Welch Etal.,2016
Welch Etal.,2016
Welch Etal.,2016
Contributed by Gary G. Borisy, December 24, 2015 (sent for review November 10, 2015; reviewed by Patricia I. Diaz, Michael A. Fischbach, and
John J. Mekalanos)
The spatial organization of complex natural microbiomes is critical commonly interact. When the microbiota is host-associated, its
to understanding the interactions of the individual taxa that com- physiology and ecology become intimately connected with those of
prise a community. Although the revolution in DNA sequencing has the host at both micron scales and host scale and are capable of
provided an abundance of genomic-level information, the biogeog- critically influencing the promotion of health or the progression
raphy of microbiomes is almost entirely uncharted at the micron scale. toward disease. Thus, it is necessary to know not only who is next
Using spectral imaging fluorescence in situ hybridization as guided by to who but also, who is next to what.
metagenomic sequence analysis, we have discovered a distinctive, Dental plaque is a human microbiome community with study
multigenus consortium in the microbiome of supragingival dental that dates back to the initial observations of Leeuwenhoek over
plaque. The consortium consists of a radially arranged, nine-taxon 300 years ago (6). Modern studies have analyzed taxon–taxon
structure organized around cells of filamentous corynebacteria. The associations through pairwise binding interactions between
consortium ranges in size from a few tens to a few hundreds of members of different oral microbial species. These interactions,
microns in radius and is spatially differentiated. Within the structure, termed “coadhesion” or “coaggregation,” have been described in
individual taxa are localized at the micron scale in ways suggestive of an extensive body of literature (7, 8) and form the basis for an
their functional niche in the consortium. For example, anaerobic taxa influential model describing the structure and development of
tend to be in the interior, whereas facultative or obligate aerobes dental plaque as an ecological succession (9). This model begins
tend to be at the periphery of the consortium. Consumers and with the salivary pellicle coating the teeth and the initial attach-
producers of certain metabolites, such as lactate, tend to be near
ment of Streptococcus spp. and Actinomyces spp. to the pellicle.
each other. Based on our observations and the literature, we propose
These attached microbes then serve as a substrate for the binding
a model for plaque microbiome development and maintenance
of a variety of other colonizers, including Fusobacterium nucleatum,
consistent with known metabolic, adherence, and environmental
which functions as a bridge between the early colonizers and the
considerations. The consortium illustrates how complex structural
late-colonizing pathogens by virtue of its capacity to bind physically
organization can emerge from the micron-scale interactions of its
to both sets of microbes. This model synthesizes in vitro and in vivo
constituent organisms. The understanding that plaque community
organization is an emergent phenomenon offers a perspective that is
observations to make testable predictions about the spatial struc-
general in nature and applicable to other microbiomes.
ture of mature dental plaque, but a direct test of the model by high-
resolution imaging has not previously been undertaken.
The study of microbial communities has been revolutionized by
biofilm | imaging | microscopy | microbial ecology metagenomic and metatranscriptomic approaches, which have
patterns. Bacteria are micron-sized, and many of the forces and The physiology and ecology of complex microbial communities
factors that underlie their distributional patterns operate at mi- are strongly dependent on the immediate surroundings of
cron scales and are qualitatively different from the large-scale each microbe, including the identity of neighboring microbes;
factors, such as climate, that drive traditional biogeography. To however, information on the micron-scale organization of
frame the analysis of microbial distribution patterns at the scale microbiomes is largely lacking. Using sequencing data com-
that microbes themselves experience, we introduce the concept of bined with spectral fluorescence imaging, we have discovered
micron-scale biogeography: the study of the distribution of mi- a multigenus, highly organized microbial consortium in human
crobes relative to micron-scale features of their environment. dental plaque. The spatial structure of the consortium reveals
These features include the host or inanimate surfaces on which the unanticipated interactions and provides a framework for un-
microbes reside as well as local gradients of nutrients and oxygen. derstanding the organization, metabolism, and systems biology
Key components of the micron-scale environment, particularly in of the microbiome and ultimately, its effect on the health of the
biofilms and other densely populated habitats, are the microbes human host. Our synthesis of high-throughput sequencing data
themselves, serving as substrates for attachment of other mi- with spatial and structural information shows the informative
crobes, creating spatial structure, and acting as point sources for value of microbial biogeography at the micron scale.
diffusible metabolites.
Micron-scale biogeography is critical to understanding the Author contributions: J.L.M.W., F.E.D., and G.G.B. designed research; J.L.M.W., B.J.R., C.W.R.,
and G.G.B. performed research; J.L.M.W., B.J.R., and F.E.D. contributed new reagents/
physiology and ecology of the community as well as its systems analytic tools; J.L.M.W., B.J.R., C.W.R., F.E.D., and G.G.B. analyzed data; and J.L.M.W.
biology and its effects on human health and disease. Close and G.G.B. wrote the paper.
proximity or physical contact between two microbes can sub- Reviewers: P.I.D., University of Connecticut Health Center; M.A.F., University of California,
stantially alter their physiology, for example conferring on an San Francisco; and J.J.M., Harvard Medical School.
anaerobe the ability to survive in an aerobic environment (1) or The authors declare no conflict of interest.
dramatically altering the range of metabolites produced com- 1
To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected] or
pared with those produced by the same organism in isolation (2–5). [email protected].
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Thus, a mechanistic understanding of the physiology of key players This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.
depends on knowing the identity of the neighbors with which they 1073/pnas.1522149113/-/DCSupplemental.
oral microbiome suggested that one genus, Corynebacterium, in the answer to which requires more complete information about
particular was strikingly specific to supragingival and subgingival the surrounding structure.
family Neisseriaceae and targeted by probe Nei1030, which we refer
to as Neisseriaceae.
We detected in plaque a complex microbial consortium char-
acterized by the presence of a mass of Corynebacterium filaments
Fig. 1. Metagenomic sequence analysis points to Corynebacterium as a key with Streptococcus at the periphery. We refer to this structure as a
taxon in supragingival plaque. (A) Prevalence abundance plot for supragingival “hedgehog” because of its spiny, radially oriented filaments. We
plaque. (B) Cumulative abundance of genera in both supra- and subgingival identified nine taxa as regular participants in hedgehog structures:
plaque. Genera with greater than 3% abundance in SUPP, mean across 148
Corynebacterium, Streptococcus, Porphyromonas, Haemophilus/
subjects, are indicated by colored dots in A and bar segments in B; B also shows
the abundance of these genera in SUBP. Data are from the HMP (18) V3–V5
Aggregatibacter, Neisseriaceae, Fusobacterium, Leptotrichia, Capno-
region of 16S rRNA, analyzed by oligotyping (19), and grouped by genus. cytophaga, and Actinomyces. Other genera were detected rarely or
(C) Corynebacterium is far more abundant in plaque than in other oral sites. inconsistently in the hedgehog structures. To visualize the regular
Mean abundances of C. matruchotii and C. durum are shown for each oral site constituents of the consortium simultaneously, we constructed a
analyzed by oligotyping (19). BM, buccal mucosa; HP, hard palate; KG, keratinized probe set consisting of 10 probes: the 9 probes targeting these taxa
gingiva; PT, palatine tonsils; SV, saliva; TD, tongue dorsum; TH, throat. (D) Cory- plus the universal probe Eub338 reactive with essentially all bac-
nebacterium is a major component of most plaque samples. Relative abundance teria. Each of these 10 probes consisted of a unique oligonucleo-
of Corynebacterium in the HMP SUPP samples from 148 individuals (19).
tide conjugated to a unique fluorophore (Table S3). To validate
C. matruchotii is usually more abundant, but C. durum dominates some samples.
(E) Habitat analysis identifies genera that are strongly characteristic of SUPP. The
plaque to nonplaque ratio measures the relative abundance of each genus in two
plaque sites compared with seven nonplaque sites sampled by the HMP [calcu- Capnocytophaga as the taxa most preferentially abundant in plaque. The
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lated as (mean SUBP + mean SUPP)/(mean BM + mean KG + mean HP + mean SUPP to SUBP ratio identifies these genera as relatively more abundant in
SV + mean PT + mean TH + mean TD)]. This ratio identifies Corynebacterium and SUPP than in SUBP. Colors in E are the same as those in A and B.
Mark Welch et al. PNAS | Published online January 25, 2016 | E793
cells of two other taxa, Porphyromonas and Haemophilus/Aggre-
gatibacter, both of which are in close contact with Streptococcus
cells. On their way to this corncob region in the periphery, the
Corynebacterium filaments traverse the annulus that is densely
populated with elongated rods of Fusobacterium, Leptotrichia,
and Capnocytophaga, with cells of all four taxa oriented in
roughly the same direction (Fig. 3G).
Completing the overview of the structure, a comparison of the
fluorescent signal from the universal probe (Fig. 3H) to the overlay
of nine specific probes (Fig. 3D) shows that the taxon-specific
probes identify nearly all of the cells in the structure. A second focal
plane near the exterior of the structure (Fig. 3 I–L) shows a view of
the outer shell composed primarily of corncobs. Toward the center
of the image, the edge of the Fusobacterium–Leptotrichia annulus
can be seen in end-on view (Fig. 3K). In summary, the plaque
hedgehog is a radially organized, multigenus consortium with a
framework composed primarily of Corynebacterium, a multitaxon
filament-rich annulus, and a periphery of corncob structures.
Corncobs are defined morphologically as structures in which
coccoid cells, “kernels,” surround a central filament. Our CLASI-
Fig. 2. Corncob structures formed by Corynebacterium and cocci in plaque.
FISH results revealed that the kernels were of different taxo-
Corynebacterium cells (magenta) are visible as long filaments, with cocci nomic types and could be either single or double layer (Fig. 4).
(green) bound to the tips of the filaments. Partially disrupted plaque was Single-layer corncobs had kernels of either Streptococcus or Por-
hybridized with a probe for Corynebacterium and a universal bacterial phyromonas; double-layer corncobs consisted of a combination of
probe. Image was acquired using a Zeiss AxioImager 63× Plan-Apochromat Streptococcus as the inner layer and Haemophilus/Aggregatibacter
1.4 N.A. objective and Apotome structured illumination. (Scale bar: 20 μm.) as the outer layer. The most common corncob had a single layer
of Streptococcus kernels surrounded by a partial or complete layer
of Haemophilus/Aggregatibacter. Porphyromonas kernels could be
the probes for specificity, we applied the 10-probe set to pure colinear with Streptococcus around the same filament, or could
cultures, which we hybridized and imaged under the same condi- form entire corncobs of their own, but in either case were
tions as natural plaque samples. All probes reacted strongly with always organized in a single layer. In contrast, cells of Haemophilus/
the target taxon and insignificantly with the nontarget taxa Aggregatibacter were never observed to form their own corncobs with
(Fig. S1). Corynebacterium filaments. When present, they were always found
This 10-probe set revealed large, organized hedgehog structures adjacent to Streptococcus cells. The Haemophilus/Aggregatibacter–
with a generally consistent composition and spatial arrangement Streptococcus association was evidently specific, because Haemophilus/
(Fig. 3). The fluorescence signal from each of the probes was ac- Aggregatibacter was not found adjacent to cells of Porphyromonas
quired with a spectral, confocal microscope, was differentiated or other taxa in the absence of Streptococcus. Overall, the close
using a linear unmixing algorithm (Materials and Methods), and is spatial proximity of multiple taxa in corncobs suggests the pos-
presented in false color, with combinations of probes shown sibility of significant competitive, exploitative, or mutualistic in-
superimposed as detailed in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 A–D and F–H shows teractions among these taxa.
a single focal plane near the middle of the structure. Co- In a substantial fraction of corncob structures, weak or no
rynebacterium filaments radiate outward from near the center of fluorescence signal was detected from the central filament in the
the image. The coccoid Streptococcus cells are arranged around the region where the kernels were present. Lack of hybridization to
distal tips of the Corynebacterium filaments (Fig. 3A). Also located the central filament was particularly frequent in whole-mount
at the periphery of the structure, in the same region as the Strep- preparations (Fig. 4A). In embedded and sectioned preparations,
tococcus, are cells of Haemophilus/Aggregatibacter and Porphyr- the central filament was more consistently visualized (Fig. 4B).
omonas (Fig. 3B). Capnocytophaga occupies a wide band just inside Higher magnification images of longitudinal and cross-section
the periphery (Fig. 3B). Also occupying this band but forming a views (Fig. 4C) illustrate the visualization or lack thereof of the
more complete ring or annulus between the periphery and the base central filament. However, in all cases in which the central fila-
are Fusobacterium and Leptotrichia (Fig. 3C). Neisseriaceae forms ment was clearly labeled, it hybridized with the Corynebacterium
clusters in and near the periphery (Fig. 3C). Actinomyces, which was probe, even in cases in which cells of other taxa, including Fuso-
represented by only a small number of cells in this particular bacterium, Leptotrichia, and Capnocytophaga, were present in
structure, tended to be located near the base. All taxa are shown abundance immediately adjacent to the corncobs (Fig. S2). This
superimposed in Fig. 3D. observation indicates that, rather than binding promiscuously to
The spatial arrangement of Corynebacterium relative to other any available filamentous substrate, the cocci are engaged in a
taxa in the structure is detailed in Fig. 3 E–G. Long filaments highly specific interaction with Corynebacterium.
that move in and out of the plane of focus can be only partially The filaments or elongated rods inhabiting plaque hedgehogs
captured in a single optical section (∼1-μm thickness). To visu- were striking in both their density and their spatial organization.
alize the continuity of these filaments, we generated a maximum Both Fusobacterium and Leptotrichia showed elongated mor-
intensity projection of three adjacent optical sections (Fig. 3E), phology and were dispersed thinly at the periphery of the hedgehog
which shows single filaments that are continuous for more than but reached very high densities in the region immediately proximal
50 μm and reach from the core to the periphery of the structure. to the periphery (Fig. 3C), a region that we call the filament-rich
Some filaments remain visible after they enter the region that annulus. Capnocytophaga, likewise, reached high densities in the
contains Streptococcus, whereas others apparently disappear annulus but also extended into regions of the consortium that were
when they enter this zone. A detail of the periphery (Fig. 3F) rich in Neisseriaceae (Fig. 3 B and D). In whole-mount prepara-
shows that the corncob structures are composed of a filamentous tions, many cells in the filament-rich annulus overlapped in images
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core (sometimes visualized as Corynebacterium but frequently in which all taxon channels were superimposed (Fig. 3D). This
not stained) surrounded primarily by Streptococcus but also by overlap was likely caused, in part, by compression of the 3D
Fig. 3. A hedgehog structure in plaque showing spatial organization of the plaque microbiome. Plaque was hybridized with a set of 10 probes each labeled
with a different fluorophore. Each panel shows the superposition of several of these individual fluorophore channels. A–D and F–H show a single focal plane
near the center of the structure, with two to three fluorophore channels shown in each of A–C and all nine specific probes superimposed in D. (E) Maximum
intensity projection of three planes, representing a total of ∼2 μm of thickness, to visualize the continuity of Corynebacterium filaments from the center
toward the edge of the structure. F is a detailed view of corncob structures. G is a detailed view of mixed filaments. H shows the fluorophore channel
corresponding to the universal bacterial probe, showing that the specific probes (D) identify most of the cells that hybridize to the universal probe. I–L show a
second focal plane near the periphery of the structure. Fluorophore channels shown correspond to the following genera in the figure: (A, E, and I) Co-
rynebacterium and Streptococcus; (B and J) Capnocytophaga, Porphyromonas, and Haemophilus/Aggregatibacter; (C and K) Fusobacterium, Leptotrichia, and
Neisseriaceae; (D and L) all nine specific probes; (F) Corynebacterium, Streptococcus, Porphyromonas, and Haemophilus/Aggregatibacter; (G) Co-
rynebacterium, Fusobacterium, Leptotrichia, and Capnocytophaga; and (H) Bacteria. The plaque sample was fixed in 2% (wt/vol) paraformaldehyde, stored in
50% (vol/vol) ethanol, and spread onto the slide in 50% (vol/vol) ethanol in preparation for FISH.
structure in whole-mount preparations, so that the cells were more within the base of the hedgehog or adjacent to hedgehogs, as
densely packed than would occur in uncompressed material. In shown in Figs. 6 and 7. The presence of Actinomyces near the base
plaque embedded in methacrylate and sectioned, the compression of a hedgehog is suggestive of the possibility that Corynebacterium
was eliminated, and the images showed cells that were tightly finds its attachment site in plaque not directly on the tooth but on
packed but clearly resolved and distinct from one another (Fig. 5). a preexisting biofilm containing Actinomyces.
Notably, these images showed that bacteria do not form large Application of a nested probe set allowed identification of the
single-taxon clusters within hedgehogs. Instead, cells of at least framework Corynebacterium taxon to the species level. As shown
four different taxa were intermingled at micron scales. These in Fig. 7 and Fig. S3, only three genera, Corynebacterium, Actino-
images show that the local environment of a cell in hedgehog myces, and Rothia, comprised virtually all of the Actinobacteria
consortia includes cells of several other taxa, even when we define present in plaque, and the species C. matruchotii comprised nearly
local to mean within a radius of as little as 5–10 μm. all of the Corynebacterium in the hedgehog structure.
By contrast, the localization of Actinomyces relative to Co- Hedgehog structures showed near-universal prevalence among
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rynebacterium was characterized more by patchy clusters than by individuals, but the fraction of plaque consisting of hedgehogs
intermingling. Actinomyces cells were generally detected in clumps was highly variable from sample to sample, even within a single
Mark Welch et al. PNAS | Published online January 25, 2016 | E795
A this spatial organization indicate that micron-scale organization
reflects a finely tuned interaction among the cells comprising
oral microbial communities.
Organization of Hedgehog Structures. The spatial organization of
hedgehog consortia provides a framework for understanding the
community structure and metabolism of the plaque microbiome.
A modest number of abundant taxa makes up the clear majority
of the cells in the structure, and these taxa are arranged in an
organized spatial framework, within which each microbe oc-
cupies a characteristic position. Based on the literature, we in-
terpret the metabolic, adhesive, and environmental drivers of
plaque spatial structure as diagrammed in Fig. 9.
B The radial organization of hedgehogs, built on a framework of
Corynebacterium, suggests that Corynebacterium is the founda-
tion taxon of the consortium: it structures the environment,
thereby creating habitat for other organisms and nucleating a
plaque-characteristic consortium. Consistent with this view, our
habitat analysis showed that Corynebacterium was the genus most
characteristic of plaque. The physical environment of plaque is
distinctive from all other oral habitats because of the tooth
surface itself: the tooth represents a solid surface permanently
exposed in the mouth, whereas all other oral surfaces are cov-
ered in epithelial cell layers that frequently shed. Our model
suggests that Corynebacterium proliferates in plaque and struc-
tures the plaque environment because it has adopted a strategy
of filamentous growth outward from the tooth, anchored in a
C base cemented to that permanent, exposed surface. By embed-
ding itself in a biofilm matrix attached to the tooth, Co-
rynebacterium could anchor the entire structure and create a
protected reservoir from which it can regrow after its removal by
abrasion or oral hygiene procedures, thus accounting for how
sortia in dental plaque, with each taxon localized in a precise and and Neisseriaceae; the probe set in Upper also included a probe for Capno-
well-defined spatial zone. The precision and reproducibility of cytophaga.
sets of taxa that are highly likely to interact with one another in
the healthy human mouth, and can serve to guide studies of
metabolic interaction in the most promising direction.
The selection and spatial stratification of taxa in the hedgehog
are likely driven by environmental and biochemical gradients. B C D
Plaque is bathed in a flow of saliva that presents an oxidizing
environment, but microbes at the surface of a biofilm can rapidly
consume the O2, resulting in a hypoxic environment within 10–20 μm
of the surface (24). Streptococcus, a facultative aerobe, can thrive
in an oxygen-rich environment, consistent with its location at
the periphery of the consortium. In agreement with our lo-
calization of the Streptococcus-containing corncobs to the pe-
riphery of the hedgehog, earlier electron micrographs of the
plaque colonizing teeth and enamel crowns clearly show the lo-
calization of corncob structures at the periphery of plaque, on
the side away from the enamel surface (23, 25), although these Fig. 7. Nested probing for species-level identification of Corynebacterium.
Methacrylate-embedded, sectioned plaque was hybridized with a nested
earlier studies were unable to assign a taxonomic identity to the
probe set targeting cells at the taxonomic levels of phylum, genus, and
participants in the corncob structures. The location of Strepto- species. (A) Low-magnification image shows the three major oral genera of
coccus at the periphery, in turn, drives biochemical gradients. phylum Actinobacteria: Corynebacterium, Actinomyces, and Rothia. High-
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Streptococci consume sugars and oxygen and generate lactate, magnification views show (B) all Actinobacteria, (C) the three genera, and
acetate, CO2, and hydrogen peroxide (26, 27). Both lactate and (D) C. matruchotii.
Mark Welch et al. PNAS | Published online January 25, 2016 | E797
Relation to Previous Models of Plaque Structure and Development.
The prevalence of hedgehog structures alters our understanding
of the dynamics of colonization of oral surfaces and the succes-
sional development of plaque. Clean enamel, glass, or hydroxy-
apatite surfaces in the mouth are initially colonized by a mixed
community in which Streptococcus and Actinomyces are prominent
(32–34). Previous models of development and succession in
plaque, after initial colonization, assign a central role to Fuso-
bacterium spp. in physically linking early and late colonizers (9, 35)
or creating the conditions necessary for colonization of plaque by
pathogens (1, 36, 37). Whether these models were meant to de-
scribe interactions in supragingival as opposed to subgingival
plaque is not entirely clear; the work on initial colonization gen-
erally used substrates mounted supragingivally in the mouth,
whereas the pathogens in the climax community were subgingival
anaerobes. The genus Corynebacterium is conspicuously absent
from the early microbiota colonizing enamel and from these
models but is one of the more abundant plaque taxa detected in
cultivation-independent analyses based on sequencing of rRNA
genes (18, 20, 38). These cultivation-independent analyses repre-
sent neither the very earliest stages in colonization nor the highly
mature and complex subgingival biofilm associated with perio-
dontitis, but instead represent ordinary daily plaque accumulation
sampled from healthy subjects. The results that we present here,
using HMP sequencing data and samples of ordinary plaque from
healthy volunteers, show Corynebacterium as the taxon that pro-
Fig. 8. A cauliflower structure in plaque composed of Lautropia, Strepto-
coccus, Haemophilus/Aggregatibacter, and Veillonella. Scattered cells of Pre-
vides a physical link to each of the other taxa in the hedgehog
votella, Rothia, and Capnocytophaga are also visible. structure. Our results do not suggest a central role for Fusobacterium
and Neisseriaceae. These different environments may alter the local dominated by Corynebacterium filaments and thinly populated by addi-
physiology of Corynebacterium, even within a single filament. tional rods, filaments, and/or cocci.
organisms whose identities are irrelevant. The discovery of Materials and Methods
hedgehog consortia argues against this idea, at least for some Sample Collection, Fixation, and Storage. We collected supragingival plaque
microbiomes. The consistency of the composition and structure from 22 healthy volunteers, each of whom had given informed consent. For
of the hedgehog across many individuals suggests that organisms 10 volunteers, oral health was confirmed by clinical examination; the rest
are highly relevant to understanding the roles, organization, and were self-reported as both orally and systemically healthy. Volunteers
refrained from oral hygiene for 12–48 h before sample collection. Plaque was
dynamics of the members of the consortium. We suggest that it
collected using toothpicks to scrape visible plaque from the gingival margin
is neither necessary nor desirable to disregard taxonomy and
or tooth surface, or using floss to collect plaque from throughout the
reduce the microbiome to a collection of genes or metabolites mouth. Samples were prepared in three ways. (i) Plaque was applied directly
unmoored from their source organism. Instead, we suggest the to slides and air-dried, and the samples were fixed directly on the slide,
converse, that an understanding of the ecology and physiology washed, dehydrated through an ethanol series, and subjected to FISH.
of the organisms in the consortium will provide an organizing (ii) Plaque was fixed in paraformaldehyde, stored in 50% (vol/vol) ethanol,
principle for understanding and interpreting metagenomic and spread onto slides in 50% (vol/vol) ethanol, and air-dried immediately be-
metatranscriptomic data. fore FISH. (iii) Plaque was fixed in paraformaldehyde followed by immediate
The consortium that we have described is composed of organ- embedding in methacrylate resin, which was later sectioned, and the sec-
isms of not only different species but nine different genera clas- tions were applied to slides and then subjected to FISH directly on the slide.
Samples were handled gently with a minimum of agitation so as to preserve
sified into eight families in five phyla. Thus, it is a consortium not
as much spatial structure as possible. Fixation was carried out in 2% (wt/vol)
of close relatives but of highly disparate organisms. The intimate paraformaldehyde in PBS or 10 mM Tris (pH 7.5) for at least 1.5 h on ice. For
association of widely diverged taxa may be a general property of samples not fixed directly on the slides, sample was allowed to sediment by
spatially organized microbial consortia. Darwin (41) was the first gravity, and the supernatant was removed by pipetting. Samples were
to recognize that the “struggle for existence” was most severe be-
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washed in 1× PBS or 10 mM Tris (pH 7.5) for 15 min and again sedimented by
tween closely allied forms and that “divergence of character” would gravity, and the supernatant was removed. Samples were resuspended in
Mark Welch et al. PNAS | Published online January 25, 2016 | E799
PBS or 10 mM Tris, mixed with an equal volume of 100% ethanol, and stored incubated at 46 °C for 2–4 h in a chamber humidified with 20% (vol/vol) form-
at −20 °C, or they were immediately dehydrated through an ethanol series, amide. Slides were then washed in wash buffer (215 mM NaCl, 20 mM Tris, pH
washed with acetone, and embedded in Technovit 8100 methacrylate resin 7.5, 5 mM EDTA) at 48 °C for 15 min, dipped in cold water, air-dried, mounted in
(EMSdiasum.com). Embedded blocks were stored at room temperature and ProLong Gold Antifade Solution (ThermoFisher), covered with a #1.5 coverslip,
sectioned dry using a triangular tungsten carbide knife (Delaware Diamond and allowed to cure in the dark overnight. Slides were imaged using a Zeiss LSM
Knives, Inc.). 780 Confocal Microscope with a 40× 1.4 N.A. Plan-Apochromat objective. Each
field of view was imaged using sequential excitation with the 633-, 594-, 561-,
Sequencing and Sequence Analysis. Sequence analysis was carried out on a 514-, 488-, and 405-nm laser lines. Linear unmixing was performed using the
previously published oligotyping analysis (19) using publicly available data
Zeiss ZEN software using reference spectra acquired from cultured cells hybrid-
from the HMP (18); details of sample collection, sequencing, and human
ized as above with the Eub338 probe labeled with the appropriate fluorophore.
subjects research approvals are contained in the original publications.
Unmixed images were assembled and false-colored using Fiji (43).
Spectral Imaging FISH, Image Acquisition, and Analysis. Fluorophore-labeled
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Alex Valm for probe design; Katherine
oligonucleotides were purchased from ThermoFisher.com or www.Biomers.net.
Lemon and Matthew Ramsey for helpful discussions; and Jake Casper, Louie
FISH was carried out using standard protocols (42) on sections or whole-mount Kerr, Carissa McKinney, Janina Schuhmann, Braden Tierney, Steven Wilbert,
samples mounted onto UltraStick Slides (Thermo Scientific). Hybridization Liping Xun, and the members of the MBL 2014 Physiology Summer Course.
solution [900 mM NaCl, 20 mM Tris, pH 7.5, 0.01% SDS, 20% (vol/vol) formamide, This research was supported by NIH National Institute of Dental and
each probe at a final concentration of 2 nM] was applied to samples and Craniofacial Research Grant DE022586 (to G.G.B.).
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