Grnting of Patent
Grnting of Patent
Grnting of Patent
Submitted to:
P.N. Krishnan Submitted by:
HOD Soumya.A
Dep : of Pharmaceutics
• Intellectual property is the product or creation of the mind. It is different
from other properties in term that it is “intangible”. Hence it needs some
different way for its protection.
The Patent Law of 1856
1. An Ordinary Patent
2. A Patent Of Addition
3. A Patent Of Convention
1. Product Patent
2. Process Patent
Patentable Inventions
Invention must
Be new (novel)
Section 3(a)
• Inventions contrary to well established natural
Machine that gives more than 100% performance
Perpetual machine
Section 3(b)
Commercial exploitation or primary use of
inventions, which is
Contrary to
public order or
– Gambling machine,
– Device for house-breaking ,
Section 3(b)
Commercial exploitation or primary use of
inventions , which
Causes serious Prejudice to
health or
human, animal, plant life or
to the environment
Biological warfare material or device,
weapons of mass destruction
Terminator gene technology,
Embryonic stem cell
Non Patentable Inventions
• Inventions falling within Section 20(1) of the
3. Right to surrender.