequencies in Hertz and durations of impact
in seconds during therapy. Zero frequency corresponds to rest. The maximum frequency for
meander is 500 000 Hz, for sine is 70 000 Hz. Number of retries is a number of repeats of
therapy session that is set in a schedule. To transfer frequencies from the general list to the
Scheduller, click the nosology name with the right mouse button. After data input click the Save
button and enter the technique name that will be displayed in the list of created techniques.
Besides, it is possible to write a comment for every personal technique. To do that, click the
technique name with the right mouse button.

For example, in this tab you can create the mode of therapy for a total duration of more
than 3600 sec. After clicking the Save button, you should enter the technique name.

To add the existing frequencies to the schedule, click them in the general menu with the
right mouse button:

Technique description
Development of the Voll method for BAP diagnostics have led to the emergence of
vegetative resonance test (VRT). This method is based on the measurement of electric
conductivity of the point, when a testing medicine is included into the measuring circuit. The
method was developed in Germany by a Dr. H. Schimmel in 1978. It is based on electropuncture
diagnostics and medicine testing according to R. Voll and bioelectronic functional diagnostics by
V. Schmidt and H. Pflaum. However, if for Voll’s method 250–500 biologically active points
(BAP) are used to meet the challenges of diagnostics and medicine testing, during VRT only one
reproducible point is used.

Over more than 15 years of studies of Dr. Schimmel and his followers, this method has
become one of the most effective diagnostic tool, primarily by development and use of special
medicines and frequencies for testing, as well as very low measuring currents.

Implementation of VRT into clinical practice is carried out by the VEGA company
(Germany). It developed the first devices called VEGA-TEST, realizing capabilities of BAP
measurement according to this method.

In contrast to other methods of electropuncture diagnostics, the vegetative resonance test

allows moving from the general to the special. At first, an indication to any disorders of certain
organs and systems (or impact of adverse factors) is given, such as radiation exposure,
electromagnetic fields of force, infectious agents, and other exogenous factors, on the “yes-no”

If “yes” (a positive result), it is possible to identify:

— “where” — which organ or system are affected by adverse factors;

— “what” — the form of a disease (it is clarified by nosodes);

and answer the question:

— “with what” and “how” to eliminate the detected pathology in an optimal manner,
using different therapy methods. This approach helps significantly reduce the diagnostics time,
select optimal methods and therapeutic strategies as well as provide better monitoring of therapy

As the method is very similar to Voll diagnostics (the basic difference is that the pressure
of the probe on BAP during testing must not be more than 100–200 g, i.e. two times less than
during Voll diagnostics), it has the same indications, contraindications, as well as a doctor,
patient and work place requirements.

There are several options for carrying out the vega test, but generally the test procedure is
performed in three stages:

1. Before measurements the provocation test (the functional load) is carried out: the
current with frequency of 12 Hz for 15–30 sec is sent either by main leads or on the end points of
lymphatic system meridian described by Voll (LI1 on the right and on the left). It should be
noted that some doctors consider that this stage affects the initial body state before testing and do
not perform it. So this stage in our program has moved to separate menu.

2. So-called reproducible BAP for measurements is identified using build-up (triple

smooth increase and reduce pressure on the BAP, without jolts). When such a BAP is found, the
device switches to the high-sensitivity mode and the scale is expanded. Usually the BAP of
allergy meridian AL1, the BAP of connective tissue degeneration meridian STD1, the BAP of
endocrine system meridian TR1 are used. A point is considered reproducible if during three-time
pressure on that BAP with the same intensity the device pointer shows the same value. It means
the following. Let's assume that BAP conductivity after measurement is 50. Then you should
reduce the pressure on the BAP slightly (do not take off the probe from the point). The indicator
will drop (almost to zero) and you should increase the pressure again. The pointer will return to
50. It repeats three times. It is desirable to wet the probe tip with water. If the pointer does not
return to the initial value or the organ or system associated to the point has some functional
disorders, the point is not considered representative and you should find another suitable BAP.
When the same value is reached three times, the device switches to the vega testing mode, and
that initial measured value is normalized to 80. The device’s scale changes its view.

Measurement duration on the tested BAP should not exceed three seconds. The pressure
on the BAP should be done smoothly, without jolts or abrupt pressure change. If the pressure on
the BAP is too intensive or prolonged, the BAP can become unusable for measurements.

3. The Vega test itself. Measure the conductivity of the found representative point,
sequentially introducing different homeopathic remedies (placed into the container for testing or
connected to the device Test socket with special wire) in the measuring circuit. It is estimated
that if device readings reach 80 (an initial value), the medicine has no effect (it is not suitable). If
the pointer does not reach 80, the medicine influences the body (it is suitable). In that case you
can use the medicine for the treatment of diseases with similar symptoms. Such measurement is
called direct.

For example, the detection of an affected organ:

Indication to the affected organ — an organopreparation in D4 (for example, D4 — the


It means that during an organopreparation testing in a D4 potency (particularly, the liver

organopreparation) the initial measuring level of 80 c. u. reduces after build-up (for example, to
20 c. u.). Therefore, a patient has a liver disease (or other organ disorder depending on the choice
of organopreparation). The down arrow () given after organopreparation refers to positive

In the next stages, the filtering principle in VRT method is used (in subsystem Vega
electronic only). In the process two testing medicines are sequentially introduced into the
measuring circuit. Test results are interpreted the following way. The testing medicine, called a
filter, is placed in a container connected to the Test socket. This results in the build-up value
reduction. The next suitable testing medicine introduced after the first one, returns the build-up
value to initial 80 c. u. of the scale.

For example, the affected organ is a liver. In that case the organopreparation is called a
filter and reduces the build-up value. After that, the testing medicine (a viral hepatitis A nosode)
is introduced into the measuring circuit and returns the build-up value to initial 80 c. u. of the
scale. This leads to the conclusion that the patient’s liver is affected by hepatitis A virus.

The same might apply to any issue depending on the selected testing medicine used as a

Functional load
This window is for the initial provocation test: a current with frequency of 12 Hz for 15–
30 sec is sent either by main leads or on the end points of lymphatic system meridian described
by R. Voll (LI1 on the right and on the left). To start therapy, click the Begin therapy button.
To end therapy, click the Finish therapy button. To clear therapy results, click the Clear button.
In the right window the image will be displayed. It will show the BAP that you need at the
moment or the quadrant lead.

Work sequence for quadrant leads therapy

o Connect plugs of device wires to cylindrical electrodes.
o Wet the cylinders a bit.
o Take cylindrical electrodes into the hands with respect to polarity (as shown in the
image). The cylindrical electrode connected to the red plug is ‘+’, connected to the black
plug is ‘–’.
o Click the Begin therapy button.
o The program will perform the initial testing.

o Wait for the end of the electrotherapy, no taking the electrode off the BAP. The therapy
process is displayed as a progress bar.

BAP therapy order:

o Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe. Connect the black
plug of device wire to the cylindrical electrode.
o Click the Begin therapy button.
o Wet the tip of the electrode probe a bit.
o Press a tip of the probe electrode to the BAP.
o Perform the initial testing of the point shown in the image. The program will perform
three measurements consecutively, do not take the electrode off the BAP during all of
o Wait for the end of the point electrotherapy, no taking the electrode off the BAP. The
therapy process is displayed as a progress bar.

You can change parameters during therapy process:

Electric current parameters:

o Voltage range (V): 5–10 V

Therapy duration
o Time (in seconds): 1–60 s

Vega analysis
This window is for the vega analysis on all meridian points using external medicines
placed into the container connected to the Test socket of the device with a cable for testing.
Prior the analysis, you should select for the certain BAP the available (testing) substances from
the recommended by the program:

To start examination, click the Begin analysis button. The device switches to the
diagnostics mode, so you can perform measurements, following the instructions and images on
the screen. To finish analysis, click the Finish analysis button. To clear analysis results, click the
Clear button. In the right window the image will be displayed. It will show the BAP you need at
the moment and a slider-type indicator displaying the current measuring value.

If you press ~ button on the keyboard, the program will switch to the build-up mode

Measurement order:
o Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe. Connect the black
plug of device wire to the cylindrical electrode.
o Click the Begin analysis button.
o Wet the tip of the electrode probe a bit.
o Press a tip of the probe electrode to the BAP.
o So-called reproducible BAP for measurements is identified. Usually the BAP of allergy
meridian AL1, the BAP of connective tissue degeneration meridian STD1, the BAP of
endocrine system meridian TR1 are used. A point is considered reproducible if during
three-time pressure on that BAP with the same intensity the device indicator shows the
same value. Perform the build-up, until the indicator shows the same value three times
after sequential build-up (gradual increase of the pressure) on the BAP. Attention.
During this initial testing of reproducible BAP the data is not kept in the
program. The difference between the minimum and maximum values during
build-up should not be less than 20–30 units.
o If after triple build-up the point is reproducible (it is suitable), the device switches to the
vega testing mode (the indicator view and its sensitivity are changed):

o Measure the conductivity at the reproducible BAP, sequentially placing different
medicines in the round cup (or connecting cassettes to the device Test socket) and then
pressing the Space bar. If the indicator value reaches 80 (blue and red zone), the medicine
does not influence the body. If the indicator value does not reach 80 (or reaches, but then
the drop value occurs), it is considered that the medicine influences the body.
o Carry out the same procedure for all medicines from the list.
o Upon completion of the testing, you can see results by clicking the Show prescription

Vega electronic
This window is for the vega analysis on all meridian points with electronic copies of
medicines recorded to the ROM of the device (i. e. with analog medicines). It is impossible to
include digital medicines from the list in Vega electronic subsystem (they are simply not

It is possible to include medicines in Vega electronic menu. Before examination using

Vega electronic subsystem, it is possible to include filter medicines (for example, Epiphysis
D26). To do that, the filter medicine is placed into the container connected to the Test socket of
the device with a cable for testing. You can also include a testing cassette produced by outside
manufacturer to that socket.

Before analysis tick boxes of testing medicines on the list.

To start the examination, click the Begin analysis button. The device switches to the
diagnostics mode and the testing of selected medicines starts. If medicines are not selected, the
list is empty. In that case you should go to All or Recommended tab to tick boxes of desirable
medicines. You can perform measurements, following the instructions and images on the screen.
To finish analysis, click the Finish analysis button. To clear analysis results, click the Clear

button. In the right window the image will be displayed. It will show the BAP you need at the
moment and a slider-type indicator displaying the current measuring value. To go to the build-
up mode without interrupting the vegetative resonance test, press the “~” button on the

Measurement order
o Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe. Connect the black
plug of device wire to the cylindrical electrode.
o Select a group of medicines for testing from the offered list (to do that, tick boxes next to
desirable medicines). Rather, the list of medicines recommended for VRT is made as an
example of how to use it. Users can themselves make lists of recommended medicines for
certain cases.
o Click the Begin analysis button.
o Wet the tip of the electrode probe a bit.
o Press a tip of the electrode probe to the BAP.
o So-called reproducible BAP for measurements is identified. Usually the BAP of allergy
meridian AL1, the BAP of connective tissue degeneration meridian STD1, the BAP of
endocrine system meridian TR1 are used. A point is considered reproducible if during
three-time pressure on this BAP with the same intensity the device indicator shows the
same value. Perform the build-up, until the indicator shows the same value three times
after sequential build-up on the BAP. The difference between the minimum and
maximum values during build-up should not be less than 20–30 units.

o After triple build-up, if a suitable (reproducible) point has found, the device switches to
the vega test mode (an indicator is changed as well as its sensitivity).

o If necessary, connect the container to the Test socket of the device and place the filter
medicine inside.
o Measure the conductivity of the reproducible BAP, sequentially introducing different
medicines in the measuring circuit. If the indicator value reaches 80 (blue and red zone),
the medicine does not influence the body. If the indicator value does not reach 80, it is
considered that the medicine influences the body.

o After testing of every medicine, take the electrode off the BAP and press it again. Wait
for the end of measurements for the rest of selected medicines.
o The program will automatically carry out the measurements for all medicines selected for
the test. At the same time, you can click the button and switch to a manual testing mode
at any moment.

If you select a medicine on the list with mouse in a manual mode, it immediately
automatically includes to the testing circuit, and you can start testing on the selected
point. If you select other BAP for testing and you did not perform initial measurements
on it, the program carries out an initial point test. If during the testing process an operator
considers the tested medicine as suitable for the patient, it is possible to include it into
prescription by clicking the button or pressing the Ins key on the keyboard.

The medicine selected for including into prescription will be displayed on the list marked
in red.

o At the end of test and during testing, you can see the results by clicking the Show
prescription button.

Prescription editing

In the window of prescriptions you can view the list of medicines tested for each BAP, and the
list of medicines included in prescription. You can also take a final decision in regard to the
including medicines in prescription.

Preparation of Epiphysis filter medicines

Use of Epiphysis D26 medicine allows making VRT more effective by increasing of
patient’s autonomic nervous system sensitivity to testing medicines. For individual
customization, an Epiphysis D26 organopreparation is included into measuring circuit (there is a
possibility to include 1–4 c.u. of this medicine). Gradually increasing the number of units of
included Epiphysis D26 medicine, find such number of units which reduces a build-up value.
The number of medicine units, obtained during the selection process, is reduced by 1 c. u. The
medicine remains consistently included in a testing circuit at all stages of later measurements.

If Epiphysis D26 medicines are not available, they can be recorded using X2
amplification to the carrier (sugar granules), connecting the container before examination. To do
that, you should go to the Testing menu, then Information transference tab, and select the
needed medicine record in Organopreparations catalogue. After that, set the X2 amplification
and click the Begin transference button.

You may prepare any filter medicine from medicines database in the same way.

In the last two decades, the doctrine of Ryodoraku has become the most popular in Japan.
In 1950, a doctor and researcher Nakatini found a line, resembling a meridian of kidneys. It
contained a series of points which had a higher conductivity than the adjacent areas. This
phenomenon was observed in patients with renal edemas, but not in healthy people. Nakatani
named this line “Ryodoraku”, i. e. the line of good electric conductivity (or R-line). In Japanese,
the word Ryodoraku consists of several components: rуo means good, do means conductivity,
and rаku is a line.

These Ryodoraku lines (R-lines) resemble classical meridians and can be seen at various
diseased conditions. The “Ryodoraku” phenomenon can be observed not only in connection with
diseases of internal organs but also can reflect their physiological changes. There are
pathological and physiological Ryodoraku lines.

Nakatani offered to divide the R-lines into two groups:1) Hand (identified by the letter
“H”) and 2) Foot (identified by the letter “F”).

Conformity of biologically active points with organs:

H1 (LU9*, P9) Lung

H2 (PC7*, MC7) Pericardium (blood vessels)

Н3 (HT7*, C7) Heart

H4 (SI4*, IG4) Small intestine

H5 (TE4*, TR4) Triple energizer (Three heaters)

H6 (LI5*, GI5) Large intestine

F1 (SP3*, RP3) Spleen/ Pancreas

F2 (LR3*, F3) Liver

F3 (KI3*, R3) Kidney

F4 (BL64*, V64) Urinary bladder

F5 (GB40*, VB40) Gall bladder

F6 (ST42*, E42) Stomach

The skin in the area of 12 representative points in a healthy person has a different degree
of sensitivity to the testing Nakatani’s signal, depending on relation to one or another dermatome
(or more precisely, autonomic ganglia of the sympathetic trunk innervating one or another
dermatome). Therefore, the degree of change of electrical conductivity in these skin areas varies
during the testing process. When Nakatani detected such a feature, he developed scales for
interpretation of conductivity values for each dermatome and created a so-called standard
“Ryodoraku” chart (R-chart).

The results of conductivity measurements on representative BAPs are recorded to the R-

chart. Each conductivity value in a representative BAP (the current magnitude is measured in
microamperes), is marked on a corresponding scale. Then the arithmetic mean value of all 24
values is calculated, which is marked on two end scales of the R-chart corresponding to the mean
conductivity values (levels). Values on the end scales are connected with a horizontal line. Two
another horizontal lines are drawn parallel to that line, above and below, at a distance of 7 mm
each. In such a way a normal range is determined, and the horizontal lines are upper and lower
limits. It should be noted that indicated values of a normal range (14 mm) are valid if the height
of the R-chart scale is 105 mm.

In this program the standard voltage of 12 V and a short circuit current of 200 µA is used,
as offered by Nakatani. After every point measurement, the values of each point are averaged
and corrected to the value that is marked on the R-chart in millimeters (maximum value is
105 mm). Besides, for each R-line the correction factors are applied. Therefore, the similar
values of current intensity obtained from different R-lines can have different height on the R-


Workplace requirements:

The room for electropuncture diagnostics and therapy should be used only for these
purposes. X-ray units, microwave devices, ungrounded electrical wires should not be located
near the room. The floor must be covered with nonstatic materials. The air humidity and the
room temperature should be maintained within 70–80 % and + 20 °–22 °С respectively. If for the
artificial lighting the daylight fluorescent lamps are used, they should be placed at a distance of
not less than 1.5 m to the patient (the distance between filament lamps and the examined person
should be at least 0.5 m). A processor and a monitor should be placed as far away as possible
from the measurement location (at least 50 cm). Doctor’s workplace must be so equipped that he
can work in a comfortable, stress-free working posture. A doctor should operate with active
electrode, operator control and computer equipment easily. The comfortable environment and

physical rest conditions for the examined person should be provided. It is advisable to ensure
that no one enters the working room during the examination.

Requirements regarding a doctor:

During examination a doctor should wear the clothes made of natural fabric to avoid
effects of static electricity. Doctor’s hand carrying out measurements and procedures, should be
in a stable position, without tension. Before measurement, a doctor should not press on a BAP
(practice shows that search of a BAP for measuring should be done only according to
corresponding anatomical landmarks). During measurements a doctor should not touch a
patient’s skin with the hand.

Requirements regarding a patient:

A patient should take off shoes, socks (as well as stockings or pantyhose), and any
bijouterie or jewellery made of any metal before the examination. All personal communication
tools generating electromagnetic fields must be also removed. Skin areas on which electrodes are
placed must be clean, without skin damage, scars, papillomas and other skin lesions or

Examination should not be performed earlier than 1.5-2 hours after physical activity,
meal or physiotherapeutic sessions.It must not be conducted earlier than 3 days after
investigations related with powerful radiation (radiological methods, radioisotope diagnostics,
nuclear magnetic resonance, etc.). An exception are cases when examination is carried out for
the analysis of changes developing in the body under the influence of radiation.

If possible, one day prior to electropuncture diagnostics it is necessary to stop intake of

medicines. The decision to stop the medicines intake before examination is taken by a doctor
trained in electropuncture diagnostics.

Directly before the examination, a patient should have a rest for 10-15 minutes.

Preparation for the measurements:

Just before the start of measurements, put a cotton ball wetted in isotonic sodium chloride
solution into the ebonite (metal) cup of active electrode. The cotton ball should be moistened
well, but not too much.

Measurement procedure:

A patient is positioned on the couch or in the armchair in a comfortable relaxed posture.

Before measurements it is necessary to explain to the patient the purpose of examination.
Diagnostics is carried out by measurement of electric conductivity in representative BAPs.

Following the sequence of measurements, put the active electrode to testing points
sequentially. Measurements are carried out in the following order: H1-H6 on the right hand, H1-
H6 on the left hand, F1-F6 on the right foot, F1-F6 on the left foot. During examination, a patient
holds the indifferent (passive) electrode in his hand (on the side that is opposite to the side of
measurements). I. e. in the measurements on the left side, a patient holds the electrode in his
right hand; in the measurement on the right side he holds it in his left hand). A patient should
hold a passive electrode tight, but not clench it too hard. During measurements, a doctor should
not touch a cup of active electrode or a patient’s skin with the hand. During the measurement, the
active electrode should touch a surface of patient’s skin in the area of a representative point at a
right angle with constant pressure. Recording of the device readings should be started at the 3rd
second from the beginning of electric conductivity measurement on each of 24 measuring points.
The obtained results are recorded in a special R-chart.

Method of repeated electropuncture measurements:

According to Nakatani, R-line has a state of “excess of energy” or hyperfunction, if the

value of electrical conductivity in corresponding representative point is above an upper limit of
the normal range. Similarly, the R-line has a state of “deficiency of energy” or hypofunction, if
the corresponding value of electrical conductivity on the representative point is below a lower
limit of the normal range. According to Nakatani, R-lines with electrical conductivity values in
representative points within the normal range are considered as “normal”. A conclusion about a
functional state of R-lines is drawn on the basis of results of only one examination.

Long-term investigations have shown that many factors very often influence on the
results of one examination. These factors are not related with the stable deviations of R-lines and
can include the following:

– psychoemotional state of a patient at the time of examination;

– interrupted eating patterns and sleep problems the day before examination;

– excessive physical activity before examination;

– intake of medicines, etc.

Therefore, an interpretation of a functional state of acupunctural R-lines according to the

results of one examination has preliminary, stochastic nature. To improve the reliability of
diagnostics and eliminate the errors caused by circumstantial factors, it is advised carrying out
the repeated electropuncture measurements: over 3 days in a row, once a day, preferably at the
same time. Based on the results of each examination, the R-lines that are not within the normal
range are detected. Then on the majority principle (two out of three), the steady deflected (SD)
R-lines are detected, i. e. the R-lines that are not within the normal range according to results of
two and more examinations. The SD R-lines are used for further determination of
electropuncture profile for the main and concomitant diseases, for making of individual
treatment regimen and for the treatment efficiency control.

Interpretation of electropuncture diagnostics results:

According to Nakatani, the R-line state that are not within the normal range should be
confirmed by symptoms identified during patient interview and physical examination. If the
symptoms consistent with the R-line state are absent, it is possible to suppose a latent stage of
disease or preexisting disease. Offered by Nakatani a list of symptoms is limited and not
differentiated; making it difficult to interpret the diagnostics results.

According to classical view of the acupuncture, R-line is a multifunctional system.

Consequently, the R-line state (hypo- or hyperfunction) depends on a number of factors, that
should be considered and differentiated. The main factors influencing on the state of R-line

1. The R-line state depends on a functional state of relative internal organ or body system.

The hyperfunction of R-line can indicate the following:

– acute inflammatory processes of the corresponding internal organ;

– severe exacerbation of chronic inflammatory process of the corresponding internal


– functional disorders (excess type) of the corresponding internal organ or body system
(e. g., hyperfunction of stomach R-line can point to hyperacidity);

– malignant tumor at an early stage (e. g., stable pronounced hyperfunction of the
stomach R-line together with stable low average level of electrical conductivity may indicate the
development of malignant process in the stomach area).

The hypofunction of R-line can indicate the following:

– chronic inflammatory process of the corresponding internal organ (a subacute stage);

– functional disorders (insufficiency type) of the corresponding internal organ or body

system (e. g., hypofunction of the gallbladder R-line can indicate a hypotonic biliary dyskinesia);

– benign tumors (e. g., hypofunction of the lung R-line may indicate vocal cord

2. The R-line state depends on a functional state of a certain tissue type. For example,
hyperfunction of the liver R-line can indicate the hypertonicity of muscular tissue, and
hypofunction of the liver R-line can point to a muscular hypotonia.

3. The R-line state may change if abnormal focus is located on the external course of R-
line, or in case of pain syndrome with pain irradiation along the external course of R-line. For

example, in dorsopathy of the cervical and thoracic spine with plexitis signs, a hyperfunction of
small intestine R-line and three heaters will be observed.

4. The R-line state corresponds to a functional state of a corresponding organ of senses.

For example, diseases of visual organ are developed due to corresponding changes of the liver R-

5. The R-line state depends on a psychoemotional state of a patient. For example,

simultaneous hypofunction of the liver, heart and stomach R-lines can indicate a depressed state
of a patient.

To identify pathology through electropuncture diagnostics, the following parameters are


combinations of R-lines that are stable deviated from the normal range (on the R-
chart), or R-lines deviated from the normal range at the 4th examination during
“energofunctional test”;

an average level of electrical conductivity considered as normal with values of 40–

80 uA, low with values of less than 40 uA and high with values of more than 80 uA. If an
average value is above 80 uA, a state of energy processes of regulation of compensatory-
adaptive body mechanisms is considered as hyperergic. If an average value is lower than 25 uA,
it is a hypoergic state or an energetic asthenia of the immunodefences.

a significant asymmetry in electrical conductivity values on the left and right sides of
the same R-line, indicating the vertobrogenic disorders.

electroconductivity ratio obtained in measurements on BAPs of the left and right (L/R)
sides of a body. The normal range is 0.97–1.03. If L/R ratio is more than 1.1 or less than 0.9, it is
possible to assume metabolism disorders and other systemic disturbance specific to gross
changes of connective tissue, intervertebral cartilages, joint capsule, etc., i. e. involvement of
musculoskeletal and locomotor system. Most often this index is analyzed together with the other
parameters. The deviation of L/R ratio more than 1.03 means that intracellular content has
alkaline reaction, and a patient is prone to oncology diseases. It has been found that the most
types of cancer are caused by microbes, which size is less than a cell size. The microbes is
introduced into the cell and start to replicate inside actively. It is very difficult to kill them
because they are protected by the cell defense system, therefore treatment destroys both cancer
and body cells. The deviation of L/R ratio less than 0.97 indicates that intracellular content has
acid reaction, and foreign microorganisms cannot survive inside cells. However, this condition is
harmful for a cell too.

electroconductivity ratio obtained in measurements on BAPs of Yin and Yang R-lines.

In practically healthy persons is 0.815–1.15. Yin organs prevalence over Yang organs, i. e. when
Yin/Yang ratio is more than 1.15–1.2, indicates an inactivity of metabolic processes (slowing
down, intensity reduction of energy metabolism). This condition is typical for low-intensity
chronic processes, hypodynamia, intoxication. Prevalence of “Yang” over “Yin”, i. e. Yin/Yang
ratio is less than 0.8, indicates the accelerated energy metabolism. Inactivity of energy metabolic
processes indicates the body state, when more energy is produced than spent. On the contrary,
the increased energy metabolism indicates that more energy is spent than produced by a body.

electroconductivity ratio obtained in measurements on BAPs of upper and lower

extremities, i. e. hands and feet (H/F). In practically healthy persons the H/F ratio is within
0.815–1.15. In psychoemotional stress or increased mental activity, the H/F ratio is above 1.2,
and at psychasthenic condition it is lower than 0.8. A normal H/F ratio in males is 0.9–1.15 and
in females is 0.8–1.0.

Electropunctural profile of a disease is a specific combination of SD (stable deviated) R-

lines at a certain value of average level of electroconductivity, corresponding to the clinical
picture of certain pathology. Electropunctural disease profile consists of principal and additional
meridians (R-lines). Principal meridians characterize the pathogenesis of a disease. Dysfunction
of R-lines is related with symptomatic manifestations of that disease.

In traditional medicine the assessment of parameters of electropunctural measurements

on representative BAPs is of unique significance for identification of medical conditions and
making a treatment regimen. However, electroconductivity changes on BAP are nosological non-
specific, i. e. different diseases can cause similar changes of electropunctural parameters. So this
method cannot solve yet the complex clinical questions independently. Consequently, at the
current time the electropuncture diagnostics can be used in medical practice by trained
professionals as a provisional diagnostic technique and a monitoring method.

To conduct the examination optimally, the active participation of a patient is needed.

Therefore, one of possible approaches is to explain to a patient the essence of this method and
inform him or her about possible health disorders, additional diagnostic testing, the course of
treatment and expected results.

It is important not to give a patient a final diagnosis after procedure of electropuncture

diagnostics. The diagnosis must be checked and reliably confirmed. Revealed
electroconductivity changes on representative BAPs do not precisely indicate the medical
condition. Until some time, it is only the unfavorable background, and against it the disease may
or may not develop. At the stage of electropunctural evaluation of organs and body systems, it is
preferable to use such operational terms of diagnosis as “provisional”, “probable” and
“possible”. It is important to choose words carefully to avoid iatrogeny.

Electropuncture diagnostics is used for: an integral estimation of a functional state of

acupuncture meridians, organs and body systems; dynamic observation of the health state;
determination of electropuncture profile for the main and concomitant diseases, for making of
individual reflex therapy regimen and treatment efficiency control.


An implanted artificial heart pacemaker, acute psychic excitement, drug and alcohol
intoxication, pregnancy. An idiosyncrasy to electric current can be considered as a relative

Examination procedure

This window is for the Ryodoraku test on all meridian points. To start analysis, click the
Begin analysis button. The device switches to the diagnostic mode. Perform measurements,
following the instructions and images on the screen. To finish analysis, click the Finish analysis
button. To clear analysis results, click the Clear button. In the right window the image will be
displayed. It will show the BAP you need at the moment and a point-type indicator displaying
the current measuring value.

Measurement order:

o Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe having
special hollow attachment for Ryodoraku diagnostics. Connect the black plug of device
wire to the cylindrical electrode.
o Roll a piece of cotton wool into a ball, moisten it slightly with normal
saline, and put the ball into the cavity of the electrode probe attachment.
o Click the Begin analysis button.
o The program will start to analyze points automatically one by one; the tip
of the electrode-probe should be pressed slightly to the BAP shown in the image.
Duration of pressing should not be longer than two seconds.
o After the BAP measurement the program finishes the analysis
automatically and its results will be displayed in the corresponding windows.

Saving the diagnostics results:

If the patient has been registered, the program will offer to save the results of diagnostics upon
completion of examination.

Su Jok is a part of Onnuri medicine developed by South Korean professor Park Jae Woo.

Su Jok method is based on the affinity system: our hands and feet represent our entire
body in miniature. The human body has 5 conditionally separate parts: head, two arms and two
legs. A hand has 5 fingers, a foot has 5 toes that correspond to 5 body parts. We can visualize
this similarity, if we look at our own hand. A thumb (that is put aside as far as possible) is a
head. A little and index fingers are arms. A long and ring fingers are legs. A ball of the thumb is
the chest, and the rest of that eminence is the abdominal region. A back of a hand is the back. A
longitudinal line conditionally separating a hand into two halves is the spinal column.

Special importance in Su Jok method is given to the thumb. Its palmar surface is the
“face” and dorsum of the thumb is the“back of the head”. As for foot, its matching system is
based on the same principle.

Hands and feet are the only parts of the human body which are characterized by such a
structural similarity. They are, in opinion of the author of the Su Jok system himself, the “remote
controls”. The same way we use a remote control to operate a television, we can use our hands
and feet to influence our whole body and cure disease. These healing systems function as a kind
of small clinics that naturally cure body illnesses. The biologically active points corresponding to
all body organs and regions are located on hands and feet in strict order.

In case of any disease, the “signal” wave from the affected organ or area is sent to the
corresponding point and leads to its excitation state. As a result, the sharp pain of the point
emerges. Stimulation of that point leads to answering healing wave that normalizes the affected
organ activity. Visually we cannot see that point on the skin surface, but when we press it down,
the dimple or swelling can be found (as well as a painful spot). And if we are to succeed and
found such a point, it can be considered as the midpoint in recovery.

The diagnostics results are “guide to action” for a Su Jok therapist. These results let to
know what canals and points on them need the influence, and which method should be chosen.
The method is completely safe for a patient. It is non-invasive, does not require any prior
preparation, and most importantly, makes it possible to implement the principle of individual
selection of effective treatment method for every patient.

Su Jok is a diagnostic and treatment method which may apply not only doctors but any
person, even who is far from the medical field. In other words, it can be mastered by any person
to stay healthy or relieve painful conditions in chronic and acute diseases.


This window is for Su Jok analysis on all meridian points. You can start the examination by
clicking the Begin analysis button. The device will switch to diagnostic mode. You can perform
measurements you need, following the instructions and images on the screen. You can end the
analysis by clicking the Finish analysis button. You can clear the analysis results by clicking the
Clear button. In the right window the image will display with the BAP that you need at the
moment, as well as a pointer-type indicator, displaying a current measuring value (the indicator
shows the current intensity in the BAP).

Testing order:
o Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe with a
special ball-head for Su-Jok diagnostics. Connect the black plug of device wire to the
cylindrical electrode.
o Click the Begin analysis button.
o The program will start to analyze points automatically one by one; the tip
of the electrode-probe should be pressed to the BAP shown in the image. The pressing
duration should not exceed 2 seconds.
o After the last BAP measurement the program ends analysis automatically
and results are displayed in corresponding windows.

Saving diagnostics results

If the patient has been registered, the program will offer to save the results of diagnostics
upon completion of examination.


Bioinformational adaptometry (aurametry) is a computer method of chakras and aura

diagnostics, that makes it possible to detect processes invisible to the human eye. These
processes at the energoinformational level have long-term influence on person’s vital activities,
health, relationship, career, business, etc.

Distinctive feature of the diagnostic method is the identification of the weakest link in the
person’s energoinformational field (aura) indicating the pathology focus.

With regard to health, the method allows identification of disorders long before the first
clinical signs of a disease appear.

Aurametry diagnostics makes it possible to:

– detect dysfunctions or disorders in person’s energy centers (chakras);

– define distortions and disruptions of energoinformational field (aura);

– define places of energy leakage;

– define energoinformational blocks;

– evaluate general energy state of a body;

– detect possible problem zones and confirm observed ones at the body physical level.

– monitor changes in the person’s energoinformational field during treatment or spiritual

practices, as well as watch progress of influence of spiritual healers, etc.

Topography of the main chakras:

Muladhara is located above anus, behind the genitals. In male it is located in the base of
the spine, in female it is between ovaries. Topographically, it is the first point of a posteromedian
meridian. On the palm its location is 1 cun more proximal to the projection point of the second
chakra, at the end of a “life line”. It is absent on the back of the hand.

Svadhistana on the back is located between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebra, and on the
abdomen is 4–6 cm below umbilicus (4 cun). Topographically, it is the fourth point of
anterormedian meridian (an alarm point of small intestine, Lower Dan Tian). On the palm it is
located 1 cun more proximal to the point of intersection of two lines: median line of the third
finger and perpendicular from the tip of a proximally abducted thumb. On the back of the hand it
is located opposite the palm point.

Manipura is located on the back between 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebra, and on the
abdomen it is 5–7 cm above the umbilicus. Topographically, it can be on the 10th point of spleen
and pancreas energy (anterormedian meridian), or on the 12th alarm point of stomach, or on the
13th point of stomach and small intestine energy (the same meridian). On the palm it is located
in the middle of a metacarpal bone of the third finger (the same location on the back of the

Anahata is located on the back between the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebra, on the chest it
is in its center. Topographically, it is 17th point of anterormedian meridian (Median Dan Tian),
BAP of all associated EAV-vessels. On the palm it is located above metacarpophalangeal joint of
the third finger (the same location on the back of the hand).

Vishudha is located on the back between the 6th and 7th cervical vertebra; on the front of
the body it is at the base of a throat, in a sternal notch. Topographically, it is between the 22nd
and 23rd points of anterormedian meridian (a point of thymus measurement and a point of
concentration of kidneys energy). On the palm it is located in the middle of proximal phalanx of
the third finger (the same location on the back of the hand).

Adzhna is located on the back of the neck (between the 2nd and 3rd cervical vertebra), on
the forehead it is located between eyebrows. Topographically, it is the 23rd point of a
posterormedian meridian, in EAV (Voll electroacupuncture) it is a point of degenerative and
psychosomatic disorders (Upper Dan Tian). On the palm it is located in the middle of an median
phalanx of the third finger (the same location on the back of the hand).

Sahasrara is located in the upper part of the skull, 1 cm anterior to the top of the head.
Topographically, it is the 20th point of a posterormedian meridian (the highest point of the roof
of scull), a point of Yang energy concentration of associated EAV-meridians. On the palm it is
located in the middle of the distal phalanx of the third finger; it is absent on the back of the hand.

For today, the most widespread method of evaluation of chakra condition is Voll
electroacupuncture diagnostics (EAV). Also biotensometry, biofunctional diagnostics (BFD),
kinesiology tests, or vegetative-resonant test (VEGA test) can be successfully used. The issue is
in interpretation of results and the exhaustiveness of examination. And still, in our opinion, the
EAV and VEGA test are the most preferred methods. The EAV enables to obtain a “static
sample” of a chakra condition, and the VEGA test shows, so to speak, a three-dimensional,
dynamic picture. Also, the VEGA test makes it possible to construct virtual models of response
based on the principle “what will be, if …”

Most often chakras are quiet, "dormant", even there is a full-scale clinical picture of a
disease, so simple measurement of projective chakra points does nothing. There can be several
reasons: intake of potent drugs (hormones, tranquilizers, stimulants, sleeping pills), intense
psychoemotional or emotional-painful stress, severe oncology diseases, pregnancy, toxic
conditions, distrust a doctor, etc. In such cases “medicine testing” can be applied, using either
correctors of chakras condition, or inversion of medicines, or inversion of energoinformational
patient’s condition.

It is also possible to select homoeopathic remedies, testing them on “weak” chakras, or
using other ways of treatment. Besides you can carry out psychocorrection sessions, monitoring
the results by “weak” chakras. Diagnostics by chakras is a creative process, and its opportunities
are practically limited only by skills and knowledge of the practician.

Procedure of aurametry

This window is for measurements on chakra points of hands. To start analysis, click the
Begin analysis button. The device switches to the diagnostic mode, so you can perform
measurements, following the instructions and images on the screen. To finish analysis, click the
Finish analysis button. To clear analysis results, click the Clear button. In the right window the
image will be displayed. It will show the BAP that you need at the moment or quadrant leads, as
well as a pointer-type indicator displaying the current measuring value. Upon completion of all
measurements, the results can be seen in the Aura window.

BAP measurement order:

o Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe.
Connect the black plug of device wire to the cylindrical electrode.
o Click the Begin analysis button.
o Wet the tip of the electrode probe a bit.
o Press a tip of the electrode probe to the BAP.
o Perform the testing of the point shown in the image. The program will
perform three measurements consecutively, do not take the electrode off the BAP during
all of them. If the measurements have performed correctly, the point factor will be
displayed in a histogram. Otherwise, the program will repeat the measurements for the
o When taking the electrode off the BAP, the program will go to the next
point automatically.
o After measurements on the last BAP, the program will finish the analyze
automatically. The results as a schematic representation of the energoinformational
matrix (aura) will be shown in the AURA window.

Saving of diagnostics results:

If the patient has been registered, the program will offer to save the results of examination upon
its completion.

Auricular diagnostics and therapy are the components of clinical reflexotherapy. The
auricular examination, i. e. detection of the points and areas with altered sensitivity, should be
combined with carefully taken medical history and general clinical examination of a patient. The
auricular examination is carried out as follows:

1) auricular examination is aimed at evaluation of the auricle relief and

general comparison with the auricular cartography
2) auricular skin examination by means of a magnifying glass (in good light)
in order to detect the skin changes (e. g. hyperemia, desquamation, swelling, etc.)
indicating the chronic organ disease projected on the particular auricular area
3) searching for the points of altered sensitivity by means of the special
diagnostic probe for evaluation of tactile and thermal sensitivity, and also for the
estimation of difference of the skin electrical resistance in the point.

The detection of auricular acupuncture points should start with the detailed visual
inspection of auricles and examination of their individual characteristics. The shape and size
of an auricle are prone to age-related changes. In young people an auricle is elastic; this
characteristic deteriorates with age. The difference between the right and left auricle is
usually significant even in apparently healthy persons. In each particular case special
attention should be paid to assessment of distinctness of the auricle shape, that is crucial for
the accurate localization of the acupuncture points and areas. In some cases, thorough
inspection may be important for the diagnosis and detection of the reactive zones.

When a disease occurs, some painful points appear on the external ear surface.
Sometimes they are imperceptible, but “on the changes of projection areas it is possible to
predict the imminent danger long before the clinical manifestation of the disease” (P.
Nogier). In most cases the auricular cartography provides the doctor with information about
the patient’s health status, acute and chronic diseases, traumas experienced based on changes
of ear surface appearance or its relief.

In case of the right-side pain syndrome, it is advisable to examine the right ear, and
vice versa. Therefore, it is obvious that there is larger area of a liver and lung projection on
the right auricle than on the left one. The projections of a gall bladder and appendix are only
on the right auricle, while a pancreas and spleen projections are only on the left one.

The correct determination of auricular points is important both for diagnosis and for
the treatment, that is why the points’ search should be consecutive in order not to miss or
confuse the necessary points.

The electrical devices used for searching for the active auricular points have been
widespread. Their principle of action is based on the fact that the electrical resistance in the
active point is usually higher than the electrical resistance of surrounding skin surface.

I. Bishko based his conclusions on the studies of the skin electrical conductivity in
the point area. He states that if the auricular point has the low skin resistance (which
means the energy decrease), in most cases this point should be stimulated. If the
increased skin resistance is found (excess of energy), such point are to be sedated.

Indications for use:

The auricular diagnostics is indicated for screening of the functional state of organs and
body systems for the purpose of further prescription of corresponding direct diagnostic
examination. The method is used for making of individual regimen of reflex action on the
auricular points, as well as for the assessment of the treatment progress.


Auricular diagnosis is contraindicated in case of frostbite or inflammation of the auricle,

in patients having an implanted pacemaker due to the possibility of its failure. The
hypersensitivity to electric current and mechanic pressure can be considered as relative
contraindications. The diagnostics accuracy can be significantly lower in patients with ear canal
eczema or traumas of auricle, as well as in elderly patients. In psychiatric patients the diagnostics
is limited to the measurement of skin electrical conductivity and analysis of morphological
changes in acupuncture auricular points for development of individual regimen of reflex action
on the auricular points, as well as for assessment of the treatment progress.

Workplace requirements:

Auricular diagnostics should be carried out in healthcare facilities, including the

outpatient clinics, in general-purpose and specialized, municipal and rural health units. During
public health screenings the diagnostics may be carried out in mobile health units. In those cases
the doctor’s workplace should be equipped with the constructions approved for use in medical
practice. Besides, they can be easily constructed. The auricular diagnostics is allowed to be
performed by medical professionals (general physicians, pediatricians) certified in reflexology
(i. e. having the certificate or the substituting document), and who undergone an appropriate
training in traditional diagnostics in a licensed educational institution.

The doctor’s workplace should be equipped in such a way as to allow a doctor to work in
a comfortable posture and operate with the tools easily. It is desirable to carry out the diagnostics
in the room equipped with a desk, several chairs, an armchair and a computer. During
examination a doctor should wear a white gown and clothes made of natural fabric. The hand
touching the patient’s ear should wear a glove made from cotton or latex to avoid possible
influence on the measurement results. Doctor’s hand carrying out testing should be in a stable
position and without tension. The diagnostics is carried out in good light (it should not be too
bright). It is desirable to use a magnifying glass during examination. For more thorough
examination of auricles it is useful to change the illumination angle by turning the illumination

The room temperature should be maintained within + 18–22 °Celsius. Before
examination a patient should stay awake in a relaxed state for not less than 10–15 minutes. It is
not advised an examination after meal, physical activity, psychoemotional stress and against a
background of any physiological discomfort. The patient should be prepared for the examination:
it is necessary to wear clothes made of natural fabric not causing the static electricity effects.
Besides, a patient should take off the bijouterie or jewellery, glasses and watch prior to the
examination. A patient should be also warned that it is necessary to put away and turn off all
devices generating electromagnetic fields (e. g., a mobile phone).

Procedure of auricular diagnostics:

The whole diagnostics procedure consists of the following stages:

1. preparatory phase,
2. examination,
3. disease probability analysis (detection of the potential target organs),
4. drawing diagnostic conclusion including recommendations.

Preparatory operations include preparation of the patient for the examination,

interview and filling in the corresponding medical forms by a physician.

Examination is carried out by means of medical inspection, measurement of skin

electrical conductivity, pain sensitivity testing in signal acupuncture points, and palpation of

The examination is performed when a patient is in his seating or lying position.

During auricular examination, a doctor should pay attention to the size of auricles, their
symmetry, regularity of their shape, sharpness of antihelix and helix contours. Gross changes
in the shape or size of auricles are usually seen in a number of congenital pathologies, such
as oligophrenia, Down syndrome, and different congenital abnormalities. It is necessary to
pay attention to the skin colour, vascular pattern intensity, presence of morphological
elements, excavations, and other local skin changes. In some cases the auricular palpation is
carried out after the skin electrical conductivity measurement for the purpose of cartilage
induration detection and assessment of the morphologic elements’ consistence.
The skin electrical conductivity measurement is carried out with use of the electrode for
general purpose (passive) and active probe. The probe should be cleaned with 70 % alcohol
solution before the examination. It is not recommended to fix the probe on one point for
more than 15 sec, because in that case the blood circulation in the point is disturbed, which
leads to the alteration of the parameters of no diagnostic value.
The skin conductance measurement and pain sensitivity testing in the acupuncture points is
carried out with use of a probe which has a spherical tip of 2–2.5 mm in diameter. It is
essential to place the probe axis perpendicular to the skin surface of auricle. It helps the
probe not to slide out. The pressings with a probe should be even and equal, and usually their
intensity does not exceed 100–150 g. It is not necessary to moisten the probe with water
during measurements. Before starting the examination, a patient is asked to tell the doctor
about the nature of sensations which he is going to experience during the auricular points

testing. The examination should be carried out slowly enough to allow the patient to sort out
in his/her sensations and react to every pressing. Do not press repeatedly on the same point in
a short period of time, because it becomes painful in connection with manipulations.

The results of the interview, examination, measurements, and testing are recorded to the
diagnostic file in which it is possible to register the skin colour and morphological changes
detected, pain gradation and the auricular points’ electroabnormality degree. The obtained data
may be used for the patient follow-up. Using of the computer applications considerably
facilitates this work.

Particular features of the visual changes and their interpretation:

According to results of the clinical studies, in diseases of different internal organs the
visual changes in certain areas of auricle are observed. It is necessary to differentiate between the
pathological non-inflammatory changes in colour and the appearance of the inflammatory
morphological elements. The skin discoloration includes redness, blanching, sallow tone, and
different pigment spots. The pathological changes may be seen also as movable or fixed
subcutaneous cartilage indurations, local swelling, dotted rash in the form of gooseflesh, or areas
of thin parchment skin, spider veins, hyperkeratosis.

The morphological elements of the auricular skin should be classified into primary and
secondary. The primary elements usually appear as the earliest skin reaction to the acute
pathological process (stimulus). The secondary elements appear as a result of primary elements’
evolution. There are five types of primary elements: macule, papule, nodule, vesicle, and pustule.

Macule is circumscribed alteration in skin color. Macules can be inflammatory, vascular,

hemorrhagic, and pigment. The inflammatory macules occur as a result of vasodilation in
superficial layer of dermis. They have pinkish-pink colour, sometimes with cyanotic tint, and
they may disappear under pressure. These macules are regressed completely, or they may leave
desquamation. The vascular macules develop as a result of a persistent vasodilation in the
superficial skin layer. They may have congenital or acquired nature. The vascular macules differ
from the inflammatory macule in their presence of sharp contours of dilated vessels in a form of
red convoluted stripes. The hemorrhagic macules develop as a result of rupture of the skin blood
vessels or their permeability increase. Subsequently, they gradually change their colour and may
fully disappear at last. However, they do not disappear under pressure, which is their main
difference from the inflammatory macules.

Papule, or papula, is a solid lesion elevated above the skin surface. The colour of papules
can be pinkish and brownish, and the size of a pinhead. By shape, papules can be hemispheric or
flat. Papules tend to leave desquamation after resolving, without cicatrisation.

Nodule (tubercle) is a non-cavitary (solid) lesion elevated above the skin surface. The
nodule has yellowish- or brownish-red colour; its size is no more than the size of the lentil, its
shape is hemispheric. In the course of the further development the central part of the nodule is
necrotized with the subsequent ulceration and scar formation. The main difference between the

nodule and papule consists in greater deepness of its location in the skin, and also in the
evolution pattern.

Vesicle (vesicula) is a cavitary lesion. It contains the serous content, which is always of
an acute inflammatory character. The vesicle size may be compared with the hempseed; its shape
is hemispheric. During their further development, the vesicles shrink becoming covered with a
scale, or open with the erosion formation, without cicatrisation.

Pustule is the cavitary lesion elevated above the skin surface. It contains a purulent exudate
which is usually of an acute inflammatory character. Pustule can be hemispheric or flat, the size
of a pinhead. Pustule shrinks and a crustlike surface appears, or it opens without cicatrisation.

The secondary morphological elements include scales, crusts, erosions, ulcers, scars, and
secondary pigment spots.

Scales (squamae) are rejected cells of the stratum corneum. They occur at the sites of
resolved macules, papules, sometimes nodules and other primary elements.

Crust (crusta) is formed by drying out the exudate at the site of vesicles, pustules, ulcers,
or erosions.

Erosion (erosio) is a skin defect within the epidermis after the opening of the vesicle or

Ulcer (ulcus) is the deep dermal defect which develops after the necrosis of a nodule.

Scar (cicatricle) forms after the healing of a nodule.

Secondary pigment spots occur at the sites of resolved inflammatory macules, papules,
pustules as a result of the increase or decrease in the content of pigment at sites of former
primary elements.

During the examination the following features are noted: the colour of auricular skin, its
turgor, elasticity, hidropoiesis and sebum secretion. The general examination is followed by the
analysis of morphological elements. The doctor will note their localization and nature
(inflammatory or not). In case of inflammatory signs, it is necessary to determine if they have
acute of chronic character. The acute inflammation of the auricular skin is characterized by
bright redness, swelling, and tenderness. The doctor identifies the primary and secondary
morphological elements, determines their differential characteristics, size, colour, contours
(regular or irregular), shape (hemispheric or flat), surface (flaky or smooth), consistence (soft,
dense, or hard).

Thus, for example, some hormonal or metabolic disorders are frequently accompanied by
desquamation and/or hypersecretion areas. The areas of hyperkeratosis may indicate the
endocrine dysfunction of the organ or system of organs. The presence of vesicles and nodules at
a different stage of development can indicate an organic disease. Shiny or dull connective tissue

cicatricles of white colour indicate the chronic processes and previous diseases. The
subcutaneous prominent hardened spots with sharp contours, which change their shape under
pressure, or brownish-grey lumps with indistinct boundaries which do not change their shape
under pressure may indicate the presence of benign or malignant tumours of the organs
corresponding to the auricular areas.

The analysis of the visible signs provides the indicative data regarding the stage and
phase of pathological processes. It is considered that the progress and chronization of diseases
become apparent in the auricular points first as functional changes and then as morphological
ones. The onset of the disease may show itself first as redness (hyperaemia), and then as pallor
(vascular spasm) of the corresponding auricular areas. An acute disease or exacerbation of the
chronic process is accompanied by the development of such morphological elements as vesicles,
papules and pustules. In case of the chronic diseases, there are secondary pigment spots,
desquamation, or cicatricle at the site of former ulcer.

Acute process: redness (local hyperemia, inflammatory spots), papule, nodule, vesicle,
pustule, erosions, ulcers;

Chronic process: pallor, mottled skin with sharp contours (local ischemia), areas of
hypersecretion, apparent spider veins, excavations that look like needle indentation marks,
elevations, scales, crusts, scars, secondary pigment spots.

Examples of the auricular changes in accordance to different types of


Diseases Point areas Signs

Bronchitis between the upper and lower whitish dotted lumps
points corresponding to lungs
Gastritis of the stomach whitish uneven area, poorly defined
boundaries, sometimes sensation of
thickened skin
Gastric ulcer of the stomach development of the circle formed by
the dotted bulging, and poorly
defined boundaries
Ulcer disease of the stomach small rounded nodule
Ulcer disease (after of the stomach small crescent-shaped white or
resection) reddish scar
Duodenal ulcer of the duodenum sometimes the center becomes
whitish or light-grey; there is a
hyperemia of the margins with the
glossy surface
Acute appendicitis of the appendix dotted congestive phenomena or 1–
3 papules
Chronic appendicitis of the appendix dotted areas that look like needle

indentation marks, whitish, but
starting to elevate above the skin
surface as they turn light-grey
Menorrhagia uterus dotted and bulging areas of
congestion that look like a
gooseflesh, or several red papules

Leucorrhea uterus dotted bulging areas

Hypomenorrhea uterus whitish dotted bulging areas without
Vertigo subcortex, forehead whitish and dotted areas with reddish
crown and glossy surface
Hypertension heart, adrenal glands dotted bulging hyperemic areas
without gloss; moreover, dotted
congestive areas or capillary
Pain in benign tumors body region subcutaneous bulges (prominences)
changing their shape under pressure,
with sharp contours
Pain in malignant body region brownish-grey bulges not changing
tumors their shape under pressure, with
poorly defined boundaries
Genital diseases, corresponding area rash in acute disease, inflammation,
colitis, nephritis, dotted, lamellar, glossy coronae; in
cystitis chronic disease the dull whitish dots
are sunken
Pulmonary edema of the lungs whitish and scabrous lump or areas of
dots aggregation
Hepatomegalia of the liver whitish and scabrous bulging (it is
shaped like a half of a melon seed);
right hepatic lobe corresponds to the
right auricle, left hepatic lobe
corresponds to the left auricle

There are the following symbols for visual changes (VC) of auricular points in the

# — there are chronic changes

## — there are acute changes

### — there are acute and chronic changes

Pain sensitivity testing and interpretation algorithm:

For the pain sensitivity testing the same probe can be used as for the electrical
conductivity measurement. However, in that case it is preferable to use the special probe with the
pressure sensor. It allows the doctor to test the pain sensitivity much more accurately and register
not only the subjective parameters but the pressure intensity causing tenderness in a patient. The
patient informs the doctor if tenderness appears. Moreover, the doctor is able to watch and
estimate the patient’s reactions by himself. It can be wrinkling, closing one or both eyes, wincing
or moaning.

Three gradations are conditionally distinguished in the tenderness testing:

1 — no tenderness under pressure (it is a normal response).

2 — low tenderness point. This includes cases which are characterized by the slight
sensation of tensive, compressing or bursting pain under pressure of the probe upon the point.
Besides, it includes cases when the tactile sensitivity in the point examined differs significantly
from surrounding points;

3 — painful point. In that case the pressure of the probe upon the point causes significant
pain in a patient, usually followed by a grimace (facial dolorosa) on the patient’s face; or not so
intensive but sharp stabbing pain occurs.

There are the following symbols for the pain sensitivity in auricular points (PS) in the

* — low tender point

** — high tender point

The interpretation algorithm for electrical resistance parameters:

To exclude the influence of age-related and individual patient’s features, the method of
determination of individual normal range is applied in the program. It is estimated upon the
readings of the auricular ZERO point. Even the ancient Chinese sources stated that this point was
a kind of “generally stimulating” point in relation to other auricular points. It means, if
auriculotherapy does not lead to any effect, the needle should be inserted into that area. Similar
data were obtained by P. Nogier (he considered this point as the auricular “physiological center”)
and by his followers, that was reflected in the name of the AP 83 ‘ZERO’. According to the
clinical findings, the electrical resistance value at the AP 83 ‘ZERO’ point almost always
represents a kind of basic level, or “reference point” for the “reflection areas” conductivity in a
certain patient. Healthy people showed no difference in the electrical conductivity values, or it
was minimal (1–2 μА). Such approach, as has been shown in practice, makes it possible to
personalize the electrical resistance parameters in each case. For normal values in different

auricular points in comparison with ZERO point value, the conductance of 2 μА difference is
taken. That is why the electrical resistance measurement in this particular point must be
performed very thoroughly. Accuracy of the total auriculogram depends on it.

Deviation from the normal value of 2–4 μА corresponds to “low probability of the

Deviation from the normal value of 4–6 μА corresponds to “significant probability of the

Deviation from the normal value of 6–8 μА corresponds to “high probability of the

It should be noted that not all changes found during the auricle examination have the
same diagnostic value. The whole set of changes detected during diagnostic process is the total
auricular point abnormality. It is expressed in the abnormality score; and the contribution of each
diagnostic factor differs between the points. So the program uses the special algorithm for the
point abnormality calculation, which takes visual changes, pain sensitivity, and point electrical
resistance into account. Besides, weight coefficients of each change listed for each particular
point are considered. That is, the same electrical resistance value of two different points will not
obligatory mean the same aberration of these points. There is an accounting table for different
diagnostic factors for different auricular points; values are expressed in percent (see below):

Signal points EA PS VC

6,8,9,10,21,44,45,51,55,56,58,59,60,87,100,101,102,103 40 30 30

19,22,23,13,15,16,24,31,84,85 40 50 10

34,79,82,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98 30 40 30

33 30 50 20

64,66,67,88,89 30 30 40

37,39,40,54 10 40 50

71 40 40 20

46,47,52,57 10 40 50

Drawing Conclusions Guide

After the examination and analysis, a doctor should make a conclusion that compactly
reflects the abnormalities detected, including the diagnostic summary and recommendations.

The conclusion consists of three parts:

1. General information about the patient and the examination.
2. Summary of the main phenomena detected in the signal auricular points.
3. Clinical interpretation of the changes found during the examination;
recommendations. It is crucial that this part contains medical terms and notions
understandable to a doctor who has not received special training.

Each auricular examination conclusion must be typed (written) and signed by the
doctor who carried out the examination.

This window is for the auriculodiagnostics by chosen points on an auricle. To perform
auriculodiagnostics, the tip with a ball should be put on the electrode probe. You can start the
examination by clicking the Begin analysis button.

The device will switch to the mode of voltage selection for diagnostics (determination of
individual normal range). It is identified by parameters of auricular point ZERO. One
measurement is performed.

Then the program switches to the measuring mode. Before measurements, it is advisable
to carry out the visual inspection and palpatory evaluation of an external ear with adding the
findings to the program database.

Besides, the examination route should be selected. By default a full examination is

Then you should perform necessary measurements, following the instructions and images
on the screen.

You can end the analysis by clicking the Finish analysis button. You can clear the
analysis results by clicking the Clear button. In the right window the image will display with the
BAP that you need at the moment, as well as a a pointer-type indicator, displaying current
measuring value.

Testing order:
o Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe with a
special thin tip (with a ball on the end). Connect the black plug of device wire to the
cylindrical electrode.
o Click the Begin analysis button and press the electrode to the BAP.
o The program will start to analyze points automatically one by one; the tip
of the electrode-probe should be pressed slightly to the BAP shown in the image. The
pressing duration should not exceed 2 seconds. One measurement for every BAP is

Procedure room

This window is for the auriculotherapy by auricle BAPs. You can start therapy by
clicking the Begin analysis button. The device switches to the diagnosis mode, and after the
BAP measurement it switches to the therapy mode. You can end the analysis by clicking the
Finish therapy button. You can clear the analysis results by clicking the Clear button. In the
right window the image will be displayed. It will show the BAP that you need at the moment, as
well as a pointer-type indicator displaying the current measuring value. During therapy process
the graph of therapy influence on the BAP state over time will be shown.

BAP therapy order:
Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe with a ball on the end.
Connect the black plug of device wire to the cylindrical electrode.

o Select necessary BAP for the therapy.

o Select the therapy method (by default it is galvanic current with
continuous voltage).
o Click the Begin therapy button.
o Press a tip of the probe electrode to the BAP. A patient holds a cylinder in
the hand at the same side.
o Perform the initial testing of the point shown in the image.
o Wait for the end of the point electrical therapy, no taking the electrode off
the BAP. The therapy process is displayed as a progress bar.

It is possible to change electric current parameters during therapy process (except of BRT

The same contraindications are applicable to auriculotherapy as for electrotherapy. It is

also prohibited to treat ear BAP during the episode of asthma, angina pectoris, acute myocardial
infarction. It is unacceptable to influence on spontaneously painful BAPs, because it can cause
intense adverse reaction.

Therapy by nosologies
This window is for the electrotherapy by nosologies. You can start therapy by clicking
the Begin therapy button. The device switches to the diagnosis mode, and after the BAP
measurement it switches to the therapy mode. You can end the analysis by clicking the Finish
therapy button. You can clear the analysis results by clicking the Clear button. In the right
window the image will be displayed. It will show the BAP that you need at the moment, as well
as a pointer-type indicator displaying the current measuring value. During therapy process the
graph of therapy influence on the BAP state over time will be shown.

Therapy order
o Connect the red plug of device wire to the ebonite electrode probe with a
ball on the end. Connect the black plug of device wire to the cylindrical electrode.
o Select necessary BAP for the therapy.
o Select the therapy method (by default it is galvanic current with
continuous voltage).
o Select electric current parameters and therapy duration.
o Click the Begin therapy button.
o Press a tip of the probe electrode to the BAP. A patient holds a cylinder in
the hand at the same side.
o Wait for the end of the point electrical therapy, no taking the electrode off
the BAP. The therapy process is displayed as a progress bar.

It is possible to change electric current parameters during therapy process (except of BRT

The same contraindications are applicable to auriculotherapy as for electrotherapy. It is

also prohibited to treat ear BAP during the episode of asthma, angina pectoris, acute myocardial
infarction. It is unacceptable to influence on spontaneously painful BAPs, because it can cause
intense adverse reaction.

By default the panel of reports and administration selection is shown in the main program
field on the bottom right.

The results of examination as pie charts are displayed in this window after the meridian
or express analysis, the Nakatani diagnostics. Figures near circles mean amount of points that
demonstrated fatigue (blue), or hyperactivity (red), or norm (green) when measuring.

The results of examination can also be detailed by points in the table:

Nakatani diagnostics reports
After Nakatani (Ryodoraku) diagnostics, the Ryodoraku tables or so-called R-charts
(detailed by systems) are shown in the Statistics window.

Diagnoses view
In this window a list of the most probable patient diagnoses based on the examinations is
displayed, as well as a list and factor of points on which measurements were performed.

You can call the Voll diagnostics menu in the left window by clicking the To check
button near the diagnosis. Click Diagnosis analysis button to check the diagnosis.

Diagrams and histograms
In this window the average of the results of examinations by meridians is displayed in
graphic form after diagnostics.

In this window you can compare two examinations.

Nakatani diagrams and histograms:

If values are less than twice of a normal range, they are colored yellow.

It is usually considered, if values are less than twice of a normal range, that condition
does not required additional intervention (i. e. treatment), and can be compensated by the human
body itself. It is just a kind of the first alarming signal.

However, in order to have a complete picture, it is necessary to perform measurements

for several consecutive days. And only if within a few days the same poor results are observed,
the attention needs to be paid.

The possible symptoms are also displayed on the diagnostics results:

Visualization of spinal column state
In this window the most probable functional disorders by certain spinal bones are
displayed (on the image of a spine column) after Voll diagnostics.

Visualization of organs state
In this window the most possible functional disorders are displayed after diagnostics (on
the phantom of the internal organs). You can display the comparison of two examination results.

Administration of treatment
In this window a list of the most probable patient diagnoses based on the examinations
are displayed after diagnostics, as well as lists of possible examinations and prescriptions
according to these diagnoses.

The window consists of three main sections.

o Diagnoses list area. Select needed diagnosis from the list.

o Area of the prescription of homeopatic remedies, herbs, examinations.
Select necessary values from the list for selected diagnosis.
o The editing area of selected prescriptions. After selection of all
prescriptions, this area can be edited and printed.

Note. Users are given the opportunity of enhancement of Administration of treatment

module. In that way, after diagnostic testing (when the certain values are displayed) the program
provides prescriptions of medicines added by user, nutraceuticals, expanded recommendations
on procedures, dietary regimen, etc. For that, a user should send the request to [email protected],
get a correspondence table between a diagnosis and medicine, fill it in and send the table back to
be added to the device program.

Visualization of aura and chakras state
In this window after aurametry the aura state is displayed as a two-dimensional or three-
dimensional image. You can rotate the image with mouse in any direction you want.

In 2D visualization, the chakras are displayed as lines of different colors:

Report export to Word
The program allows report export to the text editor Word, entirety or selectively. The
export can be useful if you need to edit reports before they are printed, or send examination
results as a file by e-mail. You can also use this option if you want to record the information
about patient to the data storage device or make an information backup.

To export a report, select Export to MS Word in the main menu.

After that, select reports to be printed (tick the corresponding boxes) and click the Export


1. The device must not be dropped from heights of more than 50 centimeters.
2. The sharp edges impact on electrodes is not permitted.
3. It is prohibited to pull the power supply cable, USB cable and electrode
cable when disconnecting.
4. It is prohibited to perform any examination if a person has implanted
electronic devices (cardiostimulators, artificial pacemakers, etc.) without medical
professional advice.
5. Simultaneous connection of a patient to the Master device and
electrosurgical machine is prohibited.
6. Do not work with the Master device when it is closer than 1 m from
working EHF or mkV therapy devices.
7. Do not connect the device to power supply without first ensuring that an
electrical outlet plug, wires or housing are not damaged.
8. It is prohibited to operate the Master device when the cover is removed.
9. It is prohibited to use the device in facilities with humidity level higher
than 80 % (baths, sauna).
10. It is necessary to avoid disruption of natural heat removal from the
electronic unit case and covering it by thermal insulation materials (pillows, blankets
11. It is advised not to connect the device to power supply or PC if it was
exposed to freezing temperatures. At first, keep the device at room temperature for
5 hours.
12. It is necessary to avoid the ingress of moisture into the device during
disinfection and sanitization.
13. It is never acceptable to leave a patient alone during electrical therapy
14. If the device is malfunctioning, turn it off immediately. It is prohibited to
operate the device having visible mechanical damages (broken wire or casing).
15. It is prohibited to place the device near to open flame sources.
16. The device should not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time.

17. Keep the device out of the reach of children.


1. The device must be transported by closed modes of all kinds of transport in accordance
with shipping rules, which are valid in such mode of transport.

2. The device should be stored in manufacturer packaging in storages.

3. The device should be stored in closed rooms excluding the possibility of influence of
sunlight, moisture, thermal shocks.

4. The air in storage facilities shall not contain harmful impurities causing corrosion of
metal parts.


1. Carry out the external inspection of the device. Make sure there are no mechanical
damage of the device and accessories.
2. The device elements can be cleaned up using a cotton ball wetted with water or
alcohol-containing solution.
3. After every patient, clean electrodes with alcohol, then with a formaldehyde wipes
(bactericidal, antiviral, fungicidal). Once a month disconnect electrodes, wipe them with a
solution of the Zepter Cleansy type until the former shine is restored.
4. Keep cylindrical electrodes, end cups/tips, duralumin container and electrode
probe in individual bags.


1. The manufacturer guarantees quality conformance to the requirements of the

performance specifications if user meets conditions of proper operation, storage and
transportation. Guarantee service life is 12 (twelve) months from the date of shipping to ultimate
2. The warranty shall be effected by free of charge repair of a damaged device. The
damaged device is delivered at the expense of the user.
3. The warranty is considered as no longer valid in following cases:
— if repair was made by non-affiliated, non-authorized companies or individuals;

— in case of unauthorized changes of the device structural design or electronic plate;

— if the user does not observe the safety, storage and maintenance rules described in
the present User Manual;

— if the factory seals on the equipment are broken;

— in case of external mechanical, chemical or other damages of device casing, wires

or electrodes;

4. The guarantee does not cover cables, wires, electrodes, and other expendable
patient-contacting materials.


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