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Kuka - Experttech 2.4: Kuka Robot Group Kuka System Technology (KST)

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KUKA Robot Group

KUKA System Technology (KST)

KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4
For KUKA System Software (KSS) 5.x, 7.0

Issued: 26.01.2007 Version: 1.1

V1.1 26.01.200
KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4

© Copyright 2007
KUKA Roboter GmbH
Zugspitzstraße 140
D-86165 Augsburg

This documentation or excerpts therefrom may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties without
the express permission of the KUKA ROBOT GROUP.
Other functions not described in this documentation may be operable in the controller. The user has no
claims to these functions, however, in the case of a replacement or service work.
We have checked the content of this documentation for conformity with the hardware and software de-
scribed. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be precluded, for which reason we are not able to guaran-
tee total conformity. The information in this documentation is checked on a regular basis, however, and
necessary corrections will be incorporated in the subsequent edition.
Subject to technical alterations without an effect on the function.

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6 pub de V1.1 26.01.2007 KST-AD-ExpertTech24 en


1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Target group ................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Robot system documentation ......................................................................................... 5
1.3 Representation of warnings and notes ........................................................................... 5

2 Product description ......................................................................................... 7

2.1 Overview of KUKA.ExpertTech ....................................................................................... 7

3 Safety ................................................................................................................ 9
4 Installation ....................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Installation for KUKA System Software (KSS) 5.4, 5.5, 7.0 ............................................ 11
4.1.1 Installing or updating KUKA.ExpertTech ................................................................... 11
4.1.2 Uninstalling KUKA.ExpertTech .................................................................................. 11
4.2 Installation for KUKA System Software (KSS) 5.2, 5.3 ................................................... 11
4.2.1 Installing KUKA.ExpertTech ...................................................................................... 11
4.2.2 Uninstalling KUKA.ExpertTech .................................................................................. 12
4.2.3 Reinstalling KUKA.ExpertTech .................................................................................. 12

5 Programming .................................................................................................... 13
5.1 Overview of programming for KSS 5.x from 5.5 onwards ............................................... 13
5.1.1 Inline form for collision detection (KRL assistant) ...................................................... 13
5.1.2 Inline form for PTP motions (KRL assistant) .............................................................. 13
5.1.3 Inline form for PTP_REL motions (KRL assistant) ..................................................... 15
5.1.4 Inline form for LIN motions (KRL assistant) ............................................................... 17
5.1.5 Inline form for LIN_REL motions (KRL assistant) ...................................................... 19
5.1.6 Inline form for CIRC motions (KRL assistant) ............................................................ 21
5.1.7 Inline form for CIRC_REL motions (KRL assistant) ................................................... 23
5.2 Overview of programming for KSS 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 7.0 ...................................................... 25
5.2.1 Inline form for PTP motions (KRL assistant) .............................................................. 26
5.2.2 Inline form for PTP_REL motions (KRL assistant) ..................................................... 27
5.2.3 Inline form for LIN motions (KRL assistant) ............................................................... 28
5.2.4 Inline form for LIN_REL motions (KRL assistant) ...................................................... 29
5.2.5 Inline form for CIRC motions (KRL assistant) ............................................................ 29
5.2.6 Inline form for CIRC_REL motions (KRL assistant) ................................................... 30
5.3 Overview - Adopting the robot position ........................................................................... 32
5.3.1 Inserting motion with placeholder .............................................................................. 32
5.3.2 Inserting motion with variable .................................................................................... 32
5.3.3 Teaching an end point ............................................................................................... 33
5.3.4 Entering an end point manually ................................................................................. 33
5.4 Data types for motion programming ............................................................................... 34

6 Messages .......................................................................................................... 35
7 KUKA Service ................................................................................................... 37
7.1 Requesting support ......................................................................................................... 37
7.2 KUKA Customer Support ................................................................................................ 37

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KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4

Index .................................................................................................................. 43

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1. Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Target group

This documentation is aimed at users with the following knowledge and skills:
„ Advanced knowledge of the robot controller system
„ Advanced KRL programming skills
For optimal use of our products, we recommend that our customers take part
in a course of training at KUKA College. Information about the training pro-
gram can be found at www.kuka.com or can be obtained directly from our

1.2 Robot system documentation

The robot system documentation consists of the following parts:

„ Operating instructions for the robot
„ Operating instructions for the robot controller
„ Operating and programming instructions for the KUKA System Software
„ Documentation relating to options and accessories
Each of these sets of instructions is a separate document.

1.3 Representation of warnings and notes

Safety warnings Warnings marked with this pictogram are relevant to safety and must be ob-

This warning means that death, severe physical injury or substantial material
damage will occur, if no precautions are taken.

This warning means that death, severe physical injury or substantial material
damage may occur, if no precautions are taken.

This warning means that minor physical injuries or minor material damage
may occur, if no precautions are taken.

Notes Notes marked with this pictogram contain tips to make your work easier or ref-
erences to further information.

Tips to make your work easier or references to further information.

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2. Product description

2 Product description

2.1 Overview of KUKA.ExpertTech

KUKA.ExpertTech is an add-on technology package with the following func-


Functions „ Extended inline forms for motion programming

„ Inserting motion with placeholder
„ Inserting motion with variable
„ Teaching an end point
„ Entering an end point manually
„ Inline form for activating collision detection before individual motion blocks
(only for KSS 5.x from 5.5 onwards).

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3. Safety

3 Safety

„ All persons working with the robot system must have read and understood
the robot system documentation, including the safety chapter.
„ The robot system with KUKA.ExpertTech must be operated in accordance
with the applicable national laws, regulations and standards.
„ All KRL programs created with KUKA.ExpertTech must be tested at re-
duced program velocity in the operating modes T1 and T2.

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4. Installation

4 Installation

4.1 Installation for KUKA System Software (KSS) 5.4, 5.5, 7.0

4.1.1 Installing or updating KUKA.ExpertTech

Es wird empfohlen, vor dem Update oder der Deinstallation einer Software
alle zugehörigen Daten zu archivieren.

Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Setup > Install Additional Software.
2. Press the New SW softkey. Then press the Refresh softkey.
3. Select the software to be installed and press the softkey Install. Answer
the request for confirmation with Yes. The files are copied onto the hard
4. Confirm the reboot prompt with OK.
5. Reboot the robot controller. The installation is resumed and completed.

LOG file A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.

4.1.2 Uninstalling KUKA.ExpertTech

Es wird empfohlen, vor dem Update oder der Deinstallation einer Software
alle zugehörigen Daten zu archivieren.

Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Setup > Install Additional Software. All in-
stalled additional programs are displayed.
2. Select the software to be uninstalled and press the softkey Uninstall. An-
swer the request for confirmation with Yes. Uninstallation is prepared.
3. Reboot the robot controller. Uninstallation is resumed and completed.

LOG file A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.

4.2 Installation for KUKA System Software (KSS) 5.2, 5.3

4.2.1 Installing KUKA.ExpertTech

Precondition „ User group “Expert”

„ Windows interface (CTRL+ESC)

Procedure 1. Start the Setup program from the CD-ROM. The files are copied onto the
hard drive.
2. Confirm the reboot prompt with OK.
3. Reboot the robot controller. The installation is resumed and completed.

LOG file A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.

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KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4

4.2.2 Uninstalling KUKA.ExpertTech

Es wird empfohlen, vor dem Update oder der Deinstallation einer Software
alle zugehörigen Daten zu archivieren.

Precondition „ KUKA.ExpertTech is installed.

„ User group “Expert”
„ Windows interface (CTRL+ESC)

Procedure 1. Start the Uninstall.exe program in the directory C:\KRC_OPTION\EX-

PERTTECH\UNINST. Uninstallation is prepared.
2. Confirm the reboot prompt with OK.
3. Reboot the robot controller.

LOG file A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.

4.2.3 Reinstalling KUKA.ExpertTech

Precondition „ KUKA.ExpertTech has been uninstalled.

„ User group “Expert”
„ Windows interface (CTRL+ESC)

Procedure 1. Start the Reinstall.exe program in the directory C:\KRC_OPTION\EX-

PERTTECH\REINST. Setup is prepared.
2. Confirm the reboot prompt with OK.
3. Reboot the robot controller.

LOG file A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.

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5. Programming

5 Programming

5.1 Overview of programming for KSS 5.x from 5.5 onwards

Information about programming for KUKA System Software (KSS) 5.2, 5.3,
5.4, 7.0 in this documentation: (>>> 5.2 "Overview of programming for KSS
5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 7.0" page 25)

Procedure „ Select the menu sequence Commands > KRL assistant and the desired
menu item.

Overview The following menu items are available:

Menu item Description

Collision detection (>>> 5.1.1 "Inline form for collision detection
(KRL assistant)" page 13)
PTP (>>> 5.1.2 "Inline form for PTP motions (KRL
assistant)" page 13)
PTP_REL (>>> 5.1.3 "Inline form for PTP_REL motions
(KRL assistant)" page 15)
LIN (>>> 5.1.4 "Inline form for LIN motions (KRL
assistant)" page 17)
LIN_REL (>>> 5.1.5 "Inline form for LIN_REL motions
(KRL assistant)" page 19)
CIRC (>>> 5.1.6 "Inline form for CIRC motions (KRL
assistant)" page 21)
CIRC_REL (>>> 5.1.7 "Inline form for CIRC_REL motions
(KRL assistant)" page 23)

5.1.1 Inline form for collision detection (KRL assistant)

Fig. 5-1: Inline form “Collision detection”

Range of
Item Description
1 Activates collision detection. ON, OFF
The collision detection only refers to the fol-
lowing motion block.
2 Offset for the torque. The lower the offset, the 1 ... 20
more sensitive the reaction of the collision
3 Offset for the impact. The lower the offset, the 1 ... 20
more sensitive the reaction of the collision

5.1.2 Inline form for PTP motions (KRL assistant)

Description The following softkeys are available:

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KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4

Softkeys Function
{?} << Back
E6POS Cartesian data types for saving the
POS robot position. The position refers
FRAME to the BASE coordinate system.
E6AXIS Axis-specific data types for saving
AXIS the robot position
! Placeholder for robot position, vari-
LIN/CIRC Toggles between PTP, LIN and
REL Switches to relative motion. The
coordinates of the end point are rel-
ative to the current position.

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5. Programming

Softkeys Function
Cont << Back
C_DIS Selects the first approximation
C_PTP parameter
„ C_DIS: distance parameter for
CP motion
„ C_PTP: approximation parame-
ter for PTP motion
DelCONT Deletes approximation parameter.
2. Cont << Back
C_DIS Selects the second approximation
C_VEL parameter
C_ORI Precondition: first approximation
parameter selected
Approximation parameters for CP
„ C_DIS: distance parameter
Can only be selected if C_PTP
was selected as the first approx-
imation parameter.
„ C_VEL: velocity parameter
„ C_ORI: orientation parameter
(tool, workpiece)
DelCONT Deletes approximation parameter.
Cont Switches to selection of the first
approximation parameter
Touch Up Teaches the current robot position.

5.1.3 Inline form for PTP_REL motions (KRL assistant)

Description The following softkeys are available:

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KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4

Softkeys Function
{?} << Back
E6POS Cartesian data types for saving the
POS robot position. The position refers to
FRAME the BASE coordinate system.
E6AXIS Axis-specific data types for saving
AXIS the robot position
PTP Switches to PTP motion. The coor-
dinates of the end point are abso-

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5. Programming

Softkeys Function
Cont << Back
C_DIS Selects the first approximation
C_PTP parameter
„ C_DIS: distance parameter for
CP motion
„ C_PTP: approximation parame-
ter for PTP motion
DelCONT Deletes approximation parameter.
2. Cont << Back
C_DIS Selects the second approximation
C_VEL parameter
C_ORI Precondition: first approximation
parameter selected
Approximation parameters for CP
„ C_DIS: distance parameter
Can only be selected if C_PTP
was selected as the first approx-
imation parameter.
„ C_VEL: velocity parameter
„ C_ORI: orientation parameter
(tool, workpiece)
DelCONT Deletes approximation parameter.
Cont Switches to selection of the first
approximation parameter
Touch Up No function in the case of REL

5.1.4 Inline form for LIN motions (KRL assistant)

Description The following softkeys are available:

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KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4

Softkeys Function
{?} << Back
E6POS Cartesian data types for saving the
POS robot position. The position refers to
FRAME the BASE coordinate system.
! Placeholder for robot position, vari-
CIRC/ Toggles between LIN, CIRC and
REL Switches to relative motion. The
coordinates of the end point are rel-
ative to the current position.

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5. Programming

Softkeys Function
Cont << Back
C_DIS Selects the first approximation
C_VEL parameter
C_ORI Approximation parameters for CP
„ C_DIS: distance parameter
„ C_VEL: velocity parameter
„ C_ORI: orientation parameter
(tool, workpiece)
DelCONT Deletes approximation parameter.
2. Cont << Back
C_DIS Selects the second approximation
C_PTP parameter
Precondition: first approximation
parameter selected
„ C_DIS: distance parameter for
CP motion
Can only be selected if C_VEL
or C_ORI was selected as the
first approximation parameter.
„ C_PTP: approximation parame-
ter for PTP motion
DelCONT Deletes approximation parameter.
Cont Switches to selection of the first
approximation parameter
Touch Up Teaches the current robot position.

5.1.5 Inline form for LIN_REL motions (KRL assistant)

Description The following softkeys are available:

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KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4

Softkeys Function
{?} << Back
E6POS Cartesian data types for saving the
POS robot position. The position refers to
FRAME the BASE coordinate system.
Tool / << Back
Base TOOL The coordinates of the end point
refer to the TOOL coordinate sys-
BASE Default setting: The coordinates of
the end point refer to the BASE
coordinate system.
LIN Switches to LIN motion. The coordi-
nates of the end point are absolute.

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5. Programming

Softkeys Function
Cont << Back
C_DIS Selects the first approximation
C_VEL parameter
C_ORI Approximation parameters for CP
„ C_DIS: distance parameter
„ C_VEL: velocity parameter
„ C_ORI: orientation parameter
(tool, workpiece)
DelCONT Deletes approximation parameter.
2. Cont << Back
C_DIS Selects the second approximation
C_PTP parameter
Precondition: first approximation
parameter selected
„ C_DIS: distance parameter for
CP motion
Can only be selected if C_VEL
or C_ORI was selected as the
first approximation parameter.
„ C_PTP: approximation parame-
ter for PTP motion
DelCONT Deletes approximation parameter.
Cont Switches to selection of the first
approximation parameter
Touch Up No function in the case of REL

5.1.6 Inline form for CIRC motions (KRL assistant)

Description The following softkeys are available:

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KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4

Softkeys Function
{?} << Back
E6POS Cartesian data types for saving the
POS robot position. The position refers to
FRAME the BASE coordinate system.
! Placeholder for robot position, vari-
PTP/LIN Toggles between CIRC, PTP and
REL Switches to relative motion. The
coordinates of the end point are rel-
ative to the current position.
CA The circular angle “CA” specifies
the overall length of the arc. This
makes it possible to extend the arc
beyond the programmed end point
or to shorten it. The actual end point
thus no longer corresponds to the
programmed end point.

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5. Programming

Softkeys Function
Cont << Back
C_DIS Selects the first approximation
C_VEL parameter
C_ORI Approximation parameters for CP
„ C_DIS: distance parameter
„ C_VEL: velocity parameter
„ C_ORI: orientation parameter
(tool, workpiece)
DelCONT Deletes approximation parameter.
2. Cont << Back
C_DIS Selects the second approximation
C_PTP parameter
Precondition: first approximation
parameter selected
„ C_DIS: distance parameter for
CP motion
Can only be selected if C_VEL
or C_ORI was selected as the
first approximation parameter.
„ C_PTP: approximation parame-
ter for PTP motion
DelCONT Deletes approximation parameter.
Cont Switches to selection of the first
approximation parameter
Touch Up Teaches the current robot position.

5.1.7 Inline form for CIRC_REL motions (KRL assistant)

Description The following softkeys are available:

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KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4

Softkeys Function
{?} << Back
E6POS Cartesian data types for saving the
POS robot position. The position refers to
FRAME the BASE coordinate system.
CIRC Switches to CIRC motion. The coor-
dinates of the auxiliary point and
end point are absolute.
CA The circular angle “CA” specifies
the overall length of the arc. This
makes it possible to extend the arc
beyond the programmed end point
or to shorten it. The actual end point
thus no longer corresponds to the
programmed end point.

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5. Programming

Softkeys Function
Cont << Back
C_DIS Selects the first approximation
C_VEL parameter
C_ORI Approximation parameters for CP
„ C_DIS: distance parameter
„ C_VEL: velocity parameter
„ C_ORI: orientation parameter
(tool, workpiece)
DelCONT Deletes approximation parameter.
2. Cont << Back
C_DIS Selects the second approximation
C_PTP parameter
Precondition: first approximation
parameter selected
„ C_DIS: distance parameter for
CP motion
Can only be selected if C_VEL
or C_ORI was selected as the
first approximation parameter.
„ C_PTP: approximation parame-
ter for PTP motion
DelCONT Deletes approximation parameter.
Cont Switches to selection of the first
approximation parameter
Touch Up No function in the case of REL

5.2 Overview of programming for KSS 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 7.0

Information about programming for KUKA System Software (KSS) 5.x from
5.5 onwards in this documentation: (>>> 5.1 "Overview of programming for
KSS 5.x from 5.5 onwards" page 13)

Procedure „ Select the menu sequence Commands > KRL assistant and the desired
menu item.

Overview The following menu items are available:

Menu item Description

PTP (>>> 5.2.1 "Inline form for PTP motions (KRL assist-
ant)" page 26)
PTP_REL (>>> 5.2.2 "Inline form for PTP_REL motions (KRL
assistant)" page 27)
LIN (>>> 5.2.3 "Inline form for LIN motions (KRL assist-
ant)" page 28)
LIN_REL (>>> 5.2.4 "Inline form for LIN_REL motions (KRL
assistant)" page 29)

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Menu item Description

CIRC (>>> 5.2.5 "Inline form for CIRC motions (KRL assist-
ant)" page 29)
CIRC_REL (>>> 5.2.6 "Inline form for CIRC_REL motions (KRL
assistant)" page 30)

5.2.1 Inline form for PTP motions (KRL assistant)

Description The following softkeys are available:

Softkeys Function
{?} << Back
E6POS Cartesian data types for saving the robot
POS position. The position refers to the BASE
FRAME coordinate system.
E6AXIS Axis-specific data types for saving the robot
AXIS position
! Placeholder for robot position, variable
LIN/CIRC Toggles between PTP, LIN and CIRC
REL Switches to relative motion. The coordi-
nates of the end point are relative to the
current position.

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5. Programming

Softkeys Function
CONT << Back
C_PTP Approximation parameter for PTP motion
C_DIS Approximation parameters for CP motion:
C_VEL „ C_DIS: Distance parameter
„ C_VEL: Velocity parameter
„ C_ORI: Orientation paramter (tool,
Touch Up Teaches the current robot position.

5.2.2 Inline form for PTP_REL motions (KRL assistant)

Description The following softkeys are available:

Softkeys Function
{?} << Back
E6POS Cartesian data types for saving the robot
POS position. The position refers to the BASE
FRAME coordinate system.
E6AXIS Axis-specific data types for saving the robot
AXIS position
PTP Switches to PTP motion. The coordinates
of the end point are absolute.

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Softkeys Function
CONT << Back
C_PTP approximation parameter for PTP motion
C_DIS Approximation parameters for CP motion:
C_VEL „ C_DIS: distance parameter
„ C_VEL: velocity parameter
„ C_ORI: orientation parameter (tool,
Touch Up No function in the case of REL motions.

5.2.3 Inline form for LIN motions (KRL assistant)

Description The following softkeys are available:

Softkeys Function
{?} << Back
E6POS Cartesian data types for saving the robot
POS position. The position refers to the BASE
FRAME coordinate system.
! Placeholder for robot position, variable
CIRC/PTP Toggles between LIN, CIRC and PTP
REL Switches to relative motion. The coordi-
nates of the end point are relative to the
current position.
CONT << Back
C_DIS Approximation parameters for CP motion:
C_VEL „ C_DIS: Distance parameter
„ C_VEL: Velocity parameter
„ C_ORI: Orientation paramter (tool,
Touch Up Teaches the current robot position.

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5. Programming

5.2.4 Inline form for LIN_REL motions (KRL assistant)

Description The following softkeys are available:

Softkeys Function
{?} << Back
E6POS Cartesian data types for saving the robot
POS position. The position can refer to the BASE
FRAME or TOOL coordinate system.
LIN Switches to LIN motion. The coordinates of
the end point are absolute.
Tool / Base << Back
TOOL The coordinates of the end point refer to
the TOOL coordinate system.
BASE Default setting: The coordinates of the end
point refer to the BASE coordinate system.
CONT << Back
C_DIS Approximation parameters for CP motion:
C_VEL „ C_DIS: distance parameter
„ C_VEL: velocity parameter
„ C_ORI: orientation parameter (tool,
Touch Up No function in the case of REL motions.

5.2.5 Inline form for CIRC motions (KRL assistant)

Description The following softkeys are available:

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KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4

Softkeys Function
{?} << Back
E6POS Cartesian data types for saving the robot
POS position. The position refers to the BASE
FRAME coordinate system.
! Placeholder for robot position, variable
PTP/LIN Toggles between CIRC, PTP and LIN
REL Switches to relative motion. The coordi-
nates of the auxiliary point and end point
are relative to the current position.
CA The circular angle “CA” specifies the overall
length of the arc. This makes it possible to
extend the arc beyond the programmed
end point or to shorten it. The actual end
point thus no longer corresponds to the pro-
grammed end point.
CONT << Back
C_DIS Approximation parameters for CP motion:
C_VEL „ C_DIS: Distance parameter
„ C_VEL: Velocity parameter
„ C_ORI: Orientation paramter (tool,
Touch Up Teaches the current robot position.

5.2.6 Inline form for CIRC_REL motions (KRL assistant)

Description The following softkeys are available:

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5. Programming

Softkeys Function
{?} << Back
E6POS Cartesian data types for saving the robot
POS position. The position refers to the BASE
FRAME coordinate system.
CIRC Switches to CIRC motion. The coordinates
of the auxiliary point and end point are
CA The circular angle “CA” specifies the overall
length of the arc. This makes it possible to
extend the arc beyond the programmed
end point or to shorten it. The actual end
point thus no longer corresponds to the pro-
grammed end point.
CONT << Back
C_DIS Approximation parameters for CP motion:
C_VEL „ C_DIS: distance parameter
„ C_VEL: velocity parameter
„ C_ORI: orientation parameter (tool,
Touch Up No function in the case of REL motions.

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KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4

5.3 Overview - Adopting the robot position

Option Explanation
Inserting motion The placeholder "!" enables the motion of the robot
with placeholder to be programmed without knowing the exact posi-
tion of the points which determine the path of the
(>>> 5.3.1 "Inserting motion with placeholder"
page 32)
Inserting motion A variable name is inserted instead of the place-
with variable holder. If this name has not yet been defined, a data
type is assigned to it.
(>>> 5.3.2 "Inserting motion with variable" page 32)
Teaching an end The position of the end point is adopted directly
point using the Touch Up softkey.
(>>> 5.3.3 "Teaching an end point" page 33)
Entering an end The position of the end point can be entered manu-
point manually ally in the inline form.
(>>> 5.3.4 "Entering an end point manually"
page 33)

5.3.1 Inserting motion with placeholder

Description Placeholders are entered for the end point in the inline form. When the pro-
gram is subsequently executed it is stopped at the points with placeholders
and the end point or the variable is inserted.

Precondition „ Program is selected.

„ Test mode T1 or T2

Procedure 1. Press the softkey Change to open the inline form.

2. Define the end point.
3 possibilities:
„ Replace the placeholder with a variable.
„ Teach an end point.
„ Enter an end point manually.

5.3.2 Inserting motion with variable

Precondition „ Program is selected.

„ Test mode T1 or T2
„ Valid variable name
The use of keywords reserved for KRL is not permitted. Further information
is contained in the Operating and Programming Instructions for System Inte-

The INI sequence must be run before robot positions can be adopted in an
inline form.

Procedure 1. Move the robot to the desired position.

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5. Programming

2. Enter the name of the variable in the inline form.

3. Press the Enter key.
If the name entered has not yet been defined, the softkey VAR appears in
the softkey bar.
4. Press the VAR softkey.
Depending on the motion type selected, different options appear in the
softkey bar with which a data type can be assigned to the variable.

The softkey bar for assigning a data type is only available if a DAT file (data
list) exists in addition to the SRC file.

5. Select a data type using the appropriate softkey in order to save the cur-
rent position of the robot.
6. Confirm the request for confirmation with the Yes softkey.

5.3.3 Teaching an end point

Precondition „ Program is selected.

„ Test mode T1 or T2

The INI sequence must be run before robot positions can be adopted in an
inline form.

Procedure 1. Move the robot to the desired position.

2. Press the Touch Up softkey to teach the end point.
3. Confirm the request for confirmation with the Yes softkey.


5.3.4 Entering an end point manually

Precondition „ Program is selected.

„ Test mode T1 or T2

The INI sequence must be run before robot positions can be adopted in an
inline form.

Procedure 1. Move the robot to the desired position.

2. Press the softkey {?}.
Depending on the motion type selected, different options appear in the
softkey bar with which a data type can be assigned to the end point.

The softkey bar for assigning a data type is only available if a DAT file (data
list) exists in addition to the SRC file.

3. Select a data type using the appropriate softkey in order to save the cur-
rent position of the robot.
4. Change the saved position data with the edit function.
5. Save and close the inline form with the Enter key.

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KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4

5.4 Data types for motion programming

Description The following data types for motion programming are predefined:

AXIS data type

A1 to A6 are angle values (rotational axes) or translation values (translational
axes) for the axis-specific movement of robot axes 1 to 6.
{A1 0., A2 -90., A3 90., A4 0., A5 0., A6 0.}

E6AXIS data type

E1 to E6 are angle values or translation values of the external axes 7 to 12.
{A1 0., A2 -90., A3 90., A4 0., A5 0., A6 0., E1 0., E2 0., E3 0., E4
0., E5 0., E6 0.}

FRAME data type

X, Y and Z are space coordinates, while A, B and C are the orientation of the
coordinate system.
{X 1040., Y 0., Z 1480., A 0., B 90., C 0.}

POS and E6POS data types

S (Status) and T (Turn) define axis positions unambiguously.
{X 1040., Y 0., Z 1480., A 0., B 90., C 0., S 2., T 2.}

{X 1040., Y 0., Z 1480., A 0., B 90., C 0., S 2., T 2., E1 0., E2 0.,
E3 0., E4 0., E5 0., E6 0.}

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6. Messages

6 Messages

Errors may occur in the application due to incorrect configuration or operation.

Error messages Message Cause Remedy

Command ambigu- When pressing the Move the cursor to the
ous, TouchUp not pos- Touch Up softkey, the motion command and
sible cursor was situated in press the Touch Up
a line for which the softkey.
execution of this com-
mand is not possible.
Variable could not be Touch Up command The variable on which
created. Target type was executed on a the Touch Up com-
unknown. non-geometric expres- mand is to be exe-
sion. cuted must be of the
data type AXIS,
TouchUp failed Command could not Follow-up message
be executed.
Invalid value found Invalid value in the Enter a valid value in
inline form the inline form
The variable “%1” „ Variable already „ Assign a new vari-
could not be created. exists able name
„ Invalid variable „ Assign a valid vari-
name able name
„ File is write-pro- „ Remove the write
tected protection
Value assignment to Incorrect data type Redeclare the varia-
the variable “%1” ble and assign the cor-
failed. rect data type
Changing the structure Data types of the two Adapt the target and
type from “%1” to “%2” variables are not com- source type
is not possible. patible, e.g.
Base coordinate sys- No value has yet been Assign a value to
tem is undefined assigned to $BASE. $BASE
Tool coordinate sys- No value has yet been Assign a value to
tem undefined assigned to $TOOL. $TOOL
Unknown variable Variable has not yet Declare variable
“%1” been declared.

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7. KUKA Service

7 KUKA Service

7.1 Requesting support

Introduction The KUKA Robot Group documentation offers information on operation and
provides assistance with troubleshooting. For further assistance, please con-
tact your local KUKA subsidiary.

Faults leading to production downtime are to be reported to the local KUKA

subsidiary within one hour of their occurrence.

Information The following information is required for processing a support request:

„ Model and serial number of the robot
„ Model and serial number of the controller
„ Model and serial number of the linear unit (if applicable)
„ Version of the KUKA System Software
„ Optional software or modifications
„ Archive of the software
„ Application used
„ Any external axes used
„ Description of the problem, duration and frequency of the fault

7.2 KUKA Customer Support

Availability KUKA Customer Support is available in many countries. Please do not hesi-
tate to contact us if you have any questions.
Argentina Ruben Costantini S.A. (Agency)
Luis Angel Huergo 13 20
Parque Industrial
2400 San Francisco (CBA)
Tel. +54 3564 421033
Fax +54 3564 428877
[email protected]

Australia Marand Precision Engineering Pty. Ltd. (Agency)

153 Keys Road
Victoria 31 89
Tel. +61 3 8552-0600
Fax +61 3 8552-0605
[email protected]

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KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4

Austria KUKA Roboter GmbH

Vertriebsbüro Österreich
Regensburger Strasse 9/1
4020 Linz
Tel. +43 732 784752
Fax +43 732 793880
[email protected]

Belgium KUKA Automatisering + Robots N.V.

Centrum Zuid 1031
3530 Houthalen
Tel. +32 11 516160
Fax +32 11 526794
[email protected]

Brazil KUKA Roboter do Brasil Ltda.

Avenida Franz Liszt, 80
Parque Novo Mundo
Jd. Guançã
CEP 02151 900 São Paulo
SP Brazil
Tel. +55 11 69844900
Fax +55 11 62017883
[email protected]

Chile Robotec S.A. (Agency)

Santiago de Chile
Tel. +56 2 331-5951
Fax +56 2 331-5952
[email protected]

China KUKA Flexible Manufacturing Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Qingpu Industrial Zone
No. 502 Tianying Rd.
201712 Shanghai
P.R. China
Tel. +86 21 5922-8652
Fax +86 21 5922-8538
[email protected]

38 / 45 V1.1 26.01.2007 KST-AD-ExpertTech24 en

7. KUKA Service

France KUKA Automatisme + Robotique SAS

6 Avenue du Parc
91140 Villebon s/Yvette
Tel. +33 1 6931-6600
Fax +33 1 6931-6601
[email protected]

Germany KUKA Roboter GmbH

Blücherstr. 144
86165 Augsburg
Tel. +49 821 797-4000
Fax +49 821 797-1616
[email protected]

Hungary KUKA Robotics Hungaria Kft.

Fö út 140
2335 Taksony
Tel. +36 24 501609
Fax +36 24 477031
[email protected]

India KUKA Robotics, Private Limited

621 Galleria Towers
DLF Phase IV
122 002 Gurgaon
Tel. +91 124 4148574
[email protected]

Italy KUKA Roboter Italia S.p.A.

Via Pavia 9/a - int.6
10098 Rivoli (TO)
Tel. +39 011 959-5013
Fax +39 011 959-5141
[email protected]

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KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4

Korea KUKA Robot Automation Korea Co. Ltd.

4 Ba 806 Sihwa Ind. Complex
Sung-Gok Dong, Ansan City
Kyunggi Do
Tel. +82 31 496-9937 or -9938
Fax +82 31 496-9939
[email protected]

Malaysia KUKA Robot Automation Sdn Bhd

South East Asia Regional Office
No. 24, Jalan TPP 1/10
Taman Industri Puchong
47100 Puchong
Tel. +60 3 8061-0613 or -0614
Fax +60 3 8061-7386
[email protected]

Mexico KUKA de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.

Rio San Joaquin #339, Local 5
Colonia Pensil Sur
C.P. 11490 Mexico D.F.
Tel. +52 55 5203-8407
Fax +52 55 5203-8148
[email protected]

Norway KUKA Sveiseanlegg + Roboter

Bryggeveien 9
2821 Gjövik
Tel. +47 61 133422
Fax +47 61 186200
[email protected]

Portugal KUKA Sistemas de Automatización S.A.

Rua do Alto da Guerra n° 50
Armazém 04
2910 011 Setúbal
Tel. +351 265 729780
Fax +351 265 729782
[email protected]

40 / 45 V1.1 26.01.2007 KST-AD-ExpertTech24 en

7. KUKA Service

Russia KUKA-VAZ Engineering

Jushnoje Chaussee, 36 VAZ, PTO
445633 Togliatti
Tel. +7 8482 391249 or 370564
Fax +7 8482 736730
[email protected]

South Africa Jendamark Automation LTD (Agency)

76a York Road
North End
6000 Port Elizabeth
South Africa
Tel. +27 41 391 4700
Fax +27 41 373 3869

Spain KUKA Sistemas de Automatización S.A.

Pol. Industrial
Torrent de la Pastera
Carrer del Bages s/n
08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona)
Tel. +34 93 814-2353
Fax +34 93 814-2950
[email protected]

Sweden KUKA Svetsanläggningar + Robotar AB

A. Odhners gata 15
421 30 Västra Frölunda
Tel. +46 31 7266-200
Fax +46 31 7266-201
[email protected]

Switzerland KUKA Roboter Schweiz AG

Riedstr. 7
8953 Dietikon
Tel. +41 44 74490-90
Fax +41 44 74490-91
[email protected]

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KUKA.ExpertTech 2.4

Taiwan KUKA Robot Automation Taiwan Co. Ltd.

136, Section 2, Huanjung E. Road
Jungli City, Taoyuan
Taiwan 320
Tel. +886 3 4371902
Fax +886 3 2830023
[email protected]

Thailand KUKA Robot Automation (M)SdnBhd

Thailand Office
c/o Maccall System Co. Ltd.
49/9-10 Soi Kingkaew 30 Kingkaew Road
Tt. Rachatheva, A. Bangpli
10540 Thailand
Tel. +66 2 7502737
Fax +66 2 6612355
[email protected]

UK KUKA Automation + Robotics

Hereward Rise
B62 8AN
Tel. +44 121 585-0800
Fax +44 121 585-0900
[email protected]

USA KUKA Robotics Corp.

22500 Key Drive
Clinton Township
48036 Michigan
Tel. +1 866 8735852
Fax +1 586 5692087
[email protected]

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CIRC motions, inline form 21, 29 Target group 5
CIRC_REL motions, inline form 23, 30
Collision detection, inline form 13 U
Uninstallation, KUKA.ExpertTech 11, 12
Data types 34 V
Data types, motion programming 34 Variable 32
Documentation, robot system 5
E Warnings 5
End point, manual input 33
End point, teaching 33

Installation 11
Installation, KSS 5.2, 5.3 11
Installation, KSS 5.4, 5.5, 7.0 11
Installation, KUKA.ExpertTech 11
Introduction 5

KUKA Customer Support 37

LIN motion, inline form 17, 28
LIN_REL motion, inline form 19, 29

Messages 35

Notes 5

Overview, KUKA.ExpertTech 7

Placeholder 32
Product description 7
Programming 13
Programming KSS 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 7.0 25
Programming KSS 5.x from 5.5 onwards 13
PTP motion, inline form 13, 26
PTP_REL motion, inline form 15, 27

Reinstallation, KUKA.ExpertTech 12
Robot position adoption, overview 32

Safety 9
Safety warnings 5
Service, KUKA Roboter 37
Support request 37

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