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Management of the Perineal Defect after

Abdominoperineal Excision
Colin Peirce, MD, FRCS1 Sean Martin, MD, FRCS1

1 Department of Colorectal Surgery, St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Address for correspondence Sean Martin, MD, FRCS, Department of
Dublin, Ireland Colorectal Surgery, St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Elm Park,
Dublin 4, Ireland (e-mail: [email protected]).
Clin Colon Rectal Surg 2016;29:160–167.

Abstract The optimal management of the perineal defect following abdominoperineal excision

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for anorectal malignancy remains a source of debate. The repopularization of extra-
levator resection means colorectal surgeons are confronted with larger perineal
Keywords wounds. There are several surgical options available—primary perineal closure and
► abdominoperineal drainage, omentoplasty, biological or synthetic mesh placement, musculocutaneous
excision flap repair, and negative wound pressure therapy. These options are discussed along
► extralevator with the potential benefits and complications of each. There remains no consensus on
► rectal cancer which management strategy is superior; thus, each case must be tailored for each
► perineal wound individual patient. Surgical expertise and availability of a multidisciplinary team
► reconstruction approach are important considerations.

Perineal wounds are a major cause of morbidity after abdom- Evolution in Surgical Technique
inoperineal excision (APE) for cancer or inflammatory bowel
disease (IBD). With widespread adoption of neoadjuvant Despite advances in reconstructive surgery for low rectal
chemoradiotherapy (CRT)for locally advanced low rectal can- cancer (low anterior resection and intersphinctericproctec-
cer, allied to the evolution of extralevator abdominoperineal tomy), outcomes following APE remain suboptimal, related
excision (ELAPE), major challenges are faced in management specifically to a positive circumferential resection margin
of the perineal defect. This article will focus predominantly on (CRM) rates and intraoperative tumor perforation (IOTP).
the management of the perineal wound in patients undergo- The CRM positivity rate is higher for APE compared with
ing operative (or reoperative) intervention for anorectal low anterior resection9; similarly, up to 33% of the specimens
malignancy. have been reported to show evidence of tumor perforation,
The perineal wound remains an ongoing challenge for often attributable to poor surgical technique.10,11 Thus,
both colorectal and reconstructive surgeons following surgical technique has been modified. In 1908, Sir Ernest
radical resection of either primary or recurrent anorectal Miles described the technique of excising the levator muscu-
malignancy. Perineal wound morbidity results in pro- lature in an attempt to achieve an R0 resection.12 With the
longed postoperative hospital admissions, hospital read- evolution of total mesorectal excision (TME) for rectal cancer,
mission, and homecare nursing costs, and represents a surgeons have become accustomed to dissecting in onto the
major socioeconomic burden in terms of healthcare eco- low rectum at the level of the upper anal canal, which, when
nomic cost.1 Perineal wound morbidity is of multifactorial performed at APE, leads to “coning in” and results in a waist
etiology, with wound complications reported in 25 to 60% created in the specimen. Some data suggest that positive CRM
of the cases.2–4 Specific complications may be immediate or and IOTP rates are lower with ELAPE, while other studies
long term and include pain, delayed or nonhealing of the disagree.13,14 An increase in perineal wound complications
wound, hemorrhage, infection (of the skin, muscle graft, or was noted with more radical surgery (38 vs. 20%). ELAPE is a
pelvic abscess), perineal fistula or sinus,5–7 and, in the specialized procedure, with specific indications, required to
longterm, development of a perineal hernia.8 manage aggressive low rectal cancers, and one that colorectal

Issue Theme Complex and Reoperative Copyright © 2016 by Thieme Medical DOI
Colorectal Surgery; Guest Editor: Cindy Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, 10.1055/s-0036-1580627.
Kin, MD, MS, FACS New York, NY 10001, USA. ISSN 1531-0043.
Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
Management of the Perineal Defect after Abdominoperineal Excision Peirce, Martin 161

surgeons must have in their armamentarium. It creates a

large, noncollapsible dead space with the fixed bony struc-
tures of the pelvis as the borders, rendering closure of the
perineal defect difficult.
Neoadjuvant CRT is now the standard of care for T Stage
3–4 and/or radiologically node positive primary mid and low
rectal cancer, and CRT remains the gold standard for man-
agement of localized anal squamous cell carcinoma. Radio-
therapy has a series of pathophysiological effects that
contribute to the development of perineal wound complica-
tions. It has been shown that preoperative radiotherapy
increases the risk of developing a perineal wound complica-
tion up to 10-fold after APE with primary closure,4,15,16 with
Bullard et al reporting a perineal wound complication rate of

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41% in their series. This complication ensues as a result of the
presence of the large perineal defect,17–19 the ensuing poor
vascularity of surrounding irradiated tissues,20 primary clo-
sure of irradiated skin, and concomitant localized bacterial
contamination due to resection of the colorectum.21,22 A
fibrotic reaction following radiotherapy, coupled with capil-
lary obliteration, reduces oxygen supply to tissues, resulting
in an alteration of the cellular immune response and a
decrease in fibroblastic collagen production.23,24 Radiother-
apy has previously been shown to be the only significant risk
factor on univariate analysis for a nonhealed wound.25
Fig. 1 An omentoplasty—the omentum is mobilized on a vascular pedicle
More advanced disease may require multivisceral resec- and positioned into the pelvic cavity following resection of the rectum and
tion of the genital tract, sacrum, or pelvic exenteration, formation of the end colostomy. (Reprinted with permission, Cleveland Clinic
resulting in a larger wound cavity. This larger cavity is likely Center for Medical Art & Photography © 2009–2015. All Rights Reserved.)
to accumulate fluid and the attempted primary wound
closure may be under tension—both of which increase the Epiploplasty/Omentoplasty
risk of developing a wound complication. This technique refers to filling the noncollapsible pelvic cavity
with omentum (►Fig. 1).27 Varying results have been
reported with perineal wound complication rates approach-
Surgical Options
ing 20%.28,29 This technique is limited by omental length,
Primary Perineal Closure, Peritoneal Closure, and volume, and mobility, and may be insufficient in thin patients.
Presacral Drain Placement However, bisecting the omentum may allow it to reach the
In 1975, Irvin and Goligher published a trial in which they deep pelvis based on its rich blood supply. The omental flap
published three management strategies for the perineal does not address the factor that many believe to be more
wound in 106 patients undergoing proctectomy for cancer pertinent—the perineal tissue, which is likely to have been
or IBD21: (1) leaving the perineal wound open to heal by irradiated and, thus, be poorly vascularized and still prone to
secondary intention, (2) primary closure of the perineum wound complications.30,31
with closure of the peritoneum and placement of presacral A systematic review found that omentoplasty was more
drains, and (3) primary closure of the perineum and place- commonly performed in patients who had undergone neo-
ment of presacral drains without closure of the peritoneum. adjuvant therapy and added a median of 20 minutes of
Primary closure of the perineal skin, with or without closure operating time.32 The options for the vascular supply for
of the pelvic peritoneum, had better outcomes than those the omental graft are the left gastroepiploic vessel, the right
who healed by secondary intention. However, less than half of gastroepiploic vessel, and the second-order vessels adjacent
those with primary perineal closure had long-term healing. to the duodenum. The omental graft can be placed in either a
For many years, the policy of primary perineal wound closure retrocolic or paracolic position. Patients with primary closure
with closure of the peritoneum and placement of drains was with omentoplasty versus primary closure alone had
the standard of care. A decade later, Tompkins and Warshaw improved healing (66.8 vs. 50.1%), shorter time to complete
published their technique for the management of the perineal healing (23 vs. 79 days), lower overall wound complications
wound by primary closure of the perineal tissues with (14.4 vs. 18.5%), and fewer perineal sinuses (4.5 vs. 9.2%). The
approximation of the levator muscles, leaving the pelvic inlet authors concluded that omentoplasty with buttressing of the
open and placing pelvic drains in the pelvis.26 The results perineal wound following APE reduces perineal wound
were very impressive with nearly all patients healed. The morbidity with minimal additional operative time or flap-
authors hypothesized that their improved results were associated morbidity. These conclusions were similar to those
“attributable to the elimination of the closed pelvic space.” of a previous systematic review that indicated that there is

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162 Management of the Perineal Defect after Abdominoperineal Excision Peirce, Martin

likely a benefit with omentoplasty, but the evidence was (Covidien-Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) compared with
inconclusive due to a lack of randomized studies.33 Although reconstruction with gluteus maximus flaps had fewer infec-
not associated with significant complications, omentoplasty tions and complications, shorter length of stay, and lower
has previously been shown to prolong postoperative ileus in incidence of perineal hernia.42 All wounds had healed
rectal cancer surgery patients.34 completely at 3 months, with a single patient in each group
developing a perineal sinus.
Perineal Mesh Placement—Synthetic
Cui and colleagues have published the largest series reporting Human Acellular Dermal Matrix
on synthetic mesh placement to reconstruct the perineal Closure of the perineal defect can be performed with human
defect following APE.35 Sixty patients were assigned to two acellular dermal matrix (HADM), a dermal biomaterial in
groups: the first group underwent primary closure of the which the cellular elements have been removed.43 The graft
perineum and the second group underwent closure using provides a biologic scaffold that encourages native cellular
GORE-TEX Dual Mesh (W. L. Gore &Associates, Flagstaff, AZ). ingrowth and tissue remodeling44,45 and has been shown to
Significant reductions in the time confined to bed, the be effective in both noncontaminated and contaminated

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recovery of bowel function, the length of time fasting, and wounds.46 Han and colleagues report that 11 of 12 consecu-
the need for drainage were reported in the mesh group. There tive rectal cancer patients who underwent a cylindrical APE
was a 10% incidence of bowel obstruction in the primary with HADM perineal reconstruction had complete wound
closure group, with no obstructions in the mesh group. These healing at two weeks postoperatively.43 Patients were per-
results led the authors to conclude that the use of this mesh mitted to mobilize fully from the second postoperative day
leads to a quicker postoperative recovery and a decreased onward. Only 25% of the cohort received neoadjuvant radia-
incidence of postoperative bowel obstruction compared with tion treatment. A third experienced chronic pain, requiring
primary closure. Given the small patient cohort, this is of the use of opioids for two months postoperatively.
questionable significance. However, a review on synthetic
mesh placement after APE performed by Marshall and Surgisis Biodesign Acellular Porcine Small Intestinal
colleagues36 reports that the use of such meshes has been Submucosa (Cook Medical, West Lafayette, IN)
limited in this context due to the potential for infection in the The first reported use of this mesh was on a single patient in
contaminated field and the development of small bowel 2009.47 A subsequent series in 2012 of 10 patients with this
adhesions and fistulae formation. mesh compared with 5 patients undergoing vertical rectus
abdominis muscle (VRAM) reconstruction showed a signifi-
cantly higher cost in the latter group (£11,075 vs. £6,513, or
Perineal Mesh Placement—Biological
$17,377 vs. $10,218)48 (►Table 1).
Porcine Dermal Collagen A review of complications, pain, operating time, quality of
The first report of using mesh comprising porcine dermal life, and cost associated with biologic meshes in perineal
collagen for perineal defect closure following APE was pre- reconstruction following ELAPE supports the use of biologic
sented in 2005.37 A subsequent series of 11 patients with rectal mesh as outcomes are comparable to myocutaneous flaps.36
cancer noted a fairly low complication rate, with only 1patient Biologic mesh repair offers a significant cost-saving compared
requiring mesh removal for pelvic sepsis.38 Porcine collagen with a muscle flap as well as a reduction in the length of
mesh is immunologically inert39 and can often be left in situ postoperative hospital stay. Long-term follow-up after
should the field become contaminated.40 Over half the patients biologic mesh reconstruction demonstrates no incidence of
had pain lasting a median of 5 weeks. Chronic pain might be mesh explant.49
due to the radicality of the surgery coupled with the fact that
implantable meshes are reported to cause pain in as many as Flap Reconstruction
30% of the patients after laparoscopic ventral hernia repair.41 Flap reconstruction of the perineal defect following APE for
A retrospective analysis of 57 patients with T3 or T4 rectal anorectal malignancy has been wellstudied, with compre-
cancer, more than 80% of who underwent neoadjuvant CRT, hensive reviews on flap repair after APE,50,51 flap and mesh
found that perineal defects closed with Permacol mesh repair after ELAPE,52,53 and the various techniques of perineal

Table 1 Outcomes of biological mesh and VRAM flap for perineal wound closure

Mesh VRAM p-Value

Number of patients 10 5
Operative time, min (median/range) 259 (165–340) 405 (390–435) 0.0013
Postoperative stay, days(median/range) 10 (8–20) 20 (7–74) 0.067
Early complications (<30 d) 7 (70%) 4 (80%) 0.37
Late complications (>30 d) 3 (30%) 1 (20%) Not reported

Abbreviation: VRAM, vertical rectus abdominis muscle.

Source: Adapted from Peacock et al.48

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Management of the Perineal Defect after Abdominoperineal Excision Peirce, Martin 163

reconstruction.54 The common theme across these reviews is

that there remains a paucity of high quality data and pro-
spective trials to compare results across all groups.

Vertical Rectus Abdominis Muscle Flap

A review by Nisar and Scott summarizes the techniques of
myocutaneous flap reconstruction after APE.50 For the VRAM
studies, all flaps were raised on the basis of the inferior
epigastric artery pedicle (►Fig. 2). The flap was transposed,
rotated, and used to fill the pelvic–perineal defect (►Fig. 3).
The skin paddle orientation differed between studies, as some
used an oblique one55,56 while others used a vertical one.

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Other variations include the use of bilateral flaps57 and the
placement of a nonabsorbable abdominal wall mesh. To
evaluate the effectiveness of the VRAM flap, studies that
directly compared VRAM reconstruction with primary repair
have been chosen here.
In 1999, Radice and colleagues compared primary closure,
primary closure with omentoplasty, and immediate VRAM
closure,58 and found a reduction in the wound complication
rate following the introduction of selective VRAM use from 38
to 26%, with no increase in operating time or length of stay
(►Table 2). Patients undergoing omentoplasty and VRAM
Fig. 3 A vertical rectus abdominis muscle flap sutured in situ to close
closure underwent more extensive resections and were more the perineal defect.
likely to have undergone CRT.
Another retrospective study of VRAM reconstruction versus
primary closure in patients with anorectal malignancy who had 44.1%, p ¼ 0.03), no evidence of donor site morbidity, and no
undergone radiation treatment showed a significant reduction difference in nonperineal complications.3,59 Butler and col-
in perineal wound complications in the VRAM group (15.8 vs. leagues found a 4-fold reduction in major perineal wound
dehiscence and a 10-fold reduction in perineal abscess formation
in their series of 35 patients undergoing VRAM repair, without
morbidity associated with the donor site.60
Outcomes of a cohort of 95 patients with persistent or
recurrent anal cancer, 43 of which underwent VRAM flap
repair and 52 of which underwent omentoplasty, showed a
significantly reduced incidence of perineal complications in
the VRAM group (26.8 vs. 48.9%, p ¼ 0.0336) and a reduced
time to healing (18.7 days vs. 117 days, p ¼ 0.0019).61 There
was no difference in abdominal incisional hernias, with no
perinealherniae observed in the VRAM group and eight in the
omentoplasty group at a mean follow-up period of just over
40 months. There was one evisceration in the VRAM group.
The VRAM cohort had a higher rate of T3 and T4 tumors than
the omentoplasty group (67.4 vs. 38.4%) and a higher surgical
margin positivity rate (26.1 vs. 11.5%). There was no differ-
ence in 5-year overall and disease-free survival. Overall, the
authors concluded that in an anal cancer cohort, the VRAM
flap reconstruction was beneficial.

Gracilis Flap
The gracilis flap has been described for closure of the perineal
defect since 1983,62 and there is a lack of high-quality
evidence regarding its outcomes.63–66 Gracilis flap repair
has been compared with primary closure as well as VRAM
Fig. 2 A vertical rectus abdominis muscle flap mobilized on the flap. The wound outcomes favored the flap groups and are
inferior epigastric artery pedicle. outlined in ►Table 3.

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164 Management of the Perineal Defect after Abdominoperineal Excision Peirce, Martin

Table 2 Outcomes with early VRAMuse58

Primary closure Primary closure with omentoplasty VRAM

Number of patients 20 24 13
30-d complication rate 8 (40%) 9 (37%) 3 (23%)
Readmission for wound 4 (20%) 7 (29%) 2 (15%)
Reoperation on wound 5 (25%) 7 (29%) 0 (0%)

Abbreviation: VRAM, vertical rectus abdominis muscle.

Table 3 Wound complication rates comparing gracilis flap repair to primary closure

Wound complication Gracilis flap Primary closure

Shibata et al64

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Major 2/16 (12%) 11/24 (46%)
Minor 4/16 (25%) 5/24 (21%)
Persichetti et al Major 0/10 (0%) 10/25 (40%)
Moderate 3/10 (30%) 5/25 (20%)
Minor 1/10 (10%) 4/25 (16%)

There was no difference between patients undergoing the majority of which represent minor wound issues, and an
gracilis flap closure and primary closure in terms of the overall long-term healing rate over 91%.66–68 An advantage of
postoperative leukocyte count, temperature, number of blood this flap is the lack of major donor-site morbidity. Evaluation
transfusions, length of bed rest, and length of inpatient of postoperative functional outcomes demonstrates reduc-
hospital stay, leading to the conclusion that gracilis flap tions in the ability to sit as well as the ability to stand for
reconstruction does not impinge on patients’ postoperative prolonged periods of time due to reduced gluteus maximus
recovery and should be considered in patients who have function.69 Thus, preoperative counseling in terms of poten-
undergone pelvic radiation (►Fig. 4). tial postoperative functional limitations is imperative in these
Gluteus Maximus Flap
The first report of the gluteus maximus flap for patients Inferior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap
undergoing APE in 1990 described16 patients with cancer or The inferior gluteal artery perforator flap is a muscle-sparing
IBD, most of whom underwent delayed reconstruction.19 Of fasciocutaneous flap usually designed in a V–Y fashion with
the nine patients with wound complications, over half the lower border placed in the buttock crease and the lateral
required additional surgery as a result. Other series report extent medial to the greater trochanter. A report of 40
rates of perineal wound complication between 0 and 41.5%, patients with low rectal cancer, most of whom underwent

Fig. 4 The line of incision to mobilize the gracilis muscle for a flap repair of the perineal defect. (Reprinted with permission, Cleveland Clinic
Center for Medical Art & Photography © 2009–2015. All Rights Reserved.)

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Management of the Perineal Defect after Abdominoperineal Excision Peirce, Martin 165

neoadjuvant CRT, demonstrated a 10% rate of major wound evidence, heterogeneity of included studies makes coming to a
complications requiring reoperation.70 While operating convincing conclusion difficult. Indeed, it would be interesting to
times are longer than with other flap techniques, advantages compare and combine these strategies in a trial setting—omen-
of this flap include the avoidance of using of irradiated toplasty alone, negative pressure wound therapy alone, and a
tissue and compatibility with both open and laparoscopic combination of both. Omentoplasty is certainly cost-effective
approaches for the resection. and the limited data suggest that 5 days of negative pressure
therapy resulting in a greatly reduced SSI rate is also a very cost-
Local Flaps effective measure. Both add very little time to the operation, do
A small series of perineal reconstruction with local flaps not require a donor site and its potential morbidity, and do not
found that neoadjuvant pelvic radiation was a risk factor require postoperative functional limitation in terms of sitting
for major wound dehiscence (p< 0.05).71 In the setting of and walking.
prior pelvic radiation, nonirradiated vascular pedicle flaps are The increasing use of ELAPE, either as standard of care for
a better alternative than local flaps. low rectal cancer or for managing more aggressive, locally
advanced tumors, means that larger perineal wounds are more

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Dynamic Graciloplasty with Malone Appendicostomy often created, presenting a considerable therapeutic challenge.
In the very small subset of highly motivated patients who Muscle flaps negate the risk of infection of prosthetic material,
refuse permanent colostomy but require APE for rectal can- are readily available, and have certainly been shown to im-
cer, dynamic graciloplasty with Malone appendicostomy is an prove outcomes in comparison to primary closure. While there
option.72 A small series of 10 rectal cancer patients who is no consensus on which flap is superior and when to use a
underwent this operation reported that 1 patient required particular type of flap, there is consensus in the literature that
intraabdominal reoperation and 9 patients required at least neoadjuvant radiation treatment is an indication for the use of
one local revision, predominantly for coloperineal anasto- a muscle graft. There is no doubt that flaps increase the overall
motic strictures or mucosal prolapse. Functional results were operative time and are subject to potentially serious compli-
good and quality of life scores remained stable over time. This cations: increased postoperative immobility, flap necrosis, and
is a rarely performed procedure requiring a high level of impaired long-term function. The available data would seem to
surgical expertise and a highly selected patient cohort. favor mesh repair over flap reconstruction. Meshes, albeit
expensive, are readily available, easily implanted, and the
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy reported outcomes are equivalent in terms of wound compli-
The success of negative pressure wound therapy for the cation and superior in terms of operative times, postoperative
perineal defect after APE has been described in several case length of stay, and, importantly, within the current economic
reports.73–75 A retrospective cohort study found that patients climate, cost-effectiveness.
with the incisional negative pressure wound therapy Currently, no definitive recommendations can be made
(iNPWT) device placed over a primarily closed perineal regarding the most appropriate management strategy for the
wound for 5 days were less likely to have a perineal surgical perineal defect after APE. There is a dearth of prospective,
site infection (SSI) than those who had only a gauze dressing randomized trials in this area. It is the authors’ view that
(15 vs. 41%, p ¼ 0.04).76 The iNPWT group had a longer omentoplasty and mesh repair is an acceptable approach to
inpatient length of stay (11 vs. 8 days, p ¼ 0.03) and the addressing the perineal defect but that muscle flaps offer
median length of stay for patients was the same regardless of similar outcomes in specialized centers. In managing com-
the development of a perineal SSI (10 days). iNPWT was an plex, locally advanced carcinomas of the anorectum, the
independent predictor of not developing an SSI (OR [odds surgeon must have access to all therapeutic strategies in their
ratio] 0.11, p ¼ 0.01), and smoking was a risk factor for SSI armamentarium to ensure the best possible outcomes for
development (OR 4.67, p ¼ 0.02). individual patients.

The perineal wound following APE or ELAPE can be managed The authors thank Dr. Stocchi, Department of Colorectal
in a variety of ways, from primary closure to mesh repair to Surgery, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, for his operative
muscle flap reconstruction. Given the lack of robust level 1 photographs and Dr. Remzi, Department of Colorectal
evidence, it is difficult to make recommendations on which Surgery, and Ms. Halasz and Mr. Pangrace, Center for
method to employ. Medical Art and Photography, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland,
It would appear that there is no longer a role for primary OH, for the use of their surgical illustrations.
closure alone and the placement of abdominal drains. If primary
closure is undertaken, it should be accompanied by either an
omentoplasty or application of negative pressure wound thera-
py. There are little data concerning the use of both omentoplasty References
and negative pressure wound therapy.74 A systematic review by 1 Wiatrek RL, Thomas JS, Papaconstantinou HT. Perineal wound
Killeen and colleagues32 makes a compelling case for omento- complications after abdominoperineal resection. Clin Colon Rectal
plasty, but as with all systematic reviews/analyses of available Surg 2008;21(1):76–85

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