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Rivers had always been the life line for any human settlement. Along the rivers are found the
remains of earliest townscapes. Along the rivers human being put the first lines through its plough
that laid the foundation for the rise of urbanization. With the rise in human populations and needs
thereof the river remained most important in all the times. Eventually river became urban river,
with the dawn of urbanization, which also played as an urban corridor along with all its vital
offerings for the urban settlements. Urban River saw the degradation, negligence, and pollution. It
slowly became an eyesore for settlement as it has no longer associated with its life-giving
parameters. Then came the era of environmental protection and revival of life to rivers through a
much-integrated tool; river rejuvenation and urban river front development to focus on all the
physical, social, cultural and heritage parameters of the river that replenishes the urban settlements

River Front Development is the environmentally sustainable development along with the
development of social, cultural, commercial, environmental, physical management. It is an
environmentally conscious approach for integration of the river into the urban fabric development.
There has been an appropriate consideration of the natural potential of the land for developing into
a biodiversity zone for conserving the natural heritage of the river basin as well as the local and
transient requirements of facilities at the city level, like large level city greens of varying nature
along with some recreational facilities. (2019, IRJET)

Principles of riverfront development

• It features the riverfront as the front door

• It showcases the river’s history
• It activates the riverfront
• It limits obstacles and connects to the river.
• It engages people with the water.
• It connects seamlessly along the riverfront and into neighborhoods
• It repairs and enhance the environment
• It employs high-quality architectural materials and sustainable engineering practices.

Concepts of River Front Development


• River itself must be developed earlier than any others development planning.
• Removal and changing river line or row are not permitted.


• Provide recreation and beautification plan for river.

• Maintaining river reserve as a buffer zone to control environmental problem such as soil
• Utilization river reserve for green areas and recreational use are allowed to the developers.


• A development close to river areas would not increase level of river flow.
• Development are more than 10 ha are required to build retention pond with maximum area
approximately between 3-5% of total development area.


• Development of permanent building and infrastructure are not allowed within river and river
reserves, unless facilities for recreational purposes such as playground.

River Front Development is the environmentally sustainable development along with the
development of social, cultural, commercial, environmental, physical management. Pointing about
the types; there are different types of River Front Development which are enlisted below:

1. Cultural Riverfronts: A riverfront with the sense of community, festivity, artistic expression,
recreation, commercial bustle.
2. Environmental Riverfronts: ''Design with nature'', might include shore stabilization, wetland
preservation, prairie restoration etc.
3. Historic Riverfronts: A riverfront with ''A sense of uniqueness and character'' to a place.
Provide a special educational experience by preserving the cultural heritage of the place.
4. Mixed-use Riverfronts: A riverfront with a dynamic space containing various activities
blended to complement each other.
5. Recreational Riverfronts: A recreational riverfronts is ''The place of community gathering''.
Parks, gardens, picnic areas, walking, cycling and water related activities including boating,
fishing, etc.
6. Residential Riverfronts: A riverfront where housings, creates opportunities for other
activities like retail, recreation, restaurants.
7. Working Riverfronts: A riverfront where river-related activity such as fishing, boat repair,
etc. happens.
8. Redeveloping Riverfronts: A riverfront where land uses have recently changed or where
vacant and underutilized properties suggest potential for beneficial change. (2019, IRJET)

Elements of riverfront development

• Effective management
• Beginning the project
• Financial feasibility
• Environmental approval
• Public perception of need
• Function
• Authenticity
• Construction technology
• Project theme & image

Advantages of riverfront development

• Creation of jobs- a place to host commercial activities.

• Source of revenue for government –shops, restaurants, sport activities, Transportation,
boating etc.
• Development of tourism by offering a variety of attractions like water sports, entertainment
arenas, parks, shopping areas, etc.
• Economic spin-off’s – rise in the value of properties, acting as a catalyst for redevelopment
and renewal of nearby places.
• Habitat protection and restoration -conservation of water in the river,
• Human/environmental connections, conservation and development of land,
• Conservation of flora and fauna
• Maintenance of river bank.
• Flood control measures
• Provide the general public with an open space for leisure and recreation.
• Revitalizing the neighborhood
• Creates a healthy and active urban environment.

Parameters of riverfront development

Physical Parameters

Physical parameters of the riverfront development focus on the physical aspects of the
riverfront that are directly connected with actual demands as per the need of the physical
environment of a precinct. Some of the physical parameters are listed below:

• Natural: Riverbanks, shorelines, riparian buffers and river habitats are critically
important when planning any riverfront project. Other important components of ecosystem
function that

should be considered including geology, morphology, hydrology and land cover. Along the river
there are many opportunities for integrated regenerative design, storm water management, habitat
restoration, public access and redevelopment.

• Connections
Service areas: Should be visually subordinate and integrated into the design of the site and
building. Orient service entrances, waste disposal areas and other similar uses

toward service lanes and away from the waterfront and street, when feasible.

Pedestrian Interest: The waterfront area should continue to develop as a pedestrian oriented
environment. Buildings should convey a pedestrian friendly environment.

Public Streetscape, River walk, Public Art & Plazas: The pedestrian environment should be
designed to stimulate and enhance the experience along the street and the river-walk. It should
portray a unified system by creating a sense of visual continuity while also celebrating a series of
experiences along the way.

Building and Site Lighting

The primary function of lighting is for safety and. The primary goal for lighting in Juneau is that
it should not be detrimental to the adjacent surroundings or the overall environment, but should
still maintain a safe environment.


Existing mature trees and other vegetation on site should be retained whenever feasible. Promote
the use of indigenous species.

• Built

Building Placement and Orientation

Buildings should be sited to have active spaces for area users, provide pedestrian connections, help
animate the street and waterfront, and define the street edge. The placement of the building on a
site should, therefore be considered within the context of its setting, as well as how the structure
will support the broader design goals for the area.

- Locate buildings at the sidewalk edge.

- Provide double-fronted buildings on through-lots.

- Where two or more buildings will be located on a site, arrange them to define an outdoor space.

Minimum Setbacks

Building setbacks should reinforce the pedestrian character envisioned for the area and help to
define the street edge. In order to enhance the pedestrian zone, the buildings should align at the
street edge, with storefronts and other visually interesting features provided at ground level.


It is important to the community to maintain views and access to the water, and to provide a
pedestrian-friendly environment. Therefore, views from the public way to significant natural and
cultural resources should be maintained when feasible. Site improvements should be planned to
enhance such views.

Architectural Character

While it is important that new buildings and alterations be compatible with the traditional context,
they should not imitate older building styles. New construction should be stylistically
distinguishable from historic buildings. It should maintain a similar scale and also include
character defining features compatible with traditional buildings.

• Character
❖ Social Parameters

Riverfronts can be leveraged for social benefit of local communities. By enhancing the Quality of
Life for people through interventions to upgrade health, sanitation, public amenities and capacity
building are considered under social.

Social Inclusion
Urban Riverfront Development includes an integrated approach of including all the marginalized
groups in planning process. The concept of inclusiveness involves four attributes the Opportunity,
Capability, Access and Security.

Social Equity

• Social equity is the most important factor in any development project.

• Presence of public- semi public and private spaces which are accessible to everyone.
• Public participation in planning and implementation process.
• Handicap facilities and easy access to all.
• Providing equal opportunities to the people

Community Enhancement

People also want riverfront to serve many purposes and a place that contributes to the quality of
daily life in all of its aspect-economic, social and cultural. Community Enhancement can be
achieved by:

• Rehabilitation of slums – Good living conditions

• Infrastructure – Health and Hygiene
• Skill Development Programs- Capacity Building
• Employment Generation- River based activities

Capacity Building

Capacity building is a social form of urban renewal it includes empowerment of not only
indigenous people but also the enhancement of the capacity of entire city by empowering its
inhabitants and the rehabilitated people. This is done by active physical infrastructure
development, youth education in professional capacities, utilization of heritage as a tool for
employment generation will be facilitated by such initiatives.

Public Open Spaces

• A well-managed public space enhances the cultural life by providing venues for local
festivals, civic celebrations and performances.
• Green spaces provide a refreshing contrast to the harsh shape, color, and texture of
buildings and stimulate the senses with their simple color, sound, smell and motion.

Public Amenities

Public amenities are resources, conveniences, facilities or benefits continuously offered to the
general public for their use and/or enjoyment, with or without charge (e.g., restrooms, information
displays, public telephone)

❖ Economical Parameters


• Accessibility by different types of transportations.

• Accessibility from the city’s main streets and squares.
• Connection between the banks of the river.
• Creation of Job opportunities.
• Improving marines' inhabitant for increasing fish populations Water markets.
• Trades through River transportation.

Employment generation

Riverfront Development provide potential recreational and nature tourism activities. In order to
fully identify potential recreational and activities, assessment of recreation resource element
should be carried out.

Tourism generation

Riverfront Development provide potential recreational and nature tourism activities. In order to
fully identify potential recreational and activities, assessment of recreation resource element
should be carried out.
River based activates

This help to generate economy and creates employment to many informal sectors. Hawker zone
created near riverfront area, also generate economy.

Real estate values

A closer look into the real estate market and one can realize that people are willing to pay more
for properties closer to these spaces, or providing larger open green spaces. Hence the real estate
value near these spaces also get increases.

Marketing and branding

Economy generated due to advertisements at this place and activities of this place. Marketing and
branding take place in the following categories of development, Historic restoration, Modernism,

Economic growth

Due to employment generation of various informal and formal sectors, overall economy of the
area gets improved. Employment generation through river-based activities like, boating, tourist
guide etc. get boom.

Factors for economic growth:

• Employment Generation
• Slum upgradation – Quality of life
• Capacity Building
• River based activities

❖ Environmental Parameters

It is important to protect environment in the riverfront development process, which can be achieved
• Ensure sustainable and equitable use of resources without degrading the environment or
risking health or safety.
• Prevent and control degradation of land, water, vegetation and air
• Conserve and enhance natural and man-made heritage, including biological diversity of
unique ecosystems
• Improve condition and productivity of degraded areas
• Raise awareness and understanding of the link between environment and development
• Promote individual and community participation
• Use ecofriendly resources (2019, IRJET)


The abused river can be brought back to the city by utilizing the resources of the river itself and
convert the abandoned land of riverbed and nuisances at the center of the city into people's
attraction, tourist attraction, creation of infrastructural and recreational facilities and transform the
city more livable in terms of environmental improvement and inclusive development. Riverfronts
are one of the country-being limited, precious and non-renewable assets. To secure long term
growth of thee resource, it is important for water front areas to be used strategically to maintain
their economic value and enhance their specific features or image.


• River life "A guide to riverfront development"

• Revitalizing Neighborhood through Sustainable Waterfront Development, International
Journal of Advance Research and Innovation, Volume 5, Issue 1 (2017) 46-50

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