Lesson and Coverage

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In this module, you are expected to achieve the following target goals at the end of the quarter:

 Explain that knowing oneself can make a

person accept his/her strengths and limitations
and dealing with others better
LESSON 1 : Understanding Oneself
 Share unique characteristic, habits, and
 Evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and
LESSON 2: Developing One’s Whole Being
 Show the connections between thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors in actual life situations
 Discuss developmental tasks and challenges
being experienced during adolescence

 Evaluate one’s development through the help

LESSON 3: Responding to Developmental
of significant people around him/her (peers,
Tasks and Facing the Challenges during
parents, siblings, friends, teachers, community
Middle and Late Adolescence

 Identify ways that help one become capable

and responsible adolescent prepared for adult
 Discuss understanding of mental health and
psychological well-being to identify ways to
LESSON 4: Coping with Stress and Promoting cope with stress during adolescence
Mental Health and Well-Being in Middle and
Late Adolescence  Identify causes and effects of stress in one’s

 Demonstrate personal ways to cope with stress

and maintain mental health

 Discuss that understanding the different parts

of the brain, processes, and functions may help
in improving thoughts, behavior, and feelings
LESSON 5: Enhancing the Powers of the
 Explore ways on how to improve brain
Mind functions for personal development

 Develop a personal plan to enhance brain


 Discuss that understanding the intensity and

differentiation of emotions may help in
communicating emotional expressions

Improving Emotional Intelligence  Explore one’s positive and negative emotions
and how one expresses or hides them

 Demonstrate and create ways to manage

various emotions

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