VersaLink Series Sag En-Us PDF
VersaLink Series Sag En-Us PDF
VersaLink Series Sag En-Us PDF
October 2019
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................11
Overview................................................................................................................................ 12
Configuring the Printer........................................................................................................... 13
More Information .................................................................................................................. 14
3 Network Connectivity.............................................................................................................35
SOAP ..................................................................................................................................... 75
WSD ...................................................................................................................................... 76
Enabling WSD.................................................................................................................. 76
4 Security .....................................................................................................................................77
Setting Access Rights ............................................................................................................. 78
Authentication................................................................................................................. 78
Authorization................................................................................................................... 78
Personalization ................................................................................................................ 78
Configuring Authentication Settings ...................................................................................... 80
Setting the Login Method ................................................................................................ 80
Setting Parameters for Login, Logout, and Password......................................................... 84
Configuring Authorization Settings ........................................................................................ 87
Roles and Levels of Access................................................................................................ 87
Adding a New Device User Role ....................................................................................... 87
Creating a Custom Printing User Role............................................................................... 88
Copying an Existing Device User Role............................................................................... 88
Copying an Existing Printing User Role ............................................................................. 89
Editing a Device User Role ............................................................................................... 90
Editing a Printing User Role.............................................................................................. 90
Adding Members to a Role ............................................................................................... 90
Removing Members from a Role....................................................................................... 90
Deleting a Device User Role ............................................................................................. 91
Deleting a Printing User Role............................................................................................ 91
Editing Guest Access ........................................................................................................ 91
Configuring LDAP Permissions Groups .............................................................................. 91
Enabling Firmware Verification .............................................................................................. 92
Configuring Feature Enablement............................................................................................ 93
Enabling a Software Option ................................................................................................... 94
Security Certificates ............................................................................................................... 95
Certificates for the Embedded Web Server ....................................................................... 95
Installing Certificates ....................................................................................................... 97
Selecting a Certificate...................................................................................................... 97
Importing a Certificate .................................................................................................... 98
Creating and Installing a Xerox Device Certificate............................................................ 98
Creating a Certificate Signing Request ............................................................................. 99
Deleting a Certificate....................................................................................................... 99
Enabling Automatic Self-Signed Certificates................................................................... 100
Enabling Certificate Path Validation............................................................................... 100
Configuring Settings for Certificate Revocation .............................................................. 100
Configuring the Printer for Smart Cards.......................................................................... 100
Managing Disk Drives .......................................................................................................... 101
Managing Disk Overwrite ............................................................................................... 101
Managing Network Security Settings ................................................................................... 102
FIPS 140-2..................................................................................................................... 102
802.1X........................................................................................................................... 102
IPsec.............................................................................................................................. 103
5 Printing................................................................................................................................... 109
Setting System Defaults and Policies for Printing .................................................................. 110
Optimizing the First Page............................................................................................... 110
Setting the Default Print Paper Size................................................................................ 110
Optimizing Color Printing ............................................................................................... 110
Configuring Color Adjustments Manually ....................................................................... 111
Optimizing the Printing of Graphic Files ......................................................................... 111
General Printer Settings ....................................................................................................... 112
Changing the Tray Settings............................................................................................ 112
Configuring Policies for Print Jobs................................................................................... 113
Setting Paper Size Preferences ....................................................................................... 113
Enabling an Automatic Startup Page ............................................................................. 114
Configuring Settings for Custom Paper........................................................................... 114
Configuring Settings for Memory and Print Job Types..................................................... 114
Enabling the Policy for Paper Size Substitution ............................................................... 115
Configuring a Bypass Tray Confirmation ........................................................................ 115
Specifying Behavior After an Error.................................................................................. 115
Managing Banner Pages ................................................................................................ 116
UNIX, Linux, and AS/400 Printing......................................................................................... 117
Xerox® Printer Manager ................................................................................................. 117
AS/400 .......................................................................................................................... 118
Configuring Defaults for Printer Reports ............................................................................... 119
6 Copying.................................................................................................................................. 121
Setting System Defaults and Policies for Copying ................................................................. 122
Configuring Auto Detection for Legal Size Originals........................................................ 122
Confirming the Position of Document Guides ................................................................. 122
Setting a Default Image Gradation Mode ...................................................................... 123
Resolving the Original Size Detection Error ..................................................................... 123
Modifying the Default Settings for the Copy App ................................................................. 124
Setting Defaults for Paper Management ........................................................................ 124
Setting Defaults for Image Quality................................................................................. 124
Setting Defaults for Image Placement ........................................................................... 125
Setting Defaults for Annotations .................................................................................... 125
Configuring General Settings and Policies for the Copy App.................................................. 126
Setting Policies for Paper Management .......................................................................... 126
Setting Policies for Image Management ........................................................................ 126
7 Scanning................................................................................................................................ 129
Scanning Setup Overview..................................................................................................... 130
Setting System Defaults and Policies for Scanning................................................................ 131
Setting Up Scanning to an FTP Server .................................................................................. 132
Setting Up Scanning to an SFTP Server ................................................................................ 133
Setting Up Scanning to an Email Address............................................................................. 134
Configuring the Email App ................................................................................................... 135
Setting Up Scanning to an Email Address That Uses a Third-Party Provider .......................... 136
Configuring the Scan To App................................................................................................ 138
Enabling WSD Scan Services ................................................................................................ 139
Scanning to USB .................................................................................................................. 140
Scanning to My Folder on the Printer ................................................................................... 141
Configuring Scan To Desktop ............................................................................................... 142
Setting Up Scanning to a Shared Windows Folder Using SMB .............................................. 143
Obtaining the IP Address and Host Name of your Windows Computer ........................... 144
Disabling the Sharing Wizard on Your Windows Computer ............................................. 144
8 Faxing..................................................................................................................................... 145
Fax Overview........................................................................................................................ 146
Enabling the Fax or Server Fax Apps ..................................................................................... 147
Fax ...................................................................................................................................... 148
Setting System Defaults and Policies for Faxing.............................................................. 148
Modifying the Default Settings in the Fax App ............................................................... 148
Creating Predefined Comments for a Fax Cover Sheet .................................................... 149
Configuring General Settings and Policies ...................................................................... 149
Configuring Fax Over IP ................................................................................................. 153
Printing Fax Reports ....................................................................................................... 154
Configuring Presets for Original Page Sizes..................................................................... 155
Editing the Address Book ............................................................................................... 155
Configuring Basic Fax Line Settings ................................................................................ 158
Server Fax ............................................................................................................................ 160
Configuring a Server Fax Filing Repository...................................................................... 160
Configuring a Fax Repository Using FTP or SFTP............................................................. 160
Configuring a Fax Repository Using SMB........................................................................ 161
Configuring a Fax Repository Using SMTP ...................................................................... 162
Configuring Server Fax Defaults and Settings ................................................................. 163
9 Accounting............................................................................................................................ 165
Xerox® Standard Accounting................................................................................................ 166
Enabling Xerox Standard Accounting ............................................................................. 166
Creating a User Account ................................................................................................ 167
Editing the Account Settings for Individual Users ........................................................... 167
• Overview.................................................................................................................................... 12
• Configuring the Printer............................................................................................................... 13
• More Information ...................................................................................................................... 14
This guide is designed for a system administrator with network administrator rights who understands
networking concepts and has experience creating and managing network user accounts.
Use this guide to help you install, configure, and manage your printer on a network.
• Network features are not available when the printer is connected using USB.
• Embedded fax features are not available for all printer models.
More Information
You can obtain more information about your printer from these sources:
Resource Location
Information about menus or error messages View the Status region of the control panel touch
Embedded Web Server documentation In the Embedded Web Server, click Help.
Third party and open source software To locate third party and open source software
disclosure notices and the terms and conditions, go
to, then select your
specific printer model.
Configuration Report
The Configuration Report provides product information including installed options, network settings,
port setup, tray information, and more.
P r i n t i n g t h e C o n fi g u r a t i o n Re p o r t
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Touch Device→About→Information Pages.
3. Touch Configuration Report.
4. To return to the Home screen, press the Home button.
D o w n l o a d i n g t h e C o n fi g u r a t i o n Re p o r t fr o m t h e
E m b e d d e d We b S e r v e r
From the Embedded Web Server, you can download and save a copy of the Configuration Report to
your computer hard drive. You can use Configuration Reports from multiple printers to compare
software versions, configurations, and compliance information.
To download a copy of the Configuration Report from the Embedded Web Server:
1. At your computer, open a Web browser. In the address field, type the IP address of the printer,
then press Enter or Return.
Note: The Configuration Report contains the IP address for the printer. For details, refer to
Printing the Configuration Report.
2. To download the Configuration Report, scroll to the bottom of the page. In the Quick Links
section, click Download Configuration Report.
Note: If this feature does not appear, log in as a system administrator.
The document is saved automatically as an XML file in the default download location on your
computer hard drive. To open the Configuration Report, use an XML viewer.
• To use the Remote Control Panel, ensure that HTTPS is enabled on the device. For details,
refer to Enabling HTTPS Using the Embedded Web Server.
• After the Remote Control Panel is enabled by a system administrator, all users can access
the feature.
• If the device is being used by a local user when a remote user request is sent, the local user
is required to accept the remote user request at the device.
• Only one Remote Control Panel session can be active at a time.
• If a system administrator sends a remote user request, the system administrator can
override the local user.
• System administrators have the ability to override and stop an existing general user remote
To configure the Remote Control Panel feature to allow user access, use the Permissions option.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Home.
2. In the Quick Links area, click Remote Control Panel.
3. To enable the Remote Control Panel, touch the Enable toggle button, then click Close.
4. To configure user access to the Remote Control Panel, click Permissions→Roles→Device User
Roles, then select the following:
a. For the user role for which you want to configure permissions, click Edit.
b. For Device Website Permissions, click Custom Permissions.
c. Click Setup.
d. Click Remote Control.
e. For Access Remote Control, click Allow.
f. Click OK.
g. Click Close, then click OK.
5. To return to the Home screen, click the Home button.
A c c e s s i n g t h e C o n t r o l Pa n e l a s a S y s t e m
A d m i n i s t ra t o r
For software versions earlier than PL6 (XX.5X.XX), the default administrator password is 1111. For
software versions PL6 (XX.5X.XX) or later, the default administrator password is the device serial
number. You can obtain the serial number from the back of the printer, from the configuration report,
or from the home page of the Embedded Web Server. The password is case-sensitive.
Note: Upgrading to PL6 (XX.5X.XX) does not change the administrator password. If you reset
the device to factory defaults, the administrator password changes to the device serial number
for versions PL6 (XX.5X.XX) or later of the software.
1. At the printer control panel, press the Log In button.
2. Touch or type admin.
3. Type the administrator password, then touch OK.
A c c e s s i n g t h e E m b e d d e d We b S e r v e r a s a Sy s t e m
A d m i n i s t ra t o r
Before you begin:
• Ensure that your printer is connected to a network.
• Use the Configuration Report to locate your printer IP address. For details, refer to Configuration
To log in to the Embedded Web Server as the administrator:
1. At your computer, open a Web browser.
2. In the address field, type the IP address of the printer, then press Enter or Return.
3. In the top right area of the page, click Log In.
4. For User Accounts, click or type admin.
5. For Password, type the administrator password. For software versions earlier than PL6 (XX.5X.XX),
the default administrator password is 1111. For software versions PL6 (XX.5X.XX) or later, the
default administrator password is the device serial number. You can obtain the serial number
from the back of the printer, from the configuration report, or from the home page of the
Embedded Web Server. The password is case-sensitive.
Note: Upgrading to PL6 (XX.5X.XX) does not change the administrator password. If you
reset the device to factory defaults, the administrator password changes to the device
serial number for versions PL6 (XX.5X.XX) or later of the software.
6. Click Log In.
C h a n g i n g t h e S y s t e m A d m i n i s t r a t o r Pa s s w o r d
The user name for the administrator account is admin. For software versions earlier than PL6 (XX.5X.
XX), the default administrator password is 1111. For software versions PL6 (XX.5X.XX) or later, the
default administrator password is the device serial number. You can obtain the serial number from the
back of the printer, from the configuration report, or from the home page of the Embedded Web
Server. The password is case-sensitive.
• Upgrading to PL6 (XX.5X.XX) does not change the administrator password. If you reset the
device to factory defaults, the administrator password changes to the device serial number
for versions PL6 (XX.5X.XX) or later of the software.
• If you change the administrator password, ensure that you store the password in a secure
• For software versions earlier than PL6 (XX.5X.XX), if you change the administrator password
to return the device to an open system, reset the device to factory defaults. Any settings
that you configured are lost when you reset the device to factory defaults. For details refer
to Resetting the Printer Settings.
• For software versions PL6 (XX.5X.XX) or later, the open system option is not available.
To change the administrator password:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions.
2. For User Accounts, click admin.
3. Click Change Password.
4. Type the old password. All passwords are case-sensitive.
5. Type the new password, then retype the password to verify it.
6. Click OK.
S e t t i n g t h e D a t e a n d Ti m e
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button, then touch the Device button.
2. Touch General→Date & Time.
3. To allow an SNTP service to set the time automatically, enable the Set Automatically toggle
4. Touch Time Server (SNTP), then type the IP Address or host name of your SNTP server, then
touch OK.
5. To set the time zone, touch Time Zone, then touch your region.
6. To adjust daylight saving time automatically, enable the Daylight Saving Time toggle button.
7. To set the format for dates, touch Date Format, then touch a date format.
8. To use a 24-hour time format, enable the Use 24 hr clock toggle button.
9. Touch OK.
Note: The date and time are set in the Embedded Web Server. To modify these settings, in
the Embedded Web Server, select System→Date & Time.
10. For the new settings to take effect, restart your printer.
S e t t i n g t h e S o u n d s a t t h e C o n t r o l Pa n e l
You can configure the device to play sounds to alert users to various device conditions or events. You
can set the volume for each sound independently of each other.
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button, then touch Device.
2. Touch General→Sounds.
3. To enable sounds, touch the Enable Sounds toggle button.
4. To adjust the sound volume for an event, touch an event, then move the appropriate volume
slider control, as needed.
• Touch: A sound plays when a user interacts with the control panel touch screen.
• Job Completion: A sound plays when a print job, copy job, or receive-fax job completes.
• Log In: A sound plays when a user swipes an authentication card.
• Error/Fault: A sound plays when the device issues an alert or when the device requires user
• Power: A sound plays when the device is powering down.
• Mobile Device Connected: A sound plays when a connection to a mobile device is detected.
• Fax Processing Tones: A sound plays when a fax is sending or receiving.
• Fax Ring Tones: The fax line ring tones are audible when the device receives an incoming fax
5. Touch OK.
I n s t a l l i n g a S o f t w a r e Fe a t u r e a t t h e Co n t r o l Pa n e l
Before you begin, ensure that the required feature kit is installed.
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button, then touch the Device button.
2. Touch General→Feature Installation.
3. Touch Enter Feature Installation Key, then type the key.
4. Touch OK.
Re s t r i c t i n g A c c e s s t o t h e P r i n t e r
To restrict access to the printer, you can configure the Printing User Roles. You can edit an existing
role or create a custom Printing User Role.
Note: To edit or create a Printing User Role, the printer requires that you change the
administrator password from its default value. For details, refer to Changing the System
Administrator Password.
To create a custom Printing User Role, refer to Creating a Custom Printing User Role.
To edit an existing Printing User Role:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions.
2. Click Roles→Printing User Roles.
3. For the role that you want to edit, in the Printing User Roles area, click Edit.
4. In the Printing Permissions area, select the restrictions that you want to apply, then click OK.
With Custom Permissions, you can configure the printer to restrict the types of print jobs allowed. You
can select the applications that can send jobs to the printer. You can set which paper trays are
accessible and set the times of day that the printer is available.
To enable Custom Permissions:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions.
2. Click Roles→Printing User Roles.
3. For the role that you want to edit, in the Printing User Roles area, click Edit.
4. In the Printing Permissions area, select Custom Permissions.
5. More options appear.
To restrict the time of day for printing:
1. In the Print Time Permissions area, click Setup.
2. For Black & White Printing Time and Color Printing Time, select the time restrictions.
3. Click OK.
To restrict job types and paper usage:
1. To restrict a job type, in the Allowed Job Types area, click the toggle button for the job type.
2. To restrict printing to 2-sided only, in the 1-Sided Output area, select 2-Sided Only.
3. To restrict printing from a paper tray, in the Allowed Paper Trays area, click the toggle button for
the paper tray.
To select applications that can access the printer:
1. In the Application Permissions area, click Setup.
2. To restrict access to the printer for any of the applications listed, click that application.
3. Select the restrictions for the application, then click Close.
4. Click OK.
S e l e c t i n g A p p s t o A p p e a r o n t h e C o n t r o l Pa n e l
Apps are services that are available on your printer. Some apps must be enabled and configured
before they can be accessed on the control panel touch screen. A standard service is a service that
comes standard with the printer. An extensible service is an optional, third-party service installed on
the printer.
• When you make an app visible, the app becomes part of the default view on the control
• If you use personalization to create a custom view, your personalized view takes precedence
over the default view.
To specify the apps that appear on the control panel:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps.
2. Click the required app.
3. Click Show.
To select the default screen that appears when users first access the control panel:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Apps→Preferences.
2. In the Walkup Screen area, click the menu, then select the default screen that you want to appear
when users first access the control panel.
S e t t i n g t h e D a t e a n d Ti m e
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System.
2. Click Date &Time.
3. For Date Format, select a format for the date.
4. In the Date field, click the calendar, then select a date.
5. For Time, select 12-Hour Clock or 24-Hour Clock.
6. In the Time field, type the correct time.
7. To set the time zone, click Time Zone, then select the following:
• Click Region, then select an appropriate region.
• Select a time zone.
• Click OK.
8. To enable daylight saving time, enable the Daylight Savings Time toggle button.
9. To allow an SNTP service to set the time automatically, for SNTP Settings, click Edit. If an SNTP
server is detected, the Time Server Address and Time Synchronization Interval are set
automatically. To change or enter SNTP settings manually:
• For Time Server Synchronization, enable the toggle button.
• For Time Server Address, for the SNTP server, type the IP address or host name.
• For Time Synchronization Interval, type the number of hours at which the printer synchronizes
with the SNTP server.
• Click OK.
10. Click OK.
Note: For the new settings to take effect, restart your printer.
S e t t i n g t h e S o u n d s U s i n g t h e E m b e d d e d We b S e r v e r
You can configure the device to play sounds to alert users to various device conditions or events. You
can set the volume for each sound independently of each other.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System.
2. Click Sounds.
3. To enable sounds, select Enable Sounds.
4. To adjust the sound volume for an event, select an event, then move the appropriate volume
slider control, as needed.
• Touch: A sound plays when a user interacts with the control panel touch screen.
• Job Completion: A sound plays when a print job, copy job, or receive-fax job completes.
• Log In: A sound plays when a user swipes an authentication card.
• Error/Fault: A sound plays when the device issues an alert or when the device requires user
• Power: A sound plays when the device is powering down.
• Mobile Device Connected: A sound plays when a connection to a mobile device is detected.
• Fax Processing Tones: A sound plays when a fax is sending or receiving.
• Fax Ring Tones: The fax line ring tones are audible when the device receives an incoming fax
5. To confirm the volume setting, click OK.
6. Click OK.
S u p p l i e s P l a n A c t i v a t i o n Co d e
Your Xerox®equipment supplier offers supplies and service plans such as PagePack® and eClick®.
PagePack® and eClick® are cost-per-page-based programs that include all service and supplies for
your printer in one contract. If you have enrolled in a supplies program, you must activate the
supplies plan at regular intervals. To enable your printer for your purchased plan, contact your Xerox®
equipment supplier to get a Supplies Activation Code.
To enter your Supplies Activation Code:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator.
2. For Supplies, click Details.
3. For Options, click Supplies Plan.
4. Click Supplies Plan Activation.
5. Type the code, then click Apply.
6. Click Close.
For more information about Xerox® supplies and service plans, contact your Xerox representative.
C o n fi g u r i n g E t h e r n e t O p t i o n s
The Ethernet interface on the printer automatically detects the speed of your network. Any auto-
sensing devices connected to the network, such as a hub, do not always detect the correct speed.
Refer to the Configuration Report to ensure that the printer detects the correct network speed.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. For Connections, click Ethernet.
3. For Rated Speed, click the Down arrow, then select a connection speed.
Note: For the new settings to take effect, restart your printer.
C o n fi g u r i n g U S B S e t t i n g s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Connections area, click USB.
3. Enable a port.
• To enable USB communication on all USB ports, click the Enable toggle button.
• To enable the target USB port on the back of the printer, click the USB Port toggle button.
Note: To use the target USB port on the back of the printer, click both the Enable toggle
button and the USB Port toggle button.
1. To enable Printer Job Language, click the PJL toggle button.
2. Click Print Mode, then select a mode.
3. For Auto Job Timeout, type the amount of time in seconds that the printer waits inactive before
canceling the print job.
4. Click Adobe Communication Protocol, then select a protocol.
5. To enable PostScript® Wait Timeout (RAW Mode), click the toggle button.
6. Click OK.
• Wireless networking is available only on printers that have the optional Wireless Network
Adapter installed.
• To access and use the Embedded Web Server on a wireless network, connect the printer to a
wired Ethernet network, then configure the printer to use a wireless network.
C o n n e c t i n g t o a W i r e l e s s N e t w o r k fr o m t h e C o n t r o l
Pa n e l
To enable Wi-Fi:
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Touch Device→Connectivity→Wi-Fi.
3. If Wi-Fi is Off, turn it on.
• To toggle Wi-Fi from Off to On, touch the Wi-Fi toggle button.
• To activate your Wi-Fi setting changes, press the Home button.
• At the prompt, touch Restart Now.
• After the printer restarts, touch Device→Connectivity→Wi-Fi.
4. To connect to a network:
a. Touch the name of the network, enter the password for the selected network, then touch OK.
b. If the desired network does not appear, touch Manual Setup, then configure the wireless
network settings.
• For Enter the Network Name (SSID), type the name (SSID) of your network, then press
• Touch Security, then select the security method that your wireless network uses.
• Touch Enter Password, then enter the password for your wireless network.
• Touch OK.
5. To activate your Wi-Fi setting changes, press the Home button.
6. At the prompt, touch Restart Now.
7. After the printer restarts, wait two minutes, then to get the network information that includes the
IP address, print a Configuration Report. For details, refer to Printing the Configuration Report.
Co n n e c t i n g t o a W i r e l e s s N e t w o r k U s i n g t h e
E m b e d d e d We b S e r v e r
To enable Wi-Fi:
1. Connect the printer to a wired Ethernet network.
2. At your computer, open a Web browser. In the address field, type the IP address of the printer,
then press Enter or Return.
3. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
4. For Connections, click Wi-Fi.
5. To enable Wi-Fi, for Wi-Fi, select the toggle button.
6. Click Wi-Fi Band, then select an option.
7. For SSID, type the network SSID name.
8. Click Network Type, then select Infrastructure or Ad hoc.
Note: The Infrastructure network type provides the greatest selection of security options.
Ad hoc provides only WEP encryption in most networks.
To configure the TCP/IP common settings:
1. In the TCP/IP Settings area, click Common.
2. For Host Name, type the DNS host name of the printer.
3. Click Primary Network, then select Wi-Fi.
4. Click IP Mode, then select an option.
5. To prioritize IPv6 over IPv4, for IPv6 Priority over IPv4 at Domain Name Resolution, select the
toggle button.
6. Click OK.
To configure the TCP/IP IP settings:
1. Click IPv4:
• For Mode, select an option.
– If you select Static for Mode, for IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway Address, type the
IP addresses.
– If you select DHCP with Auto IP or DCHP for Mode, the Release current IP when the
Device is powered off option is available. To use this feature, select the toggle button.
• Click OK.
2. Click IPv6:
• Click Purpose, then select an option.
• To allow a manual address for IPv6, for Manual Address, select the toggle button.
• If you enabled Manual Address, for Manual Address and Gateway Address, type the IP
• Click OK.
To configure the TCP/IP DNS settings:
1. Click DNS.
2. For Domain Name, type the name of the domain for the printer.
3. For Connection Timeout, type the number of seconds that the printer waits to receive a response
from the DNS server.
4. To enable DHCP to assign the IP address, in the IPv4 DNS Servers area, for Use DHCP to Assign
Address, select the toggle button.
5. If you did not enable DHCP, type the IP addresses for the primary and alternate servers.
6. To enable DHCPv6-lite to assign the IP address, in the IPv6 DNS Servers area, for Use DHCPv6-lite
to Assign Address, select the toggle button.
7. If you did not enable DHCPv6-lite, type the IP addresses for the primary and alternate servers.
8. To generate a domain search list automatically, in the DNS Search Domains area, for Generate
Domain Search List Automatically, select the toggle button.
9. If you did not enable DHCP, type the IP addresses for the primary and alternate servers.
10. Click OK.
To configure the security settings:
1. In the Security Settings area, click Encryption, then select the appropriate security option. For the
mode of encryption that you selected, configure the security settings.
2. For WEP:
• To set a transmit key to active, click Transmit Key, then select an option.
• For each Transmit Key, type values into the corresponding fields.
3. For WPA2 Personal and Mixed Mode Personal, in the Passcode and Retype Passcode fields, type
the network passcode.
4. For WPA2 Enterprise and Mixed Mode Enterprise:
• Click Authentication Method, then select an option.
• If your system uses root certificates, click Root Certificate, then select an option.
• Type values for EAP Identity, Login Name, and Password.
5. Click OK.
To finish the Wi-Fi setup:
1. To activate your changes, at the prompt, click Restart Now.
2. Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the printer.
3. After the printer restarts, wait 2 minutes, then print a Configuration Report.
Note: The Configuration Report contains the IP address for the printer. For details, refer to
Printing the Configuration Report.
If the printer does not successfully connect with the wireless network, check your network information
and repeat this procedure.
S e t t i n g U p t h e Pr i n t e r fo r W i r e l e s s L A N W PA
Enterprise Encryption
WPA-Enterprise Encryption is supported only when Infrastructure is selected as the Network Type in
the Wi-Fi settings section.
Co n n e c t i n g t o W i - F i D i r e c t
You can connect to your printer from a Wi-Fi mobile device, such as a tablet, computer, or smart
phone, using Wi-Fi Direct. Wi-Fi Direct is disabled by default.
Note: Wireless networking is available only on printers with the optional Wireless Network
Adapter installed.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as a system administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Connections area, click Wi-Fi Direct.
3. To enable Wi-Fi Direct, click the Enable toggle button.
4. Click Group Role, then select an option. Options include Group Owner and Auto.
S e t t i n g G r o u p O w n e r a s G r o u p Ro l e
1. Click Group Role, then select Group Owner.
2. In the DHCP Server area, for IP Address, type the IP address.
3. If you are not using the default values for subnet mask, for Subnet Mask, type the subnet mask
4. To specify the amount of time that the printer retains the IP address, for IP Address Lease Time,
type a value in minutes.
5. In the Group Owner area, for SSID, type a name to appear in a list of available wireless networks
and devices.
S e t t i n g A u t o a s G r o u p Ro l e
1. Click Group Role, then select Auto.
2. For Device Name, type a name to appear in a list of available wireless networks and devices.
3. In the DHCP Server area, for IP Address, type the IP address.
4. If you are not using the default values for subnet mask, for Subnet Mask, type the subnet mask
5. To specify the amount of time that the printer retains the IP address, for IP Address Lease Time,
type a value in minutes.
6. Click OK.
D i s a b l i n g W i r e l e s s N e t w o r k i n g fr o m t h e C o n t r o l
Pa n e l
You can disable the wireless network from the printer control panel.
Note: Wireless networking is available only on printers with the optional Wireless Network
Adapter installed.
To disable wireless networking from the Control Panel:
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Log in as administrator. For details, refer to Accessing the Control Panel as a System
3. To open the Wi-Fi menu, touch Device→Connectivity→Wi-Fi.
4. To toggle Wi-Fi from On to Off, touch the Wi-Fi toggle button.
5. Touch OK.
6. Press the Home button.
7. For the setting to take effect, at the prompt, touch Restart Now.
• If the printer is connected to your wired network, you can configure wireless settings in the
Embedded Web Server.
• Before you begin, purchase and install the Xerox® Wireless Network Adapter. For
information on installing the Wireless Network Adapter, refer to the User Guide for your
printer model.
To verify the wireless status and locate the wireless IP address, print a Configuration Report. For
details, refer to Printing the Configuration Report. Examine the Connectivity Physical Connections,
Connectivity Protocols, and TCP/IPv4 sections of the report.
• The printer uses separate IP settings for wired and wireless connections. For more
information, refer to IP.
• When you switch from a wired connection to a wireless connection, the IP address of the
printer changes. The connection to the Embedded Web Server through your Web browser
closes. To reconnect to the Embedded Web Server, in your Web browser address field, type
the new IP address or host name of your printer.
C o n fi g u r i n g W i - F i fr o m t h e E m b e d d e d W e b S e r v e r
1. Connect the printer to a wired network.
2. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
3. In the Connections area, click Wi-Fi.
Note: Wi-Fi is available after you install the Xerox® Wireless Network Adapter.
1. To enable Wi-Fi, click the Enable toggle button.
2. Click Wi-Fi Band, then select an option.
3. For SSID, type the SSID for the network to which you want to connect.
4. Click Network Type, then select Infrastructure or Ad hoc, as needed.
5. In the TCP/IP Settings area, configure the settings for IPv4, IPv6, and DNS.
Note: The printer uses separate IP settings for wired and wireless network connections. For
details, refer to IP.
1. In the Security Settings area, click Encryption, then select a mode of encryption.
2. For the selected mode of encryption, configure the security settings.
• For WEP:
– To activate a transmit key, click Transmit Key.
– For each Transmit Key that you select, type values into the corresponding fields.
• For both WPA2 Personal and Mixed Mode Personal, type the network passcode in the Passcode
field and the Retype Passcode field.
C o n n e c t i n g t o a W i - F i N e t w o r k a t t h e C o n t r o l Pa n e l
To connect to a Wi-Fi network at the control panel:
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Log in as administrator. For details, refer to Accessing the Control Panel as a System
3. Touch Device→Connectivity→Wi-Fi.
4. To enable the Wi-Fi connection feature, touch the enable toggle button.
5. To connect automatically to an existing Wi-Fi network:
a. In the list of available Wi-Fi networks, touch the required network.
Note: If the required Wi-Fi network is not listed, or if the required network uses WPS,
configure the connection manually. For details, refer to step 6.
b. If needed, to log in to the network, type the password.
c. To select a Wi-Fi frequency band, touch Wi-Fi Band, then select an option.
Note: The Wi-Fi frequency band is set to AUTO by default.
d. Touch OK.
6. To connect manually to a Wi-Fi network:
a. Touch Manual Setup.
b. In the first field, type a name for the Wi-Fi network, then touch Enter.
c. Touch Network Type, then select an option.
d. Touch Security, then select an option.
e. Touch Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS), then select an option.
Note: For a WPS setup with a Push Button Connection (PBC), select PBC.
f. Touch OK.
C o n fi g u r i n g t h e P r i m a r y N e t w o r k a t t h e C o n t r o l Pa n e l
You can set the primary network connection type at the device control panel.
• A Primary Network setup is required only if the optional Wi-Fi network connection kit is
installed and enabled.
• By default, without a Wi-Fi network connection, the primary network is set to Ethernet.
When the kit is installed and enabled, the device acquires two network connections. One
network connection is primary, and the other network connection is secondary.
• The following features are available only over the primary network connection:
– IPsec
– WSD scan
– Scan to SFTP, Scan to SMB, Scan to Email
– UPnP discovery
– ThinPrint
– EIP Web Service
• If you remove the Wi-Fi network connection module, the primary network connection is set
to Ethernet.
To configure the Primary Network at the control panel:
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Log in as administrator. For details, refer to Accessing the Control Panel as a System
3. Touch Device→Connectivity→Primary Network.
4. Select the appropriate network connection type for the device.
5. To apply the changes and restart the device, at the prompt, touch Restart Now.
C o n fi g u r i n g t h e P r i m a r y N e t w o r k Fr o m t h e
E m b e d d e d We b S e r v e r
You can set the primary network connection type in the Embedded Web Server.
• A Primary Network setup in the Embedded Web Server is possible only if the optional Wi-Fi
connection kit is installed and enabled.
• By default, without a Wi-Fi connection, the primary network is set to Ethernet. When the kit
is installed and enabled, the device acquires two network connections. One network
connection is primary, and the other network connection is secondary.
• The following features are available only over the primary network connection:
– IPsec
– WSD scan
– Scan to SFTP, Scan to SMB, Scan to Email
– UPnP discovery
– ThinPrint
– EIP Web Service
• If you remove the Wi-Fi connection module, the primary network connection is set to
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as a system administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Connections area, click Ethernet.
3. In the Common area, click Edit.
4. Click Primary Network, then select the appropriate network connection type for the device.
5. Click OK.
6. To activate your changes, at the prompt, click Restart Now.
C o n fi g u r i n g W i - F i U s i n g a D i r e c t C o n n e c t i o n t o t h e
Pr i n t e r
To configure the settings for a wireless network, connect your computer directly to the printer using
an Ethernet cable, rather than through a wired network connection.
1. Ensure that the printer is not connected to a wired Ethernet network.
2. Restart the printer.
3. Generate a Configuration Report. For details, refer to Printing the Configuration Report. Note the
self-assigned IP address of the printer in the 169.254.x.x range.
D i s a b l i n g W i r e l e s s N e t w o r k i n g Fr o m t h e E m b e d d e d W e b S e r v e r
Note: Wireless networking is available only on printers with the optional Wireless Network
Adapter installed.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Connections area, click Wi-Fi.
3. Click the Enable toggle button.
4. Click OK.
5. To activate your changes, at the prompt, click Restart Now.
Wi-Fi Direct
A Wi-Fi Direct network connection enables devices to connect with each other without requiring a
wireless access point. You can connect to your printer from a Wi-Fi mobile device such as a tablet,
computer, or smart phone.
A Wi-Fi Direct connection does not require manual configuration.
• Wireless networking is available only on printers that have the optional Wireless Network
Adapter installed.
• The Wi-Fi Direct connection is disabled by default.
To configure Wi-Fi Direct from the Embedded Web Server:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. For Connections, click Wi-Fi Direct.
3. To enable Wi-Fi Direct, click the Enable toggle button.
4. Click Group Role, then select an option from the menu.
• To set the printer to configure the Group Role automatically:
– Select Auto.
– For Device Name, type a name for the printer.
• To set the printer as Group Owner for a Wi-Fi Direct group, similar to a wireless access point:
– Select Group Owner.
– In the Group Owner area, type the information for SSID and Passcode.
5. For DHCP Server:
• Type the IP Address and Subnet Mask.
• For IP Address Lease Time, type the number of minutes.
6. Click OK.
To configure Wi-Fi Direct at the control panel:
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Log in as administrator.
3. Touch Device→Connectivity→Wi-Fi Direct.
4. For Wi-Fi Direct, touch the enable toggle button.
5. Touch Setup.
6. Touch Group Role, then select an option.
7. If needed, touch SSID Suffix, then type a suffix.
8. If you selected Group Owner as the Group Role, in the Passcode field, enter an eight-character
9. Touch OK.
Note: For the new settings to take effect, restart your printer.
The printer provides multiple USB ports. The exact number varies, depending on the printer model. All
models have the following two USB ports:
• One host port on the front of the printer
• One target port on the back of the printer
In the Embedded Web Server, the USB configuration window provides two toggle buttons for
enabling USB:
• Enable: This toggle button enables and disables all the USB ports at the same time.
• USB Port: This toggle button enables and disables only the target port on the back of the printer.
To configure USB:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Connections area, click USB.
3. Enable a port.
• To enable USB communication on all USB ports, click the Enable toggle button.
• To enable the target USB port on the back of the printer, click the USB Port toggle button.
Note: To use the target USB port on the back of the printer, click both the Enable toggle
button and the USB Port toggle button.
1. To enable Printer Job Language, click the PJL toggle button.
2. Click Print Mode, then select a mode.
3. For Auto Job Timeout, type the amount of time in seconds that the printer waits inactive before
canceling the print job.
4. Click Adobe Communication Protocol, then select a protocol.
5. To enable PostScript® Wait Timeout (RAW Mode), click the toggle button.
6. Click OK.
Note: For the new settings to take effect, restart your printer.
Near field communication (NFC) is a technology that enables devices to communicate when they are
within 10 centimeters of each other.
You can use NFC to obtain the network interface to establish a TCP/IP connection between your
device and the printer.
• Currently, Xerox® VersaLink® printers only support NFC with Android-based devices.
• To print wirelessly after you enable NFC, install the Xerox Print Services plug-in on your
Android device. The plug-in is available from the Google Play store.
• For NFC to function properly, first enable NFC, then enable Plug-in Features.
To enable NFC:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as a system administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Connections area, click NFC.
3. To enable NFC, enable the toggle button.
4. Click OK.
To configure the device to use plug-ins:
1. Click System→Plug-in Settings.
2. For Plug-in Feature, enable the toggle button.
3. Click Close.
Note: For the new settings to take effect, restart your printer.
AirPrint is a software feature that allows you to print from wired or wireless Apple iOS-based mobile
devices and Mac OS-based devices without the need to install a print driver. AirPrint-enabled printers
allow you to print or fax directly from a Mac, an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
E n a b l i n g A i r Pr i n t
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Mobile Printing area, click AirPrint.
3. To enable AirPrint, for Enable, click the toggle button.
4. To enable access to the USB port, for USB Connection, click the toggle button.
5. In the Bonjour area:
• For Printer Name, type the name of the printer as you want it to appear on the LAN, Wi-Fi,
and Wi-Fi Direct networks.
• For Location, type the physical location of the printer.
• For Latitude and Longitude, type the geographical coordinates of the printer.
6. Click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g A i r Pr i n t fo r I P P A u t h e n t i c a t i o n
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Mobile Printing area, click AirPrint.
3. Ensure that the Enable toggle button is selected.
4. In the IPP Authentication area:
• To enable Basic Authentication, click the toggle button.
• For User Name, Password, and Retype Password, type the login credentials for the printer.
5. Click OK.
I m p o r t i n g a S e c u r i t y Ce r t i fi c a t e fo r A i r Pr i n t
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Mobile Printing area, click AirPrint. Ensure that the Enable toggle button is selected.
3. For Security Certificates area, click Edit.
4. Click Device Certificates, then select a category of certificates.
5. Select one or more certificates to import, then click Import. The Import Certificate window
a. Click Select, then navigate to the certificate that you want to import. Click Open.
b. For Password and Retype Password, type the password for the new certificate.
c. Click Import.
d. In the lower part of the Security Certificates window, click to select a certificate from the list.
If you want to select all the certificates in the list, click Select/Clear All.
e. Click Close.
f. Click OK.
Note: The Import function is accessible only if HTTPS SSL is enabled. For details, refer to
Co n fi g u r i n g A i r Pr i n t fo r S o f t w a r e U p d a t e s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. For Mobile Printing, click AirPrint.
3. To enable AirPrint, for Enable, click the toggle button.
4. For Software Update, click Edit and Check Now.
Note: The Edit and Check Now button takes you to the Software Update feature in the
Embedded Web Server. For details, refer to Updating the Printer Software.
C h e c k i n g Pr i n t e r S u p p l i e s i n A i r Pr i n t
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Mobile Printing area, click AirPrint.
3. To enable AirPrint, for Enable, click the toggle button.
4. In the Supplies area, click Check Status.
Note: The Check Status button takes you to the Supplies page in the Embedded Web
Server. For details, refer to Configuring Low Supply Warning
• Once the printer is registered, the word Registered appears in the printer status.
• The default printer name appears in this format: Model name (MAC address).
Mopria™ is a software feature that enables users to print from mobile devices without requiring a
print driver. You can use Mopria™ to print from your mobile device to Mopria™-enabled printers.
Note: To enable printing, install the Mopria™ app or plug-in available from the appropriate app
To configure Mopria™:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Mobile Printing area, click Mopria™.
3. Click On or Off, as needed.
4. Click OK.
Note: Mopria™ cannot be disabled when both the IPP port and Bonjour ports are enabled.
File Transport Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to pass and manipulate files over a
TCP/IP network. Several services running on your printer, including Network Scanning, Saved Jobs
Backup, and Software upgrade can use FTP as a filing service.
To configure FTP settings:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click FTP.
3. To enable FTP, for FTP Client Port, enable the toggle button.
4. To select a transfer mode, click Transfer Mode, then select an option.
• Passive Mode: This option transfers data over a random port specified by the FTP server from
a connection made from the printer.
• Active Mode: This option transfers data over a fixed, known port from a connection made
from the server.
5. Click OK.
Secure File Transport Protocol (SFTP) is a standard network protocol used to pass and manipulate files
over a TCP/IP network. SFTP works with Secure Socket Shell (SSH) to ensure that data is encrypted
and transferred securely.
To configure SFTP settings:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click SFTP.
3. To enable or disable SFTP, click the SFTP Client Port toggle button.
4. Click OK.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a request-response standard protocol between clients and
servers. Clients that make HTTP requests are called User Agents (UAs). Servers that respond to these
requests for resources, such as HTML pages, are called Origin Servers. There can be any number of
intermediaries, such as tunnels, proxies, or gateways between User Agents and Origin Servers.
Note: For more information about SSL/TLS settings, refer to Managing Settings for SSL/TLS.
C o n fi g u r i n g H T T P S e t t i n g s i n t h e E m b e d d e d W e b
S e r ve r
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click HTTP.
3. To change the HTTP port number, for Port Number, type a value in the field. The default is 80.
4. To enable HTTPS (SSL) communication, for Enable HTTPS, select the toggle button.
Note: Some features require HTTPS. When HTTPS is disabled, the features that require
HTTPS do not appear.
5. To change the HTTPS port number, for HTTPS Port Number, type a value in the field. The default
is 443.
6. For Maximum Connections, type a value in the field. The range is 1–8 connections.
7. For Connection Timeout, type a value in the field. The range is 1–255 seconds.
8. For Device Certificate, click Device Certificate, then select a value.
9. To enable CSRF Protection, select the toggle button.
10. To enable a proxy server, for Proxy Server, select the toggle button.
If you enabled a proxy server, in the Proxy Server area, click Setup, then select an option:
• To have the printer locate the proxy server using WAPD, select Automatic.
• To use the configured default proxy settings script, select Configuration Script, then type the
URL for the script.
• To enter an IP address for the proxy server, select Manual, then configure the following
– For Type, select the address type.
– For IP Address and Port, type the IP address and port number.
– To specify a password, for Password Required, select the toggle button.
– If you enabled a password, type the login information into the Login Name, Password,
and Retype Password fields.
– To specify IP addresses that do not go to the proxy server, for Exception List, type the IP
address or range of addresses.
11. Click OK.
Wi-Fi Direct
A Wi-Fi Direct network connection enables devices to connect with each other without requiring a
wireless access point. You can connect to your printer from a Wi-Fi mobile device such as a tablet,
computer, or smart phone.
A Wi-Fi Direct connection does not require manual configuration.
• Wireless networking is available only on printers that have the optional Wireless Network
Adapter installed.
• The Wi-Fi Direct connection is disabled by default.
To configure Wi-Fi Direct from the Embedded Web Server:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. For Connections, click Wi-Fi Direct.
3. To enable Wi-Fi Direct, click the Enable toggle button.
4. Click Group Role, then select an option from the menu.
• To set the printer to configure the Group Role automatically:
– Select Auto.
– For Device Name, type a name for the printer.
• To set the printer as Group Owner for a Wi-Fi Direct group, similar to a wireless access point:
– Select Group Owner.
– In the Group Owner area, type the information for SSID and Passcode.
5. For DHCP Server:
• Type the IP Address and Subnet Mask.
• For IP Address Lease Time, type the number of minutes.
6. Click OK.
To configure Wi-Fi Direct at the control panel:
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Log in as administrator.
3. Touch Device→Connectivity→Wi-Fi Direct.
4. For Wi-Fi Direct, touch the enable toggle button.
5. Touch Setup.
6. Touch Group Role, then select an option.
7. If needed, touch SSID Suffix, then type a suffix.
8. If you selected Group Owner as the Group Role, in the Passcode field, enter an eight-character
9. Touch OK.
Note: For the new settings to take effect, restart your printer.
E n a b l i n g H T T P S a t t h e C o n t r o l Pa n e l
1. At the printer control panel, log in as administrator, then press the Home button.
2. Touch Device→Connectivity.
3. Touch HTTPS.
4. Touch Enabled.
Note: When Secure HTTP is enabled, all pages in the Embedded Web Server contain https:// in
the URL for the webpage.
E n a b l i n g H T T P S U s i n g t h e E m b e d d e d We b S e r v e r
1. At your computer, open a Web browser. In the address field, type the IP address of the printer,
then press Enter or Return.
2. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as a system administrator. For details, refer to Accessing the
Embedded Web Server as a System Administrator.
3. Click Connectivity→HTTP.
4. To enable HTTPS, click the HTTPS (SSL) toggle button.
Note: A check mark on the toggle button indicates that the setting is enabled.
5. Click OK.
6. To activate your changes, at the prompt, click Restart Now.
Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol within the Internet Protocol Suite that manages the transmission
of messages from computer to computer.
C o n fi g u r i n g I P S e t t i n g s a t t h e C o n t r o l Pa n e l
Assigning the IP Address Manually
You can use the printer control panel to assign a static IP address to your printer. After you assign an
IP address, you can change it in the Embedded Web Server.
To assign a static IP address to the printer, ensure that you have the following information:
• An IP address that is configured properly for your network
• The Network Mask address
• The default router or gateway address
If your printer is on a network managed by a network administrator, contact your network
administrator to obtain the network information.
For a home network using routers or other devices to connect the printer to the network, refer to the
device instructions on assigning network addresses. The router or device documentation can give you
a range of acceptable address numbers you can use. It is important that the addresses are similar,
but not the same as, the IP addresses used by other printers and computers on the network. Only the
last digit of the IP address must be different. For example, your printer can have the IPv4 address while your computer has the IP address Another device can have the IP
The router can assign the static IP address of the printer to another computer that obtains its IP
address dynamically. To avoid having the IP address reassigned, provide the printer an address at the
higher end of the range allowed by the device. For example, if your computer has the IP address, and your device allows IP addresses to, select an address between and If your computer has an IP address of or higher,
select an address between and
• When you set a static IP address, Xerox recommends that you set a DHCP reservation at the
same time. For details, refer to your router documentation.
• In IPv6 network configurations, the IPv6 address is assigned automatically.
C o n fi g u r i n g t h e N e t w o r k A d d r e s s M a n u a l l y a t t h e C o n t r o l Pa n e l
1. At the printer control panel, log in as administrator, then press the Home button.
2. Touch Device→Connectivity→Ethernet→IPv4.
3. For Enable IPv4, select the toggle button.
4. Touch Mode, then touch Static.
5. When prompted with an acknowledgement message about the printer restarting, touch
Note: The printer restarts later in the procedure.
6. One at a time, touch the fields for IPv4 Address, IP Gateway Address, and Network Mask Address,
then type the IP addresses into the fields. After each address, touch Enter.
7. Touch Restart.
The printer restarts.
C o n fi g u r i n g I P S e t t i n g s i n t h e E m b e d d e d W e b S e r v e r
If your printer has a valid network address, you can configure TCP/IP settings in the Embedded Web
Server. For details, refer to Assigning a Network Address.
S e l e c t i n g B e t w e e n I P v 4 a n d I P v 6 Pr o t o c o l s
You can configure the printer to communicate with networks that use IPv4, IPv6, or both.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Connections area, click Ethernet.
3. In the Common area, click Edit.
4. For Host Name, type the name to appear for the printer.
5. Click IP Mode, then select an option.
Note: The Dual Stack setting allows the router to assign IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses, as needed.
1. When in Dual Stack mode, you can give priority to the IPv6 address for resources. For IPv6 Priority
over IPv4 at Domain Name Resolution, enable the toggle button.
2. Click OK.
C o n fi g u r i n g I P v 4 S e t t i n g s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Connections area, click Ethernet.
3. In the IPv4 area, click Edit.
4. For Mode, select an option:
• DHCP with Auto IP: This option allows the printer to assign an IP address when a DHCP
server is not on the network or is not responding. The printer sends a request for an IP address
to a DHCP server. If the printer does not receive a response, then the printer automatically
assigns an IP address.
• Static: This option disables dynamic addressing and allows you to type a static IP address.
Type an IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway Address.
• BOOTP: This option permits the printer to obtain an IP address from a BOOTP server that is
not configured to accept DHCP requests.
• DHCP: This option permits the printer to obtain an IP address from a DHCP server or from a
BOOTP server that is configured to accept DHCP requests. The printer requests that the server
register the IP address and hostname of the printer with the DNS server.
5. To release the DCHP address when the printer is powered off, for Release current IP when the
Device is powered off, select the toggle button.
6. Click OK.
• For the new settings to take effect, restart the printer.
• Changing the IP address disconnects the Embedded Web Server.
• To reconnect to the Embedded Web Server, in the address field of the Web browser, type
the new IP address of the printer.
C o n fi g u r i n g I P v 6 S e t t i n g s
IPv6 hosts can configure themselves automatically when connected to a routed IPv6 network using
the Internet Control Message Protocol Version 6 (ICMPv6). ICMPv6 performs error reporting for IP
along with other diagnostic functions. When first connected to a network, a host sends a link-local
multicast router solicitation request for configuration parameters. If suitably configured, routers
respond to this request with a router advertisement packet containing network-layer configuration
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Connections area, click Ethernet.
3. In the IPv6 area, click Edit.
4. To select how DHCP operates for IPv6, click Purpose, then select an option.
5. If you have enabled Manual Address, type values for Manual Address and Gateway Address.
6. Click OK.
Note: For the new settings to take effect, restart the printer. Changing the IP address
disconnects the Embedded Web Server.
7. To reconnect to the Embedded Web Server, in the address field of the Web browser, type the new
IP address of the printer.
C o n fi g u r i n g D N S S e t t i n g s
Domain Name System (DNS) is a system that maps host names to IP addresses.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Connections area, click Ethernet.
3. In the DNS area, click Edit.
4. For Domain Name, type a unique name for your printer. If the host name registers to the DNS
server successfully, the host name appears as a Verified Host Name. The default host name is
XRXxxx, where xxx is the MAC address of the printer.
Note: If no host name appears on the network, the host name did not register to the DNS
server successfully. Configure your DHCP server to perform updates on behalf of the DHCP
1. For Connection Timeout, type the amount of time to wait before the connection times out.
2. For IPv4 DNS Servers, to let DHCP assign address, for Use DHCP to Assign Address, enable the
toggle button. If you do not use DHCP, enter the following information:
• For Primary Server, type the IP address for the primary DNS server.
• For Alternate Server 1, type the IP address for the first alternate DNS server.
• For Alternate Server 2, type the IP address for the second alternate DNS server.
3. For IPv4 DNS Servers, to let DHCP assign the address, for Use DHCPv6-lite to Assign Address,
enable the toggle button. If you do not use DHCP, enter the following information:
• For Primary Server, type the IP address for the primary DNS server.
• For Alternate Server 1, type the IP address for the first alternate DNS server.
• For Alternate Server 2, type the IP address for the second alternate DNS server.
4. For DNS Search Domains, select Generate Search Domain List Automatically. Alternatively, you
can define up to three DNS Search domains.
• For Primary Domain, type the IP address for the primary DNS server.
• For Alternate Domain 1, type the IP address for the first alternate DNS server.
• For Alternate Domain 2, type the IP address for the second alternate DNS server.
5. Click OK.
C o n fi g u r i n g D N S S e t t i n g s
Domain Name System (DNS) is a system that maps host names to IP addresses.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Connections area, click Ethernet.
3. In the DNS area, click Edit.
4. For Domain Name, type a unique name for your printer. If the host name registers to the DNS
server successfully, the host name appears as a Verified Host Name. The default host name is
XRXxxx, where xxx is the MAC address of the printer.
Note: If no host name appears on the network, the host name did not register to the DNS
server successfully. Configure your DHCP server to perform updates on behalf of the DHCP
1. For Connection Timeout, type the amount of time to wait before the connection times out.
2. For IPv4 DNS Servers, to have DHCP assign address, for Use DHCP to Assign Address, enable the
toggle button. If you do not use DHCP, enter the following information:
• For Primary Server, type the IP address for the primary DNS server.
• For Alternate Server 1, type the IP address for the first alternate DNS server.
• For Alternate Server 2, type the IP address for the second alternate DNS server.
3. For IPv6 DNS Servers, to have DHCP assign the address, for Use DHCPv6-lite to Assign Address,
enable the toggle button. If you do not use DHCP, enter the following information:
• For Primary Server, type the IP address for the primary DNS server.
• For Alternate Server 1, type the IP address for the first alternate DNS server.
• For Alternate Server 2, type the IP address for the second alternate DNS server.
4. For DNS Search Domains, select Generate Search Domain List Automatically. Alternatively, you
can define up to three DNS Search domains.
• For Primary Domain, type the IP address for the primary DNS server.
• For Alternate Domain 1, type the IP address for the first alternate DNS server.
• For Alternate Domain 2, type the IP address for the second alternate DNS server.
5. Click OK.
C o n fi g u r i n g 8 0 2 . 1 X S e t t i n g s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Connections area, click Ethernet.
3. In the 802.1X area, click Setup.
4. For Enable 802.1X, click the toggle button.
5. Click Authentication Method, then select an option.
6. For Certificate Verification, click the toggle button.
7. For the login credentials, type values for User Name (Device Name), Password, and Retype
8. Click OK.
Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) is a standard network protocol that allows you to print and manage
jobs remotely. When IPP is configured, IPP authentication allows users to authenticate their identities
using IPP through HTTP authentication methods. An IPP client can pass user credentials to the printer
to use for authentication.
To configure IPP:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. For Protocols, click IPP.
3. For Port, enable the toggle button.
4. For PJL, enable the toggle button.
5. For print mode, click Print Mode, then select an option. The default value is Auto.
6. For Alternate Port (IPP), enable the toggle button.
7. If you enabled Alternate Port (IPP), for Alternate Port Number (IPP), type a port number in the
field, or use the default port number of 80.
8. For Alternate Port (IPPS), enable the toggle button.
9. If you enabled Alternate Port (IPPS), for Alternate Port Number (IPPS), type a port number in the
field, or use the default port number of 443.
10. For TBCP Filter, enable the toggle button.
11. For Password Required, enable the toggle button.
12. For Connection Timeout, enable the toggle button.
13. If you enabled Connection Timeout, for Timeout, type the number of seconds in the field.
14. Click OK.
Note: For the new settings to take effect, restart your printer.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a protocol used to process queries and updates to an
LDAP information directory, on an external server. LDAP can also be used for network authentication
and authorization. LDAP directories are optimized heavily for read performance. Use this page to
define how the printer retrieves user information from an LDAP directory.
A d d i n g L DA P S e r v e r I n fo r m a t i o n
The LDAP Server page displays the current LDAP servers configured for your printer. You can configure
a maximum of nine LDAP servers for your printer.
Co n fi g u r i n g L DA P S e r v e r B a s i c I n fo r m a t i o n
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click LDAP.
3. Click LDAP Servers/Directory Services.
4. In the Server Information area:
• For IP Address/Host Name : Port, type an IP address or host name for the LDAP server and, if
needed, a port number.
• For Backup IP Address/Host Name : Port, type an IP address or host name for the backup
LDAP server and, if needed, a port number.
• Click LDAP Server, then select a server type.
For more settings, continue with Configuring LDAP Server Additional Information.
Co n fi g u r i n g L DA P S e r v e r A d d i t i o n a l I n fo r m a t i o n
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click LDAP.
3. Click LDAP Servers/Directory Services.
In the Advanced Settings area:
4. For Search Directory Root, in Base DN format, type the root path of the search directory.
Note: For details on Base DN, refer to the RFC 2849 - LDAP Data Interchange Format
Technical Specification on the Internet Engineering Task Force website.
5. To specify the login credentials to access the LDAP directory, click Login Credentials for
Database Search, then select an option.
• Logged-in User: This option instructs the printer to log in to the LDAP server with the
credentials of the user that is logged in to the device.
• Predefined: This option instructs the printer to use specific credentials when the printer
accesses the LDAP server. If you select Predefined, for Login Name and Password, type the
6. For Login, Password, and Retype Password, type the login credentials for the LDAP server.
7. For Maximum Number of Search Results, type a number. The default is 50.
C o n f i r m i n g L DA P U s e r M a p p i n g s
LDAP servers display various results, depending on how they implement mappings. You can map LDAP
fields to fields on your printer, and edit current map settings for fine-tuned server search results.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click LDAP.
3. Click LDAP User Mappings.
4. In the Search area, for User Name, type a user name, then click Search.
5. For Search Conditions, click the menu for each field, then remap the field as needed. The schema
on the LDAP server defines the headings.
6. Click OK.
Note: If the user mapping is incorrect, an LDAP search in the Embedded Web Server can work
properly, but authentication at the printer still fails.
C o n f i g u r i n g L DA P A u t h e n t i c a t i o n
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click LDAP.
3. Click LDAP Authentication.
4. Click Authentication Method, then select an option.
5. To specify a user name as a search parameter, for Common Name, type the user name for the
authorized user.
6. To specify a login name as a search parameter, for Login User Name, type the login name for the
authorized user.
7. To add a text string to a user name, for Use Added Text String, click the toggle button.
8. If you enabled Use Added Text String, for Added Text String, type the text string to add for
9. Click OK.
Type the LDAP search string or filter where LDAP represents the string provided for the query. The
filter defines a series of conditions that the LDAP search must fulfill to return the desired information.
For example, to ensure that only a person is returned rather than equipment or conference rooms,
type (objectClass=user) (sAMAccountName=LDAP.
L DA P C u s t o m F i l t e r s
You can edit custom filters so that text strings typed at the control panel are changed to match the
format that the LDAP server requires.
There are three types of filters that you can customize:
• User ID Query Filter: This option allows you to customize the standard filter that the printer uses
when searching for the name of the logged-in user. For example, when remote authorization is
configured, and a user logs in at the control panel, the printer searches the authorization server
using this filter. The standard filter looks in the field mapped as the Login Name field. If you are
using an ADS LDAP server, this field is typically sAMAccountName. If you want a search for a
specific person to return an exact match, do not use wildcard characters.
• Email Address Book Filter: This option allows you to customize the standard filter when a user
performs a search in the Network Address Book.
• Fax Address Book Filter: This option allows you to customize the standard filter when a user
performs a search in the Fax Address Book.
C o n f i g u r i n g L DA P C u s t o m F i l t e r s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click LDAP.
3. Click Custom Filters.
4. For User ID Query Filter, type the LDAP search string or filter where LDAP represents the string
provided for the query. The filter defines a series of conditions that the LDAP search must fulfill to
return the needed information. For example, to ensure that only a user name is returned, rather
than equipment names or conference room names, type (objectClass=user)
5. To add a custom filter for email address returns, for Email Address Book Filter, click the toggle
6. Type the LDAP search string or filter as needed, where LDAP represents the string provided for the
query. The filter defines a series of conditions that the LDAP search must fulfill to return the
needed information. For example, to find users only, type (ObjectClass=Person)&(cn=
7. To add a custom filter for fax address returns, for Fax Address Book Filter, click the toggle button.
8. Type the LDAP search string or filter as needed, where LDAP represents the string provided for the
query. The filter defines a series of conditions that the LDAP search must fulfill to return the
needed information. For example, to find users only, type (ObjectClass=Person)&(cn=
9. Click OK.
C o n f i g u r i n g L DA P t o A c c e s s A d d r e s s B o o k
I n fo r m a t i o n
You can configure the printer to allow the logged-in user to access address book information that is
stored on an LDAP server. The logged-in user can access address book contact information based on
the permissions set for the user on the LDAP server.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator.
2. Check the date and time on the printer. For details, refer to Setting the Date and Time.
Note: Ensure that the date and time on the printer is within 5 minutes of the date and
time on the authenticating server. Xerox recommends that you assign the printer to the
same time server that the LDAP server uses. For configuration details, refer to SNTP.
3. Configure LDAP. To configure the LDAP Server, click Connectivity→LDAP→LDAP Servers/
Directory Services. For details, refer to Adding LDAP Server Information.
4. Configure authentication to use the Network login method for LDAP or Kerberos, depending on
your server. For details, refer to Setting the Network Login Method.
Note: If you do not know your server type, contact your network administrator.
5. Set Guest Access to No Access. This setting requires that all users log in to access printer
functions. For details, refer to Editing Guest Access.
The Line Printer Daemon (LPD) protocol provides printer spooling and network print server
functionality for UNIX-based systems, such as HP-UX, Linux, and Macintosh®. Windows®uses LPD for
LPR print protocol.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click LPD.
3. For Port, enable the toggle button.
4. For Port Number, type a value.
5. For PJL, enable the toggle button.
6. Click Print Mode, then select an option.
7. For TBCP Filter, enable the toggle button.
8. For Timeout, type the number of seconds that the printer waits when a job is interrupted and
data stops arriving.
9. For Maximum Number of Sessions, type the maximum number of simultaneous jobs that the
printer can accept.
10. Click Parameter Text String Encoding, then select an option.
11. To use TCP-MSS, enable the toggle button, then for IPv4 Subnet 1, IPv4 Subnet 2, and IPv4
Subnet 3, type the IP addresses and port numbers.
12. Click OK.
C o n fi g u r i n g Ra w T C P / I P S e t t i n g s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click Port 9100.
3. For Port, enable toggle button.
4. For Port Number, ensure that the Port is set to 9100.
5. For PJL, enable the toggle button.
6. Click Print Mode, then select an option.
7. For Timeout, type the number of seconds.
8. For TBCP Filter, enable the toggle button.
9. To use TCP-MSS, enable the toggle button, then for IPv4 Subnet 1, IPv4 Subnet 2, and IPv4
Subnet 3, type the IP addresses and ports.
10. Click OK.
Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) is a standard for public key encryption and
signing of MIME data.
To configure S/MIME:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity→S/MIME.
2. For Enable, click the toggle button.
3. In the S/MIME Setting area:
• Click Message Digest Algorithm, then select an option.
• Click Message Encryption Algorithm, then select an option.
4. In the Email area, to hide recipient addresses, for Send to Each Address but Hide Recipients
Addresses, click the enable toggle button.
5. Click OK.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an Internet standard used to transmit email across IP
networks. Your printer uses SMTP to transmit scanned images, Internet fax jobs, and alerts through
To configure SMTP Server settings:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click SMTP.
3. For Email Submission, click the toggle button.
4. To have the printer send email alerts, for Email Notification, click the toggle button.
5. For Device Email, type the email address assigned to the printer.
6. In the SMTP Server area:
• Click Server Address.
• Enter the name of the SMTP server in one of the following ways:
– In the Server Address field, type the name of the SMTP server.
– To search for the server, click Select Server from List, click Search, select an SMTP server,
then click OK.
• For Outgoing SMTP Port Number, type the port number of the server that sends email. The
default port number is 25.
7. In the Connection Security area, select a security protocol. If no protocol is used by your SMTP
server, select Off.
• If you do not know the encryption method that your server supports, select STARTTLS (If
available). If you select STARTTLS (If available), the printer attempts to use STARTTLS. If
your server does not support STARTTLS, SMTP communication is not encrypted.
• If your email server requires encryption but does not offer a STARTTLS command to the
printer, the email process fails.
1. In the Outgoing SMTP Authentication area:
• To enable SMTP authentication, click SMTP Authentication, then from the menu, select SMTP
• If you enabled SMTP authentication, then for SMTP AUTH User Name, SMTP AUTH Password,
and Retype Password, type the login credentials.
• If you enabled SMTP authentication, click Validation Type, then select an option.
– On Device: The printer uses the values for SMTP AUTH User Name and SMTP AUTH
Password to submit to the SMTP server.
– On Network: The printer uses the network login credentials for the user to send an email
to the SMTP server.
Server Message Block (SMB) is a client server, request-response protocol that provides shared access
to files, printers, ports, and miscellaneous communications between nodes on a network.
Note: For details on how to set up scanning to a shared folder, refer to Scanning Setup
To configure SMB:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click SMB.
3. For Port, enable the toggle button.
4. If needed, for WINS Server Address Acquisition by DHCP, enable the toggle button.
5. If you did not enable WINS Server Address Acquisition by DHCP:
• For Primary WINS Server Address, type the IP address for your primary WINS server.
• For Secondary WINS Server Address, type the IP address for your secondary WINS server.
Note: If DHCP is configured, WINS IP addresses are overridden.
6. Click OK.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a set of network protocols designed to allow you to
manage and monitor devices on your network.
You can use the SNMP configuration pages in the Embedded Web Server to:
• Enable or disable Authentication Failure Generic Traps.
• Enable SNMPv3 to create an encrypted channel for secure printer management.
• Assign privacy, authentication protocols, and keys to Administrative and key user accounts.
• Assign read and write access to User accounts.
• Limit SNMP access to the printer using hosts.
C o n fi g u r i n g S N M P v 1 / v 2 c
SNMP version 1 (SNMPv1) is the initial implementation of the SNMP protocol. SNMPv1 operates over
protocols such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP), IP, and Novell Internet Packet Exchange (IPX).
SNMPv2c includes improvements in performance, confidentiality, and manager-to-manager
communications over SNMPv1, however it uses the simple-community based security scheme of
SNMPv1/v2c uses the following community names:
• Community Name Read Only: The Community Name Read Only returns the password for the
SNMP GET requests to the printer. Applications that obtain information from the printer using
SNMP, such as the Embedded Web Server, use this password. The default value is public.
• Community Name Read/Write: The Community Name Read/Write returns the password for the
SNMP SET requests to the printer. Applications that set information on the printer using SNMP use
this password. The default value is private.
• Default TRAP Community Name: The Default TRAP Community Name specifies the default
community name for all traps that the printer generates. Individual Trap Community Names that
are specified for each trap destination address can override the community name. Ensure that you
make each Trap Community Name unique. The default value is SNMP_trap.
Note: Changes made to the community names for this printer require corresponding changes
to GET or SET community name applications using SNMP.
To configure SNMPv1/v2c:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click SNMP.
3. For Port, click the toggle button.
4. For Send Authentication Error Traps, click the toggle button.
5. Click SNMPv1/v2.
6. If needed, for Community Name Read Only, type an SNMP GET name.
7. If needed, for Community Name Read/Write, type an SNMP SET name.
8. If needed, for Default Trap Community Name, type an SNMP trap name.
9. In the System Administrator Login ID area, type the login ID for the administrator.
10. You can set Trap Destinations for LAN1 and Wi-Fi. For Trap Destination:
• Click an available field.
• Select the address type. Options include IPv4, IPv6, or Host Name.
• For IP Address/Host Name and Port, type the IP address or the network host name for the
Trap Destination, then type the port number.
• For Trap Community Name, type a name.
• For Traps to Be Received, select the traps that the SNMP manager receives. For each item,
enable the toggle button.
• Click OK.
11. Click OK.
C o n fi g u r i n g S N M P v 3
SNMPv3 is the current standard version of SNMP defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF). SNMPv3 provides three important security features:
• Message integrity to ensure that tampering with a packet does not occur during transit
• Authentication to verify that the message is from a valid source
• Encryption of packets to prevent unauthorized access
• Ensure that HTTPS SSL communication is enabled. For details, refer to Configuring HTTP
Settings in the Embedded Web Server.
• To use SNMPv3 in FIPS Mode, enable FIPS 140-2. For details, refer to FIPS 140-2.
Ed i t i n g S N M P v 3 Pr o p e r t i e s
• To change the settings for SNMPv3, first enable HTTPS (SSL) communication. For details,
refer to Enabling HTTPS at the Control Panel.
• To use SNMPv3 in FIPS mode, first enable FIPS 140-2. For details, refer to FIPS 140-2.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click SNMP.
3. For Port, select the toggle button.
4. Click SNMPv3.
5. For Enable (Read), select the toggle button.
6. To enable write access, for Write, select the toggle button.
7. To enable the system administrator account, for System Administrator Account, select the toggle
Note: When using SNMPv3 in FIPS mode, Message Digest Algorithm is set to SHA-1 and
Message Encryption Algorithm is set to AES-128 automatically. To change these options,
first disable FIPS mode. For details, refer to FIPS 140-2.
a. For Message Digest Algorithm, select MD5 or SHA-1.
b. Type the authentication password, then retype the password.
c. For Message Encryption Algorithm, select DES or AES-128.
d. Type the encryption password, then retype the password.
8. To enable the print drivers account, for Print Drivers Account, select the toggle button.
Note: When using SNMPv3 in FIPS mode, the Message Digest Algorithm and Message
Encryption Algorithm options are set automatically. To change these options, first disable
FIPS mode. For details, refer to FIPS 140-2.
9. To configure trap destinations, click any available trap destination field, then configure as
• For Type, click IPv4, IPv6, or Host Name.
• For IP Address: Port or Host Name: Port, type the IP address or host name.
• Click User Name, then select an option.
• For Traps to Be Received, to enable specific traps, for each trap, select the toggle button.
• Click OK.
10. Click OK.
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) synchronizes the internal clocks of computers over a network
To configure SNTP:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click SNTP.
3. For Time Server Synchronization, click the toggle button to enable.
4. Click OK.
5. For Time Server Address, type the IP address or host name for the time server.
6. For Time Synchronization Interval, type the synchronization interval in hours.
7. Click OK.
Note: For the new settings to take effect, restart your printer.
SOAP is an open-standard, platform-independent, XML-based messaging protocol that allows
computers and networks using different operating systems to exchange information.
To enable SOAP:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity→SOAP.
2. For Port, click the enable toggle button.
3. Click OK.
Web Services for Devices (WSD) is technology from Microsoft that provides a standard method for
discovering and using network connected devices. It is supported in Windows Vista, Windows Server
2008, and newer operating systems. WSD is one of several supported communication protocols.
Note: To use WSD Scan services, ensure that your computer is set up to receive scans using
WSD Scan services.
Enabling WSD
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Protocols area, click WSD (Web Services on Devices).
3. To enable WSD for scanning services, for WSD Scan, enable the toggle button.
4. To enable WSD for printing services, for WSD Print, enable the toggle button.
5. For Port Number, type a port number or TCP/IP socket number.
6. For PJL, enable the toggle button.
7. Click Print Mode, then select an option.
8. Click TBCP Filter, then select Enabled or Disabled.
9. For Data Reception Timeout, type the amount of time to wait before the data receiving
connection times out. The default is 30 seconds.
10. For Notification Delivery Timeout, type the amount of time to wait before the delivery
notification connection times out. The default is 8 seconds.
11. For Maximum IP Packet TTL, type a value for the maximum number of hops.
12. To load balance the number of subscribers, for Maximum Number of Subscribers, type a number.
The default is 50.
13. Click OK.
Authorization is the function of specifying the features that users are allowed to access, and the
process of approving or disapproving access. You can configure the printer to allow users to access the
printer, but restrict access to certain features, tools, and apps. For example, you can allow users to
access copying but restrict access to scanning. You can also control access to features at specific
times of the day. For example, you can restrict a group of users from printing during peak business
There are two types of authorization:
• Local Authorization verifies user information on the printer to approve access.
• Network Authorization verifies user information stored externally in a network database, such as
an LDAP directory, to approve access.
Pe r s o n a l i z a t i o n
Personalization is the process of customizing services for a specific user. The printer searches an LDAP
directory for the home directory and email address of a user when using Scan to Home, or Email
Scanning features.
Co n fi g u r i n g Pe r m i s s i o n s fo r Pe r s o n a l Fa vo r i t e s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Roles→Device
User Roles.
Note: Before you can edit or create a Device User Role, the printer requires that you
change the administrator password from its default value. If you have already changed the
administrator password, you do not need to change it again. For details, refer to Changing
the System Administrator Password.
2. For the user role for which you want to configure permissions, click Edit.
3. For Control Panel Permissions, select Custom Permissions.
4. Click Setup.
The Custom Permissions Setup page opens.
5. Click Address Book.
6. For Access Address Book, select Allow.
7. Click OK.
78 Xerox® VersaLink® Series Multifunction and Single Function Printers
System Administrator Guide
S e t t i n g t h e S i m p l e Lo g i n M e t h o d
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Login/Logout
2. For Simple, click Select.
3. Select the method for users to identify themselves.
4. Click OK.
5. If a confirmation message appears that prompts you to restart the printer, click Change.
S e t t i n g t h e Lo c a l Lo g i n M e t h o d
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Login/Logout
2. For Local, click Select.
3. Select the method for users to identify themselves.
4. Click OK.
5. If a confirmation message appears that prompts you to restart the printer, click Change.
User Database
The user database stores user credential information. The printer uses this information for local
authentication and authorization, and for Xerox ® Standard Accounting. When you configure local
authentication, the printer checks the credentials that a user provides against the information in the
user database. When you configure local authorization, the printer checks the user database to
determine which features the user is allowed to access.
Note: User names and passwords stored in the user database are not transmitted over the
S e t t i n g t h e N e t w o r k Lo g i n M e t h o d
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Login/Logout
2. For Network, click Select.
3. Select an authentication protocol, then click Next.
4. Configure the authentication protocol, then click Done.
• For details on configuring the Kerberos (Windows ADS) protocol, refer to Configuring
Authentication Server Settings for Kerberos.
• For details on configuring the SMB (Windows ADS) protocol, refer to Configuring
Authentication Server Settings for SMB.
• For details on configuring the LDAP protocol, refer to Configuring Authentication Server
Settings for LDAP.
5. If a confirmation message appears that prompts you to restart the printer, click Change.
3. In the Default Server area, for Server Address, type the IP address for your authentication server.
4. For each alternate server, as needed, type the domain and server address.
5. To remove an alternate server from the list, click the Trash icon.
6. When you have entered information for all servers, click Done.
S e t t i n g t h e Co n v e n i e n c e Lo g i n M e t h o d
For Convenience Authentication, the card uses either a magnetic strip or an RFID. A convenience
authentication card is different from a Smart Card, which uses an embedded chip. Smart Card use
typically requires login and password credentials.
To set the Convenience login method:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Login/Logout
2. For Convenience, click Select.
Note: The Convenience login method requires that HTTP SSL-TLS is set to On. For details,
refer to Configuring HTTP Settings in the Embedded Web Server.
3. In the Server area, type the IP address and path for the server.
4. To allow users to log in without a card, in the Alternate Login area, select Yes.
5. In the Accounting Codes area, select a source for the accounting code.
Note: The Accounting Codes area appears only if you have enabled Accounting.
6. To configure a local login method, in the Device Website Login Method area:
a. If Local is not currently selected, click Select.
b. When Local is selected, click Edit.
c. Select a method for users to identify themselves, then click OK.
7. If you are prompted to restart the printer, click Restart Later.
8. To configure a network login method, in the Device Website Login Method area:
a. If Network is not currently selected, for Network, click Select.
S e t t i n g t h e S m a r t C a r d Lo g i n M e t h o d
For Smart Card authentication, the card uses an embedded chip and typically requires login and
password credentials. A Smart Card is different from a convenience authentication card, which uses a
magnetic strip or RFID. Convenience authentication card use typically does not require a login.
Note: You cannot use Xerox® Standard Accounting with Smart Card authentication.
S e t t i n g Pa ra m e t e r s fo r Lo g i n , Lo g o u t , a n d Pa s s w o r d
S e t t i n g L o g i n Pa r a m e t e r s
You can adjust the settings for user logins from the printer control panel, including:
• Login name case-sensitivity
• Number of failed login attempts that are allowed
S e t t i n g L o g o u t Pa r a m e t e r s
You can set the parameters for user account logouts on the printer. You can set an immediate log out,
or you can set the printer to display a confirmation message before logging out users.
To select a logout parameter:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Login/Logout
2. In the Logout Confirmation area, select an option.
C o n fi g u r i n g Pa s s w o r d R u l e s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Password Rules.
2. For Minimum Length, type the minimum number of characters allowed for passwords to access
the printer.
3. For Maximum Length, type the maximum number of characters allowed for passwords to access
the printer.
4. To specify if a password can contain a user name, click Password Contains User Name, then
select an option.
5. To specify if passwords require numbers or non-alphanumeric characters, click Password
Complexity, then select an option.
6. Click OK.
A d d i n g a N e w D e v i c e U s e r Ro l e
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Roles→Device
User Roles.
2. For Device User Roles, click the Plus icon (+).
3. To create a role, select Add New Role.
4. For Role Name, type a name for the new Role.
5. For What makes this role unique?, type a short description of the new Role.
6. In the Control Panel Permissions area, select the level of functionality that you want to assign to
the Role.
7. If you clicked Custom Permissions:
• Click Setup.
• For each application that you want to edit, click the application, select the needed access,
then click OK.
• When finished, click Close.
8. In the Device Website Permissions area, select the level of functionality that you want to assign
to the Role.
9. If you clicked Custom Permissions:
• Click Setup.
• For each function that you want to edit, click the function, select the needed access, then click
• When finished, click Close.
10. Click OK.
C r e a t i n g a C u s t o m P r i n t i n g U s e r Ro l e
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Roles→Printing
User Roles.
2. For Printing User Roles, click the Plus icon (+).
3. To create a role, select Create New Role.
4. For Role Name, type a name for the new Role.
5. For What makes this role unique?, type a short description of the new Role.
6. In the Printing Permissions area, select the level of functionality that you want to assign to the
7. If you clicked Custom Permissions:
• In the Print Time Permissions area, click Setup. Select the appropriate options, then click OK.
• In the Allowed Job Types area, click the toggle buttons to disable any job types that you want
to restrict.
• In the 1-sided Output area, select an option.
• In the Allowed Paper Trays area, to select an option, click the toggle button.
• In the Application Permissions area, click Setup.
• For each application that you want to edit, click the application, select the needed access,
then click OK. When finished, click Close.
8. Click OK.
C o p y i n g a n E x i s t i n g D e v i c e U s e r Ro l e
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Roles→Device
User Roles.
2. For Device User Roles, click the Plus icon (+).
3. Click Add New Role from Existing.
4. Click the menu, then select the role that you want to copy.
5. To add members to the role, click Yes.
6. Click OK.
C o p y i n g a n E x i s t i n g P r i n t i n g U s e r Ro l e
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Roles→Printing
User Roles.
2. For Printing User Roles, click the Plus icon (+).
3. Click Add New Role from Existing.
4. Click the menu, then select the role that you want to copy.
5. To add members to the role, click Yes.
6. If you clicked Yes to add members:
• Select the members that you want to add.
• Click Done.
7. For Role Name, type a name for the new Role.
8. For What makes this role unique?, type a short description of the new Role.
9. In the Printing Permissions area, select the level of functionality that you want to assign to the
E d i t i n g a D e v i c e U s e r Ro l e
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Roles→Device
User Roles.
2. For the Role that you want to edit, click Edit.
3. Edit the settings as needed, then click OK.
E d i t i n g a P r i n t i n g U s e r Ro l e
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Roles→Printing
User Roles.
2. For the Role that you want to edit, click Edit.
3. Edit the settings as needed, then click OK.
A d d i n g M e m b e r s t o a Ro l e
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions.
2. In the User Accounts area, click the user to add to the Role.
3. To add the user to a Device User Role, in the Roles area, click Device User Role.
4. Select the Role where you want to add the user, then click OK.
5. To add the user to a Printing User Role, in the Roles area, click Printing User Role.
6. Select the Role where you want to add the user, then click OK.
Re m o v i n g M e m b e r s fr o m a Ro l e
To remove a member from a Role, use the steps for adding a member to a Role, then move the user to
a different role. For details, refer to Adding Members to a Role.
D e l e t i n g a D e v i c e U s e r Ro l e
Note: You cannot delete the Basic User Role and System Administrator Role.
D e l e t i n g a P r i n t i n g U s e r Ro l e
Note: You cannot delete the Basic Printing User Role.
Ed i t i n g G u e s t A c c e s s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Roles.
2. For Guest Access, click Edit.
3. To edit the Device User Role functions:
• Click Device User Role
• Configure the settings as needed, then click OK.
4. To edit the Printing User Role functions:
• Click Printing User Role.
• Configure the settings as needed, then click OK.
C o n f i g u r i n g L DA P Pe r m i s s i o n s G r o u p s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Roles→Setup
LDAP Permissions Groups.
2. Select New LDAP Server, then click OK.
For details on settings for LDAP, refer to Adding LDAP Server Information.
Security Certificates
A digital certificate is a file that contains data used to verify the identity of the client or server in an
encrypted network transaction. A certificate contains a public key used to create and verify digital
signatures. To prove identity to another device, a device presents a certificate trusted by the other
device. The device can present a certificate signed by a trusted third party and a digital signature
proving that the device owns the certificate.
A digital certificate includes the following data:
• Information about the owner of the certificate
• The certificate serial number and expiration date
• The name and digital signature of the certificate authority (CA) that issued the certificate
• A public key
• A purpose defining how the certificate and public key can be used
There are four categories of certificates:
• A Device Certificate is a certificate for which the printer has a private key. The purpose specified in
the certificate allows it to be used to prove the identity of the printer.
• A Trusted Root CA Certificate is a certificate with authority to sign other certificates. These
certificates usually are self-signed certificates that come from another device or service that you
want to trust.
• An Intermediate CA Certificate is a certificate that links a certificate to a Trusted Root CA
Certificate in certain network environments.
• Other Certificates are certificates that are installed on the printer for solution-specific uses.
You can import Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) directly into the printer. For details on how to use
remote Certificate Revocation Lists automatically, refer to Configuring Settings for Certificate
Note: When a ConnectKey® App includes a security certificate, the certificate installs onto the
printer with the ConnectKey® App.
Ce r t i fi c a t e s fo r t h e E m b e d d e d We b S e r v e r
Your device includes a self-signed HTTPS certificate. The device generates the certificate
automatically during device installation. The certificate is used to encrypt communications between
your computer and the Xerox device.
• The Embedded Web Server page for your Xerox device can display an error message that
the security certificate is not trusted. This configuration does not lessen the security of the
communications between your computer and the Xerox device.
• To eliminate the connection warning in your Web browser, you can replace the self-signed
certificate with a signed certificate from a Certificate Authority. For information on
obtaining a certificate from a Certificate Authority, contact your Internet Service Provider.
O b t a i n i n g a D e v i c e S e r v e r C e r t i fi c a t e fr o m a C e r t i fi c a t e A u t h o r i t y
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator. For details, refer to Accessing the
Embedded Web Server as a System Administrator.
2. Click System→Security.
3. In the Certificates area, click Security Certificates.
4. Click Create, then select Create Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
5. In each of the fields, enter values that are correct for your implementation.
Note: For information on the correct values for your implementation, refer to
6. To save the details and generate the CSR file, click Create.
7. To download the CSR file, click Download. Save the downloaded file to a selected location.
Note: The CSR file is named default.pem.
8. To obtain the Device Server certificate file for your device, locate the file named default.pem,
then exchange it with your Certificate Authority.
Note: For information on exchanging the CSR default.pem file for a Device Server
certificate, contact your local Certificate Authority.
9. Save the certificate file in a local folder on your computer hard drive.
I n s t a l l i n g a n d S e l e c t i n g a D e v i c e S e r v e r C e r t i fi c a t e U s i n g t h e
E m b e d d e d We b S e r v e r
Before installing a Device Server Certificate, ensure that the certificate is in the correct format.
Supported certificate encodings and typical file extensions include:
• Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER): .cer, .crt, .der
• PKCS#7: .p7b
Note: For information on obtaining a Device Server Certificate in the correct format, contact
your Certificate Authority.
To install and select a Device Server Certificate for a Xerox device using the Embedded Web Server:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator. For details, refer to Accessing the
Embedded Web Server as a System Administrator.
2. Click System→Security.
3. In the Certificates area, click Security Certificates.
4. Click Import.
5. In the Import Certificates window, click Select.
6. Navigate to the certificate file, select the file, then click Open.
7. Type the password for the certificate, then retype the password.
8. To install the certificate, click Import.
9. To select the certificate as the Device Server Certificate for the Xerox device, in the Network
Security area, click SSL/TLS Settings→Device Certificate — Server. Select the appropriate
10. To save the changes, click OK.
I n s t a l l i n g C e r t i fi c a t e s
To ensure that the printer can communicate with other devices over a secure trusted connection, both
devices must have specific certificates installed.
For protocols such as HTTPS, the printer is the server, and must prove its identity to the client Web
browser. For protocols such as 802.1X, the printer is the client, and must prove its identity to the
authentication server, typically a RADIUS server.
For features that use these protocols, perform the following tasks:
• Install a device certificate on the printer.
Note: When the printer uses HTTPS, a Xerox® Device Certificate is created and
installed on the printer automatically.
• Install a copy of the CA certificate that was used to sign the device certificate of the printer on
the other device.
Protocols such as LDAP and IPsec require both devices to prove their identity to each other.
For features that use these protocols, perform the tasks listed under one of the following options:
To install certificates, option 1:
• Install a device certificate on the printer.
• Install a copy of the CA certificate that was used to sign the device certificate of the printer on
the other device.
• Install a copy of the CA certificate that was used to sign the certificate of the other device on the
To install certificates, option 2:
If the other device is using a self-signed certificate, install a copy of the trusted certificate of the
other device on the printer.
S e l e c t i n g a C e r t i fi c a t e
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Security.
2. In the Certificates area, click Security Certificates.
3. Click Device Certificates, then select a category of certificates.
4. In the lower part of the Security Certificates window, click to select a certificate from the list. If
you want to select all the certificates in the list, click Select/Clear All.
5. Click Close.
I m p o r t i n g a C e r t i fi c a t e
You can install the certificates for the root certificate authority and any intermediate certificate
authorities for your company. You can install the self-signed certificates from any other devices on
your network.
Supported certificate encodings and typical file extensions include:
• Distinguished Encoding Rules (.cer, .crt, .der)
• Privacy Enhanced Mode/Base64 (.pem)
• PKCS#7 (.p7b)
• PKCS#12 (.pfx, .p12)
Note: The Import function is accessible only if HTTPS SSL is enabled. For details, refer to HTTP.
C r e a t i n g a n d I n s t a l l i n g a X e r o x D e v i c e C e r t i fi c a t e
If you do not have a server functioning as a certificate authority, install a Xerox® Device Certificate
on the printer. When you create a Xerox® Device Certificate, the printer generates a certificate, signs
it, and creates a public key used in SSL encryption. After you install a Xerox® Device Certificate on the
printer, install the Device Root Certificate Authority in any device that communicates with the printer.
Examples of other devices include client Web browsers for HTTPS or a RADIUS authentication server
for 802.1X.
When the Device Root Certificate Authority is installed:
• Users can access the printer using the Embedded Web Server
• Certificate warning messages do not appear
Note: Creating a Xerox® Device Certificate is less secure than creating a certificate signed by a
trusted certificate authority.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administration, then click System→Security.
2. In the Certificates area, click Security Certificates.
3. Click Create.
4. Click Create Self-Signed Certificate.
5. Click Hash Algorithm, then select an option.
6. Click Public Key Length, then select an option.
7. For Issuer, type the host name for the printer.
8. For Validity Period, type the number of days that the new certificate is valid.
9. Click Close.
C r e a t i n g a C e r t i fi c a t e S i g n i n g Re q u e s t
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Security.
2. In the Certificates area, click Security Certificates.
3. Click Create.
4. Click Create Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
5. Click Hash Algorithm, then select an option.
6. Click Public Key Length, then select an option.
7. For 2-Letter Country Code, type the 2-letter ISO code for the location of the organization.
8. For State/Province Name, type the full name, not the abbreviation, for the state or province.
9. For Locality Name, type the city or town.
10. For Organization Name, type the legal incorporated name of the company, including any suffixes
such as Inc., Ltd., or Corp.
11. For Organizational Unit, type the department name within the company.
12. Click Create.
13. Click Close.
D e l e t i n g a C e r t i fi c a t e
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Security.
2. In the Certificates area, click Security Certificates.
3. In the lower part of the Security Certificates window, click to select a certificate from the list. If
you want to select all certificates in the list, click Select/Clear All.
4. Click Delete.
5. Click Close.
E n a b l i n g A u t o m a t i c S e l f - S i g n e d C e r t i fi c a t e s
When no Device Certificate is available, this feature creates a self-signed certificate, automatically.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Security.
2. In the Certificates area, click Automatic Self-Signed Certificate Creation.
3. Select On, then click OK.
E n a b l i n g Ce r t i fi c a t e Pa t h Va l i d a t i o n
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Security.
2. In the Certificates area, click Certificate Path Validation.
3. Select On, then click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g S e t t i n g s fo r Ce r t i fi c a t e Re vo c a t i o n
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Security.
2. In the Certificates area, click Certificate Revocation Settings.
3. Click Level of Certificate Verification, then select an option.
4. Click Certificate Revocation Check, then select an option.
5. If using OCSP to obtain status of revocations:
• To specify a URL for the query, click Send Query to Responder With, then select an option.
• For Communication Timeout, type the number of seconds that the printer waits for a
response to the query.
6. If using CRL to obtain status of revocations:
• To enable automatic retrieval of CRL, for Auto Retrieval of CRL, click the Enable toggle button.
• For Communication Timeout, type the number of seconds that the printer waits for a
response to the query.
7. Click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g t h e Pr i n t e r fo r S m a r t C a r d s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Security.
2. In the Certificates area, click Smart Card.
3. Select On – PKI Only, then click OK.
4. In the Certificates area, click Smart Card Certificate Verification.
5. Select On, then click OK.
For more information about configuring a Common Access Card system on your device, refer to the
Xerox® VersaLink® Common Access Card System Configuration Guide. Go to,
enter your printer name, then click Documentation. Select and download the documentation
• The Disk Overwrite operation can take an hour or more to complete, depending on the size
of the drive and the number of files.
• When the job starts, it cannot be canceled.
• The first time you that you run Disk Overwrite, the button is labeled Edit. After the first use,
the button is labeled Edit and Overwrite Now.
To enable Disk Overwrite:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click System→Security.
2. In the Disk Overwrite area, click Edit and Overwrite Now.
3. In the Common area, for Data Overwrite After Job Completion, click the Enable toggle button.
4. To select when a report prints, click Print Report, then select an option.
5. Click OK.
To schedule a Disk Overwrite:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click System→Security.
2. In the Disk Overwrite area, click Edit and Overwrite Now.
3. For Schedule Overwrite, to enable the feature, click the Enable toggle button.
4. At the confirmation message, click Enable.
5. Configure the frequency, day, and time for the Disk Overwrite.
6. Click OK.
To start a Disk Overwrite manually:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click System→Security.
2. In the Disk Overwrite area, click Edit and Overwrite Now.
3. In the Manual Overwrite area, click Overwrite Now.
4. At the confirmation message, click Overwrite Now.
5. Click OK.
802.1X is an Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standard that defines a method
for port-based network access control or authentication. In an 802.1X secured network, a central
authority, typically a RADIUS server, authenticates the printer before it accesses the secure network.
To configure 802.1X:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity.
2. In the Connections area, click Ethernet.
3. In the 802.1X area, click Setup.
4. For Enable 802.1X, click the toggle button.
5. Click Authentication Method, then select an option.
6. For Certificate Verification, click the toggle button.
7. For the login credentials, type values for User Name (Device Name), Password, and Retype
8. Click OK.
Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is a group of protocols used to secure Internet Protocol (IP)
communications by authenticating and encrypting each IP data packet. It allows you to control IP
communication by creating protocol groups, policies, and actions.
To configure IPsec:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity→IPsec.
2. To enable IPsec, click the Enable toggle button.
3. To select a method of authentication, click IKE Authentication Method, then select an option.
• If you selected Digital Signature, click Device Certificate, then select an option.
• If you selected Preshared Key, for Preshared Key and Retype Preshared Key, type the key.
4. For IKE SA Lifetime, type the number of minutes that the printer waits before it terminates the
security association.
Note: The value for IKE SA Lifetime must be greater than or equal to the value for IPsec SA.
1. For IPsec SA Lifetime, type the number of seconds that the printer waits before terminating the
security association.
Note: The value for IPsec SA must be less than or equal to the value for IKE SA Lifetime.
M a n a g i n g S e t t i n g s fo r S S L / T L S
E n a b l i n g H T T P S a t t h e C o n t r o l Pa n e l
1. At the printer control panel, log in as administrator, then press the Home button.
2. Touch Device→Connectivity.
3. Touch HTTPS.
4. Touch Enabled.
Note: When Secure HTTP is enabled, all pages in the Embedded Web Server contain https:// in
the URL for the webpage.
E n a b l i n g H T T P S i n t h e E m b e d d e d We b S e r v e r
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity→HTTP.
2. To enable HTTPS, in the HTTPS (SSL) area, click the enable toggle button.
3. If needed, edit the settings for HTTPS Port Number, Maximum Connections, and Connection
4. To change the device certificate, click Device Certificate, then select an option.
5. Click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g S e t t i n g s fo r S S L / T L S
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Security.
2. In the Network Security area, click SSL/TLS Settings.
3. Select at least one SSL/TLS protocol.
4. To specify a device certificate for the server, click Device Certificate – Server, then select a
5. To enable SSL/TLS communication with HTTP, for HTTP – SSL/TLS Communication, click the
Enable toggle button.
6. If needed, for HTTP – SSL/TLS Port Number, type a port number.
7. To enable SSL/TLS communication with LDAP, for LDAP – SSL/TLS Communication, click the
Enable toggle button.
8. To enable SSL/TLS communication with SMTP, click SMTP – SSL/TLS Communication, then select
an option.
9. To specify a device certificate for the client, click Device Certificate – Client, then select a
10. To verify certificates on a remote server, for Verify Remote Server Certificate, click the Enable
toggle button.
11. Click OK.
M a n a g i n g Po r t S e t t i n g s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Security.
2. In the Network Security area, click Port Settings.
3. To add port settings for a LAN, in the LAN area:
• Click Add.
• For Port Number, type the port number.
• Click Port Type, then select an option.
• Click Protocol, then select an option.
• Click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g F i l t e r s fo r I P A d d r e s s e s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Security.
2. In the Network Security area, click IP Address Filtering.
3. For IPv4 (LAN), IPv4 (Wi-Fi), IPv6 (LAN), IPv6 (Wi-Fi), to enable a protocol, click the toggle button.
4. To configure filtering for each protocol selected, for Allowed IP Address/Subnet Mask, click Add.
5. For Enter IP Address, type the IP address to filter.
6. For Enter IP Mask, type the number for the mask.
7. Click OK.
8. When finished, click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g F i l t e r s fo r D o m a i n s
You can specify up to 50 domains to allow or block.
To configure domain filtering:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Security.
2. In the Network Security area, click Domain Filtering.
3. To allow specific domains, click Allow Specific Domains.
• Enter up to 50 domains to allow.
• To delete domains from the list, click the Trash icon.
4. To block specific domains, click Block Specific Domains.
• Enter up to 50 domains to block.
• To delete domains from the list, click the Trash icon.
5. To disable domain filtering, select Off.
6. When finished, click OK.
N e t w o r k Lo g s
Log files are text files of recent printer activity that are created and stored in the printer. Log files are
used to monitor network activity or troubleshoot network problems. A Xerox customer support
representative can interpret the encrypted format log files.
D o w n l o a d i n g a Lo g F i l e
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click System→Logs.
2. Click Audit Log.
• Click the Enable toggle button.
• In the Export Audit Log area, click Export. This action generates an audit log file and
downloads it to your computer.
• Click OK.
3. Click Device Log.
• In the Download Device Log area, read the text, then click Accept. This action generates a
device log file and downloads it to your computer.
• When the Device Log window returns, click OK.
E n a b l i n g o r D i s a b l i n g U S B Po r t s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Connectivity→USB.
2. To enable or disable a USB port, for USB Port, click the toggle button.
3. Click OK.
Note: Disabling a USB port also disables a USB card reader connected to the port.
O p t i m i z i n g t h e F i r s t Pa g e
If a printer is optimized for color, then receives a black-and-white print job, the printer switches to the
black toner. In the same way, if a printer is optimized for black and white, then receives a color print
job, the printer switches to color toners. Anytime a printer switches from its optimized setting, the
printer requires extra time to print the first page.You can select which mode is optimized by default
on your printer.
To set the default optimization:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Defaults and Policies.
2. In the Common area, click First Page Printing Optimization.
3. Select an option, then click OK.
S e t t i n g t h e D e fa u l t Pr i n t Pa p e r S i z e
The Default Print Paper Size setting specifies the paper size if any of the following circumstances
• The print job specifies a paper tray that either does not exist or that has failed.
• The print job specifies a paper size that is unknown or that is not supported.
• The print job does not specify any paper size.
You can specify the default paper size for Letter or A4.
To configure the default paper size:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Defaults and Policies.
2. In the Common area, click Default Print Paper Size.
3. Select an option, then click OK.
O p t i m i z i n g Co l o r Pr i n t i n g
Color printers can use the color toner for black-and-white print jobs and color print jobs. You can
optimize the printer for the most efficient use of toner supplies.
The Color Printing Optimization setting provides the following options.
• Color: This setting uses color toners for all jobs. If you print many jobs in black and white, this
setting is less efficient for toner consumption.
• Economy: This setting switches between color and black and white for each page of a print job.
This setting conserves the color toners.
• Black & White: This setting optimizes for black-and-white jobs. If all your print jobs are black and
white, use this setting.
To optimize color printing:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Defaults and Policies.
2. In the Common area, click Color Printing Optimization.
3. Select an option, then click OK.
C o n fi g u r i n g C o l o r A d j u s t m e n t s M a n u a l l y
The printer allows you to adjust the CMYK proportions manually in the output. For highlight, midtone,
and shadow, you can increase or decrease each color by up to six increments.
To perform color adjustments:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Defaults and Policies.
2. In the Common area, click Manual Color Adjustment.
3. For Highlight, Midtone, and Shadow, adjust the colors as needed.
4. After you have set all the colors, click OK.
O p t i m i z i n g t h e Pr i n t i n g o f G ra p h i c F i l e s
For some graphic files, such as .jpg, .png, and .tif, the printer directly interprets the files. For these file
types, you can optimize the printer for either fine detail or for gradation of image shading. The Direct
Printing Quality Optimization setting provides the following options.
• Thin Lines: This setting optimizes the fine details in the image file but makes the gradation of
shading less smooth.
• Image Shading: This setting optimizes the gradation of shading in the image file but makes the
fine lines less distinct.
To select an optimization for directly interpreted images:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Defaults and Policies.
2. In the Printer Settings area, click Direct Printing Quality Optimization.
3. Select an option, then click OK.
6. To select a priority level for the paper tray, click Priority, then select an option.
7. Click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g Po l i c i e s fo r Pr i n t J o b s
The printer provides the following policies for print jobs:
• Print Around: This policy manages jobs that cannot start because the needed paper is not
available. When Print Around is off, the printer blocks all print jobs until the resource is available.
When Print Around is on, a print job is held for resources, and other jobs that do not need the
same resource are allowed to print.
• Conceal Job Names: This policy allows you to block the names of jobs from appearing in job
• Stored Print Jobs: This policy allows you to set a minimum length of for passcodes that are
assigned to stored jobs, and to delete stored jobs after a specified period.
To configure general polices for print jobs:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as the system administrator, then click Jobs→Policies.
2. In the Print Around area:
• To enable Print Around, click the Enable toggle button.
• To delete held jobs, select Delete Held Jobs After, then click On.
• Specify the amount of time that the printer holds a job for attention before it deletes the job
from the queue.
3. To show or hide job names, in the Conceal Job Names area, select an option.
4. In the Stored Print Job Settings area:
• To set a minimum length for passcodes assigned to stored jobs, for Minimum Number of
Passcode Digits, type a number.
• To delete Secure, Personal, and Sample Set stored jobs after a specified period, click Delete
Stored Jobs After, then select an option.
• Configure the time period that the printer waits before it deletes the stored jobs.
5. Click OK.
S e t t i n g Pa p e r S i z e Pr e fe r e n c e s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Measurements.
2. Click Units, then select Inches or Millimeters.
3. Click Paper Size Preference, then select Inch or Metric.
4. Click OK.
E n a b l i n g a n A u t o m a t i c S t a r t u p Pa g e
By default, the printer prints a Startup page every time the printer is powered on or restarts. To
change the setting:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Defaults and Policies.
2. In the Common area, click Startup Page.
3. Select an option, then click OK.
4. Click Close.
Co n fi g u r i n g S e t t i n g s fo r C u s t o m Pa p e r
You can configure the printer for specific types of paper.
• Adjust Paper Type: This setting allows you to map the media type list with the IOT media type. For
example, you can designate a different type of paper as Plain. This setting allows the printer to
compensate for different weights and properties of the media.
• Custom Paper Names: This setting allows you to designate names to custom media types.
To map the media type list:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Defaults and Policies.
2. In the Paper Supply area, click Adjust Paper Type.
3. To change the paper designation, click a paper type, then select an option.
4. When finished, click OK.
To assign names to custom media:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Defaults and Policies.
2. In the Paper Supply area, click Custom Paper Names.
3. Type the names that you want to appear in the Adjust Paper Type window.
4. When finished, click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g S e t t i n g s fo r M e m o r y a n d Pr i n t J o b Ty p e s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Defaults and Policies.
2. If your printer has PostScript® enabled, to set the size for PostScript® memory, in the Printer
Settings area:
• Click Memory Settings.
• Type a value for the memory size.
• Click OK.
3. To limit the types of jobs to personal, secure, or saved, in the Printer Settings area:
• Click Allowed Print Job Types.
• Select an option, then click OK.
E n a b l i n g t h e Po l i c y fo r Pa p e r S i z e S u b s t i t u t i o n
You can configure the printer to substitute paper sizes, or you can configure the printer to prompt
users to load paper in the tray.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System.
2. Click Defaults and Policies.
3. In the Printer Settings area, click Specified Paper is Unavailable, then select an option.
4. Click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g a By p a s s Tra y Co n fi r m a t i o n
You can configure the printer to hold a job until the user confirms the paper size in the bypass tray.
When this setting is on, and a user submits a job that uses the bypass tray, an indicator flashes on
the control panel. At the control panel, the user confirms that the correct paper is loaded in the
bypass tray to print the job.
To configure a bypass tray confirmation:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Defaults and Policies.
2. In the Printer Settings area, click Bypass Tray Paper Type and Size Confirmation.
3. Select On, then click OK.
4. Click Close.
S p e c i fy i n g B e h a v i o r A f t e r a n E r r o r
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System.
2. Click Defaults and Policies.
3. In the Printer Settings area:
• Click Resume Print After Error and select an option.
– To restart printing automatically, select Auto Resume.
– To restart manually, select Manual Resume.
• Click When Paper Jam Occurs, then select an option.
– To resume printing, select Resume Print After Jam Clearance.
– To delete the print job, select Cancel Printing.
4. Click Close.
M a n a g i n g B a n n e r Pa g e s
You can configure the printer to print a banner page with each print job. The banner page contains
information identifying the user and job name. You can set this option in the print driver and in the
Embedded Web Server.
Note: Enable Banner page printing in the print driver and at the control panel or the Embedded
Web Server, otherwise a banner page does not print.
To manage Banner pages:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System.
2. Click Defaults & Policies.
3. In the Printer Settings area, click Print Banner Pages.
4. Click Printer Banner Pages, then select an option.
5. If your printer is equipped with multiple paper trays, click Paper Tray, then select a tray to supply
the banner pages.
6. To enable the print driver to override the setting for banner pages, for Allow Print Driver to
Override, enable the toggle button.
7. To enable the printer to detect when the client provides a banner page, for Detect Client Banner
Pages, enable the toggle button.
8. Click OK.
Xe r o x ® Pr i n t e r M a n a g e r
Xerox® Printer Manager is an application that allows you to manage and print to multiple printers in
UNIX and Linux environments.
Xerox® Printer Manager allows you to:
• Configure and check the status of network connected printers.
• Set up a printer on your network as well as monitor the operation of the printer once installed.
• Perform maintenance checks and view supplies status at any time.
• Provide a common look and feel across the many different suppliers of UNIX and Linux operating
I n s t a l l i n g Xe r o x ® Pr i n t e r M a n a g e r
Before you begin:
Ensure that you have root or superuser privileges to install Xerox® Printer Manager.
1. Download the appropriate package for your operating system. To locate drivers for your printer,
go to The available files are:
• for the IBM PowerPC family.
• to support HP Itanium workstations.
• to support RPM-based 32-bit Linux environments.
• to support Debian-based 32-bit Linux environments.
• to support RPM-based 64-bit Linux environments.
• to support Debian-based 64-bit Linux
• for Sun Solaris x86 systems.
• for Sun Solaris SPARC systems.
2. To install the custom driver, log in as root then type the following command:
• AIX: rpm -U
• HPUX: swinstall -s \*
• Linux (RPM based): rpm -U
• Linux (Debian based): dpkg -i
• Solaris (x86 based): pkgadd -d
• Solaris (SPARC based): pkgadd -d
The installation creates a Xerox directory in /opt/Xerox/prtsys.
L a u n c h i n g Xe r o x ® Pr i n t e r M a n a g e r
To launch Xerox® Printer Manager from a terminal window prompt as root, type xeroxprtmgr, then
press Enter or Return.
Xerox provides Work Station Customization Object (WSCO) files to support AS/400 or Iseries, V5R2 or
later systems. The WSCO file provides printer-specific PCL codes. The host print transform uses these
codes to select the correct tray, 2-sided printing option, font size and type, and orientation. The
XTOOLSxxxx library provides a source WSCO for each supported Xerox® printer. You only download
and install the library once.
Note: The host print transform only works on AFPDS and SCS files. Convert IPDS formatted
printer files to AFPDS files to use the WSCO for printing.
I n s t a l l i n g t h e W S C O a n d S e t t i n g u p Pr i n t Q u e u e s
For detailed instructions on installing the library and setting up print queues, refer to the installation
instructions that are included with the library.
Co n fi g u r i n g A u t o D e t e c t i o n fo r Le g a l S i z e O r i g i n a l s
You can configure the printer to detect a Legal-size original document. You can select between two
page lengths for Legal-size documents.
To configure automatic detection of Legal-size original documents:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Defaults and Policies.
2. In the Common area, click Legal Original Size Auto Detection.
3. To enable detection, click the Enable toggle button.
4. Click Legal Original Size Option, then select an option.
5. Click OK.
C o n fi r m i n g t h e Po s i t i o n o f D o c u m e n t G u i d e s
Document Guides Position Confirmation provides a confirmation message when you change the
position of the paper guides to Letter width. If enabled, when you change the guides to Letter, then
start a scan, copy, or fax job, a confirmation message appears on the printer control panel. When you
change the paper-width guides to A4 or other settings, a confirmation message does not appear.
To enable the Document Guides Position Confirmation:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Defaults and Policies.
2. In the Common area, click Document Guides Position Confirmation.
3. Select On.
4. Click OK.
S e t t i n g a D e fa u l t I m a g e G ra d a t i o n M o d e
The printer provides two methods of optimizing gradient shades in images. The Photo Image Pseudo
Gradation Mode setting provides the following options.
• Error Diffusion: This option is a method of halftoning used to smooth the gradients in an image.
Use this method for images that are printed.
• Dither: This option is a method of randomizing pixels to smooth the gradients in an image. Use
this method for images that are displayed on a screen.
To select a method of optimizing gradients in images:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System→Defaults and Policies.
2. In the Common area, click Photo Image Pseudo Gradation Mode.
3. Click All Except Copy Job, then select an option.
4. Click OK.
Re s o l v i n g t h e O r i g i n a l S i z e D e t e c t i o n E r r o r
For Copy, Fax, and Scan functions, the Resolve Original Size Detection Error setting allows you to set
the default size for an original document. This setting provides the following options.
• Prompt to Enter Size: This option displays a prompt at the printer control panel to enter the size
of the original document for the current job.
• Use Default Scan Size: This option uses the default original document size for the current job.
Note: You specify the default original size in this same configuration window.
S e t t i n g D e fa u l t s fo r I m a g e Q u a l i t y
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Copy.
2. To change the default for basic image quality, in the Defaults area, click Original Type. Select an
option, then click OK.
Note: The setting Original Type Presets provides more adjustments to the Original Type
setting. For details, refer to Setting Policies for Image Management.
3. To change the default level to lighten or darken an image, in the Defaults area, click Lighten/
Darken. Select an option, then click OK.
4. To change the default level to sharpen or soften the contours of images, in the Defaults area,
click Sharpness. Select an option, then click OK.
5. For color devices, to change the default level for vividness of color, in the Defaults area, click
Saturation. Select an option, then click OK.
6. For color devices, to change the default settings for background suppression and contrast, in the
Defaults area, click Image Enhancement. Select the needed options, then click OK.
7. For black and white devices, to change the default settings for background suppression, in the
Defaults area, click Background Suppression. Select the needed options, then click OK.
Note: The Image Enhancement and Background Suppression settings only allow you to
turn background suppression on or off. To specify the settings for background suppression,
refer to Setting Policies for Image Management.
8. For color devices, to change the default balance of CMYK colors individually, in the Defaults area,
click Color Balance. Select the needed options, then click OK.
S e t t i n g D e fa u l t s fo r I m a g e P l a c e m e n t
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Copy.
2. To set a default reduction or enlargement of images, in the Defaults area, click Reduce/Enlarge.
Select an option, then click OK.
3. To set the margins around the page edges where printing is not allowed, in the Defaults area,
click Edge Erase. Type values for the required margins, then click OK.
4. To set a margin on the binding edge of the page where printing is not allowed, in the Defaults
area, click Binding Edge Erase. Type a value for the required margin, then click OK.
5. To specify multiple images to print per sheet by default, in the Defaults area, click Page Layout.
Select an option, then click OK.
6. To specify that images appear in a certain place on a page, in the Defaults area, click Image
Shift. Select an option, then click OK.
S e t t i n g D e fa u l t s fo r A n n o t a t i o n s
If your printer has a disk drive installed, the printer can insert annotations on the output pages. You
can embed text, such as comments, date stamps, and watermarks. You can enable or disable
annotations and specify the location on pages. The settings in General Settings and Policies provide
more refined control on the placement of annotations.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Copy.
2. To specify the font size and color for annotations, in the Defaults area, click Annotations –
Format & Style. Select the desired options, then click OK.
3. To insert a comment on the copy output, in the Defaults area, click Annotations – Comment.
Configure the desired options, then click OK.
4. To insert page numbers on the copy output, in the Defaults area, click Annotations – Page
Numbers. Configure the desired options, then click OK.
5. To insert a date stamp on the copy output, in the Defaults area, click Annotations – Date Stamp.
Configure the desired options, then click OK.
6. To insert a Bates stamp on the copy output, in the Defaults area, click Bates Stamp. Configure
the desired options, then click OK.
S e t t i n g Po l i c i e s fo r I m a g e M a n a g e m e n t
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Copy.
2. To make precise adjustments on the size of the image, in the General Settings and Policies area,
click Fine Scale Adjustment. Type numbers for Length and Width, then click OK.
3. For color devices, to enhance the automatic detection of color in original documents, in the
General Settings and Policies area, click Auto Color Detect Threshold Value Adjustment. Select
an option, then click OK.
4. To select between higher speed and higher quality for photo images, in the General Settings and
Policies area, click Photo Image Processing. Select an option, then click OK.
5. To adjust the details for background suppression, in the General Settings and Policies area, click
Background Suppression. Select the desired options, then click OK.
Note: To turn background suppression on or off, use the Image Enhancement setting or
the Background Suppression setting in the Defaults area. For details, refer to Setting
Defaults for Image Quality.
6. To make fine adjustments in basic image quality, in the General Settings and Policies area, click
Original Type Presets. Select the desired options, then click OK.
Note: The settings in Original Type Presets provide more adjustments to the Original Type
setting in the Defaults area.
S e t t i n g Po l i c i e s fo r A n n o t a t i o n s
If your printer has a disk drive installed, the printer can insert annotations on the output pages. You
can embed text, such as comments, date stamps, and watermarks. You can enable or disable
annotations and specify the location on pages. The settings in General Settings and Policies provide
more refined control on the placement of annotations.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Copy.
2. To allow editing and repositioning of comments on the output pages, in the General Settings and
Policies area, click Annotations – Comments. Select the desired options, then click OK.
3. To fine-tune the position of page numbers on the output, in the General Settings and Policies
area, click Annotations – Page Numbers. Select the desired options, then click OK.
4. To fine-tune the position of a date stamp on the output, in the General Settings and Policies area,
click Annotations – Date Stamp. Select the desired options, then click OK.
5. To allow editing and repositioning of a Bates stamp on the output, in the General Settings and
Policies area, click Annotations – Bates Stamp. Select the desired options, then click OK.
Note: If you do not know the security protocol supported by your server, select STARTTLS
(if available). This option prompts the device to attempt to use STARTTLS. If your server
does not support STARTTLS, SMTP communication is not encrypted.
9. If your email server requires encryption but does not offer a STARTTLS command to the printer,
perform the following steps:
a. In the Outgoing SMTP Authentication area, click SMTP Authentication, then select SMTP
b. In the SMTP AUTH User Name field, enter the user name or email address for the server.
c. Type the password for the email address, then retype the password.
10. To save the settings, click OK.
Scanning to USB
You can insert a USB Flash Drive into the printer, scan a document, and store the scanned file on the
USB drive.
Note: The USB port does not support scanning directly to a PC.
Before you begin, enable USB ports. For details, refer to USB.
To enable scanning to USB:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps.
2. In the Installed Apps area, click USB.
3. For Display on Device, click Show.
4. To enable Scan To USB, enable the Scan To toggle button.
5. Configure the settings as needed for the following categories:
• Defaults
• General Settings and Policies
• Scan To Apps General Settings
• Presets
6. For the new settings to take effect, restart your printer.
O b ta i n i n g t h e IP A d d r e s s a n d H o s t N a me o f y o u r
W i n d o w s Co m p u t e r
1. At your computer, open a command prompt:
a. From the desktop, to open the Run dialog, on your keyboard, press and hold the Windows
key, then press R.
b. In the text field, type cmd, then press Enter or Return.
The command prompt screen appears.
2. In the command prompt screen, type ipconfig, then press Enter or Return. Locate and record
the IPv4 address of your Windows computer.
3. In the command prompt screen, type hostname, then press Enter or Return. Locate and record
the host name of your Windows computer.
D i s a b l i n g t h e S h a r i n g W i z a r d o n Yo u r W i n d o w s
Co m p u t e r
1. At your computer, access the File Explorer Options screen:
a. From the desktop, to open the Run dialog, on your keyboard, press and hold the Windows
key, then press R.
b. In the text field, type control folders, then press Enter or Return.
The File Explorer Options screen appears.
2. Click the View tab.
3. In the Advanced Settings area, clear the check box for User Sharing Wizard (Recommended).
4. Click Apply, then click OK.
Fax Overview
You can send a fax in one of three ways:
• Fax, or embedded fax, scans the document and sends it directly to a fax machine.
• Server Fax scans the document and sends it to a fax server, which transmits the document to a
fax machine.
• LAN Fax sends the current print job as a fax. For details, refer to the print driver software.
Note: Not all options listed are supported on all printers. Some options apply only to a specific
printer model, configuration, operating system, or print driver type.
When you send a fax from the printer control panel, the document is scanned and transmitted to a
fax machine using a dedicated telephone line. To use the Embedded Fax feature, ensure that your
printer has access to a functioning telephone line with a telephone number assigned to it.
Note: Not all options listed are supported on all printers. Some options apply only to a specific
printer model, configuration, operating system, or print driver type.
S e t t i n g Sy s t e m D e fa u l t s a n d Po l i c i e s fo r Fa x i n g
Note: This document describes a superset of all features available on the Xerox® VersaLink®
Series platform of printers. Not all features described in this document are available on all
• To configure how the device manages circumstances when there is a paper-size mismatch, refer to
Setting the Default Print Paper Size.
• To configure the printer to detect a Legal-size original document, then select options for paper
lengths, refer to Configuring Auto Detection for Legal Size Originals.
• To configure the device to display a confirmation message on the control panel when you change
the paper guide width to Letter size, refer to Confirming the Position of Document Guides.
• To set the default mode for optimizing gradient shades in images, refer to Setting a Default
Image Gradation Mode.
• To configure how the device resolves the original size of a document detected, refer to Resolving
the Original Size Detection Error.
M o d i fy i n g t h e D e fa u l t S e t t i n g s i n t h e Fa x A p p
M o d i fy i n g t h e D e fa u l t Fa x S e t t i n g s a t t h e Co n t r o l Pa n e l
To modify the default Fax Settings at the control panel:
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Touch Fax.
3. Touch the options that you want to change.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the screen, then touch Save.
5. To save your changes as new defaults, touch Save Defaults.
6. Touch Save.
M o d i fy i n g t h e D e fa u l t Fa x S e t t i n g s i n t h e E m b e d d e d We b S e r v e r
To modify the default Fax Settings in the Embedded Web Server:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Fax.
2. To enable a preview image to appear on the control panel, in the Defaults area, click Preview.
Select On, then click OK.
C r e a t i n g Pr e d e fi n e d Co m m e n t s fo r a Fa x Co v e r S h e e t
The Fax app provides an optional cover sheet for faxes. You can populate a cover sheet with
predefined comments. The Fax app supports up to 50 predefined comments.
To define the content of the predefined comments:
1. At the printer control panel, log in as administrator, then touch Home.
2. Touch Device→Apps→Fax→Cover Sheet Comments.
3. To select a comment, touch a numbered line.
4. Type the text for the comment, then touch OK.
C o n fi g u r i n g G e n e r a l S e t t i n g s a n d Po l i c i e s
Co n fi g u r i n g t h e Fa x S e t t i n g s a t t h e Co n t r o l Pa n e l
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Touch Device→Apps→Fax.
Co n fi g u r i n g S e t t i n g s fo r Fa x S e n d i n t h e E m b e d d e d We b S e r v e r
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Fax.
2. To display a list of recipients for confirmation on the control panel, in the General Settings and
Policies area, click Show Recipient Confirmation List at Send. Select an option, then click OK.
3. To override any local settings and force the fax header text to appear on an outgoing fax, click
Force Addition of Header Text. Select On, then click OK.
Note: The Force Addition of Header Text setting overrides the default setting Transmission
Header Text.
1. To include the sender fax number on outgoing faxes, click Notify of Sender Fax Number. Select
On, then click OK.
2. To send multiple faxes as a batch, click Batch Send. Select On, then click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g S e t t i n g s fo r Fa x Re c e i v e i n t h e E m b e d d e d We b S e r ve r
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Fax.
2. To configure how the printer answers fax calls, in the General Settings and Policies area, click Fax
Receive Mode.
3. Select an option.
• To configure the printer to answer calls automatically, select Auto Answer Fax.
• To configure the printer to wait for manual intervention, select Manually Answer Fax.
4. Click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g S e t t i n g s fo r Fa x D i a l i n g i n t h e E m b e d d e d We b S e r v e r
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Fax.
2. To specify a prefix for an outgoing phone number, in the General Settings and Policies area, click
Prefix Dial Number. Type the prefix number, then click OK.
3. If an outgoing phone connection does not connect, to define the behavior for redial attempts,
click Redial Settings.
• For Redial Attempts, type the maximum number of times to attempt a redial.
• For Redial Interval, type the number of minutes between attempts.
• Click OK.
4. For batch dialing with multiple faxes, to define the time interval between calls, click Transmission
Interval. Type the number of seconds to wait between the end of one call and the beginning of
the next call, then click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g S e t t i n g s fo r Fa x Pa p e r O u t p u t i n t h e E m b e d d e d We b
S er ver
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Fax.
2. For printers with multiple paper trays, to set rules for switching between trays, in the General
Settings and Policies area, click Auto Tray Switching. Select an option, then click OK.
3. To set the printer to reduce oversized pages to fit on the paper in the printer, click Auto Reduce
on Receipt. Select On, then click OK.
4. To specify which paper tray to use for faxes, click Fax Receive Tray. Select a tray, then click OK.
5. To configure the printer to print two fax pages per sheet, click 2 Pages per Sheet on Receipt.
Select On, then click OK.
6. To enable 2-Sided printing, click 2-Sided Printing. Select On, then click OK.
7. To adjust the page border on received faxes, click Page Border Size. Type a value for the page
border, then click OK. The Page Border Size option defines the threshold when the printer either
decreases the image size of an incoming fax by the specified amount or it splits the image onto
two pages. This capability is useful when an incoming fax has a larger page size than the paper in
the tray.
Note: Before you configure the Page Border Size setting, ensure that the Auto Reduce on
Receipt feature is enabled.
Co n fi g u r i n g S e t t i n g s fo r Fa x Pe r fo r m a n c e i n t h e E m b e d d e d We b
S er ver
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Fax.
2. To enable error correction, in the General Settings and Policies area, click Error Correction Mode
(ECM). Click Enabled, then click OK.
3. To enable faster performance when available, click Super G3. Click Enabled, then click OK.
4. To configure how the fax app behaves if a job fills the available printer memory, click Memory
Full Policy. Select an option, then click OK.
5. To specify the maximum number of stored pages, click Maximum Number of Stored Pages. Type
a value, then click OK.
E n a b l i n g U s e o f a N a t i v e Fa x A p p i n t h e E m b e d d e d We b S e r ve r
Many computers have their own fax applications provided by the operating system. To enable the
native fax application on your computer to function with the printer:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Fax.
2. In the General Settings and Policies area, click Direct Fax.
3. Click Allow, then click OK.
Note: Direct Fax is Fax over IP, directly from one IP to another IP. Direct Fax does not use
E n a b l i n g t h e Re m o v e B l a n k Pa g e s O p t i o n
The printer control panel displays a list of Fax options. One of the Fax options is Remove Blank Pages.
You can configure the control panel to show or hide the Remove Blank Pages option.
To allow the Remove Blank Pages option to appear on the control panel:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Fax.
2. In the General Settings and Policies area, click Display Remove Blank Pages.
3. Click On, then click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g Fa x O v e r I P
Some printer models allow for fax over IP (FoIP) using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and T.38. SIP is
a communication protocol used for voice and video calls. T.38 is a recommendation from the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for use of fax over IP networks.
C o n fi g u r i n g T . 3 8 S e t t i n g s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Fax.
2. In the SIP Settings area, click T.38.
3. Click T.38 Transport Protocol, then select an option.
4. If needed, for UDPTL Listening Port Number, type a new port number.
5. If needed, for TCP Listening Port Number, type a new port number.
6. If needed, for RTP Listening Port Number, type a new port number.
7. Click OK.
Pr i n t i n g Fa x Re p o r t s
C o n fi g u r i n g Re p o r t s
The Embedded Web Server allows you to configure three types of reports:
• Activity Report: This report provides a summary of faxes sent and received. You can generate this
report from the printer control panel. By default, this report prints automatically after 100 fax
transmissions and receptions. You can also generate this report manually.
• Confirmation Report: This report acknowledges the transmission of a fax sent to a single
recipient. The Fax app generates this report automatically.
• Broadcast Report: This report acknowledges the transmission of a fax sent to multiple recipients.
The Fax app generates this report automatically.
To configure these reports:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Fax.
2. In the General Settings and Policies area, click Activity Report.
• To enable activity reports, click Print Activity Report, then select On.
• Configure the remaining settings as needed.
• Click OK.
Pr i n t i n g a Fa x A c t i v i t y Re p o r t
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Touch Device→Apps→Fax.
3. Touch Activity Report.
4. To return to the Home screen, press the Home button.
Co n fi g u r i n g Pr e s e t s fo r O r i g i n a l Pa g e S i z e s
You can define up to 14 presets for the size of original pages that appear on the control panel for
users to select. To configure the preset sizes for original pages:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps→Fax.
2. In the Presets area, click a preset.
3. Select a unit of measure.
4. Select a page dimension.
5. Click OK.
Ed i t i n g t h e A d d r e s s B o o k
A d d i n g o r Ed i t i n g Fa x Co n t a c t s i n t h e A d d r e s s B o o k i n t h e
E m b e d d e d We b S e r v e r
To add contacts:
1. At your computer, open a Web browser. In the address field, type the IP address of the printer,
then press Enter or Return.
2. In the Embedded Web Server, click Address Book.
3. Click Add Contact.
4. To enter a name, click the First Name, Last Name, or Company field, then enter the details.
5. To add an email address, in the Email field, enter an email address.
6. To add a fax number, for Fax, click the Plus icon (+), then enter a number.
7. To save the contact, click OK.
To edit contacts:
1. At your computer, open a Web browser. In the address field, type the IP address of the printer,
then press Enter or Return.
2. In the Embedded Web Server, click Address Book.
3. From the Address Book, select a contact.
4. To edit contact information, perform the following steps.
• Click the contact name or contact information, then edit as needed.
• To clear contact information, for the specific contact information, click the Trash icon.
• To save the changes, click OK.
5. To remove the selected contact from the Address Book, click Delete. At the prompt, click Delete.
A d d i n g o r E d i t i n g G r o u p s i n t h e A d d r e s s B o o k a t t h e C o n t r o l Pa n e l
To add groups:
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button, then touch Address Book.
2. Touch the Plus icon (+), then select Add Group.
3. Select the group type, enter a name for the group, then touch Enter.
4. To add group members, touch Add Member.
5. To add a contact name, from the Favorites or Contacts menu, select a contact.
6. To add more group members, touch Add Member, then select a contact.
7. To save the group, touch OK.
8. To return to the Home screen, press the Home button.
To edit groups:
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Touch Address Book.
3. From the address book, select a group, then touch Edit.
4. To add group members, touch Add Member.
5. To add a contact, from the Favorites or Contacts menu, select a contact.
6. To add more group members, touch Add Member and select a contact.
7. To remove group members, for each contact, touch the Trash icon. At the prompt, touch Delete.
8. To save the changes, touch OK.
9. To return to the Home screen, press the Home button.
A d d i n g o r Ed i t i n g G r o u p s i n t h e A d d r e s s B o o k i n t h e E m b e d d e d
We b S e r v e r
To add groups:
1. At your computer, open a Web browser. In the address field, type the IP address of the printer,
then press Enter or Return.
2. In the Embedded Web Server, click Address Book.
3. Click Add Group.
4. For Enter Group Name, enter a name for the group.
5. From the menu, select the group type.
6. To add group members, for Members, click the Plus icon (+).
7. To add contacts to the group, in the Add Members window, for each contact, select the check box.
When you are finished, click OK.
8. To save the group, click OK.
To edit groups:
1. At your computer, open a Web browser. In the address field, type the IP address of the printer,
then press Enter or Return.
2. In the Embedded Web Server, click Address Book.
3. Within the address book, select a group.
4. To add group members:
• For Members, click the Plus icon (+).
• In the Add Members window, click the check box for each desired member.
• To save the changes, click OK.
5. To remove group members:
• For the desired member, click the Trash icon.
• At the prompt, click Delete.
• Repeat the previous two steps for each member.
• To save the changes, click OK.
6. To remove the selected group from the Address Book, click Delete. At the prompt, click Delete.
M a n a g i n g Fa vo r i t e s
To manage Favorites at the Control Panel:
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button, then touch Address Book.
2. Select a contact, then touch Edit.
3. To make the contact a Global Favorite, for the contact name, touch the Star icon.
Co n fi g u r i n g B a s i c Fa x L i n e S e t t i n g s
Note: To set the fax country value, use the printer control panel.
Server Fax
Server fax allows you to send a fax over a network to a fax server. The fax server sends the fax to a fax
machine over a phone line.
Before you can send a server fax, configure a fax filing repository or filing location. The fax server
retrieves the documents from the filing location, then transmits the files over the telephone network.
You can print a confirmation report.
Co n fi g u r i n g a S e r v e r Fa x F i l i n g Re p o s i t o r y
Before you can send a server fax, configure fax repository settings. When configured, the printer
transfers faxed images to the repository. The fax server sends the fax to the destination over a phone
You can set up a repository that uses one of the following protocols:
Co n fi g u r i n g a Fa x Re p o s i t o r y U s i n g F T P o r S F T P
Before you begin:
• Ensure that FTP or SFTP services are running on the server or computer where images faxed by the
printer are stored. Note the IP address or host name.
• Create a user account and password for the printer. When you use the server fax feature, the
printer logs in using the account, transfers the file to the server or computer, then logs out. Note
the user account and password.
• In the FTP or SFTP root directly, create a directory to use as a fax repository. Note the directory
To configure a fax repository using FTP or SFTP:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps.
2. In the Installed Apps area, click Server Fax.
3. For Display on Device, click Show.
4. For Server and Protocol, click Edit. From the list, select FTP or SFTP.
5. To enable FTP or SFTP, for Client Port, click the toggle button.
6. To select a transfer mode for FTP, click Transfer Mode, then select an option.
• Passive Mode: This option transfers data over a random port specified by the FTP server from
a connection made from the printer.
• Active Mode: This option transfers data over a fixed, known port from a connection made
from the server.
7. Click OK.
8. To configure the FTP or SFTP Fax Server settings, click Setup, then enter the following
• IP Address: Port: Enter the IP address of your fax server, then enter the port number.
• Document Path: Enter the directory path of the folder, beginning at the root of FTP or SFTP
services. For example, //directoryname/foldername.
• Login Name: Enter a user name corresponding to a user account login name on the server.
• Password: Enter the password corresponding to a user account password on the server.
• Retype Password: Enter the login password again.
9. Click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g a Fa x Re p o s i t o r y U s i n g S M B
Before you begin:
• Create a shared folder for a fax repository. Note the share name of the folder and the computer
name or server name.
• Create a user account and password for the printer with full access rights to the fax repository.
Note the user account and password.
To configure a fax repository using SMB:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps.
2. In the Installed Apps area, click Server Fax.
3. For Display on Device, click Show.
4. For Server and Protocol, click Edit. From the list, select SMB.
5. To enable SMB, for Port, click the toggle button.
6. If needed, for WINS Server Address Acquisition by DHCP, click the toggle button.
7. If you did not enable WINS Server Address Acquisition by DHCP:
• For Primary WINS Server Address, type the IP address for your primary WINS server.
• For Secondary WINS Server Address, type the IP address for your secondary WINS server.
Note: If DHCP is configured, WINS IP addresses are overridden.
8. Click OK.
9. To configure the SMB Fax Server settings, click Setup, then enter the following information:
• IP Address: Port: Enter the IP address of your fax server, then enter the port number.
• Share: Enter the share name.
• Document Path: Enter the directory path of the folder, starting at the root of the shared
folder. For example, if you have a folder named serverfax in the shared folder, type
• Login Name: Enter a user name corresponding to a user account login name on the server.
• Password: Enter the password corresponding to the user account password on the server.
Co n fi g u r i n g a Fa x Re p o s i t o r y U s i n g S MT P
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps.
2. In the Installed Apps area, click Server Fax.
3. For Display on Device, click Show.
4. For Server and Protocol, click Edit. From the list, select SMTP.
5. To enable the printer to submit emails, for Email Submission, click the toggle button.
6. To enable the printer to send email alerts, for Email Notification, click the toggle button.
7. For Device Email, type the email address assigned to the printer.
8. In the SMTP Server area:
a. Click Server Address.
b. Enter the name of the SMTP server in one of the following ways:
• In the Server Address field, type the name of the SMTP server.
• To search for the server, click Select Server from List, click Search, select an SMTP server,
then click OK.
c. For Outgoing SMTP Port Number, type the port number of the server that sends email. The
default port number is 25.
9. In the Connection Security area, select a security protocol. If no protocol is used by your SMTP
server, select Off.
• If you do not know the encryption method that your server supports, select STARTTLS
(If available). If you select STARTTLS (If available), the printer attempts to use
STARTTLS. If your server does not support STARTTLS, SMTP communication is not
• If your email server requires encryption but does not offer a STARTTLS command to the
printer, the email process fails.
10. In the Outgoing SMTP Authentication area:
a. To enable SMTP authentication, click SMTP Authentication. From the menu, select SMTP
b. Type the login credentials for SMTP AUTH User Name, SMTP AUTH Password, and Retype
c. Click Login Credentials For Email Submission, then select an option.
• Predefined: To submit to the SMTP server, the printer uses the values for SMTP AUTH
User Name and SMTP AUTH Password.
• Logged-In User: To send an email to the SMTP server, the printer uses the network login
• If you selected Logged-In User, click When Authentication Fails, then select an option.
– Cancel Sending: This option cancels the email submission.
– Authenticate with Predefined Credentials: This option makes a second attempt to
send the email using the predefined authentication credentials.
11. Click OK.
12. To configure the SMTP Fax Server settings, click Setup.
13. In the Domain Name field, enter the domain name of your SMTP fax server.
14. For identification purposes, to prepend the word Fax to the email address, click Email Address
Format, then select Prepend “Fax=”.
15. Click OK.
16. If prompted to restart the printer, click Restart Now.
Co n fi g u r i n g S e r v e r Fa x D e fa u l t s a n d S e t t i n g s
A Server Fax allows you to send a fax over a network to a fax server. The fax server sends the fax to a
fax machine over a phone line.
To configure the Server Fax App general settings and default settings:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps.
2. In the Installed Apps area, click Server Fax.
3. For Display on Device, click Show.
4. Configure the settings as needed for the following areas:
• Defaults
• General Settings and Policies
• Scan To Apps General Settings
• Presets
5. When you are finished, close the configuration window.
• If the login method is set to Smart Card, you cannot enable Xerox® Standard Accounting.
• If Xerox® Standard Accounting is enabled, you cannot enable other accounting modes.
• Install device drivers, then enable accounting in those drivers for all user computers.
You can create a maximum of:
• 9999 unique Xerox® Standard Accounting user IDs with HDD installed, or 1000 user IDs with
SDCard/eMMC installed
• 500 General Accounts
All user IDs must be assigned to one or more general accounts. Xerox® Standard Accounting settings
and account data are stored in the printer. Xerox recommends that you use the Cloning feature to
back up settings. If Xerox® Standard Accounting settings are lost or deleted, you can restore them
using the cloning backup file. For details, refer to Cloning.
E n a b l i n g Xe r o x S t a n d a r d A c c o u n t i n g
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Accounting
Note: If you previously set up an accounting method, click
Permissions→Accounting→Accounting Method.
2. In the Accounting Method area, for Xerox® Standard Accounting, click Select.
3. In the What to Track window, select a tracking option.
• Track All: This option records all scan, copy, and print activity.
• Only Track Color Copies and Prints: This option records the number of color copies or prints
• Custom Tracking: This option allows you to customize the functions to record. Select Setup
and choose the functions to track, then click OK.
4. To block login information from displaying on the screen, for Mask Input, click Enable. Click OK.
5. When prompted to restart the printer, click Change.
6. After the printer restarts, log in as an administrator.
Ed i t i n g t h e A c c o u n t S e t t i n g s fo r I n d i v i d u a l U s e r s
You can configure the following parameters for an individual user:
• Set the type of user for the device. You can select a basic user or an administrator.
• Set the type of user for printing. You can select a basic user or a custom role.
• Reset any personal changes to the home screen on the printer control panel.
• Link the printer to a PC user name to receive status messages.
• Set and reset limits on jobs sent to the printer.
• Designate a From email address for the Scan to Email app.
To edit the account settings for a user:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions.
2. In the User Accounts area, click a user name.
3. In the Roles area:
• To select between a basic user and an administrator, click Device User Role, select an option,
then click OK.
• To select the role for printing, click Printing User Role, select an option, then click OK.
4. To reset any personal changes to the home screen on the printer control panel, in the
Personalizations area:
a. Click Reset.
b. When prompted to confirm, click Reset.
5. To link the user account to a personal computer for status messages, in the PC User Names area:
a. Click Link Account.
b. For PC User Name, type the user name to identify the computer for the user, then click OK.
6. To set limits on the printer functions for the user, in the Accounting area:
a. Click Edit.
b. For each area, type the limits that you want to enforce. The maximum allowable value is
• To reset all the limits to their original values, for Limits, click Reset All.
• To reset to zero the number of units used for an individual category, click the circular arrow
C h a n g i n g a U s e r Pa s s w o r d
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions.
2. Click the user name that you want to change.
3. Click Change Password, then type in the new password.
4. Retype the new password.
5. Click OK.
Deleting an Account
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions.
2. Click the user name that you want to delete.
3. Click Delete User.
4. At the confirmation prompt, click Delete.
G e n e ra t i n g a n d D o w n l o a d i n g a Xe r o x S t a n d a r d
A c c o u n t i n g Re p o r t
The usage report lists the number of impressions recorded for each user and each account. You can
download a usage report as a .csv file.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click
Permissions→Accounting→Accounting Methods.
2. Click Report.
3. On the Download Report window, to include user names select the checkbox.
4. Click Download.
The document is saved automatically as a .csv file in the default download location on your
computer hard drive.
5. Click Cancel.
Re s e t t i n g U s a g e L i m i t s
When users reach their maximum usage limit, they cannot use that feature until the administrator
resets their limit. You can use the Reset option to reset all the usage data to zero.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click
Permissions→Accounting→Accounting Methods.
2. Click Reset.
3. To reset all usage data to zero, click Reset Usage Data. To confirm, click Reset.
C r e a t i n g a G e n e ra l A c c o u n t
General accounts define functions for groups of users. You can set limits on printer usage for an entire
group. When a user belongs to a group, printer supplies usage is credited toward the group limits, not
to the limits set for the individual user.
To create a general account:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click
Permissions→Accounting→General Accounts.
2. In the General Accounts area, click the Plus icon (+).
3. For Name, type a name for the group.
4. For ID, type another string to identify the group.
Note: After you create the general account, you can edit the Name string, but not the ID
string. To change the ID string, delete the General Account, then recreate it.
5. Click Add.
To add or remove a user in a general account:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions.
2. In the User Accounts area, click a user name.
3. In the Accounting area, click Edit.
4. In the General Accounts area, click the Enable toggle button to select or clear a general account.
5. Click OK.
Network Accounting
To enable accounting through a network server:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions→Accounting
Note: If you previously set up an accounting method, click
Permissions→Accounting→Accounting Method.
2. In the Accounting Method area, for Network, click Select.
To specify a network server to monitor the accounting:
1. In the Limits area, click Setup.
2. In the Limits Server area:
• For Server URL, type a URL for the network server that manages accounting.
• For Timeout, type the number of seconds that the printer waits idle before it disconnects from
the server.
3. In the What to Limit area:
• To select functions to monitor, click the Enable toggle buttons.
• If you selected Prints as a function to monitor, in the Job Limit Communication Error Handling
section, select an action to perform in response to an error.
4. Click OK.
You can configure aspects of the login screen on the control panel. To configure this information:
1. In the Tracking Information area, click Edit.
2. To display information for a user, in the User ID area:
• For Default Label, type the label that appears above the login field on the control panel.
• For Default Value, type the default login string that appears in the login field on the control
• To require users to log in to the printer to retrieve usage information, for Ask Users, click the
Enable toggle button.
• To prevent login information from appearing on the control panel, for Mask Input, click the
Enable toggle button.
3. To display information for a General Account, in the Account ID area:
• For Default Label, type the label that appears above the login field on the control panel.
• For Default Value, type the default login string that appears in the login field on the control
• To require users to log in to the printer to retrieve usage information, for Ask Users, click the
Enable toggle button.
• To prevent login information from appearing on the control panel, for Mask Input, click the
Enable toggle button.
4. In the When to Prompt area, click each type of service, then select an option.
5. Click OK.
A l e r t N o t i fi c a t i o n
There are several ways to set the printer to send out notifications when alerts occur. Possible alert
types include low supply status, paper supply status, and paper jams.
Email Alerts
You can define an address to receive email notifications when selected status alerts occur on the
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Home.
2. For Notifications, click Settings.
3. In the Email Notifications area, select the printer status events that trigger email notifications.
4. For Who should be notified, type an email address for the recipient of the alerts.
Note: You can enter up to five email addresses for recipients.
5. Click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g Lo w S u p p l y Wa r n i n g
You can set the printer to send an email alert when supplies reach a low level.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Home.
2. For Supplies, click Details.
• To reorder supplies, in the Reorder Information area, click the link to open a webpage.
• To change the link for ordering supplies, click Edit. Enter a new URL, then click OK.
3. To view the status of the supplies in your printer, in the Supplies area, click any of the supplies
listed. When finished, click Close.
4. In the Options area, click Alerts Setup:
• Ensure that the Enable Alerts toggle button is enabled.
• To select the alerts that you want to receive, in the Enable Alerts area, click the toggle
• Click Toner Level, then select the level when you want to receive an alert.
• Click OK.
6. In the Toner Alerts and Other Supply Alerts areas, to select the events for notification, click the
toggle buttons.
7. In the Other Supply Alerts area, to select the events for notification, click the toggle buttons.
8. Click OK.
S o f t w a r e U p g r a d e N o t i fi c a t i o n
You can define an address to receive email notifications when a software update is available for the
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System.
2. Click Software Update.
3. In the Email Notifications area, click Setup.
4. Type up to three email addresses to receive email notification for software updates.
5. Click OK.
C o n fi g u r i n g Re m o t e S e r v i c e s N o t i fi c a t i o n
You can set the printer to send an email alert when a Remote Services upload has occurred.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System.
2. Click Remote Services Upload.
3. Click Settings.
4. In the Email Notifications area, select the events for notification.
5. For Whom to notify?, type up to five email addresses to receive alerts.
6. To test the communication, click Test Connection.
7. Click OK.
Fa u l t H i s t o r y
Use Fault History to view the log of recent printing faults. Faults are recorded in the log whenever the
printer fails to print a job due to an error like a paper jam. The fault list appears with a code that
identifies the type of fault and the date and time the fault occurred.
V i e w i n g Fa u l t H i s t o r y
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Home.
2. For Notifications, click Settings.
V i e w U s a g e a n d B i l l i n g I n fo r m a t i o n
U s a g e Co u n t e r s
The Usage Counters page displays the total number of pages printed or generated by the printer. You
can see usage amounts for impressions made, sheets, images used, and images printed, copied, and
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Home.
2. For Billing/Usage, click Details.
3. Click Usage Counters.
4. When finished viewing the information, click Close.
B i l l i n g I n fo r m a t i o n
The Billing/Usage page displays current readings for printer counters that are used for billing. You can
view the number of impressions made in color or black and white, and the total number of
impressions. The impression counts shown are used for billing.
Note: Not all options listed are supported on all printers. Some options apply only to a specific
printer model, configuration, operating system, or print driver type.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Home.
2. For Billing/Usage, click Details.
3. Click Billing Meters.
4. When finished viewing the information, click Close.
Cloning allows you to save your current printer configuration and app settings to a file to use as a
backup and restore file for your printer. You can also use a clone file to copy your printer settings to
other printers.
Note: Disable FIPS 140-2 mode before you install a clone file. For details, refer to FIPS 140-2.
Xe r o x ® D e v i c e M a n a g e r C l o n i n g Fe a t u r e
These printers support the Xerox® Device Manager cloning feature. The cloning feature allows
delivery of a clone file to the device with credentials for authentication. For more information on how
to use the cloning feature, refer to Xerox® Device Manager documentation.
Address Books
An address book is a list of individual contacts, each associated with an email address, fax number, or
scan destination. You can configure the printer to use a Network Address Book or the Device Address
Book for email or Internet fax.For email, you can configure the printer to use a Network Address Book
or the Device Address Book. The Network Address Book looks up addresses from an LDAP directory. If
you do not have an LDAP server, you can use the Device Address Book. If you configure both address
books, users are presented with a choice to use either address book at the control panel.
Co n fi g u r i n g S e c u r i t y S e t t i n g s fo r t h e D e v i c e A d d r e s s B o o k
You can allow users to edit the Device Address Book, or restrict editing to system administrators only.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Permissions.
2. Click Roles→Device User Roles.
3. In the Device User Roles area, for Basic User, click Edit.
4. In the Control Panel Permissions area:
• Select Custom Permissions, then click Setup.
• Click Address Book.
• Select the permissions that you want to grant for the control panel, then click OK.
• Click Close.
5. In the Device Website Permissions area:
• Select Custom Permissions, then click Setup.
• Click Address Book.
• Select the permissions that you want to grant for the printer website, then click OK.
• Click Close.
6. Click OK.
• Not all options listed are supported on all printers. Some options apply only to a specific
printer model, configuration, operating system, or print driver type.
• You can load PCL soft fonts without a hard drive. PCL soft fonts remain in the printer
memory until you restart the printer.
• You can load PostScript fonts only if your printer has a hard drive.
To download the Xerox® Font Management Utility:
1. Open a Web browser and go to
2. For Search by Product, type the product name, then click Drivers & Downloads.
3. In the Utilities & Applications area, click Font Management Utility.
Network Logs
Log files are text files of recent printer activity that are created and stored in the printer. Log files are
used to monitor network activity or troubleshoot network problems. A Xerox customer support
representative can interpret the encrypted format log files.
D o w n l o a d i n g a Lo g F i l e
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click System→Logs.
2. Click Audit Log.
• Click the Enable toggle button.
• In the Export Audit Log area, click Export. This action generates an audit log file and
downloads it to your computer.
• Click OK.
3. Click Device Log.
• In the Download Device Log area, read the text, then click Accept. This action generates a
device log file and downloads it to your computer.
• When the Device Log window returns, click OK.
Customer Support
The support page in the Embedded Web Server displays contact information for customer service.
To add your own custom information:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Home.
2. In the Quick Links area, click Support.
3. In the Support Information area, for Customer Support, click Edit.
4. Update the fields with your information, then click OK.
Xe r o x O n l i n e S u p p o r t
Note: If your network uses a proxy server, configure the Proxy Server settings of the printer to
ensure that the printer can connect to the Internet.
To enable Xerox Online Support:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Home.
2. In the Quick Links area, click Support.
3. In the Options area, click Online Support.
• Software installation begins several minutes after you submit the software to the printer.
• When installation begins, the Embedded Web Server is disabled.
• You can monitor the installation progress from the printer control panel.
• When the installation completes, the printer restarts and prints a Software Upgrade Report.
C h e c k i n g t h e S o f t w a r e Ve r s i o n
You can update your printer when Xerox releases a new version of printer software or firmware.
Before you download and install new software, determine the current software version installed on
your printer.
To determine the firmware version from the Embedded Web Server:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click System.
2. Click Software Update.
3. In the Software Update area, view the Current Version.
To determine the firmware version at the printer control panel:
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Touch Device→Software Update.
3. For Current Version, view the version number.
E n a b l i n g U p g ra d e s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click System.
2. Click Software Update.
3. In the Software Update area, click Enable.
I n s t a l l i n g a n d C o n fi g u r i n g S o f t w a r e U p d a t e s U s i n g
t h e E m b e d d e d We b S e r v e r
You can use the Embedded Web Server to check for software updates manually, or configure the
device to check for updates automatically. You can set the frequency of the checks and configure
email address notifications.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click System.
2. Click Software Update.
3. In the Software Update area, to enable software updates, click Enable.
I n s t a l l i n g a n d C o n f i g u r i n g S o f t w a r e U p d a t e s fr o m
t h e C o n t r o l Pa n e l
You can use the printer control panel to check for software updates manually, or configure the device
to check for updates automatically. You can set the frequency of the checks. If a software update is
available, a notification appears on the control panel.
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Log in as administrator.
3. Touch Device→Software Update.
4. To configure the device to check for software updates automatically, touch Check Automatically,
then select an option.
When a software update is detected, a notification appears on the device. The notification
includes an option to install the software update.
5. To check for software updates now, touch Check Now.
• If no updates are available, touch Close.
• If updates are available, touch the software that you want to install, then touch Install Now.
3. Touch the Software Update Available notification banner, then do one of the following:
• If the Install Now option is displayed:
1. Touch Install Now.
2. To confirm the installation, touch Continue.
3. To agree to the software license agreement, touch Agree.
• If only the Clear Notification option is displayed:
1. Touch Clear Notification.
2. Touch Device→Software Update.
3. Touch Update Now.
4. Touch Install Now.
5. To confirm the installation, touch Continue.
6. To agree to the software license agreement, touch Agree.
4. The installation begins, and a status percentage appears.
Do not power off the device. When the installation is complete, the device restarts, and a
confirmation report prints.
Re s e t t i n g t h e P r i n t e r S e t t i n g s
Caution: When you reset the printer to factory defaults, this erases all settings and returns the
printer to the original factory state. All jobs, presets, apps, and device settings are reset. When
the reset completes, the printer restarts, then the Install Wizard starts to guide you through the
setup process.
1. At the printer control panel, log in as administrator, then press the Home button.
2. Touch Device→Resets.
3. To reset the settings for 802.1X and IPsec, touch Reset 802.1X and IPsec.
4. At the confirmation message, touch Reset.
5. To delete all the downloaded fonts, forms, and macros from the printer memory storage, touch
Reset Fonts, Forms, and Macros.
6. At the confirmation message, touch Reset.
7. To reset the printer to factory defaults, touch Reset to Factory Defaults.
8. At the confirmation message, touch Reset.
Re s t a r t i n g t h e P r i n t e r a t t h e C o n t r o l Pa n e l
Using the Software Resets feature to restart the printer is faster and wastes fewer consumables than
powering the printer on and off. Restarting the printer can take up to five minutes during which time
the Embedded Web Server is not available.
1. Ensure that the printer is in the ready state.
2. Press and release the Power button.
3. Touch Restart.
4. On the confirmation screen, touch Restart.
Pe r fo r m i n g a n A u t o m a t i c Co l o r Re g i s t ra t i o n a t t h e
C o n t r o l Pa n e l
Color registration ensures that all the color sources align correctly on the page.
A color registration adjustment occurs every time a new toner cartridge is installed. You can run this
adjustment at other times as needed.
To perform a color registration adjustment automatically:
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Touch Device→Support→Color Registration - Automatic.
3. Touch Start.
4. At the prompt for successful completion, touch Close.
C o n fi g u r i n g t h e S c a n C o l o r C o n s i s t e n c y a t t h e
C o n t r o l Pa n e l
Use the Scan Color Consistency procedure to adjust scanned colors that appear incorrect, or for
composite grays that look neutral. This procedure prints a Calibration Chart that you load into the
automatic document feeder. The printer scans that page and uses the scanned values to complete
the adjustments.
To perform the Scan Color Consistency procedure:
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Touch Device→Support→Scan Color Consistency.
3. To select the desired procedure, touch Calibration Type, then select a procedure.
• To perform the Scan Color Consistency procedure, touch Print Calibration Chart. Follow the
onscreen instructions.
• To restore the color scan settings to the previous settings, touch Restore Previous Settings.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
• To reset the color scan settings to factory-default values, touch Reset to Factory Defaults.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
4. When finished, touch Close.
5. To exit the menu, touch the Back arrow.
6. When finished, to return to the Home screen, press the Home button.
C o n fi g u r i n g t h e I m a g e Po s i t i o n a t t h e C o n t r o l P a n e l
You can use Adjust Paper Registration to adjust the placement of the printed image on the page. The
adjustment allows you to place the top, bottom, left, and right margins exactly where you want. You
can specify the image position on both the front and back sides of the paper, for each installed paper
Ve r i fy i n g t h e I m a g e Po s i t i o n
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Log in as administrator.
3. Touch Device→Support→Image Position.
4. Select the source paper tray for the registration print.
• Touch Paper Supply.
• Touch the desired tray.
5. If your printer has automatic 2-Sided printing, select the sides that you want to optimize.
• To select a sample registration page for adjusting Side 1, touch Adjusted Side, then touch
Side 1.
• To select a sample registration page for adjusting both sides, touch Adjusted Side, then touch
Side 2.
6. Specify the consecutive number of sample pages to print.
• Touch Print Settings.
• To increase or decrease the number of sample pages, for Quantity, touch the Plus icon (+) or
the Minus icon (-), then touch OK.
7. To print the sample pages, touch Print Sample.
8. When printing is completed, touch Close.
9. On the sample pages, for Side 1, use a ruler to measure the distance of the printed image from
the top, bottom, left, and right edges.
Note: For identification, a single dot is printed on Side 1, and two dots are printed on Side
10. For Side 2, measure the distance of the printed image from the top, bottom, left, and right edges.
11. If the image is centered, no adjustment is required. If not centered, adjust the paper registration.
For details, refer to Performing an Image Position Adjustment.
Pe r fo r m i n g a n I m a g e Po s i t i o n A d j u s t m e n t
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Log in as administrator.
C o n fi g u r i n g E x t e n s i b l e S e r v i c e s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator.
2. Click Apps.
3. Click EIP Settings.
4. Ensure that the EIP Browser toggle button is selected.
5. To enable installation of ConnectKey Apps on the printer, for Allow ConnectKey App Install, select
the toggle button.
6. To enable installation of unencrypted ConnectKey Apps on the printer, for Allow Unencrypted
ConnectKey App Install, select the toggle button.
7. To enable verification of server certificates, for Verify Server Certificates, select the toggle button.
8. To set the soft keypad policy, for Soft Keypad Policy, select an option.
• To show the soft keypad within ConnectKey Apps, select Show based on individual App
• To hide the soft keypad within all ConnectKey Apps, select Hide within all Apps.
9. If your Xerox EIP application requires a user password, to enable export of passwords, for Export
Password to EIP Apps, select the toggle button.
10. To enable your Xerox EIP application to start using remote scanning, for Start Job Using Remote
Program, select the toggle button.
11. To enable EIP Web Services, click EIP Web Services. For the services needed, select the toggle
buttons, then click OK.
C o n fi g u r i n g P r o x y S e t t i n g s
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps.
2. Click EIP Settings.
3. To enable a proxy server, in the Extensible Interface Platform area, click the Use Device Proxy
Server toggle button.
4. Click the Proxy Server link.
5. To enable a proxy server, click the Proxy Server toggle button.
6. If your printer has both Wi-Fi and Ethernet enabled, in the Proxy Server area, click Proxy Setup,
then select an option.
• To configure a single proxy server for both Wi-Fi and Ethernet, click Common Proxy.
• To configure separate proxy servers for Wi-Fi and Ethernet, click Different Proxies.
Note: If your printer does not have both Wi-Fi and Ethernet enabled, the Proxy
Setup setting does not appear.
7. Click Setup, then select the method for configuring the proxy server.
• To use automatic settings for the proxy server, click Automatic.
• To use a configured default proxy settings script, click Configuration Script, then type the
URL to acquire the script.
• To enter settings manually, click Manual Address, then enter the configuration details for the
proxy server.
8. If needed, in the HTTP window, edit other configuration settings.
9. Click OK.
S e t t i n g U p a F i l e Re p o s i t o r y
A template contains scan settings and at least one destination for the scanned image files. You can
associate a scan template with your service or use the default template.
To configure File Repositories:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click Apps.
2. Click EIP Settings.
3. In the Scan Template Settings area, click File Repositories.
4. In the File Repository area, click an item in the list.
If there are no repositories in the list:
1. Click the Plus icon (+), then select a protocol.
2. Enter the configuration information.
3. Click OK.
Co n fi g u r i n g Te m p l a t e Po o l Re p o s i t o r y S e t t i n g s
If you use a scanning management application, such as SMARTsend or ScanFlowStore, provide
information about the server that hosts the templates on this page.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click Apps.
2. Click EIP Settings.
3. In the Scan Template Settings area, select Other Settings.
4. In the Template Pool area, click Edit.
5. Click Server Type, then select the protocol for the server where the Template Pool is located.
6. Enter the configuration information, then click OK.
7. To enable automatic refresh of templates, enable the Automatic Refresh toggle button.
8. For Daily Refresh Time, type the time that templates update.
9. To update the template list immediately, click Refresh Template List Now.
10. Click Print Confirmation Sheet, then select the conditions for when you want a confirmation
sheet to print.
11. To include user names in the job log, enable the User Name in the Job Log toggle button.