MBA SIP Details 2020

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Dr. D. Y.

Patil Vidyapeeth's
Global Business School & Research Cen
ACA – R - 35 Summer Internship MBA- I (Batch 2019-21)
Rev : 00
Opted for
Virtual SIP
Project Title of Virtual SIP
S.No PRN Name Specialisation (Yes/N0) Project

A Study on
International Client
Relations to gauge
International Changing Customer
7 190501018 Ayush Aryan Yes
Business Requirement in
accordance to
Changing Market

A Study on Impact of
various types of
Chaure Nilesh International Emails for assessing
8 190501031 Yes
Trambak Business effectiveness of Email
Marketing for Lotus
Agril Export

Kakade Pradnya International

9 190501076 No
Lalaso Business

A Study on Foreign
Kalokhe Krinal International Direct Investment
10 190501080 No
Dasharath Business equity inflows in
Indian Service Sector

A Study on Business
Lapshetwar Yash International Development Program
11 190501094 Yes
Damodar Business with the International
A Study on Email
Nair Sejal International Marketing Campaign
12 190501116 Yes
Radhakrushnan Business of Import-Export
. Patil Vidyapeeth's
ool & Research Centre, Pune
MBA- I (Batch 2019-21) Academic Year: 2019-20
Semester: II

Name of Organisation Title of Challenging Problem Guide Name

Lotus Agril Export Dr. Aparajita Singh

Lotus Agril Export Dr. Aparajita Singh

The detailed study of Import

and Export Procedure and Dr. Aparajita Singh
vitality of Documentation

Lotus Agril Export Dr. Aparajita Singh

Lotus agril export

Dr. Aparajita Singh
Lotus Agril Export Dr. Aparajita Singh

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